WARNING : We have recently come across several misleading advertisements (falsely representing the Paywiser Group) posted on various Social Media platforms offering products which are crypto-related or otherwise equipped with crypto functionalities (eg. Top-Up). In light of the confusion caused, we hereby CONFIRM that the Paywiser Group DO NOT offer any such products to the customers and we are NOT associated with any firm which provides crypto-related products or service. If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a representative of Paywiser or otherwise receive messages bearing our logo offering any crypto-related products, please do NOT respond or provide any of your personal data or assets to such party under any circumstances.

Warning to Fraudsters : The management of Paywiser will not hesitate to take legal actions against any firms or individuals who are falsely representing us. Actions which cause damage to the reputation of Paywiser will be thoroughly investigated and escalated to the relevant law enforcement agencies for their handling as appropriate.


Dear Sirs/Madam,

Re : Cyber Security and Fraud Warning

We are writing to inform you of a security threat that has come to our attention. Such security threat comes from certain suspicious activity or vulnerabilities that could compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of your personal or organizational data.

In connection thereof, we strongly recommend you to take the following actions immediately to protect yourself and mitigate against any such risks :

  1. Change Your Passwords
    We strongly recommend that you change your passwords for all your accounts, including email, online banking, and any other sensitive platforms. Ensure that your new passwords are unique, complex, and difficult-to-guess. Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
    Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible to add an extra layer of security. This ensures that even if your password is compromised, an additional verification step will be required to access your account.
  3. Update Your Software
    Keep all your software, including operating systems, web browsers, and applications, up to date. Regularly check for software updates and install them promptly. Software updates often include important security patches that address known vulnerabilities.
  4. Be Vigilant of Phishing Attempts and Push-Payment Frauds (“PPF”)
    Exercise caution when clicking on links or opening email attachments, especially if they are from unknown or suspicious sources. Phishing emails are designed to trick you into revealing sensitive information or downloading malicious software. Push Payment Frauds (“PPF”) are scams designed by the fraudsters to trick you into making payment to bank accounts for purposes which are unrelated to any of your transactions by urging you to make payment within a very limited period of time. Verify the authenticity of emails and/or attachments before responding to any such messages and requests for payment.
  5. Regularly Back Up your Data
    Make sure to regularly back up your important data to a secure location. In case of a security breach or data loss, having backups will help you restore your information and minimize the impact.
  6. Report Suspicious Activities
    If you notice any unusual or suspicious activity, such as unrecognized transactions, unexpected password resets, or unauthorized access attempts, report it immediately to our dedicated security team at [Contact Details]. Your prompt reporting will help us investigate and respond to the incident effectively.

The Paywiser Team takes your security seriously and we are actively working to mitigate against the risks associated with this type of threat. Our security team is monitoring the situation and taking the necessary steps to safeguard our systems and your data. Please be assured that we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and will continue to invest in measures to protect your information.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours sincerely,
Payment Team
