WARNING : We have recently come across several misleading advertisements (falsely representing the Paywiser Group) posted on various Social Media platforms offering products which are crypto-related or otherwise equipped with crypto functionalities (eg. Top-Up). In light of the confusion caused, we hereby CONFIRM that the Paywiser Group DO NOT offer any such products to the customers and we are NOT associated with any firm which provides crypto-related products or service. If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a representative of Paywiser or otherwise receive messages bearing our logo offering any crypto-related products, please do NOT respond or provide any of your personal data or assets to such party under any circumstances.

Warning to Fraudsters : The management of Paywiser will not hesitate to take legal actions against any firms or individuals who are falsely representing us. Actions which cause damage to the reputation of Paywiser will be thoroughly investigated and escalated to the relevant law enforcement agencies for their handling as appropriate.


Check Status

To process a transaction using txshield, send parameters with HTTPS POST via jason format to https://office.paywiser.com/api/v1/index.php/{ptxid}/getstatus?hash=.

HTTP Request

GET https://office.paywiser.com/api/v1/index.php/{ptxid}/getstatus?hash=

Query Parameters

Table of query parameters information
Parameter Required Description
ptxid Yes Parent txid of the transaction
hash Yes md5 hash of strings concatenation from sid + rcode e.g. (in PHP): md5(‘22’.‘222b6c’)


Table of query parameters response information
Parameter DataType Description
sid String Has the sid where transaction was processed
status String Has the value “OK” for a successful transaction, or “EXC” for a failed transaction.
parrent_txid String Parent transaction id
txid String The transaction ID
tx_action String Default Value - CREDIT
amount String The amount processed.
currency String The currency in which the transaction was processed
comment String Response from the gateway
reference String Reference
tid String From the original transaction
ref1 String From the original transaction
ref2 String From the original transaction
ref3 String From the original transaction
ref4 String From the original transaction
vrfy String This is a sha 256 hash so the data can be verified to ensure your post back data was not modified. To generate hash with sha256 the string of sid;rcode;txid;status;amount;currency;txaction