WARNING : We have recently come across several misleading advertisements (falsely representing the Paywiser Group) posted on various Social Media platforms offering products which are crypto-related or otherwise equipped with crypto functionalities (eg. Top-Up). In light of the confusion caused, we hereby CONFIRM that the Paywiser Group DO NOT offer any such products to the customers and we are NOT associated with any firm which provides crypto-related products or service. If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a representative of Paywiser or otherwise receive messages bearing our logo offering any crypto-related products, please do NOT respond or provide any of your personal data or assets to such party under any circumstances.

Warning to Fraudsters : The management of Paywiser will not hesitate to take legal actions against any firms or individuals who are falsely representing us. Actions which cause damage to the reputation of Paywiser will be thoroughly investigated and escalated to the relevant law enforcement agencies for their handling as appropriate.


UK – Privacy Policy Card Holders

Privacy and Data Policy

(Version 1.0)
Data controller: Paywiser Limited
Address: 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: ***

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO): tel: *** email: [email protected].


Paywiser Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under the company number 10677553 (the “Company”,“Controller” “us”, “we”, “Paywiser”), authorized by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority, UK) as an Electronic Money Institution and is active in the field of payment and electronic money services. Paywiser is committed to data protection and privacy. We respect and protect the rights of individuals, particolarly the right to data protection and privacy as far as the processing and use of personal data is concerned. This Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) defines the standard for the data protection compliant processing of personal data. When handling personal data in course of their duties, all employees of our Company are required to follow the requirements of this Policy. The principles mentioned in this Policy are based on the EU and UK data protection and privacy laws and take into account the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regolation (Regolation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR). We’re registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Officer with reference ***.This Privacy Policy may be amended or supplemented at any time without prior notice or notification. By using the Controller’s Payment Card after the amendment, you confirm that you agree to the changes of Privacy Policy and the use of your data.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected]


  • Anonymous data & Anonymized data
    Anonymous and anonymized data is data that does not refer to an identifiable natural person. Even if other data or additional information were added, identification of the natural person is not (or is no longer) possible. This Policy does not apply to such data.
  • Consent
    Any freely given and unambiguous statement or other clear affirmative action by which the data subject indicates in an informed manner that he or she agrees to the processing of his or her personal data for a specific purpose.
  • Controller
    Any natural or legal person that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. For the personal data of its employees, customers, suppliers, partners, or other persons, Paywiser Limited is regarded as the controller.
  • Erasure
    The irretrievable obliteration or physical destruction of saved personal data or its anonymization in such a way that makes it impossible to re-identify the natural person after the fact.
  • Personal Data
    Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particolar by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, coltural, or social identity of that natural person. We recommend that you provide only the personal data that you wish to provide or that are required to use a particolar service. By entering or providing individual personal data, you authorise or consent to the processing of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Processor
    A natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the controller, such as an external service provider or a different Paywiser company that is not the controller itself.
  • Processing
    Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consoltation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.
  • Pseudonymization
    Processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person. Pseudonymized data constitutes personal data as defined in the GDPR; therefore, this Policy also applies to pseudonymized data.
  • Third party
    A natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body other than
    • the data subject,
    • the controller,
    • the processor and
    • the persons who are authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or processor.

the persons who are authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or processor.

  • Lawfolness, Fairness, and Transparency
    Personal data may only be processed lawfolly, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject. This is the case when: processing is legally permitted in the specific case.Personal data shoold be collected directly from the data subject. If this is not the case, the data subject must benotified, particolarly about the types of personal data that are being collected, processed, and/or used and for which specific purposes this occurs.
  • Specific Purpose
    Personal data may only be collected for specific, explicit purposes. It may not be processedin a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. The specific purpose must be defined before data collection.Processing for a purpose other than that for which the data have been collected is only permitted in exceptional cases,when a law permits processing for another purpose or if it is based on the data subject’s consent.
  • Data Minimization
    Personal data may only be collected to the extent which is absolutely necessary to folfil the defined purpose. Processing must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data is processed.
  • Accuracy
    Personal data must be accurate and up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay. All processes that involve the processing of personal data must provide an option for rectification and update.
  • Storage Limitation (Obligation to Erase)
    Personal data may only be stored as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or due to other legal requirements, particolarly to comply with statutory retention periods. After this point, personal data must generally be erased or anonymized.
  • Integrity, Availability, and Confidentiality
    Personal data and its processing operations must always be appropriately protected by means of technical and organizational measures. This includes, in particolar, suitable measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawfol processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, accidental disclosure and unauthorized access.
  • Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
    The collection, processing, and use of special categories of personal data shoold always be transparent for the data subject. Unless the collection and processing of such data is explicitly authorized by law, e.g. if necessary, for carrying out obligations and exercising rights in the field of employment, social security, social protection, it shoold only be collected on the basis of explicit prior notification and consent of the data subjects. The consent must explicitly refer to these special data categories and their processing for one or more specified purposes.

What information do we collect about you:

  • Email address
  • Full name
  • Mobile number
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • ID document details and photograph
  • Selfie photograph
  • Proof of address
  • Card data (card number, cardholder name, expiry date, CVV)
  • Account number, IBAN
  • Transaction data
  • Other data you may give us in our communication

Purpose of processing and Grounds for processing the data

We will process your personal data to the extent necessary for the achievement of the purposes of the processing and solely for the purposes for which it was collected. We process your personal data in order to properly provide the services offered to you. The purposes of the processing are as follows:

  • Signing you up for a Paywiser Card and Account Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address. Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current Anti Money Laundering – AML legislation) Please note that it is not possible for us to issue a Card or open an account if you do not provide your personal data.
  • Confirm your identity and prevent fraud Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address Lawfol grounds: contract performance and legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current AML legislation)
  • Process your payment transactions and provide you with customer support services Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address, card data, transaction data, account number, IBAN Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current legislation), legitimate interests (to facilitate transactions)
  • To contact you Data collected: email address, foll name, mobile number, address Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legitimate interests (to improve our services and help our users
  • Marketing communications Data collected: email address, foll name, mobile number, address Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legitimate interests (to inform you about the latest developments in our offer)
  • Comply with AML regolations and legal obligations Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address, Card data, Transaction data Lawfol grounds: legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current AML legislation)

Rights of Data Subjects

  1. Right to be informed
    Data subjects have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. This is a key transparency requirement under the GDPR. The Controller must provide you with information including: purposes for processing your personal data, retention periods for that personal data, and who it will be shared with.
  2. Right of Access and Data Portability
    Data subjects have the right to obtain from the Controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed. In such case, the Controller shall provide access as required by law. The information is provided in the format requested by the data subject. The information to be provided to you must include the purpose of storage, the recipients of the data, and all other legally required information pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR. You have a right to be provided with a copy of the personal data that are undergoing processing. Upon your request, the data that you have provided to the Controller must be made available in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  3. Right to Rectification, Restriction, and Erasure
    When personal data prove to be incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date, you have the right to rectification of your personal data. You also have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your personal data when one of the following applies:
    • The data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data and verification of the accuracy of the personal data takes some time. In this case, you can demand restriction for the period of the verification of the accuracy.
    • The processing is unlawfol, and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of its use instead.
    • The Company no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Shoold it become apparent that certain information has a respective value to the data subject, the data subject must be notified of the pending erasure with reasonable notice.
    • the data subject has objected to processing for the duration of the clarification as to whether the legitimate interests for processing outweigh those of the data subject.Within the restriction process, the stored personal data must be marked with the aim to restrict access and limit their further processing. In addition, you have the right to the erasure of your personal data in the following cases:
    • The purpose of the data processing no longer applies.
    • You withdraw your consent for a specific purpose of processing.
    • Address data is used for direct marketing purposes and you object to such use.
    • The data is processed unlawfolly.
    • Erasure is required to meet legal obligations.
    The purpose of the data processing no longer applies.Instead of erasure, personal data may also be anonymized. If there is an obligation to erase personal data and said data has already been made public, other controllers shall be notified of the request to erase his or her data, including all links to this data. Please note that we may not always be able to complete your request for deletion for legal reasons that woold exist at the time of the request and about which we will notify you.
  4. Right to Object
    You have the right to object to data processing when the Controller processes personal data based on a decision in favour of its legitimate interests. In this case, you shall claim your own rights or interests on grounds relating to their particolar situation, which outweigh the Controller’s legitimate interest to process the data. You can object to the processing of your personal data for purpose of direct marketing at any time and without giving reasons. If an objection is raised, the Controller will not process this data further for these purposes. This does not apply where the processing cannot be ceased due to compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, particolarly the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.
  5. Right to Portability
    You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to the Controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided, where: (a) the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) or point (a) of Article 9(2) or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1); and (b) the processing is carried out by automated means.
  6. Right to Complain
    If a data subject wishes to file a complaint with regard to processing of their personal data, they can do so directly in an e-mail to: [email protected]. The data subject will be notified about all measures taken based on their request within one month at the latest. You also have a right to file a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), tel: 0303 123 1113 if you believe that your personal data is being stored or otherwise processed in breach of the applicable roles governing the protection of personal data. Automated decisions We do not make any automated decisions based on the data we collect from you.

Retention Period

Unless otherwise specified or required, the Controller will process your personal data until the purpose for which the data was collected is folfilled. Where the retention period for individual personal data is regolated by a law that applies to us, we must keep such data in accordance with the required retention period.

Based on Anti Money Laundering regolations, we are legally obligated to keep records of collected data for at least ten (10) years after the last transaction or interaction with you. You have the right to request the deletion of your information. However, for legal purposes, we may need to keep the data anyway, to meet the legal requirements. If you request the deletion of your information, we can no longer provide our services.

Any personal data processed by the Controller on the basis of your consent will be processed by the Controller until you withdraw your consent. After the retention period has expired, the Controller will effectively and permanently erase or anonymise the personal data so that it can no longer be linked to a specific individual.

Contractual Data Processors In order to optimise its operations, the Controller cooperates with individual contractual processors who, in the context of providing services to the Controller, also process your personal data to a certain extent. Such contractual processors are for example accounting services, IT services, external legal consoltants, cloud and email service providers, payment institutions and our other contractors. All these entities have a contract with us for the processing of personal data, which means that they may process the data provided exclusively on our behalf, within the limits of our authorisation and instructions and in accordance with the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy and in the contract between the Controller and the individual contractual processor. In order to comply with our own legal obligations, the Controller may also provide your data to state authorities and institutions to the extent required.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country or an International Organisation We may transfer the data we collect from you to organisations outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If personal data that is to be transferred to a country outside the EEA, it must be ensured beforehand that an appropriate level of protection is guaranteed, pursuant to Article 44 of the GDPR and that: A) the European Commission says the country or organisation has adequate data protection laws in place, or B) we have agreed to standard data protection clauses in a written contract with the organisation, approved by the European Commission.

Amendments of Privacy Policy

Paywiser reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on our website. By using the services provided by the Controller in the App, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the entire content of this Privacy Policy and any amendments thereto.

Paywiser Limited
June 2022

UK – General Terms and Conditions for the use of Paywiser card for payments with mobile or wearable device

General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions for the use of debit Paywiser Mastercard card for payments with mobile or wearable device ("General Terms and Conditions") apply to the use of the debit Paywiser Mastercard card ("Paywiser card") with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (e.g., smartphone, watch, bracelet, etc.).

  1. Introductory provisions
    1. The issuer of these general terms and conditions is PAYWISER Limited, England ("Paywiser").
    2. Paywiser is a company duly incorporated in England under the English laws with a company number 10677553 and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of England as an authorized Electronic Money Institution (Firm No.901086).
    3. Paywiser is a member of the international card scheme Mastercard with a valid license for issuing Mastercard cards. Paywiser is the issuer of the Paywiser Mastercard card. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
    4. The general email address for communication with Users is [email protected].
    5. These General Terms and Conditions for the use of debit Paywiser Mastercard card for payments with mobile or wearable device supplement and form part of the General Terms and Conditions for the issuance and use of Paywiser Mastercard debit payment card for the Users ("General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card") and the General Terms and Conditions for the issuance and redemption of electronic money and provision of payment services through Paywiser payment account for the Users ("General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account"). They constitute a contractual relationship between the User and the card issuer, Paywiser. It is the User's responsibility to familiarize themselves with the provisions of these documents.
    6. These General Terms and Conditions cover the rights and obligations of Users regarding the use of the Paywiser card for payments with a mobile or wearable device. In relation to matters which are not covered by these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account shall apply. All terms and conditions are available to the User on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com. In case of any discrepancies between these General Terms and Conditions and the aforementioned general terms and conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card shall prevail.
    7. All definitions used in the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account have the same meaning in these General Terms and Conditions. Payments with Paywiser card via mobile or wearable devices represent a contactless payment service managed by the mobile or wearable device provider, enabling contactless payments with that device. "Transactions via mobile or wearable devices" are defined in the section "Use of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device." "Security data" refers to personal data used by the User to authorize payments with Paywiser card using the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (e.g., security code).
    8. By using the services regulated by these General Terms and Conditions, the User expressly confirms that they are aware of the content of these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account, Paywiser Privacy Policy, and fully agrees to them, and that they were duly informed about them before entering into a contract.
    9. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Users of Paywiser card for payments with a mobile or wearable device, unless otherwise agreed by a specific agreement between Paywiser and an individual User.
    10. By using the services, the User expressly confirms that they understand the English language and agree to conduct business in English. Otherwise, the User cannot use the Paywiser card and the Paywiser mobile application for its management.
    11. The headings in these General Terms and Conditions are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Expressions with an initial capital letter have specific definitions described in these General Terms and Conditions or the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card or the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account.
  2. Registration of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device
    1. The User enters into an agreement with the provider that enables the payment function with a mobile or wearable device. Paywiser is not a party to the aforementioned contractual relationship, does not assume any rights or obligations under the said agreement, and is not responsible for the availability or operation of the said service. The User independently decides whether to accept the terms and conditions provided by a specific provider of the payment function with a mobile or wearable device. When concluding an agreement with the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, the User registers their Paywiser card.
    2. To register the Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device, the User will need to enter their personal information and certain Paywiser card data on their mobile or wearable device or its corresponding application. The User must familiarize themselves with the steps required to activate the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. These steps may vary depending on the specific device and software versions. Additionally, the User must set up security data. Only a valid Paywiser card issued in the User's name can be registered.
    3. The Paywiser card can only be used with a mobile or wearable device authorized by Paywiser and equipped with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, and complies with all conditions applicable to the use of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, whether from a mobile or wearable device or any other provider. It is the User's responsibility to verify if the version of the mobile or wearable device or software allows the use of the payment function.
    4. When the User registers their Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile device, they must accept and agree to these General Terms and Conditions. To complete the registration of their Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (and become subject to security checks that may be performed), the User will receive a confirmation SMS message containing a unique code. The User must enter the code into the payment function on their mobile or wearable device for the final confirmation step
  3. Use of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device
    1. The User can use the Paywiser card with the payment function on their mobile or wearable device for contactless payments ("transactions via mobile or wearable device"). It is the User's responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of their mobile or wearable device.
    2. The User authorizes a transaction by selecting their Paywiser card in the payment function on their mobile or wearable device and bringing the mobile device close to the contactless reader at the terminal. The ability to use the Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device for conducting transactions depends on whether the terminal owner has the necessary technology to process the payment. Transactions will be processed in the same manner as any other transactions performed by the User with their Paywiser card in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card. Paywiser will receive authorization for the transaction at the moment it receives the relevant transaction instruction from the acquiring bank. The authorization for the transaction will be received immediately, and the User will not be able to revoke their consent for the transaction after that time, unless otherwise provided by the terms and conditions stated herein.
    3. The User is responsible for all transactions via a mobile or wearable device authorized by them in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions on the mobile or wearable device and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card.
  4. Security data
    1. It is important for the User to always keep their mobile or wearable device secure and with them, keep the password for their mobile or wearable device and security data safe and known only to the User. Maintaining the integrity of the mobile or wearable device is the User's sole responsibility.
    2. The Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device can only be used on devices used exclusively by the User themselves. If the mobile or wearable device is lost, stolen, or used without the User's consent, the User must immediately contact Paywiser using the information provided in the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and take appropriate measures to block the card in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card. If the User believes that the security data is compromised or known to other individuals, they must follow the instructions on their mobile or wearable device to change them immediately.
    3. To ensure the security and confidentiality of their mobile or wearable device and Paywiser card, the User must take all appropriate measures. If the User fails to take such measures, and as a result, incurs damage, Paywiser does not assume any responsibility for that damage.
  5. Costs
    1. All fees and charges applicable to the Paywiser card, including the use of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, are available on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com.
  6. Personal Data Protection
    1. As part of the activation of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device of another provider, the User adds his Paywiser card and provides the required personal and card data to this service provider.
    2. The user can choose the option of simplified addition of his digitized payment card to the application of the provider of the function of payment on a mobile or wearable device. In this case, Paywiser, at the request of the User, forwards his contact information and payment card information to the provider of the payment function on the mobile or wearable device.
    3. In order to ensure smooth payment with a Paywiser card on a mobile or portable device, Paywiser exchanges some of the User's personal data or payment data with the provider of the payment function on the mobile or portable device. The legal basis for the exchange of the User's personal data is the fulfillment of our contractual obligations. The User's personal data obtained in this way is processed by the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device as an independent data controller. The User is obliged to familiarize himself with the general conditions and information on the processing of personal data of the selected provider.
    4. For the purpose of preventing scams and fraud related to payment services, Paywiser may, in accordance with applicable legislation, receive data about the Paywiser Card User from the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, such as information related to payments, about the device and about the location.
    5. Information on the rights of the User as an individual in relation to the protection of personal data and other information on how Paywiser processes the User's personal data is published in the General information on the protection of personal data on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com.
  7. Miscellaneous
    1. The User may remove the Paywiser card from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device at any time by following the instructions for the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. The User authorizes Paywiser to continue processing any unfinished transactions of the Paywiser card after its removal from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device.
    2. Paywiser is not responsible for any actions or omissions of the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device or any third party regarding the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, including, without limitation, the unavailability or interruptions of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device or mobile network or any other malfunction of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. If the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device changes or terminates the use of the payment function for any reason, the User must contact the provider for additional information, as it is subject to the provider's agreement with the customer.
    3. Paywiser has the right to change these General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account. If the User does not accept the changes to these General Terms and Conditions, they may remove their Paywiser card from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device at any time, as described above. If the User continues to use the Paywiser card with the payment function on their mobile or wearable device after the changes come into effect, it is considered that they have accepted the changes, and the new terms and conditions will apply to the use of the Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device.
    4. These General Terms and Conditions shall become binding on the Users upon the approval of the Users application for the Paywiser card. The General Terms and Conditions shall remain in effect until terminated as defined in this contract or until the publication of new general terms and conditions.
    5. These General Terms and Conditions are governed by English laws.

[email protected]

Slovenia – General Terms and Conditions for the use of Paywiser card for the payments with mobile or wearable device

Version 1.1.

General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions for the use of debit Paywiser Mastercard card for payments with mobile or wearable device (“General Terms and Conditions”) apply to the use of the debit Paywiser Mastercard card (“Paywiser card”) with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (e.g., smartphone, watch, bracelet, etc.).

  1. Introductory provisions
    1. The issuer of these general terms and conditions is PAYWISER, družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (“Paywiser”). Paywiser is a company established in accordance with Slovenian legislation and registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia (“Ajpes”).
    2. Paywiser is authorized by the Bank of Slovenia to provide services of issuing electronic money and payment services as a hybrid electronic money issuer (license no. dated 2.11.2021) and is registered in the register of electronic money issuance companies maintained by the Bank of Slovenia. The register is published on the website of the Bank of Slovenia (www.bsi.si). Paywiser is also authorized to provide its services in other EEA countries.
    3. Paywiser is a member of the international card scheme Mastercard with an active license for issuing Mastercard payment cards. Paywiser is the issuer of the Paywiser Mastercard card. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
    4. The general email address for communication with Users is [email protected], and other email addresses are also provided in the general terms and conditions depending on the content of communication.
    5. These General Terms and Conditions for the use of debit Paywiser Mastercard card for payments with mobile or wearable device supplement and form part of the General Terms and Conditions for the issuance and use of Paywiser Mastercard debit payment card for consumers (“General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card”) and the General Terms and Conditions for the issuance and redemption of electronic money and provision of payment services through Paywiser payment account for consumers (“General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account”). They constitute a contractual relationship between the User and the card issuer, Paywiser. It is the User’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the provisions of these documents.
    6. These General Terms and Conditions cover the rights and obligations of Users regarding the use of the Paywiser card for payments with a mobile or wearable device. For matters not specifically regulated by these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account shall apply. All terms and conditions are available to the User on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com. In case of any discrepancies between these General Terms and Conditions and the aforementioned general terms and conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card shall prevail.
    7. All definitions used in the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account have the same meaning in these General Terms and Conditions. Payments with Paywiser card via mobile or wearable devices represent a contactless payment service managed by the mobile or wearable device provider, enabling contactless payments with that device. “Transactions via mobile or wearable devices” are defined in the section “Use of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device.” “Security data” refers to personal data used by the User to authorize payments with Paywiser card using the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (e.g., security code).
    8. By using the services regulated by these General Terms and Conditions, the User expressly confirms that they are aware of the content of these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card, the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account, Paywiser Privacy Policy, and fully agrees to them, and that they were duly informed about them before entering into a contract.
    9. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Users of Paywiser card for payments with a mobile or wearable device, unless otherwise agreed by a specific agreement between Paywiser and an individual User.
    10. By using the services, the User expressly confirms that they understand the English language and agree to conduct business in English. Otherwise, the User cannot use the Paywiser card and the Paywiser mobile application for its management.
    11. The headings in these General Terms and Conditions are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Expressions with an initial capital letter have specific definitions described in these General Terms and Conditions or the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card or the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account.
  2. Registration of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device
    1. The User enters into an agreement with the provider that enables the payment function with a mobile or wearable device. Paywiser is not a party to the aforementioned contractual relationship, does not assume any rights or obligations under the said agreement, and is not responsible for the availability or operation of the said service. The User independently decides whether to accept the terms and conditions provided by a specific provider of the payment function with a mobile or wearable device. When concluding an agreement with the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, the User registers their Paywiser card.
    2. To register the Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device, the User will need to enter their personal information and certain Paywiser card data on their mobile or wearable device or its corresponding application. The User must familiarize themselves with the steps required to activate the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. These steps may vary depending on the specific device and software versions. Additionally, the User must set up security data. Only a valid Paywiser card issued in the User’s name can be registered.
    3. The Paywiser card can only be used with a mobile or wearable device authorized by Paywiser and equipped with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, and complies with all conditions applicable to the use of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, whether from a mobile or wearable device or any other provider. It is the User’s responsibility to verify if the version of the mobile or wearable device or software allows the use of the payment function.
    4. When the User registers their Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile device, they must accept and agree to these General Terms and Conditions. To complete the registration of their Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device (and become subject to security checks that may be performed), the User will receive a confirmation SMS message containing a unique code. The User must enter the code into the payment function on their mobile or wearable device for the final confirmation step.
  3. Use of Paywiser card with payment function on a mobile or wearable device
    1. The User can use the Paywiser card with the payment function on their mobile or wearable device for contactless payments (“transactions via mobile or wearable device”). It is the User’s responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of their mobile or wearable device.
    2. The User authorizes a transaction by selecting their Paywiser card in the payment function on their mobile or wearable device and bringing the mobile device close to the contactless reader at the terminal. The ability to use the Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device for conducting transactions depends on whether the terminal owner has the necessary technology to process the payment. Transactions will be processed in the same manner as any other transactions performed by the User with their Paywiser card in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card. Paywiser will receive authorization for the transaction at the moment it receives the relevant transaction instruction from the acquiring bank. The authorization for the transaction will be received almost immediately, and the User will not be able to revoke their consent for the transaction after that time, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
    3. The User is responsible for all transactions via a mobile or wearable device authorized by them in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions on the mobile or wearable device and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card.
  4. Security data
    1. It is important for the User to always keep their mobile or wearable device secure and with them, keep the password for their mobile or wearable device and security data safe and known only to the User. Maintaining the integrity of the mobile or wearable device is the User’s sole responsibility.
    2. The Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device can only be used on devices used exclusively by the User themselves. If the mobile or wearable device is lost, stolen, or used without the User’s consent, the User must immediately contact Paywiser using the information provided in the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and take appropriate measures to block the card in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card. If the User believes that the security data is compromised or known to other individuals, they must follow the instructions on their mobile or wearable device to change them immediately.
    3. To ensure the security and confidentiality of their mobile or wearable device and Paywiser card, the User must take all appropriate measures. If the User fails to take such measures, and as a result, incurs damage, Paywiser does not assume any responsibility for that damage.
  5. Costs
    1. All fees and charges applicable to the Paywiser card, including the use of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, are available on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com.
  6. Personal Data Protection
    1. As part of the activation of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device of another provider, the User adds his Paywiser card and provides the required personal and card data to this service provider.
    2. The user can choose the option of simplified addition of his digitized payment card to the application of the provider of the function of payment on a mobile or wearable device. In this case, Paywiser, at the request of the User, forwards his contact information and payment card information to the provider of the payment function on the mobile or wearable device.
    3. In order to ensure smooth payment with a Paywiser card on a mobile or portable device, Paywiser exchanges some of the User’s personal data or payment data with the provider of the payment function on the mobile or portable device. The legal basis for the exchange of the User’s personal data is the fulfillment of our contractual obligations. The User’s personal data obtained in this way is processed by the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device as an independent data controller. The User is obliged to familiarize himself with the general conditions and information on the processing of personal data of the selected provider.
    4. For the purpose of preventing scams and fraud related to payment services, Paywiser may, in accordance with applicable legislation, receive data about the Paywiser Card User from the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, such as information related to payments, about the device and about the location.
    5. Information on the rights of the User as an individual in relation to the protection of personal data and other information on how Paywiser processes the User’s personal data is published in the General information on the protection of personal data on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com.
  7. Miscellaneous
    1. The User may remove the Paywiser card from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device at any time by following the instructions for the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. The User authorizes Paywiser to continue processing any unfinished transactions of the Paywiser card after its removal from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device.
    2. Paywiser is not responsible for any actions or omissions of the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device or any third party regarding the payment function on a mobile or wearable device, including, without limitation, the unavailability or interruptions of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device or mobile network or any other malfunction of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device. If the provider of the payment function on a mobile or wearable device changes or terminates the use of the payment function for any reason, the User must contact the provider for additional information, as it is subject to the provider’s agreement with the customer.
    3. Paywiser has the right to change these General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser card and the General Terms and Conditions for Paywiser payment account. If the User does not accept the changes to these General Terms and Conditions, they may remove their Paywiser card from the payment function on their mobile or wearable device at any time, as described above. If the User continues to use the Paywiser card with the payment function on their mobile or wearable device after the changes come into effect, it is considered that they have accepted the changes, and the new terms and conditions will apply to the use of the Paywiser card with the payment function on a mobile or wearable device.
    4. These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on 08.09.2023. The General Terms and Conditions shall remain in effect until terminated as defined in this contract or until the publication of new general terms and conditions.

Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana Slovenija
[email protected]

Slovenia – Splošni pogoji za uporabo Paywiser kartice za plačila s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi naprav

Splošni pogoji

Ti Splošni pogoji za uporabo debetne Paywiser Mastercard kartice za plačila s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi (»Splošni pogoji«) veljajo za uporabo debetne kartice Paywiser Mastercard (»Paywiser kartica«) s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi (npr. pametni telefon, ura, zapestnica ipd.).

  1. Uvodne določbe
    1. Izdajatelj teh splošnih pogojev je PAYWISER, družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«). Paywiser je družba, ustanovljena v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo in vpisana v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije.
    2. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA.
    3. Paywiser je član mednarodne kartične sheme Mastercard z aktivno licenco za izdajanje plačilnih kartic Mastercard. Paywiser je izdajatelj kartice Paywiser Mastercard. Mastercard je registrirana blagovna znamka, podoba s krogi je blagovna znamka podjetja Mastercard International Incorporated.
    4. Splošen elektronski naslov za komunikacijo z Uporabniki je [email protected], v splošnih pogojih pa so glede na vsebino komunikacije navedeni tudi drugi elektronski naslovi.
    5. Ti Splošni pogoji za uporabo debetne Paywiser Mastercard kartice za plačila s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi dopolnjujejo in predstavljajo del Splošnih pogojev za storitev izdaje in uporabe debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard za potrošnike (»Splošni pogoji za Paywiser kartico«) in Splošnih pogojev za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa za potrošnike (»Splošni pogoji za Paywiser plačilni račun«) ter tvorijo pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in izdajateljem kartice, družbo Paywiser. Uporabnikova dolžnost je, da se seznani z določili teh dokumentov.
    6. Ti Splošni pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov v zvezi z uporabo Paywiser kartice za plačila s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi. Za vse kar ni posebej urejeno s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se uporabljajo Splošni pogoji za Paywiser kartico in Splošni pogoji za Paywiser plačilni račun. Vsi pogoji poslovanja so Uporabniku na razpolago na spletnem mestu Paywiser www.paywiser.com. Če pride do kakršnihkoli nasprotij med temi Splošnimi pogoji in prej omenjenimi splošnimi pogoji, veljajo Splošni pogoji za Paywiser kartico.
    7. Vse definicije, uporabljene v Splošnih pogojih za Paywiser kartico in Splošnih pogojih za Paywiser plačilni račun imajo enak pomen v teh Splošnih pogojih. Plačila s Paywiser kartico preko mobilnih ali nosljivih naprav predstavljajo brezstično plačilno storitev, ki jo upravlja ponudnik mobilne ali nosljive naprave in omogoča brezstično plačevanje s to napravo. »Transakcije preko mobilnih ali nosljivih naprav« so opredeljene v razdelku »Uporaba Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi«. »Varnostni podatki« pomenijo osebne podatke, ki jih uporablja Uporabnik za avtorizacijo plačila s Paywiser kartico s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi (npr. varnostna koda).
    8. Z uporabo storitev, ki jih urejajo ti Splošni pogoji, Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da pozna vsebino teh Splošnih pogojev, Splošnih pogojev za Paywiser kartico, Splošnih pogojev za Paywiser plačilni račun, Paywiser Politike zasebnosti, in se z njimi v celoti strinja, ter da je bil z njimi seznanjen pravočasno, da se je lahko pred sklenitvijo pogodbe z njimi seznanil.
    9. Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse Uporabnike Paywiser kartice za plačila s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, razen če je s posebnim sporazumom med Paywiser in posameznim Uporabnikom dogovorjeno drugače.
    10. Z uporabo Storitev Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da razume angleški jezik in da soglaša s poslovanjem v angleščini. V nasprotnem primeru Uporabnik Paywiser kartice in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser za njeno upravljanje ne more uporabljati.
    11. Naslovi v teh Splošnih pogojih so samo za sklicevanje in ne omejujejo področja uporabe posameznih določil. Izrazi z veliko začetnico imajo posebne opredelitve in so opisani v teh Splošnih pogojih ali Splošnih pogojih za Paywiser kartico ali Splošnih pogojih za Paywiser plačilni račun.
  2. Registracija Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi
    1. Uporabnik sklene pogodbo s ponudnikom, ki omogoča funkcijo plačevanja z mobilno oz. nosljivo napravo. Družba Paywiser ni pogodbenica omenjenega pogodbenega razmerja in ne prevzema pravic ali obveznosti po omenjeni pogodbi ter ni odgovorna za razpoložljivost ali način delovanja omenjene storitve. Uporabnik se samostojno odloči, ali bo sprejel pogoje poslovanja, ki jih zagotavlja določen ponudnik funkcije plačevanja z mobilno oz. nosljivo napravo. Ob sklenitvi pogodbe s ponudnikom funkcije plačevanja na mobilni oz. nosljivi napravi Uporabnik registrira svojo Paywiser kartico.
    2. Za registracijo Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi bo Uporabnik moral na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi oziroma v njeno pripadajočo aplikacijo vnesti svoje osebne podatke in nekatere podatke Paywiser kartice. Uporabnik se mora seznaniti glede korakov potrebnih za aktiviranje funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi. Ti koraki se razlikujejo glede na posamezne naprave in tudi glede na verzije programske opreme. Poleg tega mora Uporabnik nastaviti varnostne podatke. Registrira se lahko samo Paywiser kartica, ki je izdana na ime Uporabnika in je veljavna.
    3. Paywiser kartica se lahko uporablja samo z mobilno ali nosljivo napravo, ki jo dovoljuje Paywiser in je opremljena s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi ter je skladna z vsemi pogoji, ki veljajo za uporabo funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, bodisi z mobilno ali nosljivo napravo ali napravo kateregakoli drugega ponudnika. Dolžnost Uporabnika je, da preveri ali verzija mobilne ali nosljive naprave oziroma programske opreme omogoča uporabo funkcije plačevanja.
    4. Ko Uporabnik svojo Paywiser kartico registrira s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni napravi, bo moral sprejeti in se strinjati s temi Splošnimi pogoji. Da bi zaključil registracijo svoje Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi (in postal predmet varnostnih preverjanj, ki se jih lahko izvede), bo Uporabnik prejel potrditveno SMS sporočilo, ki vsebuje edinstveno kodo. Kodo mora vnesti v funkcijo plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi za zadnji korak potrditve.
  3. Uporaba Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi
    1. Paywiser kartico lahko Uporabnik s funkcijo plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi uporablja za brezstična plačila (»transakcije preko mobilne ali nosljive naprave«). Dolžnost Uporabnika je, da zagotavlja brezhibnost delovanja mobilne ali nosljive naprave.
    2. Transakcijo avtorizira tako, da izbere svojo Paywiser kartico v funkciji plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi in približa mobilno napravo k brezstičnemu bralniku na terminalu. Možnost uporabe Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi za izvajanje transakcij je odvisna od tega, ali ima lastnik terminala tehnologijo, potrebno za izvedbo plačila. Transakcije bodo obdelane na enak način kot vse druge transakcije, ki jih Uporabnik opravlja s svojo Paywiser kartico v skladu s Splošnimi pogoji za Paywiser kartico. Avtorizacijo transakcije bo Paywiser prejel v trenutku, ko prejme zadevno transakcijsko navodilo od banke pridobiteljice. Avtorizacijo transakcije bo prejel skoraj nemudoma in Uporabnik svojega soglasja za transakcijo po tem času ne bo mogel več preklicati, razen če tega ne določa veljavna zakonodaja.
    3. Uporabnik je odgovoren za vse transakcije preko mobilne ali nosljive naprave, ki jih je avtoriziral v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi in Splošnimi pogoji za Paywiser kartico.
  4. Varnostni podatki
    1. Pomembno je, da Uporabnik vedno hrani svojo mobilno ali nosljivo napravo na varnem in pri sebi, hrani geslo za svojo mobilno ali nosljivo napravo in varnostne podatke na varnem ter so znane samo Uporabniku. Ohranjanje integritete mobilne ali nosljive naprave je izključna dolžnost Uporabnika.
    2. Paywiser kartica s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi se lahko uporablja le na napravah, ki jih uporablja izključno Uporabnik sam. Če je mobilna ali nosljiva naprava izgubljena, ukradena ali se uporablja brez soglasja Uporabnika, se mora ta nemudoma obrniti na Paywiser s podatki, navedenimi v Splošnih pogojih za Paywiser kartico, in sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe za blokado kartice v skladu s Splošnimi pogoji za Paywiser kartico. Če Uporabnik meni, da so varnostni podatki ogroženi ali da so z njimi seznanjene druge osebe, mora slediti navodilom na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, da jih nemudoma spremeni.
    3. Za zagotovitev varnosti in zaupnosti svoje mobilne ali nosljive naprave in Paywiser kartice mora Uporabnik sprejeti vse ustrezne ukrepe. V kolikor takih ukrepov ne sprejme, kot posledica tega pa nastane škoda, za to škodo Paywiser ne prevzema odgovornosti.
  5. Stroški
    1. Vse provizije in nadomestila, ki veljajo za Paywiser kartico, vključno z uporabo storitve plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, so na voljo na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com.
  6. Varstvo osebnih podatkov
    1. Uporabnik v okviru aktivacije funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi drugega ponudnika doda svojo Paywiser kartico in pri tem ponudniku te storitve posreduje svoje zahtevane osebne podatke in podatke o kartici.
    2. Uporabnik lahko izbere možnost poenostavljenega dodajanja njegove digitalizirane plačilne kartice v aplikacijo ponudnika funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi. V tem primeru Paywiser, na zahtevo Uporabnika, njegove kontaktne podatke in podatke o plačilni kartici posreduje ponudniku funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi.
    3. Za namen zagotavljanja nemotenega plačevanje s Paywiser kartico na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, Paywiser s ponudnikom funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi izmenjuje nekatere osebne podatke Uporabnika oziroma podatke o plačilih. Pravna podlaga za izmenjavo osebnih podatkov Uporabnika je izpolnjevanje naše pogodbene obveznosti. Tako pridobljene osebne podatke Uporabnika ponudnik funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi obdeluje kot samostojni upravljavec podatkov. Uporabnik se je dolžan seznaniti s splošnimi pogoji ter informacijami o obdelavi osebnih podatkov izbranega ponudnika.
    4. Za namen preprečevanja prevar in goljufij v zvezi s plačilnimi storitvami lahko Paywiser, skladno z veljavno zakonodajo, od ponudnika funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi prejme podatke o Uporabniku Paywiser kartice, kot so informacije v zvezi s plačili, o napravi ter o lokaciji.
    5. Informacije o pravicah Uporabnika kot posameznika iz naslova varstva osebnih podatkov ter druge informacije o tem, kako Paywiser obdeluje osebne podatke Uporabnika, so objavljene v Splošnih informacijah o varstvu osebnih podatkov na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com.
  7. Drugo
    1. Paywiser kartico lahko Uporabnik iz funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi kadarkoli odstrani, tako da sledi navodilom za funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi. Uporabnik pooblašča Paywiser, da ob odstranitvi kartice iz funkcije plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi nadaljuje z obdelavo vseh nezaključenih transakcij Paywiser kartice.
    2. Paywiser ni odgovoren za nobena dejanja ali opustitve ponudnika funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi ali katerekoli tretje osebe glede funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, vključno z in brez omejitve na nedostopnost ali prekinitve funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi ali mobilnega omrežja ali za kakršnokoli drugo napako na funkciji plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi. Če ponudnik funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi zaradi kakršnegakoli razloga spremeni ali prekine uporabo funkcije plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, bo moral Uporabnik stopiti v stik s ponudnikom za dodatne informacije, saj je to predmet ponudnikove pogodbe s kupcem.
    3. Paywiser ima pravico do spremembe teh Splošnih pogojev v skladu s Splošnimi pogoji za Paywiser kartico in Splošnimi pogoji za Paywiser plačilni račun. Če Uporabnik ne sprejme sprememb teh Splošnih pogojev, lahko svojo Paywiser kartico kadarkoli odstrani iz funkcije plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi na način, opisan zgoraj. Če Uporabnik po uveljavitvi sprememb še naprej uporablja Paywiser kartico s funkcijo plačevanja na svoji mobilni ali nosljivi napravi, se šteje, da je sprejel spremembe in se bodo za uporabo Paywiser kartice s funkcijo plačevanja na mobilni ali nosljivi napravi uporabljali novi pogoji poslovanja.
    4. Ti Splošni pogoji začnejo veljati dne 08.09.2023. Splošni pogoji veljajo do odpovedi, kot je opredeljena s to pogodbo, oziroma do objave novih splošnih pogojev.

Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana Slovenija
[email protected]

Prepaid and Debit Card Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your application and use of the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card. Please read these Terms carefully and retain a copy of them for your record. By applying and activating, receiving and/or using the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card, you are agreeing to these Terms. We may change these Terms from time to time, with or without cause, as provided in these Terms and in accordance with applicable law. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese language versions of these Terms, the English version prevails.


The term “Card” refers to the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card. The value of the funds that are loaded onto the Card and are available for spending is referred to herein as the “Balance”. “Cardholder” means an individual who activates, receives and/or uses the Card. “Transaction Amount” means the amount that is debited from the Balance in connection with your use of the Card, which amount includes both the amount of the Balance to be transferred and the fees imposed to complete the transaction. Paywiser Limited is the issuer of the Card. “Paywiser” means Paywiser Limited and its successors and assigns. “We,” “Us,” “Our” and “Ours” mean Paywiser Limited, and all the associated and affiliated third parties duly appointed or authorized by Paywiser to fulfil and manage your Card. “You”, “Your” and “Yours” each means the Cardholder. “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a public or bank holiday in the place of issuance of the Card. “UnionPay Logo” means any logo or brand mark used by UnionPay International from time to time and which is used for all Cards. “Our Website” means the website at https://paywiser.com .


Your Card is a general purpose reloadable prepaid card / debit card and is not a (an gift card or a credit card, and it can be used in any countries and at any location that displays the UnionPay Logo, including point of sale retail merchants, restaurants, online or on the telephone. (Please note: use of the Card in certain countries may incur additional fees and charges such as those in connection with currency exchange rate and handling fees.) Before using the Card, you need to make sure that it has been activated and that the Balance available is sufficient for your purchase. You will not be able to use Your Card after its expiry date. Your Card is attached to an account (the “Card Account”) that we have created to record the Balance available and transactions of your Card. In order to protect your interests, the amount of funds you load to your Card or load through our co-branders will be deposited into an independent segregated account at an institution duly authorised by the competent authority of the relevant jurisdiction registered in the name of, and operated by, an independent Custodian (the “Trust Account”).

Your funds will be kept in the Trust Account until they are, at the request and/or demand of you or any applicable regulatory party, returned to you or transferred to others. As far as your funds is concerned, we agree that :

  • We will not create (or cause to be created) any Lien, Charge, Pledge, Encumbrances, Equity or any type of third party right on your fund; and
  • We will keep the account details and records associated with the Trust Account. You acknowledge and agree that you will only be able to access the information about your remaining funds in your Card Account, and you will not be able to access any other information or receive any interest from the Trust Account. The Card Account is operated and maintained by our management system and does not link up with any of your bank accounts. There is no minimum Balance requirement in your Card Account, but we are entitled and have the discretion to cancel your Card if you have zero or a negative Balance. Your Card Account is not a deposit account and no interest will be paid on the Balance.The UnionPay logo is featured on your Card and will be imprinted along with the issuer’s name


You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to apply for a Card. We will require evidence of your identity, such as an identity card bearing your photograph, a valid international passport or other travel document, a valid driving license incorporating photographic evidence of your identity, issued by a competent governmental department or authority.

We will also require evidence of your address, such as: utility bill, bank statement issued by a bank in a competent jurisdiction, correspondence from a government department or agency, mobile phone or pay TV statement, a lawyer’s confirmation of property purchase, legal document recognizing title to property, government-issued photographic driving license containing the current residential address or national identity card containing the current residential address. We will require additional supporting documents to demonstrate the soundness of your financial background if necessary. The approved forms of identification and verification of residential address cannot be more than 3 months old. When you apply for the Card, we will run checks to verify your identity and financial background. If we are unable to verify your identity and/or your financial background, or where you fail to provide satisfactory information which we request, or the verification check results are unsatisfactory, your application for the Card will be rejected.

Upon receipt of the Card, you must sign the “Signature Strip” on the back of the Card for it to be valid. You must activate your Card via the related website(s) and/or the mobile app(s) notified to you upon or after our acceptance of your application for the Card. You must enter your personal details and set up a password for your Card Account by following all the instructions on the relevant website(s) and/or mobile app(s). You should choose a password which would be difficult for another person to predict and also change your password regularly for security purpose. If You have any problems activating your Card or changing your password, please call our customer service centre accordingly.


The Card is and will remain our property at all times. However, you will be solely and exclusively responsible for the possession, use and control of the Card. You must surrender the Card to us immediately upon request. You must not use the Card for any illegal transactions or purposes. If you authorize another person to use the Card, you agree, to the extent permitted by law, that you will be liable for all transactions arising from the use of the Card by such person. To use the Card, simply present the Card at the time of payment, and Key-In the password set by you, some merchants may require you to sign the transaction invoice or receipt with the same signature on the Card. You may wish to retain the receipt as a record of the transaction. After using your Card to make payment, the Card’s Balance will be reduced accordingly by the full amount of each purchase including taxes, charges and other fees(if any). The Card can be used to pay the full amount of the purchase and applicable taxes, so long as the Balance remaining on the Card is sufficient. You may not make a purchase in an amount which exceeds the remaining Balance on the Card. If you want to make a purchase in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Limit, You must notify us before completing the transaction.


  1. Point of Sale
    You agree that we are not required to verify the signature on any sales draft or invoice prepared in connection with a transaction carried out on your Card and we may authorize and process a transaction even if the signature on the sales draft or invoice is different from the signature on Your Card. You do not have any right to stop the payment of any transaction which you have executed with the Card. You may not make pre-authorized regular payments through the use of your Card. We are not liable to You for declined or rejected authorization for any particular transaction, regardless of our reason. Online transactions must be authorized by you by entering your Card details as requested by the retailer. This usually means providing your Card number and PIN, the name on the Card, the expiration date of the Card and in many cases the CVC2 number printed on the back of the Card. You cannot withdraw Your authorization after having completed Your transaction.
  2. Limitations
    The amount You can spend with your Card will be limited by the amount of your Balance. The Card cannot be used for recurring billing charges (such as monthly utilities or subscriptions). We do not recommend using the Card to make reservations or deposits (for example, car rental or hotel reservations). These companies often estimate the bill and hold the authorization amount for up to 30 days, meaning you cannot access or spend those funds during the period. You can, however, use the Card to settle your final bill. Use of your Card may be restricted in some countries due to security risks. Be aware that some merchants (for example, restaurants, car rental agencies, salons, hotels, cruise lines and pay-at-the-pump gas stations) temporarily require that your Card has an available Balance greater than the purchase amount to ensure sufficient funds for tips or incidental expenses. The reason for this temporary difference is that the final amount of your purchase is not known at the time your Card is swiped for authorization. Authorization tells the merchant 4 VER.DEC2020 whether Your Card has enough funds to cover Your final purchase amount. Only the actual amount spent will be deducted from Your Balance
  3. Overseas Transactions
    An overseas transaction fee will be imposed on the amount transacted outside the United Kingdom. This fee is additional to any transaction fee levied by UnionPay (for further details on this please see section on “Fees” below) and will be automatically deducted from your Balance.
    For all transactions involving currency conversion, the exchange rate refers to the rate applied by UnionPay on the date of conversion. However, if the proceeds of a foreign transaction are refunded to your Card, the UnionPay conversion rate used to convert your refund to the USD for your Card is the rate that we pay to UnionPay minus our overseas transaction fee for the refund (for further details on this please see section on “Fees” below). Further, the rate that we pay to UnionPay may not be the same rate as that of the date the transaction was refunded. For these reasons, the amount that is credited to your Card for a refund of a foreign currency transaction will, in most cases, be less than the amount that was originally charged to your Card for that transaction.
    Customers may sometimes be offered the option to settle foreign currency transactions in the currency denomination of the merchant at the sales overseas. Such option is a direct arrangement offered by the overseas merchants and not by us. In such cases, you are reminded to ask the merchant for the currency exchange rates and the percentage of handling fees to be applied before the transaction is entered because settling foreign currency transactions in this way may involve a cost higher than the overseas transaction fees.
  4. Loading the Card
    There are several methods to load the Card and please be aware of the different fees associate with different loading channels. The Card can be loaded via the channels provided by our partners, and the monies will only be loaded onto the Card once the funds have been cleared. Please note that this may take up to several Business Days depending on different loading methods. We reserve the right to alter or provide more top up facilities over time, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your right to top up your Card at any time without notice.
    A partner is any distributor contracted by us to issue Card for its clients.


You are required to inform us if you change your name, address, telephone number, mobile number or e-mail address within 14 days after the change, and You may be liable for any unauthorized transactions caused by your failure to keep Your details accurate and up to date. You shall be responsible if such an incident occurs and We are not liable for any consequences or losses arising from such event. We will send information to the latest updated registered address or contact we have of you.


For details of the fees associated with your Card, please refer to the fee table of your Card program. Different fees will be applied to different Card programs. Fees will be deducted from your Card Account Balance. If the Balance on your Card is negative due to fees or merchant posting, you shall remain fully responsible for the amount that exceeds the Balance available on your Card. You agree that we may automatically deduct (offset) the amount of any such negative balance from current or future transfers of funds to Your Card Account. If you use the Card and account in a currency other than the currency in which they are denominated, the currency conversion rate used to convert the transaction amount to be deducted from your Balance will be the rate set by UnionPay on the date the transaction is processed, which rate may be applied without notice to You. Please refer to the UnionPay website for more information.


DATE Please note that the Card has a “valid thru” date imprinted on the face of the Card, which is the date after which You may not use that Card for any purpose. If You attempt to use Your Card after the “valid thru” date, the transactions may not be processed because the Balance remaining on the Card will not be available for any such transactions after the “valid thru” date. However, You will be able to retrieve / redeem the Balance after that date. Therefore, We recommend that You make use of the funds in that Card before the “valid thru” date; or to contact us a month prior to the “valid thru” date (i) to make a request for a redemption of the Balance, or (ii) so that We can reissue a new replacement Card to You as soon as practicably possible at Your convenience. Cardholders may contact our Customer Support Centre on Tel +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected] anytime to request for a replacement.


You may terminate/cancel your Card and Card Account at any time online at the relevant website(s) and/or mobile app(s) as notified to you upon or after our acceptance of your application for the Card or by calling us +44 2381 6802999 and/or email [email protected]. Termination/cancellation of your Card requested by you gives you a right to a refund once the request is accepted by Us. We will cancel the Card after receiving your request and reimburse the amount of available Balance to you once all fees have been deducted (including the redemption fee). In normal circumstances, we expect to reimburse the Balance to you by cheque no later than 10 Business Days after we have received the termination/cancellation request. However, you should note that the processing time for reimbursement may take longer than 10 Business Days by reason 7 of matters beyond Our reasonable control. Redemption fee for termination/cancellation of Your Card is set out in the existing Fee Table. We reserve the right to amend the existing Fee Table at our absolute discretion.

We shall have the right to suspend or terminate Your Card and/or Your Card Account at any time at Our discretion without prior notice and without assigning any reason. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, we shall be entitled to terminate your Card or 6 VER.DEC2020 your Card Account immediately without notice if You shall commit any breach of or omit to observe any obligation under these Terms, which in Our opinion, amounts to a material default on Your part or if we suspect any actual or potential fraud or illegal activity through Your Card and/or Your Card Account.

If Your Card has a zero or negative Balance, We may, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, suspend Your Card and/or Your Card Account without notice. Furthermore, if We have no record of Card activity for a certain period, the Balance on Your Card may be treated as unclaimed property. You can claim the remaining Balance on Your card but We reserve the right to charge You a fee based on the amount of the remaining Balance and refund the rest back to You.


You agree to protect Your Card against loss, theft or unauthorized use by taking all reasonable precautions. If Your Card has been lost or stolen or if You have reasons to believe that someone has made an unauthorized transaction with Your Card or may attempt to use Your card without your permission, You must notify Us IMMEDIATELY +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected]. You will be liable to the losses up to the amount of your Balance (in any equivalent currency denomination) as at the time of the loss or theft of your Card arising from any unauthorized transactions that take place prior to you notification to us of the suspicious activity. You will not be held liable for any losses once You have notified Us of loss or theft unless We reasonably determine that You have acted with negligence. You will be asked to provide Us with Your name, the Card number, the expiration date, and the original Card value and transaction history. We cannot re-issue a Card if You do not have Your Card number. If Our records show that a Balance still remains on the Card, We will cancel the Card and make such Balance amounts available to You on a re-issued Card. If You subsequently retrieve the reported lost card, please destroy the lost card immediately by cutting it in half or send the card back to Us. We recommend that You check the Balance on Your Card Account and Your transaction history regularly online on via the mobile application available for download from our website. The Card may be deactivated at any time if fraud is suspected. You agree, to the extent permitted by law, to cooperate completely with Us in Our attempts to recover from unauthorized users and to assist in their prosecution.


If there is any dispute regarding purchases you make using the Card, you agree to and shall settle such disputes directly with the merchant with whom the purchase was made. We will not be held responsible for any problems which you may have with any goods or services that you purchase with your Card, whether with regard to quality, safety, legality, or any other aspect of Your purchase. If you are entitled to a refund for any reason for goods or services obtained or purchased with the Card, you agree to accept credits to the Balance on your Card in place of cash or bank deposit.


You acknowledge that you may have dispute rights pursuant to card association and network rules or otherwise, and we have the right (but not the obligation) to pass any applicable chargebacks to you. If you wish to request for a chargeback, you shall provide the relevant proof and information within the time stipulated by UnionPay International. For the avoidance of doubt, UnionPay also has its own chargeback procedure against any illegal activities and money laundering. Both UnionPay and we have the rights and authority to charge you a reasonable handling fee during the investigation and chargeback process. Please note, UnionPay will only charge the Cardholder through issuer of the Card. You have rights under law or contract to withhold payments. You have chargeback rights if (i) You question, make a claim or complaint about the amount that You agreed to pay when using the Card to purchase goods or services; (ii) You deny making or authorizing the amount that You agreed to pay when using the Card to purchase goods or services; (iii) You believe that the payment transactions is invalid, involves misconduct or fraud (such as fraudulent use of a payment instrument), or otherwise violates any applicable law or these Terms; or (iv) as provided elsewhere in these Terms. We will do everything possible to defend chargeback requests that we receive on your behalf. However, specific time limits and rules shall apply to each chargeback and UnionPay internal chargeback procedure.


We cannot guarantee a merchant will accept your Card, or that we will authorize any particular transaction. This may be because of a systems problem, something outside our reasonable control, or because we are concerned that your Card is being misused. Accordingly, we shall not be liable in any event that a retailer refuses to accept your Card, or if we do not authorize a transaction, or if we cancel or suspend the use of your Card, to the extent permitted under these Terms and the relevant law. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage You may suffer as a result of your total or partial use or inability to use your Card, or the use of your Card by any third party. We will also not be liable for any losses or expenses incurred by You arising from our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and We will not be liable to You for (1) any loss of goodwill, reputation or opportunity, (2) any loss or corruption of data, (3) any loss of anticipated savings in connection with Your failure to use Your Card due to whatever cause, whether direct or indirect, and (4) any indirect or consequential loss. In the event that You do not use Your Card in accordance with these Terms or if We find that You are using the Card fraudulently, We reserve the right to charge You for any reasonable costs that We incur in taking action to stop You from using Your Card and to recover any monies owed as a result of Your activities.


The data protection legislation governs the collection, holding, processing and use of Your personal data and other information that we may collect from you from time to time (the 8 VER.DEC2020 “Data”). The legislation covers transactional records arising from your use of your Card to the extent that those transactional records are “personal data” under the legislation. to the legislation enable us to provide the services contemplated under these Terms and other related services to you.

Purpose: You agree that the Data provided by you may be used for the following purposes of:

  1. processing the application for the Card, including the issue of any new or replacement Card to you;
  2. collecting money due from you;
  3. verifying any information and records relating you;
  4. management, operation and maintenance of the Card, including audit and exercising our rights and your rights under these Terms;
  5. designing new or improving existing services provided by us;
  6. communication between you and us;
  7. investigation of complaints, suspected suspicious transactions and research for service improvement;
  8. prevention or detection of crime; and
  9. disclosure as required by law, rules, regulations, codes or guidelines


The Data will be kept confidential by us, but you agree that for the purpose(s) set out above, We may transfer or disclose such Data to the following parties: (i) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, electronic fund transfer service, computer, payment debt collection, settlement or clearing or other services to us in connection with the operation of Our business; (ii) any branch, subsidiary, holding company, associated company or affiliate of us; (iii) any counterparty to a cheque which we may issue or receive in connection with your Card or Card Account; (iv) credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies; (v) any party giving or proposing to give a guarantee or third party security to guarantee or secure Your obligations; and (vi) any actual or proposed assignee of us or participants or sub-participant or transferee of our rights in respect of you as our customer.


You have the right to: (a) check whether we hold Data and to have access to that Data; (b) require us to correct any Data which is inaccurate; and (c) ascertain our policies and practices in relation to Data and to be informed of the kind of Data held by us. Please also note that where you have given your consent and have not subsequently opted out, your name, contact details, products and services, transaction pattern and behavior, financial background and demographic data held by us from time to time may be used by us in direct marketing. We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for complying with any request for access to your Data.


  1. Assignment
    These Terms and Conditions are personal to you. You may not assign or otherwise transfer your rights and obligations under them. We may assign, transfer or subcontract our rights and obligations under these Terms to another company at any time on giving you at least two (2) months’ prior notice of this. If we do this, your rights will not be affected.
  2. Communication
    If you have an enquiry relating to your Card, you can use the “Contact Us” section on our website. We will deal with your enquiry promptly. If you do not wish to enquire in this way, you can call our customer service centre on +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected]. Any notifications and communications relating to your Card should be made in the same way unless specified otherwise in these Terms. You will require a valid email address and access to the internet in order to communicate with us through our Website.
  3. Complaints
    If You are unhappy in any way with your Card or the way it is managed or have any other complaints in connection with your Card, please contact us by e-mailing [email protected] or on +44 2381 680299. We will endeavour to deal with any complaints You may have quickly and fairly and will notify you of the outcome of our investigation.
  4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Where there is any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, you may elect to resolve such dispute, controversy or claim by mediation and/or arbitration accordingly
    Subject to the above, both you and us irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England.
  5. Severability
    If any provision of these Terms is held by any court or by other competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, these Terms shall continue to be valid as to its other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision.
  6. Telephone Calls and Collection
    You understand and agree that, subject to applicable law, if You are in default under these Terms or if You have a negative balance, We or any agent of Ours may make collection calls to your home or cell phone and we may use pre-recorded messages with respect to such calls. We or our agents may monitor and/or record your phone calls, including any messages that may be left on an answering machine.
  7. Rights of Third Parties
    These Terms shall not create or give rise to, nor shall it be intended to create or give rise to, any third party rights. No third party shall have any right to enforce or rely on any provision of these Terms of which confers or may confer any right or benefit on any third party, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly. The application of any legislation giving rise to or conferring on third parties contractual or other rights (including, but not limited to, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 in connection with these Terms is hereby expressly excluded.


Subject to the applicable laws, we may at any time change or remove any of the terms and conditions of, or add new terms or conditions to, these Terms. We will post such changes on our website at https://paywiser.com. As of the effective date included in any notice, the changed or new terms will apply to the Card, including, without limitation, all transactions made using the Card after such effective date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, advance notice of any change may not be given if it is necessary to make any such change immediately in order to maintain or restore the security of the Card or any related payment system or comply with applicable law. We may, in Our sole discretion, cancel or suspend these Terms or any features or services of the Card at any time, with or without cause, and without prior notice to You.

Changes to the spending limits of your Card that are necessary in order for us to comply with legal requirements are not considered to be changes of these Terms and therefore do not require prior notice to be given. You can always check Your spending limits by logging into your Account.


These Terms set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and us, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements with respect to such subject matter.

Section headings in these Terms are for convenience of reference only, and shall not govern the interpretation of any provision of these Terms.

Slovenia – Privacy Policy Card Holders

(Version 1.0)
Data controller: Paywiser d.o.o.
Address: Bravničarjeva olica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Tax. n. SI 92701221
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO): email: [email protected].


Paywiser d.o.o. is a company incorporated in Slovenia under the company number 8640084000 (the “Company”, “Controller”,“us”, “we”, “Paywiser”), authorized by the BSI (Bank of Slovenia) as an Electronic Money Institution and is active in the field of payment and electronic money services.

Paywiser is committed to data protection and privacy. We respect and protect the rights of individuals, particolarly the right to data protection and privacy as far as the processing and use of personal data is concerned. This Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) defines the standard for the data protection compliant processing of personal data.

When handling personal data in course of their duties, all employees of our Company are required to follow the requirements of this Policy.

The principles mentioned in this Policy are based on the EU and Slovenian data protection and privacy laws and take into account the requirements of the EU

General Data Protection Regolation (Regolation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR).

This Privacy Policy may be amended or supplemented at any time without prior notice or notification. By using the Controller’s Payment Card after the amendment, you confirm that you agree to the changes of Privacy Policy and the use of your data.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected].


  • Anonymous data & Anonymized data
    Anonymous and anonymized data is data that does not refer to an identifiable natural person. Even if other data or additional information were added, identification of the natural person is not (or is no longer) possible. This Policy does not apply to such data.
  • Consent
    Any freely given and unambiguous statement or other clear affirmative action by which the data subject indicates in an informed manner that he or she agrees to the processing of his or her personal data for a specific purpose.
  • Controller
    Any natural or legal person that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. For the personal data of its employees, customers, suppliers, partners, or other persons, Paywiser Limited is regarded as the controller.
  • Erasure
    The irretrievable obliteration or physical destruction of saved personal data or its anonymization in such a way that makes it impossible to re-identify the natural person after the fact.
  • Personal Data
    Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particolar by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, coltural, or social identity of that natural person.

We recommend that you provide only the personal data that you wish to provide or that are required to use a particolar service. By entering or providing individual personal data, you authorise or consent to the processing of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  • Processor
    A natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the controller, such as an external service provider or a different Paywiser company that is not the controller itself.
  • Processing
    Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consoltation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.
  • Pseudonymization
    Processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person. Pseudonymized data constitutes personal data as defined in the GDPR; therefore, this Policy also applies to pseudonymized data.
  • Third party
    A natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body other than
    • the data subject,
    • the controller,
    • the processor and
    • the persons who are authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or processor.

Principles for Protecting Personal Data

Personal data shall only be processed lawfolly and in accordance with the principles set out below.

  • Lawfolness, Fairness, and Transparency
    Personal data may only be processed lawfolly, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject. This is the case when: processing is legally permitted in the specific case.

Personal data shoold be collected directly from the data subject. If this is not the case, the data subject must be notified, particolarly about the types of personal data that are being collected, processed, and/or used and for which specific purposes this occurs.

  • Specific Purpose
    Personal data may only be collected for specific, explicit purposes. It may not be processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. The specific purpose must be defined before data collection. Processing for a purpose other than that for which the data have been collected is only permitted in exceptional cases, when a law permits processing for another purpose or if it is based on the data subject’s consent.
  • Data Minimization
    Personal data may only be collected to the extent which is absolutely necessary to folfil the defined purpose. Processing must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data is processed.
  • Accuracy
    Personal data must be accurate and up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay. All processes that involve the processing of personal data must provide an option for rectification and update.
  • Storage Limitation (Obligation to Erase)
    Personal data may only be stored as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or due to other legal requirements, particolarly to comply with statutory retention periods. After this point, personal data must generally be erased or anonymized.
  • Integrity, Availability, and Confidentiality
    Personal data and its processing operations must always be appropriately protected by means of technical and organizational measures. This includes, in particolar, suitable measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawfol processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, accidental disclosure and unauthorized access.
  • Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
    The collection, processing, and use of special categories of personal data shoold always be transparent for the data subject. Unless the collection and processing of such data is explicitly authorized by law, e.g. if necessary, for carrying out obligations and exercising rights in the field of employment, social security, social protection, it shoold only be collected on the basis of explicit prior notification and consent of the data subjects. The consent must explicitly refer to these special data categories and their processing for one or more specified purposes.

What information do we collect about you:

  • Email address
  • Full name
  • Mobile number
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • ID document details and photograph
  • Selfie photograph
  • Proof of address
  • Card data (card number, cardholder name, expiry date, CVV)
  • Account number, IBAN
  • Transaction data
  • Other data you may give us in our communication

Purpose of processing and Grounds for processing the data

We will process your personal data to the extent necessary for the achievement of the purposes of the processing and solely for the purposes for which it was collected. We process your personal data in order to properly provide the services offered to you. The purposes of the processing are as follows:

  • Signing you up for a Paywiser Card and Account

Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address.

Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current Anti Money Laundering – AML legislation)

Please note that it is not possible for us to issue a Card or open an account if you do not provide your personal data.

  • Confirm your identity and prevent fraud

Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address

Lawfol grounds: contract performance and legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current AML legislation)

  • Process your payment transactions and provide you with customer support services

Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address, card data, transaction data, account number, IBAN

Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current legislation), legitimate interests (to facilitate transactions)

  • To contact you

Data collected: email address, foll name, mobile number, address
Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legitimate interests (to improve our services and help our users)

  • Marketing communications

Data collected: email address, foll name, mobile number, address
Lawfol grounds: contract performance, legitimate interests (to inform you about the latest developments in our offer)

  • Comply with AML regolations and legal obligations

Data collected: email address, foll name, date of birth, mobile number, address, ID document and photograph, selfie photograph, proof of address, Card data, Transaction data
Lawfol grounds: legal obligation (we are required to collect this data from you on the basis of current AML legislation)

Rights of Data Subjects

  • Right to be informed
    Data subjects have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. This is a key transparency requirement under the GDPR. The Controller must provide you with information including: purposes for processing your personal data, retention periods for that personal data, and who it will be shared with.
  • Right of Access and Data Portability
    Data subjects have the right to obtain from the Controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed. In such case, the Controller shall provide access as required by law. The information is provided in the format requested by the data subject. The information to be provided to you must include the purpose of storage, the recipients of the data, and all other legally required information pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR. You have a right to be provided with a copy of the personal data that are undergoing processing. Upon your request, the data that you have provided to the Controller must be made available in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Right to Rectification, Restriction, and Erasure
    When personal data prove to be incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date, you have the right to rectification of your personal data. You also have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your personal data when one of the following applies:
    • The data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data and verification of the accuracy of the personal data takes some time. In this case, you can demand restriction for the period of the verification of the accuracy.
    • The processing is unlawfol, and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of its use instead.
    • The Company no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Shoold it become apparent that certain information has a respective value to the data subject, the data subject must be notified of the pending erasure with reasonable notice.
    • The data subject has objected to processing for the duration of the clarification as to whether the legitimate interests for processing outweigh those of the data subject.

Within the restriction process, the stored personal data must be marked with the aim to restrict access and limit their further processing. In addition, you have the right to the erasure of your personal data in the following cases:

  • The purpose of the data processing no longer applies.
  • You withdraw your consent for a specific purpose of processing.
  • Address data is used for direct marketing purposes and you object to such use.
  • The data is processed unlawfolly.
  • Erasure is required to meet legal obligations.

Instead of erasure, personal data may also be anonymized.

If there is an obligation to erase personal data and said data has already been made public, other controllers shall be notified of the request to erase his or her data, including all links to this data.

Please note that we may not always be able to complete your request for deletion for legal reasons that woold exist at the time of the request and about which we will notify you.

Right to Object

You have the right to object to data processing when the Controller processes personal data based on a decision in favour of its legitimate interests. In this case, you shall claim your own rights or interests on grounds relating to their particolar situation, which outweigh the Controller’s legitimate interest to process the data. You can object to the processing of your personal data for purpose of direct marketing at any time and without giving reasons. If an objection is raised, the Controller will not process this data further for these purposes. This does not apply where the processing cannot be ceased due to compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, particolarly the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

Right to Portability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to the Controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided,

  1. the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) or point (a) of Article 9(2) or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1); and
  2. the processing is carried out by automated means.

Right to Complain

If a data subject wishes to file a complaint with regard to processing of their personal data, they can do so directly in an e-mail to: [email protected]. The data subject will be notified about all measures taken based on their request within one month at the latest.

You also have a right to file a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (Informacijski pooblaščenec, Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia), tel: 01 230 97 30, e-mail: [email protected] if you believe that your personal data is being stored or otherwise processed in breach of the applicable roles governing the protection of personal data.

Automated decisions

We do not make any automated decisions based on the data we collect from you.

Retention Period

Unless otherwise specified or required, the Controller will process your personal data until the purpose for which the data was collected is folfilled.

Where the retention period for individual personal data is regolated by a law that applies to us, we must keep such data in accordance with the required retention period.

Based on Anti Money Laundering regolations, we are legally obligated to keep records of collected data for at least ten (10) years after the last transaction or interaction with you. You have the right to request the deletion of your information. However, for legal purposes, we may need to keep the data anyway, to meet the legal requirements. If you request the deletion of your information, we can no longer provide our services.

Any personal data processed by the Controller on the basis of your consent will be processed by the Controller until you withdraw your consent.

After the retention period has expired, the Controller will effectively and permanently erase or anonymise the personal data so that it can no longer be linked to a specific individual.

Contractual Data Processors

In order to optimise its operations, the Controller cooperates with individual contractual processors who, in the context of providing services to the Controller, also process your personal data to a certain extent. Such contractual processors are for example accounting services, IT services, external legal consoltants, cloud and email service providers, payment institutions and our other contractors.

All these entities have a contract with us for the processing of personal data, which means that they may process the data provided exclusively on our behalf, within the limits of our authorisation and instructions and in accordance with the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy and in the contract between the Controller and the individual contractual processor.

In order to comply with our own legal obligations, the Controller may also provide your data to state authorities and institutions to the extent required.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country or an International Organisation

We may transfer the data we collect from you to organisations outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If personal data that is to be transferred to a country outside the EEA, it must be ensured beforehand that an appropriate level of protection is guaranteed, pursuant to Article 44 of the GDPR and that:

  • the European Commission says the country or organisation has adequate data protection laws in place, or
  • we have agreed to standard data protection clauses in a written contract with the organisation, approved by the European Commission.

Amendments of Privacy Policy

Paywiser reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on our website. By using the services provided by the Controller in the App, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the entire content of this Privacy Policy and any amendments thereto.

Paywiser Limited
June 2022

Slovenia – General Terms for Paywiser debit Mastercard card

Version 1.2.

General terms

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all users (consumers) of the electronic money issuance and redemption services and payment services provided by Paywiser.

  1. Introductory provisions
    1. The issuer of these General Terms and Conditions is PAYWISER, a company for the issuance of electronic money and payment services, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, registration number: 8640084000 (hereinafter referred to as "Paywiser"). Paywiser is a company established under Slovenian law and entered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia.
    2. Paywiser is authorised by the Bank of Slovenia to provide electronic money issuance and payment services as a hybrid electronic money issuance company (licence no. of 2 November 2021) and is entered in the register of electronic money issuance companies maintained by the Bank of Slovenia. The register is published on the website of the Bank of Slovenia (www.bsi.si). Paywiser is also authorised to provide its services in other EEA countries. The authorities responsible for supervision are the Bank of Slovenia, the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and other competent authorities.
    3. Paywiser is a member of the Mastercard international card scheme with an active Mastercard card licence. Paywiser is the issuer of the Paywiser Mastercard. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the image with the circles is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
    4. The general e-mail address for communication with Users is [email protected], but other e-mail addresses may be specified in the General Terms and Conditions depending on the content of the communication.
    5. These Terms for the Issuance and Use of the Paywiser Mastercard Debit Payment Card for Consumers ("General Terms" or "Terms") constitute a contract between Paywiser and the User. Together with the General Terms and Conditions for the service of issuing and redeeming electronic money and providing payment services through the Paywiser Payment Account for Consumers (hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account") and other relevant additional terms and agreements as set out in these Terms or the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account, they constitute the contractual framework between Paywiser and the User.
    6. These Terms cover the rights and obligations of Users in connection with the provision of payment services and the use of the Paywiser Mastercard debit payment card (hereinafter referred to as the "Paywiser Card"). Anything not specifically covered by these Terms shall be governed by the General Terms and Conditions of the Payment Account and other documents published on the Paywiser website, which shall be deemed to govern the legal relationship between Paywiser and the User. By ordering and activating a Paywiser Card, the User expressly acknowledges that he/she is aware of and fully agrees to the contents of these Terms, the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account and the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Mobile Application, and that he/she has been informed of them in sufficient time to enable him/her to familiarise himself/herself with them prior to the conclusion of the contract.
    7. These Terms apply to all Users of the Paywiser Card, unless otherwise agreed in a separate agreement between Paywiser and the individual User.
    8. By ordering a Paywiser Card, the User expressly acknowledges that he/she understands the English language and agrees to conduct business in English. Otherwise, the User cannot use the Paywiser Card and the Paywiser mobile application for its management.
    9. The headings in these Terms are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Capitalised terms have specific definitions and are described in Clause 2 of these Terms (Meaning of Terms) or in the body of the Terms.
  2. Meaning of terms
    1. The following words or phrases, when used in these General Terms and Conditions or any document referred to herein, shall have the following meanings:
      Account/Payment Account the electronic money and payment account opened by Paywiser on behalf of the User and used for the execution of payment transactions and as a source of funds for the use of the Paywiser Card;
      Business Day means a day determined by Paywiser on which Paywiser participates in the execution of a Payment Transaction and performs the necessary activities for such Payment Transaction. Paywiser may establish different business days for the provision of different services and/or for the execution of different payment transactions. Unless otherwise agreed, a business day shall be deemed to be any day which is a business day in the Republic of Slovenia (any day other than Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and public holidays under the legislation in force from time to time) and which is also a business day of all other payment service providers involved in the execution of the payment order.
      Consumer is a natural person who enters into a contractual relationship for his personal purposes, outside the scope of his gainful or professional activity;
      User means a consumer who uses or has requested the use of the services subject to these General Terms and Conditions and has entered into a contractual relationship with Paywiser;
      KYC procedure means the procedure (know-your-customer or know-your-customer) by which Paywiser collects all the necessary information about the User in accordance with the PDPADFT-2;
      Fee means the fee and other costs and charges payable to Paywiser for issuing the Paywiser Card and all costs associated with its use and the performance of all other services related to the Paywiser Card;
      A durable medium is any instrument which enables the user to store data addressed to him personally in such a way that it is accessible for subsequent use for as long as is necessary for the purposes of that data and which enables the stored data to be played back unchanged (e.g. magnetic media, e-mail, DVD);
      Paywiser web interface access to the User’s Payment Account (hereinafter referred to as the “Paywiser web interface”) enables the User to use electronic money for payment transactions and to access and manage the Payment Account. The terms and conditions of use are described in more detail in the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Paywiser Web Interface, published on the Paywiser website. The Paywiser mobile application enables the User to manage the Paywiser Card and to monitor and confirm transactions (if applicable).
      The Paywiser mobile application has, inter alia, the following functionalities – the User can order a card, manage the card (view card details, set PIN, lock/unlock the card, block the card, etc.), view the balance of the Payment Account, view the transaction history, change the password to enter the application, etc. The terms and conditions of use are described in more detail in the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the Paywiser mobile application, published on the Paywiser website.
      Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) means User authentication based on the use of two or more elements classified as User knowledge (something only the User knows), ownership (something only the User has) and inherent connection to the User (something the User is), which are independent of each other, since failure of one does not compromise the reliability of the others, and designed to protect the confidentiality of authentication data;
      Contracting Party (“Party”) means Paywiser or the User or both together as Contracting Parties (“Parties”);
      Payer is a natural or legal person who initiates a payment transaction by issuing a payment order or providing consent to the execution of a payment order issued by a payee;
      Payee means the natural or legal person who is the intended payee of the funds that are the subject of a payment transaction; Statement means a document prepared by Paywiser for the User which includes details of payment transactions that have been made during a specified period of time;
      ZPlaSSIED means the Slovenian Act on Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuing Services and Payment Systems.
      ZPPDFT-2 means the Slovenian Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
  3. Content of the contractual relationship
    1. The User's Paywiser Card is linked to the User's Payment Account opened with Paywiser, in which the User holds electronic money issued by Paywiser. The issuer of the Paywiser Card is Paywiser. It is a debit payment card.
    2. By using the Paywiser Card, the User uses the available funds in his/her Payment Account.
    3. The User's rights and obligations are set out in these General Terms and Conditions and in the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account, and the User has no rights in relation to Mastercard.
    4. The User shall have the right to request from Paywiser at any time a copy of these Conditions and any other documents forming part of the contractual relationship, in paper form or on another durable medium. The Terms in force from time to time are published on the website www.paywiser.com.
    5. The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that all communications, including face-to-face communications, between Paywiser and the User shall be in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. All communications and information regarding any changes to the Services and prices and other relevant information shall be provided in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Paywiser will also provide the User with an English translation for certain documents, and the User is specifically reminded that the Paywiser mobile application through which the User operates his/her Paywiser Card is only available in English.
  4. Ordering and registering a Paywiser card
    1. Paywiser Card may only be ordered by Paywiser Payment Account Users who have successfully completed the Registration and KYC Process and other required activities in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account.
    2. Paywiser Card can be ordered by the User via the Paywiser mobile application, which can be downloaded on the User's mobile phone, and after the User has successfully registered as a Paywiser User. Upon registration, the User selects and sets the 6-digit PIN number of the card.
    3. Paywiser will issue the Paywiser Card based on the information provided by the User. It is the User's obligation to provide accurate information and to notify any changes without undue delay, but no later than within 5 (five) business days.
  5. Receipt and activation of the Paywiser card
    1. If the identification and authentication of the User is successful, Paywiser shall instantly issue the User with a virtual MasterCard Debit Card, which shall be immediately accessible within the Paywiser Mobile App and available for use by the User, after prior activation of the virtual Card by the User.
    2. User has an option to order a physical Paywiser MasterCard Debit Card within the Paywiser Mobile App. To activate contactless payments on a physical card, a transaction with physical card needs to be made using the PIN.
    3. Upon receipt of the Paywiser Card, the User must immediately sign the Paywiser Card in his/her own handwriting in indelible characters. An unsigned card is invalid. All damages and misuse costs resulting from an unsigned card shall be borne by the cardholder.
    4. The PIN number of the Paywiser Card may never be disclosed to anyone. Paywiser will never disclose the User's PIN number to third parties or ask the User to provide it.
    5. The User may change the assigned PIN number at any ATM that allows this or in the mobile application. When changing the PIN number, the User is advised not to choose a PIN number that is easy to guess, such as numbers that are linked to the User (e.g. telephone number, date of birth, etc.) or are part of the data printed on the Paywiser card or are identical to the User's previous PIN number.
  6. Using the Paywiser card
    1. Paywiser Card is the property of Paywiser and bears the name and surname of the User. The Paywiser Card is non-transferable and may only be used by the User.
    2. The Paywiser Card is a payment instrument used by the holder in the course of business. The User may use the Paywiser Card to order a payment transfer to the Payee. The Paywiser Card may be used by the User at any merchant that accepts MasterCard payments. It can also be used to withdraw cash at ATMs in Slovenia or abroad (which may incur additional charges).
    3. Each transaction must be personally authorised by the User. Paywiser will treat transactions as approved by the User:
      1. if the User's Paywiser card touches and is accepted by a contactless POS terminal or if the User signs a purchase receipt; or
      2. when the PIN number of the User's Paywiser Card or other personal security code of the User is used; or
      3. when the User enters the details of his Paywiser Card in accordance with the instructions on the payment pages of the Merchant's website or mobile application.
    4. The Paywiser Card is a debit card, which means that the available balance in the User's Payment Account, accessible via the Paywiser Web Interface, is reduced by the full amount of each transaction made, plus any applicable taxes and Fees and other charges, including any additional ATM usage charges. If the total amount charged exceeds the available balance, the Paywiser Card may not be used by the User. The User may check the available balance at any time via the Paywiser mobile application or via the Paywiser web interface.
    5. The Paywiser will receive the User's approval of the transaction as follows:
      1. for online and physical point of sale purchases, at the time Paywiser receives the relevant instructions from the merchant acquirer; and
      2. for ATM transactions, at the moment at which the instructions entered at the ATM are received from the ATM operator.
    6. The User may revoke a payment order by withdrawing consent to execution. The User may cancel the payment order before Paywiser grants authorisation. Once the authorisation has been granted, the User may no longer cancel the execution of the payment transaction. Since Paywiser receives the User's authorisation of transactions at almost the same moment, the User will not be able to revoke his/her consent or acquiescence to the transaction at a later date, unless otherwise provided by applicable Slovenian law.
    7. Paywiser shall allow the User to receive credit transfers to the Paywiser Card. Paywiser shall transfer all credits to the User's Payment Account and charge the User a fee in accordance with the Price List in force from time to time.
    8. The Paywiser Card may also be used for transactions in currencies other than the Euro ("Foreign Currency Transactions"). The User settles all obligations related to card transactions, both domestic and international, in euros. In the case of transactions in foreign currencies, the amount by which the User's Available Balance will be reduced is converted to euros on the day of the receipt payment request. For obligations incurred in foreign currencies for which there is a direct conversion rate to Euro (EUR) in the Mastercard International System, the payment amount will be converted from the local currency at the purchase rate to Euro (EUR) on the day the transaction is processed in the Mastercard International System and at the exchange rate set by the Mastercard International System. For obligations in foreign currencies for which there is no direct exchange rate between the local currency and Euro (EUR) in the Mastercard International System, the amount will be converted from the local currency first at the buying rate into US Dollars (USD) and then at the selling rate from US Dollars (USD) into Euros (EUR) on the date of processing of the transaction in the international Mastercard system and at the exchange rate determined by the international Mastercard system (the date of authorisation and the date of processing of the transaction/financial transaction are usually different). Changes in the exchange rate are effective immediately. The exchange rate is subject to fluctuation (even within the same day) and may therefore change between the time the User authorises the transaction and the time the transaction is settled in the Mastercard Scheme. The User can check the exchange rate used for the transaction in the User's transaction history, which is available via the Paywiser mobile app and the Paywiser web interface. Card scheme exchange rates may differ from the reference rate of the ECB. Exchange rates are available to the user at the following links:
      ECB Euro foreign exchange reference rates (europa.eu):
      Mastercard exchange rate: https://www.mastercard.com/global/en/personal/get-support/convert-currency.html
    9. When using the Paywiser Card for transactions in foreign currencies, Paywiser may charge an additional surcharge for conversion into the foreign currency. If the User chooses to pay/debit by conversion for transactions at physical POS terminals or ATMs, the exchange rate and any conversion costs will be charged by the bank holding the device (POS terminal or ATM). If, when making payments online, the User selects to pay with a Paywiser card entered in solutions of other financial providers, the exchange rate of the third party provider (e.g. Pay Pal, etc.) may be taken into account. Since the actual exchange rate used depends on the transaction processing date (and not the time of card usage), the User and Paywiser expressly agree, and the User consents, that Paywiser will not provide informational messages regarding the execution of card transactions at the point of sale or ATM where currency conversion in any currency of the EGP countries other than the euro takes place. Instead, the user will check and compare the informational exchange rate at the following links: ECB Euro foreign exchange reference rates (europa.eu): https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.sl.html Mastercard exchange rate: https://www.mastercard.com/global/en/personal/get-support/convert-currency.html In case the User wishes to receive messages regarding currency exchange rates before authorizing a payment transaction, Paywiser will provide such messages in the form of push notifications in the Paywiser mobile application upon the User's request.
    10. For security reasons, merchants must obtain issuer approval for all transactions made with a Paywiser Card. In certain circumstances, Merchants may require the User to authorise a higher balance on the User's Payment Account than the value of the transaction the User wishes to make. The User will only pay the actual and final amount of the transaction made by the User and must know with certainty the exact amount of the transaction at the time of approval. This can happen: in hotels, car rentals and with some online merchants - some merchants' websites send a payment authorization request upon registration or completion of a purchase to check whether funds are available. This temporarily affects the available balance. Many traders, especially online traders, do not deduct the amount of the payment until the goods have been dispatched. Any payments made in this way must then be taken into account by the User for other purchases and to ensure that an adequate balance is available to pay for all purchases. All funds reserved will be released by Paywiser without undue delay, as soon as it is aware of the exact amount of the transaction and as soon as it has received the appropriate instructions for the transaction from the Merchant.
    11. If the Merchant agrees to reimburse the funds for a purchase made with a Paywiser Card, the funds will be added to the available balance in the User's Payment Account upon receipt by Paywiser from the Merchant.
    12. The expiry date of the Paywiser Card is printed on the card or is also visible in the Paywiser mobile application. Once the Paywiser card expires, it may no longer be used. Before the latter expires, Paywiser will automatically send the User a replacement card (for which a fee may be charged).
    13. In the event of the User's death, the Paywiser Card shall cease to be valid from the date Paywiser is notified of the Card User's death. The termination of the validity of the Card itself shall not affect the obligation of the User or his/her heirs to pay the obligations arising from the use of the Card up to the date of termination of the validity of the Card.
  7. Safe use of the Paywiser card
    1. When using the Paywiser Card, the User must act with care and caution. He must comply with all the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. He/she must also protect his/her card to prevent as far as possible any loss, theft or other unauthorised confiscation or misuse of the card and any consequential material damage. The Paywiser Card may only be used by the User personally and may not be lent to anyone or made available for use by third parties. When using the card to make payments, the User must monitor the entire process at all times and must not let the card out of his/her sight. At the point of sale, the Paywiser Card shall be inserted or swiped or brought closer to the POS terminal only once. Otherwise, the User should request the Point of Sale to provide the User with a confirmation of authorisation for each failed authorisation.
    2. Before entering a PIN number or signing a purchase confirmation, the User should always make sure that the amount printed or displayed matches the amount he/she wishes to authorise. When entering the PIN number, the User should always pay attention to his surroundings and cover the dial with his other hand or a suitable object. The User should ensure that he/she is standing alone in front of the machine and that no one is looking over his/her shoulder. The User should also not ask for help from passers-by if he/she does not understand or know how to use the machine.
    3. Upon request by the Merchant at a physical point of sale, the User must allow the Merchant to verify the validity date of the Paywiser Card and to identify the User.
    4. Users should only make online purchases with the card on secure websites (appropriate browser code) and from reliable and verified providers of goods and services. The user should always check whether there may be public announcements of online fraud in the media or on social networks. To access online sales sites, the User should only use devices that are protected against hacking and malware (viruses, Trojan horses, etc.) by appropriate technical and software protection. The data recorded on the Paywiser card (name and surname of the cardholder, card number "PAN", validity date, CVC code) are security mechanisms of the card and must not be communicated to anyone except when entering them at the online point of sale.
    5. When an SCA is used for remote payment transactions, it contains elements to dynamically link the payment transaction to a specific amount and a specific payee. The user confirms the online payment in the Paywiser mobile application by entering a password or by using his/her biometric data.
    6. The User is responsible for the safe custody of his Paywiser Card, its data and security data for the use of the Paywiser mobile application and the Paywiser web interface.
    7. Prepovedano je: It is prohibited:
      1. to allow another person to use the User's Paywiser Card or its data or the Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface; or
      2. record his PIN number or security details in a way that would allow third parties to misuse the User's Paywiser Card or Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface; or
      3. disclose their PIN number or other security details or make them accessible to third parties;
      4. enter your PIN number into an ATM that does not appear to be genuine, has been tampered with, has suspicious devices installed or is operating suspiciously; or
      5. allow another person to take the User's Paywiser Card out of the User's line of sight; or
      6. enter their PIN number into an ATM or POS terminal in such a way that it can be seen by others; or
      7. leave the Paywiser Card with other items in a car, in a public cloakroom, in a hotel room safe or similar; or
      8. use the Paywiser Card for any unlawful purpose, including the payment for goods or services prohibited by the country in which the User uses the Card.
    8. The User must regularly monitor the available balance and transaction history via the Paywiser mobile application to identify any unauthorised use of the Paywiser Card and to check for the existence of unknown transactions. Paywiser will also send the User card transaction statements via the Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface or email. The User is obliged to check at least once a day that the card is in his/her immediate possession.
    9. The Paywiser Card may also be used in cases where a real-time confirmation cannot be obtained but the User has an adequate balance available for the transaction. This may be the case for transactions on trains, boats, planes, toll booths, etc. For such transactions carried out, the User, whatever the reason, is liable and obliged to pay Paywiser immediately and without any special reminder the amount exceeding the available balance of his Paywiser Card.
    10. The Paywiser Card may not be used as an identification document.
    11. When using the Paywiser Card, the User is obliged to observe the restrictions on the use of the Payment Account to which the Card is linked, which are described in the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account. Each transaction is subject to a spending limit check and may be declined if it does not meet the spending limit criteria. It is the User's responsibility to select and control the Card spending limits within the permitted limits.
    12. Paywiser Mobile App may only be used on devices on which the operating system has not been modified, which do not have the protections against the use of unapproved applications removed and whose configuration only allows the installation of software from sources approved by Paywiser (including, but not limited to, the Apple App Store, Google Play). The Paywiser Mobile App is used by the User on other devices at the User's own risk, and Paywiser shall not be held liable for any financial loss or loss of data or information.
    13. The User is also obliged to comply with any other instructions, warnings or advice of Paywiser relating to the use of the Card, which are published on the website www.paywiser.com or provided to the User by Paywiser via the App, email or otherwise.
    14. Paywiser shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the User as a result of the theft or loss of the mobile device or SIM card.
  8. User's material responsibility and approvals
    1. The use of the Paywiser Card issued by Paywiser for the User's Payment Account is the User's sole responsibility.
    2. The User is responsible for all transactions authorised by the User in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.
    3. The User shall be responsible for the use of the Paywiser Card issued under these General Terms and Conditions and for all Fees and any other charges incurred in respect of the Card.
    4. The User shall be materially liable for all transactions resulting from its misuse, wilful breach of these General Terms and Conditions, failure to exercise due diligence or gross negligence. Failure to comply with the obligations regarding the safe use of the Card set out in Section 7 of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to constitute gross negligence on the part of the User.
    5. The User agrees to indemnify Paywiser and its partners, sponsors, service providers and their concerns as soon as possible and to assume their material liability in respect of their costs in any litigation arising out of the enforcement of these General Terms and Conditions and/or breach of these General Terms and Conditions, or misuse of the Paywiser Card, the Paywiser Mobile App or Paywiser Web Interface login details or PIN by the User or with the User's approval.
  9. Loss, theft or damage of the Paywiser Card
    1. In the event of loss, theft, misuse or other events that create a risk of unauthorised use of the Paywiser Card, the User must immediately arrange for the Paywiser Card to be blocked via the Paywiser mobile application and notify Paywiser thereof. The User may also contact Paywiser at [email protected] or [email protected] to block the Paywiser Card.
    2. Provided that the User has immediately blocked his Paywiser Card via the Paywiser mobile application as described in the preceding paragraph and paragraph 9.3 does not apply, the User shall not be liable for any losses incurred after the User has blocked the card or notified Paywiser to do so.
    3. For any loss resulting from unauthorised payment transactions arising from the use of a lost or stolen payment instrument or the misappropriation of a payment instrument before the User has blocked the Paywiser Card or requested Paywiser to do so, the User shall be liable for damages up to a maximum amount of EUR 50.
    4. Clause 9.3 of these Conditions shall not apply if:
      1. the loss, theft or misuse of the Payment Instrument was not detected by the Payer prior to payment, except where the Payer has acted fraudulently as set out in clause 9.5 of this Agreement; or
      2. the loss was caused by the acts or omissions of an employee, agent or affiliate of Paywiser or of the outsourcing company.
    5. Notwithstanding the preceding clauses, the User shall be liable for all consequences of the loss if the User has acted fraudulently, intentionally or with gross negligence (e.g. The User did not use the Paywiser Card in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions on the safe use of the Card; did not notify Paywiser when he/she became aware of the loss, theft or misuse of the Card in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions; did not, after receiving the Card, take all reasonable steps to protect the security features of the Card which allow the User to be identified and are personally linked to him/her - personal PIN number, etc.) and shall bear the entire loss incurred before and after the blocking of the Card by the User himself/herself.
    6. In the event of multiple loss, theft or misuse of the Paywiser Card, Paywiser may refuse to reissue the Card or restrict transactions with the Card.
    7. If the User informs Paywiser that the Paywiser Card has been lost/stolen, the User must also report this to the nearest police station. In the event of a report being made at a police station, the User must request a photocopy of the report or a certificate of reporting, which must be provided to Paywiser upon request.
    8. Paywiser shall be entitled, but not obliged, to carry out a preventive blocking of the card in the event that it implements operational security measures, for example, if there are reasons to believe that the card may be misused or the card details stolen, or if there is a suspicion of unauthorised or fraudulent use of the card, etc. Paywiser may, upon detection of suspected misuse of the card, as a preventive measure and on its own or upon confirmation and approval of the User, block the existing card and order a new card, notifying the User thereof. In this case, the User shall receive the new Paywiser Card and the new PIN number in the manner agreed upon when the Paywiser Card was issued.
  10. Fees and costs
    1. The Paywiser Card is subject to the Fees set out in the Price List published on the Paywiser website.
    2. The User authorises and permits Paywiser to recover all Fees from the User's Payment Account, which shall be notified to the User by means of a Statement in the manner agreed in the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account.
    3. Paywiser shall not charge the User any value added tax for the services provided under this Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions, as the services in question are exempt from the Value Added Tax Act.
  11. Neodobrene transakcije in nepravilno izvedene transakcije
    1. The User must regularly check the history of transactions with the Paywiser Card in the Paywiser mobile application, in accordance with paragraph 7.8. If the User has reason to believe that a particular transaction has not been authorised by Paywiser or that it has been incorrectly executed, the User must notify Paywiser immediately at [email protected] [email protected], and no later than 13 months from the date of the transaction in question.
    2. If the User has initiated a transaction but the recipient claims not to have received the transfer, Paywiser will immediately attempt to trace the transaction and notify the User of the results. If Paywiser is unable to prove that the recipient's payment service provider received the transfer, Paywiser will refund the User and restore the available balance to what it would have been without the transaction in question.
    3. Paywiser will execute each transaction using the information provided by the User and will not be liable for non-execution or incorrect execution if it turns out that the User has provided incorrect information to Paywiser. However, Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to recover the money of such transaction and may charge the User for the costs involved.
    4. If Paywiser is responsible for an incorrectly executed transaction notified by the User to Paywiser in accordance with paragraph 11.1, Paywiser will refund the User the amount in question and restore the available balance to what it would have been without the transaction in question, or ensure that the transaction is executed correctly.
    5. If Paywiser is obliged to refund the User, it will do so immediately and in any event by the end of the next Business Day following the day on which Paywiser became aware of the unauthorised transaction (unless Paywiser has reasonable grounds to believe that the User has acted fraudulently, in which case Paywiser will notify the competent authorities in accordance with the law). If, after investigation, Paywiser reasonably believes that it was not obliged to refund the money to the User for any reason or that it has refunded the User an excessive amount, it may cancel the previous refund and claim from the User any loss that it may have suffered as a result of the User's use of the Paywiser Card.
    6. If the User has agreed that a third party may be reimbursed from his/her Payment Account (e.g. if the User has given his/her Paywiser Card details to a merchant for the purpose of making recurring payments), he/she may ask Paywiser to reimburse the payment under the following conditions:
      • the exact amount of the payment was not specified at the time of authorisation;
      • the amount of the charge to the User's Paywiser Card was greater than reasonably expected in the circumstances, including in light of previous similar payments; and
      • the User sends a request for reimbursement within eight weeks of the date on which the payment was debited from his/her Payment Account.
    7. Paywiser may request the User to provide such information as is reasonably necessary to verify compliance with the conditions set out in paragraph 11.6.
    8. If the User requests Paywiser to refund the funds in accordance with paragraph 11.6, Paywiser will, within 10 Business Days of the date of receipt of the User's request (if Paywiser requests further information in accordance with paragraph 11.7, then within 10 Business Days of the date of receipt of that information):
      • refund the payment in full; or
      • inform the User of the reasons for refusing the refund.
    9. The User shall not be entitled to reimbursement in accordance with paragraphs 11.6 and 11.8 in the following cases
      • if the User has given his/her consent for the payment to be made; and
      • the Issuer (or the person or merchant to whom the User wished to pay) has given him information about the payment in question at least four weeks before the due date for payment, where applicable,
      • whether the reason for the payment being greater than reasonably expected is a change in the exchange rate.
    10. The User cannot claim that he/she did not give consent for the execution of a payment transaction or that the payment transaction was not executed correctly, provided that the payment transaction was authenticated, the payment transaction was correctly recorded, the execution of the payment transaction was not affected by any technical malfunction or other deficiency of the service.
    11. If the complaint is unjustified, Paywiser will charge the User for the costs of the complaint in accordance with the Price List.
  12. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions
    1. Paywiser may amend these General Terms and Conditions, including the Price List, by giving the User at least two months' notice of the amendments. At the same time, the most recent version of these General Terms and Conditions in force from time to time will always be available at www.paywiser.com.
    2. If the User does not agree with the changes to the General Terms and Conditions, he/she may withdraw from the contract and cancel his/her Paywiser Card free of charge within the aforementioned two-month period.
    3. If the User does not withdraw from the contract and cancel his Paywiser Card before the amended General Terms and Conditions come into force, he shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments to the General Terms and Conditions and to have accepted that his Paywiser Card is subject to the new General Terms and Conditions.
    4. In the event that the User rejects the proposed changes and does not terminate the Contract, Paywiser shall be deemed to have terminated the Contract by giving 2 months' notice, commencing from the date on which notice of the change is sent.
    5. If any part of these General Terms and Conditions is inconsistent with the applicable regulations, then the relevant provisions of the applicable regulations shall apply.
  13. CancellationorterminationofthecontractandPaywisercard
    1. The User may withdraw from the contract free of charge within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract, after which the User may cease using the Paywiser Card with the consent of Paywiser and cancel the contract at any time without prior notice by notifying Paywiser at [email protected]. Notwithstanding the above, the User may unilaterally withdraw from the contract in writing at any time by giving one month's notice.
    2. Paywiser may withdraw from the contract under these General Terms and Conditions at any time, provided that it gives the User at least two months' notice. Paywiser may also withdraw from the contract without prior notice and without notice if the User, as cardholder, breaches any provision of these General Terms and Conditions or if there is reason to believe that the User has used, or intends to use, the Paywiser Card in a grossly negligent manner, or to misuse or abuse it, or for other unlawful purposes, or if Paywiser is no longer able to process the User's transactions due to the actions of third parties.
    3. In the following cases, Paywiser may suspend or cancel the User's Paywiser Card at any time with immediate effect and without prior notice:
      • if it is established that the information provided by the User when ordering the Paywiser Card was incorrect, or
      • if there is reason to suspect unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Paywiser Card, or
      • if Paywiser has concerns about the security of the User's Paywiser Card,
      • if the User breaches these Terms, or
      • if there is reason to believe that the User, as cardholder, has used, or intends to use, the Paywiser Card in a grossly negligent manner, or to misuse or abuse it, or for any other unlawful purpose; or
      • if Paywiser is no longer able to process the User's transactions due to the actions of third parties.
    4. If Paywiser suspends or permanently terminates the User's Paywiser Card, Paywiser will, where possible and in accordance with applicable law, notify the User of the suspension or termination, together with the reasons for such suspension or termination, via the Paywiser mobile application or by email prior to the suspension or termination. At the same time, Paywiser may notify everyone involved in the transaction that the card has been suspended.
    5. Paywiser will allow the User's Paywiser Card to be used again as soon as practicable after the reasons for the suspension cease to exist, which Paywiser will communicate to the User via the Paywiser mobile app or by email.
    6. If Paywiser determines that additional charges (whether incurred by the User or Paywiser) have been incurred following cancellation of the Paywiser Card, the User shall reimburse Paywiser in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions for all amounts relating to any applicable Fees and/or other charges charged before or after cancellation. Paywiser will, if available, deduct such amounts from the User's Payment Account, which the User authorises Paywiser to do, or send an invoice to the User and demand immediate payment of all amounts due. If the User fails to settle the amount immediately upon receipt of the invoice, Paywiser reserves the right to take all necessary steps to recover any monies due, including legal proceedings.
  14. Paywiser's liability
    1. Subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 14.2, Paywiser's liability in connection with these Terms (whether arising under the Contract or the General Terms and Conditions, in damages (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise) shall be subject to the following exclusions and limitations:
      • Paywiser shall not be liable for any default directly or indirectly caused by causes beyond Paywiser's control, including but not limited to cash shortages and/or ATM network failures, reasons attributable to the issuer, reasons attributable to Paywiser's other third party contractors, limitations on the maximum withdrawal limit set by the ATM operator, and failures in data processing systems;
      • Paywiser shall not be liable for any loss of profit or business (in either case: direct or indirect loss) or for any indirect, consequential, special or punitive loss;
      • in the event of a failure of the Paywiser Card due to the fault of Paywiser, Paywiser's liability is limited to the replacement of the card;
      • in the event of incorrect deductions from the available balance due to the fault of Paywiser, Paywiser's material liability shall be limited to the reimbursement of the same amount, the full amount of any applicable fees, if Paywiser charges such fees, and the reimbursement of the interest to which the User is entitled as a result of the incorrectly executed transaction;
      • in the case of amounts deducted from the Available Balance which have not been authorised by the User in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, Paywiser's liability shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter;
      • in all other cases of fault on the part of Paywiser, Paywiser's liability shall be limited to the restoration of the previous available balance.
    2. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit the liability of Paywiser in the event of death or personal injury caused by Paywiser's negligence, misconduct or otherwise, if such material liability cannot be limited or excluded under applicable law or regulation.
    3. To the extent permitted by applicable regulations, any conditions or warranties provided for by applicable regulations, statutory or otherwise, are expressly excluded.
    4. The foregoing exclusions and limitations set out in this section shall apply to all liability of Paywiser related entities such as Mastercard and other suppliers, contractors, agents or distributors and any related entities (if any) to the User which may arise in connection with these Terms.
  15. Complaints procedure and dispute resolution
    1. Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of services under these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by the User and Paywiser amicably, in accordance with the Rules on the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, published on Paywiser's website. The User acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the said Regulations.
    2. The User may lodge a complaint by post to PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Complaints, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, or by e-mail to [email protected]. The complaint must be clear and understandable and must contain the facts on which the complaint is based. It must contain at least the following: details of the complainant (name and surname of the natural person or name and registered office of the legal entity or business operator and address, e-mail address and telephone or other contact details), an explanation of the grounds of the complaint, a description of the incident and a statement of the key facts and date of the incident, the submission of evidence to support the facts on which the complainant's claim is based, if available, the address for sending the reply if different from the address of the permanent or temporary residence or registered office of the complainant or the address for sending the reply, if different from the address of the place of residence or registered office of the complainant or the address of the address of the place of residence or registered office of the person complained about. The details of the appeal procedure are described in more detail.
    3. Paywiser will respond to the User's complaint as soon as possible, but in any event within 8 (eight) working days in the first instance and within 15 (fifteen) working days in the second instance, or at the latest within 35 (thirty-five) working days.
    4. CIf the User disagrees with the decision on the complaint issued in the internal complaint procedure, or if he/she does not receive an unjustified response to the complaint within 30 days of filing the complaint with Paywiser's second-instance body, he/she may, within a period of no more than 13 (thirteen) months from the date of filing the complaint with Paywiser, file a petition for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes with the Attorney-at-Law, Simona Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana, www.Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana, 1000 - Ljubljana, www. goriup.si) against the decision of Paywiser, in the manner provided for in the Rules of the procedure for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes in force from time to time, which are annexed to the aforementioned Rules of the internal complaint procedure and out-of-court dispute resolution and are available to the User on the Paywiser website. More information on the provider of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, on filing a petition and on the method and procedure of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution with Simona Goriup, Attorney-at-Law, is also available on her website (https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp- content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    5. The User may also lodge a complaint with the Bank of Slovenia in relation to alleged breaches of the ZPlaSSIED by Paywiser.
    6. Despite a complaint to an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider or to the Bank of Slovenia, the User shall have the right at any time to bring an action for the resolution of a dispute relating to the provision of payment services between him and Paywiser before a competent court of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the laws and procedure applicable in the Republic of Slovenia.
    7. Disputes regarding purchases made with a Paywiser Card must be resolved by the User with the merchant concerned. Paywiser shall not be liable for the quality, safety, legality or other aspects of the goods and services purchased with the Paywiser Card or for the proper performance of the agreement to purchase the goods or services. The User acknowledges that once the Paywiser Card has been used to pay for a purchase, the transaction can no longer be stopped by Paywiser. Irrespective of any dispute with the point of sale, the User is obliged to pay Paywiser and is entitled to claim a refund directly from the point of sale to which the payment was transferred.
  16. Personaldataprotection
    1. Paywiser will treat the User's personal data in accordance with applicable law so as to prevent any unwarranted disclosure of data to unauthorised persons, in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy in force from time to time and available on Paywiser's website. By ordering a Paywiser Card, the User acknowledges that he/she is aware of the contents of the said document and the possibility of obtaining the same in printed form or on another durable medium.
    2. For the purpose of providing services in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, Paywiser may communicate data related to the User's card transactions to the Processing Centre (a business partner with which Paywiser has a contract for processing data of payment transactions with a Paywiser card and which processes the card transactions). Paywiser assures the User that the Processing Centre will protect the card transaction data as confidential.
    3. Paywiser may communicate data on individual Paywiser Card transactions resulting from card misuse to the police or other competent authorities for the purposes of identifying the perpetrator of the misuse and preventing further misuse of the card.
  17. General
    1. The User and the Paywiser agree that all data and messages sent in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form and all data and messages stored in electronic form in the context of electronic commerce shall have the same validity and probative value as data and messages sent and stored in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that all transactions concluded in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall be equivalent to those concluded in traditional written form.
    2. Paywiser and the User agree that, in the context of electronic commerce, documents may be signed by electronic signatures or concluded by affirmation by implied action (e.g. "click"). The User and Paywiser agree that all types of electronic signatures or affirmations by implied action shall have the same validity and evidentiary value as a handwritten signature.
    3. Paywiser and the User agree to mutually recognise the validity and probative value of all types of electronic signatures and implied acts leading to the conclusion of the business relationship in the event of a legal dispute.
    4. The User acknowledges and agrees that all documentation relating to electronic transactions in Paywiser shall be stored only in electronic form.
    5. Paywiser's delay or failure to exercise any rights or remedies under these General Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver by Paywiser of such rights or remedies and shall not preclude Paywiser from exercising such rights or remedies at a later date.
    6. If a provision of these General Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable or unlawful, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
    7. The User is not permitted to assign or transfer its rights and/or benefits under these General Terms and Conditions. Under these General Terms and Conditions, the User shall be the only party other than Paywiser and shall remain liable until the Paywiser Card registered in the User's name is cancelled and the User has paid in full all amounts due under the contract under these General Terms and Conditions. Paywiser may assign its rights and benefits at any time without prior written notice to the User. Paywiser may assign any of its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions to another party to the extent permitted by applicable law.
    8. Third parties who do not act as parties to these General Terms and Conditions shall not have the right to enforce the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, except Mastercard and its related entities, which may enforce any provisions of these General Terms and Conditions that provide them with benefits or rights.
    9. Anything not provided for in the Contract, these General Terms and Conditions or the General Terms and Conditions for the Payment Account shall be subject to the provisions of the applicable law, in particular the ZPlaSSIED.
  18. Contact with Paywiser
    1. You may contact Paywiser with questions about your Paywiser Card by email at [email protected]
    2. In the event of a lost, damaged or stolen Paywiser Card, the User may contact Paywiser by email at [email protected].
    3. The User is obliged to notify Paywiser without undue delay, but no later than within 5 (five) business days, of any change in his/her personal data and of any other circumstances that may significantly affect, complicate or prevent the performance of the contract under the General Terms and Conditions. Paywiser shall not be liable for damages resulting from the User's failure to comply with the obligation to notify changes.

These Terms shall enter into force on 03.01.2023.


  • General Terms and Conditions for the service of issuing and withdrawing electronic money and providing payment services through a Paywiser payment account for consumers
  • General terms and conditions of use of the Paywiser mobile application
  • General terms and conditions of use of the Paywiser web interface
  • Price list for payment account and payment card services
  • Privacy Policy
  • Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Policy


Bravničarjeva ulica 13

1000 Ljubljana



[email protected]


Slovenia – Splošni pogoji za plačilno kartico Paywiser Mastercard

Verzija 1.2.

Splošni pogoji

Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse uporabnike (potrošnike) debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard.

  1. Uvodne določbe
    1. Izdajatelj teh splošnih pogojev je PAYWISER, družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«). Paywiser je družba, ustanovljena v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo in vpisana v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije.
    2. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA. Organi, pristojni za nadzor, so Banka Slovenije, Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Finančna uprava RS, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in drugi pristojni organi.
    3. Paywiser je član mednarodne kartične sheme Mastercard z aktivno licenco za izdajanje plačilnih kartic Mastercard. Paywiser je izdajatelj kartice Paywiser Mastercard. Mastercard je registrirana blagovna znamka, podoba s krogi je blagovna znamka podjetja Mastercard International Incorporated.
    4. Splošen elektronski naslov za komunikacijo z Uporabniki je [email protected], v Splošnih pogojih pa so glede na vsebino komunikacije navedeni tudi drugi elektronski naslovi.
    5. Ti Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in uporabe debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard za potrošnike (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji« ali »Pogoji«) predstavljajo pogodbo med družbo Paywiser in Uporabnikom. Skupaj s Splošnimi pogoji za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa za potrošnike (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji za plačilni račun«) ter ostalimi relevantnimi dodatnimi pogoji in dogovori, kot navedenimi v teh Pogojih ali Splošnih pogojih za plačilni račun, predstavljajo pogodbeni okvir med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom.
    6. Ti Pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov v zvezi z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev in uporabo debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser kartica«). Za vse kar ni posebej urejeno s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se uporabljajo Splošni pogoji za plačilni račun in drugi dokumenti, ki so objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiserja in iz katerih izhaja, da urejajo pravno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom. Z naročilom in aktivacijo Paywiser kartice Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da pozna vsebino teh Splošnih pogojev, Splošnih pogojev za plačilni račun ter Splošnih pogojev za uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in se z njimi v celoti strinja, ter da je bil z njimi seznanjen pravočasno, da se je lahko pred sklenitvijo pogodbe z njimi seznanil.
    7. Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse Uporabnike Paywiser kartice, razen če je s posebnim sporazumom med Paywiserjem in posameznim Uporabnikom dogovorjeno drugače.
    8. Z naročilom Paywiser kartice Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da razume angleški jezik in da soglaša s poslovanjem v angleščini. V nasprotnem primeru Uporabnik Paywiser kartice in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser za njeno upravljanje ne more uporabljati.
    9. Naslovi v teh Splošnih pogojih so samo za sklicevanje in ne omejujejo področja uporabe posameznih določil. Izrazi z veliko začetnico imajo posebne opredelitve in so opisani v 2. členu teh Pogojev (Pomen izrazov) ali v samem besedilu Splošnih pogojev.
  2. Pomen izrazov
    1. Naslednje besede ali besedne zveze, kadar se uporabljajo v teh Splošnih pogojih ali katerem koli dokumentu na katerega se ta sklicuje, imajo naslednji pomen:
      Račun/Plačilni računpomeni račun za elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga je Paywiser odprl v imenu Uporabnika in se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij ter kot vir sredstev za uporabo Paywiser kartice;
      Delovni dan pomeni dan, ki ga določi Paywiser in na katerega Paywiser sodeluje pri izvedbi plačilne transakcije ter izvede potrebne aktivnosti za takšno plačilno transakcijo. Paywiser lahko vzpostavi različne delovne dni za zagotavljanje različnih storitev in/ali za izvajanje različnih plačilnih transakcij. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, se šteje, da je delovni dan vsak dan, ki je delovni dan v Republiki Sloveniji (vsak dan, razen sobote, nedelje, državnih praznikov in dela prostih dni po vsakokrat veljavni zakonodaji) in je hkrati delovni dan vseh drugih izvajalcev plačilnega prometa, vključenih v izvršitev naloga za plačilo.
      Potrošnik je fizična oseba, ki sklepa pogodbeno razmerje za svoje osebne namene, zunaj področja svoje pridobitne ali poklicne dejavnosti;
      Uporabnik pomeni potrošnika, ki uporablja ali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je z družbo Paywiser sklenil pogodbeno razmerje;
      Postopek KYC pomeni postopek (know-your-customer oz. spoznaj-svojo stranko), s katerim Paywiser zbere vse potrebne podatke o Uporabniku v skladu z ZPPDFT-2;
      Provizija pomeni provizijo in druge stroške ter nadomestila, ki pripadajo Paywiserju za izdajo Paywiser kartice in vseh stroškov, povezanih z njeno uporabo in izvedbo vseh ostalih storitev, ki so povezane s Paywiser kartico;
      Trajni nosilec podatkovTrajni nosilec podatkov je vsak instrument, ki uporabniku omogoča shranjevanje podatkov, naslovljenih osebno nanj, tako da so dostopni za poznejšo uporabo tako dolgo, kakor je to potrebno za namene teh podatkov, in ki omogoča nespremenjeno predvajanje shranjenih podatkov (npr. magnetni mediji, elektronska pošta, DVD);
      Paywiser spletni vmesnik za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika(v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser spletni vmesnik«) Uporabniku omogoča uporabo elektronskega denarja za plačilne transakcije in dostop do Plačilnega računa in njegovo upravljanje. Natančneje so pogoji uporabe opisani v Splošnih pogojih za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser.
      Mobilna aplikacija Paywiser Uporabniku omogoča upravljanje s Paywiser kartico in spremljanje transakcij ter njihovo potrjevanje (v kolikor je to relevantno). Mobilna aplikacija Paywiser ima med drugim naslednje funkcionalnosti - Uporabnik lahko naroči kartico, s kartico upravlja (vpogleda v podatke kartice, nastavi PIN, zaklene/odklene kartico, blokira kartico itd.), vpogleda v stanje na Plačilnem računu, vpogleda v zgodovino transakcij, spremeni geslo za vstop v aplikacijo itd. Natančneje so pogoji uporabe opisani v Splošnih pogojih za uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser.
      Ukrepi močne avtentikacije strank (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) pomeni preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnika, ki temelji na uporabi dveh ali več elementov, ki so razvrščeni kot znanje Uporabnika (nekaj, kar ve le Uporabnik), lastništvo (nekaj, kar ima le Uporabnik) in neločljiva povezanost z Uporabnikom (nekaj, kar Uporabnik je) in so med seboj neodvisni, saj napaka enega ne ogroža zanesljivosti drugih in so zasnovani tako, da varujejo zaupnost podatkov za preverjanje pristnosti;
      Pogodbena Stranka (»Pogodbenica«) pomeni Paywiser ali Uporabnik oz. oba skupaj kot Pogodbeni Stranki (»Pogodbenici«);
      Plačnik je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki odredi plačilno transakcijo tako, da izda plačilni nalog ali zagotovi soglasje k izvršitvi plačilnega naloga, ki ga izda prejemnik plačila;
      Prejemnik plačila pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, ki je predvideni prejemnik sredstev, ki so bila predmet plačilne transakcije;
      Izpisekpomeni dokument, ki ga Uporabniku pripravi Paywiser in vključuje podatke o plačilnih transakcijah, ki so bile opravljene v določenem časovnem obdobju;
      ZPlaSSIED pomeni slovenski Zakon o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih.
      ZPPDFT-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma.
  3. Vsebina pogodbenega razmerja
    1. Uporabnikova Paywiser kartica je povezana z Uporabnikovim Plačilnim računom, odprtim pri družbi Paywiser, na katerem Uporabnik hrani elektronski denar, ki mu ga je izdal Paywiser. Izdajatelj Paywiser kartice je Paywiser. Gre za debetno plačilno kartico.
    2. Z uporabo Paywiser kartice Uporabnik porablja razpoložljiva sredstva na svojem Plačilnem računu.
    3. Pravice in dolžnosti Uporabnika so določene v teh Splošnih pogojih in v Splošnih pogojih za plačilni račun, Uporabnik v razmerju do podjetja Mastercard nima nobenih pravic.
    4. Uporabnik ima pravico kadar koli od Paywiserja zahtevati kopijo teh Pogojev in vseh drugih dokumentov, ki so del pogodbenega razmerja, v papirni obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so vedno objavljeni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
    5. Uporabnik potrjuje in izrecno soglaša, da se vsa komunikacija, vključno z osebno komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, izvaja v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici drugače dogovorita. Vsa komunikacija in informacije o morebitnih spremembah storitev in cen ter druge pomembne informacije se zagotovijo v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače. Paywiser bo za določene dokumente Uporabniku ponudil tudi slovenski prevod, pri čemer Uporabnika posebej opozarja, da je mobilna aplikacija Paywiser, preko katere Uporabnik upravlja s svojo Paywiser kartico, na voljo le v angleščini.
  4. Naročilo in registracija Paywiser kartice
    1. Paywiser kartico lahko naročijo le Uporabniki Paywiser Plačilnega računa, ki so uspešno izvedli registracijo in Postopek KYC ter ostale potrebne aktivnosti, v skladu s Splošnimi pogoji za plačilni račun.
    2. Paywiser kartico lahko Uporabnik naroči preko mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, ki si jo lahko prenese na svoj mobilni telefon, in potem, ko se uspešno registra kot Paywiser Uporabnik. Ob registraciji Uporabnik izbere in nastavi 6-mestno PIN številko kartice.
    3. Paywiser bo Paywiser kartico izdal na podlagi informacij, ki jih posreduje Uporabnik. Dolžnost Uporabnika je, da posreduje točne informacije in da vse morebitne spremembe sporoči brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, vendar najpozneje v 5 (petih) delovnih dneh.
  5. Prejem in aktivacija Paywiser kartice
    1. Če je ugotavljanje in preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnika uspešno izvedeno, Paywiser Uporabniku instantno izda virtualno MasterCard debetno kartico, ki je Uporabniku nemudoma dostopna znotraj mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in na voljo za uporabo, po predhodni aktivaciji virtualne kartice, ki jo izvede Uporabnik.
    2. Uporabnik ima možnost naročiti Paywiser MasterCard debetno kartico v fizični obliki. Naročilo izvede prek Paywiser mobilne aplikacije. Za aktivacijo brezstičnega plačevanja na fizični kartici, mora uporabnik izvesti transakcijo na prodajnem mestu ali bankomatu, kjer vnese PIN.
    3. Uporabnik se mora takoj ob prejemu Paywiser kartice nanjo lastnoročno podpisati z neizbrisljivim pisalom. Nepodpisana kartica je neveljavna. Vso škodo in stroške zlorabe zaradi nepodpisane kartice nosi imetnik.
    4. PIN številke Paywiser kartice ni dovoljeno nikoli nikomur razkriti. Paywiser ne bo Uporabnikove PIN številke nikoli razkril tretjim osebam ali prosil Uporabnika, da jo sporoči.
    5. Dodeljeno PIN številko lahko Uporabnik spremeni na vseh bankomatih, ki to omogočajo oziroma v mobilni aplikaciji. Ob spremembi PIN številke Uporabniku priporočamo, da ne izbere PIN številke, ki jo je enostavno uganiti, kot so npr. številke, ki so povezane z Uporabnikom (npr. telefonska številka, datum rojstva itd.) ali so del podatkov, natisnjenih na Paywiser kartici ali so enake prejšnji PIN številki Uporabnika.
  6. Uporaba Paywiser kartice
    1. Paywiser kartica je last Paywiserja in se glasi na ime in priimek Uporabnika. Paywiser kartica ni prenosljiva, uporablja jo lahko samo Uporabnik.
    2. Paywiser kartica je plačilni instrument, ki ga imetnik uporablja pri poslovanju. Uporabnik lahko s Paywiser kartico odredi plačilni nalog za prenos sredstev v dobro Prejemnika plačila. Uporabnik lahko Paywiser kartico uporablja pri vseh trgovcih, ki sprejemajo plačila s karticami MasterCard. Z njo lahko tudi dviguje gotovino na bankomatih v Sloveniji ali tujini (pri čemer lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški).
    3. Vsako transakcijo mora Uporabnik osebno odobriti. Paywiser bo transakcije obravnaval kot odobrene s strani Uporabnika:
      1. če se Uporabnikova Paywiser kartica dotakne brezstičnega POS terminala in jo le-ta sprejme ali če Uporabnik podpiše potrdilo o nakupu; ali
      2. ko je uporabljena PIN številka Uporabnikove Paywiser kartice ali druga osebna varnostna šifra Uporabnika; ali
      3. če Uporabnik podatke s svoje Paywiser kartice skladno z navodili vnese na plačilnih straneh spletnega mesta ali mobilne aplikacije trgovca.
    4. Paywiser kartica je debetna kartica, kar pomeni, da se razpoložljivo stanje na Plačilnem računu Uporabnika, dostopnem preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, zmanjša za celoten znesek vsake izvedene transakcije, k čemur se prištejejo še predpisani davki in Provizije ter drugi stroški, vključno z morebitnimi dodatnimi stroški uporabe bankomata. Če skupni zaračunani znesek presega razpoložljivo stanje, Uporabnik Paywiser kartice ne sme uporabiti. Razpoložljivo stanje lahko Uporabnik kadarkoli preveri prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    5. Paywiser bo Uporabnikovo odobritev transakcije prejel na naslednji način:
      1. pri nakupih na spletu in na fizičnih prodajnih mestih v trenutku, ko Paywiser prejme ustrezna navodila s strani pridobitelja trgovca, in
      2. pri transakcijah na bankomatih v trenutku, ko od upravljavca bankomata prejme navodila, ki so bila vnesena na bankomatu.
    6. Uporabnik lahko prekliče plačilni nalog tako, da umakne soglasje za izvršitev. Plačilni nalog lahko Uporabnik prekliče preden Paywiser odobri avtorizacijo. Po odobritvi avtorizacije, Uporabnik izvršitev plačilne transakcije ne more več preklicati. Ker Paywiser Uporabnikovo odobritev transakcij prejme v skoraj istem trenutku, Uporabnik svojega soglasja oz. privolitve v transakcijo kasneje ne bo mogel preklicati, razen če veljavna slovenska zakonodaja ne določa drugače.
    7. Paywiser omogoča Uporabniku, da prejme nakazila v dobro Paywiser kartice. Paywiser Uporabniku vsa nakazila v dobro kartice prenese na njegov Plačilni račun, in zaračuna nadomestilo v skladu z vsakokrat veljavnim Cenikom.
    8. Paywiser kartico je mogoče uporabljati tudi za transakcije v drugih valutah poleg evra (»transakcije v tujih valutah«). Uporabnik poravna vse obveznosti iz naslova poslovanja s kartico doma ali v tujini v valuti evro. V primeru transakcije v tujih valutah, se znesek, za kolikor se bo Uporabnikovo razpoložljivo stanje znižalo, pretvori v evre na dan prejema zahtevka za plačilo.
      Za obveznosti nastale v tujih valutah, za katere pri mednarodnem sistemu Mastercard obstaja direktni tečaj preračuna v evre (EUR), bo znesek plačila iz lokalne valute preračunan po nakupnem tečaju v evre (EUR) na dan obdelave transakcije v mednarodnem sistemu Mastercard in po menjalnem tečaju, ki ga določi mednarodni sistem Mastercard.
      Za obveznosti, nastale v tujih valutah, za katere pri mednarodnem sistemu Mastercard direktni tečaj med lokalno valuto in evri (EUR) ne obstaja, bo znesek iz lokalne valute najprej preračunan po nakupnem tečaju v ameriške dolarje (USD) in nato po prodajnem tečaju iz ameriških dolarjev (USD) v evre (EUR) na dan obdelave transakcije v mednarodnem sistemu Mastercard in po menjalnem tečaju, ki ga določi mednarodni sistem Mastercard (datum avtorizacije in datum obdelave transakcije / finančne transakcije je praviloma različen).
      Spremembe menjalnega tečaja začnejo veljati takoj. Menjalni tečaj lahko niha (tudi znotraj istega dne), zato se v času od Uporabnikove odobritve transakcije do njene poravnave v shemi Mastercard lahko spremeni. Menjalni tečaj, ki je bil uporabljen za transakcijo, lahko Uporabnik preveri v zgodovini svojih transakcij, ki je na voljo prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in Paywiser spletnega vmesnika. Tečaji kartičnih shem se lahko razlikujejo od referenčnega tečaj ECB.
      Tečaji so Uporabniku na voljo na naslednjih povezavah:
      ECB tečaj Euro foreign exchange reference rates (europa.eu)
      Mastercard tečaj
    9. Pri uporabi Paywiser kartice za transakcije v tujih valutah lahko Paywiser zaračuna dodaten pribitek za pretvorbo v tujo valuto. Če pri transakcijah na fizičnih prodajnih mestih ali bankomatu Uporabnik izbere plačilo/dvig s konverzijo, bo menjalni tečaj in morebitne stroške menjave zaračunala banka imetnica naprave (POS terminala oz. bankomata). Če pri plačilih na spletu Uporabnik izbere plačilo s Paywiser kartico, ki jo vnese v rešitve drugih finančnih ponudnikov, se lahko upošteva menjalni tečaj tretjega ponudnika (npr. Pay Pal ipd.).
      Ker je dejansko uporabljeni tečaj odvisen od datuma obdelave transakcije (in ne od časa uporabe kartice), se Uporabnik in Paywiser izrecno dogovorita, Uporabnik pa strinja, da mu Paywiser ne posreduje informativnih sporočil o izvršitvi kartičnih transakcij na prodajnem mestu ali bankomatu, kjer se izvaja valutna konverzija v katerikoli valuti držav EGP, ki ni evro, temveč Uporabnik informativni tečaj preveri in primerja na naslednjih povezavah:
      ECB tečaj Euro foreign exchange reference rates (europa.eu)
      https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/in dex.sl.html
      Mastercard tečaj https://www.mastercard.si/sl-si/personal/get-support/convert-currency.html. V primeru, da Uporabnik želi dobivati sporočila v zvezi z valutnimi menjavami pred odreditvijo plačilne transakcije, mu na njegovo zahtevo Paywiser takšna sporočila posreduje v obliki potisnih sporočil v Paywiser mobilni aplikaciji.
    10. Zaradi varnosti morajo trgovci pridobiti odobritev izdajatelja za vse transakcije, izvedene s Paywiser kartico. V določenih okoliščinah lahko trgovci od Uporabnika zahtevajo odobritev višjega stanja na Plačilnem računu Uporabnika, kot pa znaša vrednost transakcije, ki jo Uporabnik želi opraviti. Uporabnik bo plačal samo dejanski in končni znesek transakcije, ki jo je izvedel, pri čemer mora v trenutku odobritve zanesljivo poznati natančen znesek transakcije. To se lahko zgodi: v hotelih, pri najemanju avtomobilov in pri nekaterih spletnih trgovcih – nekatere spletne strani trgovcev ob registraciji ali zaključku nakupa pošljejo zahtevo za odobritev plačila, s katero preverijo, ali so sredstva na voljo. To začasno vpliva na razpoložljivo stanje.
      Številni trgovci, zlasti spletni, ne odtegnejo zneska plačila, dokler blago ni poslano. Vsa plačila, izvedena na ta način, mora Uporabnik nato upoštevati ob drugih nakupih in zagotoviti ustrezno razpoložljivo stanje za plačilo vseh nakupov.
      Vsa rezervirana sredstva bo Paywiser sprostil brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, takoj, ko bo seznanjen z natančnim zneskom transakcije in takoj, ko od trgovca prejme ustrezna navodila za transakcijo.
    11. Če trgovec pristane na povračilo sredstev za nakup, opravljen s Paywiser kartico, se sredstva prištejejo k razpoložljivemu stanju na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu, ko jih Paywiser prejme od trgovca.
    12. Datum poteka veljavnosti Paywiser kartice je natisnjen na kartici oziroma je razviden tudi v mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser. Ko Paywiser kartica poteče, je ni več dovoljeno in možno uporabljati. Pred potekom slednje bo Paywiser Uporabniku samodejno poslal nadomestno kartico (za kar se lahko se zaračunajo stroški).
    13. V primeru smrti Uporabnika preneha Paywiser kartica veljati z dnem, ko je Paywiser obveščen o smrti Uporabnika kartice. Prenehanje veljavnosti same kartice ne vpliva na obveznost Uporabnika oz. njegovih dedičev za plačilo obveznosti iz naslova uporabe kartice do dneva prenehanja veljavnosti kartice.
  7. Varna uporaba Paywiser kartice
    1. Pri uporabi Paywiser kartice mora Uporabnik ravnati skrbno in pazljivo. Upoštevati mora vsa določila teh Splošnih pogojev. Prav tako mora varovati svojo kartico, da v čim večji meri prepreči izgubo, krajo ali drug neupravičen odvzem oziroma zlorabo kartice in s tem posledično nastanek morebitne materialne škode. Paywiser kartico lahko uporablja samo Uporabnik osebno ter jo ne sme nikomur posojati ali omogočiti njene uporabe tretjim osebam. Ko Uporabnik plačuje s kartico, mora ves čas nadzorovati celoten postopek in kartice ne sme izpustiti iz svojega vidnega polja. Na prodajnem mestu se Paywiser kartico vstavi oziroma potegne oziroma približa POS terminalu samo enkrat. V nasprotnem primeru naj Uporabnik od prodajnega mesta zahteva, da mu za vsako neuspešno avtorizacijo izroči potrdilo o opravljeni avtorizaciji.
    2. Pred vnosom PIN številke ali podpisom potrdila o nakupu naj Uporabnik vedno obvezno preveri izpisan ali prikazan znesek ter ali se ujema z zneskom, ki ga želi odobriti. Pri vnosu PIN številke naj bo Uporabnik vedno pozoren na okolico in z drugo roko ali primernim predmetom zakrije številčnico. Uporabnik naj poskrbi, da pred bančnim avtomatom stoji sam in mu nihče ne gleda čez ramo. Prav tako naj Uporabnik ne prosi za pomoč mimoidočih, če bančnega avtomata ne bi razumel ali ga ne bi znal uporabiti.
    3. Na zahtevo prodajalca na fizičnem prodajnem mestu mora Uporabnik trgovcu omogočiti, da preveri datum veljavnosti Paywiser kartice in da identificira Uporabnika.
    4. Uporabnik naj spletne nakupe s kartico opravlja le na varnih spletnih straneh (ustrezna oznaka v brskalniku) in pri zanesljivih ter preverjenih ponudnikih blaga in storitev. Uporabnik naj vedno preveri, ali so morda v medijih ali na socialnih omrežjih javno objavljena obvestila o spletnih prevarah. Za dostop do spletnih prodajnih mest naj Uporabnik uporablja samo naprave, ki so zaščitene pred vdori in zlonamerno programsko opremo (virusi, trojanski konji in podobno) z ustrezno tehnično in programsko zaščito. Podatki, zapisani na Paywiser kartici (ime in priimek imetnika, številka kartice »PAN«, datum veljavnosti, CVC koda), so varnostni mehanizmi kartice in se jih ne sme posredovati nikomur, razen pri vnosu na spletnem prodajnemu mestu.
    5. Ko se za plačilne transakcije na daljavo uporabi SCA, le-ta vsebuje elemente za dinamično povezavo plačilne transakcije z določenim zneskom in določenim prejemnikom plačila. Uporabnik potrdi spletno plačilo v mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser z vnosom gesla ali z uporabo svojih biometričnih podatkov.
    6. Uporabnik je odgovoren za varno hrambo svoje Paywiser kartice, njenih podatkov in varnostnih podatkov za uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    7. Prepovedano je:
      1. drugi osebi dovoliti uporabo Uporabnikove Paywiser kartice ali njenih podatkov ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnega vmesnika; ali zapisati svojo PIN številko ali varnostne podatke na način, ki bi tretjim osebam omogočil zlorabo Uporabnikove Paywiser kartice ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnega vmesnika; ali
      2. razkriti svojo PIN številko oz. druge varnostne podatke ali jih narediti dostopne tretjim osebam;
      3. vnesti PIN številko v bankomat, ki ni videti pristen, je prirejen, ima nameščene sumljive naprave ali sumljivo deluje; ali
      4. drugi osebi dovoliti, da Uporabnikovo Paywiser kartico odnese izven njegovega vidnega polja; ali
      5. vnesti svojo PIN številko v bankomat ali v POS terminal tako, da bi jo lahko videli tudi drugi; ali
      6. Paywiser kartico puščati skupaj z drugimi predmeti v avtomobilu, v javni garderobi, sefu v hotelski sobi in podobno; ali
      7. uporabiti Paywiser kartico za kakršnekoli nezakonite namene, kar vključuje tudi plačilo blaga ali storitev, ki jih prepoveduje država, v kateri Uporabnik kartico uporabi.
    8. Uporabnik mora redno spremljati razpoložljivo stanje in zgodovine transakcij prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser zaradi ugotavljanja morebitne neodobrene uporabe Paywiser kartice in zaradi preverjanja obstoja neznanih transakcij. Prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali e-pošte bo Paywiser Uporabniku pošiljal tudi izpiske transakcij s kartico. Uporabnik je dolžan vsaj enkrat na dan preveriti, da ima kartico pri sebi - v neposredni posesti.
    9. Paywiser kartico je mogoče uporabljati tudi v primerih, ko v realnem času ni mogoče pridobiti potrditve, a ima Uporabnik ustrezno razpoložljivo stanje za transakcijo. To se lahko zgodi v primeru transakcij na vlakih, ladjah, letalih, cestninskih postajah ipd. Za tovrstne izvedene transakcije je Uporabnik, ne glede na njihov razlog, odgovoren in dolžan Paywiserju takoj in brez posebnega opomina poravnati znesek, ki presega razpoložljivo stanje njegove Paywiser kartice.
    10. Paywiser kartice ni dovoljeno uporabljati kot identifikacijski dokument.
    11. Uporabnik je pri uporabi Paywiser kartice dolžan upoštevati omejitve uporabe Plačilnega računa, na katerega je kartica vezana, in so opisane v Splošnih pogojih za plačilni račun. Pri vsaki transakciji se preveri limit porabe, zato je lahko transakcija tudi zavrnjena, če ne ustreza merilom limita porabe. Izbira in nadzor limitov porabe s kartico znotraj dovoljenih vrednosti je odgovornost Uporabnika.
    12. Mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser se lahko uporablja samo na napravah, na katerih operacijski sistem ni prirejen, ki nimajo odstranjenih zaščit pred uporabo neodobrenih aplikacij in njihova konfiguracija omogoča samo nameščanje programske opreme iz virov, ki jih je Paywiser odobril (med drugim, vendar ne samo iz Apple App Store, Google Play). Mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser na drugačnih napravah Uporabnik uporablja na lastno odgovornost in za morebitne finančne izgube ter izgubo podatkov ali informacij Paywiser ne odgovarja.
    13. Uporabnik je dolžan upoštevati tudi vsa druga navodila, opozorila ali nasvete Paywiserja, ki se nanašajo na uporabo kartice, in so objavljena na spletni strani www.paywiser.com ali jih Uporabniku posreduje Paywiser preko aplikacije, elektronske pošte ali na drug način.
    14. Paywiser ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti za kakršno koli škodo, ki bi nastala Uporabniku zaradi kraje ali izgube mobilne naprave oziroma SIM kartice.
  8. Uporabnikova materialna odgovornost in odobritve
    1. Za uporabo Paywiser kartice, ki jo je Paywiser izdal za Uporabnikov Plačilni račun, je odgovoren Uporabnik sam.
    2. Uporabnik je odgovoren za vse transakcije, ki jih odobri skladno z določbami teh Splošnih pogojev.
    3. Uporabnik odgovarja za uporabo Paywiser kartice, izdane po teh Splošnih pogojih, in za vse Provizije in morebitne druge stroške, nastale zaradi kartice.
    4. Uporabnik je materialno odgovoren za vse transakcije, ki so posledica njegove zlorabe, namernega kršenja teh Splošnih pogojev, nezagotavljanja dolžne skrbnosti ali velike malomarnosti. Neizpolnjevanje obveznosti glede varne uporabe kartice iz poglavja 7 teh Pogojev, se šteje za hudo malomarnost Uporabnika.
      Uporabnik se strinja, da bo Paywiserju in njegovim partnerjem, sponzorjem, ponudnikom storitev in podjetjem njihovih koncernov v najkrajšem možnem času povrnil vso škodo in prevzel njihovo materialno odgovornost glede stroškov v morebitnih pravnih sporih zaradi uveljavitve teh Splošnih pogojev in/ali kršitev teh Splošnih pogojev ali zlorabe Paywiser kartice, vstopnih podatkov za mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser ali Paywiser spletni vmesnik ali PIN kode s strani Uporabnika ali z odobritvijo Uporabnika.
  9. Izguba, kraja ali poškodba Paywiser kartice
    1. O izgubi, kraji, zlorabi ali drugih dogodkih, zaradi katerih obstaja tveganje nepooblaščene uporabe Paywiser kartice, mora Uporabnik prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser takoj poskrbeti za blokado Paywiser kartice in o tem obvestiti Paywiser. Za blokado Paywiser kartice se lahko Uporabnik obrne tudi na Paywiser na [email protected] ali [email protected].
    2. Pod pogojem, da je Uporabnik takoj blokiral svojo Paywiser kartico preko mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, kot opisano v prejšnji točki, in ne velja odstavek 9.3., Uporabnik ni odgovoren za izgube, ki bi nastale po tem, ko je Uporabnik kartico blokiral ali obvestil Paywiser, naj to stori.
    3. Za vsako izgubo, nastalo zaradi neodobrenih plačilnih transakcij, ki izvirajo iz uporabe izgubljenega ali ukradenega plačilnega instrumenta ali nezakonite prisvojitve plačilnega instrumenta, preden je Uporabnik blokiral Paywiser kartico ali to zahteval od Paywiserja, Uporabnik krije škodo do zneska v višini največ 50 EUR.
    4. Določba 9.3. teh Pogojev se ne uporablja, če:
      1. izguba, tatvina ali zlorabe plačilnega instrumenta Plačniku ni bila zaznavna pred plačilom, razen kadar je Plačnik ravnal goljufivo, kot je določeno v določbi 9.5. te Pogodbe; ali
      2. so izgubo povzročila dejanja ali pomanjkanje ravnanj zaposlenega, zastopnika ali podružnice Paywiserja ali podjetja, ki opravlja storitve kot zunanji izvajalec.
    5. Ne glede na prejšnje točke je Uporabnik odgovoren za vse posledice izgube, če je ravnal goljufivo, namerno ali hudo malomarno (npr. Uporabnik Paywiser kartice ni uporabljal v skladu z določili teh Splošnih pogojev o varni uporabi kartice; ni obvestil Paywiserja, ko je ugotovil izgubo, krajo ali zlorabo kartice v skladu z določili teh Splošnih pogojev; po prejemu kartice ni zagotovil vseh razumnih ukrepov, da zavaruje varnostne elemente kartice, ki omogočajo identifikacijo Uporabnika in so vezani osebno nanj – osebna številka PIN itd.) in krije celotno škodo nastalo pred in po blokaciji kartice Uporabnik sam.
    6. V primeru večkratne izgube, kraje ali zlorabe Paywiser kartice lahko Paywiser zavrne ponovno izdajo kartice, oziroma, omeji poslovanje s kartico.
    7. Če Uporabnik v obvestilu Paywiserju navede, da gre za izgubo/krajo Paywiser kartice, mora to prijaviti tudi na najbližji policijski postaji. Uporabnik mora v primeru prijave na policijski postaji zahtevati fotokopijo zapisnika ali potrdilo o podaji prijave, ki ga mora na zahtevo predložiti Paywiserju.
    8. Paywiser je upravičen, ni pa dolžan izvesti preventivne blokacije kartice v primeru, kadar izvaja ukrepe varnosti poslovanja, na primer, če obstojijo razlogi, da bi lahko prišlo do zlorabe kartice ali kraje podatkov s kartice, ali obstaja sum, da gre za neodobreno ali goljufivo uporabo kartice ipd. Paywiser lahko ob zaznavi suma zlorabe kartice, preventivno in samostojno ali na podlagi potrditve in odobritve Uporabnika, izvede blokado obstoječe kartice in izvede naročilo nove kartice, o čemer obvesti Uporabnika. Uporabnik v tem primeru novo Paywiser kartico in novo številko PIN prejme na način, kot je bil dogovorjen ob izdaji Paywiser kartice.
  10. Provizije in stroški
    1. Za Paywiser kartico se zaračunavajo Provizije, določene v Ceniku, objavljenim na spletni strani Paywiser.
    2. Uporabnik pooblašča Paywiser in mu dovoljuje, da si vse Provizije poplača iz Plačilnega računa Uporabnika, o čemer Uporabnika obvesti z Izpiskom na način dogovorjen z Splošnimi pogoji za plačilni račun.
    3. Paywiser uporabniku za storitve na podlagi te pogodbe in Splošnih pogojev ne obračunava davka na dodano vrednost, saj so predmetne storitve izvzete iz Zakona o davku na dodano vrednost.
  11. Neodobrene transakcije in nepravilno izvedene transakcije
    1. Zgodovino transakcij s Paywiser kartico mora Uporabnik redno preverjati v mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser, skladno z odstavkom 7.8. Če utemeljeno meni, da določene transakcije ni odobril ali da je bila nepravilno opravljena, mora Uporabnik o tem takoj obvestiti Paywiser na [email protected] ali [email protected], najkasneje pa v 13 mesecih od datuma zadevne transakcije. Če je Uporabnik sprožil transakcijo, vendar prejemnik trdi, da nakazila ni prejel, bo Paywiser transakcijo takoj poskušali izslediti in Uporabnika obvestili o rezultatih. Če Paywiser ne bo mogel dokazati, da je prejemnikov ponudnik plačilnih storitev nakazilo prejel, bo Paywiser Uporabniku znesek povrnil in ponovno vzpostavil razpoložljivo stanje, kot bi bilo brez zadevne transakcije.
    2. Paywiser bo vsako transakcijo izvedel z uporabo podatkov, ki mu jih bo posredoval Uporabnik, in ne bo odgovarjal za neizvedbo ali napačno izvedbo, če se izkaže, da mu je Uporabnik posredoval napačne podatke. Vendar se bo Paywiser v razumni meri potrudil za povrnitev denarja te transakcije, pri čemer lahko Uporabniku zaračuna s tem povezane stroške.
    3. Če je za nepravilno opravljeno transakcijo, o kateri je Uporabnik obvestil Paywiser skladno z odstavkom 11.1., odgovoren Paywiser, bo Paywiser uporabniku povrnil zadevni znesek in ponovno vzpostavil razpoložljivo stanje, kot bi bilo brez zadevne transakcije ali pa zagotovil pravilno izvršitev transakcije.
    4. Če je Paywiser Uporabniku dolžan povrniti denar, bo to storil takoj in v vsakem primeru do konca naslednjega Delovnega dne, ki sledi dnevu, na katerega je Paywiser izvedel za neodobreno transakcijo (razen če Paywiser utemeljeno domneva, da je Uporabnik ravnal goljufivo; v tem primeru bo Paywiser skladno z zakonom obvestili pristojne organe). Če po preiskavi Paywiser utemeljeno domneva, da denarja zaradi kateregakoli razloga ni bil dolžan povrniti Uporabniku ali da je Uporabniku vrnil prevelik znesek, lahko predhodno povračilo stornira in od Uporabnika terja povrnitev vse izgube, ki bi jo morda utrpel zaradi Uporabnikove uporabe Paywiser kartice.
    5. Če se je Uporabnik strinjal, da se lahko tretja oseba poplača iz njegovega Plačilnega računa (npr. če je Uporabnik podatke o svoji Paywiser kartici dal trgovcu za izvajanje ponavljajočih plačil), lahko zaprosi Paywiser za povračilo plačila pod naslednjimi pogoji:
      • ob odobritvi ni bil naveden natančen znesek plačila;
      • znesek bremenitve Uporabnikove Paywiser kartice je bil večji od razumnih pričakovanj glede na okoliščine, med drugim glede na predhodna podobna plačila, in
      • prošnjo za povračilo Uporabnik pošlje v osmih tednih od dne, ko je plačilo bremenilo njegov Plačilni račun.
    6. Paywiser lahko Uporabnika zaprosi za predložitev informacij, ki so v razumni meri potrebne za preveritev izpolnjevanja pogojev iz odstavka 11.6.
    7. Če Uporabnik Paywiser zaprosi za povrnitev sredstev v skladu z odstavkom 11.6, bo Paywiser v 10 delovnih dneh od datuma prejema Uporabnikove zahteve (če Paywiser zaprosi za dodatne informacije v skladu z odstavkom 11.7, potem v 10 delovnih dneh od datuma prejema teh informacij):
      • v celoti povrnil plačilo ali
      • Uporabnika seznanil z razlogi za zavrnitev povračila.
    8. Do povračila v skladu z odstavkoma 11.6. in 11.8 Uporabnik ni upravičen v naslednjih primerih:
      • če je dal svoje soglasje za izvedbo plačila in
      • mu je izdajatelj (ali oseba ali trgovec, kateremu je Uporabnik želel plačati) dal informacije o zadevnem plačilu vsaj štiri tedne pred rokom plačila, kjer je to potrebno,
      • ali je razlog za večji znesek plačila od razumno pričakovanega sprememba valutnega tečaja.
    9. Uporabnik ne more trditi, da ni podal soglasja za izvršitev plačilne transakcije ali da plačilna transakcija ni bila izvršena pravilno, če je bila opravljena avtentikacija plačilne transakcije, je bila plačilna transakcija pravilno evidentirana, na izvršitev plačilne transakcije ni vplivala nikakršna tehnična okvara ali druga pomanjkljivost storitve.
    10. Če je reklamacija neupravičena, bo Paywiser Uporabniku zaračunala stroške reklamacije, skladno s Cenikom.
  12. Spremembe Splošnih pogojev
    1. Paywiser lahko spremeni te Splošne pogoje, vključno s Cenikom, če Uporabnika o spremembah obvesti vsaj dva meseca prej. Hkrati bo najnovejša, vsakokratno veljavna različica teh Splošnih pogojev vedno dostopna na www.paywiser.com.
    2. Če se Uporabnik s spremembami Splošnih pogojev ne strinja, lahko v prej omenjenem dvomesečnem roku odstopi od pogodbe in brezplačno ukine svojo Paywiser kartico.
    3. Če Uporabnik pred pričetkom veljave spremenjenih Pogojev od pogodbe ne odstopi in ne ukine svoje Paywiser kartice, se šteje, da se s spremembami Splošnih pogojev strinja in da je sprejel, da za njegovo Paywiser kartico veljajo novi Splošni pogoji.
    4. V primeru, če Uporabnik zavrne predlagane spremembe in pri tem ne odpove pogodbe, se šteje, da je Paywiser odpovedal pogodbo z 2 mesečnim odpovednim rokom, ki teče od dneva pošiljanja obvestila o spremembi.
    5. Če katerikoli del teh Splošnih pogojev ni skladen z veljavnimi predpisi, potem veljajo ustrezna določila veljavnih predpisov.
  13. Odstop ali prekinitev pogodbe in Paywiser kartice
    1. Uporabnik lahko v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe od nje brezplačno odstopi, po tem roku lahko Uporabnik Paywiser kartico s soglasjem Paywiserja preneha uporabljati in pogodbo kadarkoli prekliče brez predhodne najave na način, da obvesti Paywiser na [email protected]. Ne glede na to lahko Uporabnik kadarkoli enostransko pisno odstopi od pogodbe z odpovednim rokom enega meseca.
    2. Paywiser lahko kadarkoli odstopi od pogodbe po teh Splošnih pogojih, če Uporabnika obvesti vsaj dva meseca prej. Paywiser lahko odstopi od pogodbe tudi brez predhodnega obvestila in brez odpovednega roka, če Uporabnik kot imetnik kartice prekrši katerokoli določbo teh Splošnih pogojev ali če obstaja razlog za domnevo, da je Uporabnik uporabil, ali namerava uporabiti Paywiser kartico na hudo malomaren način, ali jo zlorabiti, ali za druge nezakonite namene, ali če Paywiser ne more več obdelovati Uporabnikovih transakcij zaradi dejanj tretjih oseb.
    3. Paywiser lahko v naslednjih primerih Uporabnikovo Paywiser kartico kadarkoli začasno ali trajno prekliče s takojšnjim učinkom in brez predhodnega obvestila:
      • če se ugotovi, da so bili podatki, ki jih je Uporabnik posredoval ob naročilu Paywiser kartice napačni, ali
      • če obstaja razlog za sum nepooblaščene ali goljufive rabe Paywiser kartice, ali
      • če ima Paywiser pomisleke glede varnosti Uporabnikove Paywiser kartice,
      • če Uporabnik prekrši te Splošne pogoje, ali
      • če obstaja razlog za domnevo, da je Uporabnik kot imetnik kartice uporabil, ali namerava uporabiti Paywiser kartico na zelo malomaren način, ali jo zlorabiti, ali za druge nezakonite namene, ali
      • če Paywiser ne more več obdelovati Uporabnikovih transakcij zaradi dejanj tretjih oseb.
    4. Če Paywiser začasno prekliče ali trajno ukine Uporabnikovo Paywiser kartico, bo Paywiser Uporabniku, če bo to mogoče in v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo, pred začasno ali trajno ukinitvijo to skupaj z razlogi sporočil prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali po e-pošti. Hkrati lahko Paywiser vsem, ki so v transakciji udeleženi, sporoči, da je kartica začasno preklicana.
    5. Paywiser bo Uporabnikovi Paywiser kartici omogočil ponovno uporabo takoj, ko bo to praktično mogoče po prenehanju obstoja razlogov za zaustavitev njene uporabe, kar bo Paywiser Uporabniku sporočil prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali po e-pošti.
    6. Če Paywiser ugotovi, da so po ukinitvi Paywiser kartice nastali dodatni stroški (zaradi Uporabnika ali Paywiserja), je Uporabnik dolžan skladno s temi Splošnimi pogoji Paywiserju poplačati vse zneske, povezane z veljavno zaračunanimi Provizijami in/ali drugimi stroški pred ali po ukinitvi. Paywiser si bo v primeru razpoložljivega stanja te zneske odtegnil s Plačilnega računa Uporabnika, za kar Uporabnik pooblašča Paywiser, ali pa Uporabniku poslal račun in zahteval takojšnje plačilo vseh dolgovanih zneskov. Če Uporabnik zneska ne bo poravnal takoj po prejemu računa, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico do vseh potrebnih ukrepov za izterjavo vseh dolgovanih denarnih sredstev, vključno s pravnimi postopki.
  14. Odgovornost Paywiserja
    1. Ob pogojih iz odstavka 14.2 za odgovornost Paywiserja v povezavi s temi Splošnimi pogoji (če to izhaja iz pogodbe ali splošnih pogojev, oškodovanja (vključno z malomarnostjo), prekršitve zakonskih dolžnosti ali drugače) veljajo naslednje izključitve in omejitve:
      • Paywiser ne prevzema odgovornosti za neizpolnitev obveznosti, ki bi nastala neposredno ali posredno zaradi vzrokov izven nadzora Paywiserja, vključno, a ne omejeno na pomanjkanje denarnih sredstev in/ali napake na omrežju bankomatov, iz razlogov na strani izdajatelja, razlogov na strani drugih zunanjih izvajalcev Paywiserja, omejitve maksimalnega limita dviga, ki ga določi upravljavec bankomata, in napake v sistemih za obdelavo podatkov;
      • Paywiser ne prevzema odgovornosti za izgubo dobička ali posla (v obeh primerih: za neposredno ali posredno izgubo) ali za vse posredne, posledične, posebne ali kazenske izgube;
      • v primeru okvare Paywiser kartice po krivdi Paywiserja, je odgovornost Paywiserja omejena na zamenjavo kartice;
      • v primeru nepravilno odštetih zneskov od razpoložljivega stanja po krivdi Paywiserja, je materialna odgovornost Paywiserja omejena na vračilo enakega zneska, celotnih pripadajočih nadomestil, če Paywiser taka nadomestila zaračunava in na vračilo obresti, do katerih je Uporabnik upravičen iz naslova nepravilno izvedene transakcije;
      • v primeru odtegnjenih zneskov od razpoložljivega stanja, ki jih Uporabnik ni odobril skladno s temi splošnimi pogoji, je odgovornost Paywiserja skladna z določbami tega poglavja;
      • v vseh preostalih primerih krivde Paywiserja je odgovornost Paywiserja omejena na ponovno vzpostavitev prejšnjega razpoložljivega stanja.
    2. Nič v teh Splošnih pogojih ne izključuje ali omejuje odgovornosti Paywiserja v primeru smrti ali telesnih poškodb zaradi Paywiserjeve malomarnosti, zlorabe ali drugih razlogov, če tovrstne materialne odgovornosti ni mogoče omejiti ali izključiti po veljavni zakonodaji ali predpisih.
    3. Kolikor to dopuščajo veljavni predpisi, so vsi pogoji ali garancije, predvidene z veljavnimi predpisi, zakonsko ali drugače, izrecno izključene.
    4. Zgornje izključitve in omejitve, navedene v tem poglavju, veljajo za vso odgovornost subjektov, povezanih s Paywiserjem, kot so Mastercard in drugi dobavitelji, pogodbeniki, zastopniki ali distributerji in vsi z njimi povezani subjekti (če obstajajo), do Uporabnika, ki lahko nastane v zvezi s temi Splošnimi pogoji.
  15. Pritožbeni postopek in reševanje sporov
    1. Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z opravljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta Uporabnik in Paywiser reševala sporazumno, skladno s Pravilnikom o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki je objavljen na spletni strani Paywiser. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se je s predmetnim pravilnikom seznanil.
    2. Uporabnik lahko pritožbo vloži po pošti na naslov PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Reklamacije, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, ali e-pošti na [email protected]. Pritožba mora biti razumljiva in jasna ter mora vsebovati dejstva, na katerih temelji pritožbeni zahtevek. Obvezno mora vsebovati najmanj naslednje: podatke o pritožniku (ime in priimek fizične osebe oziroma naziv in sedež pravne osebe ali nosilca dejavnosti ter naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon ali drug kontaktni podatek), obrazložitev pritožbenih razlogov, opis dogodka in navedbo ključnih dejstev in datuma dogodka, predložitev dokazov za potrditev dejstev, na katerih temelji zahtevek pritožnika, če pritožnik z njimi razpolaga, naslov za pošiljanje odgovora, če je ta drugačen od naslova stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča oziroma sedeža pritožnika oz. posredovanega elektronskega naslova, zahtevek pritožnika (če je relevantno), podpis pritožnika (v primeru oddaje pritožbe po pošti na naslov sedeža Paywiser). Natančneje je pritožbeni postopek opisan.
    3. Paywiser bo Uporabniku odgovoril na pritožbo v najkrajšem času, obvezno pa v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh na prvi stopnji in v 15 (petnajstih) delovnih dneh na drugi stopnji oz. najkasneje v roki 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    4. Če se Uporabnik z odločitvijo o pritožbi, izdani v internem pritožbenem postopku ne strinja, ali če v 30 dneh od vložitve pritožbe na drugostopenjski organ Paywiserja neutemeljeno ne prejme odgovora na pritožbo, lahko v roku največ 13 (trinajst) mesecev od vložitve pritožbe pri Paywiser, vloži pobudo za izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000 – Ljubljana, www.goriup.si) zoper odločitev Paywiser, na način določen z vsakokrat veljavnimi Pravili postopka izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, ki so priloga prej omenjenega Pravilnika o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov in so Uporabniku na voljo na spletni strani Paywiserja. Več informacij o izvajalki Izvensodnega reševanja sporov, o vložitvi pobude ter o načinu in postopku Izvensodnega reševanja sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup je na voljo tudi na spletni strani odvetnice https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka- IRPS.pdf).
    5. Uporabnik lahko vloži pritožbo v zvezi z domnevnimi kršitvami ZPlaSSIED s strani Paywiserja tudi pri Banki Slovenije.
    6. Kljub pritožbi pri izvajalki izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov ali Banki Slovenije, ima Uporabnik pravico kadarkoli vložiti tožbo za rešitev spora v zvezi z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev med njim in Paywiser pri pristojnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v skladu z zakoni in postopkom, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji.
    7. Spore glede nakupov, opravljenih s Paywiser kartico, mora Uporabnik rešiti z zadevnim trgovcem. Za kakovost, varnost, zakonitost ali druge vidike blaga in storitev, kupljenih s Paywiser kartico, oz. za pravilno izpolnitev dogovora o nakupu blaga ali storitve, Paywiser ne odgovarja. Uporabnik se zaveda, da po uporabi Paywiser kartice za plačilo nakupa, Paywiser transakcije ne more več ustaviti. Ne glede na morebiten spor s prodajnim mestom, je Uporabnik dolžan Paywiserju poravnati obveznosti, vračilo plačila pa ima pravico zahtevati neposredno od prodajnega mesta, kateremu je bilo plačilo nakazano.
  16. Varstvo osebnih podatkov
    1. Paywiser bo z osebnimi podatki Uporabnika ravnal v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo tako, da ne bo prišlo do morebitnih neupravičenih posredovanj podatkov nepooblaščenim osebam, na način, kot je to določeno v vsakokrat veljavni Politiki zasebnosti, dostopni na spletni strani Paywiserja. Z naročilom Paywiser kartice Uporabnik potrjuje, da je seznanjen z vsebino navedenega dokumenta in možnostjo pridobitve le tega v tiskani obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov.
    2. Paywiser lahko za namen izvajanja storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji sporoča podatke, vezane na Uporabnikovo kartično poslovanje Procesnemu centru (poslovni partner, s katerim ima Paywiser sklenjeno pogodbo za obdelavo podatkov plačilnih transakcij s Paywiser kartico in ki procesira kartično poslovanje). Paywiser Uporabniku zagotavlja, da bo Procesni center varoval podatke o kartičnem poslovanju kot zaupne.
    3. Paywiser lahko sporoči podatke o posamičnih transakcijah s Paywiser kartico, ki izhajajo iz zlorabe kartice, policiji ali drugim pristojnim organom za potrebe ugotovitve storilca zlorab in preprečevanja nadaljnjih zlorab kartice.
  17. Splošno
    1. Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vsi podatki in sporočila, ki so poslana v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki ter vsi podatki in sporočila, ki se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja hranijo v elektronski obliki, enako veljavnost in dokazno vrednost kot podatki in sporočila, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo v klasični pisni obliki. Paywiser in Uporabnik izrecno soglašata, da so vsi pravni posli, ki so sklenjeni v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki, enakovredni tistim, ki so sklenjeni v klasični pisni obliki.
    2. Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja dokumenti lahko podpisujejo z elektronskimi podpisi ali pa se sklenejo s potrditvijo s konkludentnim dejanjem (npr. »s klikom«). Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vse vrste elektronskih podpisov oz. potrditve s konkludentnimi ravnanji enako veljavo in dokazno vrednost kot lastnoročni podpis.
    3. Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da bosta v primeru sodnega spora medsebojno priznavali veljavnost in dokazno vrednost vseh vrst elektronskih podpisov in konkludentnih dejanj, ki so vodila v sklenitev poslovnega razmerja.
    4. Uporabnik je seznanjen in soglaša, da se vsa dokumentacija v zvezi z elektronskim poslovanjem v Paywiserju hrani le v elektronski obliki.
    5. Zakasnitev ali opustitev uveljavljanja pravic ali pravnih sredstev po teh Splošnih pogojih s strani Paywiserja ne pomeni, da se Paywiser tem pravicam ali pravnim sredstvom odreka, in ne izključuje njihovega kasnejšega uveljavljanja.
    6. Če se določeno določilo teh Splošnih pogojev šteje za neizvedljivo ali nezakonito, preostala določila kljub temu ostajajo v celoti veljavna in učinkujejo. Uporabniku ni dovoljeno svojih pravic in/ali koristi po teh Splošnih pogojih dodeliti ali prenesti. Po teh Splošnih pogojih je poleg Paywiserja Uporabnik edina stranka in ostaja odgovoren, dokler se Paywiser kartica, registrirana na ime Uporabnika, ne ukine in dokler Uporabnik ne plača vseh zneskov, zapadlih po pogodbi po teh Splošnih pogojih, v celoti. Paywiser lahko svoje pravice in koristi prenese kadarkoli, ne da bi Uporabnika o tem predhodno pisno obvestil. Katerokoli od svojih obveznosti po teh Splošnih pogojih lahko Paywiser prenese na drugega pogodbenika v obsegu, ki ga dopuščajo veljavni predpisi.
    7. Tretje osebe, ki ne nastopajo kot stranke v teh Splošnih pogojih, nimajo pravice uveljavljati določil Splošnih pogojev, razen podjetje Mastercard in z njim povezani subjekti, ki lahko uveljavljajo vsa določila teh Splošnih pogojev, ki jim zagotavljajo koristi ali pravice.
    8. Za Splošne pogoje in pogodbeno razmerje velja pravo Republike Slovenije. S sklenitvijo pogodbe po teh Pogojih se Uporabnik strinja z izključno sodno pristojnostjo sodišč v Republiki Sloveniji.
    9. Za vse, kar ni določeno s pogodbo, temi Splošnimi pogoji ali Splošnimi pogoji za plačilni račun veljajo določila veljavne zakonodaje, zlasti ZPlaSSIED.
  18. Stik s Paywiserjem
    1. Z vprašanji glede svoje Paywiser kartice se lahko Uporabnik obrnete na Paywiser po e-pošti na naslov [email protected].
    2. V primeru izgubljene, poškodovane ali ukradene Paywiser kartice se lahko Uporabnik obrne na Paywiser po e-pošti na naslov [email protected].
    3. Uporabnik je dolžan Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, vendar najpozneje v 5 (petih) delovnih dneh, obvestiti o spremembi svojih osebnih podatkov in o drugih okoliščinah, ki bi lahko znatno vplivale, otežile ali onemogočile izvajanje pogodbe po Splošnih pogojih. Paywiser ne odgovarja za škodo, nastalo zaradi Uporabnikovega neupoštevanja obveznosti glede sporočanja sprememb.

Ti splošni pogoji začnejo veljati dne 03.01.2023.


  • Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa za potrošnike
  • Splošni pogoji uporabe mobilne aplikacije Paywiser
  • Splošni pogoji uporabe Paywiser spletnega vmesnika
  • Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi in plačilnimi karticami
  • Politika zasebnosti
  • Pravilnik o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov

Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana Slovenija
[email protected]


Slovenia – Splošni pogoji za uporabo mobilne aplikacije

Splošni pogoji

Ti Splošni pogoji (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji«) določajo način delovanja Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in so del družbe Paywiser, matična št. družbe 8640084000, s poslovnim naslovom na Bravničarjevi ulici 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«, »mi«, »nas« ), vpisane v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije, vse sestavljeno skladno s slovensko zakonodajo.

  1. Opredelitev pojmov
    3D Secure je varnostni standard, ki se uporablja za preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnikov kartic pri spletnem plačevanju. Z njegovo pomočjo se zmanjša tveganje nepooblaščene uporabe kartic s strani tretjih oseb (nekoga, ki je nepooblaščeno pridobil informacije o vaši kartici) Mobilna aplikacija Paywiser je mobilna aplikacija, ki si jo Uporabnik naloži preko aplikacije Google Play ali Apple App Store na svoj mobilni telefon ter mu omogoča upravljanje s Paywiser kartico in spremljanje transakcij ter njihovo potrjevanje. Paywiser kartica je debetna plačilna kartica Mastercard, ki jo lahko naroči uporabnik Paywiser Plačilnega računa, kot vse opredeljeno v Splošnih pogojih za debetno kartico MasterCard in Splošnih pogojih za e-denar in plačilne storitve. Uporabnik pomeni potrošnika, ki uporablja ali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je s Paywiser sklenil Pogodbo; Neodobrena plačilna transakcija je plačilna transakcija brez Uporabnikovega soglasja. PIN (Personal Identification Number) je osebna identifikacijska številka 6 zaporednih številk, ki jih določi Uporabnik ob registraciji Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
    Podpora strankam Paywiser je oddelek, ki nudi pomoč Uporabnikom pri vprašanjih v zvezi s storitvami, njihovo uporabo ali v zvezi z drugimi vprašanji glede poslovanja. Pogodba pomeni Okvirno pogodbo in njene dodatke, če ti obstajajo, in je sklenjena med Paywiser in Uporabnikom Paywiser kartice z namenom ureditve poslovnega razmerja glede odprtja in vodenja Plačilnega računa ter uporabe Paywiser kartice. Račun/Plačilni račun je račun za elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga je Paywiser odprl v imenu Uporabnika in se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij; Storitve pomenijo storitve in produkte, ki jih nudi Paywiser po teh Splošnih pogojih in Pogodbi; Uporabnik je tisti, ki ima pri Paywiser registriran račun in uporablja Paywiser storitve.
  2. Uvodne določbe
    S temi Splošnimi pogoji Paywiser določa pravice in obveznosti za uporabo Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji, so sestavni del Pogodbe. Paywiser posluje z Uporabnikom v angleškem jeziku. Pravno in poslovno razmerje med Paywiser in Uporabnikom določajo tudi drugi dokumenti, ki so dostopni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com. S podpisom Pogodbe Uporabnik soglaša z vsemi dokumenti, ter se hkrati obvezuje, da se bo ob vsaki posodobitvi le-teh ali ob predložitvi novih z njimi seznanil ter jih začel uporabljati kot ti navajajo.
  3. Opis storitve
    V Mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser lahko Uporabnik spremlja stanje na Računu in opravlja naslednje storitve:
    • pregleduje zgodovino transakcij;
    • naroči kartico;
    • upravlja kartico (pregled detajlov kartice, nastavi PIN, zakleni/odkleni kartico, blokiraj kartico, natisni detajle kartice, odstrani kartico, nastavi privzeto kartico);
    • ima vpogled v stanje na Računu;
    • urejanje glavnih nastavitev (nastavitve elektronskega naslova in imena, zamenjava gesla, nastavitve glede varnosti in zasebnosti, tip računa, kontakt Podpore strankam Paywiser);
    • 3D Secure potrjevanje plačil izvedenih z Računa na drug Račun.
  4. Blokada storitev s strani Paywiser
    Paywiser je upravičen, vendar ne dolžen, izvesti preventivne začasne ali trajne blokade storitev ali zavrnitev posamezne plačilne transakcije v primerih, ko izvaja ukrepe varnosti poslovanja in obstajajo razlogi za sum zlorabe ali kraje podatkov Uporabnika ali za sum izvedbe neodobrenih transakcij. Paywiser lahko blokira storitev tudi, če Uporabnik posluje na način, ki je v nasprotju s temi Splošnimi pogoji ali na način, ki lahko povzroči motnje v delovanju storitve Paywiser. Taka ravnanja Uporabnika predstavljajo hujšo kršitev teh Splošnih pogojev. O vseh ukrepih Paywiser obvesti Uporabnika. Paywiser izvede blokado storitev vselej na podlagi zahteve veljavnih predpisov, zahteve državnih organov ali po lastni presoji, če Paywiser utemeljeno sklepa, da je prišlo do kršitve teh Splošnih pogojev ali drugih dokumentov, ki urejajo pravice in dolžnosti Uporabnika, na osnovi katerih lahko Paywiser nastane materialna ali nematerialna škoda. V primeru smrti Uporabnika, Paywiser blokira Mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser z dnem, ko smo obveščeni o smrti Uporabnika. Paywiser prav tako lahko zaradi varnostnih ukrepov začasno onemogoči dostop do Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
    Paywiser uporabi varni postopek za obveščanje uporabnika plačilnih storitev v primeru domnevnih ali dejanskih prevar in goljufij ali varnostnih groženj. O splošnih grožnjah ali drugih varnostnih tveganjih Paywiser obvešča Uporabnike tudi na svoji spletni strani www.paywiser.com ali preko elektronske pošte ali na drug primeren način
  5. Blokada kartice s strani Uporabnika
    Uporabnik lahko kadarkoli blokira kartico Paywiser v Mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser. Uporabnik lahko izbira med začasno ali trajno blokado kartice, možnost blokade je Uporabniku na voljo ves čas. O blokadi kartice mora Uporabnik preko elektronske pošte obvestiti Paywiser, ta pa v primeru izbire začasne blokade omogoči ponovno delovanje kartice, ko razlogi za blokado prenehajo oziroma, ko Paywiser presodi, da se blokada lahko odpravi. Ob tem lahko Paywiser ponovno zahteva identifikacijo Uporabnika.
  6. Ukinitev Mobilna aplikacije Paywiser
    Uporabnik lahko kadarkoli v nastavitvah Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, le-to ukine. Paywiser lahko za Uporabnika ukine Mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser, če niso upoštevani ti Splošni pogoji ali hkrati s prenehanjem vseh Računov oziroma tudi v drugih primerih, določenih za prenehanje v Pogodbi oziroma njenih splošnih pogojih. Paywiser o ukinitvi Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser Uporabnika seznani v Mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser ob prvem naslednjem poskusu prijave v le-to oziroma preko elektronskega naslova, ki nam ga je posredoval Uporabnik.
  7. Urnik poslovanja
    Paywiser si bo prizadeval, da bodo storitve Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser dostopne ves čas, pridržuje pa si pravico do začasnih prekinitev delovanje zaradi tehničnega vzdrževanja ali nadgradnje sistema, ki podpira delovanje Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser. V primeru načrtovanih aktivnosti Paywiser, ki bodo vplivale na dostopnost storitev, bo Paywiser o tem pravočasno predhodno obvestil Uporabnike.
    Prav tako lahko do motenj v delovanju storitev pride v primerih višje sile – okoliščine, na katere Paywiser nima vpliva, lahko pa pomembo vplivajo na neprekinjen urnik poslovanja storitev Paywiser. Paywiser Uporabniku ne odgovarja za škodo, v primeru načrtovanih ali nenačrtovanih motenj v delovanju storitve Paywiser.
  8. Obveznosti PAYWISER
    Paywiser bo za izvajanje storitve:
    • zagotovil vso potrebno infrastrukturo za delovanje Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser;
    • redno obveščal o načrtovanih aktivnostih Paywiser, ki bodo vplivale na dostopnost storitev;
    • neprestano poskušal in se trudil zagotavljati najvišjo stopnjo varnosti za Uporabnike.
  9. Obveznosti uporabnika
    Uporabnik je odgovoren:
    • in se zavezuje, da bo storitve uporabljal v dobri veri in v skladu s temi Splošni pogoji;
    • da zagotovi pametni mobilni telefon (z operacijskim sistemom Android ali iOS), ki je vključen v mobilno omrežje z delujočo telefonsko številko in pravilno deluje skladno z vsemi varnostnimi navodili proizvajalca ali dobavitelja ter varnostnimi navodili mobilnega operaterja in Paywiser ter, ki ga Uporabnik zakonito poseduje in uporablja;
    • da si sam zagotovi internetno povezavo na mobilnem telefonu in elektronski naslov, katerega imetnik je le on;
    • za varno in pravilno uporabo Mobilno aplikacije Paywiser;
    • za skrbno varovanje vseh podatkov za identifikacijo in dostop (uporabniško ime, geslo in PIN, varnostna koda) pred nepooblaščenimi osebami;
    • za preverjanje pravilnosti vseh podatkov za izvedbo plačila in ustreznost izvedbe plačila pred potrditvijo vsakega plačila;
    • uporabljati storitev Paywiser skladno z obvestili in priporočili Paywiser in svojega mobilnega operaterja ter veljavno zakonodajo;
    • nemudoma obvestiti Paywiser o vsaki neodobreni, nepravilno odrejeni ali izvršeni plačilni transakciji in vsakem sumu zlorabe, kraje ali izgube mobilnega telefona ali podatkov za dostop do Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser po elektronskem naslovu [email protected];
      • sporočiti Paywiser vse spremembe podatkov Uporabnika, vključno z identifikacijskimi podatki;
      • da ne posega v programsko kodo Paywiser na noben način;
      • nemudoma obvestiti Paywiser o napaki v delovanju storitev Paywiser, ki so lahko v breme ali v korist Paywiser;
      • obveščati Paywiser o vseh informacijah in okoliščinah, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na izpolnjevanje obveznosti Uporabnika po teh Splošnih pogojih ali po katerih koli drugih splošnih pogojih, ki urejajo posamezne storitve Paywiser,
      • da vedno uporablja najnovejšo različico Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, ki je na voljo. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo nemudoma ob izgubi ali kraji mobilnega telefona to prijavil nam na elektronski naslov [email protected]. Kršitev obveznosti Uporabnika predstavlja hujšo kršitev Splošnih pogojev.
  10. Obdelava osebnih podatkov
    Uporabnik Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser je seznanjen, da bo Paywiser z aktivacijo Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser obdeloval njegove osebne podatke v skladu s Pogodbo ter njenimi prilogami in Politiko zasebnosti Paywiser. Splošni pogoji in Politika zasebnosti sta dostopna na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
  11. Nadomestilo za uporabo Monbilne aplikacije
    Mobilna aplikacija Paywiser je brezplačna za uporabo.
  12. Izključitev odgovornosti Paywiser
    Odgovornost Paywiser za materialno ali nematerialno škodo, ki nastane Uporabniku z uporabo storitev, je v celoti izključena, če:
    • pride do izredne odpovedi pogodbe s strani Paywiser;
    • Paywiser sprejme odločitev, da ne sklene poslovnega razmerja z Uporabnikom;
    • pride do neavtoriziranega razpolaganja s sredstvi v Uporabnikovi mobilni denarnici, kot posledici neustreznega varovanja integritete Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser s strani Uporabnika;
    • pride do napake pri uporabi storitev s strani Uporabnika;
    • pride do izgube mobilnega telefona Uporabnika in s tem do začasnega ali trajnega omejenega dostopa do storitev;
    • pride do pričakovanih ali nepričakovanih motenj v delovanju Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, v infrastrukturi Paywiser oziroma v drugi infrastrukturi, ki je ključna za delovanje Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser;
    • pride do škode kot posledice uporabe storitev drugih ponudnikov, do katerih Uporabnik dostopa preko Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser;
    • pride do okoliščin višje sile, pri čemer gre za okoliščine, ki bistveno otežujejo ali onemogočajo delovanje Paywiser in na katere Paywiser nima vpliva.
  13. Reševanje sporov
    Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z zagotavljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta Uporabnik in Paywiser reševala sporazumno v skladu z vsakokrat veljavnim Pravilnikom o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki si jih lahko Uporabnik ogleda na spletni strani www.paywiser.com, in Pogodbo.
  14. Končne določbe
    Paywiser lahko kadarkoli spremeni te Splošne pogoje na način, ki je dogovorjen s Pogodbo. Če se Uporabnik ne strinja s spremembo, lahko ukine Mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser in jo preneha uporabljati. Uporaba Mobilne aplikacije Paywiser v povezavi s Plačilnim Računom in/ali Mastercard kartico je možna v skladu s pogoji, ki veljajo za le-te. V primeru nasprotja med določili teh Splošnih pogojev in Pogodbe, veljajo določila Pogodbe.

Ti Splošni pogoji (verzija 1.0) so objavljeni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com in veljajo od 3. 10. 2022.

Slovenia – Terms and Conditions for the use of mobile app

General Terms and Conditions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “General Terms “) set out the manner in which the Paywiser Mobile Application operates and form part of Paywiser, company registration no. 8640084000, with its registered office at Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as “Paywiser”, “us”, “we”, “our”), entered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia, all drawn up in accordance with Slovenian law. Definitions
    3D Secure is a security standard used to verify the identity of Card Users when making online payments. It reduces the risk of unauthorised use of cards by third parties (someone who has obtained your card information in an unauthorised way). Paywiser mobile app is a mobile application that the User downloads via Google Play or the Apple App Store on his/her mobile phone and allows him/her to manage the Paywiser card and to monitor and confirm transactions. Paywiser Card is a Mastercard debit payment card that can be ordered by a Paywiser Payment Account user as defined in the General Terms and Conditions for the MasterCard Debit Card and the General Terms and Conditions for e-money and payment services. User means a consumer who uses or has requested the use of the services subject to these General Terms and Conditions and has entered into a Contract with Paywiser;
    Unauthorised Payment Transactions means Payment Transactions made without the User’s consent. PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a personal identification number of 6 consecutive digits, which is set by the User when registering the Paywiser Mobile Application. Paywiser Customer Support is the department that provides assistance to Users with questions regarding the Services, their use or other business issues. Agreement means the Master Agreement and its addenda, if any, and is concluded between Paywiser and the Paywiser Card User in order to regulate the business relationship regarding the opening and maintenance of the Payment Account and the use of the Paywiser Card. Account/Payment Account means the electronic money and payment account opened by Paywiser on behalf of the User and used for the execution of payment transactions;
    Services means the services and products provided by Paywiser under these General Terms and the Agreement; User means a person who has registered an account with Paywiser and uses Paywiser Services.
  2. Introductory provisions
    These General Terms set out Paywiser’s rights and obligations for the use of the Paywiser Mobile App. The General Terms, as in force from time to time, form an integral part of the Contract. Paywiser shall deal with the User in the English language.
    These General Terms set out Paywiser’s rights and obligations for the use of the Paywiser Mobile App. The General Terms, as in force from time to time, form an integral part of the Contract. Paywiser shall deal with the User in the English language.
  3. Description of the service
    In the Paywiser Mobile App, the User can monitor the balance of the Account and perform the following services:
    • view transaction history;
    • order a card;
    • manage the card (view card details, set PIN, lock/unlock card, block card, print card details, remove card, set default card);
    • has access to the Account balance;
    • edit the main settings (email address and name settings, password change, security and privacy settings, account type, Paywiser Customer Support contact);
    • 3D Secure confirmation of payments made from an Account to another Account.
  4. Blocking of services by Paywiser
    Paywiser is entitled, but not obliged, to carry out preventive temporary or permanent blocking of services or refusal of a particular payment transaction in cases where it implements business security measures and there are grounds for suspecting the misuse or theft of User data or for suspecting the execution of unauthorised transactions. Paywiser may also block the service if the User conducts business in a manner contrary to these General Terms or in a manner that may cause disruption to the operation of the Paywiser service. Such actions by the User constitute a serious breach of these General Terms. Paywiser shall notify the User of any action taken. Paywiser shall always implement a blocking of the services upon request of the applicable regulations, request of the state authorities or at its own discretion, if Paywiser reasonably concludes that there has been a breach of these General Terms or other documents governing the User’s rights and obligations, on the basis of which Paywiser may suffer material or immaterial damage. In the event of the death of the User, Paywiser shall block the Paywiser Mobile Application as of the date on which we are notified of the User’s death. Paywiser may also temporarily disable access to the Paywiser Mobile Application for security reasons.
    Paywiser shall use a secure procedure to notify the Payment Service User in the event of suspected or actual fraud and scams or security threats. Paywiser also informs Users of general threats or other security risks on its website www.paywiser.com or by email or other appropriate means.
  5. Blocking of the card by the User
    The User may block the Paywiser Card at any time in the Paywiser Mobile App. The User can choose between temporary or permanent blocking of the card, the blocking option is available to the User at all times. The User must notify Paywiser of the blocking of the card by e-mail, and if the User chooses temporary blocking, Paywiser will allow the card to function again when the reasons for the blocking have ceased or when Paywiser deems that the blocking can be lifted. At the same time, Paywiser may again request the identification of the User.
  6. Discontinuation of the Paywiser Mobile App
    The User may cancel the Paywiser Mobile App at any time in the Paywiser Mobile App settings. Paywiser may terminate the Paywiser Mobile Application for the User if these General Terms and Conditions are not complied with, or at the same time as all Accounts are terminated, or in any other cases specified for termination in the Agreement or its General Terms. Paywiser shall inform the User of the termination of the Paywiser Mobile Application in the Paywiser Mobile Application at the first subsequent attempt to log in to it or via the email address provided to us by the User.
  7. Operating hours
    Paywiser will endeavour to keep the Paywiser Mobile App services available at all times, but reserves the right to temporarily interrupt operations for technical maintenance or upgrades to the system supporting the operation of the Paywiser Mobile App. In the event of planned Paywiser activities that will affect the availability of the services, Paywiser will notify Users in advance.
    Also, disruptions in the operation of the Services may occur in cases of force majeure – circumstances beyond Paywiser’s control, but which may have a significant impact on the uninterrupted schedule of the Paywiser Services. Paywiser shall not be liable to the User for damages in the event of planned or unplanned disruptions in the operation of the Paywiser Service.
  8. PAYWISER’s obligations
    Paywiser bo za izvajanje storitve: Paywiser will be responsible for the provision of the Service:
    • provide all necessary infrastructure for the operation of the Paywiser Mobile App;
    • keep Paywiser regularly informed of planned activities that will affect the availability of the Service;
    • continuously try and endeavour to ensure the highest level of security for Users.
  9. User Obligations
    The user is responsible for:
    • and undertakes to use the Services in good faith and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
    • to provide a smart mobile phone (with Android or iOS operating system) that is connected to a mobile network with a working phone number and that functions properly in accordance with any manufacturer’s or supplier’s safety instructions and the mobile operator’s and Paywiser’s safety instructions, and that the User lawfully owns and uses;
    • to provide himself with an internet connection on his mobile phone and an email address of which he is the sole owner;
    • to use the Paywiser Mobile Application safely and correctly;
    • to carefully protect all identification and access data (username, password and PIN, security code) from unauthorised persons;
    • to verify the correctness of all payment details and the adequacy of the payment before confirming each payment;
    • to use the Paywiser service in accordance with the notices and recommendations of Paywiser and your mobile operator and the applicable legislation;
    • immediately notify Paywiser of any unauthorised, incorrectly ordered or executed payment transaction and any suspected misuse, theft or loss of your mobile phone or Paywiser Mobile App access details by email to [email protected];
    • notify Paywiser of any changes to the User’s details, including identifying information;
    • not to interfere with the Paywiser software code in any way;
    • to notify Paywiser immediately of any malfunction of the Paywiser services which may be to the detriment or benefit of Paywiser;• inform Paywiser of any information and circumstances that may have a significant impact on the User’s performance of its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions or under any other general terms and conditions governing the particular Paywiser Services,
    • to always use the latest version of the Paywiser Mobile Application available. The User undertakes to report the loss or theft of his/her mobile phone immediately to us at [email protected]. Breach of the User’s obligation constitutes a serious breach of the General Terms.
  10. Processing of personal data
    The Paywiser Mobile App User acknowledges that by activating the Paywiser Mobile App, Paywiser will process his/her personal data in accordance with the Agreement and its annexes and the Paywiser Privacy Policy. The General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy are available at www.paywiser.com.
  11. Compensation for the use of the Mobile Application
    The Paywiser mobile application is free to use.
  12. Izključitev odgovornosti Paywiser Exclusion of liability of Paywiser
    Paywiser’s liability for material or immaterial damage caused to the User through the use of the Services is excluded in full if:
    • there is an extraordinary termination of the contract by Paywiser;
    • Paywiser decides not to enter into a business relationship with the User;
    • there is unauthorised disposal of funds in the User’s mobile wallet as a result of the User’s failure to adequately protect the integrity of the Paywiser Mobile Application;
    • an error occurs in the User’s use of the Services;
    • the User’s mobile phone is lost, resulting in temporary or permanent restricted access to the Services;
    • there is an expected or unexpected disruption in the operation of the Paywiser Mobile Application, the Paywiser Infrastructure or other infrastructure critical to the operation of the Paywiser Mobile Application;
    • damage occurs as a result of the use of services of other providers which the User accesses via the Paywiser Mobile
    • circumstances of force majeure occur, which are circumstances that make the operation of Paywiser significantly more difficult or impossible and over which Paywiser has no control.
  13. Reševanje sporov
    Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of services under these General Terms shall be resolved amicably between the User and Paywiser in accordance with the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Rules in force from time to time, which the User may consult at www.paywiser.com, and the Contract.
  14. Final provisions
    Paywiser may amend these General Terms at any time in the manner agreed in the Contract. If the User does not agree to the modification, he/she may terminate the Paywiser Mobile Application and cease using it. The use of the Paywiser Mobile Application in conjunction with a Payment Account and/or Mastercard is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the latter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these General Terms and the Contract, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail.

These General Terms (version 1.0) are published on the website www.paywiser.com and are valid from 3 October 2022.

Slovenia – Price list/Cenik

Price list for payment accounts and payment cards services B2C/
Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi in plačilnimi karticami B2C

Datum: 02.10.2023

Table of Slovenia – price list/cenik
Payment Account Opening / Plačilni račun odpiranje 0,00 €
Issuing Mastercard Payment Card – Virtual / Izdaja Mastercard plačilne kartice - virtualna 1,00 €
Issuing Mastercard Payment Card – Physical / Izdaja Mastercard plačilne kartice - fizična 10,00 €
Monthly Fee / Mesečno nadomestilo 2,99 €
SEPA payment / SEPA plačilo 0,50 €
SWIFT Cross-Border Payment / Čezmejno plačilo 19,95 €
ATM withdrawal EEA region / Bankomat dvig EGP regija 2% + 1 €
ATM withdrawal outside EEA region / Bankomat dvig izven EGP regije 3% + 1 €
ATM Balance Enquiry / Vpogled v stanje računa na bankomatu 1,00 €
ATM Reject Fee / Zavrnjena bankomat transakcija 1,00 €
Physical Card Replacement / Zamenjava fizične kartice 20,00 €
Faster Payments / Hitrejša plačila 1,50 €
BACS 1,00 €
CHAPS 10,00 €

UK – Price list/Cenik

Table of UK – price list/cenik
Pricing for Paywiser UK Limited
Unionpay International USD
Card Fees:
UPI - Virtual 1.00
UPI (Standard) - Physical* 20.00
Card Management Fee (Monthly) 3.50
3DS Monthly Fee 1.00
3DS Per Transaction Fee 1.00
KYC Fee 7.00
Physical Card Replacement Fee* 10.00
Transaction Fee
ATM Local UK / EU# 5.00
ATM Oversea 0.8% + 5
ATM Balance Enquiry 3.5
ATM Reject Fees 3.5
ATM Acquirer 3.5
POS Transaction Fee 3.5
Chargeback Fee 50.00
Arbitration for chargeback 150.00
* Excludes Shipping / Postal Fee
# UK Issued Card then Local is UK; EU Issued Card then Local is EU;
Table of UK – price list/cenik
Mastercard EUR
Card Fees:
Digital First Card - Virtual 1.00
Digital First Card - Physical* 10.00
Card Management Fee (Monthly) 1.00
3DS Monthly Fee 0.10
3DS Per Transaction Fee 0.01
KYC Fee 7.00
Physical Card Replacement Fee* 10.00
Transaction Fee
ATM Local UK / EU# 2% + 1.00 EUR
ATM Oversea 3% + 1.00 EUR
ATM Balance Enquiry Pass Through
ATM Reject Fees Pass Through
ATM Acquirer Pass Through
POS Transaction Fee Pass Through
Chargeback Fee 50.00
Arbitration for chargeback 150.00
* Excludes Shipping / Postal Fee
# UK Issued Card then Local is UK; EU Issued Card then Local is EU;
Table of UK – price list/cenik
Banking Fee EUR
Consumer Corporate
KYC Fee 7.00 19.95
Account Opening Fee 19.95 149.95
Monthly Fee 9.95 19.95
Internal Trasfer 1.50 1.50
SEPA / Fast Fee (Incoming and Outgoing) 2.50 2.50
SWIFT (Incoming and Outgoing) 1.5% + 35 EUR 1.5% + 35 EUR
BAC / Chaps / Target2 / Target2 Instant (Incoming and Outgoing) 5.00 5.00
Foreign Bank Enquiry 19.95 19.95
Reversed Transfer Fee 49.95 49.95

Paywiser – UPI Card T&C

Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card - Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your application and use of the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card. Please read these Terms carefully and retain a copy of them for your record. By applying and activating, receiving and/or using the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card, you are agreeing to these Terms. We may change these Terms from time to time, with or without cause, as provided in these Terms and in accordance with applicable law. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese language versions of these Terms, the English version prevails.


The term “Card” refers to the Paywiser Prepaid and Debit Card. The value of the funds that are loaded onto the Card and are available for spending is referred to herein as the “Balance”. “Cardholder” means an individual who activates, receives and/or uses the Card. “Transaction Amount” means the amount that is debited from the Balance in connection with your use of the Card, which amount includes both the amount of the Balance to be transferred and the fees imposed to complete the transaction. Paywiser Limited is the issuer of the Card. “Paywiser” means Paywiser Limited and its successors and assigns. “We,” “Us,” “Our” and “Ours” mean Paywiser Limited, and all the associated and affiliated third parties duly appointed or authorized by Paywiser to fulfil and manage your Card. “You”, “Your” and “Yours” each means the Cardholder. “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a public or bank holiday in the place of issuance of the Card. “UnionPay Logo” means any logo or brand mark used by UnionPay International from time to time and which is used for all Cards. “Our Website” means the website at www.paywiser.com.


Your Card is a general purpose reloadable prepaid card / debit card and is not a (an gift card or a credit card, and it can be used in any countries and at any location that displays the UnionPay Logo, including point of sale retail merchants, restaurants, online or on the telephone. (Please note: use of the Card in certain countries may incur additional fees and charges such as those in connection with currency exchange rate and handling fees.) Before using the Card, you need to make sure that it has been activated and that the Balance available is sufficient for your purchase. You will not be able to use Your Card after its expiry date. Your Card is attached to an account (the “Card Account”) that we have created to record the Balance available and transactions of your Card. In order to protect your interests, the amount of funds you load to your Card or load through our co-branders will be deposited into an independent segregated account at an institution duly authorised by the competent authority of the relevant jurisdiction registered in the name of, and operated by, an independent Custodian (the “Trust Account”).

Your funds will be kept in the Trust Account until they are, at the request and/or demand of you or any applicable regulatory party, returned to you or transferred to others. As far as your funds is concerned, we agree that :

  1. We will not create (or cause to be created) any Lien, Charge, Pledge, Encumbrances, Equity or any type of third party right on your fund; and
  2. We will keep the account details and records associated with the Trust Account. You acknowledge and agree that you will only be able to access the information about your remaining funds in your Card Account, and you will not be able to access any other information or receive any interest from the Trust Account. The Card Account is operated and maintained by our management system and does not link up with any of your bank accounts. There is no minimum Balance requirement in your Card Account, but we are entitled and have the discretion to cancel your Card if you have zero or a negative Balance. Your Card Account is not a deposit account and no interest will be paid on the Balance.

The UnionPay logo is featured on your Card and will be imprinted along with the issuer’s name


You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to apply for a Card. We will require evidence of your identity, such as an identity card bearing your photograph, a valid international passport or other travel document, a valid driving license incorporating photographic evidence of your identity, issued by a competent governmental department or authority.

We will also require evidence of your address, such as: utility bill, bank statement issued by a bank in a competent jurisdiction, correspondence from a government department or agency, mobile phone or pay TV statement, a lawyer’s confirmation of property purchase, legal document recognizing title to property, government-issued photographic driving license containing the current residential address or national identity card containing the current residential address. We will require additional supporting documents to demonstrate the soundness of your financial background if necessary. The approved forms of identification and verification of residential address cannot be more than 3 months old. When you apply for the Card, we will run checks to verify your identity and financial background. If we are unable to verify your identity and/or your financial background, or where you fail to provide satisfactory information which we request, or the verification check results are unsatisfactory, your application for the Card will be rejected.

Upon receipt of the Card, you must sign the “Signature Strip” on the back of the Card for it to be valid. You must activate your Card via the related website(s) and/or the mobile app(s) notified to you upon or after our acceptance of your application for the Card. You must enter your personal details and set up a password for your Card Account by following all the instructions on the relevant website(s) and/or mobile app(s). You should choose a password which would be difficult for another person to predict and also change your password regularly for security purpose. If You have any problems activating your Card or changing your password, please call our customer service centre accordingly


The Card is and will remain our property at all times. However, you will be solely and exclusively responsible for the possession, use and control of the Card. You must surrender the Card to us immediately upon request. You must not use the Card for any illegal transactions or purposes. If you authorize another person to use the Card, you agree, to the extent permitted by law, that you will be liable for all transactions arising from the use of the Card by such person. To use the Card, simply present the Card at the time of payment, and Key-In the password set by you, some merchants may require you to sign the transaction invoice or receipt with the same signature on the Card. You may wish to retain the receipt as a record of the transaction. After using your Card to make payment, the Card’s Balance will be reduced accordingly by the full amount of each purchase including taxes, charges and other fees(if any). The Card can be used to pay the full amount of the purchase and applicable taxes, so long as the Balance remaining on the Card is sufficient. You may not make a purchase in an amount which exceeds the remaining Balance on the Card. If you want to make a purchase in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Limit, You must notify us before completing the transaction.


  1. Point of Sale
    You agree that we are not required to verify the signature on any sales draft or invoice prepared in connection with a transaction carried out on your Card and we may authorize and process a transaction even if the signature on the sales draft or invoice is different from the signature on Your Card. You do not have any right to stop the payment of any transaction which you have executed with the Card. You may not make pre-authorized regular payments through the use of your Card. We are not liable to You for declined or rejected authorization for any particular transaction, regardless of our reason. Online transactions must be authorized by you by entering your Card details as requested by the retailer. This usually means providing your Card number and PIN, the name on the Card, the expiration date of the Card and in many cases the CVC2 number printed on the back of the Card. You cannot withdraw Your authorization after having completed Your transaction.
  2. Limitations
    The amount You can spend with your Card will be limited by the amount of your Balance. The Card cannot be used for recurring billing charges (such as monthly utilities or subscriptions). We do not recommend using the Card to make reservations or deposits (for example, car rental or hotel reservations). These companies often estimate the bill and hold the authorization amount for up to 30 days, meaning you cannot access or spend those funds during the period. You can, however, use the Card to settle your final bill. Use of your Card may be restricted in some countries due to security risks. Be aware that some merchants (for example, restaurants, car rental agencies, salons, hotels, cruise lines and pay-at-the-pump gas stations) temporarily require that your Card has an available Balance greater than the purchase amount to ensure sufficient funds for tips or incidental expenses. The reason for this temporary difference is that the final amount of your purchase is not known at the time your Card is swiped for authorization. Authorization tells the merchant whether Your Card has enough funds to cover Your final purchase amount. Only the actual amount spent will be deducted from Your Balance.
  3. Overseas Transactions
    An overseas transaction fee will be imposed on the amount transacted outside the United Kingdom. This fee is additional to any transaction fee levied by UnionPay (for further details on this please see section on “Fees” below) and will be automatically deducted from your Balance.
    For all transactions involving currency conversion, the exchange rate refers to the rate applied by UnionPay on the date of conversion. However, if the proceeds of a foreign transaction are refunded to your Card, the UnionPay conversion rate used to convert your refund to the USD for your Card is the rate that we pay to UnionPay minus our overseas transaction fee for the refund (for further details on this please see section on “Fees” below). Further, the rate that we pay to UnionPay may not be the same rate as that of the date the transaction was refunded. For these reasons, the amount that is credited to your Card for a refund of a foreign currency transaction will, in most cases, be less than the amount that was originally charged to your Card for that transaction.
    Customers may sometimes be offered the option to settle foreign currency transactions in the currency denomination of the merchant at the sales overseas. Such option is a direct arrangement offered by the overseas merchants and not by us. In such cases, you are reminded to ask the merchant for the currency exchange rates and the percentage of handling fees to be applied before the transaction is entered because settling foreign currency transactions in this way may involve a cost higher than the overseas transaction fees.
  4. Loading the Card
    There are several methods to load the Card and please be aware of the different fees associate with different loading channels. The Card can be loaded via the channels provided by our partners, and the monies will only be loaded onto the Card once the funds have been cleared. Please note that this may take up to several Business Days depending on different loading methods. We reserve the right to alter or provide more top up facilities over time, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your right to top up your Card at any time without notice.

A partner is any distributor contracted by us to issue Card for its clients.


You are required to inform us if you change your name, address, telephone number, mobile number or e-mail address within 14 days after the change, and You may be liable for any unauthorized transactions caused by your failure to keep Your details accurate and up to date. You shall be responsible if such an incident occurs and We are not liable for any consequences or losses arising from such event. We will send information to the latest updated registered address or contact we have of you.


For details of the fees associated with your Card, please refer to the fee table of your Card program. Different fees will be applied to different Card programs. Fees will be deducted from your Card Account Balance. If the Balance on your Card is negative due to fees or merchant posting, you shall remain fully responsible for the amount that exceeds the Balance available on your Card. You agree that we may automatically deduct (offset) the amount of any such negative balance from current or future transfers of funds to Your Card Account. If you use the Card and account in a currency other than the currency in which they are denominated, the currency conversion rate used to convert the transaction amount to be deducted from your Balance will be the rate set by UnionPay on the date the transaction is processed, which rate may be applied without notice to You. Please refer to the UnionPay website for more information.


Please note that the Card has a “valid thru” date imprinted on the face of the Card, which is the date after which You may not use that Card for any purpose. If You attempt to use Your Card after the “valid thru” date, the transactions may not be processed because the Balance remaining on the Card will not be available for any such transactions after the “valid thru” date. However, You will be able to retrieve / redeem the Balance after that date. Therefore, We recommend that You make use of the funds in that Card before the “valid thru” date; or to contact us a month prior to the “valid thru” date (i) to make a request for a redemption of the Balance, or (ii) so that We can reissue a new replacement Card to You as soon as practicably possible at Your convenience. Cardholders may contact our Customer Support Centre on Tel +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected] anytime to request for a replacement.


You may terminate/cancel your Card and Card Account at any time online at the relevant website(s) and/or mobile app(s) as notified to you upon or after our acceptance of your application for the Card or by calling us +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected]. Termination/cancellation of your Card requested by you gives you a right to a refund once the request is accepted by Us. We will cancel the Card after receiving your request and reimburse the amount of available Balance to you once all fees have been deducted (including the redemption fee). In normal circumstances, we expect to reimburse the Balance to you by cheque no later than 10 Business Days after we have received the termination/cancellation request. However, you should note that the processing time for reimbursement may take longer than 10 Business Days by reason 7 of matters beyond Our reasonable control. Redemption fee for termination/cancellation of Your Card is set out in the existing Fee Table. We reserve the right to amend the existing Fee Table at our absolute discretion.

We shall have the right to suspend or terminate Your Card and/or Your Card Account at any time at Our discretion without prior notice and without assigning any reason. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, we shall be entitled to terminate your Card or your Card Account immediately without notice if You shall commit any breach of or omit to observe any obligation under these Terms, which in Our opinion, amounts to a material default on Your part or if we suspect any actual or potential fraud or illegal activity through Your Card and/or Your Card Account.

If Your Card has a zero or negative Balance, We may, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, suspend Your Card and/or Your Card Account without notice. Furthermore, if We have no record of Card activity for a certain period, the Balance on Your Card may be treated as unclaimed property. You can claim the remaining Balance on Your card but We reserve the right to charge You a fee based on the amount of the remaining Balance and refund the rest back to You.


You agree to protect Your Card against loss, theft or unauthorized use by taking all reasonable precautions. If Your Card has been lost or stolen or if You have reasons to believe that someone has made an unauthorized transaction with Your Card or may attempt to use Your card without your permission, You must notify Us IMMEDIATELY +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected]. You will be liable to the losses up to the amount of your Balance (in any equivalent currency denomination) as at the time of the loss or theft of your Card arising from any unauthorized transactions that take place prior to you notification to us of the suspicious activity. You will not be held liable for any losses once You have notified Us of loss or theft unless We reasonably determine that You have acted with negligence. You will be asked to provide Us with Your name, the Card number, the expiration date, and the original Card value and transaction history. We cannot re-issue a Card if You do not have Your Card number. If Our records show that a Balance still remains on the Card, We will cancel the Card and make such Balance amounts available to You on a re-issued Card. If You subsequently retrieve the reported lost card, please destroy the lost card immediately by cutting it in half or send the card back to Us. We recommend that You check the Balance on Your Card Account and Your transaction history regularly online on via the mobile application available for download from our website. The Card may be deactivated at any time if fraud is suspected. You agree, to the extent permitted by law, to cooperate completely with Us in Our attempts to recover from unauthorized users and to assist in their prosecution.


If there is any dispute regarding purchases you make using the Card, you agree to and shall settle such disputes directly with the merchant with whom the purchase was made. We will not be held responsible for any problems which you may have with any goods or services that you purchase with your Card, whether with regard to quality, safety, legality, or any other aspect of Your purchase. If you are entitled to a refund for any reason for goods or services obtained or purchased with the Card, you agree to accept credits to the Balance on your Card in place of cash or bank deposit.


You acknowledge that you may have dispute rights pursuant to card association and network rules or otherwise, and we have the right (but not the obligation) to pass any applicable chargebacks to you. If you wish to request for a chargeback, you shall provide the relevant proof and information within the time stipulated by UnionPay International. For the avoidance of doubt, UnionPay also has its own chargeback procedure against any illegal activities and money laundering. Both UnionPay and we have the rights and authority to charge you a reasonable handling fee during the investigation and chargeback process. Please note, UnionPay will only charge the Cardholder through issuer of the Card. You have rights under law or contract to withhold payments. You have chargeback rights if (i) You question, make a claim or complaint about the amount that You agreed to pay when using the Card to purchase goods or services; (ii) You deny making or authorizing the amount that You agreed to pay when using the Card to purchase goods or services; (iii) You believe that the payment transactions is invalid, involves misconduct or fraud (such as fraudulent use of a payment instrument), or otherwise violates any applicable law or these Terms; or (iv) as provided elsewhere in these Terms. We will do everything possible to defend chargeback requests that we receive on your behalf. However, specific time limits and rules shall apply to each chargeback and UnionPay internal chargeback procedure.


We cannot guarantee a merchant will accept your Card, or that we will authorize any particular transaction. This may be because of a systems problem, something outside our reasonable control, or because we are concerned that your Card is being misused. Accordingly, we shall not be liable in any event that a retailer refuses to accept your Card, or if we do not authorize a transaction, or if we cancel or suspend the use of your Card, to the extent permitted under these Terms and the relevant law. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage You may suffer as a result of your total or partial use or inability to use your Card, or the use of your Card by any third party. We will also not be liable for any losses or expenses incurred by You arising from our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and We will not be liable to You for (1) any loss of goodwill, reputation or opportunity, (2) any loss or corruption of data, (3) any loss of anticipated savings in connection with Your failure to use Your Card due to whatever cause, whether direct or indirect, and (4) any indirect or consequential loss. In the event that You do not use Your Card in accordance with these Terms or if We find that You are using the Card fraudulently, We reserve the right to charge You for any reasonable costs that We incur in taking action to stop You from using Your Card and to recover any monies owed as a result of Your activities.


The data protection legislation governs the collection, holding, processing and use of Your personal data and other information that we may collect from you from time to time (the “Data”). The legislation covers transactional records arising from your use of your Card to the extent that those transactional records are “personal data” under the legislation. to the legislation enable us to provide the services contemplated under these Terms and other related services to you.

Purpose: You agree that the Data provided by you may be used for the following purposes of:

  1. processing the application for the Card, including the issue of any new or replacement Card to you;
  2. collecting money due from you;
  3. verifying any information and records relating you;
  4. management, operation and maintenance of the Card, including audit and exercising our rights and your rights under these Terms;
  5. designing new or improving existing services provided by us;
  6. communication between you and us;
  7. investigation of complaints, suspected suspicious transactions and research for service improvement;
  8. prevention or detection of crime; and
  9. disclosure as required by law, rules, regulations, codes or guidelines


The Data will be kept confidential by us, but you agree that for the purpose(s) set out above, We may transfer or disclose such Data to the following parties: (i) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, electronic fund transfer service, computer, payment debt collection, settlement or clearing or other services to us in connection with the operation of Our business; (ii) any branch, subsidiary, holding company, associated company or affiliate of us; (iii) any counterparty to a cheque which we may issue or receive in connection with your Card or Card Account; (iv) credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies; (v) any party giving or proposing to give a guarantee or third party security to guarantee or secure Your obligations; and (vi) any actual or proposed assignee of us or participants or sub-participant or transferee of our rights in respect of you as our customer.


You have the right to: (a) check whether we hold Data and to have access to that Data; (b) require us to correct any Data which is inaccurate; and (c) ascertain our policies and practices in relation to Data and to be informed of the kind of Data held by us. Please also note that where you have given your consent and have not subsequently opted out, your name, contact details, products and services, transaction pattern and behavior, financial background and demographic data held by us from time to time may be used by us in direct marketing. We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for complying with any request for access to your Data.


  1. Assignment
    These Terms and Conditions are personal to you. You may not assign or otherwise transfer your rights and obligations under them. We may assign, transfer or subcontract our rights and obligations under these Terms to another company at any time on giving you at least two (2) months’ prior notice of this. If we do this, your rights will not be affected.
  2. Communication
    If you have an enquiry relating to your Card, you can use the “Contact Us” section on our website. We will deal with your enquiry promptly. If you do not wish to enquire in this way, you can call our customer service centre on +44 2381 680299 and/or email [email protected]. Any notifications and communications relating to your Card should be made in the same way unless specified otherwise in these Terms. You will require a valid email address and access to the internet in order to communicate with us through our Website.
  3. Complaints
    If You are unhappy in any way with your Card or the way it is managed or have any other complaints in connection with your Card, please contact us by e-mailing [email protected] or on +44 2381 680299. We will endeavour to deal with any complaints You may have quickly and fairly and will notify you of the outcome of our investigation.
  4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Where there is any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, you may elect to resolve such dispute, controversy or claim by mediation and/or arbitration accordingly
    Subject to the above, both you and us irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England.
  5. Severability
    If any provision of these Terms is held by any court or by other competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, these Terms shall continue to be valid as to its other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision.
  6. Telephone Calls and Collection
    You understand and agree that, subject to applicable law, if You are in default under these Terms or if You have a negative balance, We or any agent of Ours may make collection calls to your home or cell phone and we may use pre-recorded messages with respect to such calls. We or our agents may monitor and/or record your phone calls, including any messages that may be left on an answering machine.
  7. Rights of Third Parties
    These Terms shall not create or give rise to, nor shall it be intended to create or give rise to, any third party rights. No third party shall have any right to enforce or rely on any provision of these Terms of which confers or may confer any right or benefit on any third party, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly. The application of any legislation giving rise to or conferring on third parties contractual or other rights (including, but not limited to, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 in connection with these Terms is hereby expressly excluded.


Subject to the applicable laws, we may at any time change or remove any of the terms and conditions of, or add new terms or conditions to, these Terms. We will post such changes on our website at https://www.paywiser.com. As of the effective date included in any notice, the changed or new terms will apply to the Card, including, without limitation, all transactions made using the Card after such effective date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, advance notice of any change may not be given if it is necessary to make any such change immediately in order to maintain or restore the security of the Card or any related payment system or comply with applicable law. We may, in Our sole discretion, cancel or suspend these Terms or any features or services of the Card at any time, with or without cause, and without prior notice to You.

Changes to the spending limits of your Card that are necessary in order for us to comply with legal requirements are not considered to be changes of these Terms and therefore do not require prior notice to be given. You can always check Your spending limits by logging into your Account.


These Terms set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and us, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements with respect to such subject matter.

Section headings in these Terms are for convenience of reference only, and shall not govern the interpretation of any provision of these Terms.

UK Visa Card Terms and Condition for Consumer

Consumer Cardholder Terms

  1. These terms
    1. What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) which govern the use of the personal, non-transferable card scheme branded debit card (the “Card”) which you have been issued with or will be issued with.
    2. Why you should read them. Please read these Terms carefully before you use your Card. These Terms tell you who we are, who we work with, how you can use your Card and the steps you need to take to protect yourself from unauthorised use of the Card and how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these Terms, please contact us to discuss.
  2. Information about us and how to contact us
    1. Who we are. We are Paywiser Limited, being the issuer of the Card (“we”, “us”, “our”), and a company incorporated in the UK (company number: 10677553) with its head office at 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH (hereinafter referred to in this Agreement as “Paywiser”, “we” “us”). We are the issuer of your Card.
    2. We are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (registration number 901086) for the issuing of electronic money (“e-money”).
    3. You should contact us in relation to these Terms, for example if you:
      1. wish to cancel the Card or complain about the service you have been provided with pursuant to these Terms;
      2. let us know that the Card has been or potentially has been lost, stolen or misappropriated; and
      3. report an unauthorised Transactions relating to your Card.
    4. Please refer to the following link for the set of terms and conditions Paywiser Payment Card
    5. We also provide you with the e-money account (the “Account”) where the funds, which can be spent using the Card, are held. Our company details are set out in section 2.1. The services provided by us for the Account are governed by a separate set of terms and conditions between you and us which are set out at services banking Please note that the funds in the Account will not earn any interest.
    6. How to contact us. You can contact us, by clicking this link contacts
    7. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the telephone number, email address or postal address you provided to us. Any changes to your telephone number, email address or postal address or other personal data we hold about you must be notified by you immediately and in writing in accordance with section 2.6.
  3. Commencement and expiry of these Terms
    1. You shall be deemed to accept these Terms by using the Card. The Card shall remain our property and will be delivered by us.
    2. The Terms, excluding Section 7.3, will terminate on the expiry date printed on the Card (“Expiry Date”) unless the Card is auto-renewed, in which case you will be issued with a new Card before the existing one expires. In this instance these Terms will remain valid until the existing Card expires or is otherwise as set out in these Terms.
  4. Issuance and activation of the Card
    1. You may be issued with:
      1. a “physical” Card, which will have the details of the PAN, the Expiry Date of the Card and the CVV code printed on it (the “Physical Card”); or
      2. a “virtual” Card, in which case you will not receive a Physical Card but will receive details of the PAN, the Expiry Date and the CVV2 code (the “Virtual Card”).
    2. In order to start using the Card, you may be required to activate it in accordance with instructions given to you. You must keep your Physical Card and the details of the Virtual Card (as applicable) in a safe place and protect it against unauthorised access or use by third parties.
    3. If you are issued with a Physical Card:
      1. you must sign the Physical Card as soon as you receive it;
      2. you may also receive a secret personal identification number (“PIN”) separately by post or you may be able to retrieve it electronically via Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App.
    4. You should memorise your PIN when you receive it. If you need to keep the written version of the PIN or separately write the PIN down for future reference, you must never keep it with the Card. You must never disclose your PIN to any other person, not even us. If you have not protected your PIN and your Card is used without your knowledge using the correct PIN, this may be classed as negligence for the purposes of Section 8.
    5. You can manage the Card on your secure area of the Paywiser’s Website and on the Paywiser’s App.
    6. The Card shall remain valid until the Expiry Date. If you require a replacement Card, please contact Paywiser using the contact details set out in section 2.6. Please note that an additional fee may be charged for a replacement Card - please see the fees section for more information.
    7. The Card is an e-money product and as such it is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may only use the Card for lawful Transactions.
  5. Transactions
    1. Should the relevant card scheme and/or programme allow, you may use your Card to enter into the following transactions (hereinafter referred to as “Transactions”):
      1. purchasing goods and/or services from merchants affiliated with the card scheme on your Card;
      2. withdrawing cash from authorised banks worldwide;
      3. receiving cash back from merchants (merchant dependent);
      4. making cash withdrawals from automatic teller machines (“ATMs”).
    2. You can authorise a Transaction by:
      1. allowing a merchant to swipe the magnetic strip of the Card and the corresponding sales slip being signed; or
      2. inserting the Card into a chip & PIN device and the correct PIN being entered;
      3. providing relevant information to the merchant that allows the merchant to process the Transaction, for example, providing the merchant with the PAN, the Expiry Date and the CVV2 in the case of an internet or other non-face-to-face Transaction;
      4. relevant information being provided to the payment initiation service provider that allows the payment initiation service provider to process the Transaction;
      5. the Card is tapped against a “contactless” enabled reader and accepted by such reader.
    3. If any of the methods of authorisation set out in section 5.2 are used, we shall be entitled to assume that you have authorised a Transaction unless we were informed that the relevant details of the Card have been lost, stolen or misappropriated prior the Transaction taking place.
    4. You acknowledge the correctness of the amount of each Transaction which you authorise.
    5. Once you have authorised a Transaction, the Transaction cannot be stopped or revoked. You may in certain circumstances be entitled to a refund in accordance with these Terms.
    6. On receipt of notification of your authorisation of a Transaction and the Transaction payment order from the merchant and/or authorised bank, normally we will deduct the value of the Transaction, plus any applicable fees and charges, from the available funds in the Account. We will execute the Transaction by crediting the account of the merchant’s or ATM operator’s or bank’s (as applicable) payment service provider by the end of the next business day following the notification. If the notification is received on a non-business day or after 4:30 pm on a business day, it will be deemed received on the next business day.
    7. We are not liable if, for any reason, the affiliated merchants or authorised banks do not accept the Card, or accept it only partly, nor are we liable in the case of late delivery of, or failure to deliver, goods or services. In the event of disputes or complaints of any kind concerning goods or services, or the exercise of any right in this connection, you should contact the affiliated merchant and/or authorised ban and/or ATM operator.
    8. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are available funds in your Account to cover any spend, allowing for any foreign exchange fees and other applicable fees under these Terms. Should the Account at any time and for any reason have a negative balance, you shall repay the excess amount immediately and in full.
    9. For Card usage conducted in other currencies (other than the currency of the Card), you shall accept the exchange rate used by Visa, which can be found https://www.visa.co.uk/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html. Any changes in exchange rates may be applied immediately and without notice. The exchange rate, where applicable to a Transaction, will be shown in the e-statement. Please be careful when opting to use a merchant’s, bank’s or ATM operators exchange rates as they are often less competitive that the card scheme’s exchange rate.
    10. The maximum amount you may withdraw in cash shall be subject to a daily limit, irrespective of the available funds in the Account. We may charge a fee for withdrawal of cash. Some ATMs may charge an additional fee, which is not included in the Table, however, will apply on top of the fees set out in the Table.
    11. We and the Distributor have the right to review and change the spending limits on the Card at any time. You will be notified of any such changes via the Distributor’s Website and/or the Distributor’s App.
  6. Non-execution of a Transaction
    1. In certain circumstances we may refuse to execute a Transaction that you have authorised. These circumstances include:
      1. if we have reasonable concerns about the security of the Card or suspect the Card is being used in a fraudulent or unauthorised manner;
      2. if there are insufficient funds available to cover the Transaction and all associated fees at the time that we receive notification of the Transaction or if there is an outstanding shortfall on the balance of the Account;
      3. if we have reasonable grounds to believe you are acting in breach of these Terms;
      4. if there are errors, failures (mechanical or otherwise) or refusals by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes processing Transactions, or
      5. if we are required to do so by law.
    2. Unless it would be unlawful for us to do so, where we refuse to complete a Transaction, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable that it has been refused and the reasons for the refusal, together, where relevant, with the procedure for correcting any factual errors that led to the refusal. Where the refusal is reasonably justified, we may charge you fee when we notify you that your payment request has been refused.
    3. You may also claim a refund for a Transaction that you authorised provided that your authorisation did not specify the exact amount when you consented to the Transaction, and the amount of the Transaction exceeded the amount that you could reasonably have expected it to be taking into account your previous spending pattern on the Card, these Terms and the relevant circumstances.
    4. Such a refund must be requested from us within 8 weeks of the amount being deducted from the Card. We may require you to provide us with evidence to substantiate your claim. Any refund or justification for refusing a refund will be provided within 10 business days of receiving your refund request or, where applicable, within 10 business days of receiving any further evidence requested by us. Any refund shall be equal to the amount of the Transaction. Any such refund will not be subject to any fee.
  7. Access to information on Transactions and available funds in the Account
    1. Paywiser has set up a secure area on Paywiser’s Website and on the Paywiser’s App where you can view the available balance in your Account and view the details of any Transactions you have entered into. You can gain access to this by following the instructions on the Paywiser’s Website or the Paywiser’s App. You must keep the credentials to obtain access to the secure areas safe and not disclose them to anyone.
    2. We can, upon request, send you monthly information (“e-statement”) by email setting out:
      1. a reference enabling you to identify each Transaction;
      2. the amount of each Transaction;
      3. the currency in which the Card is debited;
      4. the amount of any Transaction charges including their break down, where applicable;
      5. the exchange rate used in the Transaction by us and the amount of the Transaction after the currency conversion, where applicable; and
      6. the Transaction debit value date.
      If you would like us to provide you with the e-statement more often than monthly or not by email (or if agreed differently under this section 7, more often than agreed or in a different manner than agreed) then we may charge you a reasonable administration fee to cover our costs of providing the information more often or in a different manner.
    3. If for any reason you have some available funds left in your Account following the termination of these Terms, you may redeem them in full up to 6 years following the termination.
  8. Loss of the Card / Transaction refunds
    1. As soon as you become aware of any loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorised use of the Card, PIN or other security details, you must immediately notify us using the contact details set out in section 2.6.
    2. In the event of theft, you should consider reporting the theft to the police.
    3. If we believe you did not authorise a particular Transaction or that a Transaction was incorrectly carried out, in order to get a refund you must contact us as soon as you notice the problem using the contact details set out in section 2.6, and in any case no later than 13 months after the amount of the Transaction has been deducted from your Account.
    4. We will refund any unauthorised Transaction and any associated Transaction fees and charges payable under these Terms subject to the rest of this section 8.
    5. This refund shall be made as soon as practicable and in any event no later than the end of the business day following the day on which we become aware of the unauthorised Transaction, unless we have reasonable grounds to suspect fraudulent behaviour and notify the appropriate authorities. If we become aware of the unauthorised Transaction on a non-business day or after 4:30 pm on a business day, we will be deemed to have only become aware of the unauthorised Transaction at the beginning of the next business day.
    6. If we are liable for an incorrectly executed Transaction, we will immediately refund you the amount of the incorrectly executed Transaction together with and any associated Transaction fees and charges payable under these Terms. Depending on the circumstances, we may require you to complete a dispute declaration form relating to the incorrectly executed Transaction. We may conduct an investigation either before or after any refund has been determined or made. We will let you know as soon as possible the outcome of any such investigation.
    7. If a Transaction initiated by a merchant (for example, this happens when you use the Card in a shop) has been incorrectly executed and we receive proof from the merchant’s payment service provider that we are liable for the incorrectly executed Transaction, we will refund as appropriate and immediately the Transaction and any associated Transaction fees and charges payable under these Terms.
    8. We are not liable for any incorrectly executed Transactions if we can show that the payment was actually received by the merchant’s payment service provider, in which case they will be liable.
    9. If you receive a late payment from another payment service provider (e.g. a refund from a retailer’s bank) via us, we will credit the Account with the relevant amount of any associated fees and charges so that you will not be at a loss.
    10. We will limit your liability to £35 for any losses incurred in respect of unauthorised Transactions subject to the following:
      1. you will be liable for all losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised Transaction if you have acted fraudulently, or have intentionally or with gross negligence failed to: (a) look after and use the Card in accordance with these Terms; or (b) notify us of the problem in accordance with this section 8;
      2. except where you have acted fraudulently, you will not be liable for any losses:
        1. incurred in respect of an unauthorised Transaction which arises after your notification to us of the loss, theft or misappropriation of the Card;
        2. arising where you have used the Card in a distance contract, for example, for an online purchase;
        3. arising where the loss, theft or misappropriation of the Card was not detectable by you before the unauthorised Transaction took place;
        4. where we have failed to provide you with the appropriate means of notification;
        5. arising where we are required by law (anticipated to apply from 14 September 2019) to apply Strong Customer Authentication (as defined in section 8.11) but fail to do so;
        6. the losses were caused by an act or omission of any employee, agent or branch of ours or any entity which carries out activities on our behalf.
    11. “Strong Customer Authentication” means authentication based on the use of two or more elements that are independent, in that the breach of one element does not compromise the reliability of any other element, and designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data, with the elements falling into two or more of the following categories: (a) something known only by you (“knowledge”), (b) something held only by you (“possession”); (c) something inherent to you (“inherence”). Strong Customer Authentication it is used to make Transactions more secure.
    12. We are required to provide Strong Customer Authentication when:
      1. you view the available balance on your Account either through the Distributor’s Website or the Distributor’s App and/or through an account information service provider (“AISP”);
      2. when you initiate an electronic Transaction, directly [or when you initiate a remote electronic Transaction through a payment initiation service provider (“PISP”)]; or
      3. when you carry out any action through a remote channel which may imply a risk of payment fraud or other abuses.
    13. If our investigations show that any disputed Transaction was authorised by you or you may have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, we may reverse any refund made and you will be liable for all losses we suffer in connection with the Transaction including but not limited to the cost of any investigation carried out by us in relation to the Transaction. We will give you reasonable notice of any reverse refund.
  9. Blocking of the Card
    We may block the Card, in which case you will not be able to execute any further Transactions, if we have reasonable concerns about the security of the Card or suspect the Card is being used in a fraudulent or unauthorised manner. We will notify you of any such blocking in advance, or immediately after if this is not possible, and of the reasons for the suspension unless to do so would compromise reasonable security measures or otherwise be unlawful. We will unblock the Card and, where appropriate, issue a new Card, PIN and other security features free of charge as soon as practicable once the reasons for the suspension cease to exist.
  10. Data Protection
    1. You agree that we can use your personal data in accordance with these Terms and our privacy policy, which is set out on www.paywiser.com. This privacy policy includes details of the personal information that we collect, how it will be used, and who we pass it to. You can tell us if you do not want to receive any marketing materials from us.
    2. To comply with applicable know-your-client-rules and anti-money laundering regulations (such as the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, we and/or each of our banking providers and any other business partner (the “Partner”) shall be entitled to carry out all necessary verifications of your identity. The above mentioned banking providers and the Partner may use a recognised agency for this verification purposes (details of the agency used will be provided to you on request). Such verifications will not affect your credit score but may leave a ‘soft footprint’ on your credit history.
  11. Fees and spending limits
    1. You are liable for paying all fees arising from your use of the Card and subject to all spending limits placed on the Card by us.
    2. The fees and spending limits on the Card are set out:
      1. in the table set out in Annex A attached hereto;
      2. on the secure area of the Paywiser’s Website; and/or
      3. on the Paywiser’s App.
  12. Complaints
    1. If you would like to make a complaint relating to these Terms, please contact us using the contact details in section 2.6 so we can resolve the issue. We will promptly send you a complaint acknowledgement and a copy of our complaints procedure.
    2. Please note that you may request a copy of our complaints procedure at any time. Details of our complaints procedure can also be found on our website. You agree to cooperate with us and provide the necessary information for us to investigate and resolve the complaint as quickly as possible.
    3. We will endeavour to handle your complaint fairly and quickly, however, if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR; telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123; website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk; and e-mail: [email protected]
    4. We are a “trader” and “online trader” for the purposes of the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 (“ADR Law”). The Financial Ombudsman Service is the only “ADR entity” we are legally obliged and committed to use in order to resolve disputes with consumers for the purposes of the ADR Law. We do not agree to resolve disputes with consumers using any other ADR entity or similar entity.
    5. The European Commission’s online dispute resolution (“ODR”) platform can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.adr.show. The ODR platform can be used to resolve disputes between us and consumers.
  13. Third Party Payment Service Providers
    1. This section 13 applies when you use the services of an AISP or a PISP.
    2. We may deny an AISP or PISP access to the Account for reasonably justified and duly evidenced reasons relating to unauthorised or fraudulent access to the Account by that AISP or PISP, including the unauthorised or fraudulent initiation of a Transaction. If we do deny access in this way, we will notify you of the denial and the reason for the denial in advance if possible, or immediately after the denial of access, unless to do so would compromise reasonably justified security reasons or is unlawful. We will allow AISP or PISP access to the Account once the reasons for denying access no longer apply.
  14. Cooling off period
    1. If you purchased the Card online or by some other remote means, for example via telephone, you are entitled to a 14-day “cooling off” period from the date your received your original Card during which you may cancel the Card. Should you wish to cancel the Card and these Terms during the “cooling off” period, please return the Card to Paywiser Limited, 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH and unused within 14 days of issue and a full refund of any fees paid to date will be made to you. If you have used the Card, you will not be entitled to a refund of any funds that have been spent, including any associated fees, but we will refund any unspent available funds free of charge.
  15. Other important terms
    1. The Terms and all communications will be in English. You may request a copy of these Terms free of charge at any time during the contractual relationship. If we need to contact you in the event of suspected or actual fraud or security threats, we will first send you an SMS or email prompting you to contact our customer services team using the contact information we have been supplied with.
    2. We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.
    3. You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    4. Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
    5. Changes to these Terms / Termination. We reserve the right to amend these Terms for any reason by giving you two-months’ notice by e-mail. You will be deemed to have accepted the changes if you raise no objection prior to the expiry of the period set out in the notice. If you do not wish to accept the changes, you may terminate these Terms immediately and without charge by proving us with notice at any time prior to the expiry of the notice period. At all other times you may terminate these Terms at any time by giving us one months’ notice and we may terminate these Terms by giving you two months’ notice.
    6. If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the sections and sub-sections of these Terms operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    7. Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you do not pay us on time and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.
    8. Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. These Terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of these Terms in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the these Terms in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of these Terms in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

Annex A – Fees Table
Please contact Paywiser for pricing quotation.

Corporate Terms and Conditions for Business Visa Debit Cards issued by Paywiser Limited.

These terms and conditions apply to your business debit card. You accept these terms and conditions by activating your debit card. You should read them carefully before activating your debit card. In these terms and conditions “you” means the Business and/or the named debit Cardholder authorised by the Business to use the Card. “We”, “us” or “our” means Paywiser Limited.

  1. Definitions
    In these terms and conditions the following words and expressions have the following meanings:
    “Account” means the electronic money account associated with the Card;
    “Agreement” means this Agreement of open-ended duration between you and us incorporating these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time;
    “Authorised” and “Authorisation” mean the act of authorising a payment transfer by using the Card together with (i) the PIN code; or (ii) the CVV code and Expiry Date; or (iii) the use of contactless technology; or (iv) the signature of the Cardholder or
    “Available Balance” means the value of unspent funds in the Account which are available for a Cardholder to spend;
    “Business” means the party authorised to fund the Account and to whom the electronic money is issued;
    “Business Day” means a day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which banks are open for business in London;
    “Card” means a Card, which is a Visa debit card, provided by us to a Cardholder whereby the Cardholder can spend Available Balance;
    “Cardholder” means the person authorised by the Business to use the Card to spend Available Balance in the person’s capacity as a representative of the Business and not in its own personal capacity. For the avoidance of doubt a Cardholder is not acting as a consumer for the purposes of this Agreement;
    “Expiry Date” means the expiry date of the Card, which will usually be printed on the Card.
    “Fee” means any fee assessed against a Card, as referenced in the Fees Schedule;
    “Fees Schedule” means the fee schedule which may be updated from time to time. The current version is available on the Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App;
    “Issuer” means Paywiser Limited, further details of which are set out in clause 30.
    “KYC” means ‘know your customer’ which means the requirements for knowledge of and information on customers of regulated entities in order to comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing law;
    “Merchant” means a retailer or any other person that accepts Cards;
    “Micro-Enterprise” means an entity which is engaged in an economic activity of any form which employs fewer than 10 people and whose annual turnover and/or balance sheet total that does not does not exceed €2 million;
    “PIN” means the personal identification number associated with a Card which can be used as one method of Authorising Transactions;
    “Shortfall” means when the balance of Available Balance is negative for whatever reason, including when a Transaction has been Authorised when there was not a sufficient Available Balance;
    “Transaction” means: (i) paying a Merchant for goods and/or services through Authorising the Card; and (ii) obtaining cash from an ATM or bank by Authorising the Card;
    “Virtual Card” means where applicable a non-physical Card.
    “you” means the Business and/or the Cardholder, as the context may require.
  2. Contact Details
    1. The Card can be activated and managed online via the Paywiser’s Website and/or via Paywiser’s App.
    2. Paywiser should be your first point of contract if you have any issues with the Card or this Agreement.
  3. This Agreement
    1. This Agreement governs the relationship between you and us for the provision of the Card by us to the Cardholder. This Agreement also contains important warnings and information that may affect your rights. By using your Card, you will be deemed to have accepted and fully understood the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and you agree to comply with these by your use of the Card and/or by indicating your acceptance. The Card remains our property. The Card is not transferable.
  4. The Card
    1. The Card is a debit card; it is not a credit, charge or pre-paid card. The Business will not earn any interest on any funds sent to the Account.
    2. You must ensure that there is sufficient Available Balance to enter into each Transaction that you enter into using the Card (including value added tax and any other taxes, charges and Fees that are applicable).
    3. Depending on your program you may receive a Virtual Card. In such cases we will provide You with the number of the Virtual Card, the Expiry Date of the Virtual Card and the CVV2 code.
    4. If for any reason a Transaction is processed and the Transaction amount exceeds the Available Balance, the Business must repay us the amount of such excess immediately and we will be entitled to stop any existing or subsequent Transactions from proceeding.
  5. KYC
    1. We require evidence of who you are and your address for our KYC procedures. We may ask the Cardholder or the Business to provide some documentary evidence to prove this and/or we may carry out checks on you electronically.
    2. The files of credit reference agencies may be searched to assist in the identity verification process. This is not a credit search and does not have a detrimental effect on an individual’s credit score/rating or influence an individual’s ability to obtain or raise credit. The credit reference agency will keep a record of any search and this will show as a ‘soft footprint’ on your credit record to alert you that a search was conducted.
  6. Funds in the Account
    1. Only the Business can add money to the Account. The Cardholder will not be able to add money to the Account.
    2. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the right add money to the Account at any time without notice.
    3. The Business solely owns the funds representing the Available Balance and is the beneficial owner of these funds.
  7. Service limits
    1. Transactions may be restricted by Card type, individual usage patterns and payment risk profiles. For anti-money laundering and anti-fraud reasons, we reserve our right to change particular payment restrictions (including from those published or included herein) without notice and to the extent required to meet our regulatory obligations.
  8. Use of the Card
    1. To activate the Card you will need to log onto Paywiser’s App or Paywiser’s Website and use the activate card function.
    2. We will be entitled to assume that a Transaction has been Authorised by You where (i) the magnetic strip on the Card was swiped by the Merchant; (ii) the Card was inserted into a chip & PIN device and the PIN was entered; (iii) relevant information was supplied to the Merchant that allows them to process the Transaction, for example, providing the Merchant with the 3-digit security code on the back of the Card in the case of an internet or other non-face-to-face Transaction; or (iv) the Card is tapped against a contactless-enabled reader and accepted by such reader.
    3. The Cardholder should only use the Card as permitted by the Business. If the Cardholder uses the Card, we are entitled to presume that the Cardholder has the Business’ permission to spend the Available Balance until notified to the contrary by the Business. The Cardholder can use the Card up to the amount of the Available Balance for Transactions (i) via the Internet, (ii) at Merchants and (iii) to make cash withdrawals from ATMs, provided that such application is included in the card program.
    4. We will deduct the value of the Transactions from the Available Balance in the Account. We will also deduct any applicable Fees as soon as they become payable by the Business based upon the Fees Schedule.
    5. ATM withdrawals may also be subject to fees, foreign exchange rates, maximum withdrawal limits, rules and regulations of the relevant ATM operator or bank. It is your responsibility to check whether any such additional fees apply, as they cannot be refunded once the cash has been withdrawn.
    6. Like other card issuers, we cannot guarantee a Merchant, an ATM operator or a bank will accept the Card.
    7. We may at any time suspend, restrict or terminate the Card and/or the Account, refuse to issue or replace a Card or refuse to authorise a Transaction for reasons relating to the following:
      1. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the Card is being in a way which is not approved by the Business;
      2. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the security of the Card has been compromised or suspect that the Card is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;
      3. if there is insufficient Available Balance in the Account at the time of a Transaction to cover the amount of the Transaction and any applicable Fees;
      4. if there is an outstanding Shortfall in the Account;
      5. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are acting in breach of this Agreement;
      6. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that a Transaction is potentially suspicious or illegal (for example, if we believe that a Transaction is being made fraudulently) or because of errors, failures (whether mechanical or otherwise) or refusals by Merchants, payment processors or payment schemes processing Transactions, or
      7. if we need to do so in order to comply with the law
    8. If we do this, we will inform you of the action taken and its reasons in advance or, if that is not possible, immediately after, unless to do so would compromise reasonable security measures or be otherwise unlawful. We will reactivate the Account and where appropriate issue you with a replacement Card if after further investigations we reasonably believe that the reasons for the action no longer apply
    9. The Business will remain responsible to the Issuer for the use of the Card. Your ability to use or access the Card may occasionally be interrupted, for example, if we need to carry out maintenance on our systems. Please contact us using the contact details set out in clause 2 to notify us of any problems you are experiencing using the Card or Account and we will endeavour to resolve any problem.
    10. You can manage the Card and view your e-statements by accessing the Account online via Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App. You may at any time view the details of the Transactions in the Account using the relevant credentials. You must keep your credentials safe and not disclose them to anyone. The Account will include all Transactions notified to us up to the evening of the previous Business Day.
    11. Your transaction information (“e-statement”) will contain: (i) a reference enabling you to identify each Transaction; (ii) the amount of each Transaction; (iii) the currency in which the Card is debited; (iv) the amount of any Transaction charges including their break down, where applicable; the exchange rate used in the Transaction and the amount of the Transaction after the currency conversion, where applicable; and (v) the Transaction debit value date.
  9. Conditions of use at certain Merchants
    1. In some circumstances we or Merchants may require you to have an Available Balance in excess of the Transaction amount.
    2. Some Merchants may not accept payment using the Card. It is your responsibility to check the policy with each Merchant. We accept no liability if a Merchant refuses to accept payment using the Card.
  10. Keeping the Card secure and liability
    1. You are responsible for the Card, Account and PIN. Do not share the Card or Account security details with anyone.
    2. You must take all reasonable steps to keep the PIN safe and separate from the Card or any record of the Card number and not disclose it to anyone else. This includes:
      1. not keeping your PIN with the Card;
      2. not storing the PIN on a device which is not password protected;
      3. never sharing your PIN with anyone;
      4. when entering your PIN, taking all reasonable steps to ensure it cannot be observed by others;
      5. not entering your PIN into any terminal that appears to be modified or suspicious, and
      6. if you believe that anyone has gained unauthorised access to your PIN, notifying us without undue delay following the procedures in clause 16.
    3. You will need a PIN in order to make payments at a Merchant or cash withdrawals (from an ATM or a bank) with the Card. If you forget your PIN, you may retrieve the PIN or request a replacement PIN by using the contact details set out in clause 2.
    4. We recommend that you check your Available Balance in your Account regularly on Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App. You will be provided with your Available Balance and a statement of recent Transactions on the Account either by electronic means or on Paywiser’s Website or onPaywiser’s App at any time. We also recommend and instruct you to go thoroughly over all the Transactions on a regular basis on Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App.
    5. The Business will be liable for all losses, including any related fees and charges, for any unauthorised Transaction if we can show that you have (i) acted fraudulently or (ii) failed with intent or gross negligence to use and keep safe the Card, Account or PIN in accordance with this Agreement.
    6. The Business will also be liable for all losses, including any related fees and charges, for any unauthorised or incorrectly executed Transaction if you fail to notify us without undue delay on becoming aware of the Transaction, and in any event within 30 days of the Transaction debit date.
    7. In all other circumstances, the maximum liability will be as set out in this clause 10 and in clauses 16 and 18.
    8. If you believe that someone else knows the Account or Card security details, you should contact us without undue delay.
    9. Once any Card on the Account has expired or if it is found after you have reported it as lost or stolen, you agree to destroy it by cutting it in two through the magnetic strip.
    10. The Business agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all reasonable costs of any legal action taken to successfully enforce this Agreement arising out of a material breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by you or by your fraudulent conduct.
  11. Authorising and executing Transactions
    1. Once a Transaction is Authorised, it cannot be withdrawn or revoked.
    2. Within the European Economic Area (EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) we will usually execute the Transaction by transferring the amount of the Transaction to the payment service provider of the Merchant by the end of the next Business Day following the receipt of the instructions to transfer the amount. If we receive the instructions after 4:30 pm, they will be deemed received by us on the following Business Day. If the payment service provider of the Merchant is located outside the EEA, we will execute the Transaction as soon as possible.
  12. Communications regarding the Account
    1. You can check the Available Balance and Transaction history at any time by logging onto Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App.
  13. Cancelling the Card and terminating the Agreement
    1. If you wish to terminate this Agreement at any time, you must request cancellation or termination by contacting us using the contact details set out in clause 2 informing us of your wish to terminate. The Agreement also terminates upon Card expiry subject to clause 14.
    2. Once we have received all the necessary information from you and we have completed and are satisfied with the outcome of applicable anti-money laundering, fraud and other illegal activity checks (including KYC), and once all Transactions and applicable fees and charges have been processed, we will send any Available Balance to the Business’s designated payment or bank account less any fees and charges payable to us, provided that no law, regulation, law enforcement agency, court or regulatory authority requires us to withhold the Available Balance. If we are not able to send the Available Balance for whatever reason, it will be safeguarded pursuant to clause 30 for a maximum period of twenty (20) years, after which time it will become our property. A fee will be charged during this period until either the Available Balance is sent to the Business or it is exhausted. The Available Balance will be sent as soon as it is possible to do so.
    3. A Fee may be charged for cancellation (see clause 20 below) unless you have arranged to transfer any unused funds to another Card managed by us for the Business.
    4. If, following distribution of the Available Balance to the Business, any further Transactions are found to have been made or charges or fees incurred using the Card or we receive a reversal of any prior Transaction, we will notify the Business of the amount and the Business must immediately repay us such amount on demand as a debt.
  14. Expiry & redemption
    1. The funds on the Account will no longer be usable following the Expiry Date of the most recent Card that was issued under the Account until a replacement Card is issued.
    2. The Card and this Agreement will terminate on the Expiry Date unless you are issued a renewal Card prior to the Expiry Date. You may not use the expired Card after the Expiry Date. If a Card expires before the Available Balance is exhausted, the Available Balance on the Expiry Date will be returned to the Business as set out in and subject to clause 13.
    3. We will have the right to set-off, transfer, or apply part or all of the Available Balance to satisfy all or any liabilities and fees owed to us by the Business that have not been paid or satisfied when due.
    4. Authorisation will be requested for a Transaction at the time of the Transaction. In the unlikely event, for any reason whatsoever, a Transaction is completed when there are insufficient funds on the Account for that Transaction which results in a Shortfall, the Shortfall will be repaid by the Business unless it is due to:
      1. an error on the part of the Merchant to which the Card was provided by you as the means of payment, or
      2. an error on the part of the Issuer.
    5. Should the Business not repay this amount immediately after receiving an invoice or notification from us, we reserve the right to take all steps necessary, including legal action, to recover any monies outstanding.
  15. Termination and suspension of Card and Account
    1. We may terminate the Agreement for any reason by giving you at least 30 days’ notice.
    2. We may terminate the Agreement without prior notice if:
      1. you breach an important part of this Agreement, or repeatedly breach the Agreement and fail to resolve the matter in a timely manner;
      2. we so agree with the Business;
      3. the Business fails to pay fees or charges that you have incurred or fail to cure any Shortfall, or
      4. we are required to do so by law or by the card scheme (for example, where the provision of the Card to you becomes unlawful).
    3. We may also terminate this Agreement or suspend the Card or Account without prior notice if:
      1. we reasonably believe the Card is deliberately being used by you to commit fraud or for other illegal purposes, or
      2. we discover that any of the information you provided us with when you applied for the Card was incorrect.
    4. If we terminate the Agreement without prior notice, we will tell you as soon as practicable afterwards unless we are prohibited by law from doing so.
  16. Lost and stolen Card and the right to a refund for unauthorised Transactions
    1. If you know or suspect that the Card is lost or stolen, or that the PIN code is known to an unauthorised person, or if you think a Transaction has been unauthorised, you must tell us without undue delay by calling us using the number set out in clause 2 of this Agreement.
    2. A Transaction will be considered to be unauthorised if you have not given your consent for the Transaction to be made by Authorising it. In order for any unauthorised Transaction amount to be refunded to the Account, you must report the Transaction without undue delay upon becoming aware of it. A refund cannot be made for any unauthorised Transaction reported after 30 days have passed following the debit date of the Transaction.
    3. Despite the possible 30 day’s refund period, a refund cannot be made for an unauthorised Transaction if the Transaction was correctly displayed in the Account activity online and you failed to inform us about the Transaction being unauthorised without undue delay upon seeing the Transaction in the Account activity online. In this respect we urge you to check the Account activity online on a regular basis and review the Transactions carefully.
    4. When you call using the contact details set out in clause 2, you will be asked to provide us with the Card’s number where possible and some other identifying details. If there is an Available Balance remaining in the Account, we will replace the Card for the Account. Alternatively, the Available Balance can be redeemed to the Business. If we replace the Card, the Card will be delivered to the registered address subject to possible Fees.
    5. We will refund as soon as possible, and no later than by the end of the day on which the unauthorised Transaction is reported by you, the full amount of any unauthorised Transaction reported by you, including any associated Fees and charges, provided you notify us of the Transaction in accordance with this Agreement except that:
      1. we will refund at the beginning of the next Business Day any unauthorised Transactions reported on a day that is not a Business Day or reported after 4:30 pm on a Business Day;
      2. if there is evidence that you acted fraudulently or have with intent or gross negligence failed to comply with the Agreement in relation to the use of the Card and safety of the Card’s security details, we will first carry out a prompt investigation to determine whether the Transaction was Authorised by you and will only refund if the investigation shows that the Transaction was not Authorised by you, and
      3. if the Card was lost or stolen or you have failed to keep your PIN or other security details safe from misappropriation, the Business will be liable for losses up to a maximum of 35 GBP (or equivalent in another currency) per instance of loss, theft or misappropriation.
    6. The Business will be liable for all losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised Transaction where you have acted fraudulently or have with intent or gross negligence failed to comply with the Agreement in relation to the use of the Card and safety of its security features.
    7. Except where you have acted fraudulently the Business will not be liable for any losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised Transaction arising after you notify us of the Transaction in accordance with the Agreement. The Business is not liable for any losses that occur where the Card has been used in a ‘card not present’ environment except where you have acted fraudulently or with intent or gross negligence.
    8. If there is evidence that you checked the online Account and did not notify us of the unauthorised Transaction without undue delay, we may not refund the Account.
    9. We reserve the right to investigate any disputed Transaction or misuse of the Card before and after a refund. In order to do so we may need more information and assistance from you and you are required to reasonably cooperate with any investigation by us or any law enforcement agency or other competent authority. If we make a refund following the claim and subsequently establish that the conditions for the refund have not been met, we may deduct it from the Available Balance after notifying you. If there is no sufficient Available Balance, the Business must repay us the amount immediately on demand.
  17. Our liability
    1. We will not be liable for any loss arising from:
      1. your inability to use the Card as set out or for any reason stated in clauses 10 and 13;
      2. any cause which results from abnormal or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all our efforts to the contrary, including but not limited to fault in or failure of data processing systems, lack of funds, maximum withdrawal limits set by ATM operators;
      3. a Merchant refusing to accept the Card;
      4. any issue with the goods or services that are purchased with the Card;
      5. any loss or theft that is reported later than 30 days following the debit date of the Transaction in question;
      6. our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
      7. our suspending, restricting or cancelling the Card or refusing to issue or replace it in accordance with clause 8 above, or
      8. loss or corruption of data unless caused by our wilful default.
    2. From time to time, your ability to use the Card may be interrupted, e.g. when we carry out maintenance to improve and keep the service running for our customers. If this happens, the Business may be unable to add funds to your Account, and/or you may be unable to:
      1. use the Card to enter into a Transaction, and/or
      2. obtain information about the funds available in your Account and/or about the recent Transactions.
    3. We will not be liable for any loss arising from such interruptions.
    4. We are also not liable for:
      1. business interruption, loss of revenue, goodwill, opportunity or anticipated savings, or
      2. any indirect or consequential loss arising from your total or partial use or inability to use the Card, or the use of the Card by any third party.
    5. To the fullest extent permitted by relevant law, and subject to clauses 16 and 18, our total liability under or arising from this Agreement will be limited as follows:
      1. where the Card is faulty due to our default, our liability will be limited to replacement of the Card; and
      2. where sums are incorrectly deducted from the Available Balance due to our fault, our liability will be limited to payment to the Business of an equivalent amount, and
      3. in all other circumstances of our default, our liability will be limited to repayment of the amount of the Available Balance.
    6. No party will be liable for, or be considered in breach of this Agreement on account of, any delay or failure to perform as required by this Agreement as a result of any causes or conditions which are beyond such party’s reasonable control and which such party is unable to overcome by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
    7. The above exclusions and limitations set out in this clause 17 will apply to any liability of our affiliates, such as Visa or other suppliers, contractors, agents or distributors and any of their respective affiliates (if any), to you, which may arise in connection with this Agreement.
  18. The right to a refund for Authorised and incorrectly executed Transactions
    1. A refund may be made for an Authorised Transaction if (i) your Authorisation of the Transaction did not specify the exact amount at the time of the Authorisation, and (ii) the amount exceeded what you would have reasonably expected taking into consideration your previous spending patterns and other relevant circumstances. A claim for a refund of such a Transaction must be made within 30 days from the date on which the funds were deducted from the Available Balance. We may require you to provide us with such information as is reasonably necessary to ascertain whether the conditions for the refund are met. Within ten (10) Business Days of receiving (i) the claim for a refund or (ii) where applicable, any further information we requested from you, we will either refund the full amount of the Transaction to the Account or provide you with justification for refusing the refund.
    2. In order to receive a refund to the Account for an incorrectly executed Transaction (including non-executed or defectively executed Transaction), you must report the Transaction without undue delay upon becoming aware of it. A refund will not be made for any incorrectly executed Transaction reported after 30 days have passed following the debit date of the Transaction.
    3. Despite the possible 30 days refund period a refund will not be made for an incorrectly executed Transaction if the Transaction was correctly displayed in the Account activity online and you failed to inform us about the Transaction being incorrectly executed without undue delay upon seeing the Transaction in the Account activity online. In this respect we urge you to check the Account activity online on a regular basis and review the Transactions carefully.
    4. As soon as practicable after you have notified us of a disputed Transaction in accordance with this Agreement, you must confirm the disputed Transaction in writing by email or by post, setting out full details of the Transaction and your reason for disputing it. You must provide us with all receipts and information that are relevant to the claim.
    5. Where we are liable for an incorrectly executed Transaction, we will without undue delay refund the amount of the Transaction to the Account, restore the Account to the state it would have been had the defective Transaction not taken place and refund any charges and interest that have arisen as a consequence of the non-execution or defective execution of the Transaction provided you notify us of the Transaction in accordance with this clause 18.
    6. If we make a refund following a claim and subsequently establish that the conditions for the refund have not been met, we may deduct it from the Available Balance after notifying you. If there is no sufficient Available Balance, the Business must repay us the amount immediately on demand.
    7. If you are not satisfied with the justification provided for refusing the refund or with the outcome of the refund claim, you may submit a complaint as described in clause 25.
  19. Changes to this Agreement
    1. We may change the Agreement by notifying you by e-mail or other agreed means 2 weeks before the change is due to take effect. You will be deemed to have accepted the notified change unless you tell us that you do not agree to the change prior to the change being effective. In this case, the Agreement will terminate upon expiry of the notice. You also have a right to terminate the Agreement immediately and without charge at any point during the notice. In such circumstances we will refund the Available Balance on the Account in accordance with clause 13 and you will not be charged a Fee for closing the Account.
    2. We may make immediate changes to the exchange rate used to convert money from one currency to another as part of a Transaction.
  20. Fees and limits
    1. We may charge Fees in connection with any of our services and facilities that you have made use of or requested based on our Fees Schedule. The Fees Schedule is subject to changes. The most recent update of schedule will be available on Paywiser’s Website or Paywiser’s App.
    2. We may charge you an administration charge as set out in the Fee Schedule in the following circumstances:
      1. in the event that you make any payment to us that is subsequently reversed after sixty (60) days due to inadequate account information or inadequate KYC documentation, and
      2. to cover our reasonable costs and expenses in providing you with manual support on the Account not otherwise required under the Agreement (e.g. a request for legal, police, court or other judicial support).
    3. We may charge you a Fee for chargebacks as set out in the Fees Schedule where a receiving bank declines receipt of a payment following a request to transfer the funds from the Card.
    4. We have the right to review and change the amount of Available Balance you are able to have in the Account and the spending limits on the Card at any time and will notify you accordingly.
  21. Cardholder and Business details
    1. You must let us know as soon as possible if you change your name, address, phone number or e-mail address. If we contact you in relation to the Card or the Account, for example, to notify you that we have cancelled the Card, we will use the most recent contact details you have provided to us. We will not be liable to you if your contact details have changed and you have not informed us.
  22. Data protection
    1. You agree that we can use your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy which is set out at https://www.paywiser.com/terms-and-conditions?lang=. Each privacy policy includes details of the personal information collected, how it will be used, and who it is passed onto. You can tell us if you do not want to receive any marketing materials from us.
    2. To comply with applicable KYC-and anti-money laundering rules and regulations our bank, the Issuer, the Card Distributor and the relevant programme manager and/or any other business partner (all together a “Partner”) who will introduce the Cardholder to the Card Distributor and the Issuer, shall be entitled to carry out all necessary verifications regarding the Cardholders identity. The abovementioned Partner and the Card Distributor may use a recognised agency for this verification purposes (details of the agency used will be provided to you on request). In this respect, the Cardholder’s personal data will be transferred to the Card Distributor and the Issuer and will processed also outside the United Kingdom.
  23. Payment disputes with Merchants
    1. In relation to any dispute between you and a Merchant, provided you are able to satisfy us that you have already made all efforts to resolve the dispute with the relevant Merchant, we will attempt to assist you so far as is reasonably practicable. We may charge you a Fee as referenced in the Fees Schedule for any such assistance we may give you with any such dispute. If there is an irresolvable dispute with a Merchant in circumstances where the Card has been used for a Transaction, you will be liable for the Transaction and will have to resolve this directly with the relevant Merchant.
  24. Communication
    1. Unless required otherwise by other provisions of this Agreement, if you have an enquiry relating to the Card, you can call us using the contact details set out in clause 2.
    2. This Agreement is concluded in English. All communications with you will be in English.
    3. We may contact you by e-mail, text message or post unless provided otherwise under the Agreement. You must maintain a valid e-mail address, a valid mobile telephone number and a valid address registered with us and must notify us of any changes in your registered details without delay. You agree to check for incoming messages regularly.
    4. Any e-mail will be deemed received as soon as it is sent unless within 24 hours the sender receives a failure notice indicating that the email has not been transmitted. Any e-mail will be deemed received by the recipient on the day it is received in his e-mail inbox if received before 4.30 pm on a Business Day. If received at any other time, it will be deemed received on the next Business Day.
    5. Any communication or notice sent by post will be deemed received three (3) days from the date of posting for UK post or within five (5) days of posting for international post. Any communication or notice sent by text message will be deemed received the same day.
  25. Complaints
    1. If you are not satisfied with the Card or the way it is managed, tell us by contacting us using the contact details set out in clause 2 so that we can investigate the circumstances for you. You may also request to be provided with a copy of our complaints procedure at any time. Any complaints you have will be dealt with quickly and fairly and you agree to cooperate with us and provide the necessary information for us to investigate and resolve the complaint.
    2. We will endeavour to handle your complaint fairly and quickly, however, if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR; telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123; website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk; and e-mail: [email protected].
    3. The European Commission’s online dispute resolution (“ODR”) platform is at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.adr.show. The ODR platform can be used to resolve disputes between the Issuer and consumers.
  26. Assignment
    1. We may assign this Agreement to another company at any time. If we assign the Agreement to another company you will be given prior notice of this. Unless you tell us within 2 weeks that you do not want to continue with the Agreement after the assignment, you agree that we can assign the Agreement in this way. Your rights will not be affected by such assignment should it happen. You may not assign the Agreement to a third party. Your right to terminate the Agreement under clause 13 is not affected.
  27. Governing law
    1. This Agreement will be governed by English law and the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction regarding any legal proceedings between us.
  28. Protection of funds
    1. We ensure that once we have received the funds they are deposited in a secure account, specifically for the purpose of redeeming Transactions made by the Card. In the event that we become insolvent, funds against which the Issuer has already issued electronic money are protected against the claims made by creditors.
  29. Business opt-out
    1. Pursuant to regulations 40(7) and 63(5) of the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (“PSR”) the parties agree that: (i) Part 6 PSR does not apply to the Agreement; (ii) the obligations set out in regulations 66(1), 67(3), 67(4), 75, 77, 79, 80, 83, 91, 92 and 94 of Part 7 PSR do not apply to the provision of services under this Agreement; and (iii) that a different time period applies for regulation 74(1) of Part 7 PSR.
  30. The Issuer of the Card
    1. The Card is issued by Paywiser Limited. whose company number is 10677553 and whose registered office is at 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH. Paywiser Limited is an electronic money institution authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with register number 901086.
    2. Paywiser Limited. can be contacted by email – https://www.paywiser.com/contacts?lang=. Paywiser Limited’s web address is www.paywiser.com
  31. Third Party Payment Service Providers
    1. This section 31 applies when you use the services of an AISP (or PISP). We may deny an AISP (or PISP) access to the online account connected to the Card for reasonably, justified and duly evidenced reasons relating to unauthorised or fraudulent access to the online account by that AISP (or PISP, including the unauthorised or fraudulent initiation of a transaction.) If we do deny access in this way, we will notify you of the denial and the reason for the denial in advance if possible, or immediately after the denial of access, unless to do so would compromise reasonably justified security reasons or is unlawful. We will allow AISP (or PISP) access to the online account once the reasons for denying access no longer apply.
  32. Annex A – Fees Table

Please contact Paywiser for pricing quotation.