WARNING : We have recently come across several misleading advertisements (falsely representing the Paywiser Group) posted on various Social Media platforms offering products which are crypto-related or otherwise equipped with crypto functionalities (eg. Top-Up). In light of the confusion caused, we hereby CONFIRM that the Paywiser Group DO NOT offer any such products to the customers and we are NOT associated with any firm which provides crypto-related products or service. If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a representative of Paywiser or otherwise receive messages bearing our logo offering any crypto-related products, please do NOT respond or provide any of your personal data or assets to such party under any circumstances.

Warning to Fraudsters : The management of Paywiser will not hesitate to take legal actions against any firms or individuals who are falsely representing us. Actions which cause damage to the reputation of Paywiser will be thoroughly investigated and escalated to the relevant law enforcement agencies for their handling as appropriate.


UK – Banking T&C Consumer




This Agreement: This Agreement is with Paywiser Limited, a company incorporated in the UK (company number: 10677553) with its head office at 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH (hereinafter referred to in this Agreement as “Paywiser”, “we” “us”).We are an Electronic Money Institution (“EMI”) and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (“EMR 2011”) (register reference 901086) for the issuing of electronic money.

Our relationship with our distributors: A distributor means a person who distributes or redeems electronic money on behalf of an electronic money institution but who does not provide payment services on behalf of the electronic money institution (as distributor is defined in the EMR 2011).


    1. Interpreting this Agreement. In order to easily understand the terms of this Agreement, please first refer to clause 3 which, amongst other things, sets out the meaning of capitalised terms used in this Agreement.
    2. Why you should read it? Please read this Agreement carefully before you agree to it, as its terms apply to the services provided by us. The Agreement explains many of your responsibilities to us and our responsibilities to you, how and when this Agreement can be terminated and the extent of our liability to you. If there are any terms that you do not understand or do not wish to agree to, please contact us. You should only complete the sign on procedures and agree to the terms of this Agreement if you agree to be bound by this Agreement.
    1. Who we are. We are Paywiser Limited, an EMI as described above.
    2. Communications between us are to be in English. This Agreement is concluded in England and all communications between you and us shall be in English only.
    3. How to contact us. All queries should be directed towards Paywiser Limited. You can contact Paywiser Limited using details set out on www.paywiser.com.
    4. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you, we will do so as follows: we will contact you by writing to you at the email address(es), you provided when agreeing to this Agreement or by using any other contact details you have provided to us or have used in communications with us.
    5. ‘Writing’ includes emails. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in this Agreement, this includes emails.
    6. Some of the services we provide are subject to the Payment Services Regulations 2017. The Regulations regulate how payments must be transmitted and provide protection for the clients of authorised payment institutions and electronic money institutions.
    1. The definitions set out in this clause apply in this Agreement as follows:

      “Agreement” means this agreement and the privacy policy.

      “Consumer” means an individual who, in entering into this Agreement, is acting for a purpose other than a trade, business or profession.

      “Electronic Money” means electronically stored monetary value as represented by a claim against us.

      “Regulations” means the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017 No. 752).

      “Safeguarded Account” means the bank account(s) belonging to us, which are separate to our own office bank accounts, into which we will receive money from you, or on your behalf, in return for the issuance of Electronic Money.

      “Services” means the e-money account services.

    2. Clause headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement and references to clauses are to the clauses of this Agreement.
    3. Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
    4. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular.
    5. A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re enacted from time to time and reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made from time to time.
    1. How can you agree to this Agreement? You can agree to this Agreement by checking the box online through Paywiser confirming that you agree during the registration process or by otherwise confirming the terms of this agreement.
    2. When will you become a client of ours? You will be bound by this Agreement once you have agreed to it as set out above and this Agreement shall remain in force until terminated in accordance with its terms.
    1. As part of the Services, we shall issue you with Electronic Money upon receipt of money from you or a third party on your behalf, store your Electronic Money and redeem Electronic Money both on your express instruction and in accordance with this Agreement.
    2. Our Services do not include the provision of advice. We do not offer advice under this Agreement on any matter including (without limit) the merits or otherwise of any currency transactions, on taxation, or markets.
    1. Where we receive money from you or on your behalf, this money will be held by us in the relevant Safeguarded Account in exchange for the issuance by us to you of Electronic Money. Your funds will not be used by us for any other purpose and in the unlikely event that we become insolvent, your e-money is protected in an EEA-authorised credit institution or the Bank of England.
    2. When we issue you with Electronic Money, us holding the funds corresponding to the Electronic Money is not the same as a Bank holding your money in that (i) we cannot and will not use the funds to invest or lend to other persons or entities; (ii) the Electronic Money will not accrue interest and (iii) the Electronic Money is not a deposit and is therefore not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme but it is held by us and protected in the relevant Safeguarded Account.
    3. You may hold Electronic Money and we may hold funds corresponding to your Electronic Money indefinitely. However, if we hold Electronic Money for you for more than two years without any activity on the account, we shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you to redeem the Electronic Money and return the corresponding funds to you. If we are unable to contact you, we may redeem the Electronic Money and send the corresponding funds, less any of our costs incurred, to the last known bank account we have on file for you.
    4. We accept no responsibility in the event that you send money to the incorrect account.
    5. We do not accept cash or cheques. We accept monies via a variety of methods of electronic funds transfer to our bank account, the details of which we shall provide to you upon request.
    1. Where we and another person (such as a payment services provider) are liable to you in respect of the same matter or item, you agree that our liability to you will not be increased by any limitation of liability you have agreed with that other person or because of your inability to recover from that other person beyond what our liability would have been had no such limitation been agreed and/or if that other person had paid his or its share.
    2. Where any loss, liability, cost or expense (a “Loss”) is suffered by you for which we would otherwise be jointly and severally or jointly liable with any third party or third parties, the extent to which such Loss shall be recoverable by you from us (as opposed to any third parties) shall be limited so as to be in proportion to the aggregate of our contribution to the overall fault for such Loss, as agreed between all of the relevant parties or, in the absence of agreement, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. For the purposes of assessing the contribution to the Loss in question of any third party for the purposes of this clause, no account shall be taken of any limit imposed or agreed on the amount of liability of such third party by any agreement (including any settlement agreement) made before or after such Loss occurred or was otherwise incurred.
    3. Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us or to the extent that the liability may not be excluded or limited by any applicable law.
    1. If you feel that we have not met your expectations in the delivery of our Services, contact Paywiser Limited using the contact email address for complaints set out on www.paywiser.com.
    2. We have internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s requirements. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.
    3. If you are an eligible complainant you may be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you not be satisfied with our final response. Eligibility criteria and information on the procedures involved are available from http://www.financial ombudsman.org.uk. In addition, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
    1. To comply with the requirements of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and EU Wire Transfer Regulations (Regulation (EU) 2015/847) and related regulations, it may be necessary to obtain from you, and retain, evidence of your personal identity in our records from time to time. If satisfactory evidence is not promptly provided to us we cannot accept your instructions.
    2. We may keep records of the contents and results of any searches that we carry out on you in accordance with all current and applicable laws. You acknowledge that us carrying out an electronic verification check or, if required, a credit reference agency check will leave a soft footprint on your credit history.
    3. We are obliged to report any reasonable suspicions about activities on the electronic accounts to the regulatory authorities. This may affect our relationship with you so far as confidentiality is concerned. If we are required under legislation (including the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) to refrain from communicating with you and/or proceeding with your instructions, we can accept no liability for the consequences of being prevented from doing so.
    1. When we may terminate or suspend this Agreement.
      1. We can terminate this Agreement at any time:
        1. If you breach this Agreement; and/or
        2. if we suspect that you are using the Services for any illegal purposes.
      2. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services where we have reasonable grounds for concern relating to: (i) the security of your account(s), whether or not you have informed us of a security breach; and/or (ii) the suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of your account(s).
      3. We may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by giving you not less than two (2) month’s written notice.
    2. you may terminate this Agreement. You can terminate this Agreement at any time. We may contact you to confirm your request.
    3. Effect of Termination. Upon the effective date of termination:
      1. you will no longer be able to avail yourself of the Services;
      2. we shall redeem any Electronic Money we hold for you and send the equivalent funds to a bank account in your name, unless agreed by both parties, less any monies which are due and owing to us.
    4. After termination, you may contact us using the contact details set out in clause 2.3 to redeem any Electronic Money you still hold with us.
    1. We undertake that we shall not at any time, disclose to any person any of your confidential information, except in the following circumstances:
      1. to our employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising our rights or carrying out our obligations under or in connection with this Agreement. We shall ensure that our employees, officers, representatives or advisers to whom we disclose your confidential information comply with this clause; and
      2. as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
    1. How we may use your personal information. We will only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy which can be found www.paywiser.com.
    1. Recording of telephone conversations. We may record telephone conversations with or without use of a warning tone and we may use these recordings as evidence for a particular purpose or in relation to disputes as well as for our ongoing quality control and training programme. We may also maintain a record of all emails sent by or to us. All those recordings and records will be maintained at our absolute discretion and are our property and can be used by us in the case of a dispute. We do not guarantee that we will maintain such recordings or records or be able to make them available to you. You consent to the use and admissibility of any such recording as evidence in any dispute or anticipated dispute between the parties which relates to the dealings between the parties.
    2. Ensuring this Agreement is legally enforceable. For a contract to be legally enforceable, there needs to be an offer, acceptance and consideration. This Agreement constitutes our offer to make the Services available to you and you agreeing to this Agreement constitutes your acceptance of this offer. In order to ensure that this Agreement is legally binding, upon you becoming a client, you promise to pay us the sum of one Pound sterling, upon demand from us, as consideration.
    3. Even if we delay in enforcing under this Agreement, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under this Agreement, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breach of this Agreement, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
    4. What if something unexpected happens? We shall have no liability to you under this Agreement or any Contract if we are prevented from or delayed in performing our obligations under this Agreement, or from carrying on our business, by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lock outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving us or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or our default of sub contractors, provided that you are notified of such an event and its expected duration.
    5. If a court finds part of this Agreement illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the sub clauses, clauses and paragraphs of this Agreement operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining sub clauses, clauses and paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    6. We are not partners and neither of us may act as the other’s agent. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall operate to create a partnership or joint venture between you and us, or authorise either party to act as agent for the other, and neither party shall have the authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise to bind the other in any way (including, but not limited to, the making of any representation or warranty, the assumption of any obligation or liability and the exercise of any right or power).
    7. We can make amendments to this Agreement. We shall have the right to make such amendments to this Agreement, as are necessary to comply with any laws and regulations that are applicable to the performance of our obligations under this Agreement where such laws and regulations are implemented and/or amended after the date of this Agreement. Such amendments may be made at any time upon as much notice as possible to you and shall take effect following such notice, if any. If you object to the proposed amendments, you have the right to terminate this Agreement without charge before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. You will be deemed to have accepted the proposed amendments unless you notify us and terminate this Agreement before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. If we receive no objection from you, such amendments shall take effect from the date specified by us but may not affect any rights or obligations that have already arisen and will not be retrospective.
    8. What happens if you are jointly a client of ours with another person? Where you comprise two or more people, each person will be jointly and severally liable to us in respect of all obligations contained in this Agreement.
    9. Can you obtain a copy of this Agreement or additional information? You may request and we shall provide a copy of this Agreement and any information set out in Schedule 4 of the Regulations (if relevant) at any time prior to termination of this Agreement.
    10. We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement to another organisation without your consent. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under this Agreement.
    11. You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else (except that you can always transfer our guarantee). You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under this Agreement to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    12. Nobody else has any rights under this Agreement. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
    13. Which laws apply to this Agreement and where you may bring legal proceedings. These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

UK – Payment account T&C ver. 1.0




This Agreement: This Agreement is with PayrNet Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales (company number: 09883437) with its head office at "PayrNet, WeWork, 3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW, UK" and registered office at "Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX" (hereinafter referred to in this Agreement as “Payrnet”, “we” “us”). We are an Electronic Money Institution (“EMI”) and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (“EMR 2011”) (register reference 900594) for the issuing of electronic money.

Our relationship with Paywiser Limited: As an EMI, we have appointed Paywiser Limited as a distributor of certain of our services. A distributor means a person who distributes or redeems electronic money on behalf of an electronic money institution but who does not provide payment services on behalf of the electronic money institution (as distributor is defined in the EMR 2011).


    1. Interpreting this Agreement. In order to easily understand the terms of this Agreement, please first refer to clause 3 which, amongst other things, sets out the meaning of capitalised terms used in this Agreement.
    2. Why you should read it? Please read this Agreement carefully before you agree to it, as its terms apply to the services provided by us. The Agreement explains many of your responsibilities to us and our responsibilities to you, how and when this Agreement can be terminated and the extent of our liability to you. If there are any terms that you do not understand or do not wish to agree to, please contact us. You should only complete the sign-on procedures and agree to the terms of this Agreement if you agree to be bound by this Agreement.
    1. Who we are. We are PayrNet Limited, an EMI as described above.
    2. Communications between us are to be in English. This Agreement is concluded in England and all communications between you and us shall be in English only.
    3. How to contact us. All queries should be directed towards PayWiser Limited. You can contact PayWiser Limited using details set out on www.paywiser.com.
    4. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so as follows: in the first instance via Paywiser Limited except in urgent cases. If we have not been able to contact you through Paywiser Limited or if the matter is urgent, we will contact you by writing to you at the email address(es), you provided when agreeing to this Agreement or by using any other contact details you have provided to us or have used in communications with us or the Paywiser Limited.
    5. ‘Writing’ includes emails. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in this Agreement, this includes emails.
    6. Some of the services we provide are subject to the Payment Services Regulations 2017. The Regulations regulate how Payments must be transmitted and provide protection for the clients of authorised payment institutions and electronic money institutions.
    1. The definitions set out in this clause apply in this Agreement as follows:
      “Agreement” means this agreement and the privacy policy.
      “Electronic Money” means electronically stored monetary value as represented by a claim against us.
      “Regulations” means the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017 No. 752).
      “Safeguarded Account” means the bank account(s) belonging to us, which are separate to our own office bank accounts, into which we will receive money from you, or on your behalf, in return for the issuance of Electronic Money.
      “Services” means the e-money account services.
    2. Clause headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement and references to clauses are to the clauses of this Agreement.
    3. Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
    4. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular.
    5. A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time and reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made from time to time.
    1. How can you agree to this Agreement? You can agree to this Agreement by checking the box online through PayWiser confirming that you agree during the registration process or by otherwise confirming the terms of this agreement.
    2. When will you become a client of ours? You will be bound by this Agreement once you have agreed to it as set out above and this Agreement shall remain in force until terminated in accordance with its terms.
    1. As part of the Services, we shall issue you with Electronic Money upon receipt of money from you or a third party on your behalf, store your Electronic Money and redeem Electronic Money both on your express instruction and in accordance with this Agreement and the agreement of Paywiser Limited.
    2. Our Services do not include the provision of advice. We do not offer advice under this Agreement on any matter including (without limit) the merits or otherwise of any currency transactions, on taxation, or markets.
    1. For the avoidance of doubt, this section is only applicable for unregulated entities and Small Payment Institutions (SPI).
    2. Where we receive money from you or on your behalf, this money will be held by us in the relevant Safeguarded Account in exchange for the issuance by us to you of Electronic Money. Your funds will not be used by us for any other purpose and in the unlikely event that we become insolvent, your e-money is protected in an EEA-authorised credit institution or the Bank of England.
    3. When we issue you with Electronic Money, us holding the funds corresponding to the Electronic Money is not the same as a Bank holding your money in that (i) we cannot and will not use the funds to invest or lend to other persons or entities; (ii) the Electronic Money will not accrue interest; and (iii) the Electronic Money is not a deposit and is therefore not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme but it is held by us and protected in the relevant Safeguarded Account.
    4. You may hold Electronic Money and we may hold funds corresponding to your Electronic Money indefinitely. However, if we hold Electronic Money for you for more than two years without any activity on the account, we shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you to redeem the Electronic Money and return the corresponding funds to you. If we are unable to contact you, we may redeem the Electronic Money and send the corresponding funds, less any of our costs incurred, to the last known bank account we have on file for you.
    5. We accept no responsibility in the event that you send money to the incorrect account.
    6. We do not accept cash or cheques. We accept monies via a variety of methods of electronic funds transfer to our bank account, the details of which we shall provide to you upon request.
    1. Where we and another person (such as a payment services provider) are liable to you in respect of the same matter or item, you agree that our liability to you will not be increased by any limitation of liability you have agreed with that other person or because of your inability to recover from that other person beyond what our liability would have been had no such limitation been agreed and/or if that other person had paid his or its share.
    2. Where any loss, liability, cost or expense (a “Loss”) is suffered by you for which we would otherwise be jointly and severally or jointly liable with any third party or third parties, the extent to which such Loss shall be recoverable by you from us (as opposed to any third parties) shall be limited so as to be in proportion to the aggregate of our contribution to the overall fault for such Loss, as agreed between all of the relevant parties or, in the absence of agreement, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. For the purposes of assessing the contribution to the Loss in question of any third party for the purposes of this clause, no account shall be taken of any limit imposed or agreed on the amount of liability of such third party by any agreement (including any settlement agreement) made before or after such Loss occurred or was otherwise incurred.
    3. Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us or to the extent that the liability may not be excluded or limited by any applicable law.
    1. If you feel that we have not met your expectations in the delivery of our Services, in the first instance contact Paywiser Limited using the contact email address for complaints set out on www.paywiser.com. If Paywiser Limited does not deal with your complaint adequately, please contact us via email to [email protected].
    2. We have internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s requirements. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.
    3. If you are an eligible complainant you may be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you not be satisfied with our final response. Eligibility criteria and information on the procedures involved are available from https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk. In addition, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
    1. To comply with the requirements of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and EU Wire Transfer Regulations (Regulation (EU) 2015/847) and related regulations, it may be necessary to obtain from you, and retain, evidence of your personal identity (or directors or partners of your business and/or your ultimate beneficial owners) in our records from time to time. If satisfactory evidence is not promptly provided to us we cannot accept your instructions.
    2. We may keep records of the contents and results of any searches that we carry out on you (or directors or partners or shareholders of your business) in accordance with all current and applicable laws. You acknowledge that us carrying out an electronic verification check or, if required, a credit reference agency check will leave a soft footprint on the individual or entity’s credit history. You warrant that you have obtained the consent to such checks being carried out from each such individual officer and shareholder.
    3. We are obliged to report any reasonable suspicions about activities on the electronic accounts to the regulatory authorities. This may affect our relationship with you so far as confidentiality is concerned. If we are required under legislation (including the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) to refrain from communicating with you and/or proceeding with your instructions, we can accept no liability for the consequences of being prevented from doing so.
    1. When we may terminate or suspend this Agreement.
      1. We can terminate this Agreement at any time:
      2. If you breach this Agreement; and/or
      3. If we suspect that you are using the Services for any illegal purposes.
    2. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services where we have reasonable grounds for concern relating to: (i) the security of your account(s), whether or not you have informed us of a security breach; and/or (ii) the suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of your account(s).
    3. If Paywiser Limited notifies us that their agreement with you has terminated we can terminate this agreement with immediate effect.
    4. If you terminate your agreement with Paywiser Limited or that agreement is terminated, we can terminate this agreement with immediate effect.
    5. When you may terminate this Agreement. You can terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by cancelling your agreement with Paywiser Limited. We may contact you to confirm your request.
    6. Effect of Termination. Upon the effective date of termination:
      1. you will no longer be able to avail yourself of the Services;
      2. we shall redeem any Electronic Money we hold for you and send the equivalent funds to a bank account in your name, unless agreed by both parties, less any monies which are due and owing to us, where relevant.
    7. we shall redeem any Electronic Money we hold for you and send the equivalent funds to a bank account in your name, unless agreed by both parties, less any monies which are due and owing to us, where relevant.
    1. We undertake that we shall not at any time, disclose to any person any of your confidential information, except in the following circumstances:
    2. to our employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising our rights or carrying out our obligations under or in connection with this Agreement. We shall ensure that our employees, officers, representatives or advisers to whom we disclose your confidential information comply with this clause; and
    3. as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
    1. How we may use your personal information. We will only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy which can be found https://railsbank.com/payrnet.
  13. Anti-bribery and Corruption
    1. Each party shall:
      1. Comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, codes and guidance relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption (“Anti-Bribery Laws”), including without limitation the Bribery Act 2010;
      2. Comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, codes and guidance relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption (“Anti-Bribery Laws”), including without limitation the Bribery Act 2010;
      3. enforce such policies and procedures where appropriate.
    2. For the purpose of this clause, the meaning of adequate procedures shall be determined in accordance with section 7(2) and any guidance issued under section 9, Bribery Act 2010.
    3. Each party warrants that neither it nor any of its officers, employees:
      1. has been convicted of any offence involving bribery, corruption, fraud or dishonesty; nor
      2. to the best of its knowledge, has been or is the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence under the Anti-Bribery Laws.
    4. Breach of this clause shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement.
    1. Recording of telephone conversations. We may record telephone conversations with or without use of a warning tone and we may use these recordings as evidence for a particular purpose or in relation to disputes as well as for our ongoing quality control and training programme. We may also maintain a record of all emails sent by or to us. All those recordings and records will be maintained at our absolute discretion and are our property and can be used by us in the case of a dispute. We do not guarantee that we will maintain such recordings or records or be able to make them available to you. You consent to the use and admissibility of any such recording as evidence in any dispute or anticipated dispute between the parties which relates to the dealings between the parties.
    2. Ensuring this Agreement is legally enforceable. For a contract to be legally enforceable, there needs to be an offer, acceptance and consideration. This Agreement constitutes our offer to make the Services available to you and you agreeing to this Agreement constitutes your acceptance of this offer. In order to ensure that this Agreement is legally binding, upon you becoming a client, you promise to pay us the sum of one-Pound sterling, upon demand from us, as consideration.
    3. Even if we delay in enforcing under this Agreement, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under this Agreement, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breach of this Agreement that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
    4. What if something unexpected happens? We shall have no liability to you under this Agreement if we are prevented from or delayed in performing our obligations under this Agreement, or from carrying on our business, by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving us or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or our default of sub-contractors, provided that you are notified of such an event and its expected duration.
    5. If a court finds part of this Agreement illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the sub-clauses and clauses of this Agreement operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining sub-clauses and clauses will remain in full force and effect.
    6. We are not partners and neither of us may act as the other’s agent. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall operate to create a partnership or joint venture between you and us, or authorise either party to act as agent for the other, and neither party shall have the authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise to bind the other in any way (including, but not limited to, the making of any representation or warranty, the assumption of any obligation or liability and the exercise of any right or power).
    7. We can make amendments to this Agreement. We shall have the right to make such amendments to this Agreement, via PayWiser, as are necessary to comply with any laws and regulations that are applicable to the performance of our obligations under this Agreement where such laws and regulations are implemented and/or amended after the date of this Agreement. Such amendments may be made at any time upon as much notice as possible to you and shall take effect following such notice, if any. If you object to the proposed amendments, you have the right to terminate this Agreement without charge before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. You will be deemed to have accepted the proposed amendments unless you notify us and terminate this Agreement before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. If no objection is received from you, such amendments shall take effect from the date specified by us but may not affect any rights or obligations that have already arisen and will not be retrospective.
    8. What happens if you are jointly a client of ours with another person? Where you comprise two or more people, each person will be jointly and severally liable to us in respect of all obligations contained in this Agreement.
    9. Can you obtain a copy of this Agreement or additional information? You may request and we shall provide a copy of this Agreement and any information set out in Schedule 4 of the Regulations (if relevant) at any time prior to termination of this Agreement.
    10. We may transfer this Agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement to another organisation without your consent. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under this Agreement.
    11. You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else (except that you can always transfer our guarantee). You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under this Agreement to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    12. Nobody else has any rights under this Agreement. This agreement is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
    13. Which laws apply to this Agreement and where you may bring legal proceedings. This Agreement and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim or other matter that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including noncontractual disputes or claims).

UK – Payment account T&C ver. 1.0




This Agreement: This Agreement is with Paywiser Limited, a company incorporated in the UK (company number: 10677553) with its head office at 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH (hereinafter referred to in this Agreement as “Paywiser”, “we” “us”). We are an Electronic Money Institution (“EMI”) and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (“EMR 2011”) (register reference 901086) for the issuing of electronic money.

Our relationship with our distributors: A distributor means a person who distributes or redeems electronic money on behalf of an electronic money institution but who does not provide payment services on behalf of the electronic money institution (as distributor is defined in the EMR 2011).


    1. Interpreting this Agreement. In order to easily understand the terms of this Agreement, please first refer to clause 3 which, amongst other things, sets out the meaning of capitalised terms used in this Agreement.
    2. Why you should read it? Please read this Agreement carefully before you agree to it, as its terms apply to the services provided by us. The Agreement explains many of your responsibilities to us and our responsibilities to you, how and when this Agreement can be terminated and the extent of our liability to you. If there are any terms that you do not understand or do not wish to agree to, please contact us. You should only complete the sign on procedures and agree to the terms of this Agreement if you agree to be bound by this Agreement.
    1. Who we are. We are Paywiser Limited, an EMI as described above.
    2. Communications between us are to be in English. This Agreement is concluded in England and all communications between you and us shall be in English only.
    3. How to contact us. All queries should be directed towards Paywiser Limited. You can contact Paywiser Limited using details set out on www.paywiser.com.
    4. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so as follows: we will contact you by writing to you at the email address(es), you provided when agreeing to this Agreement or by using any other contact details you have provided to us or have used in communications with us.
    5. ‘Writing’ includes emails. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in this Agreement, this includes emails.
    6. Some of the services we provide are subject to the Payment Services Regulations 2017. The Regulations regulate how Payments must be transmitted and provide protection for the clients of authorised payment institutions and electronic money institutions.
    1. The definitions set out in this clause apply in this Agreement as follows:

      “Agreement” means this agreement and the privacy policy.

      “Electronic Money” means electronically stored monetary value as represented by a claim against us.

      “Regulations” means the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017 No. 752).

      “Safeguarded Account” means the bank account(s) belonging to us, which are separate to our own office bank accounts, into which we will receive money from you, or on your behalf, in return for the issuance of Electronic Money.

      “Services” means the e-money account services.

      1. Clause headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement and references to clauses are to the clauses of this Agreement.
      2. Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
      3. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular.
      4. A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re enacted from time to time and reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made from time to time.
    1. How can you agree to this Agreement? You can agree to this Agreement by checking the box online through Paywiser confirming that you agree during the registration process or by otherwise confirming the terms of this agreement.
    2. When will you become a client of ours? You will be bound by this Agreement once you have agreed to it as set out above and this Agreement shall remain in force until terminated in accordance with its terms.
    1. As part of the Services, we shall issue you with Electronic Money upon receipt of money from you or a third party on your behalf, store your Electronic Money and redeem Electronic Money both on your express instruction and in accordance with this Agreement and the agreement of Paywiser Limited.
    2. Our Services do not include the provision of advice. We do not offer advice under this Agreement on any matter including (without limit) the merits or otherwise of any currency transactions, on taxation, or markets.
    1. For the avoidance of doubt, this section is only applicable for unregulated entities and Small Payment Institutions (SPI).
    2. Where we receive money from you or on your behalf, this money will be held by us in the relevant Safeguarded Account in exchange for the issuance by us to you of Electronic Money. Your funds will not be used by us for any other purpose and in the unlikely event that we become insolvent, your e-money is protected in an EEA-authorised credit institution or the Bank of England.
    3. When we issue you with Electronic Money, us holding the funds corresponding to the Electronic Money is not the same as a Bank holding your money in that (i) we cannot and will not use the funds to invest or lend to other persons or entities; (ii) the Electronic Money will not accrue interest; and (iii) the Electronic Money is not a deposit and is therefore not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme but it is held by us and protected in the relevant Safeguarded Account.
    4. You may hold Electronic Money and we may hold funds corresponding to your Electronic Money indefinitely. However, if we hold Electronic Money for you for more than two years without any activity on the account, we shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you to redeem the Electronic Money and return the corresponding funds to you. If we are unable to contact you, we may redeem the Electronic Money and send the corresponding funds, less any of our costs incurred, to the last known bank account we have on file for you.
    5. We accept no responsibility in the event that you send money to the incorrect account.
    6. We do not accept cash or cheques. We accept monies via a variety of methods of electronic funds transfer to our bank account, the details of which we shall provide to you upon request
    1. Where we and another person (such as a payment services provider) are liable to you in respect of the same matter or item, you agree that our liability to you will not be increased by any limitation of liability you have agreed with that other person or because of your inability to recover from that other person beyond what our liability would have been had no such limitation been agreed and/or if that other person had paid his or its share.
    2. Where any loss, liability, cost or expense (a “Loss”) is suffered by you for which we would otherwise be jointly and severally or jointly liable with any third party or third parties, the extent to which such Loss shall be recoverable by you from us (as opposed to any third parties) shall be limited so as to be in proportion to the aggregate of our contribution to the overall fault for such Loss, as agreed between all of the relevant parties or, in the absence of agreement, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. For the purposes of assessing the contribution to the Loss in question of any third party for the purposes of this clause, no account shall be taken of any limit imposed or agreed on the amount of liability of such third party by any agreement (including any settlement agreement) made before or after such Loss occurred or was otherwise incurred.
    3. Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us or to the extent that the liability may not be excluded or limited by any applicable law.
    1. If you feel that we have not met your expectations in the delivery of our Services, contact Paywiser Limited using the contact email address for complaints set out on www.paywiser.com.
    2. We have internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s requirements. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.
    3. If you are an eligible complainant you may be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you not be satisfied with our final response. Eligibility criteria and information on the procedures involved are available from http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk. In addition, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
    1. To comply with the requirements of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and EU Wire Transfer Regulations (Regulation (EU) 2015/847) and related regulations, it may be necessary to obtain from you, and retain, evidence of your personal identity (or directors or partners of your business and/or your ultimate beneficial owners) in our records from time to time. If satisfactory evidence is not promptly provided to us we cannot accept your instructions.
    2. We may keep records of the contents and results of any searches that we carry out on you (or directors or partners or shareholders of your business) in accordance with all current and applicable laws. You acknowledge that us carrying out an electronic verification check or, if required, a credit reference agency check will leave a soft footprint on the individual or entity’s credit history. You warrant that you have obtained the consent to such checks being carried out from each such individual officer and shareholder.
    3. We are obliged to report any reasonable suspicions about activities on the electronic accounts to the regulatory authorities. This may affect our relationship with you so far as confidentiality is concerned. If we are required under legislation (including the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) to refrain from communicating with you and/or proceeding with your instructions, we can accept no liability for the consequences of being prevented from doing so.
    1. When we may terminate or suspend this Agreement.
      1. We can terminate this Agreement at any time:
        1. If you breach this Agreement; and/or
        2. if we suspect that you are using the Services for any illegal purposes.
      2. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services where we have reasonable grounds for concern relating to: (i) the security of your account(s), whether or not you have informed us of a security breach; and/or (ii) the suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of your account(s).
    2. When you may terminate this Agreement. You can terminate this Agreement at any time. We may contact you to confirm your request.
    3. Effect of Termination. Upon the effective date of termination:
      1. you will no longer be able to avail yourself of the Services;
      2. we shall redeem any Electronic Money we hold for you and send the equivalent funds to a bank account in your name, unless agreed by both parties, less any monies which are due and owing to us, where relevant.
    4. After termination, you may contact us using the contact details set out in clause 2.3 to redeem any Electronic Money you still hold with us.
    1. We undertake that we shall not at any time, disclose to any person any of your confidential information, except in the following circumstances:
      1. to our employees, officers, representatives or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising our rights or carrying out our obligations under or in connection with this Agreement. We shall ensure that our employees, officers, representatives or advisers to whom we disclose your confidential information comply with this clause; and
      2. as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
    1. we may use your personal information. We will only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy which can be found www.paywiser.com.
  13. Anti-bribery and Corruption
    1. Each party shall:
      1. Comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, codes and guidance relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption (“Anti-Bribery Laws”), including without limitation the Bribery Act 2010;
      2. maintain throughout the term of this Agreement its own anti-bribery policies and procedures (including adequate procedures under the Bribery Act 2010) to ensure compliance with the Anti-Bribery Laws; and
      3. enforce such policies and procedures where appropriate.
    2. For the purpose of this clause, the meaning of adequate procedures shall be determined in accordance with section 7(2) and any guidance issued under section 9, Bribery Act 2010.
    3. Each party warrants that neither it nor any of its officers, employees:
      1. has been convicted of any offence involving bribery, corruption, fraud or dishonesty; nor
      2. to the best of its knowledge, has been or is the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence under the Anti-Bribery Laws.
    4. Breach of this clause shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement.
    1. Recording of telephone conversations. We may record telephone conversations with or without use of a warning tone and we may use these recordings as evidence for a particular purpose or in relation to disputes as well as for our ongoing quality control and training programme. We may also maintain a record of all emails sent by or to us. All those recordings and records will be maintained at our absolute discretion and are our property and can be used by us in the case of a dispute. We do not guarantee that we will maintain such recordings or records or be able to make them available to you. You consent to the use and admissibility of any such recording as evidence in any dispute or anticipated dispute between the parties which relates to the dealings between the parties.
    2. Ensuring this Agreement is legally enforceable. For a contract to be legally enforceable, there needs to be an offer, acceptance and consideration. This Agreement constitutes our offer to make the Services available to you and you agreeing to this Agreement constitutes your acceptance of this offer. In order to ensure that this Agreement is legally binding, upon you becoming a client, you promise to pay us the sum of one Pound sterling, upon demand from us, as consideration.
    3. Even if we delay in enforcing under this Agreement, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under this Agreement, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breach of this Agreement that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
    4. What if something unexpected happens? We shall have no liability to you under this Agreement if we are prevented from or delayed in performing our obligations under this Agreement, or from carrying on our business, by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lock outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving us or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or our default of sub contractors, provided that you are notified of such an event and its expected duration.
    5. if a court finds part of this Agreement illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the sub clauses and clauses of this Agreement operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining sub clauses and clauses will remain in full force and effect.
    6. We are not partners and neither of us may act as the other’s agent. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall operate to create a partnership or joint venture between you and us, or authorise either party to act as agent for the other, and neither party shall have the authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise to bind the other in any way (including, but not limited to, the making of any representation or warranty, the assumption of any obligation or liability and the exercise of any right or power).
    7. We can make amendments to this Agreement. We shall have the right to make such amendments to this Agreement, via PayWiser, as are necessary to comply with any laws and regulations that are applicable to the performance of our obligations under this Agreement where such laws and regulations are implemented and/or amended after the date of this Agreement. Such amendments may be made at any time upon as much notice as possible to you and shall take effect following such notice, if any. If you object to the proposed amendments, you have the right to terminate this Agreement without charge before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. You will be deemed to have accepted the proposed amendments unless you notify us and terminate this Agreement before the date proposed by us for the entry into force of the changes. If no objection is received from you, such amendments shall take effect from the date specified by us but may not affect any rights or obligations that have already arisen and will not be retrospective.
    8. What happens if you are jointly a client of ours with another person? Where you comprise two or more people, each person will be jointly and severally liable to us in respect of all obligations contained in this Agreement.
    9. Can you obtain a copy of this Agreement or additional information? You may request and we shall provide a copy of this Agreement and any information set out in Schedule 4 of the Regulations (if relevant) at any time prior to termination of this Agreement
    10. We may transfer this Agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement to another organisation without your consent. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under this Agreement.
    11. You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else (except that you can always transfer our guarantee). You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under this Agreement to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    12. Nobody else has any rights under this Agreement. This agreement is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
    13. Which laws apply to this Agreement and where you may bring legal proceedings. This Agreement and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim or other matter that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

UK – Payment account Corporate – ver. 2.0.

Version 2.0.
6. June 2023

General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms apply to all Users (corporate clients ) who have concluded a Framework Agreement for the Service of Electronic Money Issuance, Distribution, Redemption and Payment Services with Paywiser.

    1. The issuer of these General Terms is Paywiser Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales under the company number 10677553 with its registered office address 36-38 Westbourne Grove, Newton Road, London, England, W2 5SH (hereinafter referred to as “Paywiser”).
    2. Paywiser is an Electronic Money Institution (“EMI”) and is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (FRN: 901086) for the issuing of electronic money and provision of the related payment services. The bodies responsible for supervision are the FCA and other competent authorities.
    3. The general e-mail address for communication with Users is [email protected], but other e-mail addresses may be specified in the General Terms depending on the content of the communication.
    4. These General Terms and Conditions for Electronic money issuance, distribution, redemption and payment services through a Paywiser Business payment account (hereinafter: “General Terms” or “Terms”) together with other relevant additional terms, conditions and agreements as set out in these Terms and/or referred on Paywiser website constitute the framework contract in the meaning of the PSD2 (hereinafter: “Contract” or “Framework Agreement”), which is concluded electronically and determines the entire and whole legal instrument between Paywiser and User. These Terms govern rights and obligations of the Parties when using Paywiser’s Services. The Users expresses their will to enter into the Contract by accepting the General Terms (“by ticking the relevant “check box” by pressing “yes””). Contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser shall be deemed to be concluded and shall only take on the character of a contract when Paywiser confirms the acceptance and validity of the User’s order for the services governed by these Terms by sending a conformation message to the User via email.
    5. These Terms apply to all Users of the Services, unless otherwise agreed by special agreement between Paywiser and individual User.
    6. Any individual service or product within Paywiser’s scope of services may also have its own additional terms and conditions. If there are third party providers or contractors for specific services or products in the scope of Paywiser´s services that are subject to these General Terms, they will be listed in the terms and conditions (e.g. if identification is provided by an external provider, the User is presented with additional conditions related to that service before the identification process is provided).
    7. An integral part of these Terms is the Price List of payment account and payment card services (hereinafter referred to as the “Price List”), which is available on the website www.paywiser.com, as well as all other terms, policies and other information about products and services. All these documents together define the legal and business relationship between Paywiser and the User. It is the User’s obligation to read these documents and become familiar with terms and conditions before concluding the contract. On the website published Price list apply to all Users of the Services, unless otherwise agreed by special agreement between Paywiser and individual User. If special price list applies to the individual User, this User will receive relevant price list via e-mail upon conclusion of the Contract.
    8. In addition to the General Terms, Users are subject also to the Privacy Policy published at www.paywiser.com.
    9. The funds of the Users are not covered by Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”), however the funds of the Users of the Payment Account and the Services subject to these Terms are held in a fiduciary/safeguarding account opened with a commercial partner bank and are separated from the funds of Paywiser. In relation to the potential creditors of Paywiser the funds in the fiduciary/safeguarding account shall be deemed property of Users for whose account the holder of the safeguarding account (Paywiser) maintains such account and not the property of Paywiser. In cases of insolvency proceedings against Paywiser, Users have an exclusion right on those funds and in cases of enforcement procedure or security against Paywiser they are exempt from enforcement. This ensures a protection of funds of the Users.
    10. These Terms were originally prepared in English language. In the event of their translation into other languages and inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and any other version of these Terms, the English version shall prevail.
    11. By ordering the Services, the User expressly acknowledges that it understands the English language and agrees to conduct business in English. Otherwise, the contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser cannot be concluded.
    12. The headings in these General Terms are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Capitalised terms have specific definitions and are described in Article 2 of these Terms (The Meaning of the Terms) or in the text of the General Terms themselves.
    1. The following words, when used in these General Terms or any document referred to herein, shall have the following meaning:
      Account/Payment Account means the account for the Electronic money and payment account, opened by Paywiser for the User for the purpose of performing payment transactions and for other purposes related to payment transaction services (which includes services that allow withdrawals or deposits of cash from/to a payment account, the execution of domestic and cross-border direct debits, the execution of domestic and cross-border debit card payment transactions, including online payments).
      Business Day means a day established by Paywiser on which Paywiser is participating in the execution of a payment transaction and carries out activities necessary for such payment transaction. Paywiser may establish different Business Days for the provision of different services and/or for the execution of different payment transactions. Unless the Contract or its annexes establishes otherwise, a Business Day of Paywiser means any day, which is a business day in the UK (any calendar day that is not a Saturday or Sunday or a public or national holiday) and is at the same time a business day of all other payment service providers involved in the processing of payment transaction.
      Confidential Information means information which is marked as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or should be reasonably expected to be confidential having the nature of the information; including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, Paywiser business plans, data, strategies, methods, User and User lists, technical specifications, transaction data, facts and circumstances of the individual User, including personal data held by Paywiser;
      Contract means this Framework Agreement and its annexes, if any.
      User is an Account holder and means a legal entity, sole proprietor or other entity set up under civil law, which uses or has requested to use the Services which are the subject of these Terms and has concluded a Contract with Paywiser. The User is represented by a legal representative or other person authorised by the User with the authorisation authenticated by a notary.
      User’s Account means the User’s profile in Paywiser’s system.
      KYC and KYB process means “Know-Your-Customer” and “Know Your Business” process through which Paywiser collects all necessary information on the User according to applicable Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing regulations (“AML/CFT regulations”);
      Commission fee means a fee (charge) and other costs and allowances belonging to Paywiser for opening and maintaining a payment account, the execution of a payment transaction and/or related payment service and all other services related to the use of the Account and the concluded Contract;
      Durable medium means any instrument which enables the User to store information addressed personally to that User in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate to the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored (e.g. magnetic media, e-mail, DVD);
      Electronic money means electronically, including magnetically, stored monetary value in the form of a claim against the electronic money issuer (Paywiser) by the electronic money holder (User), that is issued on the basis of the receipt of monetary value for the purpose of executing payment transactions as defined in in point 5 of Article 4 of Directive 2007/64/EC and in point 2 of Article 2 of Directive 2009/110/EC, and is accepted as a means of payment by a (natural or legal) person other than the Paywiser.
      Electronic money is issued to Users by Paywiser under these General terms;
      Foreign country means a country other than a Member State;
      Member State means a Member State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, as well as Monaco, San Marino and Switzerland.
      Paywiser Web Interface for accessing the User´s Payment Account (hereinafter referred to as the “Paywiser Web Interface”) enables the User to use Electronic money for payment transactions and access other Services governed by these Terms;
      Payment order (also “Payment request”) means any instruction (payment request) by the payer or payee to his payment service provider ordering execution of a payment transaction;
      Payment transaction means act of depositing, transferring or withdrawing of funds ordered by, on behalf of or by the payer where the execution of a payment transaction through a payment service provider is independent of the underlying obligations between the payer and the payee;
      Party means Paywiser or the User or both of them jointly as the Contracting Parties (“Parties”);
      Payment instrument means any device or a set of procedures, or both, agreed between User and Paywiser and is linked only to that User for the purpose of use by that User for order of a Payment order (e.g. payment cards, online payment transactions);
      Payer means a natural or legal person who holds a payment account and allows a Payment order from that payment account, or, where there is no payment account, a natural or legal person who gives a Payment order;
      Payee means a natural or legal person who is the intended recipient of funds which have been the subject of a Payment transaction;
      SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area. It enables clients to make and receive payments in euro, under uniform rules and procedures, inside or outside national borders, under the same basic conditions and with the same rights and obligations, regardless of their geographical area.
      Services means the services and products provided by Paywiser under this Contract;
      Account Statement means a document prepared and provided by Paywiser for the User, which includes information about Payment transactions executed during the specific period of time;
      Strong User Authentication Measures (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) means an authentication of the User based on the use of two or more elements categorized as knowledge (something only the User knows), possession (something only the User possesses) and inherence (something the User is) that are independent, in that the breach of one does not compromise the reliability of the others, and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data;
      TARGET 2 means a payment system owned and operated by the Eurosystem. It is Europe’s leading platform for large-value payments processing and is used in real time by both central banks and commercial banks in the EU to process payments in euro.
      Bank Account is a payment account opened by a bank on behalf of one or more Users for the purpose of executing payment transactions and for other purposes related to the provision of banking services to the User. The funds in the transaction account shall be considered as a sight cash deposit covered by the FSCS.
      Third party means any natural or legal person, other than the Parties;
      Unique Identifier means a combination of numbers, letters and signs specified to the payment service User by the payment service provider and shall be used to unambiguously identify User and/or the payment account. The Unique Identifier may be the individual number by IBAN number International Bank Account Number. The payer must provide the payee’s IBAN and the BIC code of the payee’s payment service provider to identify the payee’s account, unless otherwise agreed with the payee’s payment service provider;
      Identification means identification and verification of identity of persons. The result of the procedure is information collected during the process and the decision whether or not the person’s identity is confirmed.
  3. Terms and conditions of the business relationship between the User and Paywiser
    1. In addition to these Terms and all its changes, contractual relationships pertaining to the provision of providing and ensuring payment and other Services shall also be governed by laws and other legal acts of the UK, Price List and additional annexes concluded by Parties and other documents that are published on Paywiser website and which are deemed to govern the legal relationship between Paywiser and User as well as the principles of soundness, justice and fairness.
    2. These Terms determine the main terms and conditions between the User and Paywiser when the User validly registers in Paywiser’ system, opens a Payment Account and uses other Services provided by Paywiser connected to the Payment Account.
    3. Upon registering for the Services, the User explicitly confirms that it is aware of the content of these Terms and agrees with them.
    4. The User has the right to request at any time from Paywiser a copy of these Terms and all other documents, which are a part of the contractual relationship, in paper form or on another Durable medium for data. Current Terms are always published on the website www.paywiser.com.
  4. Services provided by Paywiser under this Framework Agreement
    1. Paywiser offers Users the services of opening and maintaining a Payment Account used for the execution of Payment Transactions and other Payment Account related Services. Paywiser maintains a Multi-Currency User Account, under which it opens one or more Payment Accounts for the User with the IBAN code, which is the unique identifier of the User Account, and executes Payment Transactions in euro (EUR) and in the following foreign currency: USD. All other currencies are automatically converted into euro (EUR) in accordance with these Terms. At the same time, Paywiser also makes available to the User a local GBP Payment Account, the purpose of which is to enable the User to transact more quickly and cheaply within the UK payment zone.
    2. The funds of all Users are held in a fiduciary/safeguarding account that Paywiser maintains on behalf of the Users with a commercial partner bank. Paywiser assigns IBAN codes to the User’s Payment Accounts within the framework of the opened fiduciary account, which enables the execution of incoming and outgoing payment transactions from the User’s Payment Account. The contractual relationship is concluded solely between the User and the Paywiser.
    3. A Payment Account is not a Bank Account and is not registered by Paywiser in any of the official registers. It is the User’s responsibility to inform the relevant authorities about the holding of the Payment Account opened with Paywiser (e.g. reporting the Account to the tax authorities, if applicable).
    4. Paywiser Web Interface allows the User to access and manage its Payment Account (e.g. top-ups, payment transactions, withdrawals, etc.). The User can also view the balance of its Account via the Paywiser Mobile App, which is designed to manage the Paywiser payment card. Terms and conditions for the use of the Paywiser Web Interface are presented to the User before the start of use. The terms and conditions of use and a link to the Paywiser Web Interface are available at www.paywiser.com.
    5. Paywiser offers the following payment services (activities) related to the management of the Payment Account in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Payment Services Regulations 2017:
      • services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account and all of the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account and all of the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • the execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user’s payment service provider or with another payment service provider ((i)execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits; (ii)execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device; (iii)execution of credit transfers, including standing orders);
      • issuing payment instruments or acquiring payment transactions;
      and issuance and redemption of Electronic money, Currency exchange.
    6. These Terms regulate the opening of the Paywiser Payment Account and managing it via the Paywiser Web Interface, as well as all rights and obligations of both Parties regarding the opening, closure and use of the Paywiser Payment Account and other Services under this Terms.
    7. Due to the legal prohibition, the User’s funds held with Paywiser do not earn interest.
    8. Upon successful verification and opening of a Payment Account, the User may order a Paywiser MasterCard debit payment card (“Paywiser Card”). The Paywiser Card issuance service is subject to additional terms and conditions, which are available at www.paywiser.com.
    9. As part of the Services Paywiser can issue the User with the e-money business account for a company being incorporated. Paywiser will open an e-money business account for a company being incorporated by order of the founder of a legal entity who must ensure payment of share capital/equity capital in cash (which shall be carried out by transfer from another payment/bank account) for establishing a company or institution. The articles of association or partnership agreement are required for opening this account. Paywiser will upon opening of such account perform appropriate identification of natural persons and issue one or more original certificates on payment of the stake in cash. Such account is intended only for safekeeping of the founding capital, hence disposition of account funds is possible only for the purpose of the establishing of the company. Paywiser will transform the account to a classic e-money business account only when the company has been fully incorporated and entered in the competent business register.
    10. As part of the Services we can issue you with the e-money segregated account for safekeeping of your client’s funds. Paywiser will open an e-money business account for your clients on your behalf. You shall operate the account in your name and for the account of your clients. The main/only difference from a regular/classic business account is that segregated account is managed separately from the account opened by you for your regular business.
    11. In case Paywiser issue the User with the e-money business account for a company being incorporated (Article 4.10) or e-money segregated account (Article 4.11) or any other type different than regular type of a business account the User can undergo an additional KYC & KYB and similar onboarding procedures and special terms and conditions can apply.
    12. Any additional service, that is not regulated in these Terms, can be subject to separate terms and conditions available on www.paywiser.com.
  5. General provisions on account opening and User identification
    1. The User must submit the application for registering the User’s Account and opening the Payment account at Paywiser, complete the onboarding procedure and upload/provide all requested documents.
    2. The level of information to be provided is dependent on the product or service of Paywiser the User wants to use.
    3. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to require the User to provide the original documents and/or the copies of these documents approved by a notary or another competent person authorized by the particular state.
    4. In order to ensure the User identification or to perform other necessary duties, Paywiser has the right to demand the User to execute specific procedure or video identification through any partner of Paywiser or through other programmes indicated by Paywiser or other programs.
    5. The User confirms that all the data provided during the registration process is correct and up to date. If there are any changes in the provided data during the term of the business relationship, the User is obligated to provide updated information as soon as possible, but not later than 5 (five) Business Days after the changes.
    6. After the User reads the current version of this Terms, the User shall mark the relevant “check-box” by pressing “yes”. The foregoing shall be deemed to be a declaration of the User’s willingness to enter into the Framework Agreement. After the KYC and KYB Process has been carried out, Paywiser notifies the User by e-mail of the (non-)conclusion of the Contract. In case if User chooses to press “no” or does not mark any “check-box”, it means that it does not wish to enter into a contractual relationship with Paywiser.
    7. Paywiser has the right to refuse to register the new User and User´s account without indicating the reasons, however, Paywiser assures that the refusal to register will always be based on significant reasons which Paywiser does not have to or may not disclose them.
    8. Once Paywiser has verified the documents and information provided by the User and there is no reason that, under applicable law or otherwise, could lead to a refusal to provide the Services, Paywiser shall notify the User of the opening of the Payment Account and the User shall be entitled to start using the Services and the Payment Account.
    9. The User is entitled to open one User Account and one Payment account unless Paywiser explicitly approves the opening of additional accounts.
    10. Paywiser does not allow Users who are domiciled in countries where there is an increased or high risk of money laundering or terrorist financing (at-risk country) using the Paywiser services.
    11. If the KYC and KYB Process for a User reveals that it is a mobile number holder, a national, or a permanent or temporary resident of a country on the enhanced or high risk list for money laundering and terrorist financing, Paywiser reserves the right to terminate the Contract and close the User’s Payment Account and refund the amount of the User’s remaining Account balance. The same shall apply if the User or its representatives turns out to be a sanctioned person.
    12. By accepting these Terms, the User declares that it and its representatives are not a sanctioned person and that it is not included in the lists of persons subject to restrictive measures or sanctions:
      • a sanctioned person is any natural person who is the target of sanctions or is subject to sanctions, including, without limitation, a person who is a national or resident of a country that is listed in the list of sanctioned countries;
      • sanctions are any economic, financial, trade or similar restrictions and prohibitions adopted, imposed or imposed by the following organisations or States (and any organs or agencies thereof): a) the United Nations; b) the United States of America; or c) the European Union or any of its present or future Member States.
      The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
      • The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
      • The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
  6. The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
    1. The User can access and manage it Payment Account via the Paywiser web interface and can also view it using the Paywiser mobile app.
    2. Paywiser Wallet can be accessed by installing the Paywiser Mobile Application for free on User’s mobile device and registering to use the Paywiser Mobile Application. Paywiser Wallet may also be accessed via Web interface. The minimum User registration information is:
      Company information:
      • Company information:
      • Company information:
      • Company Registration Number
      • Registered Office Address
      • Registered Office Address
      • Tax number
      • Tax residency
      • US person
      • Entity Type
      • Registered business activity
      • Main business activity
      • Purpose and nature of business relationship
      • Payments to countries
      • Payments from countries
      • Business volume
      • Mobile phone number
      • E-mail address
      • Business website
      • Names of Supervisory Board members (if applicable)
      • Documentation: Certificate of incorporation / registration, Memorandum / articles of incorporation / association / registration, Shareholder registry, Director registry and, if applicable, additional filled in questionnaires.
      Legal representative/Authorized person information:
      • Name and surname
      • Middle name
      • Gender
      • Permanent address
      • Temporary address
      • Date and place of birth
      • Country of birth
      • Tax number (TIN)
      • Tax residency
      • US person
      • Citizenship
      • Type of ID
      • Number of ID
      • Date of issuance of ID
      • Date of validity of ID
      • Issuer of the ID
      • Mobile phone number
      • E-mail address
      • Image of both sides of the attached identity document (identity card or passport) with signature
      • “Selfie” (Selfie – Picture of the User)
      • Data of the electronic/video identification process
      Ultimate beneficial owner information:
      • Name and surname
      • Permanent address
      • Temporary address
      • Temporary address
      • Temporary address
      • Citizenship
      • Percentage of the ownership
    3. Paywiser collects personal data about the User and other data about the User via the Paywiser mobile application or the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser system or by information provided via e-mail. During the collection of the required information, the legal representative of User must enter his/her personal identification data and provide a photograph of both sides of his/her ID and a photograph of the User taken during the KYC and KYB Process (“selfie”). The KYC and KYB Process (identification and verification) and the verification of information shall be carried out, inter alia, by means of digital conferencing with the use of an external contractor. The user’s facial image and the original identity document clearly displayed by the user shall be recorded for the duration of the identification process.
    4. The User first registers with its mobile phone number, which must be confirmed by entering a one-time password received in a text message. The e-mail address entered by the User shall also be verified and confirmed.
    5. The User Account is uniquely linked to the email address provided during the registration process. Only one email address can be logged in with one User Account at a time. Also, only one mobile phone number can be associated with one User Account at a time.
    6. Before successful registration, the User must accept the Terms.
    7. Upon successful completion of the KYC and KYB Process a unique identification number (User ID) is assigned to the User.
    8. Upon registration, the User is created a User Account and obtains the possibility to use and manage the Payment Account services (as described in Section 4 of these Terms) via the Paywiser web interface and, to some extent, also using the Paywiser mobile application.
    9. The Services provided to the User are limited so as to comply with the legal restrictions required by the AML/CFT regulations and the restrictions set out in Paywiser’s policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (hereinafter referred to as the “AML Policy”).
    10. Users may carry out payment transactions and use all Services through the Paywiser Payment Account, subject to the restrictions that are provided in a separate document and are if provided an integral part of this Contract.
    11. If the User is no longer eligible for the Account, or there are indicators of high risk, or the User reaches any of the set thresholds (e.g. monthly/annual transaction values), the Payment Account may be temporarily or permanently frozen (in the latter case, Paywiser shall also terminate the Agreement by notice to the User).
    12. Using the Paywiser web interface and Paywiser mobile app
      1. The User is obliged to use the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile application in accordance with these Terms, the Price List, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Mobile Application, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface and any other instructions and documents that are publicly published and available at www.paywiser.com and in accordance with the applicable regulations. The User is obliged to use the Services in a manner consistent with the purpose for which Paywiser provides the Services.
      2. In the event of a breach, the User (the “Breaching User”) shall be liable to Paywiser and third parties for any damage caused and Paywiser shall have the right to prevent the User from further use of the Paywiser web interface, the Paywiser mobile application and all Services.
      3. Any User who allows third parties to access the Paywiser web interface and/or the Paywiser mobile application shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from such actions.
      4. Restrictions on the use of the Paywiser Payment Account are set out in accordance with the AML/CTF regulations and Paywiser’s internal rules and are set out in these Terms and other related documents which are publicly available and accessible at www.paywiser.com.
      5. All functionalities of the Payment Account, the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile pp, including the terms and conditions for issuing and withdrawing electronic money and executing payment transactions, are set out in these Terms and the additional terms and conditions related to the Services that are the subject of the Master Agreement (such as, e.g., the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Mobile App, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface, etc.).
  7. Payment services in Paywiser wallet
    1. Users can make various types of payment transactions via the Paywiser web interface and using the Paywiser mobile app.
    2. Users are subject to the restrictions set out in Section 6 of these Terms and the restrictions set out below. Users may not withdraw funds from their Payment Account in cash.
    3. Each payment request is approved and confirmed or rejected by the Paywiser system.
    4. The balance of the Payment Account is reduced/increased immediately after a successful Payment Transaction.
    5. Paywiser shall authorise and execute any Payment Transaction for which the User has submitted a Payment Request (Payment Order) or a Consent (Confirmation), unless there are conditions for refusal of the transaction.
    6. Paywiser will refuse to execute a Payment Transaction if:
      • The execution of the payment request exceeds the value limit of the AML/CTF regulations or other limit set by Paywiser or independently set by the User,
      • The User does not have sufficient funds in the Payment Account,
      • the User enters an incorrect SCA code to confirm the Payment Transaction,
      • the User Account is blocked, frozen or suspended,
      • the Paywiser System and/or the electronic communications network is disrupted at the time of the transaction request,
      • Paywiser suspects possible misuse of the Payment Account.
    7. Paywiser confirms or rejects the Payment Transaction on the basis of the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph and immediately notifies the User thereof via the Paywiser Web Interface.
    8. Within the limits of the User’s Payment Account and subject to the restrictions set out in these Terms, the User may perform the following actions (Payment Transactions):
      • Top-up the Payment Account,
      • Make Payment Transactions for the purchase of goods and services,
      • Withdraw funds from the Payment Account.
    9. The different types of payment transactions are described below.
    10. Other services/functionalities are provided via the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile app in accordance with the additional terms and conditions.
    11. Top-up of the Payment Account
      1. The top-up function of the User’s Payment Account is subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. User can Top-up (fill) its Payment Account:
      3. By transferring funds from a Payment Account opened with another Payment Service Provider: the User shall execute a payment order to the credit of its Account (specifying the IBAN and BIC) held by Paywiser. For this purpose, Paywiser has opened a safeguarding account with a commercial partner bank. The reference and purpose of the payment shall be completed by the User in accordance with the instructions published on the website www.paywiser.com. The funds in the Payment Account of the User who has correctly filled in the information on the Payment Order will be increased as soon as the funds are received by Paywiser. Before allowing the transaction to be executed, Paywiser shall verify the details of the Payer and the Payee and the status and limits of the Payer and the Payee.
      4. Any request to top up an Account shall be approved or rejected by Paywiser.
    12. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services
      1. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services are subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. A User who has obtained a Paywiser card issued in accordance with the Paywiser Mastercard Debit Card Terms and Conditions (available at www.paywiser.com) may pay for goods and services at any outlet that accepts MasterCard debit cards.
      3. The process of executing a Payment Transaction via a Payment Order entered into the Paywiser web interface:
      4. Paywiser accepts Payment Orders in accordance with the schedule by which it clears and settles. Payment Transactions in the Paywiser system. This is expected to be every Business Day for Payment Transactions to be made by 24:00 of the previous day. Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays (1.1., Easter Friday, Easter Monday, 1.5., 25.12. and 26.12.), which constitute a non-Business Day for the TARGET2 Payment System, shall constitute non-Business Days for clearing and settlement in the Paywiser System and the partners involved in the Payment System and shall also be a Business Day for all other Payment Service Providers involved in the execution of a Payment Order.
      5. Paywiser will execute (successfully or unsuccessfully) Payment Orders received between 0:00 and 24:00 on the same Business Day.
      6. Paywiser (as the Acquirer) will transfer the funds to the Recipient’s account no later than the next Business Day following receipt of the Payment Order.
      7. A Payment Order becomes irrevocable at the moment the User gives its consent to the execution of the Payment Transaction, i.e. when the Payment Order is received by Paywiser.
      8. The User submits a Payment Request in the Paywiser system via the Paywiser web interface. The Paywiser system automatically checks the details of both the Payer and the Payee, the User’s account balance, the User’s status and the User’s restrictions.
      9. If all the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph are met, Paywiser shall immediately execute the transfer of funds or, if the conditions are not met, reject the transaction.
      10. Once the User has consented to the execution of a Payment Transaction, the cancellation or revocation of such transaction or Payment Order is no longer possible.
    13. Withdrawal of funds from the Payment Account:
      1. The User may withdraw funds from its Payment Account at any time in accordance with these Terms and the applicable Price List, and within the limits and subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Funds can be called up:
        • By transferring funds to another Payment Account or Transaction Account – The User may transfer funds from its Payment Account at any time via the Paywiser Web Interface, to any other Transaction Account or Payment Account, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the applicable Price List, by completing a Payment Order.
        • By withdrawing cash at an ATM, if the Payment Account User has obtained a Paywiser Card.
      3. Internal transactions of Registered and Verified User are subject to the limits set out in Paragraph 6 of these Terms and limitations set out below. Conditions for redemption:
        • the relevant balance in the User’s Paywiser Account
        • compliance with any transaction restrictions as described in these Terms.
  8. General Terms for the Issuance and Redemption of Electronic Money
    1. Money held in the User’s Payment Account shall be deemed to be Electronic Money issued by Paywiser following the transfer or crediting of money to the Payment Account opened with Paywiser.
    2. Once the User has made a funds transfer or the funds have been successfully transferred to the User’s Account and Paywiser has received the funds, Paywiser shall issue Electronic Money at face value and credit the Electronic Money to the User’s Payment Account. The Electronic Money shall be credited and held in the User’s Payment Account.
    3. The User selects the method of recharging the Account as described in Clause 7.11 (Top-up of the Payment Account).
    4. The User is informed and agrees that the Electronic Money in the User’s Account shall not be deemed to be a deposit and Paywiser shall in no event pay any interest on the Electronic Money in the User’s Account or provide any other benefits related to the period of time for which the Electronic Money is held.
    5. At the User’s request, Electronic Money held in the User’s Account may be redeemed at any time at its face value, unless otherwise agreed between Paywiser and the User.
    6. Where Electronic Money is required to be redeemed prior to the expiry of this Agreement, the User may request the return of some or all of the monetary value of the Electronic Money.
    7. The User shall make a request for the Electronic Money to be redeemed by generating a Payment Order to transfer the Electronic Money from the User’s Payment Account with Paywiser to any other account specified by the User.
    8. No special terms and conditions shall apply to the redemption of Electronic Money other than the standard terms and conditions for transfers and other Payment Transactions from the User’s Account. The amount of Electronic Money withdrawn or transferred shall be selected by the User.
    9. No additional Fee shall be payable for the withdrawal of Electronic Money. In the event of a withdrawal of Electronic Money, the User shall pay the normal Transfer or Withdrawal Fee, which shall depend on the method of transfer or withdrawal chosen by the User, in accordance with the Price List.
    10. If the User requests the redemption of Electronic Money after the expiry of this Agreement or within a maximum of 1 (one) year from the expiry of the Agreement, the entire monetary value of the Electronic Money held by the User shall be redeemed.
    11. Subject to the User terminating this Agreement and submitting a request for the closure of the User’s Payment Account and the deletion of the User’s Payment Account from the Paywiser System, or Paywiser discontinuing the provision of the Services to the User and deleting the User’s Account from the Paywiser System, in the cases set out in this Agreement, the money from the User’s Account shall be transferred to the User’s Transaction Account or to an account in another electronic payment system specified by the User. Paywiser shall be entitled to deduct amounts due to Paywiser (Fees for the Services provided by Paywiser and other charges not paid by the User, including, without limitation, damages and default interest imposed by financial institutions and/or other competent authority of the country and paid by Paywiser due to breaches of this Agreement committed by the User) prior to such deduction. In the event of a dispute between Paywiser and the User, Paywiser shall have the right to retain the disputed money until the dispute is resolved.
    12. In the event that Paywiser does not refund the User for reasons beyond Paywiser’s control (for example: the account indicated by the User is closed; technical problems arising with the payment service provider, if the User has another account, etc.), the User will be notified immediately. The User must immediately indicate another account or provide additional information necessary for the refund.
    1. Authentication data and information to be provided in Payment order
      1. The authentication details for authentication to access the User’s Payment Account via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application shall be set by the User. The information relates to:
        • User ID and Password:
          • User ID: is the combination of numbers assigned to the User after the registration has been completed and Paywiser has issued a confirmation that the User can start using the Services.
          • Password: a static alphanumeric sequence personally and exclusively determined by the User. Paywiser will not have access to the password nor will it ever request it from the User.
        • The special code that the User will receive on his/her mobile phone to execute the Payment Transaction (SCA, optional). The User confirms the special code received on his/her mobile phone by entering the password. The Payment Transaction will not be executed without the special code (where required).
      2. The maximum period of inactivity of the User after access to the User’s online account has been granted shall not exceed 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the session ends and the User must log in again. If the authentication details for identity verification are entered incorrectly three times, Paywiser has the right to block access to the User Account with those authentication details. The User will be notified before the blocking is carried out. In the event that the User’s Account is blocked due to incorrectly entered authentication data, the User will be able to apply for new authentication data and log back into his/her User Account after successfully completing certain KYC and KYB process activities.
      3. In order for a Payment Order to be properly initiated or executed, the User must provide a unique identifier (IBAN). Paywiser will process and be responsible for the execution of Payment Transactions from the User’s Payment Account solely on the basis of the BIC code of the Payee’s payment service provider and the Payee’s account number (IBAN) received from the User as part of the User’s Payment Order.
      4. Paywiser shall not be liable if the Payment Order does not contain the Unique Identifier and/or the User has entered it incorrectly. However, Paywiser shall nevertheless use reasonable endeavours to recover the funds involved in such Payment Transaction.
      5. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to request additional and/or other mandatory information (e.g. the amount and currency, the name of the Payee, the Payee’s address, etc.) necessary for the proper execution of the Payment Order.
    2. The form and procedure for giving consent to initiate a Payment order or execute a Payment transaction
      1. A Payment Transaction shall be deemed to have been authorised by the User only if the User has given his/her consent in the Paywiser System for the execution of the Payment Transaction.
      2. The User shall be deemed to have given consent by submitting an electronic Payment Order to the Paywiser System using the authentication data (login data assigned to the User and/or security code, SCA). Consent may also be expressed by other means appropriate to the particular service.
      3. The User’s (Payer’s) consent must be provided prior to the execution of the Payment Transaction.
    3. Procedure for cancelling a Payment Order:
      1. The Payer may revoke the consent at any time, but no later than the moment of irrevocability as provided in the following provisions of Section 9.2.4 of these Terms. Consent to execute a series of Payment Transactions may also be revoked, in which case each future Payment Transaction shall be deemed to be unauthorised.
      2. The User will not cancel a Payment Order once it has been received by Paywiser, except in the cases provided for in these Terms.
      3. Where a Payment Transaction is initiated by or through a Payee, the Payer will not cancel the Payment Order after the Payment Transaction has been authorised by the Payee;
      4. In the case set out in Clause 9.4.6 of this Agreement, the User may cancel the Payment Order no later than the end of the Business Day preceding the agreed date;
      5. After the expiry of the time limits set out in clauses 9.3.2 – 9.3.4 of this Agreement, a Payment Order may only be cancelled if agreed between the User and the Paywiser. In the cases set out in clause of this Agreement, cancellation shall be subject to the consent of the Payee.
    4. Time of receipt of the Payment Order, requirements applicable to the Payment Order and refusal to execute the Payment Order
      1. The User must ensure that the Payment Account has sufficient funds to execute the Payment Order. If the User does not have sufficient funds at the time of submission of the Payment Order, Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. In any event, the minimum amount that the User must have at all times in the Account is EUR 19.95, otherwise Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order.
      2. Paywiser shall process Payment Orders submitted by the User without undue delay, provided that the User has sufficient funds in the Account at the time of the due date with which the payment will be made.
      3. If the User is the Payer, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received by Paywiser on the date of receipt, but if the time of receipt of the Payment Order is not a Business Day of Paywiser, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received on the first following Business Day.
      4. A Payment Order received by Paywiser on a Business Day but outside Paywiser’s Business Hours shall be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day.
      5. No funds shall be debited from the User’s Account until the Payment Order has been received by Paywiser.
      6. If the User initiating the Payment Order and Paywiser agree that execution of the Payment Order shall commence on a specified day or at the end of a specified period or on the day on which the Payer has made funds available to Paywiser, the time of receipt shall be deemed to be that agreed day. If the agreed day is not a Business Day, the Payment Order shall be deemed to be received on the first following Business Day.
      7. Payment orders within the Paywiser system shall be executed immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement), regardless of the Paywiser Business Hours. As far as possible, Paywiser will also execute other Payment Orders outside the Paywiser System immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and in this Agreement), otherwise the deadlines set out in these Terms and Conditions shall apply.
      8. Paywiser shall have the right to record and store all Payment Orders sent by any of the agreed methods and to record and store details of all Payment Transactions made by the User or in connection with the User’s Payment Orders. The aforementioned data may be provided by Paywiser to the User and/or to a third party entitled to receive such data on a legal or contractual basis, as evidence of the submission of Payment Orders and/or the execution of a Payment Transaction.
      9. Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute a Payment Order in the event of reasonable doubt that the Payment Order has been submitted by the User or if the Payment Order or the documents submitted are not appropriate or lawful. In such cases, Paywiser shall have the right to require the User to further confirm the submitted Payment Order and/or to submit documents confirming the right to manage the funds in the Account or other documents requested by Paywsier, in a manner acceptable to Paywiser and at the User’s expense. Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may result from refusal to execute a submitted Payment Order due to the User’s refusal to provide additional information or documents.
      10. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to engage third parties to execute the User’s Payment Order in part or in full if the interests of the User and/or the purpose or content of the Payment Order so require. In the event that the purpose or content of the User’s Payment Order requires the sending and execution of a Payment Transaction by another financial institution, but that financial institution suspends the Payment Order, Paywiser shall not be liable for such actions of that financial institution, but will endeavour to ascertain the reasons for the suspension of the Payment Order. Paywiser expressly reminds the User that the User’s Account is linked to Paywiser’s fiduciary account and therefore the commercial partner bank may also suspend the Payment Order at any time.
      11. Paywiser shall have the right to suspend and/or terminate the execution of the User’s Payment Order if required to do so by applicable regulations or if this is necessary for other reasons not attributable to Paywiser.
      12. In the event that Paywiser refuses to execute a Payment Order submitted by the User, Paywiser shall promptly and without undue delay notify the User of the reasons for the refusal and of the procedure for rectifying the factual errors that led to the refusal, except where such notification is technically impossible or prohibited by law or other regulations.
      13. Paywiser shall not accept or execute Payment Orders from the User if such Payment Transactions are prohibited or restricted due to the User’s relevant regulations and circumstances.
      14. If money transferred by a Payment Order is returned for reasons beyond Paywiser’s control (inaccurate Payment Order details, incorrect Payee account, etc.), the amount returned shall be credited to the User’s Payment Account. The fees paid by the User (Payer) for the execution of the Payment Order shall not be refunded.
    5. Conditions for the performance of Services
      1. The time limits for the execution of Payment Transactions to Payment Accounts and the duration for the execution of other Services are set out in these Terms and other documents published on the website www.paywiser.com.
      2. Where a Payment is made in euro (EUR) in the Member States and the User is the Payer, Paywiser shall ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the Payee’s Payment Service Provider’s account by the end of the next Business Day, subject to the exceptions provided for in clause 9.4.3 of these Conditions. As far as possible, Paywiser will execute Payment Orders immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement).
      3. Maximum spending limits may also be established by the User in Paywiser Wallet. If the transfer in the Member State is made in euro (EUR), Paywiser will ensure that upon receipt of the Payment Order, the amount of the Payment Transaction will be credited to the account of the Payee’s payment service provider on the same Business Day as the Payment Order was received, provided that the Payment Order is received by 12:00 on that Business Day. If the Payment Order is received after 12:00, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee no later than the next Business Day.
      4. The Parties may agree that a Payment Order shall be executed on a specific day or at the end of a specific period. In this case, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee on the day on which the Payment Order is executed.
      5. Where a Payment Transaction is executed in the Member States in currencies of Member States which are not part of the Eurozone and the User is the Payer, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Order is credited to the account of the Payee’s payment service provider by the end of the next Business Day, but no later than within 4 (four) Business Days after receipt of the Payment Order.
    6. Spending limits for payment transactions
      1. The User shall co-operate with Paywiser to investigate any suspicious, suspected illegal, fraudulent or improper activity. The maximum spending limits for Payment Transactions are set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Specific limits may be set on the User’s Payment Account in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and Paywiser’s internal regulations. The User shall be informed of such restrictions prior to using the Services.
    7. Account blocking and/or suspension of services to the User
      1. The User shall cooperate with Paywiser in the investigation of suspicious, illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate activity.
      2. Paywiser has the right to block funds in the User’s Payment Account in the following cases:
        • Paywiser suspects that the funds collected in the User’s Payment Account are intended for the commission of a criminal offence or are the result of the commission of, or participation in the commission of, a criminal offence;
        • if it is suspected that an unauthorised Payment Transaction has been made through the User’s Account;
        • the User is in default in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
        • the User is declared bankrupt in respect of the User’s assets, the risk of insolvency or insolvency on the part of the User increases excessively;
        • for the purposes of corrective accounting and settlement;
        • fraudulent acts on the part of the User are proven or criminal proceedings are initiated against the User for fraudulent acts.
      3. If the User’s actions are not in accordance with the rules of Paywiser’s partners and such actions may cause damage to Paywiser, Paywiser reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to suspend or discontinue the operation of the User/Payment Account (or certain of its functions, such as, but not limited to, uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds), including, but not limited to, for audit purposes:
        • where Paywiser deems it necessary to ensure the security of the User Account; or
        • in the event of any transactions which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes have been made in breach of these Terms or in breach of the security requirements of the User Account; or
        • any transactions are made which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes to be suspicious, unauthorised or fraudulent, including those that may be related to money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other illegal activities; or
        • upon the insolvency or bankruptcy of the User, or if Paywiser reasonably believes that there is such a threat to the User; or;
        • if anything occurs which, in the opinion of Paywiser, indicates that the User will be unable to fulfil its obligations towards Paywiser and/or third parties.
      4. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User in advance of any such suspension or, if this is not practicable, to do so as soon as reasonably practicable and to justify such suspension, unless notifying the User would compromise security measures or is otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.
      5. In addition, Paywiser reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to suspend the operation of the User Account (or certain of its functions, such as uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds) at any time when required to do so by applicable laws and regulations or by the competent authorities. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User of any such suspension, unless Paywiser is prohibited from doing so by law or by order of a competent court or other authority.
    8. Payment transaction data to be transmitted to the user
      1. Paywiser is obliged to provide the User (prior to the execution of a Payment Order) with information on the conditions for the execution of a particular Payment Order, the Fees and, in the case of a total fee, a breakdown of the items.
      2. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of the Payment Transactions performed showing the following:
        • information enabling the Payer to identify each Payment Transaction and information relating to the Payee;
        • the amount of the Payment Transaction in the currency specified in the Payment Order;
        • the Fees payable in respect of Payment Transactions and the manner in which the Fees paid are to be distributed;
        • the applicable exchange rate and the amount of the Payment Transaction at the exchange rate, in the event that a currency exchange has taken place during the execution of the Payment Transaction;
        • the date on which the funds are debited from the Account;
        • the date of receipt of funds into the Account;
        • other information that will be provided to the User in accordance with the applicable legislation of the UK.
      3. The statement is provided through the User’s Paywiser web interface or is sent to the User via e-mail. The User may also view the executed Payment Transactions via the Paywiser mobile application.
      4. Paywiser is obliged to notify the User of any suspected or perpetrated fraud by third parties, or of security threats in connection with the Services, by sending a message via the Paywiser web interface or by sending an e-mail or by any other means it deems safe and most appropriate in the situation.
  10. Fees for services provided by Paywiser, interest on late payments and currency exchange services
    1. Paywiser shall charge fees for standard Services in accordance with these Terms and the Price List in force from time to time, which is available for viewing at www.paywiser.com. The current Price List is attached to these Terms or is sent to the User via e-mail and shall be deemed to form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.
    2. Paywiser shall charge the User individual fees for non-standard services not specified in these Terms and/or the Price List and shall inform the User thereof before the User starts using such services.
    3. Unless otherwise stated, Fees are expressed in Euros.
    4. For Payment Services and/or related services provided by Paywiser, the User shall pay Paywiser a Fee. The Fees are set out in the Price List and/or any additional agreement with the User. In the event that the User fails to fulfil his/her obligation to pay the Fee to Paywiser, the User shall pay to Paywiser a penalty (fines or interest on late payment) as set out in the Price List, any additional agreement and/or applicable laws of the UK.
    5. All Fees paid by the User shall be deducted from the balance of the User’s Payment Account, which the User expressly authorises Paywiser to do. The User undertakes to ensure that sufficient funds are available to settle all Fees. If the balance in the User’s Account is not sufficient, Paywiser reserves the right to charge the User additionally for any shortfall.
    6. Where Paywiser is unable to deduct from the balance of the User’s Payment Account the Fees payable by the User for the Services rendered, Paywiser shall issue a separate invoice for the amount due. Invoices shall be payable within ten (10) days from the date of invoice. In the event of late payment, Paywiser reserves the right to charge default interest at the rate of 0.02% per day and/or terminate the Contract with immediate effect by written notice to the User.
    7. If, during the execution of a Payment Transaction, there are insufficient funds in the User’s Account to execute the Payment Transaction and pay the Fee, Paywiser shall have the right to reject and not execute such Payment Transaction.
    8. Currency conversion shall be based on Paywiser’s exchange rate in force at the time of conversion and continuously updated and published on Paywiser’s website and or Paywiser’s web interface and/or Paywiser’s mobile application.
    9. Paywiser shall promptly change the Base Currency Rate and notify the User of such changes in the manner described in these Terms or the Special Currency Exchange Terms.
    10. The exchange rates when the User wishes to make a currency exchange on its Payment Account shall be presented to the User.
    11. In the event that the currency in which the order to execute the Payment Transaction is different from the currency in which the Account is debited, the conversion of these currencies shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by Paywiser and published on Paywiser’s website www.paywiser.com.
    12. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of all Fees associated with the User’s Account free of charge at the beginning of each calendar year. In the event of termination of this Agreement, such statement of Fees shall be produced for the period from the beginning of the calendar year until the date of termination of the Agreement.
    13. Paywiser shall not charge the User any value added tax for the services provided under this Agreement and the Terms as the services in question are exempt from the Value Added Tax Act.
    14. User is aware that Paywiser is not responsible for the duration of the transaction execution and cannot be held liable for any potential damages even in the event that the time of execution of the transaction is essential for the User (e.g. in case the User is exchange company etc.).
  11. Communication between the User and the Paywiser
    1. The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that all communications, including personal communications between Paywiser and the User, shall be in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. All communications and information regarding any changes to the Services and prices and other relevant information shall be provided in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Paywiser can provide the User with a translation for certain documents, and the User is specifically reminded that both the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile application and the video identification process are only available in English.
    2. The information shall be provided to the User either in person or by public announcement:
      • The information may be provided to the User in person via the Paywiser web interface, or the Paywiser mobile application, or sent by post to the User’s registered address, or by email as provided during the Account opening process, or by call, or by SMS using the telephone number provided during the Account opening process, and by other telecommunication instruments, including by electronic means;
      • information may be published on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com and in the Paywiser system. Paywiser sends the User a notification of the newly uploaded information via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application or by other means (e-mail, SMS, Paywiser mobile application, etc.). The publicly published information is deemed to have been correctly communicated to the User, except in cases of mandatory requirements of the legislation of the England and/or in cases where Paywiser is obliged to inform the User personally.
    3. The User acknowledges that any communication between Paywiser and the User takes place in person, in particular via the Paywiser web interface, the Paywiser mobile application and the email indicated during the Payment Account opening process. The publication of information by Paywiser via the Paywiser web interface and/or the Paywiser mobile application and/or via email implies that the relevant information is correctly and effectively communicated to the User.
    4. Communication by e-mail is possible to the addresses indicated on the Paywiser website and to the email address provided by the User during registration in the Paywiser system. The email message shall be deemed to be correctly delivered on the next Business Day.
    5. In the case of communication by telephone, the User’s identity shall be verified on the basis of the User’s data. Telephone communication between Paywiser and the User will be possible at intervals to be published on the Paywiser website. The message transmitted to the User by Paywiser by telephone shall be deemed to have been correctly delivered at the time of the conversation.
    6. In the case of communication by post, the letters shall be delivered to the User’s address.
    7. Information published on the Paywiser website or Paywiser web interface or Paywiser mobile application shall be deemed to have been duly delivered on the date of publication of such information.
    8. The User agrees that Paywiser may, by means of available technical means and in the case of conversation recording, with prior notice to the User, record all ongoing communications between Paywiser and the User and archive all records and copies of all information and documents that Paywiser may receive from the User or a third party. The User agrees that Paywiser may use such information at any time for the purposes set out in these Terms or to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
    9. The User has the right to receive these Terms and other documents related to the Framework Contract in a paper version or on any other durable medium.
    10. If the User has any questions regarding these General Terms and Conditions, he/she may contact Paywiser via email at [email protected] or, if the User has a complaint, via email at [email protected]. Paywiser will attempt to resolve any questions or problems Users may have regarding their Payment Accounts or the Services. Paywiser will respond to the issue no later than 8 (eight) business days after receipt of the User’s message, unless the issue is of a “simple” nature and can be resolved within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of the message. Paywiser will notify the User if there are exceptional circumstances where it may take up to thirty-five (35) Business Days to deal with the User’s problem.
    11. The Parties shall inform each other without undue delay of any change in their contact details. At the request of Paywiser, the User must provide all relevant new documents proving that the contact details have or have not changed. Failure to comply with this obligation shall mean that the notification sent on the basis of the most recent contact details held by Paywiser has been duly delivered and any obligation fulfilled in accordance with such contact details has been duly fulfilled. The User acknowledges that Paywiser shall have the right to notify the User of any change in the contact details on Paywiser’s side by public announcement and/or by sending such information by email to the User, which was provided during the process of opening the Payment Account.
    12. The parties must inform each other immediately of any circumstances that may be relevant to the proper conduct of the business relationship. The User is also obliged to provide additional information and documents at the request of Paywiser.
  12. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions and Price List
    1. This Contract is subject to be changed from time to time.
    2. Paywiser has the right to amend these Terms, the applicable Price List and Fees and/or other terms and conditions of the Services by providing the User with the amended terms and conditions on paper orother durable medium at least two (2) months prior to the effective date of such amendments. Paywiser will notify the User via the Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface or the email address provided in the Payment Account opening process. If there is a change to the Terms that is clearly beneficial to the User as a whole, Paywiser may implement the changes immediately after notification of the change.
    3. The Terms in force from time to time are an integral part of the contractual relationship between Paywiser and the User. The User has the right to accept or reject the proposed changes.
    4. If the User does not agree with the changes, the User may withdraw from the Contract immediately, without notice and without payment of any compensation. The User must submit the withdrawal from the Framework Contract no later than the day before the date fixed for the change to take effect. If the User does not notify Paywiser within this period that it does not agree to the amendments, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments and the amendments shall come into force on the date on which the amended Terms and/or Price List come into force. If the User agrees to the amendments, then the User shall not be entitled to subsequently submit any objection and/or claim regarding the content of such amendments. If the User rejects the proposed amendments without terminating the Agreement, Paywiser shall be deemed to have terminated the Framework Agreement, with a two-month period starting from the date of sending the notice of amendment.
    5. 12.5. Termination of this Agreement in accordance with clause 12.4 shall not relieve the User of any obligations to Paywiser which have accrued prior to the date of termination of this Agreement.
  13. Security measures
    1. The User is responsible for the security of the devices used to log in to the Paywiser system (via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application) and must not leave them unattended, or in public places, or otherwise easily accessible to third parties.
    2. It is recommended that you keep your software, applications, antivirus, browsers and other programs up to date.
    3. It is recommended that the User protect devices with passwords, PIN codes, facial recognition or other security instruments.
    4. It is recommended that the User treats received e-mail messages with caution, even if the sender is Paywiser. Paywiser will never ask the User to download attachments or install software. Attachments to malicious emails may contain viruses that may harm devices or compromise the security of the User’s account.
    5. It is not recommended to click on unknown links, open unknown documents, install software or applications from unknown and unreliable sources or visit unsafe websites.
    6. As soon as the User becomes aware of any loss, theft, misuse or fraudulent use of the Payment Account, instrument or device used to access the Paywiser system, the User must immediately notify Paywiser or any other person designated by the latter. The notification shall be sent to Paywiser by sending an email to [email protected] and/or [email protected], and the User has to block the Paywiser Card in the Paywiser mobile application.
    7. If the User notices any suspicious activity on its Payment Account and thinks that third persons may have logged into its Payment Account for the use of the Services, the User shall:
      • notify Paywiser immediately and at any time in the manner set out in this section and request that the User’s Payment Account be blocked;
      • to continue using the Payment Account, the User must change the password and use other additional instruments to validate the Account or use appropriate security instruments to validate the login.
    8. Blocking of the Payment Account and the Payment Instrument issued to the User
    9. In addition to the provisions of Article 9.7, Paywiser shall have the right to block the Payment Account (suspend or partially suspend the execution of Payment Transactions) in the following cases:
      • in the event of objectively justified reasons related to the security of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card, alleged unauthorised or fraudulent use of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card;
      • in the event that the User does not comply with the Terms and this Framework Agreement;
      • in the event that Paywiser has reasonable grounds to suspect that the funds in the Account may be used by other persons for illegal acts, including, but not limited to, criminal offences;
      • in other cases provided for by the applicable legislation of the UK.
    10. The notices provided by the User regarding the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payment transactions
      1. The User is obliged to check the data on the executed Payment Transactions at least 1 (one) time per month, so that the User can notice unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions and notify Paywiser thereof in due time.
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser in writing of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions, including any errors and inaccuracies observed in the Statement, immediately upon detection of such circumstances and in any event no later than 13 (thirteen) months from the date of the debit.
      3. In case if the User does not notify Paywiser about the circumstances described in the clause 13.9.2 In the event that the User has not notified Paywiser of the circumstances described in clause 13.9.2 of these Terms, and subject to the conditions set out in the same clause 13.9.2, the User shall be deemed to have unconditionally accepted the Payment Transactions that have been made to the User’s Account.
    11. The liability of the User for unauthorized Payments transactions
      1. In the event that the User refuses to authorise a Payment Transaction or declares that a Payment Transaction has been executed incorrectly, Paywiser shall be obliged to prove that the Payment Transaction has been authorised (e.g. the Payment Transaction shall be deemed to have been authorised if SCA has been used), that it has been duly registered and entered in the records, and that it has not been affected by technical malfunctions or other deficiencies in the services provided by Paywiser.
      2. Subject to the conditions set out in Section 13.9.2 of these Terms or upon discovering that a Payment Transaction has not been authorised by the User, Paywiser shall, without undue delay but no later than the end of the next Business Day, return the amount of the unauthorised Payment Transaction to the User and, if necessary, reinstate the Account balance, from which the amount was debited, to the balance that would have existed if the unauthorised Payment Transaction had not been executed, unless Paywiser has reasonable grounds to suspect fraud and notifies the relevant authority of such suspicions, in accordance with the notification rules drawn up by such authority.
      3. If the User is the Consumer, the User bears all the losses up to the amount of 50 (fifty) Euros incurred as a result of unauthorised Payment Transactions, provided that such losses are caused by::
        • the use of a lost or stolen Payment Instrument;
        • misappropriation of a Payment Instrument.
      4. The provision 13.10.3 of these Terms shall not apply if:
        • the loss, theft or misuse of the payment instrument was not detectable to the payer prior to payment, except where the payer has acted fraudulently as set out in clause 10.10.7 of this Agreement; or
        • the loss was caused by the acts or omissions of an employee, agent or affiliate of Paywiser or of the outsourcing company;
      5. The Payer shall not bear any financial consequences resulting from the use of a lost, stolen or unauthorised Payment Instrument after the notification referred to in Clause 13.6 of this Agreement, except where the Payer has acted fraudulently.
      6. The Payer (being the Consumer) shall bear all losses relating to unauthorised Payment Transactions where the Payer has fraudulently caused them or has wilfully or grossly negligently failed to comply with one or more of the obligations set out in clauses 13.1 to 13.7 of these Terms. In such cases, the maximum amount set out in clause 13.10.3 of this Agreement shall not apply. In the event of possible fraud on the part of the User, Paywiser shall notify the competent authority of such suspicions in accordance with the notification rules drawn up by such authority.
      7. Payment account may be blocked at the User’s initiative (including the payment instrument, if assigned to the User) if the User submits a request to Paywiser. Paywiser shall have the right to require that the request submitted by the User be subsequently approved in writing or approved in another manner acceptable to Paywiser.
      8. If Paywiser has reasonable grounds to doubt that the request referred to in section 13.10.8 of this Agreement has not been made by the User, Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to block the Account (including the payment instrument, if any, allocated to the User). In such cases, Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may arise as a result of the User’s failure to comply with that request.
    12. Liability of Paywiser for proper execution of Payment transaction
      1. If a User initiates a Payment Order using a Unique Identifier, such Payment Order shall be deemed to have been properly executed by Paywiser if it has been executed in accordance with the specified Unique Identifier. Paywiser shall have the right, but shall not be obliged, to verify whether the unique identifier specified in the Payment Order and received by Paywiser corresponds to the name and surname of the Account Holder/Payee.
      2. If the Unique Identifier is transmitted to the Paywiser with the amount to be credited and debited from the Account, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been duly executed if it has been executed in accordance with the Unique Identifier. If, prior to the execution of the transaction, Paywiser becomes aware of an apparent discrepancy between the Unique Identifier provided to Paywiser and the name of the Account Holder, Paywiser shall be entitled not to execute such Payment Order, but Paywiser shall not be obliged to verify the aforementioned.
      3. If the User (Payer) correctly initiates a Payment Order and the Payment Transaction is not executed or is executed incorrectly, Paywiser shall, at the User’s request, immediately and free of charge take measures to trace the Payment Transaction and inform the User of the findings.
      4. Paywiser shall be responsible for the correct charging of the Fees or the refund of the Fees already paid if the Payment Order has not been executed or has been executed incorrectly due to Paywiser’s fault.
      5. Paywiser shall not be liable for indirect losses suffered by the User relating to a payment order that is not executed or a payment order that is executed incorrectly. Paywiser shall only be liable for direct losses incurred by the User.
      6. Paywiser shall not be liable for any claims between the Payee and the Payer and shall not investigate or otherwise deal with such claims. The User may only bring a claim against Paywiser in relation to a failure or improper performance of obligations on the part of Paywiser.
      7. The limitations of liability of Paywiser shall not apply to the extent that such limitations are prohibited by the laws in force in the England.
  14. Protection of personal data and confidential information
    1. Paywiser processes and stores the User’s personal and other data and transaction data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), these Terms and Paywiser’s Privacy Policy, also available at www.paywiser.com, and any consents and consents of the User. Paywiser shall inform the User of the contents of the Privacy Policy when the User submits the online application for the opening and maintenance of an Account. Paywiser informs the User at this point of the possibility of obtaining the Privacy Policy in paper form or on another durable medium.
    2. Paywiser will treat the User’s personal data in accordance with applicable law in such a way as to prevent any unwarranted disclosure of data to unauthorised persons, in the manner set out in Paywiser’s Privacy Policy in force from time to time.
    3. The User acknowledges that the Account information, and other information about the User as the Account holder and about any Account(s) being reported, may be provided to the tax authority of the country in which the Account(s) is opened/maintained and exchanged with the competent authority(ies) of the other country(ies) in which the User is resident for tax purposes, in accordance with an international agreement on the exchange of financial account information. The User undertakes to notify Paywiser within 90 days of any change in circumstances affecting the change in tax residency status or any change affecting the correctness of the information and to deliver to Paywiser within 90 days a new self-certification and declaration in accordance with the change in circumstances.
    4. The User acknowledges that Paywiser will from time to time check the User’s information in order to determine for the purposes of FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) whether any circumstances (U.S. Indicia) may have arisen that could cause the User to be treated as a U.S. Person. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the User undertakes to notify Paywiser promptly in writing of any change in the circumstances of his/her U.S. Indicia status, such as acquiring U.S. citizenship, acquiring a U.S. residential address, acquiring a U.S. telephone number, etc. The User undertakes to notify Paywiser and to provide it with appropriate documentation evidencing any changed circumstances. If the User fails to notify Paywiser and provide the relevant documents immediately after receiving a written request from Paywiser to provide the relevant documentation indicating the User’s status, Paywiser will notify the tax authorities that the User is a potential U.S. Person. In this case, Paywiser shall be entitled to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship and close the account in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, upon prior written notice to the User.
    5. The User undertakes to indemnify Paywiser against all costs and damages which it may incur as a result of the User’s breach of this Article. Paywiser may, for the purposes of FATCA, communicate to the tax authority certain confidential information about the User.
    6. During the term of this Framework Agreement and also after its expiry, each Party may use and reproduce the Confidential Information of the other Party only for the purposes of this business relationship and only to the extent necessary for that purpose, and shall limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information of the other Party to its employees, consultants or independent contractors/external partners who need such information and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Party to whom it has been disclosed.
    7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Party will be in breach if it discloses Confidential Information of the other Party if required to do so by law or in a judicial or administrative proceeding.
    8. The obligation to protect Confidential Information shall not apply to information which:
      • is in the public domain or has become public knowledge through no act or fault of the other Party;
      • without limitation, is known to either Party prior to its receipt from the other Party from its own independent sources as evidenced by written records of that Party not obtained directly or indirectly from the other Party;
      • received by either Party from any third party which that Party considers to have a legal right to transmit such information and is not under any obligation to keep such information confidential; or
      • information independently discovered by employees or contractors of a Party, provided that the Party can demonstrate that those same employees or contractors have not had access to Confidential Information received under this Agreement.
    9. The main principles of the processing of personal data, the storage period and other issues are set out in Paywiser’s Privacy Policy, which is available at www.paywiser.com. The User acknowledges that it has read the Paywiser Privacy Policy and will comply with all the terms and conditions set out in this policy.
    10. The set of necessary data and documents that Paywiser usually processes when concluding the Framework Agreement or identifying the User depends on the type of identification procedure and the Services to be used.
    11. Paywiser may also request additional information and documents from the User in order to fulfil its obligations in relation to the implementation of measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
    12. Paywiser will process the data for the duration of the contractual relationship with the User, until all obligations arising from the Contract have been fulfilled, and for the retention period set out in the applicable legislation (at least 10 years from the date of termination of the business relationship) and other regulations.
    13. Paywiser may, in cases where the provision of the Services requires the transfer of data (including the User’s personal data), transfer the data to third parties (e.g. to its external contractors and contractual partners, Payees, to an official authority having the right to request information in accordance with the law, etc.).
    14. More detailed information regarding the processing of the User’s personal data by Paywiser is provided in the Paywiser Privacy Policy.
  15. Term and termination of the contract
    1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the business relationship between Paywiser and the User is concluded for an indefinite period.
    2. The User may withdraw from the Contract free of charge by notifying Paywiser within 14 days of the conclusion of the Framework Agreement, and after the expiration of this period, the User may terminate this Contract in writing at any time and with at least 1 (one) month's notice.
    3. Paywiser may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and giving two (2) months notice, without giving a reason.
    4. Paywiser may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and 2 (two) months notice if the User has not made any Payment Transactions for more than 12 (twelve) consecutive months. Prior to termination on such basis, Paywiser will notify the User of this intention.
    5. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.
    6. Paywiser may terminate the Agreement immediately (without notice) if it reasonably suspects or becomes aware that the User:
      • violates applicable laws and regulations, including those related to money laundering or terrorist financing;
      • has provided Paywiser with false or misleading information or documentation, has failed to provide documents and information relating to his Account and use of the Services, or has failed to keep such documents and information up to date;
      • uses the Services to conduct or receive payments for prohibited activities or activities related to prohibited activities; or;
      • otherwise uses the Services for malicious, unlawful or immoral purposes
    7. Where permitted under applicable laws and regulations, Paywiser will inform the User of the grounds for termination of the Contract as soon as possible.
    8. Termination of this Framework Agreement shall not relieve the Parties from settling their obligations arising from the period prior to the termination of the Contract.
  16. Protection of User’s rights, dispute resolution and out-of-court dispute resolution procedure
    1. If you feel that Paywiser has not met your expectations in the delivery of our Services, in the first instance of contact is by using the contact email address for complaints set out on paywiser.com (at the moment [email protected]).
    2. Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of services under these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by the User and Paywiser amicably.
    3. We have internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s requirements. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.
    4. If you are an eligible complainant you may be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you not be satisfied with our final response. Eligibility criteria and information on the procedures involved are available from https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/. In addition, please note that disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.
  17. Final provisions
    1. This Framework Agreement and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim or other matter that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).
    2. These Terms shall be published on Paywiser’s website, www.paywiser.com.
    3. The User may not, without the prior written consent of Paywiser, transfer or assign any rights or obligations it has under this Agreement to any third party.
    4. Paywiser reserves the right to transfer or assign this Agreement and all rights and obligations related thereto by giving the User at least two (2) months’ prior notice before the effective date of such change. The User shall have the right to accept or reject the amendments. The same provisions and procedures shall apply in relation to such amendment as apply to amendments to these General Terms and Conditions and are described in Section 12 of this Agreement.
    5. The User and Paywiser agree that all data and messages sent in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form and all data and messages stored in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall have the same validity and evidential value as data and messages sent and stored in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that all transactions concluded in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall be equivalent to those concluded in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User agree that, in the context of electronic commerce, documents may be signed with electronic signatures or concluded with a tacit confirmation (e.g. “click”). The User and Paywiser agree that all types of electronic signatures or tacit confirmations shall have the same validity and evidentiary value as a handwritten signature.
      Paywiser and the User agree to mutually recognise the validity and probative value of all types of electronic signatures and implied acts leading to the conclusion of the business relationship in the event of a legal dispute.
      The User acknowledges and agrees that all documentation relating to electronic transactions in Paywiser can be kept in electronic form only.
    6. Force Majeure
      1. Paywiser and the User shall not be liable for non-payment or incomplete performance of an obligation or for any failure to comply with an obligation if such non-payment or incomplete performance is caused by force majeure (e.g. war, embargo, riot, governmental restrictions, labor disturbances, epidemics, quarantines, natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, or any other unforeseen change in circumstances, or any other cause beyond reasonable control).
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser of the Force Majeure Event by email or in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the date on which such circumstances arise.
      3. Paywiser shall notify Users of Force Majeure Circumstances via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application and/or by email.
    7. Mistakes
      1. The User is obliged to regularly monitor all inflows and outflows in the Account. If it notices that funds have been credited to its Account which do not belong to it, it must immediately inform Paywiser. In such cases, the User, as the unauthorised recipient of the transferred funds of the Payment Transaction, shall be restricted in his right to dispose of the transferred funds and shall immediately transfer such funds to the account designated by Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser shall have the right, without the User’s specific consent, to deduct from the User’s Account the amounts wrongly transferred and to transfer such funds to the account of the correct beneficiary.
      3. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be of no effect and the provision closest to the intention of the Parties shall apply.
    8. Anti-bribery and Corruption
      1. Each party shall:
        • Comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, codes and guidance relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption (“Anti-Bribery Laws”), including without limitation the Bribery Act 2010;
        • maintain throughout the term of this Contract its own anti-bribery policies and procedures (including adequate procedures under the Bribery Act 2010) to ensure compliance with the Anti- Bribery Laws; and
        • enforce such policies and procedures where appropriate.
      2. For the purpose of this clause, the meaning of adequate procedures shall be determined in accordance with section 7(2) and any guidance issued under section 9, Bribery Act 2010.
        • Each party warrants that neither it nor any of its officers, employees:
        • has been convicted of any offence involving bribery, corruption, fraud or dishonesty; nor
        • to the best of its knowledge, has been or is the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence under the Anti-Bribery Laws.
      3. Breach of this clause shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Contract.

These Terms and Conditions shall take effect on 6. June 2023.

Paywiser Limited
[email protected]

UK – Paywiser Banking T & C

General terms and conditions – Paywiser virtual bank accounts

(Version 1.0, Date: 01.05.2022)

  1. Scope of application
    1. These General Terms and Conditions (“AGB”) are applicable for all the banking services of Paywiser Limited & Paywiser d.o.o (“Paywiser”, “we”), which you (“End user”, “You”) can use via the online interface provided by Paywiser that can be accessed under https://banking.paywiser.com (“Online Interface”).
    2. The supplementary terms of use, which you can view below are applicable for the use of the Online Interface (“End Customer interfaces”).
  2. Object of service
    1. The object of service is the maintenance of a virtual bank account (“Account”). You can operate and manage the account via the end Customer interfaces. The prerequisite is an internet connection and a web browser which fulfils the respective minimum requirements for the operating system. Paywiser reserves the rights to upgrade the banking platform to enhance system functions, usability and remove any system bugs.
      The current account contract includes the following services in detail:
      • Account Management
      • Transfers
      • Standing Orders/Debit Orders
      • Mastercard or UPI International cards that are “linked” to the virtual bank account
    2. The account is used for the processing of payment transactions and the processing of card revenues from the linked (virtual) MasterCard or UPI International cards.
    3. The credit balance on the account is payable on a daily basis. The account is managed on a current account (“open account”) basis. The account is managed as credit account. Please note there are no overdraft facility on the accounts or cards provided by Paywiser.
    4. The transaction limit are defined by Paywiser and any changes to this limit will be agreed separately with you.
    5. You will not receive any interest on the account balance.
  3. Account opening
    1. You can open an account, if you are at least 18 years old, have an internet browser and access to the internet and you reside in one the countries supported by Paywiser. The opening of multiple accounts is not permitted. The opening of an account is only permissible for a natural person. If any identifiable business turnover is transacted via the private account, we have the right to terminate the account with an appropriate notice period.
    2. To open an account via online interface, please visit the website: https://banking.paywiser.com
    3. A registration process is required for services offered by Paywiser. The registration can be performed electronically.
    4. By submitting an electronic account opening application to Paywiser, you are submitting a binding offer to conclude for a contract for the provision of an account with the functions described under Clause 2 of these General Terms and Conditions.
  4. Identity verification, conclusion of contract
    1. We are legally obliged to verify your identity prior to the opening of an account. Identification documentations for personal and business accounts must be provided to Paywiser.
      Personal identification checks may be carried out by our employees. Please check Paywiser’s Data Protection and Privacy Policy.
    2. A contract for the provision of an account with the functions described under Clause 2 of these General Terms and Conditions is concluded when we confirm that we have set up an account for you (“Contract”), either via SMS, e-mail or in any other mode of direct communication.
  5. Language of contract and communication
    1. English is the language of the contract and communication.
    2. Information and declarations, which concern your contractual relationship with us on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions or which are related to the same, should be sent to the following address, unless specified otherwise in these General Terms and Conditions:
      Email: [email protected]
      Phone: +44 238 1680 299
      Address: Paywiser Limited: 36-38 Westbourne Grove Newton Road, London, United Kingdom, W2 5SH Paywiser d.o.o: Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
    3. Please always use your registered email address for submitting legally binding declarations with Paywiser.
  6. Use of account
    We identify you as an account holder authorised for making payments with the help of payment authentication instruments.
    1. Linked smartphone as authentication instrument
      The combination of a smart phone that is initially linked to your account and has a personalised security feature is used as an authentication instrument. You can only release the payment transactions with this combination.
    2. Personalised security features
      A unique combination of e-mail address and password, which you can set up yourself while opening an account and with which you can log on to the end user interfaces and One-time Password (OTP) that enables you to release payment transactions upon request (“Personalised security feature”) operates as personalised security feature.
    3. Credit transfers and direct debits Credit transfer orders and direct debits can be issued in Euro to SEPA accounts or in GBP to FAST accounts. The general terms and conditions for credit transfers and payments by direct debit under the SEPA and FAST core direct debit scheme apply.
  7. Non-disclosure of personalised security features; secure storage of authentication instrument
    You must maintain secrecy concerning your personalised security features and safely store your authentication instrument. Personalised security features and authentication instrument must be protected from access by a third party.
  8. Costs and payment
    Remunerations for our services and any expenses to be reimbursed by you are provided in our pricelist, which can be retrieved via the Paywiser website. Insofar as the remunerations become due, we calculate these on a monthly basis and debit them from your account at the end of every Month, insofar as not otherwise disclosed or stated in the price list.
    1. Account Fee
      1. The Customer pays fees as set out in the Prices and Services for the funds on the account (“Account fee”).
      2. The monthly account fees are automatically deducted from the account at the each of each month. Transaction related fees are deducted at the time of the transaction. Accounts will have a negative account balance if the funds in the account is less than the fees payable for each month
      3. The month is counted with 30 days, the year with 360 days.
  9. Costs for mobile radio and data transfer
    You may incur additional costs for the data transfer depending upon the tariff agreed with your telecommunication provider. These costs must be borne by you and will be invoiced to you by the telecommunication provider.
  10. Disclosure and notification obligations
    1. You are obliged to correctly notify us regarding your personal data, in particular your name, address, date of birth, phone number and email address and provide prompt information to us about any changes to this end.
    2. Immediately inform us regarding a loss or theft of your authentication instrument, your personalised safety features or a misuse or unauthorised use of the same. You can find the relevant contact information in the Paywiser Support contact details on our website.
    1. Blocking of the account
      If we have the reasonable suspicion that any unauthorised use of your account has occurred, we are permitted to block or limit its access. We will inform you promptly via e-mail, SMS. Similarly, we will also block your account if you inform us about similar activities. We shall remove the block or the limitation if the reasons for blocking no longer exist.
    2. Blocking of the card
      You have the option to independently block and unblock your card in the end user interfaces. You can report your card as stolen, which will initiate a permanent deactivation of your card and a new card will be provided to you. You also have the option of calling our Customer support and request one of our employees to block your card upon successful authentication.
  12. Data protection and bank secrecy
    The registration, processing and utilisation of your personal data is conducted under strict maintenance of the applicable data protection laws and simultaneous protection of bank secrecy. You will find further details regarding these regulations in the Paywiser data privacy policy.
  13. Changes to this general terms and conditions (“AGB”)
    Information concerning any changes to these General Terms and Conditions and the special conditions will be sent to you by e-mail prior to the proposed time of their date of effectiveness. The changes shall only become effective upon the Customer’s consent.
  14. Applicable law
    United Kingdom and Slovenia law is applicable for the business relation between you and Paywiser.

Supplementary provisions for users of the online interface that can be reached through https://banking.paywiser.com

  1. Preamble
    These provisions (“Supplementary Provisions”) apply to the online interface that can be reached through Paywiser.com (the “Online Interface”) in addition to the respective applicable conditions of use.
    The Online Interface primarily serve to administer your Paywiser virtual account, which makes it possible to process transactions. In addition, we use the Online Interface to market our own services and products, and will continually build up this product range in cooperation with further partners.
  2. Object of regulation
    1. These Supplementary Provisions apply to the services and products offered by Paywiser. Furthermore, we would like to inform you about what personal data we collect, process and use.
    2. The contract between you and Paywiser comes into existence when we make it possible for you to log in to the Online Interface (acceptance) according to the required data you give when registering (offer). Upon activation by us, a contract between you and Paywiser comes into existence on the basis of these Supplementary Provisions. Before giving your offer, you have the opportunity, using the Back button on your browser or smartphone/tablet, as well as using control elements on the website, to change the data entered, or to completely abort the registration. Your contract with us will be concluded in Europe. You have the opportunity to call up the contractual provisions, inclusive of these Supplementary Provisions, when concluding the contract, and to store them in reproducible form. No separate storage of the contract text will be done by us.
  3. Functionality
    1. The Online Interface serve for administration of the current account offered by us as well as for the rendering of any other services agreed to with you. The Online Interface are 99% available. Availability indicates, with reference to the term of one (1) contractual year, the relation of the timeframe in which you were able to use the software through an existing Internet connection (plus the timeframe for which access on the basis of planned maintenance works or disturbances was not possible, which lay beyond the influence of Paywiser, such as disturbances in the Internet or disturbances in an app store), in relation to the length of the total contractual year.
    2. The Online Interface is protected by the intellectual property laws, such as copyright law and trademark law. These rights in relation to you are exclusively reserved to us
    3. We grant you, exclusively to fulfil the purpose of our contractual relationship with you, the limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and sub-licensable right, restricted to the period of your contractual relationship with us, to use the Online Interface in accordance with the provisions. The right of use expires upon expiration of the term of the contract.
    4. The User is not entitled to (i) rent, lease, lend, reproduce, resell or distribute the Online Interface, or access to them; (ii) use the Online Interface for the development of other services; (iii) activate or use the functionalities of the Online Interface for which no rights of use have been granted to him or her; (iv) assign the usage rights to the Online Interface to third parties, or grant third parties access to the Online Interface; (v) alter, translate, reproduce, or decompile the source code of the Online Interface, or investigate the functions thereof, outside of what may be legally mandatory in accordance with Copyright Law; and (vi) remove, conceal or alter legal information, in particular concerning industrial property rights or copyrights of Paywiser.
  4. Duties of the user
    When using the Online Interface, you are not allowed to perform any illegal actions or breach any applicable laws, in particular not to do the following: infringe industrial property rights, copyrights or intellectual rights of third parties; in your usage behaviour, make defamatory, racist or offensive statements, or undertake such actions; transmit contents which contain viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, malware or other damaging or harmful programmes; distribute unwanted advertising (spam) or any other form of nuisance.
  5. Compensation
    Compensation for our products and services can be found on the price list, which can be retrieved via the Paywiser website. Provided nothing else is specified, no compensation will be due for the use of the Online Interface.
  6. Data protection
    1. Responsible authority
      The responsible authority for the processing of your personal data in connection with the App and the Online Interface and the usages described in Clause 1 above, as well as in connection with any further products and/or services is Paywiser (for contact data, see Clause 1 above).
    2. Collection, processing and use of your personal data
      We collect, process and use your personal data in harmony with the applicable statutory provisions. All of the personal data collected, processed, and used under our responsibility are stored exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling our contractual relationship with you, and not longer than is required for this purpose.
    3. Handling and review of your data; right to information; questions on data protection
      At any time, you can view your personal data in the Online Interface. You can also subsequently change your own password. In order to modify or change further personal data, please get in touch with our Customer Support department: [email protected].
      Further, you can at any time demand information about the personal data stored which relates to you personally, as well as its origin and recipients and the purpose for which it is being stored. You can reach us using the aforementioned contact data. Questions, suggestions and notes on data protection can also be directed to the contact data mentioned there.
    4. Otherwise, for the collection, use and processing of personal data, the Paywiser data privacy policy applies.
  7. Term of contract; Termination
    1. Your contractual relationship with us runs indefinitely. It ends automatically with the end of your contract for the current account offered by us and administered with the Online Interface, if nothing else has been agreed to with you. With the end of our contractual relationship with you, all of the rights of use granted to you in accordance with these Supplementary Provisions likewise end.
    2. End User’s right of termination
      The termination rights of the Customer. Basic Rules Governing the Relationship Between the Customer and the Bank are taken as agreed.
    3. 7.3 Termination right of Paywiser
      The termination rights of the Bank, Basic Rules Governing the Relationship Between the Customer and the Bank are deemed to have been agreed.
  8. Liability
    1. We shall be liable without restriction for damages arising from injury to life, limb or health, which rests on a breach of duty by us, a legal representative, or auxiliary of us, which are caused by the absence of guaranteed quality by us or malicious behaviour on the part of us, as well as for damages that were caused by premeditation or gross negligence on the part of us or of a legal representative or auxiliary of us.
    2. In the event of a breach of significant contractual duties due to gross negligence, we shall be liable except in the cases listed in Clauses 8.1 and 8.3, with the amount to be limited to foreseeable damages typical under the contract. Significant contractual duties are abstractly those duties whose fulfilment makes it possible in the first place to implement a contract in orderly fashion, and upon whose observance the contractual parties may regularly rely.
    3. Liability under the product liability law remains unaffected.
    4. Otherwise liability on the part of Paywiser is excluded.
  9. Set-off
    You can only set off our claims with undisputed or legally established counter-claims.
  10. Amendment of the supplementary provisions
    1. We will inform you about an amendment before the time at which the amendments become effective by email (“amendment offer”). The amendment offer shall only become effective upon the Customer’s consent.
    2. For an amendment of the price list referenced in Clause 5 of these Supplementary Provisions, Clause 12.1 of these Supplementary Provisions applies accordingly.
  11. Miscellaneous
    For these Supplementary Provisions, United Kingdom and Slovenia law applies to the exclusion of international private law. In the course of business with consumers inside the European Union, the law at the place of residence of the consumer can also be applied, if mandatory applicable consumer-related provisions are concerned.

UK – Banking Authenticator Privacy Notice

PAYWISER LIMITED Privacy Notice Banking Authenticator

  1. Introduction
    In the event of a breach of significant contractual duties due to gross negligence, we shall be liable except in the cases listed in Clauses 8.1 and 8.3, with the amount to be limited to foreseeable damages typical under the contract. Significant contractual duties are abstractly those duties whose fulfilment makes it possible in the first place to implement a contract in orderly fashion, and upon whose observance the contractual parties may regularly rely.

    Paywiser Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under the company number 10677553 (the “Company”). The Company is committed to data protection and privacy. We respect and protects the rights of individuals, particularly the right to data protection and privacy as far as the processing and use of personal data is concerned. This Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) is approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Data Protection Officer of the Company shall be responsible for the compliance and enforcement of data protection and privacy.
    This Policy defines the standard for the data protection compliant processing of personal data. It defines the requirements for business processes that involve personal data and assigns clear responsibilities.
    The Company must ensure that all processes involving the processing of personal data are able to fulfill the requirements stated in this Policy. As employers, the Company have the responsibility for the processing of their employees’ personal data. When handling personal data in course of their duties, all employees of the Company are required to follow the requirements of this Policy.
    The principles mentioned in this Policy are based on the European data protection and privacy laws and take into account the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR). These principles apply to all staff members of the Company.
    When enabling the banking authenticator application, Paywiser uses third party to provide the services to generates a time-dependent six-digit code, which you enter after you submit your username and password.
    Paywiser encourage all users to visit and review the third party’s Privacy Policy before accepting Paywiser’s Privacy Notice related to banking authentication.
    Paywiser will update this document from time to time and have the right to replace any third party service provider at anytime.

  2. Definitions
    • Anonymous data & Anonymized data Anonymous and anonymized data is data that does not refer to an identifiable natural person. Even if other data or additional information were added, identification of the natural person is not (or is no longer) possible. This Policy does not apply to such data.
    • Biometric data Personal data resulting from specific technical processing relating to the physical, physiological, or behavioral characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural person (such as fingerprints or facial images).
    • Consent Any freely given and unambiguous statement or other clear affirmative action by which the data subject indicates in an informed manner that he or she agrees to the processing of his or her personal data for a specific purpose.
    • Controller Any natural or legal person that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. For the personal data of its employees, customers, suppliers, partners, or other persons, Paywiser Limited is regarded as the controller.
    • Data concerning health Personal data related to the physical or mental health of a natural person, including the provision of health care services, which reveal information about his or her health status.
    • Erasure The irretrievable obliteration or physical destruction of saved personal data or its anonymization in such a way that makes it impossible to re-identify the natural person after the fact.
    • Genetic data Personal data relating to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of a natural person that gives unique information about the physiology or the health of that natural person and which result in particular from an analysis of a biological sample from the natural person in question.
    • Personal Data Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person. Natural persons can be identified directly based on, for example, names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, postal addresses, user IDs, tax and social insurance numbers or indirectly through a combination of any other information. The personal data that is subject to this Policy includes data of employees, applicants, customers, suppliers and users of websites and services of the Company. It can be contained in the Company’s own systems, in systems which third parties operate on behalf of the Company, or in the systems operated by the customers themselves, by the Company, or by third parties, to the extent that employees of the Company can gain access to the saved personal data there in the course of support and consulting activities.
    • Processor A natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the controller, such as an external service provider or a different Paywiser company that is not the controller itself.
    • Processing Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction. The anonymization of data also represents a processing of personal data.
    • Pseudonymization Processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person. Pseudonymized data constitutes personal data as defined in the GDPR; therefore, this Policy also applies to pseudonymized data.
    • Special categories of personal data Certain personal data that is particularly sensitive due to its nature, whose processing is likely to result in significant risks for the rights of the data subject and therefore requiresspecial protection. This includes data concerning health, Genetic data, biometric data processed to uniquely identifying a personal data, information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sex life, or sexual orientation. Depending on the context, this may also include data that could be misused for identity theft purposes, such as social security-, credit card- and bank account numbers, ID-card or driver’s license-numbers, also personal data regarding criminal investigation proceedings, convictions, and crimes, or data that is subject to professional confidentiality obligation.
    • Third party A natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body other than
      1. the data subject,
      2. the controller,
      3. the processor and
      4. the persons who are authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or processor.
    • Recipient A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data is disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with the laws of a particular jurisdiction shall not be regarded as recipients.
  3. Principles for Protecting Personal Data
    Personal data shall only be processed lawfully and in accordance with the principles set out below.
    1. Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency
      Personal data may only be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject. This is the case when: processing is legally permitted in the specific case. Among others, the laws permit all cases of data processing that:
      • are necessary for the performance of contracts with the data subject (e.g. the storage and use of necessary personal data in the context of an employment- or service contract),
      • are necessary to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering a contract (e.g. a customer requests information about product X and then purchases said product. The data necessary to send the information material and to execute the contractual relationship may be processed),
      • are necessary for compliance with legal obligations, e.g. due to tax or social insurance laws,
      • are necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person,
      • are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject (e.g. for direct marketing),
      • include decision-making based on automated processing in an individual case that produces legal effects concerning the data subject, when this automated decision is legally permitted, required for the performance of a contract with the data subject, or for which the data subject has explicitly granted consent, or
      • when a data subject has granted his or her consent (for example, when registering on a website or subscribing to a newsletter).
      Personal data should be collected directly from the data subject. If this is not the case, the data subject must be notified, particularly about the types of personal data that are being collected, processed, and/or used and for which specific purposes this occurs.
    2. Specific Purpose
      Personal data may only be collected for specific, explicit purposes. It may not be processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. The specific purpose must be defined before data collection. Processing for a purpose other than that for which the data have been collected is only permitted in exceptional cases, when a law permits processing for another purpose or if it is based on the data subject’s consent. To ascertain whether the other purposes are compatible with the agreed purposes, the reasonable expectations of the data subject towards the Company with regard to such further processing, the type of data used, the possible consequences of the intended further processing for the data subject, and measures of encryption or pseudonymization must be taken into account.
    3. Data Minimization
      Personal data may only be collected to the extent which is absolutely necessary to fulfill the defined purpose. Processing must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data is processed.
    4. Accuracy
      Personal data must be accurate and up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay. All processes that involve the processing of personal data must provide an option for rectification and update.
    5. Storage Limitation (Obligation to Erase)
      Personal data may only be stored as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or due to other legal requirements, particularly to comply with statutory retention periods. After this point, personal data must generally be erased or anonymized. All processes for processing personal data must contain an option for erasure or blocking to the extent required by law.
    6. Integrity, Availability, and Confidentiality
      Personal data and its processing operations must always be appropriately protected by means of technical and organizational measures. This includes, in particular, suitable measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, accidental disclosure and unauthorized access.
    7. Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
      The collection, processing, and use of special categories of personal data should always be transparent for the data subject. Unless the collection and processing of such data is explicitly authorized by law, e.g. if necessary, for carrying out obligations and exercising rights in the field of employment, social security, social protection, it should only be collected on the basis of explicit prior notification and consent of the data subjects. The consent must explicitly refer to these special data categories and their processing for one or more specified purposes. Unless applicable laws stipulate otherwise, special categories of personal data may only be processed and used with the explicit consent of the data subjects. Increased protective measures must be established to protect the data (e.g. physical security measures, access restrictions and encryption).
  4. Rights of Data Subjects
    1. Right to be informed
      Data subjects have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. This is a key transparency requirement under the GDPR. The Company must provide the data subjects with information including: our purposes for processing their personal data, our retention periods for that personal data, and who it will be shared with.
    2. Right of Access and Data Portability
      Data subjects have the right to obtain from the Company confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning her or him are being processed. In such case, the Company shall provide for access as required by law. The information is provided in writing, unless the data subject submitted the request for information electronically. The information to be provided to the Data Subjects must include the purpose of storage, the recipients of the data, and all other legally required information pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR. The data subject must be provided with a copy of the personal data that are undergoing processing. Upon request by the data subject, the data that he or she has provided to the controller must be made available in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
    3. Right to Rectification, Restriction, and Erasure
      When personal data prove to be incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date, each data subject has the right to rectification of his or her personal data. This can be the case, for example, if the data subject has changed history her name due to marriage. Data subjects also have the right to obtain restriction of processing of their personal data when one of the following applies:
      • The data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data and verification of the accuracy of the personal data takes some time. In this case, the data subject can demand restriction for the period of the verification of the accuracy.
      • The processing is unlawful, and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of its use instead.
      • The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Should it become apparent that certain information have a respective value to the data subject, the data subject must be notified of the pending erasure with reasonable notice.
      • The data subject has objected to processing for the duration of the clarification as to whether the legitimate interests for processing outweigh those of the data subject.
      Within the restriction process, the stored personal data of the data subject must be marked with the aim to restrict access and limit their further processing. In addition, data subjects have the right to the erasure of their personal data in the following cases:
      • The purpose of the data processing no longer applies.
      • The data subject withdraws his or her consent for a specific purpose of processing.
      • Address data is used for direct marketing purposes and the data subject objects to such use.
      • The data is processed unlawfully.
      • Erasure is required to meet legal obligations.
      All processes in which personal data is collected, processed, or used must include a concept for the regular retention and deletion of personal data. This concept must ensure that personal data is erased in a timely manner after the fulfillment of the specified purpose or the lapse of the authorization for storage, particularly statutory retention terms. Instead of erasure, personal data may also be anonymized. If there is an obligation to erase personal data and said data has already been made public, other controllers shall be notified of the request to erase his or her data, including all links to this data.
    4. Right to Object
      Data subjects have the right to object to data processing when the Company processes personal data based on a decision in favor of its legitimate interests. In this case, the data subject must claim his or her own rights or interests on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, which outweigh the Company’s legitimate interest to process the data. Data subjects can object to the processing of their personal data for purpose of direct marketing, including profiling if such is related to direct marketing, at any time and without giving reasons. If an objection is raised, the Company will not process this data further for these purposes. This does not apply where the processing cannot be ceased due to compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, particularly the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
    5. Right to Complain
      If a data subject wishes to file a complaint with regard to processing of her or his personal data, they can do so directly in an e-mail to the data protection officer: [email protected]. The data subject must be notified about all measures taken based on her or request within one month at the latest.
  5. Data Protection Governance Structure
    Responsibility for compliance with data protection requirements rests with the board of directors of the Company that processes the personal data for its business purposes. Executive management may delegate the task to fulfill this responsibility to managers at different levels within the organizational framework and the associated business processes.
  6. Responsibilities for Data Protection Compliance
    1. Management of Paywiser
      The board of directors of the Company must ensure that the processes in their areas of responsibility in which personal data is processed (herein: “processes”) meet the requirements of this Policy.
    2. Employees
      All employees are required to handle all personal data that they can access in the course of performing their duties for Paywiser Limited with strict confidentiality and to not collect, process, or use such data without authorization. Employees of the Company may only process personal data within the scope necessary to fulfill their duties as defined by their employment contracts. If the processing of personal data is not recognizably prohibited for an employee, he or she may assume the legality of the instructions from their superiors. When in doubt, employees should seek clarification from their managers.
  7. Transfer/Commissioned Data Processing
    If personal data is to be transferred to an associated company, a review must first take place as to whether contractual agreements regarding data protection and privacy are needed. Such review is required only when an associated company or external service provider is to process personal data on behalf of the Company (referred to as “transfer for processing purposes”). If personal data that is to be transferred to a country outside the EEA, it must be ensured beforehand that an appropriate level of protection is guaranteed, pursuant to Article 44 of the GDPR. In addition, the following rules apply to the transfer of personal data:
    • Transfer for commissioned processing:
      If the Company commissions an associated entity or an external company with the processing of personal data, it remains responsible for compliance with data protection and privacy requirements.
    • Transfer for the recipients’ own purposes:
      The Company may transfer personal data to an associated company or an external company for their own purposes only if this is legally permitted or required, or if the data subjects have first given consent.
  8. Transfer of Customer Data
    The Company processes personal data of customers and on behalf of customers. The use and, if relevant, transfer of such customer data must be in accordance with the applicable laws. The banking authenticator collect and pass the data to the third party via Application Programming Interface. This information (phone number, email address and country code) is required to set up the relevant account with the third party authentication application.

Paywiser Limited
June 2022

Slovenia – Glossary of Standardised Terms and Definitions

This document sets out a number of standardised terms, and their meaning, related to the most common services linked to a payment account. The purpose for standardising these terms is to help customers compare common services and fees with other payment services providers.

Table of Slovenia – Glossary of Standardised Terms and Definitions
Term Definition
Payment account It means an electronic money account and a payment account opened by the account provider (Paywiser) on behalf of the customer (user), which is used to execute payment transactions and as a source of funds for the use of the Paywiser debit card.
Maintaining the account The account provider operates the account for use by the customer
Providing a debit card The account provider provides a payment card linked to the customer's payment account. The total amount of the transactions made using the card during an agreed period is taken either in full or in part from the customer's payment account on an agreed date. A credit agreement between the provider and the customer determines whether interest will be charged to the customer for the borrowing.
Credit transfer The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer's account to another account.
Standing order The account provider makes regular transfers, on the instruction of the customer, of a fixed amount of money from the customer's account to another account.
Direct debit The customer permits someone else (recipient) to instruct the account provider to transfer money from the customer's account to that recipient. The account provider then transfers money to the recipient on a date or dates agreed by the customer and the recipient. The amount may vary.
Cash withdrawal The customer takes cash out of the customer's account.

Slovenia – Glosar standardiziranih izrazov in opredelitev

Ta dokument natančneje opredeljuje standardizirane izraze najbolj reprezentativnih storitev vezanih na plačilni račun in njihove opredelitve. Skupaj z Dokumentom z informacijami o nadomestilih vam omogoča lažjo primerjavo nadomestil, ki jih za storitve vezane na plačilni račun zaračunavajo ponudniki plačilnih storitev.

Table of Slovenia – Glosar standardiziranih izrazov in opredelitev
Izraz Opredelitev
Plačilni račun Pomeni račun za elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga je ponudnik računa (Paywiser) odprl v imenu stranke (uporabnika), ki se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij ter kot vir sredstev za uporabo Paywiser debetne kartice.
Vodenje računa Ponudnik računa upravlja račun, da ga stranka lahko koristi.
Izdaja debetne kartice Ponudnik računa izda plačilno kartico, povezano z računom stranke. Znesek vsake transakcije, izvedene s kartico, se trga neposredno in v celoti s strankinega računa.
Kreditno plačilo Ponudnik računa po navodilih stranke nakaže denar z računa stranke na drug račun.
Trajni nalog Ponudnik računa po navodilih stranke redno nakazuje fiksen znesek z računa stranke na drug račun.
Direktna bremenitev Stranka dovoli drugi osebi (prejemniku), da ponudniku računa naroči prenos denarnih sredstev z računa stranke na račun druge osebe (prejemnika). Ponudnik računa nato nakaže denar prejemniku na datum ali datume, dogovorjene med stranko in prejemnikom. Zneski se lahko spreminjajo.
Dvig gotovine Stranka lahko s svojega računa dvigne gotovino.

Fee Information

Name of the account provider: PAYWISER družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o.

Account name: Payment account for consumers

Date: 3.10.2022

This document informs you about the fees for using the main services linked to the payment account. It will help you to compare these fees with those of other accounts.

Fees may also apply for using services linked to the account which are not listed here. Full information is available in Price list, Framework contract and General Terms and Conditions for electronic money issuance, redemption and payment services through a Paywiser payment account for consumers.

A glossary of the terms used in this document is available free of charge.

Table of fee information
Service Fee
General account services
Maintaining the account 2,99 EUR monthly
(total annual amount 35,88 EUR)
Account opening No fee
Closing the account No fee
Payments (excluding cards)
Credit transfer
Internal transfer (between Paywiser customers) No fee
External transfer (SEPA payment) 0,50 EUR
Cross-border non-SEPA (SWIFT) 19,95 EUR
Cards and cash
Providing a debit card - virtual 1,00 EUR
Providing a debit card - physical 10,00 EUR
Cash withdrawal
With a debit card at ATM in the EEA region 2% + 1,00 EUR
With a debit card at ATM outside the EEA region 3% + 1,00 EUR

Dokument z informacijami o nadomestilih

Ime ponudnika računa: PAYWISER družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o.

Naziv računa: Plačilni račun za potrošnike

Datum: 3.10.2022

Ta dokument vsebuje informacije o nadomestilih za uporabo glavnih storitev, vezanih na plačilni račun, in vam bo pomagal pri primerjavi teh nadomestil za druge račune.

Nadomestila se lahko uporabljajo tudi za uporabo storitev, vezanih na račun, ki jih ni v tem dokumentu. Popolne informacije so na voljo v Ceniku, Okvirni pogodbi in Splošnih pogojih za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa za potrošnike.

Glosar izrazov, ki se uporabljajo v tem dokumentu, je na voljo brezplačno.

Table of dokument z informacijami o nadomestilih
Storitev Nadomestilo
Splošne storitve, vezane na račun
Vodenje računa 2,99 EUR mesečno
(skupaj letno nadomestilo 35,88 EUR)
Odprtje računa Brez nadomestila
Zaprtje računa Brez nadomestila
Plačila (razen kartic)
Kreditno plačilo
Interni prenos med komitenti Brez nadomestila
Eksterni prenos (SEPA plačilo) 0,50 EUR
Čezmejni ne-SEPA (SWIFT) 19,95 EUR
Kartice in gotovina
Izdaja debetne kartice - virtualna 1,00 EUR
Izdaja debetne kartice - fizična 10,00 EUR
Dvig gotovine
Z debetno kartico na bankomatu v EGP regiji 2% + 1,00 EUR
Z debetno kartico na bankomatu izven EGP regije 3% + 1,00 EUR

Slovenia – General Terms and Conditions for e-money issuance

General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms apply to all Users (customers) who have concluded an Agreement for the Service of Electronic Money Issuance, Redemption and Payment Services with Paywiser.

    1. The issuer of these General Terms and Conditions is Paywiser d.o.o., registration number 8640084000, with a registered office at Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, (hereinafter referred to as Paywiser) is a company registered in accordance with Slovenian law and listed in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia.
    2. Paywiser is licensed by the Bank of Slovenia to provide services of issuance of electronic moneyand payment services as hybrid electronic money issuance company (license no. z dne 2.11.2021) and is entered in the register of electronic money institutions kept by the Bank of Slovenia (www.bsi.si). Paywiser is also authorised to provide its services in other EEA countries. The register is published on the Bank of Slovenia website www.bsi.si. The bodies responsible for supervision are the Bank of Slovenia, the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and other competent authorities.
    3. The general e-mail address for communication with Users is [email protected], but other e-mail addresses may be specified in the General Terms and Conditions depending on the content of the communication.
    4. These General Terms and Conditions for Electronic money issuance and redemption and payment services through Paywiser payment account (hereinafter: “ General Terms” or “Terms”) together with other relevant additional terms, conditions and agreements as set out in these Terms represent a framework contract (hereinafter: Contract), which is concluded electronically and determines business conditions between Paywiser and Users. These Terms cover the rights and obligations of Users and how the services are used. Contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser, whose rights and obligations are determined with these General Terms, shall be deemed to be concluded and shall only take on the character of a contract when Paywiser confirms the acceptance and validity of the User’s order for the services governed by these Terms by sending a message to the User via e-mail. The User expresses his/her will to enter into the Contract by accepting the General Terms (“by ticking the relevant “check box” by pressing “yes””).
    5. These Terms apply to all Users of the services, unless otherwise agreed by special agreement between Paywiser and individual User.
    6. Any individual service or product within Paywiser’s scope of services may also have its own additional Terms and Conditions. If there are third party providers or contractors for specific services or products in the scope of Paywiser ́s services that are subject to these General Terms, will be listed in the Terms and Conditions (e.g. video identification is provided by an external provider and the User is presented with additional conditions related to that service before the video identification is provided).
    7. An integral part of these Terms is the Price List of payment account and payment card services (hereinafter referred to as the “Price List”), which is available on the website www.paywiser.com, as well as all other terms, policies and other information about products and services. All these documents together define the legal and business relationship between Paywiser and the User. It is the User’s obligation to read and agree to all documents.
    8. In addition to the General Terms, Users are also subject to the Privacy Policy published at www.paywiser.com.
    9. The funds of the Users of the Payment Account, the Paywiser Web Interface, the Paywiser Mobile Application and the services subject to these General Terms and Conditions are held in a fiduciary account opened with a commercial partner bank and are segregated from the funds of Paywiser. The funds in the fiduciary account shall be deemed to be the property of third parties for whose account the holder of the fiduciary account maintains such account and not the property of the account holder. The potential creditors of the holder of a fiduciary account may not, either to enforce their claims against the account holder or in the event of the account holder’s bankruptcy, take enforcement action against such assets. This ensures a high level of security of the Users funds.
    10. By ordering the Service, the User expressly acknowledges that he/she understands the English language and agrees to conduct business in English. Otherwise, the contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser cannot be concluded.
    11. The headings in these General Terms are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Capitalised terms have specific definitions and are described in Article 2 of these Terms and Conditions (Meaning of Terms) or in the text of the General Terms and Conditions themselves
  2. The meaning of the terms
    1. The following words, when used in these General Terms or any document referred to herein, shall have the following meaning: Account/Payment Account means the Electronic money and payment account that Paywiser has opened and manages for the User and is used for the execution of payment transactions; (which includes services that allow withdrawals or deposits of cash from/to a payment account, in the European Union at an ATM, the execution of domestic and cross-border direct debits, the execution of domestic and cross-border debit card payment transactions, including online payments). Business Day means a day established by Paywiser on which Paywiser participating in the execution of a payment transaction and carries out activities necessary for such payment transaction. Paywiser may establish different Business Days for the provision of different services and/or for the execution of different payment transactions. Unless the Contract or its annexes establishes otherwise, a Business Day of Paywiser means any day, which is a business day in the Republic of Slovenia (every day, except Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and public holidays in accordance with the legislation in force from time to time) and is at the same time a business day of all other payment service providers involved in the execution of the Payment Order. , set forth by the Confidential Information means information which is marked as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or should be reasonably expected to be confidential having the nature of the information; including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, Paywiser business plans, data, strategies, methods, User and User lists, technical specifications, transaction data, facts and circumstances of the individual User, including personal data held by Paywiser;
    2. Consumer means a natural person who will conclude framework Contract for his/her personal purpose outside the scope of their gainful or professional activity;
    3. Contract means this framework contract and its annexes, if any. User means a consumer who uses or has requested to use the services which are the scope of these Terms and has concluded a Framework Agreement with Paywiser ; User’s Account means the User’s profile in Paywiser’s system. KYC process means “Know-Your-Customer” process through which Paywiser collects all necessary information on the User according to ZPPDFT-2;
    4. Commission fee means a fee (charge) and other costs and allowances belonging to Paywiser for opening and maintaining a payment account, the execution of a payment transaction and/or related payment service and all other services related to the use of the Account and the concluded Master Agreement; Durable medium means any instrument which enables the User to store information addressed personally to that User in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate to the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored (e.g. magnetic media, e-mail, DVD);
    5. Electronic money means electronically, including magnetically, stored monetary value as represented by a claim on the Paywiser which is issued on receipt of monetary funds for the purpose of making payment transactions as defined in Article 8 of ZPlaSSIED, and which is accepted by a natural or legal person other than the Paywiser. Electronic money is issued to Users by Paywiser (the issuer of electronic money) under these terms and conditions;
    6. Foreign country means a country other than a member state;
    7. Member State means a Member State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, as well as Monaco, San Marino and Switzerland. Paywiser web interface for accessing the User ́s Payment Account (hereinafter referred to as the “Paywiser Web Interface”) enables the User to use electronic money for payment transactions and access to other Services governed by these Terms and Conditions;
    8. Payment order (also “Payment request”) means any instruction (payment request) by the payer or payee to his payment service provider ordering execution of a payment transaction;
    9. Payment transaction means act of depositing, transferring or withdrawing of funds initiated by, on behalf of or by the payer where the execution of a payment transaction through a payment service provider is independent of the underlying obligations between the payer and the payee; Party means Paywiser or the User or both of them jointly as the Contracting Parties (“Parties”); Payment instrument means any device or a set of procedures, or both, agreed between User and Paywiser and is linked only to that User for the purpose of use by that User for order of a Payment order(e.g. payment cards, online payment transactions);
    10. Payer means a natural or legal person who holds a payment account and allows a Payment order from that payment account, or, where there is no payment account, a natural or legal person who gives a Payment order;
    11. Payee means a natural or legal person who is the intended recipient of funds which have been the subject of a Payment transaction;
    12. SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area. It enables clients to make and receive payments in euro, under uniform rules and procedures, inside or outside national borders, under the same basic conditions and with the same rights and obligations, regardless of their geographical area.
    13. Services means the services and products provided by Paywiser under this Contract;
    14. Statement means a document prepared and provided by Paywiser for the User, which includes information about Payment transactions executed during the specific period of time;
    15. Strong User authentication measures (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) means an authentication of the User based on the use of two or more elements categorized as knowledge (something only the User knows), possession (something only the User possesses) and inherence (something the User is) that are independent, in that the breach of one does not compromise the reliability of the others, and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data;
    16. TARGET 2 means a payment system owned and operated by the Eurosystem. It is Europe’s leading platform for large-value payments processing and is used in real time by both central banks and commercial banks in the EU to process payments in euro. Transaction account is a payment account opened by a bank established in the Republic of Slovenia or a branch of a bank of a Member State in the Republic of Slovenia on behalf of one or more Users for the purpose of executing payment transactions and for other purposes related to the provision of banking services to the User. The funds in the transaction account shall be considered as a sight cash deposit. Third party means any natural or legal person, other than the Parties;
    17. Unique identifier means a combination of numbers, letters and signs specified to the payment service User by the payment service provider and shall be used to unambiguouslyidentify User and/or the payment account. The Unique Identifier may be the individual number by IBAN number International Bank Account Number). The payer must provide the payee’s IBAN and the BIC code of the payee’s payment service provider to identify the payee’s account, unless otherwise agreed with the payee’s payment service provider;
    18. Video identification means identification and verification of identity of persons using video and audio connection over the Internet network according to the prescribed procedure. The result of the procedure is information collected during the process and the decision whether or not the person’s identity is confirmed.
    19. ZPlaSSIED means the Slovene Law on Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuing Services and Payment Systems.
    20. ZPPDFT-1 stands for Slovene Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act.
  3. Terms and conditions of the business relationship between the User and Paywiser
    1. In addition to these Terms and all its changes, contractual relationships pertaining to the provision of providing and ensuring payment and other Services shall also be governed by laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Slovenia, Price List and additional annexes concluded by Parties and other documents Paywiser and are published on Paywiser website and which are deemed to govern the legal relationship between Paywiser and Useras well as the principles of soundness, justice and fairness.
    2. These Terms determine the main terms and conditions between the User and Paywiser when the User validly registers in Paywiser’ system, opens a Payment Account and uses other Services provided by Paywiser connected to the Payment Account.
    3. Upon registering for the service, the User explicitly confirms that he/she is aware of the content of these Terms and agrees with them.
    4. The User has the right to request at any time from Paywiser a copy of these Terms and all other documents, which are a part of the contractual relationship, in paper form or on another Durable medium for data. Current Terms are always published on the website www.paywiser.com.
  4. Services provided by Paywiser under this Framework Agreement
    1. Paywiser offers Users the services of opening and maintaining a Payment Account used for the execution of Payment Transactions and other Payment Account related Services. Paywiser maintains a Multi-Currency User Account, under which it opens one or more Payment Accounts for the User with the IBAN code, which is the unique identifier of the User Account, and executes Payment Transactions in euro (EUR) and in the following foreign currency: USD. All other currencies are automatically converted into euro (EUR) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. At the same time, Paywiser also makes available to the User a local GBP Payment Account, the purpose of which is to enable the User to transact more quickly and cheaply within the UK payment zone.
    2. The funds of all Users are held in a fiduciary account that Paywiser maintains on behalf of the Users with a commercial partner bank. Paywiser assigns IBAN codes to the User’s Payment Accounts within the framework of the opened fiduciary account, which enables the execution of incoming and outgoing payment transactions from the User’s Payment Account. The contractual relationship is concluded solely between the User and the Paywiser.
    3. A Payment Account is not a Transaction Account and is not registered by Paywiser in the Register of Transaction Accounts. It is the User’s responsibility to arrange for registered and/or verified users, which enables the User to make all relevant reports on the holding of the Payment Account to Paywiser (e.g. reporting the Account to the tax authorities, if applicable).
    4. Paywiser web interface Allows the User to access and manage his/her Payment Account The Paywiser web interface allows the User to access and manage their Payment Account (e.g. top-ups, payment transactions, withdrawals, etc.). The user can also view the balance of his/her Account via the Paywiser mobile app, which is designed to manage the Paywiser card. For the use of the Paywiser web interface, they are presented to the User before the start of use. The Terms, information and conditions of use and a link to the web interface are available at www.paywiser.com.
    5. Paywiser offers the following payment services (activities) related to the management of the Payment Account in accordance with Article 5 of the ZPlaSSIED:
      • Activities enabling cash to be placed on a Paywiser Payment Account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • Activities enabling cash withdrawals from a Payment Account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • Activities enabling enforcement of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the User’s payment service provider or with another payment service provider (execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits, execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device, execution of credit transfers, including standing orders).
      • Issuing of payment instruments.
      • Issuance and redemption of Electronic money.
      • Currency exchange;
    6. These Terms regulate the opening of the Paywiser Payment Account and managing it via the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile app, as well as all rights and obligations of both Parties regarding the opening, closure and use of the Paywiser Payment Account and other Services under this Terms.
    7. Verified User are entitled to order a MasterCard payment card (Pre-paid, Debit or other) upon successful verification for the Paywiser Payment Account. Special Terms and Conditions apply for the service of issuing of a MasterCard Debit or PrePaid Card, which are available on the website www.paywiser.com and on Paywiser Mobile Application.
    8. Due to the legal prohibition, the User’s funds held with Paywiser do not earn interest.
    9. Upon successful verification and opening of a Payment Account, the User may order a Paywiser MasterCard debit payment card (“Paywiser Card”). The Paywiser Card issuance service is subject to additional terms and conditions, which are available at www.paywiser.com.
    10. Any additional service, that is not regulated in these Terms, can be subject to separate Terms and Conditions available on www.paywiser.com and on Paywiser Mobile Application.
  5. General provisions on account opening and User identification
    1. The User must first submit the application of registering the User’s account and opening the Payment account at Paywiser, complete the onboarding procedure and upload all requested documents:
    2. The User shall provide including, but not limited to, the following information and documents to Paywiser as stated in the clause 6.2. and Terms, by the User filled questionnaire and other information or documents, which Paywiser may request based on the individual circumstances and which would allow Paywiser to verify the User’s identity;
    3. The level of information to be provided is dependent on the product or service of Paywiser the User wants to use.
    4. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to require the User to provide the original documents and/or the copies of these documents approved by a notary or another competent person authorized by the particular state.
    5. In order to ensure the User identification or to perform other necessary duties, Paywiser has the right to demand the User to execute specific procedure or video identification through any partner of Paywiser or through other programmes indicated by Paywiser or other programs.
    6. The User confirms that all the data provided during the registration process is correct and up to date. If there are any changes in the provided data during the term of the business relationship, the User is obligated to provide updated information as soon as possible, but not later than 5 (five) Business Days after the changes.
    7. After the User reads the current version of this Terms, the User shall mark the relevant “check-box” by pressing “yes”. The foregoing shall be deemed to be a declaration of the User’s willingness to enter into the Framework Agreement. After the KYC Procedure has been carried out, Paywiser notifies the User by e-mail of the (non-)conclusion of the Contract. In case if User chooses to press “no” or does not mark any “check-box”, it means that does not wish to enter into a contractual relationship with Paywiser.
    8. Paywiser has the right to refuse to register the new User and User ́s account without indicating the reasons, however, Paywiser assures that the refusal to register will always be based on significant reasons which Paywiser does not have to ormay not disclose them.
    9. Once Paywiser has verified the documents and information provided by the User and there is no reason that, under applicable law or otherwise, could lead to a refusal to provide the Services, Paywiser shall notify the User of the opening of the Payment Account and the User shall be entitled to start using the Services and the Payment Account.
    10. The User is entitled to open one User and Payment account unless Paywiser explicitly approves the opening of additional Accounts.
    11. Paywiser does not allow Users who are domiciled in countries where there is an increased or high risk of money laundering or terrorist financing (at-risk country) using the Paywiser services. The list of high-risk countries that, according to international organizations, lacks legislation or does not fully implement it, or associates with other risks that may affect the effectiveness of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, is published by the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering. The list is published at: https://www.uppd.gov.si/.
    12. If the KYC Process for a User reveals that he/she is a mobile number holder, a national, or a permanent or temporary resident of a country on the enhanced or high risk list for money laundering and terrorist financing, Paywiser reserves the right to terminate the Agreement and close the User’s Payment Account and refund the amount of the User’s remaining Account balance. The same shall apply if the User turns out to be a sanctioned person.
    13. By accepting these Terms, the User declares that he/she is not a sanctioned person or that he/she is not included in the lists of persons subject to restrictive measures or sanctions:
      • a sanctioned person is any natural person who is the target of sanctions or is subject to sanctions, including, without limitation, a person who is a national or resident of a country that is listed in the list of sanctioned countries;
      • sanctions are any economic, financial, trade or similar restrictions and prohibitions adopted, imposed or imposed by the following organisations or States (and any organs or agencies thereof):
        1. the United Nations;
        2. the United States of America; or
        3. the European Union or any of its present or future Member States.
        The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
      • hat he/she will not, directly or indirectly, use the Account and the related services under the Framework Agreement in any manner that would result in a breach of the restrictive measures and sanctions by Paywiser, including the use of the Account and the related services to finance or facilitate the business or transactions of a sanctioned person or a person related to him/her or to make such funds available to a sanctioned person or to allow such person to benefit from such funds;
      • that no sanctioned person will have any right to any funds transferred from/to the Account by the User, nor will any income or benefit arising from any activity or transaction with a sanctioned person be used to repay any amounts owed by the User to Paywiser under the contractual relationship entered into.
    1. The User can access and manage his/her payment account via the Paywiser web interface and can also view it using the Paywiser mobile app
    2. Paywiser Wallet can be accessed by installing the Paywiser Mobile Application for free on User’s mobile device and registering to use the Paywiser Mobile Application. Paywiser Wallet may also be accessed via Web interface. The mandatory User registration information is:
      • Full name (first and last name),
      • Date of birth,
      • Place of birth,
      • Address of permanent and temporary (if any) residence,
      • Gender,
      • Details of the identity document (document number, expiry date, date of issue, country of issue and issuer)
      • Image of both sides of the attached identity document (identity card or passport) with signature,
      • “Selfie” (Selfie – Picture of the User),
      • Mobile phone number,
      • E-mail address,
      • Tax number and country of tax residency, Nationality,
      • Video and audio recording of the video identification process.
    3. Paywiser collects personal data about the User and other data about the User via the Paywiser mobile application or the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser system. During the collection of the required information, the User must enter his/her personal identification data and provide a photograph of both sides of his/her ID and a photograph of the User taken during the KYC Procedure (“selfie”). The KYC Procedure (identification and verification) and the verification of information shall be carried out, inter alia, by means of video conferencing with the use of an external contractor. The user’s facial image and the original identity document clearly displayed by the user shall be recorded for the duration of the video identification.
    4. The user first registers with his/her mobile phone number, which must be confirmed by entering a one- time password received in a text message. The e-mail address entered by the User shall also be verified and confirmed.
    5. The User Account is uniquely linked to the email address provided during the registration process. Only one email address can be logged in with one User Account at a time. Also, only one mobile phone number can be associated with one User Account at a time.6.6. Before successful registration, the User must accept the Terms.
    6. Full Payment Account for Verified Users Upon successful completion of the KYC Procedure, a unique identification number (User ID) is assigned to the User.
    7. Upon registration, the User is created a User Account and obtains the possibility to use and manage the Payment Account services (as described in Section 4 of these Terms and Conditions) via the Paywiser web interface and, to some extent, also using the Paywiser mobile application.
    8. The Services provided to the User are limited so as to comply with the legal restrictions required by the AML/CFT Act and the restrictions set out in Paywiser’s policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (hereinafter referred to as the “AML Policy”).
    9. Users may carry out payment transactions and use all Services through the Paywiser Payment Account, subject to the following restrictions:
      • A single Payment Transaction is limited to a maximum of EUR 3,000,
      • Monthly Payment Transactions are limited to EUR 5,000,
      • Annual Payment Transactions are limited to EUR 50,000.
      • The maximum amount of Electronic Money stored in the Payment Account is EUR 10,000.
      If the User is no longer eligible for the Account, or there are indicators of high risk, or the User reaches any of the above thresholds (e.g. monthly/annual transaction values), the Payment Account may be temporarily or permanently frozen (in the latter case, Paywiser shall also terminate the Agreement by notice to the User).
    10. Using the Paywiser web interface and Paywiser mobile app
      1. The User is obliged to use the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile application in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Price List, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Mobile Application, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface and any other instructions and documents that are publicly published and available at www.paywiser.com and in accordance with the applicable regulations. The User is obliged to use the Services in a manner consistent with the purpose for which Paywiser provides the Services.
      2. In the event of a breach, the User (the “Breaching User”) shall be liable to Paywiser and third parties for any damage caused and Paywiser shall have the right to prevent the User from further use of the Paywiser web interface, the Paywiser mobile application and all Services.
      3. Any User who allows third parties to access the Paywiser web interface and/or the Paywiser mobile application shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from such actions.
      4. Restrictions on the use of the Paywiser Payment Account are set out in accordance with the ZPPDFT-2 and Paywiser’s internal rules and are set out in these Terms and the instructions and documents which are publicly available and accessible at www.paywiser.com.
      5. All functionalities of the Payment Account, the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile pp, including the terms and conditions for issuing and withdrawing electronic money and executing payment transactions, are set out in these Terms and the additional terms and conditions related to the Services that are the subject of the Master Agreement (such as, e.g., the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Mobile App, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface, etc.).
  7. Payment services in Paywiser wallet
    1. Users can make various types of payment transactions via the Paywiser web interface and using the Paywiser mobile app.
    2. Users are subject to the restrictions set out in Section 6 of these Terms and the restrictions set out below. Users may not withdraw funds from their Payment Account in cash.
    3. Each payment request is approved and confirmed or rejected by the Paywiser system.
    4. Stanje Plačilnega računa se zmanjša/poveča takoj po uspešni Plačilni transakciji.
    5. Paywiser shall authorise and execute any Payment Transaction for which the User has submitted a Payment Request (Payment Order) or a Consent (Confirmation), unless there are conditions for refusal of the transaction.
    6. Paywiser will refuse to execute a Payment Transaction if:
      • The execution of the payment request exceeds the value limit of the ZPPDFT-2 or other limit set by Paywiser or independently set by the User,
      • The User does not have sufficient funds in the Payment Account,
      • the User enters an incorrect SCA code to confirm the Payment Transaction,
      • the User Account is blocked, frozen or suspended,
      • the Paywiser System and/or the electronic communications network is disrupted at the time of the transaction request,
    7. Paywiser suspects possible misuse of the Payment Account.Paywiser confirms or rejects the Payment Transaction on the basis of the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph and immediately notifies the User thereof via the Paywiser Web Interface.
    8. Within the limits of the User’s Payment Account and subject to the restrictions set out in these Terms, the User may perform the following actions (Payment Transactions):
      • Top-up the Payment Account,
      • Make Payment Transactions for the purchase of goods and services,
      • Withdraw funds from the Payment Account.
    9. The different types of payment transactions are described below.
    10. Other services/functionalities are provided via the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile app in accordance with the additional terms and conditions.
    11. Top-up of the Payment Account
      1. The top-up function of the User’s Payment Account is subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. User can Top-up (fill) his/her Payment Account:
      3. By transferring funds from a Payment Account opened with another Payment Service Provider: the User shall execute a payment order to the credit of his/her Account (specifying the IBAN and BIC) held by Paywiser. For this purpose, Paywiser has opened a fiduciary account with a commercial partner bank. The reference and purpose of the payment shall be completed by the User in accordance with the instructions published on the website www.paywiser.com. The funds in the Payment Account of the User who has correctly filled in the information on the Payment Order will be increased as soon as the funds are received by Paywiser. Before allowing the transaction to be executed, Paywiser shall verify the details of the Payer and the Payee and the status and limits of the Payer and the Payee.
      4. Any request to top up an Account shall be approved or rejected by Paywiser.
    12. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services
      1. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services are subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. A User who has obtained a Paywiser card issued in accordance with the Paywiser Mastercard Debit Card Terms and Conditions (available at www.paywiser.com) may pay for goods and services at any outlet that accepts MasterCard debit cards.
      3. The process of executing a Payment Transaction via a Payment Order entered into the Paywiser web interface:
      4. Paywiser accepts Payment Orders in accordance with the schedule by which it clears and settles Payment Transactions in the Paywiser system. This is expected to be every Business Day for Payment Transactions to be made by 24:00 of the previous day. Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays in Slovenia and public holidays abroad (1.1., Easter Friday, Easter Monday, 1.5., 25.12. and 26.12.), which constitute a non-Business Day for the TARGET2 Payment System, shall constitute non-Business Days for clearing and settlement in the Paywiser System and the partners involved in the Payment System and shall also be a Business Day for all other Payment Service Providers involved in the execution of a Payment Order.
      5. Paywiser will execute (successfully or unsuccessfully) Payment Orders received between 0:00 and 24:00 on the same Business Day.
      6. Paywiser (as the Acquirer) will transfer the funds to the Recipient’s account no later than the next Business Day following receipt of the Payment Order.
      7. A Payment Order becomes irrevocable at the moment the User gives his/her consent to the execution of the Payment Transaction, i.e. when the Payment Order is received by Paywiser.
      8. The User submits a Payment Request in the Paywiser system via the Paywiser web interface. The Paywiser system automatically checks the details of both the Payer and the Payee, the User’s account balance, the User’s status and the User’s restrictions.
      9. If all the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph are met, Paywiser shall immediately execute the transfer of funds or, if the conditions are not met, reject the transaction.
      10. Once the User has consented to the execution of a Payment Transaction, the cancellation or revocation of such transaction or Payment Order is no longer possible.
    13. Withdrawal of funds from the Payment Account:
      1. The User may withdraw funds from his/her Payment Account at any time in accordance with these Terms and the applicable Price List, and within the limits and subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Funds can be called up:
        • By transferring funds to another Payment Account or Transaction Account – The User may transfer funds from his/her Payment Account at any time via the Paywiser Web Interface, to any other Transaction Account or Payment Account, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the applicable Price List, by completing a Payment Order.
      3. By withdrawing cash at an ATM, if the Payment Account User has obtained a Paywiser Card. Internal transactions of Registered and Verified User are subject to the limits set out in Paragraph 6 of these Terms and limitations set out below. Conditions for redemption:
        • the relevant balance in the User’s Paywiser Account, compliance with any transaction restrictions as described in these Terms.
  8. General Terms for the Issuance and Redemption of Electronic Money
    1. Money held in the User’s Payment Account shall be deemed to be Electronic Money issued by Paywiser following the transfer or crediting of money to the Payment Account opened with Paywiser. Once the User has made a funds transfer or the funds have been successfully transferred to the User’s Account and Paywiser has received the funds, Paywiser shall issue Electronic Money at face value and
    2. credit the Electronic Money to the User’s Payment Account. The Electronic Money shall be credited and held in the User’s Payment Account.
    3. The User selects the method of recharging the Account as described in Clause 7 (Recharging the Payment Account).
    4. The User is informed and agrees that the Electronic Money in the User’s Account shall not be deemed to be a deposit and Paywiser shall in no event pay any interest on the Electronic Money in the User’s Account or provide any other benefits related to the period of time for which the Electronic Money is held.
    5. At the User’s request, Electronic Money held in the User’s Account may be redeemed at any time at its face value, unless otherwise agreed between Paywiser and the User.
    6. Where Electronic Money is required to be redeemed prior to the expiry of this Agreement, the User may request the return of some or all of the monetary value of the Electronic Money.
    7. The User shall make a request for the Electronic Money to be redeemed by generating a Payment Order to transfer the Electronic Money from the User’s Payment Account with Paywiser to any other account specified by the User.
    8. No special terms and conditions shall apply to the redemption of Electronic Money other than the standard terms and conditions for transfers and other Payment Transactions from the User’s Account. The amount of Electronic Money withdrawn or transferred shall be selected by the User.
    9. No additional Fee shall be payable for the withdrawal of Electronic Money. In the event of a withdrawal of Electronic Money, the User shall pay the normal Transfer or Withdrawal Fee, which shall depend on the method of transfer or withdrawal chosen by the User, in accordance with the Price List.
    10. If the User requests the redemption of Electronic Money after the expiry of this Agreement or within a maximum of 1 (one) year from the expiry of the Agreement, the entire monetary value of the Electronic Money held by the User shall be redeemed.
    11. Subject to the User terminating this Agreement and submitting a request for the closure of the User’s Payment Account and the deletion of the User’s Payment Account from the Paywiser System, or Paywiser discontinuing the provision of the Services to the User and deleting the User’s Account from the Paywiser System, in the cases set out in this Agreement, the money from the User’s Account shall be transferred to the User’s Transaction Account or to an account in another electronic payment system specified by the User. Paywiser shall be entitled to deduct amounts due to Paywiser (Fees for the Services provided by Paywiser and other charges not paid by the User, including, without limitation, damages and default interest imposed by financial institutions and/or other competent authority of the country and paid by Paywiser due to breaches of this Agreement committed by the User) prior to such deduction. In the event of a dispute between Paywiser and the User, Paywiser shall have the right to retain the disputed money until the dispute is resolved.
    12. In the event that Paywiser does not refund the User for reasons beyond Paywiser’s control (for example: the account indicated by the User is closed; technical problems arising with the payment service provider, if the User has another account, etc.), the User will be notified immediately. The User must immediately indicate another account or provide additional information necessary for the refund.
    1. Authentication data and information to be provided in Payment order
      1. The authentication details for authentication to access the User’s Payment Account via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application shall be set by the User. The information relates to:
        • User ID and Password:
          • User ID: is the combination of numbers assigned to the User after the registration has been completed and Paywiser has issued a confirmation that the User can start using the Services.
          • Password: a static alphanumeric sequence personally and exclusively determined by the User. Paywiser will not have access to the password nor will it ever request it from the User.
        • The special code that the User will receive on his/her mobile phone to execute the Payment Transaction (SCA, optional). The User confirms the special code received on his/her mobile phone by entering the password. The Payment Transaction will not be executed without the special code (where required).
      2. The maximum period of inactivity of the User after access to the User’s online account has been granted shall not exceed 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the session ends and the User must log in again. If the authentication details for identity verification are entered incorrectly three times, Paywiser has the right to block access to the User Account with those authentication details. The User will be notified before the blocking is carried out. In the event that the User’s Account is blocked due to incorrectly entered authentication data, the User will be able to apply for new authentication data and log back into his/her User Account after successfully completing certain KYC Procedure activities.
      3. In order for a Payment Order to be properly initiated or executed, the User must provide a unique identifier (IBAN). Paywiser will process and be responsible for the execution of Payment Transactions from the User’s Payment Account solely on the basis of the BIC code of the Payee’s payment service provider and the Payee’s account number (IBAN) received from the User as part of the User’s Payment Order.
      4. Paywiser shall not be liable if the Payment Order does not contain the Unique Identifier and/or the User has entered it incorrectly. However, Paywiser shall nevertheless use reasonable endeavours to recover the funds involved in such Payment Transaction.
      5. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to request additional and/or other mandatory information (e.g. the amount and currency, the name of the Payee, the Payee’s address, etc.) necessary for the proper execution of the Payment Order.
    2. The form and procedure for giving consent to initiate a Payment order or execute a Payment transaction
      1. A Payment Transaction shall be deemed to have been authorised by the User only if the User has given his/her consent in the Paywiser System for the execution of the Payment Transaction.
      2. The User shall be deemed to have given consent by submitting an electronic Payment Order to the Paywiser System using the authentication data (login data assigned to the User and/or security code, SCA). Consent may also be expressed by other means appropriate to the particular service.
      3. The User’s (Payer’s) consent must be provided prior to the execution of the Payment Transaction.
    3. Procedure for cancelling a Payment Order:
      1. The Payer may revoke the consent at any time, but no later than the moment of irrevocability as provided in the following provisions of Section 9.2.4 of these Terms. Consent to execute a series of Payment Transactions may also be revoked, in which case each future Payment Transaction shall be deemed to be unauthorised.
      2. The User will not cancel a Payment Order once it has been received by Paywiser, except in the cases provided for in these Terms.
      3. Where a Payment Transaction is initiated by or through a Payee, the Payer will not cancel the Payment Order after the Payment Transaction has been authorised by the Payee;
      4. In the case set out in Clause 9.4.6 of this Agreement, the User may cancel the Payment Order no later than the end of the Business Day preceding the agreed date;
      5. After the expiry of the time limits set out in clauses 9.3.2 – 9.3.4 of this Agreement, a Payment Order may only be cancelled if agreed between the User and the Paywiser. In the cases set out in clause of this Agreement, cancellation shall be subject to the consent of the Payee.
    4. Time of receipt of the Payment Order, requirements applicable to the Payment Order and refusal to execute the Payment Order
      1. The User must ensure that the Payment Account has sufficient funds to execute the Payment Order. If the User does not have sufficient funds at the time of submission of the Payment Order, Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. In any event, the minimum amount that the User must have at all times in the Account is EUR 19.95, otherwise Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order.
      2. Paywiser shall process Payment Orders submitted by the User without undue delay, provided that the User has sufficient funds in the Account at the time of the due date with which the payment will be made.
      3. If the User is the Payer, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received by Paywiser on the date of receipt, but if the time of receipt of the Payment Order is not a Business Day of Paywiser, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received on the first following Business Day.
      4. A Payment Order received by Paywiser on a Business Day but outside Paywiser’s Business Hours shall be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day.
      5. No funds shall be debited from the User’s Account until the Payment Order has been received by Paywiser.
      6. If the User initiating the Payment Order and Paywiser agree that execution of the Payment Order shall commence on a specified day or at the end of a specified period or on the day on which the Payer has made funds available to Paywiser, the time of receipt shall be deemed to be that agreed day. If the agreed day is not a Business Day, the Payment Order shall be deemed to be received on the first following Business Day.
      7. Payment orders within the Paywiser system shall be executed immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement), regardless of the Paywiser Business Hours. As far as possible, Paywiser will also execute other Payment Orders outside the Paywiser System immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and in this Agreement), otherwise the deadlines set out in these Terms and Conditions shall apply.
      8. Paywiser shall have the right to record and store all Payment Orders sent by any of the agreed methods and to record and store details of all Payment Transactions made by the User or in connection with the User’s Payment Orders. The aforementioned data may be provided by Paywiser to the User and/or to a third party entitled to receive such data on a legal or contractual basis, as evidence of the submission of Payment Orders and/or the execution of a Payment Transaction.
      9. Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute a Payment Order in the event of reasonable doubt that the Payment Order has been submitted by the User or if the Payment Order or the documents submitted are not appropriate or lawful. In such cases, Paywiser shall have the right to require the User to further confirm the submitted Payment Order and/or to submit documents confirming the right to manage the funds in the Account or other documents requested by Paywsier, in a manner acceptable to Paywiser and at the User’s expense. Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may result from refusal to execute a submitted Payment Order due to the User’s refusal to provide additional information or documents.
      10. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to engage third parties to execute the User’s Payment Order in part or in full if the interests of the User and/or the purpose or content of the Payment Order so require. In the event that the purpose or content of the User’s Payment Order requires the sending and execution of a Payment Transaction by another financial institution, but that financial institution suspends the Payment Order, Paywiser shall not be liable for such actions of that financial institution, but will endeavour to ascertain the reasons for the suspension of the Payment Order. Paywiser expressly reminds the User that the User’s Account is linked to Paywiser’s fiduciary account and therefore the commercial partner bank may also suspend the Payment Order at any time.
      11. Paywiser shall have the right to suspend and/or terminate the execution of the User’s Payment Order if required to do so by applicable regulations or if this is necessary for other reasons not attributable to Paywiser.
      12. In the event that Paywiser refuses to execute a Payment Order submitted by the User, Paywiser shall promptly and without undue delay notify the User of the reasons for the refusal and of the procedure for rectifying the factual errors that led to the refusal, except where such notification is technically impossible or prohibited by law or other regulations.
      13. Paywiser shall not accept or execute Payment Orders from the User if such Payment Transactions are prohibited or restricted due to the User’s relevant regulations and circumstances.
      14. If money transferred by a Payment Order is returned for reasons beyond Paywiser’s control (inaccurate Payment Order details, incorrect Payee account, etc.), the amount returned shall be credited to the User’s Payment Account. The fees paid by the User (Payer) for the execution of the Payment Order shall not be refunded.
    5. Conditions for the performance of services
      1. The time limits for the execution of Payment Transactions to Payment Accounts and the duration for the execution of other Services are set out in these Terms and other documents published on the website www.paywiser.com.
      2. Where a Payment is made in euro (EUR) in the Republic of Slovenia or other Member States and the User is the Payer, Paywiser shall ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the Payee’s Payment Service Provider’s account by the end of the next Business Day, subject to the exceptions provided for in clause 9.4.3 of these Conditions. As far as possible, Paywiser will execute Payment Orders immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement).
      3. Maximum spending limits may also be established by the User in Paywiser Wallet. If the transfer in the Republic of Slovenia is made in euro (EUR), Paywiser will ensure that upon receipt of the Payment Order, the amount of the Payment Transaction will be credited to the account of the Payee’s payment service provider on the same Business Day as the Payment Order was received, provided that the Payment Order is received by 12:00 on that Business Day. If the Payment Order is received after 12:00, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee no later than the next Business Day.
      4. The Parties may agree that a Payment Order shall be executed on a specific day or at the end of a specific period. In this case, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee on the day on which the Payment Order is executed.
      5. Where a Payment Transaction is executed in the Republic of Slovenia and other Member States in currencies of Member States which are not part of the Eurozone and the User is the Payer, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Order is credited to the account of the Payee’s payment service provider by the end of the next Business Day, but no later than within 4 (four) Business Days after receipt of the Payment Order.
    6. Spending limits for payment transactions
      1. The User shall co-operate with Paywiser to investigate any suspicious, suspected illegal, fraudulent or improper activity. The maximum spending limits for Payment Transactions are set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Specific limits may be set on the User’s Payment Account in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and Paywiser’s internal regulations. The User shall be informed of such restrictions prior to using the Services.
    7. Account blocking and/or suspension of services to the User
      1. The User shall cooperate with Paywiser in the investigation of suspicious, illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate activity.
      2. Paywiser has the right to block funds in the User’s Payment Account in the following cases:
        • Paywiser suspects that the funds collected in the User’s Payment Account are intended for the commission of a criminal offence or are the result of the commission of, or participation in the commission of, a criminal offence;
        • if it is suspected that an unauthorised Payment Transaction has been made through the User’s Account;
        • the User is in default in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
        • the User is declared bankrupt in respect of the User’s assets, the risk of insolvency or insolvency on the part of the User increases excessively;
        • for the purposes of corrective accounting and settlement;
        • fraudulent acts on the part of the User are proven or criminal proceedings are initiated against the User for fraudulent acts;
      3. If the User’s actions are not in accordance with the rules of Paywiser’s partners and such actions may cause damage to Paywiser, Paywiser reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to suspend or discontinue the operation of the User/Payment Account (or certain of its functions, such as, but not limited to, uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds), including, but not limited to, for audit purposes:
        • where Paywiser deems it necessary to ensure the security of the User Account; or
        • in the event of any transactions which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes have been made in breach of these Terms or in breach of the security requirements of the User Account; or
        • any transactions are made which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes to be suspicious, unauthorised or fraudulent, including those that may be related to money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other illegal activities; or
        • upon the insolvency or bankruptcy of the User, or if Paywiser reasonably believes that there is such a threat to the User; or;
        • if anything occurs which, in the opinion of Paywiser, indicates that the User will be unable to fulfil his/her obligations towards Paywiser and/or third parties.
      4. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User in advance of any such suspension or, if this is not practicable, to do so as soon as reasonably practicable and to justify such suspension, unless notifying the User would compromise security measures or is otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.
      5. In addition, Paywiser reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to suspend the operation of the User Account (or certain of its functions, such as uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds) at any time when required to do so by applicable laws and regulations or by the competent authorities. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User of any such suspension, unless Paywiser is prohibited from doing so by law or by order of a competent court or other authority.
    8. Payment transaction data to be transmitted to the user
      1. Paywiser is obliged to provide the User (prior to the execution of a Payment Order) with information on the conditions for the execution of a particular Payment Order, the Fees and, in the case of a total fee, a breakdown of the items.
      2. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of the Payment Transactions performed showing the following:
        • information enabling the Payer to identify each Payment Transaction and information relating to the Payee;
        • the amount of the Payment Transaction in the currency specified in the Payment Order;
        • the Fees payable in respect of Payment Transactions and the manner in which the Fees paid are to be distributed;
        • the applicable exchange rate and the amount of the Payment Transaction at the exchange rate, in the event that a currency exchange has taken place during the execution of the Payment Transaction;
        • the date on which the funds are debited from the Account;
        • the date of receipt of funds into the Account;
        • other information that will be provided to the User in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Slovenia.
      3. The statement is provided through the Use’’s Paywiser web interface or is sent to the User via e-mail. The User may also view the executed Payment Transactions via the Paywiser mobile application.
      4. Paywiser is obliged to notify the User of any suspected or perpetrated fraud by third parties, or of security threats in connection with the Services, by sending a message via the Paywiser web interface or by sending an e-mail or by any other means it deems safe and most appropriate in the situation.
  10. Fees for services provided by Paywiser, interest on late payments and currency exchange services
    1. Paywiser shall charge fees for standard Services in accordance with these Terms and the Price List in force from time to time, which is available for viewing at www.paywiser.com. The current Price List is attached to these Terms and shall be deemed to form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.
    2. Paywiser shall charge the User individual fees for non-standard services not specified in these Terms and/or the Price List and shall inform the User thereof before the User starts using such services.
    3. Unless otherwise stated, Fees are expressed in Euros.
    4. For Payment Services and/or related services provided by Paywiser, the User shall pay Paywiser a Fee. The Fees are set out in the Price List and/or any additional agreement with the User. In the event that the User fails to fulfil his/her obligation to pay the Fee to Paywiser, the User shall pay to Paywiser a penalty (fines or interest on late payment) as set out in the Price List, any additional agreement and/or applicable laws of the Republic of Slovenia.
    5. All Fees paid by the User shall be deducted from the balance of the User’s Payment Account, which the User expressly authorises Paywiser to do. The User undertakes to ensure that sufficient funds are available to settle all Fees. If the balance in the User’s Account is not sufficient, Paywiser reserves the right to charge the User additionally for any shortfall.
    6. Where Paywiser is unable to deduct from the balance of the User’s Payment Account the Fees payable by the User for the Services rendered, Paywiser shall issue a separate invoice for the amount due. Invoices shall be payable within ten (10) days from the date of invoice. In the event of late payment, Paywiser reserves the right to charge default interest at the rate of 0.02% per day and/or terminate the Contract with immediate effect by written notice to the User.
    7. If, during the execution of a Payment Transaction, there are insufficient funds in the User’s Account to execute the Payment Transaction and pay the Fee, Paywiser shall have the right to reject and not execute such Payment Transaction.
    8. Currency conversion shall be based on Paywiser’s exchange rate in force at the time of conversion and continuously updated and published on Paywiser’s website and or Paywiser’s web interface and/or Paywiser’s mobile application.
    9. Paywiser shall promptly change the Base Currency Rate and notify the User of such changes in the manner described in these Terms or the Special Currency Exchange Terms.
    10. The exchange rates when the User wishes to make a currency exchange on his/her Payment Account shall be presented to the User.
    11. In the event that the currency in which the order to execute the Payment Transaction is in is different from the currency in which the Account is debited, the conversion of these currencies shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by Paywiser and published on Paywiser’s website www.paywiser.com.
    12. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of all Fees associated with the User’s Account free of charge at the beginning of each calendar year. In the event of termination of this Agreement, such statement of Fees shall be produced for the period from the beginning of the calendar year until the date of termination of the Agreement.
    13. Paywiser shall not charge the User any value added tax for the services provided under this Agreement and the Terms as the services in question are exempt from the Value Added Tax Act.
  11. Communication between the User and the Paywiser
    1. The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that all communications, including personal communications between Paywiser and the User, shall be in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. All communications and information regarding any changes to the Services and prices and other relevant information shall be provided in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Paywiser will also provide the User with an English translation for certain documents, and the User is specifically reminded that both the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile application and the video identification process are only available in English.
    2. The information shall be provided to the User either in person or by public announcement:
      • The information may be provided to the User in person via the Paywiser web interface, or the Paywiser mobile application, or sent by post to the User’s registered address, or by email as provided during the Account opening process, or by call, or by SMS using the telephone number provided during the Account opening process, and by other telecommunication instruments, including by electronic means;
      • information may be published on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com and in the Paywiser system. Paywiser sends the User a notification of the newly uploaded information via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application or by other means (e-mail, SMS, Paywiser mobile application, etc.). The publicly published information is deemed to have been correctly communicated to the User, except in cases of mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia and/or in cases where Paywiser is obliged to inform the User personally.
    3. The User acknowledges that any communication between Paywiser and the User takes place in person, in particular via the Paywiser web interface, the Paywiser mobile application and the email indicated during the Payment Account opening process. The publication of information by Paywiser via the Paywiser web interface and/or the Paywiser mobile application and/or via email implies that the relevant information is correctly and effectively communicated to the User.
    4. Communication by e-mail is possible to the addresses indicated on the Paywiser website and to the e- mail address provided by the User during registration in the Paywiser system. The email message shall be deemed to be correctly delivered on the next Business Day.
    5. In the case of communication by telephone, the User’s identity shall be verified on the basis of the User’s data. Telephone communication between Paywiser and the User will be possible at intervals to be published on the Paywiser website. The message transmitted to the User by Paywiser by telephone shall be deemed to have been correctly delivered at the time of the conversation.
    6. In the case of communication by post, the letters shall be delivered to the User’s address.
    7. Information published on the Paywiser website or Paywiser web interface or Paywiser mobile application shall be deemed to have been duly delivered on the date of publication of such information.
    8. The User agrees that Paywiser may, by means of available technical means and in the case of conversation recording, with prior notice to the User, record all ongoing communications between Paywiser and the User and archive all records and copies of all information and documents that Paywiser may receive from the User or a third party. The User agrees that Paywiser may use such information at any time for the purposes set out in these Terms or to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
    9. The User has the right to receive these Terms and other documents related to the Framework Contract in a paper version or on any other durable medium.
    10. If the User has any questions regarding these General Terms and Conditions, he/she may contact Paywiser via email at [email protected] or, if the User has a complaint, via email at [email protected]. Paywiser will attempt to resolve any questions or problems Users may have regarding their Payment Accounts or the Services. Paywiser will respond to the issue no later than 8 (eight) business days after receipt of the User’s message, unless the issue is of a “simple” nature and can be resolved within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of the message. Paywiser will notify the User if there are exceptional circumstances where it may take up to thirty-five (35) Business Days to deal with the User’s problem.
    11. The Parties shall inform each other without undue delay of any change in their contact details. At the request of Paywiser, the User must provide all relevant new documents proving that the contact details have or have not changed. Failure to comply with this obligation shall mean that the notification sent on the basis of the most recent contact details held by Paywiser has been duly delivered and any obligation fulfilled in accordance with such contact details has been duly fulfilled. The User acknowledges that Paywiser shall have the right to notify the User of any change in the contact details on Paywiser’s side by public announcement and/or by sending such information by email to the User, which was provided during the process of opening the Payment Account.
    12. The parties must inform each other immediately of any circumstances that may be relevant to the proper conduct of the business relationship. The User is also obliged to provide additional information and documents at the request of Paywiser.
  12. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions and Price List
    1. This Contract is subject to be changed from time to time.
    2. Paywiser has the right to amend these Terms, the applicable Price List and Fees and/or other terms and conditions of the Services by providing the User with the amended terms and conditions on paper or other durable medium at least two (2) months prior to the effective date of such amendments. Paywiser will notify the User via the Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface or the email address provided in the Payment Account opening process. If there is a change to the Terms that is clearly beneficial to the User as a whole, Paywiser may implement the changes immediately after notification of the change.
    3. The Terms in force from time to time consitute an integral part of the contractual relationship between Paywiser and the User. The User has the right to accept or reject the proposed changes.
    4. If the User does not agree with the changes, the User may withdraw from the Agreement immediately, without notice and without payment of any compensation. The User must submit the withdrawal from the Framework Contract no later than the day before the date fixed for the change to take effect. If the User does not notify Paywiser within this period that he/she does not agree to the amendments, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments and the amendments shall come into force on the date on which the amended Terms and/or Price List come into force. If the User agrees to the amendments, then the User shall not be entitled to subsequently submit any objection and/or claim regarding the content of such amendments. If the User rejects the proposed amendments without terminating the Agreement, Paywiser shall be deemed to have terminated the Framework Agreement, with a two-month period starting from the date of sending the notice of amendment.
    5. Termination of this Agreement in accordance with clause 12.4 shall not relieve the User of any obligations to Paywiser which have accrued prior to the date of termination of this Agreement.
  13. Secutity measures
    1. The User is responsible for the security of the devices used to log in to the Paywiser system (via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application) and must not leave them unattended, or in public places, or otherwise easily accessible to third parties.
    2. It is recommended that you keep your software, applications, antivirus, browsers and other programs up to date.
    3. It is recommended that the User protect devices with passwords, PIN codes, facial recognition or other security instruments.
    4. It is recommended that the User treats received e-mail messages with caution, even if the sender is Paywiser. Paywiser will never ask the User to download attachments or install software. Attachments to malicious emails may contain viruses that may harm devices or compromise the security of the User’s account.
    5. It is not recommended to click on unknown links, open unknown documents, install software or applications from unknown and unreliable sources or visit unsafe websites.
    6. As soon as the User becomes aware of any loss, theft, misuse or fraudulent use of the Payment Account, instrument or device used to access the Paywiser system, the User must immediately notify Paywiser or any other person designated by the latter. The notification shall be sent to Paywiser by sending an email to [email protected] and/or [email protected], and the User has to block the Paywiser Card in the Paywiser mobile application.
    7. If the User notices any suspicious activity on his/her Payment Account and thinks that third persons may have logged into his/her Payment Account for the use of the Services, the User shall:
      • notify Paywiser immediately and at any time in the manner set out in this section and request that the User’s Payment Account be blocked;
      • to continue using the Payment Account, the User must change the password and use other additional instruments to validate the Account or use appropriate security instruments to validate the login.
    8. Blocking of the Payment Account and the Payment Instrument issued to the User
    9. In addition to the provisions of Article 9.7, Paywiser shall have the right to block the Payment Account (suspend or partially suspend the execution of Payment Transactions) in the following cases:
      • in the event of objectively justified reasons related to the security of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card, alleged unauthorised or fraudulent use of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card;
      • in the event that the User does not comply with the Terms and this Framework Agreement;
      • in the event that Paywiser has reasonable grounds to suspect that the funds in the Account may be used by other persons for illegal acts, including, but not limited to, criminal offences;
      • in other cases provided for by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Slovenia.
    10. The notices provided by the User regarding the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payment transactions
      1. The User is obliged to check the data on the executed Payment Transactions at least 1 (one) time per month, so that the User can notice unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions and notify Paywiser thereof in due time.
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser in writing of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions, including any errors and inaccuracies observed in the Statement, immediately upon detection of such circumstances and in any event no later than 13 (thirteen) months from the date of the debit.
      3. In case if the User does not notify Paywiser about the circumstances described in the clause 13.9.2 In the event that the User has not notified Paywiser of the circumstances described in clause 13.9.2 of these Terms, and subject to the conditions set out in the same clause 13.9.2, the User shall be deemed to have unconditionally accepted the Payment Transactions that have been made to the User’s Account.
    11. The liability of the User for unauthorized Payments transactions
      1. In the event that the User refuses to authorise a Payment Transaction or declares that a Payment Transaction has been executed incorrectly, Paywiser shall be obliged to prove that the Payment Transaction has been authorised (e.g. the Payment Transaction shall be deemed to have been authorised if SCA has been used), that it has been duly registered and entered in the records, and that it has not been affected by technical malfunctions or other deficiencies in the services provided by Paywiser.
      2. Subject to the conditions set out in Section 13.9.2 of these Terms or upon discovering that a Payment Transaction has not been authorised by the User, Paywiser shall, without undue delay but no later than the end of the next Business Day, return the amount of the unauthorised Payment Transaction to the User and, if necessary, reinstate the Account balance, from which the amount was debited, to the balance that would have existed if the unauthorised Payment Transaction had not been executed, unless Paywiser has reasonable grounds to suspect fraud and notifies the Bank of Slovenia of such suspicions, in accordance with the notification rules drawn up by the Bank of Slovenia.
      3. If the User is the Consumer, the User bears all the losses up to the amount of 50 (fifty) Euros incurred as a result of unauthorised Payment Transactions, provided that such losses are caused by::
        • the use of a lost or stolen Payment Instrument;
        • misappropriation of a Payment Instrument.
      4. The provision 13.10.3 of these Terms shall not apply if:
        • the loss, theft or misuse of the payment instrument was not detectable to the payer prior to payment, except where the payer has acted fraudulently as set out in clause 10.10.7 of this Agreement; or
        • the loss was caused by the acts or omissions of an employee, agent or affiliate of Paywiser or of the outsourcing company;
      5. The Payer shall not bear any financial consequences resulting from the use of a lost, stolen or unauthorised Payment Instrument after the notification referred to in Clause 13.6 of this Agreement, except where the Payer has acted fraudulently.
      6. The Payer (being the Consumer) shall bear all losses relating to unauthorised Payment Transactions where the Payer has fraudulently caused them or has wilfully or grossly negligently failed to comply with one or more of the obligations set out in clauses 13.1 to 13.7 of these Terms. In such cases, the maximum amount set out in clause 13.10.3 of this Agreement shall not apply. In the event of possible fraud on the part of the User, Paywiser shall notify the Bank of Slovenia of such suspicions in accordance with the notification rules drawn up by the Bank of Slovenia.
      7. Payment account may be blocked at the User’s initiative (including the payment instrument, if assigned to the User) if the User submits a request to Paywiser. Paywiser shall have the right to require that the request submitted by the User be subsequently approved in writing or approved in another manner acceptable to Paywiser.
      8. If Paywiser has reasonable grounds to doubt that the request referred to in section 13.10.8 of this Agreement has not been made by the User, Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to block the Account (including the payment instrument, if any, allocated to the User). In such cases, Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may arise as a result of the User’s failure to comply with that request.
      9. Liability of Paywiser for proper execution of Payment transaction
        1. If a User initiates a Payment Order using a Unique Identifier, such Payment Order shall be deemed to have been properly executed by Paywiser if it has been executed in accordance with the specified Unique Identifier. Paywiser shall have the right, but shall not be obliged, to verify whether the unique identifier specified in the Payment Order and received by Paywiser corresponds to the name and surname of the Account Holder/Payee.
        2. If the Unique Identifier is transmitted to the Paywriter with the amount to be credited and debited from the Account, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been duly executed if it has been executed in accordance with the Unique Identifier. If, prior to the execution of the transaction, Paywiser becomes aware of an apparent discrepancy between the Unique Identifier provided to Paywiser and the name of the Account Holder, Paywiser shall be entitled not to execute such Payment Order, but Paywiser shall not be obliged to verify the aforementioned.
        3. If the User (Payer) correctly initiates a Payment Order and the Payment Transaction is not executed or is executed incorrectly, Paywiser shall, at the User’s request, immediately and free of charge take measures to trace the Payment Transaction and inform the User of the findings.
        4. Paywiser shall be responsible for the correct charging of the Fees or the refund of the Fees already paid if the Payment Order has not been executed or has been executed incorrectly due to Paywiser’s fault.
        5. Paywiser shall not be liable for indirect losses suffered by the User relating to a payment order that is not executed or a payment order that is executed incorrectly. Paywiser shall only be liable for direct losses incurred by the User.
        6. Paywiser shall not be liable for any claims between the Payee and the Payer and shall not investigate or otherwise deal with such claims. The User may only bring a claim against Paywiser in relation to a failure or improper performance of obligations on the part of Paywiser.
        7. The limitations of liability of Paywiser shall not apply to the extent that such limitations are prohibited by the laws in force in the Republic of Slovenia.
  14. Protection of personal data and confidential information
    1. Paywiser processes and stores the User’s personal and other data and transaction data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1), these Terms and Paywiser’s Privacy Policy, also available at www.paywiser.com, and any consents and consents of the User. Paywiser shall inform the User of the contents of the Privacy Policy when the User submits the online application for the opening and maintenance of an Account. Paywiser informs the User at this point of the possibility of obtaining the Privacy Policy in paper form or on another durable medium.
    2. Paywiser will treat the User’s personal data in accordance with applicable law in such a way as to prevent any unwarranted disclosure of data to unauthorised persons, in the manner set out in Paywiser’s Privacy Policy in force from time to time.
    3. The User acknowledges that the Account information, and other information about the User as the Account holder and about any Account(s) being reported, may be provided to the tax authority of the country in which the Account(s) is opened/maintained and exchanged with the competent authority(ies) of the other country(ies) in which the User is resident for tax purposes, in accordance with an international agreement on the exchange of financial account information. The User undertakes to notify Paywiser within 90 days of any change in circumstances affecting the change in tax residency status or any change affecting the correctness of the information and to deliver to Paywiser within 90 days a new self-certification and declaration in accordance with the change in circumstances.
    4. The User acknowledges that Paywiser will from time to time check the User’s information in order to determine for the purposes of FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) whether any circumstances (U.S. Indicia) may have arisen that could cause the User to be treated as a U.S. Person. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the User undertakes to notify Paywiser promptly in writing of any change in the circumstances of his/her U.S. Indicia status, such as acquiring U.S. citizenship, acquiring a U.S. residential address, acquiring a U.S. telephone number, etc. The User undertakes to notify Paywiser and to provide it with appropriate documentation evidencing any changed circumstances. If the User fails to notify Paywiser and provide the relevant documents immediately after receiving a written request from Paywiser to provide the relevant documentation indicating the User’s status, Paywiser will notify the tax authorities of the Republic of Slovenia that the User is a potential U.S. Person. In this case, Paywiser shall be entitled to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship and close the account in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, upon prior written notice to the User. 14.5. The User undertakes to indemnify Paywiser against all costs and damages which it may incur as a result of the User’s breach of this Article. Paywiser may, for the purposes of FATCA, communicate to the tax authority of the Republic of Slovenia certain confidential information about the User.
    5. During the term of this Framework Agreement and also after its expiry, each Party may use and reproduce the Confidential Information of the other Party only for the purposes of this business relationship and only to the extent necessary for that purpose, and shall limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information of the other Party to its employees, consultants or independent contractors/external partners who need such information and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Party to whom it has been disclosed.
    6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Party will be in breach if it discloses Confidential Information of the other Party if required to do so by law or in a judicial or administrative proceeding.
    7. The obligation to protect Confidential Information shall not apply to information which:
      • is in the public domain or has become public knowledge through no act or fault of the other Party;
      • without limitation, is known to either Party prior to its receipt from the other Party from its own independent sources as evidenced by written records of that Party not obtained directly or indirectly from the other Party;
      • received by either Party from any third party which that Party considers to have a legal right to transmit such information and is not under any obligation to keep such information confidential; or
      • information independently discovered by employees or contractors of a Party, provided that the Party can demonstrate that those same employees or contractors have not had access to Confidential Information received under this Agreement.
    8. The main principles of the processing of personal data, the storage period and other issues are set out in Paywiser’s Privacy Policy, which is available at www.paywiser.com. The User acknowledges that he/she has read the Paywiser Privacy Policy and will comply with all the terms and conditions set out in this policy.
    9. The set of necessary data and documents that Paywiser usually processes when concluding the Framework Agreement or identifying the User depends on the type of identification procedure and the Services to be used.
    10. Paywiser may also request additional information and documents from the User in order to fulfil its obligations in relation to the implementation of measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
    11. Paywiser will process the data for the duration of the contractual relationship with the User, until all obligations arising from the Contract have been fulfilled, and for the retention period set out in the ZPPDFT-2 (at least 10 years from the date of termination of the business relationship) and other regulations.
    12. Paywiser may, in cases where the provision of the Services requires the transfer of data (including the User’s personal data), transfer the data to third parties (e.g. to its external contractors and contractual partners, Payees, to an official authority having the right to request information in accordance with the law, etc.).
    13. More detailed information regarding the processing of the User’s personal data by Paywiser is provided in the Paywiser Privacy Policy.
  15. Term and termination of the contract
    1. Če ni pisno drugače dogovorjeno, je poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom sklenjeno za nedoločen čas.
    2. Uporabnik lahko v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe z obvestilom Paywiserju od nje brezplačno odstopi, po poteku tega roka pa lahko Uporabnik pisno odpove to Pogodbo kadar koli in vsaj 1 (eno) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    3. Paywiser may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and giving two (2) months notice
    4. Paywiser may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and 2 (two) months notice if the User has not made any Payment Transactions for more than 12 (twelve) consecutive months. Prior to termination on such basis, Paywiser will notify the User of this intention.
    5. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.
    6. Paywiser may terminate the Agreement immediately (without notice) if it reasonably suspects or becomes aware that the User:
      • Violates applicable laws and regulations, including those related to money laundering or terrorist financing;
      • has provided Paywiser with false or misleading information or documentation, has failed to provide documents and information relating to his Account and use of the Services, or has failed to keep such documents and information up to date;
      • uses the Services to conduct or receive payments for prohibited activities or activities related to prohibited activities; or;
      • otherwise uses the Services for malicious, unlawful or immoral purposes.
    7. Where permitted under applicable laws and regulations, Paywiser will inform the User of the grounds for termination of the Contract as soon as possible.
    8. Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Parties from settling their obligations arising from the period prior to the termination of the Agreement.
    9. In the event of the death of the User, Paywiser shall, upon presentation of an official document of the User’s death, disable any disposition of the funds in the User’s Account and shall simultaneously terminate with immediate effect all other subscribed products and services related to the User. Upon receipt of the final decision on succession, Paywiser shall disburse the funds in accordance with the content of the decision. Paywiser shall not be liable for damages arising as a result of the disposition of funds after the death of the User, if it is not notified of the death of the User.
  16. Protection of User’s rights, dispute resolution and out-of-court dispute resolution procedure
    1. Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of services under these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by the User and Paywiser amicably, in accordance with the Rules on the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, published on Paywiser’s website. The User acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the said Regulations.
    2. The User may file a complaint by post to PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Complaints, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, or by e-mail to [email protected]. The complaint must be clear and understandable and must contain the facts on which the complaint is based. It must contain at least the following: details of the complainant (name and surname of the natural person or name and registered office of the legal entity or business operator and address, e-mail address and telephone or other contact details), an explanation of the grounds of the complaint, a description of the incident and a statement of the key facts and date of the incident, the submission of evidence to support the facts on which the complainant’s claim is based, if available, the address for sending the reply if different from the address of the permanent or temporary residence or registered office of the complainant or the address for sending the reply, if different from the address of the place of residence or registered office of the complainant or the address of the address of the place of residence or registered office of the person complained about. The details of the appeal procedure are described in more detail.
    3. Paywiser will respond to the User’s complaint as soon as possible, but in any event within 8 (eight) working days in the first instance and within 15 (fifteen) working days in the second instance, or at the latest within 35 (thirty-five) working days. If the User disagrees with the decision on the complaint issued in the internal complaint procedure, or if he/she does not receive an unjustified response to the complaint within 30 days of filing the complaint with Paywiser’s second-instance body, he/she may, within a period of no more than 13 (thirteen) months from the date of filing the complaint with Paywiser, file a petition for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes with the Attorney-at-Law, Simona Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana website, www.Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana website, www.goriup.si) against the decision of Paywiser, in the manner provided for in the Rules of the procedure for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes in force from time to time, which are annexed to the aforementioned Rules of the internal complaint procedure and out-of-court dispute resolution and are available to the User on the Paywiser website. More information on the provider of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, on filing a petition and on the method and procedure of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution with Simona Goriup, Attorney-at-Law, is also available on her website (https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp- content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    4. The User may also file a complaint with the Bank of Slovenia in relation to alleged breaches of the ZPlaSSIED by Paywiser.
    5. Despite a complaint to an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider or to the Bank of Slovenia, the User shall have the right at any time to bring an action for the resolution of a dispute relating to the provision of payment services between him and Paywiser before a competent court of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the laws and procedure applicable in the Republic of Slovenia.
  17. Final provisions
    1. These Terms are drawn up in accordance with the law of the Republic of Slovenia, in particular the provisions of the ZPlaSSIED.
    2. Any disputes arising out of the contractual relationship and the use of the Paywiser Services shall be settled by the competent court in the Republic of Slovenia.
    3. These Terms shall be published on Paywiser’s website, www.paywiser.com.
    4. The User may not, without the prior written consent of Paywiser, transfer or assign any rights or obligations it has under this Agreement to any third party.
    5. Paywiser reserves the right to transfer or assign this Agreement and all rights and obligations related thereto by giving the User at least two (2) months’ prior notice before the effective date of such change. The User shall have the right to accept or reject the amendments. The same provisions and procedures shall apply in relation to such amendment as apply to amendments to these General Terms and Conditions and are described in Section 12 of this Agreement.
    6. The User and Paywiser agree that all data and messages sent in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form and all data and messages stored in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall have the same validity and evidential value as data and messages sent and stored in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that all transactions concluded in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall be equivalent to those concluded in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User agree that, in the context of electronic commerce, documents may be signed with electronic signatures or concluded with a tacit confirmation (e.g. “click”). The User and Paywiser agree that all types of electronic signatures or tacit confirmations shall have the same validity and evidentiary value as a handwritten signature. Paywiser and the User agree to mutually recognise the validity and probative value of all types of electronic signatures and implied acts leading to the conclusion of the business relationship in the event of a legal dispute. The User acknowledges and agrees that all documentation relating to electronic transactions in Paywiser shall be kept in electronic form only.
    7. Force Majeure
      1. Paywiser and the User shall not be liable for non-payment or incomplete performance of an obligation or for any failure to comply with an obligation if such non-payment or incomplete performance is caused by force majeure (e.g. war, embargo, riot, governmental restrictions, labor disturbances, epidemics, quarantines, natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, or any other unforeseen change in circumstances, or any other cause beyond reasonable control).
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser of the Force Majeure Event by email or in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the date on which such circumstances arise.
      3. Paywiser shall notify Users of Force Majeure Circumstances via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application and/or by email.
    8. Mistakes
      1. The User is obliged to regularly monitor all inflows and outflows in the Account. If he/she notices that funds have been credited to his/her Account which do not belong to him/her, he/she must immediately inform Paywiser. In such cases, the User, as the unauthorised recipient of the transferred funds of the Payment Transaction, shall be restricted in his right to dispose of the transferred funds and shall immediately transfer such funds to the account designated by Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser shall have the right, without the User’s specific consent, to deduct from the User’s Account the amounts wrongly transferred and to transfer such funds to the account of the correct beneficiary.
      3. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be of no effect and the provision closest to the intention of the Parties shall apply.

These Terms and Conditions shall take effect on 3.10.2022.


  • General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Paywiser Web Interface
  • Price list for payment account and payment card services
  • Privacy Policy
  • Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Policy
  • General Terms and Conditions for the issuance and use of the Paywiser Mastercard debit payment card service for consumers
  • General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Paywiser Mobile App

Paywiser d.o.o.
Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana
[email protected]

Slovenia – Splošni pogoji za Paywiser plačilni račun

Splošni pogoji

Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse uporabnike (potrošnike) storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser.

  1. Uvodne določbe
    1. Izdajatelj teh splošnih pogojev je PAYWISER družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«). Paywiser je družba, ustanovljena v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo in vpisana v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije.
    2. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA. Organi, pristojni za nadzor, so Banka Slovenije, Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Finančna uprava RS, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in drugi pristojni organi.
    3. Splošen elektronski naslov za komunikacijo z Uporabniki je [email protected], v Splošnih pogojih pa so glede na vsebino komunikacije navedeni tudi drugi elektronski naslovi.
    4. Ti Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji« ali »Pogoji«) skupaj z ostalimi relevantnimi dodatnimi pogoji in dogovori, kot navedenimi v teh Pogojih, predstavljajo okvirno pogodbo (v nadaljevanju: »Okvirna pogodba«), ki se sklene v elektronski obliki in ki določa pogoje poslovanja med Paywiserjem in Uporabniki. Ti Pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov ter način uporabe storitev. Pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser, katerega pravice in obveznosti so določene s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se šteje za sklenjeno in pridobi značaj pogodbe šele, ko Paywiser potrdi sprejem in veljavnost Uporabnikovega naročila za storitve, ki jih urejajo ti Pogoji, s sporočilom Uporabniku preko elektronske pošte. Uporabnik izrazi svojo voljo za sklenitev Pogodbe s sprejemom Splošnih pogojev (»s tem da označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ s pritiskom na „da“«).
    5. Ti splošni pogoji veljajo za vse Uporabnike storitev, razen če je s posebnim sporazumom med Paywiserjem in posameznim Uporabnikom dogovorjeno drugače.
    6. Vsaka posamezna storitev ali produkt, ki spada v obseg storitev Paywiserja, ima lahko tudi še svoje dodatne pogoje. V kolikor posamezne storitve ali produkte v obsegu storitev Paywiserja, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, ponujajo oz. zagotavljajo tretje osebe, bodo te navedene v storitvi oz. dodatnih pogojih (npr. videoidentifikacija se izvaja preko zunanjega ponudnika, pred izvedbo videoidentifikacije pa so Uporabniku predstavljeni dodatni pogoji, vezani na navedeno storitev).
    7. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA. Organi, pristojni za nadzor, so Banka Slovenije, Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Finančna uprava RS, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in drugi pristojni organi.Ti Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji« ali »Pogoji«) skupaj z ostalimi relevantnimi dodatnimi pogoji in dogovori, kot navedenimi v teh Pogojih, predstavljajo okvirno pogodbo (v nadaljevanju: »Okvirna pogodba«), ki se sklene v elektronski obliki in ki določa pogoje poslovanja med Paywiserjem in Uporabniki. Ti Pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov ter način uporabe storitev. Pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser, katerega pravice in obveznosti so določene s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se šteje za sklenjeno in pridobi značaj pogodbe šele, ko Paywiser potrdi sprejem in veljavnost Uporabnikovega naročila za storitve, ki jih urejajo ti Pogoji, s sporočilom Uporabniku preko elektronske pošte. Uporabnik izrazi svojo voljo za sklenitev Pogodbe s sprejemom Splošnih pogojev (»s tem da označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ s pritiskom na „da“«).Sestavni del teh Pogojev je Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi in plačilnimi karticami (v nadaljevanju: »Cenik«), ki je na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com, tako kot vsi drugi pogoji, pravilniki in druge informacije o produktih in storitvah. Vsi ti dokumenti skupaj določajo pravno in poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom. Obveznost Uporabnika je, da se seznani z vsemi dokumenti ter da z njimi soglaša.
    8. Poleg Splošnih pogojev za Uporabnike velja tudi Politika zasebnosti, objavljena na www.paywiser.com.
    9. Sredstva Uporabnikov Plačilnega računa, Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, odprtem pri komercialni partnerski banki in so ločena od sredstev družbe Paywiser. Denarna sredstva na fiduciarnem računu se štejejo za premoženje tretjih oseb za račun katerih imetnik fiduciarnega računa vodi takšen račun in ne za premoženje imetnika računa. Morebitni upniki imetnika fiduciarnega računa ne morejo za izterjavo svojih terjatev do imetnika računa niti v njegovem stečaju s prisilnimi ukrepi posegati na to premoženje. S tem je zagotovljena visoka stopnja varnosti sredstev Uporabnikov.
    10. Z naročilom Storitve Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da razume angleški jezik in da soglaša s poslovanjem v angleščini. V nasprotnem primeru se pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser ne more skleniti.
    11. Naslovi v teh Splošnih pogojih so samo za sklicevanje in ne omejujejo področja uporabe posameznih določil. Izrazi z veliko začetnico imajo posebne opredelitve in so opisani v 2. členu teh Pogojev (Pomen izrazov) ali v samem besedilu Splošnih pogojev.
  2. Pomen izrazov
    1. Naslednje besede ali besedne zveze, kadar se uporabljajo v teh Splošnih pogojih ali katerem koli dokumentu na katerega se ta sklicuje, imajo naslednji pomen:
    2. Račun/Plačilni račun pomeni račun za Elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga odpre in vodi Paywiser v imenu Uporabnika in se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij (kamor spadajo storitve, ki omogočajo dvige ali pologe gotovine s plačilnega računa / na plačilni račun, v Evropski uniji na bankomatu, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih direktnih obremenitev, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih plačilnih transakcij z debetno kartico, vključno s spletnimi plačili).
    3. Delovni dan pomeni dan, ki ga določi Paywiser in na katerega Paywiser sodeluje pri izvedbi plačilne transakcije ter izvede potrebne aktivnosti za takšno plačilno transakcijo. Paywiser lahko vzpostavi različne delovne dni za zagotavljanje različnih storitev in/ali za izvajanje različnih plačilnih transakcij. Če z Okvirno pogodbo ali drugimi dogovori ni drugače dogovorjeno, se šteje, da je delovni dan vsak dan, ki je delovni dan v Republiki Sloveniji (vsak dan, razen sobote, nedelje, državnih praznikov in dela prostih dni po vsakokrat veljavni zakonodaji) in je hkrati delovni dan vseh drugih izvajalcev plačilnega prometa, vključenih v izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
    4. Zaupne informacije pomenijo informacije, ki so označene kot “Zaupne” ali “Zaščitene” ali se upravičeno pričakuje, da so ali bodo zaupne glede na naravo informacij; vključujoč, brez posega v navedeno splošno definicijo tudi: Paywiser poslovni načrti, podatki, strategije, metode, seznami Uporabnikov, tehnične specifikacije, podatki o transakcijah in vsi podatki, dejstva in okoliščine o posameznem Uporabniku, vključno z osebnimi podatki, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser;
    5. Potrošnik je fizična oseba, ki sklepa okvirno pogodbo za svoje osebne namene, zunaj področja svoje pridobitne ali poklicne dejavnosti; Pogodba pomeni to Okvirno pogodbo in njene dodatke, če ti obstajajo.
    6. Uporabnik pomeni potrošnika, ki uporablja ali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je s Paywiser sklenil Okvirno pogodbo;
    7. Uporabniški račun pomeni uporabnikov račun oz. profil v sistemu Paywiserja;
    8. Postopek KYC pomeni postopek (know-your-customer oz. spoznaj-svojo stranko), s katerim Paywiser zbere vse potrebne podatke o Uporabniku v skladu z ZPPDFT-2;
    9. Provizija pomeni provizijo in druge stroške ter nadomestila, ki pripadajo Paywiserju za odprtje in vodenje plačilnega računa, izvedbo plačilne transakcije in/ali z njo povezane plačilne storitve in vseh ostalih storitev, ki so povezane z uporabo Računa in sklenjeno Okvirno pogodbo;
    10. Trajni nosilec podatkov je vsak instrument, ki uporabniku omogoča shranjevanje podatkov, naslovljenih osebno nanj, tako da so dostopni za poznejšo uporabo tako dolgo, kakor je to potrebno za namene teh podatkov, in ki omogoča nespremenjeno predvajanje shranjenih podatkov (npr. magnetni mediji, elektronska pošta, DVD);
    11. Elektronski denar pomeni elektronsko ali magnetno shranjena denarna vrednost v obliki terjatve imetnika elektronskega denarja do Paywiserja in se izda ob prejemu denarnih sredstev za namen izvajanja plačilnih transakcij, kakor je opredeljeno v 8. členu ZPlaSSIED, in ki ga kot plačilno sredstvo sprejeme fizična ali pravna oseba, ki ni Paywiser. Elektronski denar Uporabnikom izda Paywiser (izdajatelj elektronskega denarja) pod v tem dokumentu določenimi pogoji;
    12. Tretja država pomeni državo, ki ni država članica;
    13. Država članica pomeni državo članico Evropske unije (EU), evropskega gospodarskega prostora (EEA), pa tudi Monako, San Marino in Švico.
    14. Paywiser spletni vmesnik za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser spletni vmesnik«) Uporabniku omogoča uporabo elektronskega denarja za plačilne transakcije in dostop do drugih Storitev, ki jih urejajo ti Splošni pogoji.
    15. Plačilni nalog (tudi »Zahtevek za plačilo«) pomeni vsako navodilo (zahtevek za plačilo) plačnika ali prejemnika plačila svojemu ponudniku plačilnih storitev, s katerim odredi izvršitev plačilne transakcije; Plačilna transakcija pomeni dejanje pologa, prenosa ali dviga denarnih sredstev, ki ga odredi plačnik ali je odrejena v njegovem imenu ali jo odredi prejemnik plačila, pri čemer je izvršitev plačilne transakcije prek ponudnika plačilnih storitev neodvisna od osnovnih obveznosti med plačnikom in prejemnikom plačila;
    16. Pogodbena Stranka (»Pogodbenica«) pomeni Paywiser ali Uporabnik oz. oba skupaj kot Pogodbeni Stranki (»Pogodbenici«);
    17. Plačilni instrument pomeni vsako napravo ali niz postopkov oziroma oboje, dogovorjeno med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem ter je vezan le na tega Uporabnika, z namenom da ga ta uporabi za odreditev plačilnega naloga (npr. plačilne kartice, spletno izvrševanje plačilnih transakcij);
    18. Plačnik je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki odredi plačilno transakcijo tako, da izda plačilni nalog ali zagotovi soglasje k izvršitvi plačilnega naloga, ki ga izda prejemnik plačila;
    19. Prejemnik plačila pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, ki je predvideni prejemnik sredstev, ki so bila predmet plačilne transakcije;
    20. SEPA je kratica za enotno območje plačil v evrih (Single Euro Payments Area). Strankam omogoča izvajanje in prejemanje plačil v eurih, po enotnih pravilih in postopkih, znotraj ali zunaj nacionalnih meja, pod enakimi osnovnimi pogoji ter z enakimi pravicami in obveznostmi, ne glede na njihovo geografsko območje.
    21. Storitve pomenijo storitve in produkte, ki jih nudi Paywiser po tej Okvirni pogodbi;
    22. Izpisekpomeni dokument, ki ga Uporabniku pripravi Paywiser in vključuje podatke o plačilnih transakcijah, ki so bile opravljene v določenem časovnem obdobju;
    23. Ukrepi močne avtentikacije strank (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) pomeni preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnika, ki temelji na uporabi dveh ali več elementov, ki so razvrščeni kot znanje Uporabnika (nekaj, kar ve le Uporabnik), lastništvo (nekaj, kar ima le Uporabnik) in neločljiva povezanost z Uporabnikom (nekaj, kar Uporabnik je) in so med seboj neodvisni, saj napaka enega ne ogroža zanesljivosti drugih in so zasnovani tako, da varujejo zaupnost podatkov za preverjanje pristnosti; TARGET 2 pomeni plačilni sistem, ki je v lasti in upravljanju Eurosistema. Je vodilna evropska platforma za obdelavo plačil velikih vrednosti ter jo za obdelavo plačil v eurih v realnem času uporabljajo tako centralne banke kot tudi poslovne banke v EU. Transakcijski račun je plačilni račun, ki ga odpre banka s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji ali podružnica banke države članice v Republiki Sloveniji v imenu enega uporabnika ali več uporabnikov za namene izvrševanja plačilnih transakcij in druge namene, povezane z opravljanjem bančnih storitev za uporabnika. Denarna sredstva na transakcijskem računu se štejejo kot vpogledni denarni depozit. Tretja oseba pomeni vsako fizično ali pravno osebo, razen Pogodbenih Strank;
    24. Edinstven identifikator pomeni kombinacijo številk, črk in znakov, ki jih Uporabniku plačilnih storitev določi ponudnik plačilnih storitev in ki se uporablja za nedvoumno identifikacijo Uporabnika in njegovega Računa. Edinstveni identifikator je lahko posamezna številka IBAN (International Bank Account Number-Mednarodna številka bančnega računa). Plačnik mora za identifikacijo računa prejemnika plačila zagotoviti IBAN prejemnika plačila in BIC kodo prejemnikovega ponudnika plačilnih storitev, razen če ni s svojim ponudnikom plačilnih storitev dogovorjen drugače;
    25. Video identifikacija pomeni ugotavljanje in preverjanje istovetnosti oseb z uporabo video in avdio povezave preko internetnega omrežja po predpisanem postopku. Rezultat postopka so zbrane informacije, ki vodijo v odločitev, ali se identiteta osebe potrdi ali ne.
    26. ZPlaSSIED pomeni slovenski Zakon o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih.
    27. ZPPDFT-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma.
  3. Pogoji poslovnega razmerja med Uporabnikom in Paywiser
    1. Poleg teh Splošnih pogojev in vseh njihovih sprememb, pogodbeno razmerje, ki se nanaša na opravljanje in zagotavljanje plačilnih in drugih Storitev, urejajo tudi zakoni in drugi pravni akti Republike Slovenije, Cenik in drugi dogovori, ki sta jih sklenili Pogodbenici, ter drugi dokumenti Paywiser, ki so objavljeni na spletišču Paywiser in iz katerih izhaja, da urejajo pravno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, ter načela poštenja, pravičnosti in zakonitosti.
    2. Ti Splošni pogoji določajo temeljne pogoje, ki veljajo med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem, ko se Uporabnik veljavno registrira v sistemu Paywiser, odpre Plačilni račun in uporabi druge Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser in so povezane s Plačilnim računom in Pogodbo.
    3. Uporabnik s prijavo na Storitev izrecno potrjuje, da pozna vsebino teh Splošnih pogojev in se z njimi strinja.
    4. Uporabnik ima pravico kadar koli od Paywiserja zahtevati kopijo teh Pogojev in vseh drugih dokumentov, ki so del pogodbenega razmerja, v papirni obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so vedno objavljeni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
  4. Storitve, ki jih nudi PAYWISER po tej Okvirni pogodbi
    1. Paywiser Uporabnikom ponuja storitve odpiranja in vodenja Plačilnega računa, ki se uporablja za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij, ter druge s Plačilnim računom povezane Storitve. Paywiser vodi Večvalutni Uporabniški račun, v okviru katerega Uporabniku odpre enega ali več Plačilnih Računov z oznako IBAN, ki pomeni Edinstveni identifikator Uporabniškega računa, in izvaja Plačilne transakcije v evrih (EUR) in v sledeči tuji valuti: USD. Vse ostale valute se avtomatsko pretvorijo v evre (EUR), skladno s temi Pogoji. Obenem Paywiser daje Uporabniku na razpolago tudi lokalni GBP Plačilni Račun, katerega namen je Uporabniku omogočiti hitrejše in cenejše poslovanje znotraj plačilnega območja Združenega kraljestva.
    2. Sredstva vseh Uporabnikov so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, ki ga Paywiser v imenu Uporabnikov vodi pri komercialni partnerski banki. Paywiser v okviru odprtega fiduciarnega računa dodeli oznake IBAN Uporabnikovim Plačilnim Računom, kar omogoča izvajanje prilivnih in odlivnih plačilnih transakcij s Plačilnega Računa Uporabnika. Pogodbeno razmerje je sklenjeno zgolj med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem.
    3. Plačilni račun ni Transakcijski račun in ga Paywiser ne prijavi v register Transakcijskih računov. Uporabnik je dolžan sam poskrbeti za vsa relevantna poročanja o imetništvu Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju (npr. prijava Računa davčnemu organu, v kolikor je to relevantno).
    4. Paywiser spletni vmesnik Uporabniku omogoča dostop do svojega Plačilnega računa in upravljanje le tega (npr. polnjenje, izvedba plačilnih transakcij, unovčitve itd.). Uporabnik lahko v stanje svojega Računa vpogleda tudi preko mobilne alikacije Paywiser, ki je namenjena upravljanju s Paywiser kartico.
    5. Za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser veljajo dodatni pogoji in so Uporabniku predstavljeni pred pričetkom uporabe. Pogoji, informacije in določila za uporabo ter povezava do spletnega vmesnika so na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
    6. Paywiser ponuja naslednje plačilne storitve (aktivnosti), ki so povezane z vodenjem Plačilnega računa v skladu s 5. členom ZPlaSSIED:
      • Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo polog gotovine na plačilni račun, in vse aktivnosti, ki so potrebne za upravljanje tega računa;
      • Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo dvig gotovine s plačilnega računa, in vse aktivnosti, ki so potrebne za upravljanje tega računa;
      • Paywiser Uporabnikom ponuja storitve odpiranja in vodenja Plačilnega računa, ki se uporablja za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij, ter druge s Plačilnim računom povezane Storitve. Paywiser vodi Večvalutni Uporabniški račun, v okviru katerega Uporabniku odpre enega ali več Plačilnih Računov z oznako IBAN, ki pomeni Edinstveni identifikator Uporabniškega računa, in izvaja Plačilne transakcije v evrih (EUR) in v sledeči tuji valuti: USD. Vse ostale valute se avtomatsko pretvorijo v evre (EUR), skladno s temi Pogoji. Obenem Paywiser daje Uporabniku na razpolago tudi lokalni GBP Plačilni Račun, katerega namen je Uporabniku omogočiti hitrejše in cenejše poslovanje znotraj plačilnega območja Združenega kraljestva.Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo izvrševanje plačilnih transakcij, vključno z nakazili sredstev na plačilni račun pri Uporabnikovem ponudniku plačilnih storitev ali pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev (izvršitev plačilnih transakcij s plačilno kartico ali podobno napravo,).
      • Izdaja plačilnih instrumentov.
      • Izdaja in unovčenje elektronskega denarja.
      • Menjava valut.
    7. Ti Pogoji urejajo odprtje Paywiser Plačilnega računa in njegovo upravljanje preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ter vse pravice in obveznosti obeh Pogodbenic glede odprtja, zaprtja in uporabe Plačilnega računa in drugih Storitev po teh Pogojih.
    8. Zaradi zakonske prepovedi se sredstva Uporabnika, ki jih hrani pri Paywiserju, ne obrestujejo.
    9. Uporabnik lahko ob uspešni verifikaciji in odprtju Plačilnega računa naroči debetno plačilno kartico Paywiser MasterCard (»Paywiser kartica«). Za storitev izdaje Paywiser kartice veljajo dodatni pogoji, ki so na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
    10. Za vsako dodatno storitev, ki ni urejena s temi Pogoji, lahko veljajo ločeni pogoji, ki so na voljo na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com.
  5. Splošna določila o odprtju računa in identifikaciji Uporabnika
    1. Uporabnik mora najprej vložiti vlogo za registracijo Uporabniškega računa in odpiranje Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju, opraviti postopek identifikacije in verifikacije ter naložiti vse zahtevane dokumente. Uporabnik na Paywiser posreduje podatke in dokumente opisane v točki 6.2. teh Pogojev, s strani Uporabnika izpolnjen vprašalnik in druge podatke ali dokumente, ki jih Paywiser lahko zahteva glede na posamezne okoliščine in ki bi Paywiserju omogočili preverjanje identitete Uporabnika.
    2. Obseg informacij, ki jih je treba zagotoviti, je odvisen od produkta ali storitve Paywiserja, ki ga Uporabnik želi uporabiti.
    3. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico od Uporabnika zahtevati, da ta priskrbi originalne dokumente ali kopije teh dokumentov, ki jih je overil notar ali druga pristojna oseba, ali ki jih je overila določena država.
    4. Za zagotovitev identifikacije Uporabnika ali opravljanje drugih potrebnih nalog ima Paywiser pravico, da od Uporabnika zahteva izvedbo določenega postopka ali videoidentifikacije prek katerega koli partnerja Paywiserja ali drugih programov.
    5. Uporabnik potrjuje, da so vsi podatki, zagotovljeni med registracijo, pravilni in ažurni. Če pride do kakršnih koli sprememb pri posredovanih podatkih v času trajanja poslovnega razmerja, je Uporabnik dolžan posredovati posodobljene podatke v najkrajšem možnem času, vendar najpozneje v 5 (petih) delovnih dneh po nastali spremembi.
    6. Ko Uporabnik prebere veljavno različico teh Pogojev, označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ s pritiskom na „da“. Navedeno se šteje za izjavo volje Uporabnika, da želi skleniti Okvirno pogodbo. Po izvedbi Postopka KYC, Paywiser z elektronskim sporočilom obvesti Uporabnika o (ne)sklenitvi Pogodbe. Če se Uporabnik odloči, da pritisne na »ne« ali ne označi nobenega potrditvenega polja, to pomeni, da ne želi skleniti pogodbenega razmerja s Paywiserjem.
    7. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti registracijo novega Uporabnika in Uporabniškega računa brez navedbe razlogov, vendar Paywiser zagotavlja, da bo zavrnitev registracije vedno temeljila na pomembnih razlogih, ki jih Paywiserju ni potrebno ali jih ne sme razkriti.
    8. Ko Paywiser preveri dokumente in informacije, ki jih je zagotovil Uporabnik, in ni nobenega razloga, ki bi v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo ali kako drugače lahko vodil v zavrnitev izvajanja Storitev, Uporabnika obvesti o odprtju Plačilnega računa, Uporabnik pa je s tem upravičen začeti uporabljati Storitve in Plačilni račun.
    9. Uporabnik ima pravico odpreti en Uporabniški in Plačilni račun, razen če Paywiser izrecno odobri odprtje dodatnih Računov.
    10. Paywiser Uporabnikom s stalnim prebivališčem v državah, kjer obstaja povečano ali veliko tveganje pranja denarja ali financiranja terorizma ne dovoljuje uporabe storitev Paywiser. Seznam držav z visokim tveganjem, ki po mnenju mednarodnih organizacij nimajo ustrezne zakonodaje, ali je ne izvajajo v celoti, ali pa so povezane z drugimi tveganji, ki lahko vplivajo na učinkovitost boja proti pranju denarja in financiranju terorizma, objavlja Urad za Preprečevanje pranja denarja. Seznam je objavljen na: http://www.uppd.gov.si/.
    11. Če Postopek KYC za Uporabnika razkrije, da je imetnik mobilne številke, da je državljan, ali da ima stalno ali začasno prebivališče v državi na seznamu povečanega ali visokega tveganja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico da mu odpove pogodbo in zapre Uporabnikov Plačilni račun ter mu povrne znesek preostalega stanja na njegovem Računu. Enako velja, če se izkaže, da je Uporabnik sankcionirana oseba.
    12. Uporabnik s sprejemom teh Splošnih pogojev izjavlja, da ni sankcionirana oseba, oziroma, da ni vključen na sezname oseb, zoper katere veljajo omejevalni ukrepi oziroma sankcije:
      • sankcionirana oseba je vsaka fizična oseba, ki je tarča sankcij oziroma zanjo veljajo sankcije, kar vključuje, brez omejitev, osebo, ki je državljan ali rezident države, ki je navedena na listi sankcioniranih držav;
      • sankcije so kakršnekoli ekonomske, finančne, trgovinske ali podobne omejitve in prepovedi, sprejete, podane ali predpisane s strani sledečih organizacij ali držav (in njihovih organov ali agencij): a) Združenih narodov; b) Združenih držav Amerike; ali c) Evropske unije ali njenih sedanjih ali bodočih držav članic. Uporabnik se zavezuje in jamči ves čas veljavnosti Okvirne pogodbe:
      • da on sam ne bo, neposredno ali posredno, uporabil Računa in z njim povezanih storitev na podlagi Okvirne pogodbe, na kakršenkoli način, ki bi imel za posledico kršitev omejevalnih ukrepov in sankcij s strani Paywiserja, kar vključuje tudi uporabo Računa in z njim povezanih storitev za financiranje ali olajšanje poslovanja ali transakcij sankcionirane osebe, ali z njo povezane osebe, ali dajanje teh sredstev na razpolago sankcionirani osebi ali omogočanje, da bi taka oseba imela korist od teh sredstev;
      • da nobena sankcionirana oseba ne bo imela nobene pravice do sredstev, ki bodo s strani Uporabnika nakazani z/ na Račun kot tudi, da noben prihodek ali korist, ki bi izhajal/a iz kakršnekoli aktivnosti ali transakcije s sankcionirano osebo, ne bo uporabljen/a za poplačilo zneskov, ki jih Uporabnik v okviru sklenjenih pogodbenih razmerij dolguje Paywiserju.
  6. Registracija, preverjanje in uporaba storitve Paywiser plačilnega računa
    1. Uporabnik dostopa in upravlja svoj plačilni račun prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, vanj pa lahko vpogleda tudi z uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
    2. Obvezni podatki za registracijo Uporabnika so:
      • Polno ime (ime in priimek),
      • Datum rojstva,
      • Kraj rojstva,
      • Naslov stalnega in začasnega (če ta obstaja) prebivališča,
      • Spol,
      • Podatki o osebnem dokumentu (številka dokumenta, datum izteka roka veljavnosti, datum izdaje, država izdaje in izdajatelj)
      • Slika obeh strani priloženega osebnega dokumenta (osebna izkaznica ali potni list) s podpisom,
      • »Sebek« (Selfie – Slika Uporabnika),
      • Številka mobilnega telefona,
      • Naslov elektronske pošte,
      • Davčna številka in država davčnega rezidentstva,
      • Državljanstvo,
      • Video in avdio posnetek postopka videoidentifikacije.
    3. Paywiser zbira osebne podatke o Uporabniku in druge podatke o Uporabniku prek mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in Paywiser sistema. Med zbiranjem zahtevanih podatkov mora Uporabnik vnesti svoje osebne identifikacijske podatke in predložiti fotografijo obeh strani svojega osebnega dokumenta in fotografijo Uporabnika, ki jo je posnel med izvedbo Postopka KYC (»selfie«). Za Postopek KYC (identifikacijo in verifikacijo) ter preverjanje informacij se med drugim uporablja video konferenca z uporabo zunanjega izvajalca. Podoba obraza uporabnika in izvirnik osebnega dokumenta, ki ga uporabnik jasno prikazuje, se v času trajanja videoidentifikacije snemata.
    4. Uporabnik se najprej registrira s svojo mobilno telefonsko številko, ki jo je treba potrditi z vnosom enkratnega gesla, prejetega v SMS-sporočilu. Preveri in potrdi se tudi e-poštni naslov, ki ga vnese Uporabnik.
    5. Uporabniški račun je edinstveno povezan z e-poštnim naslovom, ki je bil naveden v postopku registracije. En e-poštni naslov se lahko hkrati prijavi le z enim Uporabniškim računom. Prav tako je lahko naenkrat z enim Uporabniškim računom povezana samo ena številka mobilnega telefona.
    6. Pred uspešno registracijo mora Uporabnik sprejeti Splošne pogoje.
    7. Po uspešno zaključenem Postopku KYC se Uporabniku dodeli edinstvena identifikacijska številka (ID Uporabnika).
    8. Po registraciji je Uporabniku ustvarjen Uporabniški račun in pridobi možnost uporabe storitev Plačilnega računa (kot opisano v poglavju 4 teh Pogojev) in upravljanja le tega preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in delno tudi z uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
    9. Storitve za Uporabnika so omejene tako, da se upoštevajo zakonske omejitve, ki jih zahteva ZPPDFT-2, in omejitve, ki jih določa Paywiserjeva politika o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (v nadaljnjem besedilu: »politika AML«).
    10. Uporabniki lahko izvajajo plačilne transakcije in uporabljajo vse Storitve prek Paywiser Plačilnega računa z naslednjimi omejitvami:
      • Posamezna Plačilna transakcija je omejena na največ 3.000 EUR,
      • Mesečne Plačilne transakcije so omejene na 5.000 EUR,
      • Letne Plačilne transakcije so omejene na 50.000 EUR.
      • Najvišji znesek Elektronskega denarja shranjenega na Plačilnem računu je 10.000 EUR.
      Če Uporabnik ni več upravičen do Računa, ali obstajajo kazalniki visokega tveganja ali Uporabnik doseže katerikoli zgoraj navedeni prag (npr. mesečne/letne transakcijske vrednosti), se lahko Plačilni račun začasno ali trajno zamrzne (v slednjem primeru Paywiser z obvestilom Uporabniku tudi odpove Pogodbo).
    11. Uporaba Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan uporabljati Paywiser spletni vmesnik in mobilno aplikacijo Paywiser v skladu s temi Pogoji, Cenikom, Splošnimi pogoji za uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, Splošnimi pogoji za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in vsemi drugimi navodili ter dokumenti, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na www.paywiser.com ter v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Uporabnik je dolžan Storitve uporabljati na način, ki je skladen z namenom, za katerega Paywiser Storitve zagotavlja.
      2. V primeru kršitve je Uporabnik (kršitelj) odgovoren Paywiserju in tretjim osebam za vso povzročeno škodo, Paywiser pa ima pravico, da Uporabniku prepreči nadaljnjo uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in vseh Storitev.
      3. Uporabnik, ki omogoči dostop do Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in/ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser tretjim osebam, je izključno odgovoren za škodo, ki bi nastala kot posledica takšnih dejanj.
      4. Omejitve uporabe Paywiser Plačilnega računa so določene v skladu z ZPPDFT-2 in notranjimi pravili Paywiserja in so navedene v teh Pogojih in navodilih ter dokumentih, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na www.paywiser.com.
      5. Vse funkcionalnosti Plačilnega računa, Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, vključno s pogoji izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter izvedbo plačilnih transakcij, so opredeljene v teh Pogojih in dodatnih pogojih, povezanimi s Storitvami, ki so predmet Okvirne pogodbe (kot so npr. Splošni pogoji za uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, Splošni pogoji za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika itd.).
  7. Plačilne storitve
    1. Uporabniki lahko preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in z uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser izvajajo različne vrste plačilnih transakcij.
    2. Za Uporabnike veljajo omejitve iz 6. poglavja teh Splošnih pogojev in omejitve, določene spodaj. Uporabniki ne smejo unovčiti sredstev s svojega Plačilnega računa v gotovini.
    3. Vsako zahtevo za plačilo odobri in potrdi ali pa zavrne sistem Paywiser.
    4. Stanje Plačilnega računa se zmanjša/poveča takoj po uspešni Plačilni transakciji.
    5. Paywiser odobri in izvede vsako Plačilno transakcijo, za katero je Uporabnik predložil Zahtevek za plačilo (Plačilni nalog) ali soglasje (potrditev), razen če obstajajo pogoji za zavrnitev transakcije.
    6. Paywiser bo zavrnil izvedbo Plačilne transakcije, če:
      • Je z izvrševanjem zahteve za plačilo presežena vrednostna omejitev ZPPDFT-2 ali druga omejitev, ki jo določi Paywiser ali je bila samostojno nastavljena s strani Uporabnika,
      • Uporabnik nima dovolj sredstev na Plačilnem računu,
      • Uporabnik vnese napačno kodo SCA za potrditev Plačilne transakcije,
      • je Uporabniški račun blokiran, zamrznjen ali začasno ukinjen,
      • je sistem Paywiser in/ali elektronsko komunikacijsko omrežje v času zahteve po izvedbi transakcije moteno,
      • Paywiser sumi na morebitno zlorabo Plačilnega računa.
    7. Paywiser na podlagi pogojev iz prejšnje točke Plačilno transakcijo potrdi ali zavrne in o tem takoj obvesti Uporabnika preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    8. Uporabnik lahko v mejah Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa in ob upoštevanju omejitev iz teh Pogojev izvede naslednja dejanja (Plačilne transakcije):
      • Napolni plačilni račun (top-up),
      • Izvede plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev,
      • Unovči sredstva iz Plačilnega računa.
    9. Spodaj so opisane posamezne vrste plačilnih transakcij.
    10. Druge storitve/funkcionalnosti se izvajajo prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in mobilne aplikacije Paywiser v skladu z dodatnimi pogoji.
    11. Polnjenje plačilnega računa
      1. Funkcija polnjenja Plačilnega računa Uporabnika je podvržena omejitvam, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik lahko napolni (dopolni) svoj Plačilni račun:
      3. Z nakazilom sredstev iz plačilnega računa, ki ga ima odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev: Uporabnik izpolni plačilni nalog v dobro svojega Računa (navede IBAN in BIC), ki ga vodi Paywiser. V ta namen ima Paywiser odprt fiduciarni račun pri komercialni partnerski banki. Sklic in namen plačila izpolni Uporabnik v skladu z navodili, objavljenimi na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com. Sredstva na Plačilnem računu Uporabnika, ki je pravilno izpolnil podatke na Plačilnem nalogu, se povečajo takoj po prejemu sredstev na račun Paywiserja.
      4. Preden dovoli izvršitev transakcije za polnitev, Paywiser preveri podatke Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila ter stanje in omejitve Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila.Vsako zahtevo za polnitev Računa Paywiser odobri ali zavrne.
    12. Plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev
      1. Za plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev veljajo omejitve iz 6. člena teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik, ki je v skladu s pogoji za izdajo debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard (pogoji na voljo na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com), pridobil izdano Paywiser kartico, lahko plača blago in storitve na katerem koli prodajnem mestu, ki sprejema MasterCard debetne kartice.
      3. Postopek izvedbe Plačilne transakcije preko Plačilnega naloga vnesenega v Paywiser spletni vmesnik
      4. Paywiser sprejema Plačilne naloge v skladu s časovnim razporedom, s katerim izvaja obračun in poravnavo Plačilnih transakcij v sistemu Paywiser. Ta je predvidoma vsak Delovni dan za Plačilne transakcije ki bodo, opravljene do 24:00 prejšnjega dne. Sobote, nedelje, državni prazniki v Sloveniji in prazniki v tujini (1.1., Velikonočni petek, Velikonočni ponedeljek, 1.5., 25.12. in 26.12.), ki pomenijo nedelovni dan za plačilni sistem TARGET2, predstavljajo nedelovne dni za obračune in poravnave v sistemu Paywiser in partnerjih, vključenih v plačilni sistem in je hkrati delovni dan vseh drugih izvajalcev plačilnega prometa, vključenih v izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
      5. Paywiser bo Plačilne naloge, prejete od 0. do 24. ure, izvedel (uspešno ali neuspešno) še isti Delovni dan.
      6. Paywiser (kot pridobitelj) bo nakazal sredstva na račun prejemnika najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan po prejemu Plačilnega naloga.
      7. Plačilni nalog postane nepreklicen v trenutku, ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije, to je ko Paywiser prejme Plačilni nalog.
      8. Uporabnik vloži Zahtevek za plačilo v sistemu Paywiser preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika. Sistem Paywiser samodejno preverja podatke tako Plačnika kot Prejemnika plačila, stanje na računu Uporabnika, status Uporabnika ter omejitve Uporabnika.
      9. Če so izpolnjeni vsi pogoji iz prejšnjega odstavka, Paywiser takoj izvede prenos sredstev ali, če pogoji niso izpolnjeni, transakcijo zavrne.
      10. Ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvedbo plačilne transakcije, preklic ali razveljavitev takšne transakcije oz. Plačilnega naloga ni več mogoč.
    13. Unovčenje sredstev iz Plačilnega računa:
      1. Uporabnik lahko kadar koli v skladu s temi Pogoji in veljavnim Cenikom, ter v mejah in z omejitvami, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev, unovči sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa.
      2. Sredstva se lahko unovčijo:
        • S prenosom sredstev na drug Plačilni ali Transakcijski račun – Uporabnik lahko kadar koli nakaže sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, na kateri koli drug Transakcijski račun ali Plačilni račun, v skladu s temi Pogoji in veljavnim Cenikom, tako da izpolni Plačilni nalog.
        • Z dvigom gotovine na bankomatu, če je Uporabnik Plačilnega računa pridobil Paywiser kartico.
      3. Pogoji za unovčenje:
        • ustrezno stanje na Uporabnikovem Paywiser Računu,
        • upoštevanje morebitnih omejitev transakcij, kot opisano v teh Pogojih.
  8. Splošni pogoji za izdajo in unovčenje Elektronskega denarja
    1. Denar, ki je hranjen na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu, se šteje za Elektronski denar, ki ga izda Paywiser po prenosu ali nakazilu denarja na Plačilni račun, odprt pri Paywiser.
    2. Ko je Uporabnik izvršil nakazilo sredstev oziroma je nakazilo denarja na Uporabnikov Račun uspešno in ko Paywiser prejme denar, Paywiser izda Elektronski denar po nominalni vrednosti in ga nakaže na Uporabnikov Plačilni račun. Elektronski denar se knjiži in hrani na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu.
    3. Uporabnik izbere način polnjenja Računa kot opisano v členu 7 (Polnjenje Plačilnega računa).
    4. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da se Elektronski denar na Uporabnikovem računu ne šteje za depozit in Paywiser v nobenem primeru ne plačuje nobenih obresti za Elektronski denar na Računu Uporabnika in ne zagotavlja nobenih drugih ugodnosti, povezanih s časovnim obdobjem, za katerega je Elektronski denar shranjen.
    5. Na zahtevo Uporabnika se lahko Elektronski denar, ki se hrani na Računu Uporabnika, kadar koli unovči po njegovi nominalni vrednosti, razen če se Paywiser in Uporabnik dogovorita drugače.
    6. Kadar se zahteva, da se Elektronski denar unovči pred iztekom te Pogodbe, lahko Uporabnik zahteva vračilo dela ali celotne denarne vrednosti Elektronskega denarja.
    7. Uporabnik vloži zahtevo za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja z generiranjem Plačilnega naloga za prenos Elektronskega denarja iz Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju na kateri koli drug račun, ki ga določi Uporabnik.
    8. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne uporabljajo nobeni posebni pogoji, ki bi se razlikovali od standardnih pogojev za nakazila in druge Plačilne transakcije z Uporabnikovega Računa. Znesek unovčenega ali nakazanega Elektronskega denarja izbere Uporabnik.
    9. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne plača nobena dodatna Provizija. V primeru unovčenja Elektronskega denarja Uporabnik plača običajno Provizijo za prenos denarja ali dvig denarja, ki je odvisna od načina prenosa ali dviga denarja, ki ga izbere Uporabnik, v skladu s Cenikom.
    10. Če Uporabnik zaprosi za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja po poteku te Pogodbe ali največ 1 (eno) leto od izteka veljavnosti Pogodbe, se unovči vsa denarna vrednost Elektronskega denarja, ki ga ima Uporabnik.
    11. Pod pogojem, da Uporabnik odpove to Pogodbo in predloži zahtevo za zaprtje njegovega Plačilnega računa in izbris Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa iz sistema Paywiser, ali da Paywiser prekine zagotavljanje Storitev Uporabniku in izbriše Uporabnikov Račun iz sistema Paywiser, se v primerih določenih v tej Pogodbi denar z Računa Uporabnika nakaže na Uporabnikov Transakcijski račun ali na račun v drugem elektronskem plačilnem sistemu, ki ga navede Uporabnik. Paywiser ima pravico, da si pred tem odšteje zneske, ki pripadajo Paywiserju (Provizije za Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser, in druge stroške, ki jih Uporabnik ni plačal, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, odškodnino in zamudne obresti, ki so jih naložile finančne institucije in (ali) drug pristojni organi države in ki jih je plačal Paywiser zaradi kršitev te Pogodbe, ki jih je storil Uporabnik). V primeru spora med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ima Paywiser pravico zadržati sporni denar do rešitve spora.
    12. V primeru, da Paywiser Uporabniku ne povrne denarja iz razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (na primer: Račun, ki ga je Uporabnik navedel, je zaprt; tehnične težave, ki nastanejo pri ponudniku plačilnih storitev, če ima Uporabnik drug račun itd.), bo o tem Uporabnik nemudoma obveščen. Uporabnik mora takoj navesti drug račun ali zagotoviti dodatne informacije, ki so potrebne za vračilo denarja.
  9. Splošni pogoji o zagotavljanju plačilnih storitev
    1. Avtentikacijski podatki in informacije, ki so potrebne za izvedbo plačilnega naloga
      1. Avtentikacijske podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser nastavi Uporabnik. Podatki se nanašajo na: • •
        • Uporabniško ime in geslo:
          • Uporabniško ime: je kombinacija številk, ki je bila Uporabniku dodeljena po končani registraciji in po tem, ko je Paywiser izdal potrdilo, da lahko Uporabnik prične uporabljati Storitve.
          • Geslo: statično alfanumerično zaporedje, ki ga osebno in izključno sam določi Uporabnik. Paywiser ne bo imel dostopa do gesla niti ga ne bo nikoli zahtevati od Uporabnika.
        • Posebna koda, ki jo bo Uporabnik prejel na svoj mobilni telefon za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije (SCA, neobvezno). Uporabnik potrdi posebno kodo, ki jo je prejel na svoj mobilni telefon z vnosom gesla. Plačilna transakcija se ne izvede brez posebne kode (kadar je ta potrebna).
      2. Najdaljši čas brez aktivnosti Uporabnika, potem ko je bil odobren dostop do Uporabniškega računa na spletu, ne sme presegati 5 minut. Po 5 minutah se seja konča in Uporabnik se mora znova prijaviti. Če so avtentikacijski podatki za preverjanje istovetnosti trikrat napačno vneseni, ima Paywiser pravico blokirati dostop do Uporabniškega računa z navedenimi avtentikacijskimi podatki. Pred izvedbo blokade, bo Uporabnik obveščen. V primeru blokiranja Uporabnikovega Računa zaradi napačno vnesenih podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti, bo lahko Uporabnik po uspešni izvedbi določenih aktivnosti Postopka KYC, zaprosil za nove podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti in se ponovno prijavil v svoj Uporabniški račun.
      3. Da se lahko Plačilni nalog pravilno sproži ali izvrši mora Uporabnik zagotoviti Edinstven identifikator (IBAN). Paywiser bo obdelal in bil odgovoren za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij z Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa izključno na podlagi BIC kode ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila in številke računa Prejemnika plačila (IBAN), ki jih bo prejel od Uporabnika kot del Uporabnikovega Plačilnega naloga.
      4. Paywiser ne odgovarja, če v Plačilnem nalogu ni navedbe Edinstvenega identifikatorja in/ali ga je Uporabnik napačno vnesel. Vendar si kljub temu Paywiser razumno prizadeva za povrnitev sredstev, ki so bila vključena v takšno Plačilno transakcijo.
      5. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico zahtevati dodatne in/ali druge obvezne podatke (na primer znesek in valuto, ime Prejemnika plačila, naslov Prejemnika plačila itd.), ki so potrebni za pravilno izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
    2. Oblika in postopek podaje soglasja za izvršitev Plačilnega naloga ali Plačilne transakcije
      1. Šteje se, da je Plačilna transakcija s strani Uporabnika odobrena le, če Uporabnik v Paywiser sistemu poda soglasje za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
      2. Domneva se, da je Uporabnik podal soglasje s tem, da je predložil elektronski Plačilni nalog v Paywiser sistem z uporabo podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti (podatkov za prijavo, ki so dodeljeni Uporabniku in/ali varnostne kode, SCA). Soglasje se lahko izrazi tudi na drugačen način, ki je ustrezen za posamezno storitev.
      3. Soglasje Uporabnika (plačnika) mora biti predloženo pred izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
    3. Postopek preklica Plačilnega naloga:
      1. Soglasje lahko Plačnik prekliče kadarkoli, vendar najpozneje do trenutka nepreklicnosti kot to določajo naslednja določila 9.2.4. poglavja teh Pogojev. Soglasje za izvedbo serije Plačilnih transakcij se lahko prav tako prekliče, v tem primeru se šteje, da je vsaka prihodnja Plačilna transakcija nepooblaščena.
      2. Uporabnik ne bo preklical Plačilnega naloga, ko ga enkrat prejme Paywiser, razen v primerih, ki so predvideni v teh Splošnih pogojih.
      3. Kadar Plačilno transakcijo sproži Prejemnik plačila ali je sprožena preko njega, Plačnik ne bo preklical Plačilnega naloga po odobritvi Plačilne transakcije Prejemniku plačila;
      4. V primeru, določenem v členu 9.4.6 te Pogodbe, lahko Uporabnik prekliče Plačilni nalog najpozneje do konca Delovnega dne pred dogovorjenim dnem;
      5. Po poteku rokov, določenih v določbah 9.3.2 – 9.3.4 te Pogodbe, se lahko Plačilni nalog prekliče le, če se tako dogovorita Uporabnik in Paywiser. V primerih, ki so določeni v določbi te Pogodbe, je za preklic potrebno soglasje Prejemnika plačila.
    4. Trenutek prejema Plačilnega naloga, zahteve, ki veljajo za Plačilni nalog in zavrnitev izvršitve Plačilnega naloga
      1. Uporabnik mora zagotoviti, da ima na Plačilnem računu dovolj sredstev za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga. Če Uporabnik v trenutku predložitve plačilnega naloga nima dovolj sredstev, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, razen če se Pogodbenici dogovorita drugače. V vsakem primeru je najnižja vrednost, ki jo mora imeti Uporabnik ves čas na Računu, 19,95 EUR, sicer ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
      2. Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obdeluje Plačilne naloge, ki jih je podal Uporabnik, pod pogojem, da ima Uporabnik v trenutku zapadlosti na Računu dovolj sredstev, s katerimi se bo plačilo izvedlo.
      3. V primeru, da je Uporabnik Plačnik, se šteje, da je Paywiser Plačilni nalog prejel na dan prejema, če pa trenutek prejema plačilnega naloga ni Delovni dan Paywiserja, se plačilni nalog šteje za prejet na prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Plačilni nalog, ki ga je Paywiser prejel na Delovni dan, vendar izven delovnega časa Paywiserja, se šteje za prejetega naslednji Delovni dan.
      5. Sredstva z Računa Uporabnika se ne bremenijo, dokler Paywiser ne prejme Plačilnega naloga.
      6. Če se Uporabnik, ki sproži Plačilni nalog, in Paywiser strinjata, da se izvršitev Plačilnega naloga začne na določen dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja ali na dan, ko je Plačnik dal sredstva na razpolago Paywiserju, se za čas prejema šteje ta dogovorjen dan. Če dogovorjeni dan ni Delovni dan, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog prejet prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      7. Plačilni nalogi znotraj sistema Paywiser se izvršijo takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), ne glede na Delovni čas Paywiserja. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser tudi ostale Plačilne naloge, izven sistema Paywiser izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), sicer pa veljajo roki določeni v teh Pogojih.
      8. Paywiser ima pravico evidentirati in shranjevati vse Plačilne naloge, ki so bili odposlani s katerim koli od dogovorjenih načinov ter beležiti in hraniti podatke o vseh Plačilnih transakcijah, ki jih opravi Uporabnik ali so v povezavi s Plačilnimi nalogi Uporabnika. Omenjene podatke lahko Paywiser kot dokazilo o oddaji Plačilnih nalogov in/ali izvršitvi Plačilne transakcije predloži Uporabniku in/ali tretji osebi, ki ima pravico do prejemanja takšnih podatkov na zakonski ali pogodbeni podlagi.
      9. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti izvršitev plačilnega naloga v primeru utemeljenega dvoma, da je Plačilni nalog predložil Uporabnik, ali če Plačilni nalog ali predloženi dokumenti niso ustrezni ali zakoniti. V takih primerih ima Paywiser od Uporabnika pravico zahtevati, da dodatno potrdi podani Plačilni nalog in/ali predloži dokumente, ki potrjujejo pravico do upravljanja s sredstvi na Računu, ali druge dokumente, ki jih zahteva Paywsier, na način, ki je sprejemljiv za Paywiser in na stroške Uporabnika. Paywiser ne odgovarja za izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi zavrnitve izvršitve oddanega Plačilnega naloga zaradi razloga, ko Uporabnik ne želi zagotoviti dodatnih informacij ali dokumentov.
      10. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico vključiti tretje osebe, da delno ali v celoti izvršijo Plačilni nalog Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo interesi Uporabnika in/ali namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga. V primeru, če namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika zahteva pošiljanje in izvršitev Plačilne transakcije s strani druge finančne institucije, vendar ta institucija začasno ustavi Plačilni nalog, Paywiser ne odgovarja za taka dejanja te finančne institucije, vendar bo poizkušal ugotoviti razloge za ustavitev Plačilnega naloga. Paywiser Uporabnika izrecno opozarja, da je RačunUporabnika vezan na fiduciarni račun Paywiserja, zato lahko tudi komercialna partnerska banka kadarkoli ustavi Plačilni nalog.
      11. Paywiser ima pravico, da začasno ustavi in/ali prekine izvršitev Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo veljavni predpisi ali če je to potrebno iz drugih razlogov, ki niso na strani Paywiserja.
      12. V primeru, da Paywiser zavrne izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, ki ga je predložil Uporabnik, Paywiser nemudoma in brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvesti Uporabnika o razlogih za zavrnitev in o postopku odprave dejanskih napak, ki so privedle do zavrnitve, razen kadar je takšno obvestilo tehnično nemogoče ali prepovedano s zakonskimi akti ali drugimi predpisi.
      13. Paywiser ne sprejema in ne izvršuje Plačilnih nalogov Uporabnika, če so takšne Plačilne transakcije prepovedane ali omejene zaradi relevantnih predpisov in okoliščin Uporabnika.
      14. Če se denar, ki je bil nakazan s Plačilnim nalogom, vrne zaradi razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (netočni podatki Plačilnega naloga, napačen račun Prejemnika plačila ipd.), se vrnjeni znesek nakaže na Plačilni račun Uporabnika. Provizije, ki jih plača Uporabnik (Plačnik) za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga, se ne vrnejo.
    5. Pogoji izvrševanja storitev
      1. Roki za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij na Plačilne račune in trajanje izvedbe drugih Storitev so določeni v teh Pogojih in drugih dokumentih, objavljenih na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
      2. Kadar se plačilo izvede v eurih (EUR) v Republiki Sloveniji ali drugih Državah članicah in je Uporabnik plačnik, mora Paywiser zagotoviti, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, razen izjem predvidenih v členu 9.4.3. teh Pogojev. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser Plačilne naloge izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo).
      3. Če se nakazilo v Republiki Sloveniji izvede v eurih (EUR), bo Paywiser zagotovil, da bo po prejetju Plačilnega naloga, znesek Plačilne transakcije nakazan na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na isti Delovni dan, kot je bil prejet Plačilni nalog, če je Plačilni nalog prejet na ta Delovni dan do 12:00 ure. Če je plačilni nalog prejet po 12:00 uri, bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Pogodbenice se lahko strinjajo, da se Plačilni nalog izvede na konkretni dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja. V tem primeru bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na dan izvršitve Plačilnega naloga.
      5. Kadar se plačilna transakcija v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih Državah članicah izvede v valutah držav članic, ki niso del euroobmočja in je Uporabnik plačnik, bo Paywiser poskrbel, da se znesek Plačilnega naloga nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, vendar najpozneje v roku 4 (štiri) delovnih dni po prejemu plačilnega naloga.
    6. Omejitve porabe pri plačilnih transakcijah
      1. Najvišje omejitve porabe za Plačilne transakcije so določene v 6. členu teh Pogojev.
      2. Na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu se lahko določijo posebne omejitve v skladu s Pogoji in internimi pravilniki Paywiserja. Uporabnik je o takih omejitvah obveščen pred uporabo Storitev.
    7. Blokiranje računa in/ali prekinitev zagotavljanja storitev uporabniku
      1. Uporabnik mora sodelovati s Paywiserjem pri preiskovanju sumljivih, nezakonitih, goljufivih ali neprimernih aktivnosti.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico blokirati sredstva na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu v naslednjih primerih:
        • Paywiser sumi, da so sredstva, ki so zbrana na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu namenjena storitvi
        kaznivega dejanja, ali pa so posledica izvršitve ali udeležbe pri izvršitvi kaznivega dejanja;
        • če obstaja sum, da je bila prek Računa Uporabnika izvedena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija;
        • Uporabnik zamuja pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi;
        • se razglasi stečaj v zvezi s premoženjem Uporabnika, tveganje plačilne nesposobnosti ali
        insolventnosti na strani Uporabnika čezmerno narašča;
        • za potrebe korektivnega računovodstva in poravnave;
        • so na strani Uporabnika dokazana goljufiva dejanja ali pa se proti Uporabniku prične kazenski postopek zaradi goljufivih dejanj;
        • če dejanja Uporabnika niso v skladu s pravili partnerjev Paywiserja in lahko takšno ravnanje Paywiserju povzroči škodo.
      3. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico, da kadar koli in po lastni presoji začasno ustavi oz. prekine delovanje Uporabniškega/Plačilnega računa (ali nekatere njegove funkcije, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejem, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev), med drugim npr. za revizijo:
        • kadar Paywiser meni, da je to potrebno za zagotovitev varnosti Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so bile storjene s kršitvijo teh Pogojev ali s kršitvijo varnostnih zahtev Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so sumljive, nepooblaščene ali goljufive, vključno s takšnimi, ki so lahko povezane s pranjem denarja, financiranjem terorizma, goljufijami ali drugimi nezakonitimi dejavnostmi; ali
        • ob nastanku plačilne nesposobnosti, stečaju Uporabnika, ali če Paywiser utemeljeno meni, da obstaja takšna grožnja za Uporabnika; ali;
        • če se zgodi karkoli, kar po mnenju Paywiserja nakazuje, da Uporabnik ne bo mogel izpolniti svojih obveznosti do Paywiserja in/ali tretjih oseb.
      4. Paywiser si bo razumno prizadeval, da bo o vsaki takšni ustavitvi vnaprej obvestil Uporabnika, ali če to ni izvedljivo, to storil takoj ko bo mogoče in takšno zaustavitev utemeljil, razen če bi obveščanje Uporabnika ogrozilo varnostne ukrepe ali je drugače prepovedano z zakonom ali drugimi predpisi.
      5. Poleg tega si Paywiser pridržuje pravico (po lastni presoji) zaustaviti delovanje Uporabniškega računa (ali nekaterih njegovih funkcij, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejemanje, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev) kadar koli, kadar to zahtevajo veljavni zakoni in predpisi ali to zahtevajo pristojni organi. Paywiser si bo primerno prizadeval, da bo Uporabnika obvestil o kakršni koli takšni zaustavitvi, razen če je Paywiserju to prepovedano z zakonom ali z nalogom pristojnega sodišča ali drugega organa.
    8. Podatki o plačilnih transakcijah, ki se posredujejo uporabniku
      1. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabniku (pred izvedbo Plačilnega naloga) posredovati podatke o pogojih izvršitve določenega Plačilnega naloga, Provizijah in v primeru skupnega nadomestila tudi razčlenitev postavk.
      2. Paywiser bo Uporabniku predložil izpisek o opravljenih Plačilnih transakcijah, ki bo prikazoval naslednje:
        • informacije, ki omogočajo Plačniku, da prepozna vsako Plačilno transakcijo in podatke v zvezi s
        Prejemnikom plačila;
        • znesek Plačilne transakcije v valuti, navedeni v Plačilnem nalogu;
        • Provizije, ki jih je treba plačati za Plačilne transakcije, in način razdelitve plačanih Provizij;
        • veljavni menjalni tečaj in znesek Plačilne transakcije po menjalnem tečaju, v primeru, če je bila med
        izvedbo Plačilne transakcije izvedena zamenjava valute;
        • datum bremenitve sredstev z Računa;
        • datum prejema sredstev na Račun;
        • druge informacije, ki bodo Uporabniku posredovane v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije.
      3. Izpisek je zagotovljen prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika Uporabnika ali se Uporabniku pošlje preko e- pošte. Pregled izvršenih Plačilnih transakcij je Uporabniku omogočen tudi preko mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
      4. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabnika obvestiti o zaznanem sumu ali storjeni goljufiji s strani tretjih oseb, ali o varnostnih grožnjah v povezavi s Storitvami , tako da pošlje sporočilo prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali s pošiljanjem po e -mailu ali na drug način, za katerega meni, da je varen in najprimernejši v nastalem položaju.
  10. Provizije za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser, zamudne obresti in storitev menjave valut
    1. Paywiser zaračuna nadomestila za standardne Storitve v skladu s temi Pogoji in vsakokrat veljavnim Cenikom, ki je na vpogled na spletni strani www.paywiser.com. Trenutno veljavni Cenik je priložen tem Pogojem in se šteje kot neločljiv del Splošnih pogojev.
    2. Paywiser Uporabniku zaračuna individualne provizije za nestandardne storitve, ki niso opredeljene v teh Pogojih in/ali v Ceniku in o tem obvesti Uporabnika, preden ta začne uporabljati takšne storitve.
    3. Če ni drugače navedeno, so Provizije izražene v evrih.
    4. Za Plačilne storitve in/ali povezane storitve, ki jih opravlja Paywiser, Uporabnik Paywiserju plača Provizijo. Provizije so navedene v Ceniku in/ali morebitnem dodatnem dogovoru z Uporabnikom. V primeru, da Uporabnik ne izpolni svoje obveznosti plačila Provizije Paywiserju, Uporabnik Paywiserju plača kazen (globe ali zamudne obresti), kot je določeno v Ceniku, dodatnem dogovoru in/ali veljavnih zakonih Republike Slovenije.
    5. Vse Provizije, ki jih plača Uporabnik, se odštejejo od stanja Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa, za kar Uporabnik Paywiser izrecno pooblašča. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo zagotavljal zadostno stanje sredstev za poravnavo vseh Provizij. Če stanje na Uporabniškem računu ni zadostno, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico, da Uporabniku dodatno zaračuna za morebiten primankljaj.
    6. Kadar Paywiser nima možnosti, da od stanja na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu odšteje Provizijo, ki jo mora plačati Uporabnik za opravljene storitve, Paywiser izda ločen račun za dolgovani znesek. Računi se plačajo v 10 (desetih) dneh od datuma izdaje računa. V primeru zamud pri plačilih si Paywiser pridržuje pravico do zaračunavanja zamudnih obresti v višini 0,02% dnevno in/ali odpovedi pogodbe s takojšnjim učinkom s pisnim obvestilom Uporabniku.
    7. Če med izvajanjem Plačilne transakcije na Računu Uporabnika ni dovolj sredstev za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije in plačilo Provizije, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti in ne izvršiti te Plačilne transakcije.
    8. Menjava valut temelji na tečaju Paywiserja, ki je veljaven v trenutku pretvorbe in se nenehno posodablja in objavlja na spletni strani Paywiser in ali Paywiser spletnem vmesniku in/ali mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser.
    9. Paywiser takoj spremeni spremenjeni osnovni tečaj valute in o takšnih spremembah obvesti Uporabnika na način, ki je opisan v teh Pogojih ali posebnih pogojih za menjavo valut.
    10. Menjalni tečaji, ko želi Uporabnik izvesti menjavo valute na svojem Plačilnem računu, so Uporabniku predstavljeni izvedbo.
    11. V primeru, da je valuta, v kateri je nalog za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije, drugačna od valute, v kateri se račun bremeni, se pretvorba teh valut izvede v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi Paywiser in ki se objavi na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com.
    12. Paywiser bo na začetku vsakega koledarskega leta uporabniku brezplačno predložil izpis vseh Provizij, ki so povezane z Računom Uporabnika. V primeru odpovedi te Pogodbe se takšen izpis o Provizijah pripravi za obdobje od začetka koledarskega leta do dneva prenehanja Pogodbe.
    13. Paywiser Uporabniku za storitve na podlagi te pogodbe in Splošnih pogojev ne obračunava davka na dodano vrednost, saj so predmetne storitve izvzete iz Zakona o davku na dodano vrednost.
  11. Komunikacija med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem
    1. Uporabnik potrjuje in izrecno soglaša, da se vsa komunikacija, vključno z osebno komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, izvaja v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici drugače dogovorita. Vsa komunikacija in informacije o morebitnih spremembah storitev in cen ter druge pomembne informacije se zagotovijo v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače. Paywiser bo za določene dokumente Uporabniku ponudil tudi slovenski prevod, pri čemer Uporabnika posebej opozarja, da so tako Paywiser spletni vmesnik kot mobilna aplikacija Paywiser ter postopek videoidentifikacije na voljo le v angleščini.
    2. Informacije se Uporabniku posredujejo osebno ali z javno objavo:
      • Informacije se lahko Uporabniku posredujejo osebno preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser, ali se jih pošlje po pošti na naslov Uporabnikovega prijavljenega naslova, ali po elektronski pošti, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa, ali s klicem, ali preko SMS-a z uporabo telefonske številke, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa in preko drugih telekomunikacijskih instrumentov, vključno z elektronskimi sredstvi;
      • informacije se lahko objavijo na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com in v Paywiser sistemu. Paywiser Uporabniku pošlje obvestilo o novo naloženih informacijah prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali na drug način (e-mail, SMS, mobilna aplikacija Paywiser itd.). Javno objavljeni podatki se štejejo za pravilno posredovane Uporabniku, razen v primerih obveznih zahtev zakonodaje Republike Slovenije in/ali primerov, ko je Paywiser dolžan Uporabnika osebno obvestiti.
    3. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se vsaka komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom odvija osebno, predvsem prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in e-pošte, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa. Objava informacij s strani Paywiserja prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in/ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in/ali preko elektronske pošte pomeni, da so relevantne informacije pravilno in učinkovito posredovane Uporabniku.
    4. Komunikacija po e-pošti je mogoča na naslove, ki so navedeni na spletnem mestu Paywiser, in na e- poštni naslov, ki ga je Uporabnik med registracijo podal v sistem Paywiser. Šteje se, da je elektronsko sporočilo pravilno dostavljeno naslednji Delovni dan.
    5. V primeru komunikacije po telefonu se Uporabnikova istovetnost preveri na podlagi Uporabnikovih podatkov. Telefonska komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom bo možna v časovnih intervalih, kot bodo objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser. Šteje se, da je sporočilo, ki ga Uporabniku posreduje Paywiser po telefonu pravilno dostavljeno v trenutku pogovora.
    6. V primeru komunikacije po pošti se pisma dostavijo na naslov Uporabnika.
    7. Podatki, objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnem vmesniku ali mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser, se štejejo za ustrezno dostavljene na dan objave takšnih informacij.
    8. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser s pomočjo razpoložljivih tehničnih sredstev in v primeru snemanja pogovora s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku beleži vso tekočo komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ter arhivira vse zapise ter kopije vseh informacij in dokumentov, ki jih bo Paywiser prejel od Uporabnika ali tretje osebe. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser kadar koli uporabi te podatke za namene, določene v teh Pogojih ali za zagotavljanje skladnosti z regulatornimi zahtevami.
    9. Uporabnik ima pravico, da te Splošne pogoje in druge dokumente, vezane na Okvirno pogodbo, dobi v papirni različici ali na katerem koli drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov.
    10. Če ima Uporabnik vprašanja v zvezi s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se lahko obrne na Paywiser prek e-poštnega naslova na [email protected] oziroma v kolikor gre za pritožbo preko e-poštnega naslova na [email protected]. Paywiser bo poskušal rešiti vsa vprašanja in morebitne težave, ki jih imajo Uporabniki glede svojih Plačilnih računov ali Storitev. Paywiser bo odgovoril na vprašanje najkasneje v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh po prejemu sporočila Uporabnika, razen če je težava “preproste” narave in jo je mogoče rešiti v 2 (dveh) delovnih dneh od dneva prejema sporočila. Paywiser bo obvestil Uporabnika, če pride do izjemnih okoliščin, ko lahko obravnava uporabnikovih težav traja do 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    11. Pogodbenici se morata brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obveščati o vseh spremembah svojih kontaktnih podatkov. Na zahtevo Paywiserja mora Uporabnik predložiti vse ustrezne nove dokumente, ki dokazujejo, da so se kontaktni podatki spremenili oziroma niso spremenili. Neizpolnjevanje te obveznosti pomeni, da je obvestilo, ki je bilo poslano na podlagi najnovejših kontaktnih podatkov, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser, pravilno dostavljeno, in vsaka obveznost, ki je bila izpolnjena v skladu s temi kontaktnimi podatki, pravilno izpolnjena. Uporabnik potrjuje, da ima Paywiser pravico Uporabnika obvestiti o spremembi kontaktnih podatkov na strani Paywiserja z javno objavo in/ali s pošiljanjem takšnih informacij po e-pošti Uporabniku, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa.
    12. Stranki se morata nemudoma obvestiti o vseh okoliščinah, ki so lahko pomembne za pravilno izvajanje poslovnega razmerja. Uporabnik je na zahtevo Paywiserja dolžan posredovati tudi dodatne informacije in dokumente.
  12. SpremembeSplošnihpogojevinCenika
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji se lahko občasno spreminjajo.
    2. Paywiser ima pravico spremeniti Splošne pogoje, veljavni Cenik in Provizije in/ali druge pogoje Storitev, tako da Uporabniku ponudi spremenjene pogoje na papirju ali drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov vsaj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti teh sprememb. Paywiser bo Uporabnika obvestil preko mobilne aplikacije Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali e-pošte, ki je bila navedena v postopku odpiranja
      Plačilnega računa. Če gre za spremembo Splošnih pogojev, ki za Uporabnika v celoti nedvomno predstavlja korist, lahko Paywiser spremembe uveljavi takoj po obvestilu o spremembi.
    3. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so sestavni del pogodbenega razmerja med Paywiser in Uporabnikom. Uporabnik ima pravico predlagane spremembe sprejeti ali pa jih zavrniti.
    4. Če se Uporabnik ne strinja s spremembami, lahko nemudoma, brez odpovednega roka in plačila nadomestil odstopi od Pogodbe. Odstop od Okvirne pogodbe mora Uporabnik predložiti najpozneje do dneva pred določenim dnem začetka veljavnosti spremembe. Če Uporabnik v tem roku Paywiserju ne sporoči, da se s spremembami ne strinja, se šteje, da s spremembami soglaša in da te spremembe začnejo veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti spremenjenih Splošnih pogojev in/ali Cenika. Če se Uporabnik strinja s spremembami, potem Uporabnik ni upravičen naknadno predložiti ugovora in/ali zahtevka glede vsebine takšnih sprememb. Če Uporabnik zavrne predlagane spremembe in pri tem ne odpove Pogodbe, se šteje, da je Paywiser odpovedal Okvirno pogodbo, z dvomesečnim rokom, ki teče od dneva pošiljanja obvestila o spremembi.
    5. Odpoved te Pogodbe v skladu z določilom 12.4. Uporabnika ne oprosti obveznosti do Paywiserja, ki so nastale pred datumom odpovedi te Pogodbe.
  13. Varnostni ukrepi
    1. Uporabnik je odgovoren za varnost naprav, ki se uporabljajo za prijavo v Paywiser sistem (prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser) in jih ne sme pustiti brez nadzora, ali na javnih mestih, ali kako drugače lahko dostopnih tretjim osebam.
    2. Priporočljivo je pravočasno posodabljanje programske opreme, aplikacij, protivirusnih programov, brskalnikov in drugih programov.
    3. Uporabniku je priporočeno, da naprave zaščititi z gesli, PIN kodami, prepoznavanjem obraza ali drugimi varnostnimi instrumenti.
    4. Priporočljivo je, da Uporabnik s prejetimi e-poštnimi sporočili ravna previdno, tudi če je kot pošiljatelj naveden Paywiser. Paywiser od Uporabnika nikoli ne bo zahteval, da prenese priloge ali namesti programsko opremo. Priloge k škodljivi e-pošti lahko vsebujejo viruse, ki lahko škodujejo napravam ali ogrožajo varnost Uporabniškega računa.
    5. Ni priporočljivo klikati na neznane povezave, odpirati neznane dokumente, nameščati programsko opremo ali aplikacije iz neznanih in nezanesljivih virov ali obiskovati nevarnih spletnih mest.
    6. Takoj, ko Uporabnik izve za izgubo, tatvino, zlorabo ali goljufivo uporabo Plačilnega računa, instrumenta ali naprave, ki je bila uporabljena za dostop do Paywiser sistema, mora Uporabnik takoj obvestiti Paywiser ali katero koli drugo osebo, ki jo je slednji določil. Obvestilo se pošlje Paywiserju s pošiljanjem e-pošte na naslov [email protected] in/ali [email protected], Paywiser kartico pa je Uporabnik dolžan blokirati v mobilni aplikaciji Paywiser.
    7. Če Uporabnik opazi sumljive aktivnosti na svojem Plačilnem računu in meni, da so se lahko tretje osebe prijavile v njegov Uporabniški/Plačilni račun za uporabo Storitev mora Uporabnik:
      • o tem takoj in ob katerem koli času obvestiti Paywiser na način, ki je naveden v tem poglavju in zahtevati blokiranje Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa;
      • za nadaljnjo uporabo Plačilnega računa mora Uporabnik spremeniti geslo in uporabiti druge dodatne instrumente za potrditev Računa ali uporabi ustrezne varnostne instrumente za potrditev prijave.
    8. Blokiranje Plačilnega računa in plačilnega instrumenta, ki je bil izdan Uporabniku
      1. Poleg določil in člena 9.7 ima Paywiser pravico, da blokira Plačilni račun (začasno ali delno ustavi izvrševanje Plačilnih transakcij) v naslednjih primerih:
        • v primeru objektivno utemeljenih razlogov, povezanih z varnostjo sredstev in/ali Plačilnega računa in/ali izdane plačilne kartice, domnevno nepooblaščeno ali goljufivo uporabo sredstev in/aliPlačilnega računa in/ali izdane Plačilne kartice;
        • v primeru, da Uporabnik ne spoštuje Splošnih pogojev in te Okvirne pogodbe;
        • v primeru, da ima Paywiser utemeljene sume, da lahko sredstva na računu koristijo druge osebe za nezakonita dejanja, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, kazniva dejanja;
        • v drugih primerih, ki jih določa veljavna zakonodaja Republike Slovenije.
    9. Obvestila, ki jih posreduje Uporabnik v zvezi z nepooblaščenimi ali nepravilno izvedenimi Plačilnimi transakcijami
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan preverjati podatke o izvedenih plačilnih transakcijah vsaj 1 (en) krat na mesec, tako da lahko Uporabnik opazi nepooblaščene ali nepravilno izvedene Plačilne transakcije in o njih pravočasno obvesti Paywiser.
      2. Uporabnik je dolžan pisno obvestiti Paywiser o nepooblaščenih ali nepravilno izvedenih Plačilnih transakcijah, vključno z opaženimi napakami in netočnostmi v Izpisku takoj od zaznave takšnih okoliščin in vsekakor najpozneje v 13 (trinajstih) mesecih od datuma bremenitve.
      3. V primeru, da Uporabnik Paywiserja ni obvestil o okoliščinah, ki so opisane v točki 13.9.2 teh Pogojev, in pod pogoji iz iste točke 13.9.2, se šteje, da je Uporabnik brezpogojno potrdil Plačilne transakcije, ki so bile izvedene na Računu Uporabnika.
    10. Odgovornost Uporabnika in Paywiserja za nepooblaščene Plačilne transakcije
      1. V primeru, da Uporabnik zavrne odobritev izvedene Plačilne transakcije ali izjavi, da je bila Plačilna transakcija izvedena nepravilno, mora Paywiser dokazati, da je bila plačilna transakcija odobrena (npr. šteje se, da je bila transakcija odobrena, če je bila uporabljena SCA), da je bila pravilno registrirana in vpisana v evidence ter da nanjo niso vplivale tehnične motnje ali druge pomanjkljivosti v storitvah, ki jih nudi Paywiser.
      2. V skladu s pogoji, navedenimi v oddelku 13.9.2 teh Pogojev ali po ugotovitvi, da Plačilne transakcije Uporabnik ni odobril, Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, vendar najpozneje do konca naslednjega Delovnega dne vrne znesek nepooblaščene Plačilne transakcije Uporabniku in po potrebi obnovi stanje Računa, s katerega je bil ta znesek odveden, v stanje, ki bi obstajalo, če ne bi bila izvršena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija, razen če Paywiser utemeljeno sumi v goljufijo in obvesti Banko Slovenije o takšnih sumih, v skladu s pravili obveščanja, ki jih pripravi Banka Slovenije.
      3. Uporabnik nosi vse izgube do zneska 50 (petdeset) evrov, ki so nastale zaradi nepooblaščenih Plačilnih transakcij, če so te izgube nastale zaradi:
        • uporabe izgubljenega ali ukradenega plačilnega instrumenta;
        • nezakonite prisvojitve plačilnega instrumenta.
      4. Določba 13.10.3 teh pogojev se ne uporablja, če:
        • izguba, tatvina ali zlorabe plačilnega instrumenta plačniku ni bila zaznavna pred plačilom, razen kadar je plačnik ravnal goljufivo, kot je določeno v določbi 10.10.7 te pogodbe; ali
        • so izgubo povzročila dejanja ali pomanjkanje ravnanj zaposlenega, zastopnika ali podružnice Paywiserja ali podjetja, ki opravlja storitve kot zunanji izvajalec;
      5. Plačnik ne nosi nobenih finančnih posledic, ki so posledica uporabe izgubljenega, ukradenega ali neupravičeno plačilnega instrumenta po obvestilu iz določbe 13.6 te pogodbe, razen kadar je plačnik goljufivo ravnal.
      6. Plačnik (ki je potrošnik) nosi vse izgube, ki so povezane z nepooblaščenimi Plačilnimi transakcijami, če jih je plačnik povzročil goljufivo ali ni izpolnil ene ali več obveznosti iz točke 13.1-13.7 teh pogojev namerno ali iz hude malomarnosti. V takih primerih najvišji znesek iz točke 13.10.3 te Pogodbe ne velja. V primeru morebitne goljufije s strani Uporabnika, Paywiser o takih sumih obvesti Banko Slovenije v skladu s pravili obveščanja, ki jih pripravi Banka Slovenije.
      7. Plačilni račun se lahko blokira na pobudo Uporabnika (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je ta dodeljen Uporabniku), če Uporabnik predloži ustrezno zahtevo Paywiserju. Paywiser ima pravico zahtevati, da se zahteva, ki jo je predložil Uporabnik, naknadno pisno odobri ali odobri na drug način, ki bo sprejemljiv za Paywiser.
      8. Če ima Paywiser utemeljene dvome, da zahteve, navedene v oddelku 13.10.8 te Pogodbe, ni predložil Uporabnik, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti blokiranje računa (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je bil dodeljen Uporabniku). V takih primerih Paywiser ne odgovarja za kakršne koli izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi neupoštevanja navedene zahteve.
    11. Odgovornost Paywiserja za pravilno izvedbo plačilne transakcije
      1. Če Uporabnik sproži Plačilni nalog z uporabo Edinstvenega identifikatorja se šteje, da je takšen Plačilni nalog s strani Paywiserja pravilno izveden, če je bil izveden v skladu z določenim Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Paywiser ima pravico, vendar ni dolžan preverjati, ali Edinstveni identifikator, ki je naveden v Plačilnem nalogu in ga je prejel Paywiser, ustreza imenu in priimku imetnika računa/Prejemnika plačila.
      2. Če je Edinstveni identifikator posredovan Paywiserju z zneskom, ki ga je treba nakazati in bremeniti z Računa, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog pravilno izvršen, če je bil izveden v skladu z Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Če Paywiser pred izvedbo transakcije, ugotovi očitno neskladje med Edinstvenim identifikatorjem, ki je bil posredovan Paywiserju, in imenom imetnika računa, ima Paywiser pravico, da takega Plačilnega naloga ne izvrši, ni pa dolžnost Paywiserja navedeno preverjati.
      3. Če Uporabnik (Plačnik) pravilno sproži Plačilni nalog in Plačilna transakcija ni izvedena ali je izvedena nepravilno, Paywiser na zahtevo Uporabnika nemudoma in brezplačno sprejme ukrepe za sledenje Plačilne transakcije in Uporabnika obvešča o ugotovitvah.
      4. Paywiser je odgovoren za pravilno zaračunavanje Provizij ali vračilo že plačanih Provizij, če Plačilni nalog ni bil izveden ali je bil izveden nepravilno zaradi krivde Paywiserja.
      5. Paywiser ne odgovarja za posredne izgube, ki jih utrpi Uporabnik in se nanašajo na neizvršen plačilni nalog ali nepravilno izveden plačilni nalog. Paywiser odgovarja le za neposredne izgube Uporabnika.
      6. Paywiser ne odgovarja za morebitne zahtevke med Prejemnikom plačila in Plačnikom in takšnih zahtevkov ne preverja ali se kako drugače ukvarja z njimi. Uporabnik lahko vloži zahtevek zoper Paywiser samo v zvezi z neizpolnjevanjem ali nepravilnim izpolnjevanjem obveznosti na strani Paywiserja.
      7. Omejitve odgovornosti Paywiserja se ne uporabljajo, če take omejitve prepovedujejo veljavni zakoni v Republiki Sloveniji.
  14. Varstvo osebnih podatkov in zaupnih informacij
    1. Paywiser obdeluje in hrani osebne in druge podatke Uporabnika in podatke o transakcijah v skladu s Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (GDPR), Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1), s temi Splošnimi pogoji in Paywiserjevo Politiko zasebnosti, dostopno tudi na www.paywiser.com, in kakršnimikoli soglasji in privolitvami Uporabnika. Z vsebino Politike zasebnosti Paywiser seznani Uporabnika ob oddaji spletne vloge za odprtje in vodenje Računa. Paywiser na tem mestu Uporabnika seznanja z možnostjo pridobitve Politike zasebnosti v papirni obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov.
    2. Paywiser bo z osebnimi podatki Uporabnika ravnal v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo tako, da ne bo prišlo do morebitnih neupravičenih posredovanj podatkov nepooblaščenim osebam, na način, kot je to določeno v vsakokrat veljavni Paywiserjevi Politiki zasebnosti.
    3. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da se informacije o Računu, ter druge informacije o Uporabniku kot imetniku Računa in o vsakem računu(ih), o katerem se poroča, lahko posredujejo davčnemu organu države, v kateri je odprt/voden račun(i) ter se izmenjajo s pristojnim organom(i) druge(ih) države (držav), v katerih je Uporabnik rezident za davčne namene, v skladu z mednarodnim dogovorom o izmenjavi informacij o finančnih računih. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo Paywiser v roku 90 dni obvestil o vsaki spremembi okoliščin, ki vplivajo na spremembo statusa davčnega rezidentstva ali o spremembi, ki vpliva na pravilnost podatkov ter bo Paywiserju v 90-ih dneh dostavil novo samopotrdilo in izjavo skladno s spremembami okoliščin.
    4. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da bo Paywiser občasno preverjal podatke Uporabnika z namenom, da za potrebe FATCA (Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act) ugotovi, ali so morebiti nastale okoliščine (U.S. Indicia), ki bi lahko povzročile, da se Uporabnik šteje kot ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S.Person). Ne glede na zgoraj omenjeno določilo se Uporabnik zavezuje, da bo Paywiserju v pisni obliki nemudoma sporočil katerokoli spremembo okoliščin svojega statusa (U.S. Indicia), kot na primer pridobitev državljanstva ZDA, pridobitev naslova prebivališča v ZDA, pridobitev telefonske številke v ZDA itd. Uporabnik se zavezuje Paywiserju sporočiti in posredovati ustrezno dokumentacijo, ki dokazuje morebitne spremenjene okoliščine. V kolikor Uporabnik ne sporoči Paywiserju in ne posreduje ustreznih dokumentov nemudoma potem ko prejme od Paywiserja pisni poziv, naj dostavi ustrezno dokumentacijo, iz katere izhaja status Uporabnika, bo Paywiser sporočil davčnem organu Republike
      Slovenije, da je Uporabnik potencialni ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S. Person). V tem primeru je Paywiser upravičen enostransko po predhodnem pisnem obvestilu Uporabniku odpovedati pogodbeno razmerje in račun zapreti v skladu z določili teh Splošnih pogojev.
    5. Uporabnik se zavezuje povrniti Paywiserju vse morebitne stroške in škodo, ki mu utegnejo nastati kot posledica kršenja tega člena s strani Uporabnika. Paywiser za potrebe FATCA lahko sporoči davčnemu organu Republike Slovenije posamezne zaupne podatke o Uporabniku.
    6. V času trajanja te Okvirne pogodbe in tudi po njenem izteku, lahko vsaka Pogodbenica uporablja in razmnožuje Zaupne informacije druge Pogodbenice samo za namene tega poslovnega razmerja in samo v obsegu, ki je potreben za ta namen, pri tem pa mora omejiti razkritje Zaupnih informacij druge Pogodbenice na svoje zaposlene, svetovalce ali neodvisne pogodbenike/zunanje partnerje, ki te podatke potrebujejo in jih ne bodo razkrili nobeni tretji osebi brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Pogodbenice, ki jim je te podatke posredovala.
    7. Ne glede na zgoraj navedeno nobena Pogodbenica ne bo v kršitvi, če bo razkrila Zaupne informacije druge Pogodbenice, če to zahteva zakon ali sodni ali upravni postopek.
    8. Obveznost varovanja Zaupnih informacij ne velja za informacije, ki:
      • so javne ali so postale javno znane brez ravnanja ali krivde druge Pogodbenice;
      • so brez omejitev znane katerikoli Pogodbenici, preden jih je ta prejela od druge Pogodbenice, iz lastnih neodvisnih virov, kar dokazujejo pisni spisi te Pogodbenice, ki jih ni pridobila neposredno ali posredno od druge Pogodbenice;
      • jih katera koli Pogodbenica prejme od katere koli tretje osebe, za katero ta Pogodbenica meni, da ima zakonsko pravico do prenosa teh informacij in ni zavezana, da bi te podatke varovala kot zaupne; ali
      • informacije, ki jih neodvisno odkrijejo zaposleni ali izvajalci Pogodbenice, pod pogojem, da ta lahko dokaže, da ti isti zaposleni ali izvajalci niso imeli dostopa do Zaupnih informacij, prejetih po tej Pogodbi.
    9. Glavna načela obdelave osebnih podatkov, obdobje shranjevanja in druga vprašanja so določena v Politiki zasebnosti Paywiserja, ki je na voljo na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com. Uporabnik potrjuje, da je prebral Politiko zasebnosti Paywiserja in bo ravnal skladno z vsemi pogoji, ki so določeni v tej politiki.
    10. Nabor potrebnih podatkov in dokumentov, ki jih Paywiser ob sklenitvi Okvirne pogodbe ali identifikaciji Uporabnika običajno obdeluje, je odvisen od vrste identifikacijskega postopka in Storitev, ki se bodo uporabljale.
    11. Paywiser lahko za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti v zvezi z izvajanjem ukrepov za preprečevanje pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma od Uporabnika zahteva tudi dodatne informacije in dokumente.
    12. Paywiser bo obdeloval podatke za čas trajanja pogodbenega razmerja z Uporabnikom, vse do izpolnitve vseh obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz Pogodbe, in za čas hrambe, ki je določen v ZPPDFT-2 (najmanj 10 let od datuma prenehanja poslovnega razmerja) in drugih predpisih.
    13. Paywiser lahko v primerih, v katerih je za zagotavljanje storitev potreben prenos podatkov (vključno z osebnimi podatki Uporabnika), podatke posreduje tretjim osebam (npr. svojim zunanjim izvajalcem in pogodbenim partnerjem, Prejemnikom plačila, uradnemu organu, ki ima pravico zahtevati informacije v skladu z zakonom itd.).
    14. Natančnejše informacije v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov Uporabnika s strani Paywiserja so podane v Politiki zasebnosti Paywiser.
  15. Trajanje in prenehanje Pogodbe
    1. Če ni pisno drugače dogovorjeno, je poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom sklenjeno za nedoločen čas.
    2. Uporabnik lahko v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe z obvestilom Paywiserju od nje brezplačno odstopi, po poteku tega roka pa lahko Uporabnik pisno odpove to Pogodbo kadar koli in vsaj 1 (eno) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    3. Paywiser lahko odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    4. Paywiser lahko odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom, če Uporabnik več kot 12 (dvanajst) zaporednih mesecev ni opravil nobenih Plačilnih transakcij. Pred odpovedjo na takšni podlagi bo Paywiser o tej nameri obvestil Uporabnika.
    5. Pogodba lahko kadar koli preneha na podlagi sporazuma Pogodbenic.
    6. Paywiser lahko takoj (brez odpovednega roka) odpove Pogodbo, če utemeljeno sumi ali ugotovi, da Uporabnik:
      • krši veljavne zakone in druge predpise, vključno s tistimi, ki so povezani s pranjem denarja ali financiranjem terorizma;
      • je družbi Paywiser posredoval napačne ali zavajajoče podatke ali dokumentacijo, ni zagotovil dokumentov in informacij, povezanih s svojim Računom in uporabo Storitev, ali pa takšnih dokumentov in informacij ni redno posodabljal;
      • uporablja Storitve za izvajanje ali prejemanje plačil za prepovedane dejavnosti ali s prepovedanimi dejavnostmi povezanimi aktivnostmi, ali;
      • kako drugače uporablja storitve v zlonamerne, nezakonite ali nemoralne namene.
    7. Če je to dovoljeno v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, bo Paywiser uporabnika v najkrajšem možnem času obvestil o razlogih za odpoved Pogodbe.
    8. Prenehanje te Pogodbe ne odvezuje Pogodbenic do poravnave obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz obdobja pred prenehanjem Pogodbe.
    9. V primeru smrti Uporabnika Paywiser po predložitvi uradnega dokumenta o smrti Uporabnika onemogoči kakršno koli razpolaganje s sredstvi na Računu Uporabnika in hkrati s takojšnim učinkom ukine vse ostale naročene produkte in storitve povezane z Uporabnikom. Po prejemu pravnomočnega sklepa o dedovanju Paywiser izplača sredstva skladno z vsebino sklepa. Paywiser ne odgovarja za škodo, ki je nastala kot posledica razpolaganja s sredstvi po smrti Uporabnika, če ni obveščena o smrti Uporabnika.
  16. Varstvo pravic Uporabnika, reševanje sporov in postopek zunajsodnega reševanja sporov
    1. Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z opravljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta Uporabnik in Paywiser reševala sporazumno, skladno s Pravilnikom o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki je objavljen na spletni strani Paywiser. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se je s predmetnim pravilnikom seznanil.
    2. Uporabnik lahko pritožbo vloži po pošti na naslov PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Reklamacije, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, ali e-pošti na [email protected]. Pritožba mora biti razumljiva in jasna ter mora vsebovati dejstva, na katerih temelji pritožbeni zahtevek. Obvezno mora vsebovati najmanj naslednje: podatke o pritožniku (ime in priimek fizične osebe oziroma naziv in sedež pravne osebe ali nosilca dejavnosti ter naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon ali drug kontaktni podatek), obrazložitev pritožbenih razlogov, opis dogodka in navedbo ključnih dejstev in datuma dogodka, predložitev dokazov za potrditev dejstev, na katerih temelji zahtevek pritožnika, če pritožnik z njimi razpolaga, naslov za pošiljanje odgovora, če je ta drugačen od naslova stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča oziroma sedeža pritožnika oz. posredovanega elektronskega naslova, zahtevek pritožnika (če je relevantno), podpis pritožnika (v primeru oddaje pritožbe po pošti na naslov sedeža Paywiser). Natančneje je pritožbeni postopek opisan.
    3. Paywiser bo Uporabniku odgovoril na pritožbo v najkrajšem času, obvezno pa v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh na prvi stopnji in v 15 (petnajstih) delovnih dneh na drugi stopnji oz. najkasneje v roki 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    4. Če se Uporabnik z odločitvijo o pritožbi, izdani v internem pritožbenem postopku ne strinja, ali če v 30 dneh od vložitve pritožbe na drugostopenjski organ Paywiserja neutemeljeno ne prejme odgovora na pritožbo, lahko v roku največ 13 (trinajst) mesecev od vložitve pritožbe pri Paywiser, vloži pobudo za izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000 – Ljubljana, www.goriup.si) zoper odločitev Paywiser, na način določen z vsakokrat veljavnimi Pravili postopka izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, ki so priloga prej omenjenega Pravilnika o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov in so Uporabniku na voljo na spletni strani Paywiserja. Več informacij o izvajalki Izvensodnega reševanja sporov, o vložitvi pobude ter o načinu in postopku Izvensodnega reševanja sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup je na voljo tudi na spletni strani
      odvetnice https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    5. Uporabnik lahko vloži pritožbo v zvezi z domnevnimi kršitvami ZPlaSSIED s strani Paywiserja tudi pri Banki Slovenije.
    6. Kljub pritožbi pri izvajalki izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov ali Banki Slovenije, ima Uporabnik pravico kadarkoli vložiti tožbo za rešitev spora v zvezi z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev med njim in Paywiser pri pristojnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v skladu z zakoni in postopkom, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji.
  17. Končne določbe
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v skladu s pravom Republike Slovenije, zlasti določb ZPlaSSIED.
    2. Morebitne spore, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenega razmerja in uporabe Paywiser Storitev, rešuje pristojno sodišče v Republiki Sloveniji.
    3. Ti Pogoji se objavijo na spletni strani Paywiser, www.paywiser.com.
    4. Uporabnik brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Paywiserja ne sme prenesti ali dodeliti nobenih pravic ali obveznosti, ki jih ima po tej Pogodbi, tretjim osebam.
    5. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico do prenosa ali dodelitve te Pogodbe ter vseh z njo povezanih pravic in obveznosti, s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku najmanj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti takšne spremembe. Uporabnik ima pravico spremembe sprejeti ali jih zavrniti. V zvezi s takšno spremembo se uporabljajo enaka določila in postopki kot veljajo za spremembe teh Splošnih pogojev in so opisani v 12. poglavju te Pogodbe.
    6. Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vsi podatki in sporočila, ki so poslana v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki ter vsi podatki in sporočila, ki se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja hranijo v elektronski obliki, enako veljavnost in dokazno vrednost kot podatki in sporočila, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo v klasični pisni obliki. Paywiser in Uporabnik izrecno soglašata, da so vsi pravni posli, ki so sklenjeni v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki, enakovredni tistim, ki so sklenjeni v klasični pisni obliki. Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja dokumenti lahko podpisujejo z elektronskimi podpisi ali pa se sklenejo s potrditvijo s konkludentnim dejanjem (npr. »s klikom«). Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vse vrste elektronskih podpisov oz. potrditve s konkludentnimi ravnanji enako veljavo in dokazno vrednost kot lastnoročni podpis. Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da bosta v primeru sodnega spora medsebojno priznavali veljavnost in dokazno vrednost vseh vrst elektronskih podpisov in konkludentnih dejanj, ki so vodila v sklenitev poslovnega razmerja. Uporabnik je seznanjen in soglaša, da se vsa dokumentacija v zvezi z elektronskim poslovanjem v Paywiserju hrani le v elektronski obliki.
    7. Višja sila
      1. Paywiser in Uporabnik ne odgovarjata za neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev obveznosti ali za kakršnokoli nespoštovanje obveznosti, če je takšno neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev povzročila višja sila (npr. vojne razmere, embargo, nemiri, vladne omejitve, motnje dela, epidemije, karantene, naravne nesreče kot so npr. požar, poplava, potres, eksplozija, ali kakršna koli nepredvidena druga sprememba okoliščin ali kateri koli drug vzrok, ki ni pod razumnim nadzorom).
      2. Uporabnik bo o višji sili obvestil Paywiser po elektronski pošti ali pisno v 10 (desetih) koledarskih dneh po dnevu nastanka takih okoliščin.
      3. Paywiser obvesti Uporabnike o okoliščinah višje sile prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in/ali po e-pošti.
    8. Napake
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan redno spremljati vse prilive in odlive na Računu. Če opazi, da so mu bila na Račun nakazana sredstva, ki mu ne pripadajo, mora o tem takoj obvestiti Paywiser. V takšnih primerih je Uporabniku, kot nepooblaščenemu prejemniku prenesenih sredstev Plačilne transakcije, omejena
        pravica razpolaganja s prenesenimi sredstvi in mora ta sredstva takoj nakazati na račun, ki ga določi Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico, da brez posebnega soglasja Uporabnika, iz uporabnikovega Računa odtegne napačno nakazane zneske in ta sredstva nakaže na račun pravega upravičenca.
      3. Če pristojno sodišče ugotovi, da je katerokoli določilo teh Splošnih pogojev neveljavno, nezakonito ali neizvršljivo, takšno določilo ne velja in se uporabi določba, ki je bila najbližje namenu Pogodbenic.

Ti splošni pogoji začnejo veljati dne 03.10.2022.


  • Splošni pogoji uporabe Paywiser spletnega vmesnika
  • Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi in plačilnimi karticami
  • Politika zasebnosti
  • Pravilnik o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov
  • Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in uporabe debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser Mastercard za potrošnike
  • Splošni pogoji uporabe mobilne aplikacije Paywiser

Slovenia – General Terms and Conditions for Web Interface

General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “General Terms”) set out the manner in which the Web Interface operates and are part of Paywiser, company code 8640084000, with its registered office at 13 Bravničarjeva Street, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as “Paywiser”, “we”, “us” ), entered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia, all drawn up in accordance with Slovenian law.

  1. Definitions
    Unauthorised payment transaction is a payment transaction without the User’s consent.
    Paywiser Customer Support is the department that provides assistance to Users with questions regarding the Services, their use or other operational issues.
    Agreement means the Master Agreement and its addenda, if any, and is entered into between Paywiser and the User for the purpose of regulating the business relationship regarding the opening and maintenance of the Payment Account.
    Paywiser Online Interface enables the User to use electronic money for payment transactions and to access other Services governed by these General Terms and Conditions and the Agreement.
    PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a personal identification number of sequential characters determined by Paywiser.
    Account/Payment Account means the electronic money and payment account opened by Paywiser on behalf of a User or several Users and used for the execution of payment transactions;
    Services means the services and products provided by Paywiser under these General Terms and the Agreement;
    User means a consumer who uses or has requested the use of the Services subject to these General Terms and has entered into a Contract with Paywiser;
    User Account means the User’s account or profile in Paywiser’s system;
  2. Introductory provisions
    With these General Terms and Conditions, Paywiser sets out the rights and obligations for the use of the Paywiser Web Interface. The General Terms and Conditions, as in force from time to time, form an integral part of the Contract. Paywiser deals with the User in the English language. The legal and business relationship between Paywiser and the User is also determined by other documents available on the website www.paywiser.com. By signing the Contract, the User agrees to be bound by all the documents and undertakes, at the same time, to read them whenever they are updated or new ones are submitted, and to apply them as they state.
  3. Introductory provisions
    In the Paywiser Web Interface, the User can provide the following services:
    • Account access;
    • review of transaction history;
    • SEPA/SWIFT transactions in EUR and USD;
    • currency conversion;
    • edit password change settings;
    • edit settings regarding the authentication method (SMS, email or mobile app);
  4. Execution of SEPA/SWIFT transactions and internal transfers
    The User may execute SEPA and SWIFT payment transactions in the Euro (EUR) and US Dollar (USD) currencies through his/her open virtual IBAN accounts. Paywiser also makes available to the User a Pound Sterling (GBP) account, the purpose of which is to enable the User to transact business faster and cheaper within the United Kingdom area. The User may also carry out internal transactions between Accounts. The minimum amount that the User must have in the Account is EUR 19,95 for the purpose of calculating the fees for the transactions made. The User is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the payment order. Paywiser accepts correctly completed payment orders on a daily basis and they are executed in accordance with the payment traffic schedules. In order to ensure higher security, additional confirmation may be required from the user when validating requests, in accordance with Paywiser’s instructions and terms and conditions.
  5. Currency conversion
    In the event that the User performs transactions in currencies other than Euros (EUR) or US Dollars (USD), the currency will be automatically converted into Euros (EUR) in accordance with the conversion price list. The provisions of the Contract shall be complied with.
  6. Cancellation of the Paywiser Web Interface
    Paywiser may terminate the Paywiser Web Interface for the User, by terminating all Accounts or in other cases specified for termination in the Agreement. Paywiser shall inform the User of the termination of the Paywiser Web Interface in the Paywiser Web Interface at the first subsequent attempt to log in to the Paywiser Web Interface or via the e-mail address provided to us by the User.
  7. Operating hours
    Paywiser will endeavour to keep the Paywiser Web Interface services available at all times, but reserves the right to temporarily interrupt operations for technical maintenance or upgrades to the system supporting the operation of the Paywiser Web Interface. In the event of planned Paywiser activities that will affect the availability of the services, Paywiser will notify Users in advance. Also, disruptions in the operation of the Services may occur in cases of force majeure – circumstances beyond Paywiser’s control, but which may have a significant impact on the uninterrupted schedule of the Paywiser Services. Paywiser shall not be liable to the User for damages in the event of planned or unplanned disruptions in the operation of the Paywiser Service.
  8. Paywiser’s obligations
    Paywiser will be responsible for the provision of the Paywiser Service:
    • provide all necessary infrastructure for the operation of the Paywiser Web Interface;
    • keep Paywiser regularly informed of planned activities that will affect the availability of the service;
    • continuously try and endeavour to ensure the highest level of security for Users.
  9. User obligations
    • The User is responsible for:
    • and undertakes to use the Services in good faith and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
    • to provide a personal computer with the latest versions of web browsers and operating systems and operating properly in accordance with any manufacturer’s or supplier’s security instructions and the security instructions of the Internet Service Provider and Paywiser, and to be lawfully possessed and used by the User;
    • to provide himself with an internet connection on a personal computer and an email address of which he is the sole owner;
    • to use the Paywiser Web Interface safely and correctly;
    • to carefully protect all identification and access data (username, password and PIN, security code) from unauthorised persons;
    • to verify the correctness of all payment details and the adequacy of the payment before confirming each payment;
    • to use the Paywiser service in accordance with the notices and recommendations of Paywiser and of his/her Internet Service Provider and the applicable legislation;
    • notify Paywiser immediately of any unauthorised, incorrectly ordered or executed payment transaction and any suspected misuse, theft or loss of mobile phone or Paywiser Web Interface access details by email to [email protected];
    • notify Paywiser of any changes to the User’s details, including identifying information;
    • not to interfere with the Paywiser software code in any way;
    • to notify Paywiser immediately of any malfunction of the Paywiser Services which may be to the detriment or benefit of Paywiser;
    • inform Paywiser of any information and circumstances that may have a significant impact on the User’s performance of its obligations under these General Terms or under any other general terms and conditions governing the particular Paywiser Services.
  10. Processing of personal data
    The Paywiser Web Interface User acknowledges that by activating the Paywiser Web Interface, Paywiser will process his/her personal data in accordance with the Agreement and the Paywiser Privacy Policy. The General Terms and the Privacy Policy are available on the website www.paywiser.com.
  11. Allowances
    The Paywiser Web Interface is available to Paywiser Users free of charge.
  12. Exclusion of liability of Paywiser
    Odgovornost Paywiser za materialno ali nematerialno škodo, ki nastane Uporabniku z uporabo storitev, je v celoti izključena, če: Paywiser’s liability for material or immaterial damage caused to the User through the use of the Services is excluded in full if:
    • there is an extraordinary termination of the contract by Paywiser;
    • Paywiser decides not to enter into a business relationship with the User;
    • there is unauthorised disposal of funds in the User’s mobile wallet as a result of inadequate protection of the integrity of the mobile wallet by the User;
    • an error occurs in the use of the Services by the User;
    • the User’s personal computer is lost, resulting in temporary or permanent restriction of access to the Services;
    • there is an expected or unexpected disruption in the operation of the Paywiser Web Interface, the Paywiser infrastructure or other infrastructure critical to the operation of the Paywiser Web Interface;
    • damage occurs as a result of the use of services of other providers which the User accesses via the Paywiser Web Interface;
    • circumstances of force majeure occur, which are circumstances that make the operation of Paywiser significantly more difficult or impossible and over which Paywiser has no control.
    Dispute resolution
    Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of the Services pursuant to these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved amicably between the Merchant and Paywiser in accordance with the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Policy in force from time to time, which the Merchant may consult on the website of the banks at www.paywiser.com, and the Contract. Final provisions
    Paywiser may amend these General Terms at any time in the manner agreed in the Contract. If the User does not agree with the modification, he/she may cease to apply it. The use of the Paywiser Web Interface in conjunction with an Account and/or Mastercard is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the latter.
    These General Terms and Conditions (version 1.0) are published on the website www.paywiser.com and are valid from 3 October 2022
  13. Dispute resolution
    Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of the Services pursuant to these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved amicably between the Merchant and Paywiser in accordance with the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Policy in force from time to time, which the Merchant may consult on the website of the banks at www.paywiser.com, and the Contract.
  14. Final provisions
    Paywiser may amend these General Terms at any time in the manner agreed in the Contract. If the User does not agree with the modification, he/she may cease to apply it. The use of the Paywiser Web Interface in conjunction with an Account and/or Mastercard is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the latter.

These General Terms and Conditions (version 1.0) are published on the website www.paywiser.com and are valid from 3 October 2022

Slovenia – Splošni pogoji za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika

Splošni pogoji

Ti Splošni pogoji (v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji) določajo način delovanja spletnega vmesnika in so del družbe Paywiser, šifra družbe 8640084000, s poslovnim naslovom na Bravničarjevi ulici 13, 1000 Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«, »mi«, »nas« ), vpisani v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije, vse sestavljeno skladno s slovensko zakonodajo.

  1. Opredelitev pojmov
    Neodobrena plačilna transakcija je plačilna transakcija brez Uporabnikovega soglasja. Podpora strankam Paywiser je oddelek, ki nudi pomoč Uporabnikom pri vprašanjih v zvezi s storitvami, njihovo uporabo ali v zvezi z drugimi vprašanji glede poslovanja. Pogodba pomeni Okvirno pogodbo in njene dodatke, če ti obstajajo, in je sklenjena med Paywiser in Uporabnikom z namenom ureditve poslovnega razmerja glede odprtja in vodenja Plačilnega računa. Paywiser Spletni vmesnik Uporabniku omogoča uporabo elektronskega denarja za plačilne transakcije in dostop do drugih Storitev, ki jih urejajo ti Splošni pogoji ter Pogodba. PIN (Personal Identification Number) je osebna identifikacijska številka zaporednih znakov, ki jih določi Paywiser. Račun/Plačilni račun pomeni račun za elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga je Paywiser odprl v imenu Uporabnika ali več Uporabnikov in se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij; Storitve pomenijo storitve in produkte, ki jih nudi Paywiser po teh Splošnih pogojih in Pogodbo; Uporabnik pomeni potrošnika, ki uporablja ali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je s Paywiser sklenil Pogodbo; Uporabniški račun pomeni uporabnikov račun oz. profil v sistemu Paywiserja;
  2. Uvodne določbe
    S temi Splošnimi pogoji Paywiser določa pravice in obveznosti za uporabo Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji, so sestavni del Pogodbe. Paywiser posluje z Uporabnikom angleškem jeziku. Pravno in poslovno razmerje med Paywiser in Uporabnikom določajo tudi drugi dokumenti, ki so dostopni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com. S podpisom Pogodbe Uporabnik soglaša z vsemi dokumenti, ter se hkrati obvezuje, da se bo ob vsaki posodobitvi le-teh ali ob predložitvi novih z njimi seznanil ter jih začel uporabljati kot ti navajajo.
  3. Opis storitve
    V Paywiser Spletnem vmesniku lahko Uporabnik opravlja naslednje storitve:
    • dostop do Računa;
    • pregled zgodovine transakcij;
    • opravljanje SEPA/SWIFT transakcij v valuti EUR in USD;
    • konverzija valut;
    • urejanje nastavitev glede zamenjave gesla;
    • urejanje nastavitev glede načina avtentikacije (SMS sporočilo, elektronsko sporočilo ali mobilna aplikacija);
  4. Izvajanje SEPA/SWIFT transakcij in internih prenosov
    Uporabnik lahko preko svojih odprtih virtualnih IBAN računov izvaja SEPA in SWIFT plačilne transakcije v valuti euro (EUR) in ameriški dolar (USD). Paywiser prav tako daje Uporabniku na voljo račun za angleške funte (GBP), katerega namen je Uporabniku omogočiti hitrejše in cenejše poslovanje znotraj območja Združenega kraljestva. Uporabnik prav tako lahko izvaja interne transakcije med Računi. Minimalna vsota, ki jo mora Uporabnik imeti na Računu je 19,95 EUR, in sicer za namen obračunavanja provizij za opravljene transakcije.
    Uporabnik je odgovoren za točnost in popolnost podatkov v plačilnem nalogu. Paywiser pravilno izpolnjene plačilne naloge sprejema vsak dan, izvršeni pa so v skladu z urniki plačilnega prometa. Z namenom zagotavljanja višje varnosti se pri potrjevanju zahtev lahko od uporabnika zahteva dodatna potrditev v skladu z navodili in določili Paywiser.
  5. Konverzija valut
    V primeru, da Uporabnik izvaja transakcije v valutah, ki niso evri (EUR) ali ameriški dolarji (USD), se avtomatično izvede konverzija valute v evre (EUR) v skladu s cenikom menjave. Pri tem se upoštevajo določbe Pogodbe.
  6. Ukinitev Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika
    Paywiser lahko za Uporabnika ukine Paywiser spletni vmesnik, s prenehanjem vseh Računov oziroma tudi v drugih primerih, določenih za prenehanje v Pogodbi. Paywiser o ukinitvi Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika Uporabnika seznani v Paywiser Spletnem vmesniku ob prvem naslednjem poskusu prijave v le-tega oziroma preko elektronskega naslova, ki nam ga je posredoval Uporabnik.
  7. Urnik poslovanja
    Paywiser si bo prizadeval, da bodo storitve Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika dostopne ves čas, pridržuje pa si pravico do začasnih prekinitev delovanje zaradi tehničnega vzdrževanja ali nadgradnje sistema, ki podpira delovanje Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika. V primeru načrtovanih aktivnosti Paywiser, ki bodo vplivale na dostopnost storitev, bo Paywiser o tem pravočasno predhodno obvestil Uporabnike. Prav tako lahko do motenj v delovanju storitev pride v primerih višje sile – okoliščine, na katere Paywiser nima vpliva, lahko pa pomembo vplivajo na neprekinjen urnik poslovanja storitev Paywiser. Paywiser Uporabniku ne odgovarja za škodo, v primeru načrtovanih ali nenačrtovanih motenj v delovanju storitve Paywiser.
  8. Obveznosti Paywiser
    Paywiser bo za izvajanje storitve Paywiser:
    • zagotovil vso potrebno infrastrukturo za delovanje Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika;
    • redno obveščal o načrtovanih aktivnostih Paywiser, ki bodo vplivale na dostopnost storitev;
    • neprestano poskušal in se trudil zagotavljati najvišjo stopnjo varnosti za Uporabnike.
  9. Obveznosti uporabnika
    Uporabnik je odgovoren:
    • in se zavezuje, da bo storitve uporabljal v dobri veri in v skladu s temi Splošni pogoji;
    • da zagotovi osebni računalnik z najnovejšimi različicami spletnih brskalnikov in operacijskih sistemom in pravilno deluje skladno z vsemi varnostnimi navodili proizvajalca ali dobavitelja ter varnostnimi navodili internetnega ponudnika in Paywiser ter ga Uporabnik zakonito poseduje in uporablja;
    • da si sam zagotovi internetno povezavo na osebnem računalniku in elektronski naslov, katerega imetnik je le on;
    • za varno in pravilno uporabo Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika;
    • za skrbno varovanje vseh podatkov za identifikacijo in dostop (uporabniško ime, geslo in PIN, varnostna koda) pred nepooblaščenimi osebami;
    • za preverjanje pravilnosti vseh podatkov za izvedbo plačila in ustreznost izvedbe plačila pred potrditvijo vsakega plačila;
    • uporabljati storitev Paywiser skladno z obvestili in priporočili Paywiser in svojega internetnega ponudnika ter veljavno zakonodajo;
    • nemudoma obvestiti Paywiser o vsaki neodobreni, nepravilno odrejeni ali izvršeni plačilni transakciji in vsakem sumu zlorabe, kraje ali izgube mobilnega telefona ali podatkov za dostop do Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika po elektronskem naslovu [email protected];;
    • sporočiti Paywiser vse spremembe podatkov Uporabnika, vključno z identifikacijskimi podatki;
    • da ne posega v programsko kodo Paywiser na noben način;
    • nemudoma obvestiti Paywiser o napaki v delovanju storitev Paywiser, ki so lahko v breme ali v korist Paywiser;
    • obveščati Paywiser o vseh informacijah in okoliščinah, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na izpolnjevanje obveznosti Uporabnika po teh Splošnih pogojih ali po katerih koli drugih splošnih pogojih, ki urejajo posamezne storitve Paywiser.
  10. Obdelava osebnih podatkov
    Uporabnik Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika je seznanjen, da bo Paywiser z aktivacijo Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika obdeloval njegove osebne podatke v skladu s Pogodbo in Politiko zasebnosti Paywiser. Splošni pogoji in Politika zasebnosti sta dostopna na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
  11. Nadomestila
    Paywiser Spletni vmesnik je Uporabnikom Paywiser na voljo brezplačno.
  12. Izključitev odgovornosti Paywiser
    Odgovornost Paywiser za materialno ali nematerialno škodo, ki nastane Uporabniku z uporabo storitev, je v celoti izključena, če:
    • pride do izredne odpovedi pogodbe s strani Paywiser;
    • Paywiser sprejme odločitev, da ne sklene poslovnega razmerja z Uporabnikom;
    • pride do neavtoriziranega razpolaganja s sredstvi v Uporabnikovi mobilni denarnici, kot posledici neustreznega varovanja integritete mobilne denarnice s strani Uporabnika;
    • pride do napake pri uporabi storitev s strani Uporabnika;
    • pride do izgube osebnega računalnika Uporabnika in s tem do začasnega ali trajnega omejenega dostopa do storitev;
    • pride do pričakovanih ali nepričakovanih motenj v delovanju Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika, v infrastrukturi Paywiser oziroma v drugi infrastrukturi, ki je ključna za delovanje Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika;
    • pride do škode kot posledice uporabe storitev drugih ponudnikov, do katerih Uporabnik dostopa preko Paywiser Spletnega vmesnika;
    • pride do okoliščin višje sile, pri čemer gre za okoliščine, ki bistveno otežujejo ali onemogočajo delovanje Paywiser in na katere Paywiser nima vpliva.
  13. Reševanje sporov
    Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z zagotavljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta trgovec in Paywiser reševala sporazumno v skladu z vsakokrat veljavnim Pravilnikom o notranjem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki si jih lahko Trgovec ogleda na spletni strani bank www.paywiser.com in Pogodbo.
  14. Končne določbe
    Paywiser lahko kadarkoli spremeni te Splošne pogoje na način, ki je dogovorjen s Pogodbo. Če se Uporabnik ne strinja s spremembo, ga lahko preneha uporabljati. Uporaba Paywiser Spletnega vmesnikav povezavi z Računom in/ali Mastercard kartico je možna v skladu s pogoji, ki veljajo za le-te.

Ti Splošni pogoji (verzija 1.0) so objavljeni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com in veljajo od 3. 10. 2022.

Slovenia – Price list/Cenik

Price list for payment accounts and payment cards services B2C/
Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi in plačilnimi karticami B2C

Datum: 02.10.2023

Table of Slovenia – Price list/Cenik
Payment Account Opening / Plačilni račun odpiranje 0,00 €
Issuing Mastercard Payment Card – Virtual / Izdaja Mastercard plačilne kartice - virtualna 1,00 €
Issuing Mastercard Payment Card – Physical / Izdaja Mastercard plačilne kartice - fizična 10,00 €
Monthly Fee / Mesečno nadomestilo 2,99 €
SEPA payment / SEPA plačilo 0,50 €
SWIFT Cross-Border Payment / Čezmejno plačilo 19,95 €
ATM withdrawal EEA region / Bankomat dvig EGP regija 2% + 1 €
ATM withdrawal outside EEA region / Bankomat dvig izven EGP regije 3% + 1 €
ATM Balance Enquiry / Vpogled v stanje računa na bankomatu 1,00 €
ATM Reject Fee / Zavrnjena bankomat transakcija 1,00 €
Physical Card Replacement / Zamenjava fizične kartice 20,00 €
Faster Payments / Hitrejša plačila 1,50 €
BACS 1,00 €
CHAPS 10,00 €

UK – Price list/Cenik

UK – Price list/Cenik
Pricing for Paywiser UK Limited
Unionpay International USD
Card Fees:
UPI - Virtual 1.00
UPI (Standard) - Physical* 20.00
Card Management Fee (Monthly) 3.50
3DS Monthly Fee 1.00
3DS Per Transaction Fee 1.00
KYC Fee 7.00
Physical Card Replacement Fee* 10.00
Transaction Fee
ATM Local UK / EU# 5.00
ATM Oversea 0.8% + 5
ATM Balance Enquiry 3.5
ATM Reject Fees 3.5
ATM Acquirer 3.5
POS Transaction Fee 3.5
Chargeback Fee 50.00
Arbitration for chargeback 150.00
* Excludes Shipping / Postal Fee
# UK Issued Card then Local is UK; EU Issued Card then Local is EU;
Table of UK – Price list/Cenik
Mastercard EUR
Card Fees:
Digital First Card - Virtual 1.00
Digital First Card - Physical* 10.00
Card Management Fee (Monthly) 1.00
3DS Monthly Fee 0.10
3DS Per Transaction Fee 0.01
KYC Fee 7.00
Physical Card Replacement Fee* 10.00
Transaction Fee
ATM Local UK / EU# 2% + 1.00 EUR
ATM Oversea 3% + 1.00 EUR
ATM Balance Enquiry Pass Through
ATM Reject Fees Pass Through
ATM Acquirer Pass Through
POS Transaction Fee Pass Through
Chargeback Fee 50.00
Arbitration for chargeback 150.00
* Excludes Shipping / Postal Fee
# UK Issued Card then Local is UK; EU Issued Card then Local is EU;
Table of UK – Price list/Cenik
Banking Fee EUR
Consumer Corporate
KYC Fee 7.00 19.95
Account Opening Fee 19.95 149.95
Monthly Fee 9.95 19.95
Internal Trasfer 1.50 1.50
SEPA / Fast Fee (Incoming and Outgoing) 2.50 2.50
SWIFT (Incoming and Outgoing) 1.5% + 35 EUR 1.5% + 35 EUR
BAC / Chaps / Target2 / Target2 Instant (Incoming and Outgoing) 5.00 5.00
Foreign Bank Enquiry 19.95 19.95
Reversed Transfer Fee 49.95 49.95

General Terms and Conditions


These General Terms and Conditions apply to all corporate (business) Users who have concluded an Agreement for the Services of Electronic Money Issuance, Redemption, Payment Services and Payment account management with Paywiser.

    1. The issuer of these General Terms and Conditions is Paywiser d.o.o., registration number 8640084000, with a registered office at Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, (hereinafter referred to as “Paywiser”) is a company registered in accordance with Slovenian law and listed in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Slovenia.
    2. Paywiser is licensed by the Bank of Slovenia to provide services of issuance of electronic money and payment services as hybrid electronic money issuance company (license no. z dne 2.11.2021) and is entered in the register of electronic money institutions kept by the Bank of Slovenia (www.bsi.si, https://www.bsi.si/financna-stabilnost/subjekti-nadzora/druzbe-za-izdajo-elektronskega-denarja). Paywiser is also authorised to provide its services in other EEA countries. The register is published on the Bank of Slovenia website www.bsi.si. The bodies responsible for supervision are the Bank of Slovenia, the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and other competent authorities.
    3. The general e-mail address for communication with Users is [email protected], but other e-mail addresses may be specified in the General Terms and Conditions depending on the content of the communication.
    4. These General Terms and Conditions for Electronic money issuance and redemption and payment services through Paywiser business payment account (hereinafter: “General Terms” or “Terms”) together with other relevant additional terms, conditions and agreements as set out in these Terms represent a framework contract (hereinafter: Contract), which is concluded electronically and determines business conditions between Paywiser and Users. These Terms cover the rights and obligations of Users and how the Services are used. Contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser, whose rights and obligations are determined with these General Terms and Contract, shall be deemed to be concluded and shall only take on the character of a contract when Paywiser confirms the acceptance and validity of the User's order for the Services governed by these Terms by sending a message about an account opening to the User. Such message is sent via e-mail. The User expresses his/her will to enter into the Contract by accepting the General Terms ("by ticking the relevant "check box"").
    5. These Terms apply to all Users of the Services, unless otherwise agreed by special agreement between Paywiser and individual User.
    6. Any individual service or product within Paywiser’s scope of services may also have its own additional terms and conditions. In special or additional terms and conditions may also be defined individual Paywiser services or products that are subject to these General Terms, but which are offered or provided by third parties (e.g. remote identification).
    7. An integral part of these Terms is the Price List of business payment account (hereinafter referred to as the "Price List"), which is available on the website www.paywiser.com, as well as all other terms, policies and other information about products and services. All these documents together define the legal and business relationship between Paywiser and the User. It is the User's obligation to read and agree to all documents.
    8. In addition to the General Terms, Users are also subject to the Privacy Policy published at www.paywiser.com.
    9. Before the User can submit an order for the Services, they must agree to the content of the General Terms, the Price List and the Privacy Policy and agree to the remote identification procedure, including the biometric procedures.
    10. The funds of the Users of the Payment Account, the Paywiser Web Interface and the Services subject to these General Terms are held in a fiduciary account opened with a commercial partner bank and are segregated from the funds of Paywiser. The funds in the fiduciary account shall be deemed to be the property of third parties for whose account the holder of the fiduciary account maintains such account and not the property of the account holder. The potential creditors of the holder of a fiduciary account may not, either to enforce their claims against the account holder or in the event of the account holder's bankruptcy, take enforcement action against such assets. This ensures a high level of security of the Users funds.
    11. By ordering the Service, the User expressly acknowledges that they understand the English language and agrees to conduct business in English or partially also in Slovenian (e.g. communication can take place in both languages, the Remote Identification Procedure, part of the KYC & KYB Procedure, the Paywiser web interface, etc. are only provided in English). Otherwise, the contractual relationship between the User and Paywiser cannot be concluded.
    12. The headings in these General Terms are for reference only and do not limit the scope of application of individual provisions. Capitalised terms have specific definitions and are described in Article 2 of these Terms and Conditions (Meaning of Terms) or in the text of the General Terms and Conditions themselves.
  2. The meaning of the terms
    1. The following words, when used in these General Terms or any document referred to herein, shall have the following meaning: Account/Payment Account means the Electronic money and corporate/business payment account that Paywiser has opened and manages for the User and is used for the execution of payment transactions; (which can include services that allow withdrawals or deposits of cash from/to a payment account, in the European Union at an ATM, the execution of domestic and cross-border direct debits (in case User has a Paywiser debit card), the execution of domestic and cross-border debit card payment transactions, including online payments).
      Business Day means a day established by Paywiser on which Paywiser participating in the execution of a payment transaction and carries out activities necessary for such payment transaction. Paywiser may establish different Business Days for the provision of different services and/or for the execution of different payment transactions. Unless the Contract or its annexes establishes otherwise, a Business Day of Paywiser means any day, which is a business day in the Republic of Slovenia (every day, except Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and public holidays in accordance with the legislation in force from time to time) and is at the same time a business day of all other payment service providers involved in the execution of the individual Payment Order , set forth by the
      Confidential Information means information which is marked as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or should be reasonably expected to be confidential having the nature of the information; including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, Paywiser business plans, data, strategies, methods, User and User lists, technical specifications, transaction data, facts and circumstances of the individual User, including personal data held by Paywiser;;
      Contract means this framework contract and its annexes, if any.
      User means a legal entity, entrepreneur, private individual, community or other person under civil law who uses or has requested the use of Services subject to these General Terms and has concluded a Framework Agreement with Paywiser. The User is represented by a legal representative or a person authorized by him (“Authorized representative”);
      Authorized representative is a natural person who is authorized by a legal representative of a legal entity, an entrepreneur or a private individual to dispose of the funds in the account. The signature of the authorizer must be notarized, unless the authorization is given in the form of an electronic signature of a legal representative and was sent for signature by Paywiser (eg. using the AdobeSign program).
      User’s Account means the User's profile in Paywiser’s system.
      KYC & KYB process means “Know-Your-Customer” and “Know-Your-Business” process through which Paywiser collects all necessary information on the User according to ZPPDFT-2;
      Commission fee means a fee (charge) and other costs and allowances belonging to Paywiser for opening and maintaining a Payment account, the execution of a payment transaction and/or related payment service and all other services related to the use of the Account and the concluded Framework Agreement;
      Durable medium means any instrument which enables the User to store information addressed personally to that User in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate to the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored (e.g. magnetic media, e-mail, DVD);
      Electronic money means electronically, including magnetically, stored monetary value in the form of a claim against the electronic money issuer (Paywiser) by the electronic money holder (User), which is issued by the Paywiser on the basis of receipt of monetary funds for the purpose of executing payment transactions as defined in Article 8 of ZPlaSSIED, and which is accepted by a person other than the Paywiser. Electronic money is issued to Users by Paywiser (the issuer of electronic money) under these Terms;
      Foreign country means a country other than a Member State;
      Member State means a Member State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, as well as Monaco, San Marino and Switzerland.
      Paywiser web interface for accessing the User´s Payment Account (hereinafter referred to as the "Paywiser Web Interface") enables the User to use electronic money for payment transactions and access to other Services governed by these Terms and Conditions;
      Payment order (also "Payment request") means any instruction (payment request) by the payer or payee to his payment service provider ordering execution of a payment transaction;
      Payment transaction means act of depositing, transferring or withdrawing of funds initiated by, on behalf of or by the payer where the execution of a payment transaction through a payment service provider is independent of the underlying obligations between the payer and the payee;
      Party means Paywiser or the User or both of them jointly as the Contracting Parties ("Parties");
      Payment instrument means any device or a set of procedures, or both, agreed between User and Paywiser and is linked only to that User for the purpose of use by that User for order of a Payment order(e.g. payment cards, electronic payment transactions);
      Payer means a natural or legal person who holds a payment account and allows a Payment order from that payment account, or, where there is no payment account, a natural or legal person who gives a Payment order;
      Payee means a natural or legal person who is the intended recipient of funds which have been the subject of a Payment transaction;
      SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area. It enables clients to make and receive payments in euro, under uniform rules and procedures, inside or outside national borders, under the same basic conditions and with the same rights and obligations, regardless of their geographical area.
      Services means the services and products provided by Paywiser under this Contract;
      Statement means a document prepared and provided by Paywiser for the User, which includes information about Payment transactions executed during the specific period of time;
      Strong User authentication measures (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) means an authentication of the User based on the use of two or more elements categorized as knowledge (something only the User knows), possession (something only the User possesses) and inherence (something the User is) that are independent, in that the breach of one does not compromise the reliability of the others, and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data;
      TARGET 2 means a payment system owned and operated by the Eurosystem. It is Europe's leading platform for large-value payments processing and is used in real time by both central banks and commercial banks in the EU to process payments in euro.
      Transaction account is a payment account opened by a bank established in the Republic of Slovenia or a branch of a bank of a Member State in the Republic of Slovenia on behalf of one or more Users for the purpose of executing payment transactions and for other purposes related to the provision of banking services to the User. The funds in the transaction account shall be considered as a sight cash deposit.
      Third party means any natural or legal person, other than the Parties;
      Unique identifier means a combination of numbers, letters and signs specified to the payment service User by the payment service provider and shall be used to unambiguouslyidentify User and/or the payment account. The Unique Identifier may be the individual number by IBAN number International Bank Account Number). The payer must provide the payee's IBAN and the BIC code of the payee's payment service provider to identify the payee's account, unless otherwise agreed with the payee's payment service provider;
      Remote Identification Procedure means identification and verification of the identity of persons using other adequately secure remote-controlled or electronic procedures and means of identification according to Article 35 of ZPPDFT-2 and in accordance with the Rules on technical conditions that must be met by safe remotly controlled or electornic procedurees and means of identification. The result of the process is the collected information, which leads to a decision whether the person's identity is confirmed or not.
      ZPlaSSIED means the Slovene Law on Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuing Services and Payment Systems.
      ZPPDFT-1 stands for Slovene Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act.
      ZVOP-2 stands for Slovene Personal Data Protection Act.
  3. Terms and conditions of the business relationship between the User and Paywiser
    1. In addition to these Terms and all its changes, contractual relationships pertaining to the provision of providing and ensuring payment and other Services shall also be governed by laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Slovenia, Price List and additional annexes concluded by Parties and other documents Paywiser and are published on Paywiser website and which are deemed to govern the legal relationship between Paywiser and Useras well as the principles of soundness, justice and fairness.
    2. These Terms determine the main terms and conditions between the User and Paywiser when the User validly registers in Paywiser’ system, opens a Payment Account and uses other Services provided by Paywiser connected to the Payment Account and this Framework Agreement. All possible deviations or agreements different from the terms of this Framework Agreement shall be agreed by the Contracting Parties in writing as a special addendum to this Contract.
    3. Upon registering for the Services, the User explicitly confirms that they are aware of the content of these Terms and agrees with them.
    4. The User has the right to request at any time from Paywiser a copy of these Terms and all other documents, which are a part of the contractual relationship, in paper form or on another Durable medium for data. Current Terms are always published on the website www.paywiser.com.
    5. With this Framework Agreement, the Contracting Parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the provisions of Article 140, Article 141, Article 142, Article 146, Article 148 and Article 150 of the ZPlaSSIED in its entirety, the provisions of subsection 5.2. ZPlaSSIED (paragraph 6 of Article 85 of the ZPlaSSIED), except for the provisions of section 5.2.5 of the ZPlaSSIED and the provisions expressly contained in this Framework Agreement.
  4. Services provided by Paywiser under this Framework Agreement
    1. Paywiser offers Users the services of opening and maintaining a Payment Account used for the execution of Payment Transactions and other Payment Account related Services. Paywiser maintains a Multi-Currency User Account, under which it opens one or more Payment Accounts for the User with the IBAN code, which is the unique identifier of the User Account, and executes Payment Transactions in euro (EUR) and in the following foreign currency: USD. All other currencies are automatically converted into euro (EUR) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. At the same time, Paywiser also makes available to the User a local GBP Payment Account, the purpose of which is to enable the User to transact more quickly and cheaply within the UK payment zone.
    2. The funds of all Users are held in a fiduciary account that Paywiser maintains on behalf of the Users with a commercial partner bank. Paywiser assigns IBAN codes to the User's Payment Accounts within the framework of the opened fiduciary account, which enables the execution of incoming and outgoing payment transactions from the User's Payment Account. The contractual relationship is concluded solely between the User and the Paywiser.
    3. A Payment Account is not a Transaction Account and is not registered by Paywiser in the Slovene Register of Transaction Accounts. It is exclusively the User's responsibility to take care of all relevant reporting on the holding of the Payment Account (e.g. reporting the Payment Account to the tax authorities, if applicable).
    4. Paywiser web interface Allows the User to access and manage their Payment Account (e.g. top-ups, payment transactions, withdrawals, etc.).
    5. For the use of the Paywiser web interface additional terms and conditions apply, they are presented to the User before the start of use. The Terms, information and conditions of use and a link to the web interface are available at www.paywiser.com.
    6. Paywiser can offer the following payment services (activities) related to the management of the Payment Account in accordance with Article 5 of the ZPlaSSIED:
      • Activities enabling cash to be placed on a Paywiser Payment Account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • Activities enabling cash withdrawals from a Payment Account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account;
      • Activities enabling enforcement of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the User’s payment service provider or with another payment service provider (execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device, e.g. using the app/QR code).
      • Issuing of payment instruments.
      • Issuance and redemption of Electronic money.
      • Currency exchange;
    7. These Terms regulate the opening of the Paywiser Payment Account and managing it via the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser mobile app, as well as all rights and obligations of both Parties regarding the opening, closure and use of the Paywiser Payment Account and other Services under this Contract.
    8. Due to the legal prohibition, the User's funds held with Paywiser do not earn interest.
    9. The Services provided by Paywiser to the User under this Framework Agreement do not include the use of the Paywiser MasterCard debit card ("Paywiser card"). Paywiser will inform the User about the possibility of issuing and using a Paywiser card. The Paywiser card issuing service will be subject to additional conditions that will be available on the website www.paywiser.com and will be an integral part of this Framework Agreement if the User orders a Paywiser card.
    10. Any additional service, that is not governed by these Terms, may be subject to separate Terms and Conditions available on www.paywiser.com or .are agreed directly with the User.
    11. This Framework Agreement defines the conditions of the classic/regular Payment Account, Paywiser and the User can also agree otherwise.
    12. Paywiser can open a Payment Account for a company that is being established, at the express request of the User. Paywiser opens such a Payment Account on the order of the founder of the legal entity, who must also ensure the payment of the share capital in cash (which is carried out by transfer from another payment/bank account) in order to establish the company. To open such Payment Account, the User must submit the Deed of Incorporation of the company or the Company Agreement, the application must refer to the registration of the company in Slovenia. When opening an account, Paywiser carries out the appropriate identification of natural persons and, after the User notify the Paywiser that the funds have been transferred, Paywiser issues a certificate of payment (within 7 days of receiving the User's notification that the funds have been transferred), whereby Paywiser does not guarantee that the registry court will accept the said certificate as sufficient. Such an account is only intended for the preservation of the founding capital, therefore the disposal of the funds in the account is possible only for the purpose of establishing the company. The transformation of the account into a regular Paywiser business Payment Account is only carried out when the company is already registered in the AJPES Business Register.
    13. In the event that Paywiser opens a Payment Account for the User for a company under establishment or any other type of business account that differs from the regular, Paywiser may request from the User additional KYC & KYB Procedures and acceptance of additional general conditions and price list.
    14. The User can authorize the Authorized Person to operate on the Account. The Authorized Person has the same rights to dispose of the funds in the Account as the legal representative. The Authorized Person is not entitled to terminate the Contract and request the closure of the Payment Account.
  5. General provisions on account opening and User identification
    1. The User must first submit the application of registering the User’s account and opening the Payment account at Paywiser, complete the Remote Identification Procedure and upload all requested documents:
    2. The User shall provide including, but not limited to, the following information and documents to Paywiser as stated in the chapter 6 of these Terms, by the User filled questionnaire and other information or documents, which Paywiser may request based on the individual circumstances and which would allow Paywiser to verify the User’s identity and to carry out due KYC & KYB process;
    3. The level of information to be provided is dependent on the product or service of Paywiser the User wants to use.
    4. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to require the User to provide the original documents and/or the copies of these documents approved by a notary or another competent person authorized by the particular state.
    5. In order to ensure the User identification or to perform other necessary duties, Paywiser has the right to demand the User to execute specific procedure (e.g. Remote Identification Procedure) through any partner of Paywiser or through other programmes indicated by Paywiser or other programs.
    6. The User confirms that all the data provided during the registration process is correct and up to date. If there are any changes in the provided data during the term of the business relationship, the User is obligated to provide updated information as soon as possible, but not later than 5 (five) Business Days after the changes.
    7. After the User reads the current version of this Terms, the User shall mark the relevant “check-box”. The foregoing shall be deemed to be a declaration of the User's willingness to enter into the Framework Agreement. After the KYC & KYB process has been carried out, Paywiser notifies the User by e-mail of the (non-)conclusion of the Contract. In case if User chooses to press “no” or does not mark any “check-box”, it means that does not wish to enter into a contractual relationship with Paywiser.
    8. Paywiser has the right to refuse to register the new User and User´s account without indicating the reasons, however, Paywiser assures that the refusal to register will always be based on significant reasons which Paywiser does not have to ormay not disclose them.
    9. Once Paywiser has verified the documents and information provided by the User and there is no reason that, under applicable law, internal rules or otherwise, could lead to a refusal to provide the Services, Paywiser shall notify the User of the opening of the Payment Account and the User shall be entitled to start using the Services and the Payment Account.
    10. The User is entitled to open one User and Payment Account unless Paywiser explicitly approves the opening of additional Accounts.
    11. Paywiser does not allow Users with headquarters or permanent or temporary residence or citizenship of a legal representative, Authorized Person or beneficial owner in countries where there is an increased or high risk of money laundering or terrorist financing to use the Paywiser Services. The list of high-risk countries that, according to international organizations, lacks legislation or does not fully implement it, or associates with other risks that may affect the effectiveness of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, is published by the Office for the Prevention of Money Laundering. The list is published at: https://www.uppd.gov.si/.
    12. If the KYC & KYB process for a User, legal representative, beneficial owner or Authorized Person reveals that they are a mobile number holder, are established, are a national, or a permanent or temporary resident of a country on the enhanced or high risk list for money laundering and terrorist financing, Paywiser reserves the right to reject or to terminate the Agreement and close the User's Payment Account and refund the amount of the User's remaining Account balance. The same shall apply if the User, legal representative, Authorized Person or beneficial owner turns out to be on the sanctioned list.
    13. By accepting these Terms, the User declares that nor they nor legal representative, Authorised Person, beneficial owner are a sanctioned person or that are included in the lists of persons subject to restrictive measures or sanctions:
      • a sanctioned person is any natural person who is the target of sanctions or is subject to sanctions, including, without limitation, a person who is a national or resident of a country that is listed in the list of sanctioned countries;
      • sanctions are any economic, financial, trade or similar restrictions and prohibitions adopted, imposed or imposed by the following organisations or States (and any organs or agencies thereof): a) the United Nations; b) the United States of America; or c) the European Union or any of its present or future Member States.
      The User undertakes and warrants for the entire duration of the Framework Agreement:
      • that they, legal representative, Authorised Person, beneficial owner will not, directly or indirectly, use the Account and the related services under the Framework Agreement in any manner that would result in a breach of the restrictive measures and sanctions by Paywiser, including the use of the Account and the related services to finance or facilitate the business or transactions of a sanctioned person or a person related to him/her or to make such funds available to a sanctioned person or to allow such person to benefit from such funds;
      • that no sanctioned person will have any right to any funds transferred from/to the Account by the User, nor will any income or benefit arising from any activity or transaction with a sanctioned person be used to repay any amounts owed by the User to Paywiser under the contractual relationship entered into.
    1. The User can access and manage his/her payment account via the Paywiser web interface.
    2. The mandatory User registration information is:
      1. Information about a legal entity or sole proprietor:
        • Company / full company name
        • Past company name
        • Headquarters
        • Business address, if different from registered office (Headquarters)
        • Tax number
        • Registration number
        • Legal organizational form
        • Activity
        • The purpose and nature of the business relationship
        • Countries to which the user will make transfers
        • Countries from which the user will receive transfers
        • Expected volume of monthly inflows
        • Expected annual volume of traffic
        • Contact phone number
        • E-mail address
        • Web page
      2. Information about the legal representative or the authorized person
        • Full name (first and last name)
        • Date of birth
        • Place and country of birth
        • Address of permanent and temporary (if any) residence,
        • Gender,
        • Tax number and country of tax residence,
        • Citizenship,
        • Personal document information (type, document number, date of issue and expiration date, issuer)
        • Picture (both sides) of the attached personal document (identity card or passport) with signature,
        • Selfie - Picture of the User
        • Mobile phone number,
        • Email address,
        • Face capture in the identification process,
      3. Information about the beneficial owner
        • Full name (first and last name)
        • Address of permanent and temporary (if any) residence
        • Date of birth,
        • Place and country of birth,
        • Tax number
        • Citizenship
        • Percentage of ownership in the legal entity
        • Date of birth
        • Place of birth
        • Address of permanent and temporary (if any) residence
        • Gender
        • Details of the identity document (document number, expiry date, date of issue, country of issue and issuer)
        • Image of both sides of the attached identity document (identity card or passport) with signature
        • Selfie - Picture of the User
        • Mobile phone number
        • E-mail address
        • Tax number and country of tax residency
        • Nationality
        • Video and audio recording of the video identification process.
    3. Paywiser collects (personal) data about the User, their legal representative(s), Authorized Person(s) and beneficial owner(s) and other data through the Paywiser web interface and the Paywiser system. During the collection of the required data, the User, legal representative or the Authorized Person must enter his/her personal identification information and submit a photo (both sides) of his/her ID document and allow his/her photos to be captured. For the KYC & KYB Process (identification and verification) and verification of information, among others, the Remote Identification Procedure using an external contractor is used. The facial image of the person who is the subject of the Remote Identification Procedure is transmitted live during the identification to an external contractor, who captures the facial image of the person and saves it as a photograph. In the remote identification procedure, a biometric comparison of the person's face, which is the subject of identification, with the image on their personal document is also carried out. The Remote Identification Procedure, including biometrics, is carried out based on the previously obtained consent of the User or of a person who is subject to verification and with the requirements of applicable legislation, in particular ZVOP-2 and the Rules on technical conditions that must be met by safe remotly controlled or electornic procedurees and means of identification.
    4. The user first registers with his/her mobile phone number, which must be confirmed by entering a one- time password received in a text message. The e-mail address entered by the User shall also be verified and confirmed.
    5. The User Account is uniquely linked to the email address provided during the registration process. Only one email address can be logged in with one User Account at a time. Also, only one mobile phone number can be associated with one User Account at a time.
    6. Before successful registration, the User must accept the Terms.
    7. Full Payment Account for Verified Users Upon successful completion of the KYC & KYB process, a unique identification number (User ID) is assigned to the User.
    8. Upon registration, the User is created a User Account and obtains the possibility to use and manage the Payment Account services, as described in these Terms, via the Paywiser web interface.
    9. The Services provided to the User are limited so as to comply with the legal restrictions required by the AML/CFT Act and the restrictions set out in Paywiser's policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (hereinafter referred to as the "AML Policy").
    10. Users may carry out payment transactions and use all Services through the Paywiser Payment Account, without any restrictions, however Paywiser can, if this is necessary due to internal policies or regulations, establish certain limits regarding the execution of payment transactions.
    11. If the User is no longer eligible for the Account, or there are indicators of high risk, or the User reaches any of the set thresholds (e.g. monthly/annual transaction values), the Payment Account may be temporarily or permanently frozen (in the latter case, Paywiser shall also terminate the Contract by notice to the User).
    12. Using the Paywiser web interface
      1. The User is obliged to use the Paywiser web interface and any other ways of connecting to the Paywiser system (e.g. via the Paywiser mobile application) in accordance with these Terms, the Price List, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface and any other instructions and documents that are publicly published and available at www.paywiser.com and in accordance with the applicable regulations. The User is obliged to use the Services in a manner consistent with the purpose for which Paywiser provides the Services.
      2. In the event of a breach, the User (the "Breaching User") shall be liable to Paywiser and third parties for any damage caused and Paywiser shall have the right to prevent the User from further use of the Paywiser web interface and any other connections and all Services.
      3. Any User who allows third parties to access the Paywiser web interface and/or to the other connection to the Paywiser system shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from such actions.
      4. Restrictions on the use of the Paywiser Payment Account are set out in accordance with the ZPPDFT-2 and Paywiser's internal rules and are set out in these Terms and the instructions and documents which are publicly available and accessible at www.paywiser.com.
      5. All functionalities of the Payment Account, the Paywiser web interface, including the terms and conditions for issuing and withdrawing electronic money and executing payment transactions, are set out in these Terms and the additional terms and conditions related to the Services that are the subject of the Master Agreement (such as, e.g., the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Paywiser Web Interface, etc.).
      6. In the event that the User is granted access to the Paywiser system, otherwise than through the Paywiser web interface, all the provisions of this Framework Agreement, which define the use of the Paywiser web interface, also apply to the use of these other connection methods or accesses, unless this Contract or specific additional terms expressly provide otherwise.
  7. Payment services
    1. Users can make various types of payment transactions via the Paywiser web interface.
    2. Users are subject to the restrictions set out in Section 6 of these Terms and the restrictions set out below. Users may not withdraw funds from their Payment Account in cash.
    3. Each payment request is approved and confirmed or rejected by the Paywiser system.
    4. The balance of the Payment Account is reduced/increased immediately after a successful Payment Transaction.
    5. Paywiser shall authorise and execute any Payment Transaction for which the User has submitted a Payment Request (Payment Order) or a Consent (Confirmation), unless there are conditions for refusal of the transaction.
    6. Paywiser will refuse to execute a Payment Transaction if:
      • The execution of the payment request exceeds the value limit of the ZPPDFT-2 or other limit set by Paywiser or independently set by the User,
      • The User does not have sufficient funds in the Payment Account,
      • the User enters an incorrect SCA code to confirm the Payment Transaction,
      • the User Account is blocked, frozen or suspended,
      • the Paywiser System and/or the electronic communications network is disrupted at the time of the transaction request,
    7. Paywiser suspects possible misuse of the Payment Account.Paywiser confirms or rejects the Payment Transaction on the basis of the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph and immediately notifies the User thereof via the Paywiser Web Interface.
    8. Within the limits of the User's Payment Account and subject to the restrictions set out in these Terms, the User may perform the following actions (Payment Transactions):
      • Top-up the Payment Account,
      • Make Payment Transactions for the purchase of goods and services,
      • Withdraw funds from the Payment Account.
    9. The different types of payment transactions are described below.
    10. Other services/functionalities are provided via the Paywiser web interface in accordance with the additional terms and conditions.
    11. Top-up of the Payment Account
      1. The top-up function of the User's Payment Account is subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. User can Top-up (fill) his/her Payment Account:
      3. By transferring funds from a Payment Account opened with another Payment Service Provider: the User shall execute a payment order to the credit of his/her Account (specifying the IBAN and BIC) held by Paywiser. For this purpose, Paywiser has opened a fiduciary account with a commercial partner bank. The reference and purpose of the payment shall be completed by the User in accordance with the instructions published on the website www.paywiser.com. The funds in the Payment Account of the User who has correctly filled in the information on the Payment Order will be increased as soon as the funds are received by Paywiser. Before allowing the transaction to be executed, Paywiser shall verify the details of the Payer and the Payee and the status and limits of the Payer and the Payee.
      4. Any request to top up an Account shall be approved or rejected by Paywiser.
    12. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services
      1. Payment transactions for the purchase of goods and services are subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. A User who has obtained a Paywiser card (when this service will be relevant / available to the User) may pay for goods and services at any outlet (including online) that accepts MasterCard debit cards.
      3. Paywiser accepts Payment Orders in accordance with the schedule by which it clears and settles Payment Transactions in the Paywiser system. This is expected to be every Business Day for Payment Transactions to be made by 24:00 of the previous day. Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays in Slovenia and public holidays abroad (1.1., Easter Friday, Easter Monday, 1.5., 25.12. and 26.12.), which constitute a non-Business Day for the TARGET2 Payment System, shall constitute non-Business Days for clearing and settlement in the Paywiser System and the partners involved in the Payment System and shall also be a Business Day for all other Payment Service Providers involved in the execution of a Payment Order.
      4. Paywiser will execute (successfully or unsuccessfully) Payment Orders received between 0:00 and 24:00 on the same Business Day.
      5. Paywiser (as the Acquirer) will transfer the funds to the Recipient's account no later than the next Business Day following receipt of the Payment Order.
      6. A Payment Order becomes irrevocable at the moment the User gives his/her consent to the execution of the Payment Transaction, i.e. when the Payment Order is received by Paywiser.
      7. The User submits a Payment Request in the Paywiser system via the Paywiser web interface. The Paywiser system automatically checks the details of both the Payer and the Payee, the User's account balance, the User's status and the User's restrictions.
      8. If all the conditions set out in the preceding paragraph are met, Paywiser shall immediately execute the transfer of funds or, if the conditions are not met, reject the transaction.
      9. Once the User has consented to the execution of a Payment Transaction, the cancellation or revocation of such transaction or Payment Order is no longer possible.
    13. Withdrawal of funds from the Payment Account:
      1. The User may withdraw funds from his/her Payment Account at any time in accordance with these Terms and the applicable Price List, and within the limits and subject to the restrictions set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Funds can be called up:
        • By transferring funds to another Payment Account or Transaction Account - The User may transfer funds from his/her Payment Account at any time via the Paywiser Web Interface, to any other Transaction Account or Payment Account, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the applicable Price List, by completing a Payment Order.
      3. By withdrawing cash at an ATM, if the Payment Account User has obtained a Paywiser Card. Internal transactions of Registered and Verified User are subject to the limits set out in Paragraph 6 of these Terms and limitations set out below. Conditions for redemption:
        • the relevant balance in the User's Paywiser Account, compliance with any transaction restrictions as described in these Terms.
  8. General Terms for the Issuance and Redemption of Electronic Money
    1. Money held in the User's Payment Account shall be deemed to be Electronic Money issued by Paywiser following the transfer or crediting of money to the Payment Account opened with Paywiser.
    2. Once the User has made a funds transfer or the funds have been successfully transferred to the User's Account and Paywiser has received the funds, Paywiser shall issue Electronic Money at face value and credit the Electronic Money to the User's Payment Account. The Electronic Money shall be credited and held in the User's Payment Account.
    3. The User selects the method of recharging the Account as described in Clause 7 (Recharging the Payment Account).
    4. The User is informed and agrees that the Electronic Money in the User's Account shall not be deemed to be a deposit and Paywiser shall in no event pay any interest on the Electronic Money in the User's Account or provide any other benefits related to the period of time for which the Electronic Money is held.
    5. At the User's request, Electronic Money held in the User's Account may be redeemed at any time at its face value, unless otherwise agreed between Paywiser and the User.
    6. Where Electronic Money is required to be redeemed prior to the expiry of this Agreement, the User may request the return of some or all of the monetary value of the Electronic Money.
    7. The User shall make a request for the Electronic Money to be redeemed by generating a Payment Order to transfer the Electronic Money from the User's Payment Account with Paywiser to any other account specified by the User.
    8. No special terms and conditions shall apply to the redemption of Electronic Money other than the standard terms and conditions for transfers and other Payment Transactions from the User's Account. The amount of Electronic Money withdrawn or transferred shall be selected by the User.
    9. No additional Fee shall be payable for the withdrawal of Electronic Money. In the event of a withdrawal of Electronic Money, the User shall pay the normal Transfer or Withdrawal Fee, which shall depend on the method of transfer or withdrawal chosen by the User, in accordance with the Price List.
    10. If the User requests the redemption of Electronic Money after the expiry of this Agreement or within a maximum of 1 (one) year from the expiry of the Agreement, the entire monetary value of the Electronic Money held by the User shall be redeemed.
    11. Subject to the User terminating this Agreement and submitting a request for the closure of the User's Payment Account and the deletion of the User's Payment Account from the Paywiser System, or Paywiser discontinuing the provision of the Services to the User and deleting the User's Account from the Paywiser System, in the cases set out in this Agreement, the money from the User's Account shall be transferred to the User's Transaction Account or to an account in another electronic payment system specified by the User. Paywiser shall be entitled to deduct amounts due to Paywiser (Fees for the Services provided by Paywiser and other charges not paid by the User, including, without limitation, damages and default interest imposed by financial institutions and/or other competent authority of the country and paid by Paywiser due to breaches of this Agreement committed by the User) prior to such deduction. In the event of a dispute between Paywiser and the User, Paywiser shall have the right to retain the disputed money until the dispute is resolved.
    12. In the event that Paywiser does not refund the User for reasons beyond Paywiser's control (for example: the account indicated by the User is closed; technical problems arising with the payment service provider, if the User has another account, etc.), the User will be notified immediately. The User must immediately indicate another account or provide additional information necessary for the refund.
    1. Authentication data and information to be provided in Payment order
      1. The authentication details for authentication to access the User's Payment Account via the Paywiser web interface shall be set by the User. The information relates to:
        • User ID and Password:
          • User ID: is the combination of numbers assigned to the User after the registration has been completed and Paywiser has issued a confirmation that the User can start using the Services.
          • Password: a static alphanumeric sequence personally and exclusively determined by the User. Paywiser will not have access to the password nor will it ever request it from the User.
        • The special code that the User will receive on his/her mobile phone to execute the Payment Transaction (SCA, optional). The User confirms the special code received on his/her mobile phone by entering the password. The Payment Transaction will not be executed without the special code (where required).
      2. The maximum period of inactivity of the User after access to the User's online account has been granted shall not exceed 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the session ends and the User must log in again. If the authentication details for identity verification are entered incorrectly three times, Paywiser has the right to block access to the User Account with those authentication details. The User will be notified before the blocking is carried out. In the event that the User's Account is blocked due to incorrectly entered authentication data, the User will be able to apply for new authentication data and log back into his/her User Account after successfully completing certain KYC & KYB process activities.
      3. In order for a Payment Order to be properly initiated or executed, the User must provide a unique identifier (IBAN). Paywiser will process and be responsible for the execution of Payment Transactions from the User's Payment Account solely on the basis of the BIC code of the Payee's payment service provider and the Payee's account number (IBAN) received from the User as part of the User's Payment Order.
      4. Paywiser shall not be liable if the Payment Order does not contain the Unique Identifier and/or the User has entered it incorrectly. However, Paywiser shall nevertheless use reasonable endeavours to recover the funds involved in such Payment Transaction.
      5. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to request additional and/or other mandatory information (e.g. the amount and currency, the name of the Payee, the Payee's address, etc.) necessary for the proper execution of the Payment Order.
    2. The form and procedure for giving consent to initiate a Payment order or execute a Payment transaction
      1. A Payment Transaction shall be deemed to have been authorised by the User only if the User has given his/her consent in the Paywiser System for the execution of the Payment Transaction.
      2. The User shall be deemed to have given consent by submitting an electronic Payment Order to the Paywiser System using the authentication data (login data assigned to the User and/or security code, SCA). Consent may also be expressed by other means appropriate to the particular service.
      3. The User's (Payer's) consent must be provided prior to the execution of the Payment Transaction.
      4. Paywiser and the User expressly agree to exclude the use of Article 148 of the ZPlaSSIED.
    3. Irrevocability of the Payment Order:
    4. The User cannot cancel the payment order after it has been received by Paywiser.
    5. The User and Paywiser expressly agree to exclude the application of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 122 and Article 123 of the ZPlaSSIED, unless this Contract expressly provides otherwise.
    6. Time of receipt of the Payment Order, requirements applicable to the Payment Order and refusal to execute the Payment Order
      1. The User must ensure that the Payment Account has sufficient funds to execute the Payment Order. If the User does not have sufficient funds at the time of submission of the Payment Order, Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. In any event, the minimum amount that the User must have at all times in the Account is EUR 19.95, otherwise Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order.
      2. Paywiser shall process Payment Orders submitted by the User without undue delay, provided that the User has sufficient funds in the Account at the time of the due date with which the payment will be made.
      3. If the User is the Payer, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received by Paywiser on the date of receipt, but if the time of receipt of the Payment Order is not a Business Day, the Payment Order shall be deemed to have been received on the first following Business Day.
      4. A Payment Order received by Paywiser on a Business Day but outside Paywiser's Business Hours shall be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day.
      5. No funds shall be debited from the User's Account until the Payment Order has been received by Paywiser.
      6. If the User initiating the Payment Order and Paywiser agree that execution of the Payment Order shall commence on a specified day or at the end of a specified period or on the day on which the Payer has made funds available to Paywiser, the time of receipt shall be deemed to be that agreed day. If the agreed day is not a Business Day, the Payment Order shall be deemed to be received on the first following Business Day.
      7. Payment orders within the Paywiser system shall be executed immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement), regardless of the Paywiser Business Hours. As far as possible, Paywiser will also execute other Payment Orders outside the Paywiser System immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and in this Agreement), otherwise the deadlines set out in these Terms and Conditions shall apply.
      8. Paywiser shall have the right to record and store all Payment Orders sent by any of the agreed methods and to record and store details of all Payment Transactions made by the User or in connection with the User’s Payment Orders. The aforementioned data may be provided by Paywiser to the User and/or to a third party entitled to receive such data on a legal or contractual basis, as evidence of the submission of Payment Orders and/or the execution of a Payment Transaction.
      9. Paywiser shall have the right to refuse to execute a Payment Order in the event of reasonable doubt that the Payment Order has been submitted by the User or if the Payment Order or the documents submitted are not appropriate or lawful. In such cases, Paywiser shall have the right to require the User to further confirm the submitted Payment Order and/or to submit documents confirming the right to manage the funds in the Account or other documents requested by Paywsier, in a manner acceptable to Paywiser and at the User's expense. Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may result from refusal to execute a submitted Payment Order due to the User's refusal to provide additional information or documents.
      10. The User is informed and agrees that Paywiser has the right to engage third parties to execute the User's Payment Order in part or in full if the interests of the User and/or the purpose or content of the Payment Order so require. In the event that the purpose or content of the User's Payment Order requires the sending and execution of a Payment Transaction by another financial institution, but that financial institution suspends the Payment Order, Paywiser shall not be liable for such actions of that financial institution, but will endeavour to ascertain the reasons for the suspension of the Payment Order. Paywiser expressly reminds the User that the User's Account is linked to Paywiser's fiduciary account and therefore the commercial partner bank may also suspend the Payment Order at any time.
      11. Paywiser shall have the right to suspend and/or terminate the execution of the User's Payment Order if required to do so by applicable regulations or if this is necessary for other reasons not attributable to Paywiser.
      12. In the event that Paywiser refuses to execute a Payment Order submitted by the User, Paywiser shall promptly and without undue delay notify the User of the reasons for the refusal and of the procedure for rectifying the factual errors that led to the refusal, except where such notification is technically impossible or prohibited by law or other regulations.
      13. Paywiser shall not accept or execute Payment Orders from the User if such Payment Transactions are prohibited or restricted due to the User’s relevant regulations and circumstances.
      14. If money transferred by a Payment Order is returned for reasons beyond Paywiser's control (inaccurate Payment Order details, incorrect Payee account, etc.), the amount returned shall be credited to the User's Payment Account. The fees paid by the User (Payer) for the execution of the Payment Order shall not be refunded.
    7. Conditions for the performance of Services
      1. The time limits for the execution of Payment Transactions to Payment Accounts and the duration for the execution of other Services are set out in these Terms and other documents published on the website www.paywiser.com
      2. Where a Payment is made in euro (EUR) in the Republic of Slovenia or other Member States and the User is the Payer, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the Payee's Payment Service Provider's account by the end of the next Business Day, subject to the exceptions provided for in these Conditions. As far as possible, Paywiser will execute Payment Orders immediately (with a duration of up to a few minutes, unless the Payment Transaction is interrupted due to the cases provided for in the Internal Acts and this Agreement).
      3. Maximum spending limits may also be established by the User in Paywiser Wallet. If the transfer in the Republic of Slovenia is made in euro (EUR), Paywiser will ensure that upon receipt of the Payment Order, the amount of the Payment Transaction will be credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider on the same Business Day as the Payment Order was received, provided that the Payment Order is received by 12:00 on that Business Day. If the Payment Order is received after 12:00, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee no later than the next Business Day.
      4. The Parties may agree that a Payment Order shall be executed on a specific day or at the end of a specific period. In this case, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee on the day on which the Payment Order is executed.
      5. Where a Payment Transaction is executed in the Republic of Slovenia and other Member States in currencies of Member States which are not part of the Eurozone and the User is the Payer, Paywiser will ensure that the amount of the Payment Order is credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider by the end of the next Business Day, but no later than within 4 (four) Business Days after receipt of the Payment Order.
    8. Spending limits for payment transactions
      1. The User shall co-operate with Paywiser to investigate any suspicious, suspected illegal, fraudulent or improper activity. The maximum spending limits for Payment Transactions are set out in Article 6 of these Terms.
      2. Specific limits may be set on the User's Payment Account in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and Paywiser's internal regulations. The User shall be informed of such restrictions prior to using the Services.
    9. Account blocking and/or suspension of services to the User
      1. The User shall cooperate with Paywiser in the investigation of suspicious, illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate activity.
      2. Paywiser has the right to block funds in the User's Payment Account in the following cases:
        • Paywiser suspects that the funds collected in the User's Payment Account are intended for the commission of a criminal offence or are the result of the commission of, or participation in the commission of, a criminal offence;
        • if it is suspected that an unauthorised Payment Transaction has been made through the User's Account;
        • the User is in default in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
        • the User is declared bankrupt in respect of the User's assets, the risk of insolvency or insolvency on the part of the User increases excessively;
        • for the purposes of corrective accounting and settlement;
        • fraudulent acts on the part of the User are proven or criminal proceedings are initiated against the User for fraudulent acts;
      3. If the User's actions are not in accordance with the rules of Paywiser's partners and such actions may cause damage to Paywiser, Paywiser reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to suspend or discontinue the operation of the User/Payment Account (or certain of its functions, such as, but not limited to, uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds), including, but not limited to, for audit purposes:
        • where Paywiser deems it necessary to ensure the security of the User Account; or
        • in the event of any transactions which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes have been made in breach of these Terms or in breach of the security requirements of the User Account; or
        • any transactions are made which Paywiser, in its sole discretion, believes to be suspicious, unauthorised or fraudulent, including those that may be related to money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other illegal activities; or
        • upon the insolvency or bankruptcy of the User, or if Paywiser reasonably believes that there is such a threat to the User; or;
        • if anything occurs which, in the opinion of Paywiser, indicates that the User will be unable to fulfil his/her obligations towards Paywiser and/or third parties.
      4. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User in advance of any such suspension or, if this is not practicable, to do so as soon as reasonably practicable and to justify such suspension, unless notifying the User would compromise security measures or is otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.
      5. In addition, Paywiser reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to suspend the operation of the User Account (or certain of its functions, such as uploading, receiving, sending and/or withdrawing funds) at any time when required to do so by applicable laws and regulations or by the competent authorities. Paywiser will use reasonable endeavours to notify the User of any such suspension, unless Paywiser is prohibited from doing so by law or by order of a competent court or other authority.
    10. Payment transaction data to be transmitted to the user
      1. Paywiser is obliged to provide the User (prior to the execution of a Payment Order) with information on the conditions for the execution of a particular Payment Order, the Fees and, in the case of a total fee, a breakdown of the items.
      2. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of the Payment Transactions performed showing the following:
        • information enabling the Payer to identify each Payment Transaction and information relating to the Payee;
        • the amount of the Payment Transaction in the currency specified in the Payment Order;
        • the Fees payable in respect of Payment Transactions and the manner in which the Fees paid are to be distributed;
        • the applicable exchange rate and the amount of the Payment Transaction at the exchange rate, in the event that a currency exchange has taken place during the execution of the Payment Transaction;
        • the date on which the funds are debited from the Account;
        • the date of receipt of funds into the Account;
        • other information that will be provided to the User in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Slovenia.
      3. The statement is provided through the Use’'s Paywiser web interface or is sent to the User via e-mail.
      4. Paywiser is obliged to notify the User of any suspected or perpetrated fraud by third parties, or of security threats in connection with the Services, by sending a message via the Paywiser web interface or by sending an e-mail or by any other means it deems safe and most appropriate in the situation.
  10. Fees for services provided by Paywiser, interest on late payments and currency exchange services
    1. Paywiser shall charge fees for standard Services in accordance with these Terms and the Price List in force from time to time, which is available for viewing at www.paywiser.com. The current Price List is attached to these Terms and shall be deemed to form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.
    2. Paywiser shall charge the User individual fees for non-standard services not specified in these Terms and/or the Price List and shall inform the User thereof before the User starts using such services. Any additional or different agreement is also considered an integral part of this Framework Agreement.
    3. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that Paywiser may also charge the User fees for providing information in accordance with Article 86, Paragraph 5 of the ZPlaSSIED.
    4. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that Paywiser may also charge the User fees for providing information in accordance with Article 86, Paragraph 5 of the ZPlaSSIED.Taking into account the individual User and based on the business he/she carries out and how this affects Paywiser's obligations regarding the management of the Account, Paywiser may have to charge the User higher Management Fees than the standard Price List provides. The user will be informed about this in the future and can withdraw from this Agreement without cost in case of disagreement.
    5. Paywiser charges the User individual fees for non-standard services that are not defined in these Terms and/or the Price List and informs the User about this before the User starts using such services.
    6. Unless otherwise stated, Fees are expressed in Euros.
    7. All Fees paid by the User shall be deducted from the balance of the User's Payment Account, which the User expressly authorises Paywiser to do and expressly agrees to this. The User undertakes to ensure that sufficient funds are available to settle all Fees. If the balance in the User's Account is not sufficient, Paywiser reserves the right to charge the User additionally for any shortfall.
    8. Where Paywiser is unable to deduct from the balance of the User's Payment Account the Fees payable by the User for the Services rendered, Paywiser shall issue a separate invoice for the amount due. Invoices shall be payable within ten (10) days from the date of invoice. In the event of late payment, Paywiser reserves the right to charge default interest at the rate of 0.02% per day or as determined by the Price list and/or terminate the Contract with immediate effect by written notice to the User.
    9. If, during the execution of a Payment Transaction, there are insufficient funds in the User's Account to execute the Payment Transaction and pay the Fee, Paywiser shall have the right to reject and not execute such Payment Transaction.
    10. Currency conversion shall be based on Paywiser's exchange rate / or its partner bank, that is in force at the time of conversion and continuously updated and published on Paywiser's website and or Paywiser's web interface and/or Paywiser's mobile application.
    11. Paywiser shall promptly change the Base Currency Rate and notify the User of such changes in the manner described in these Terms or the Special Currency Exchange Terms.
    12. The exchange rates when the User wishes to make a currency exchange on his/her Payment Account shall be presented to the User beforehand.
    13. In the event that the currency in which the order to execute the Payment Transaction is in is different from the currency in which the Account is debited, the conversion of these currencies shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by Paywiser and published on Paywiser's website www.paywiser.com.
    14. Paywiser will provide the User with a statement of all Fees associated with the User's Account free of charge at the beginning of each calendar year. In the event of termination of this Agreement, such statement of Fees shall be produced for the period from the beginning of the calendar year until the date of termination of the Agreement.
    15. Paywiser shall not charge the User any value added tax for the services provided under this Agreement and the Terms as the services in question are exempt from the Value Added Tax Act.
  11. Communication between the User and the Paywiser
    1. The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that all communications, including personal communications between Paywiser and the User, shall be in English unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. All communications and information regarding any changes to the Services and prices and other relevant information shall be provided in English and partly in Slovenian, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Paywiser will also provide the User with a Slovene translation for certain documents, and the User is specifically reminded that both the Paywiser web interface and the Remote Identification Procedure are only available in English.
    2. The information shall be provided to the User either in person or by public announcement:
      • The information may be provided to the User in person via the Paywiser web interface or sent by post to the User's registered address, or by email as provided during the Account opening process, or by call, or by SMS using the telephone number provided during the Account opening process, and by other telecommunication instruments, including by electronic means;
      • information may be published on the Paywiser website www.paywiser.com and in the Paywiser system. Paywiser sends the User a notification of the newly uploaded information via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application or by other means (e-mail, SMS, Paywiser mobile application, etc.). The publicly published information is deemed to have been correctly communicated to the User, except in cases of mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia and/or in cases where Paywiser is obliged to inform the User personally.
    3. The User acknowledges that any communication between Paywiser and the User takes place in person, in particular via the Paywiser web interface, the Paywiser mobile application and the email indicated during the Payment Account opening process. The publication of information by Paywiser via the Paywiser web interface and/or the Paywiser mobile application and/or via email implies that the relevant information is correctly and effectively communicated to the User.
    4. Communication by e-mail is possible to the addresses indicated on the Paywiser website and to the e- mail address provided by the User during registration in the Paywiser system. The email message shall be deemed to be correctly delivered on the next Business Day.
    5. In the case of communication by telephone, the User's identity shall be verified on the basis of the User's data. Telephone communication between Paywiser and the User will be possible at intervals to be published on the Paywiser website. The message transmitted to the User by Paywiser by telephone shall be deemed to have been correctly delivered at the time of the conversation.
    6. In the case of communication by post, the letters shall be delivered to the User's address.
    7. Information published on the Paywiser website or Paywiser web interface or Paywiser mobile application shall be deemed to have been duly delivered on the date of publication of such information.
    8. The User agrees that Paywiser may, by means of available technical means and in the case of conversation recording, with prior notice to the User, record all ongoing communications between Paywiser and the User and archive all records and copies of all information and documents that Paywiser may receive from the User or a third party. The User agrees that Paywiser may use such information at any time for the purposes set out in these Terms or to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
    9. The User has the right to receive these Terms and other documents related to the Framework Contract in a paper version or on any other durable medium.
    10. If the User has any questions regarding these General Terms and Conditions, they may contact Paywiser via email at [email protected] or, if the User has a complaint, via email at [email protected]. Paywiser will attempt to resolve any questions or problems Users may have regarding their Payment Accounts or the Services. Paywiser will respond to the issue no later than 8 (eight) business days after receipt of the User's message, unless the issue is of a "simple" nature and can be resolved within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of the message. Paywiser will notify the User if there are exceptional circumstances where it may take up to thirty-five (35) Business Days to deal with the User's problem.
    11. The Parties shall inform each other without undue delay of any change in their contact details. At the request of Paywiser, the User must provide all relevant new documents proving that the contact details have or have not changed. Failure to comply with this obligation shall mean that the notification sent on the basis of the most recent contact details held by Paywiser has been duly delivered and any obligation fulfilled in accordance with such contact details has been duly fulfilled. The User acknowledges that Paywiser shall have the right to notify the User of any change in the contact details on Paywiser's side by public announcement and/or by sending such information by email to the User, which was provided during the process of opening the Payment Account.
    12. The parties must inform each other immediately of any circumstances that may be relevant to the proper conduct of the business relationship. The User is also obliged to provide additional information and documents at the request of Paywiser.
  12. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions and Price List
    1. This Contract is subject to be changed from time to time.
    2. Paywiser has the right to amend these Terms, the applicable Price List and Fees and/or other terms and conditions of the Services by providing the User with the amended terms and conditions on paper or other durable medium (e.g. e-mail) at least two (2) months prior to the effective date of such amendments. Paywiser will notify the User via the Paywiser mobile application or Paywiser web interface or the email address provided in the Payment Account opening process. If there is a change to the Terms that is clearly beneficial to the User as a whole, Paywiser may implement the changes immediately after notification of the change.
    3. The Terms in force from time to time consitute an integral part of the contractual relationship between Paywiser and the User. The User has the right to accept or reject the proposed changes.
    4. If the User does not agree with the changes, the User may withdraw from the Agreement immediately, without notice and without payment of any compensation. The User must submit the withdrawal from the Framework Contract no later than the day before the date fixed for the change to take effect. If the User does not notify Paywiser within this period that they do not agree to the amendments, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments and the amendments shall come into force on the date on which the amended Terms and/or Price List come into force. If the User agrees to the amendments, then the User shall not be entitled to subsequently submit any objection and/or claim regarding the content of such amendments. If the User rejects the proposed amendments without terminating the Agreement, Paywiser shall be deemed to have terminated the Framework Agreement, with a two-month period starting from the date of sending the notice of amendment.
    5. Termination of this Agreement in accordance with clause 12.4 shall not relieve the User of any obligations to Paywiser which have accrued prior to the date of termination of this Agreement.
  13. Secutity measures
    1. The User is responsible for the security of the devices used to log in to the Paywiser system (e.g. via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application) and must not leave them unattended, or in public places, or otherwise easily accessible to third parties.
    2. It is recommended that you keep your software, applications, antivirus, browsers and other programs up to date.
    3. It is recommended that the User protect devices with passwords, PIN codes, facial recognition or other security instruments.
    4. It is recommended that the User treats received e-mail messages with caution, even if the sender is Paywiser. Paywiser will never ask the User to download attachments or install software. Attachments to malicious emails may contain viruses that may harm devices or compromise the security of the User's account.
    5. It is not recommended to click on unknown links, open unknown documents, install software or applications from unknown and unreliable sources or visit unsafe websites.
    6. As soon as the User becomes aware of any loss, theft, misuse or fraudulent use of the Payment Account, instrument or device used to access the Paywiser system, the User must immediately notify Paywiser or any other person designated by the latter. The notification shall be sent to Paywiser by sending an email to [email protected] and/or [email protected].
    7. If the User notices any suspicious activity on his/her Payment Account and thinks that third persons may have logged into his/her Payment Account for the use of the Services, the User shall:
      • notify Paywiser immediately and at any time in the manner set out in this section and request that the User's Payment Account be blocked;
      • to continue using the Payment Account, the User must change the password and use other additional instruments to validate the Account or use appropriate security instruments to validate the login.
    8. Blocking of the Payment Account and the Payment Instrument issued to the User
      1. In addition to the provisions of Article 9.9, Paywiser shall have the right to block the Payment Account (suspend or partially suspend the execution of Payment Transactions) in the following cases:
        • in the event of objectively justified reasons related to the security of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card, alleged unauthorised or fraudulent use of the funds and/or the Payment Account and/or the issued Payment Card;
        • in the event that the User does not comply with the Terms and this Framework Agreement;
        • in the event that Paywiser has reasonable grounds to suspect that the funds in the Account may be used by other persons for illegal acts, including, but not limited to, criminal offences;
        • in other cases provided for by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Slovenia.
      2. If a payment instrument has been issued to the User, Paywiser can also block the latter.
    9. The notices provided by the User regarding the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payment transactions
      1. The User is obliged to check the data on the executed Payment Transactions at least 1 (one) time per month, so that the User can notice unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions and notify Paywiser thereof in due time.
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser in writing of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed Payment Transactions, including any errors and inaccuracies observed in the Statement, immediately upon detection of such circumstances and in any event no later than 8 (eight) weeks from the date of the debit.
      3. In case if the User does not notify Paywiser about the circumstances described in the clause 13.9.2 In the event that the User has not notified Paywiser of the circumstances described in clause 13.9.2 of these Terms, and subject to the conditions set out in the same clause 13.9.2, the User shall be deemed to have unconditionally accepted the Payment Transactions that have been made to the User's Account.
    10. The Liability for unauthorized, unapproved, unexecuted, improperly or late executed Payment Transactions
      1. Paywiser is responsible to the User for the execution of a payment transaction without the payer's consent for execution in accordance with Article 9.2. of this Agreement ("unauthorized" or "unauthorized" payment transaction). If Paywiser is responsible for the execution of an unapproved or improperly executed payment transaction, it provides the User with a correction at his request by refunding the amounts of the unapproved or improperly executed payment transactions or ensuring the correct execution of the payment transaction.
      2. Paywiser and the User expressly agree on the exclusion of the application of Article 140, Article 141, Article 142, Article 146, Article 148 and Article 150 of the ZPlaSSIED, unless this Framework Agreement expressly provides otherwise. The contracting parties also agree on the limited use of Article 137 of the ZPlaSSIED, as agreed with this Agreement.
      3. In the event that the User refuses to approve the executed Payment Transaction or declares that the Payment Transaction was executed incorrectly, he must prove this.
      4. If the User initiates a Payment Order using a Unique Identifier, such Payment Order is considered to have been correctly executed by Paywiser, if it was executed in accordance with the specified Unique Identifier. Paywiser has the right, but is not obliged, to verify that the Unique Identifier specified in the Payment Order and received by Paywiser corresponds to the name and surname of the Account Holder/Payee.
      5. If the Unique Identifier is provided to Paywiser with the amount to be transferred and debited from the Account, the Payment Order is deemed to have been properly executed if it was executed in accordance with the Unique Identifier. If Paywiser finds an obvious discrepancy between the Unique Identifier provided to Paywiser and the account holder's name before executing the transaction, Paywiser has the right not to execute such a Payment Order, but it is not Paywiser's duty to verify this.
      6. If the User (Payer) correctly initiates a Payment Order and the Payment Transaction is not executed or is executed incorrectly, Paywiser, at the User's request, immediately and free of charge takes measures to track the Payment Transaction and informs the User of the findings.
      7. Paywiser is responsible for the correct charging of Fees or the refund of already paid Fees, if Paywiser the order was not executed or was executed incorrectly due to the fault of Paywiser.
      8. Paywiser is not responsible for indirect losses suffered by the User and related to an unexecuted payment order or an incorrectly executed payment order. Paywiser is only responsible for direct losses of the User.
      9. Paywiser is not responsible for any claims between the Payee and the Payer and does not verify or deal with such claims in any other way. The user can file a claim against Paywiser only in relation to non-fulfilment or incorrect fulfillment of obligations on the part of Paywiser.
      10. Paywiser's limitations of liability do not apply if such limitations are prohibited by applicable law in Republic of Slovenia.
      11. In accordance with the conditions set out in Section 13.9.2 of these Terms or after determining that Paywiser is responsible for the execution of an unauthorized Payment Transaction, Paywiser shall return the amount of the unauthorized Payment Transaction to the User without undue delay, but no later than by the end of the next Business Day and, if necessary, restore the balance The account from which this amount was withdrawn to the state that would have existed if the unauthorized Payment Transaction had not been executed, unless Paywiser reasonably suspects fraud and informs Banka Slovenije of such suspicions, in accordance with the notification rules it prepares Bank of Slovenia.
      12. The User shall bear all losses incurred as a result of unauthorized Payment Transactions, if these losses are due to:
        • the execution of an unauthorized payment transaction, which is the result of the User's fraud or fraud or gross negligence, or if the User has failed to fulfill one or more obligations regarding the provision of security and information to Paywiser, as specified in this Framework Agreement,
        • the execution of an unapproved payment transaction, which is the result of exceptional and unforeseeable circumstances beyond Paywiser's control, or the consequences of such circumstances would be unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary by Paywiser.
        • a stolen, lost or misused payment instrument until the User successfully blocks the payment instrument in the Paywiser mobile application (in the event that only this was issued to the User).
        • The payment account can be blocked at the initiative of the User (including the payment instrument, if it is assigned to the User), if the User submits a corresponding request to Paywiser. Paywiser has the right to request that the request submitted by the User be subsequently approved in writing or approved in another manner acceptable to Paywiser.
        • If Paywiser has reasonable doubts that the blocking request was not submitted by the User, Paywiser has the right to refuse to block the account (including the payment instrument, if it was assigned to the User). In such cases, Paywiser shall not be liable for any losses that may arise from failure to comply with said requirement.
  14. Data confidentiality
    1. The parties undertake to keep confidential all information, facts and circumstances that they have learned about in connection with the execution of the contractual relationship, unless otherwise prescribed by the regulations in force at any given time or unless they expressly agree otherwise.
    2. Information and data relating to the contractual relationship are of a confidential nature, unless compulsory regulations impose otherwise on Paywiser. Paywiser will keep all information about the User and information about their account transactions as confidential and will not communicate the information to third parties, unless it is obliged to communicate the information in accordance with the applicable legislation, if the information is public or if it has to communicate it in order to fulfill its obligations execution of the User's orders.
    3. The obligation to protect Confidential Information does not apply to information that:
      • are public or have become publicly known without the conduct or fault of the other Contracting Party;
      • are known, without limitation, to any Contracting Party before it received them from the other Contracting Party, from its own independent sources, as evidenced by written documents of this Contracting Party, which it did not obtain directly or indirectly from the other Contracting Party;
      • received by either Party from any third party that such Party believes has a legal right to transfer such information and is not obligated to keep such information confidential; or
      • information independently discovered by employees or contractors of the Contracting Party, provided that the latter can prove that these same employees or contractors did not have access to the Confidential Information received under this Agreement.
    4. The User is aware that information about the Account, as well as other information about the User as the Account holder and about each reported account(s), may be forwarded to the tax authority of the country in which the account(s) is opened/maintained and exchanged with the competent authority(ies) of the other country(ies) in which the User is a resident for tax purposes, in accordance with an international agreement on the exchange of information on financial accounts. The user undertakes to notify Paywiser within 90 days of any change in circumstances that affect the change in tax residency status or a change that affects the correctness of the data and to deliver a new self-certification and statement to Paywiser within 90 days in accordance with the changes in circumstances.
    5. In order to perform the contractual relationship or to collect claims arising from the contractual relationship, the user expressly and irrevocably allows Paywiser to make inquiries of the competent persons about his registered office, assets and all other data necessary for the performance of the contractual relationship and possible debt recovery.
    6. The User authorizes Paywiser and allows it to take over and use the User's financial data, which are or will be published in publicly available databases.
    7. For the purpose of establishing a business relationship with the User, Paywiser is obliged, on the basis of the applicable ZPPDFT-2 and the company's policy, to obtain the data of the legal representative, authorized representative and actual owner specified in the law. Also, in order to establish a business relationship, he must obtain a copy of the personal document of the legal representative and authorized representative. Paywiser, as a data controller, processes personal data about authorized representatives, legal representatives and beneficial owners on the basis of the valid ZPPDFT-2 and ZPlaSSIED, for the purpose of establishing and verifying their identity, preventing, investigating or detecting fraud and scams, and for the implementation of payment and other services in in accordance with the concluded business relationship. The data is kept for ten years after the end of the business relationship with the User.
    8. The User is aware that Paywiser will periodically check the User's data in order to determine, for the purposes of FATCA (Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act), whether there are any circumstances (U.S. Indicia) that could cause the User to be considered a US taxpayer (U.S.Person). Regardless of the above- mentioned provision, the User undertakes to immediately notify Paywiser in writing of any change in the circumstances of his status (U.S. Indicia), such as establishing a company based in the U.S., obtaining U.S. citizenship, obtaining a residence address or headquarters in the U.S., getting a US phone number, etc. The user undertakes to notify Paywiser and provide appropriate documentation proving any changed circumstances. If the User does not notify Paywiser and does not submit the relevant documents immediately after receiving a written request from Paywiser to deliver the relevant documentation from which the User's status is derived, Paywiser will notify the tax authority of the Republic of Slovenia that the User is a potential U.S. Taxpayer (U.S. Person). . In this case, Paywiser is entitled unilaterally, after prior written notice to the User, to terminate the contractual relationship and close the account in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. The User undertakes to reimburse Paywiser for all possible costs and damages that may arise as a result of the User's violation of this article. For the purposes of FATCA, Paywiser can communicate to the tax authority of the Republic of Slovenia individual confidential data about the User, the legal representative and the Authorized Person.
    9. The set of necessary data and documents that Paywiser usually processes when concluding the Framework Agreement or identifying the User depends on the type of identification procedure and the Services that will be used.
    10. The user expressly allows and authorizes Paywiser to pass on all data in its possession to its current and future subsidiaries and controlling companies and companies in the group and contractual personal data processors, regardless of their headquarters, who have at least the same standard of personal data protection as a bank, namely for the needs of their operations, implementation and unification of contractual services, control, risk management and execution of mutual contractual relations.
    11. Personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation. More detailed information on how Paywiser handles personal data and the rights of individuals to whom it relates is described in Paywiser's Privacy Policy, which is available on the website www.paywiser.com. The user is obliged to familiarize himself with the information and confirms that he has read the Paywiser Privacy Policy and that he will act in accordance with all the conditions specified in this policy.
  15. Term and termination of the contract
    1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the business relationship between Paywiser and the User is concluded for an indefinite period.
    2. The User may withdraw from the Agreement free of charge by notifying Paywiser within 14 days of the conclusion of the Agreement, and after the expiration of this period, the User may terminate this Agreement in writing at any time and with at least 1 (one) month's notice.
    3. Paywiser may, without giving a reason, terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and giving two (2) months notice
    4. Paywiser may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the User and 2 (two) months notice if the User has not made any Payment Transactions for more than 12 (twelve) consecutive months. Prior to termination on such basis, Paywiser will notify the User of this intention.
    5. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.
    6. Paywiser may terminate the Agreement immediately (without notice) if it reasonably suspects or becomes aware that the User:
      • Violates applicable laws and regulations, including those related to money laundering or terrorist financing;
      • has provided Paywiser with false or misleading information or documentation, has failed to provide documents and information relating to his Account and use of the Services, or has failed to keep such documents and information up to date;
      • uses the Services to conduct or receive payments for prohibited activities or activities related to prohibited activities; or;
      • otherwise uses the Services for malicious, unlawful or immoral purposes.
    7. Where permitted under applicable laws and regulations, Paywiser will inform the User of the grounds for termination of the Contract as soon as possible.
    8. Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Parties from settling their obligations arising from the period prior to the termination of the Agreement.
  16. Protection of User's rights, dispute resolution and out-of-court dispute resolution procedure
    1. Any disputes or complaints relating to the provision of services under these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by the User and Paywiser amicably, in accordance with the Rules on the Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, published on Paywiser's website. The User acknowledges that they have read and understood the said Regulations.
    2. The User may file a complaint by post to PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Complaints, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, or by e-mail to [email protected]. The complaint must be clear and understandable and must contain the facts on which the complaint is based. It must contain at least the following: details of the complainant (name and surname of the natural person or name and registered office of the legal entity or business operator and address, e-mail address and telephone or other contact details), an explanation of the grounds of the complaint, a description of the incident and a statement of the key facts and date of the incident, the submission of evidence to support the facts on which the complainant's claim is based, if available, the address for sending the reply if different from the address of the permanent or temporary residence or registered office of the complainant or the address for sending the reply, if different from the address of the place of residence or registered office of the complainant or the address of the address of the place of residence or registered office of the person complained about. The details of the appeal procedure are described in more detail.
    3. Paywiser will respond to the User's complaint as soon as possible, but in any event within 8 (eight) working days in the first instance and within 15 (fifteen) working days in the second instance, or at the latest within 35 (thirty-five) working days. If the User disagrees with the decision on the complaint issued in the internal complaint procedure, or if they do not receive an unjustified response to the complaint within 30 days of filing the complaint with Paywiser's second-instance body, they may, within a period of no more than 13 (thirteen) months from the date of filing the complaint with Paywiser, file a petition for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes with the Attorney-at-Law, Simona Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana website, www.Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000-Ljubljana website, www.goriup.si) against the decision of Paywiser, in the manner provided for in the Rules of the procedure for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes in force from time to time, which are annexed to the aforementioned Rules of the internal complaint procedure and out-of-court dispute resolution and are available to the User on the Paywiser website. More information on the provider of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, on filing a petition and on the method and procedure of the Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution with Simona Goriup, Attorney-at-Law, is also available on her website (https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp- content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    4. The User may also file a complaint with the Bank of Slovenia in relation to alleged breaches of the ZPlaSSIED by Paywiser.
    5. Despite a complaint to an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider or to the Bank of Slovenia, the User shall have the right at any time to bring an action for the resolution of a dispute relating to the provision of payment services between him and Paywiser before a competent court of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the laws and procedure applicable in the Republic of Slovenia.
  17. Final provisions
    1. These Terms are drawn up in accordance with the law of the Republic of Slovenia, in particular the provisions of the ZPlaSSIED.
    2. Any disputes arising out of the contractual relationship and the use of the Paywiser Services shall be settled by the competent court in the Republic of Slovenia.
    3. These Terms shall be published on Paywiser's website, www.paywiser.com.
    4. The User may not, without the prior written consent of Paywiser, transfer or assign any rights or obligations it has under this Agreement to any third party.
    5. Paywiser reserves the right to transfer or assign this Agreement and all rights and obligations related thereto by giving the User at least two (2) months’ prior notice before the effective date of such change. The User shall have the right to accept or reject the amendments. The same provisions and procedures shall apply in relation to such amendment as apply to amendments to these General Terms and Conditions and are described in Section 12 of this Agreement.
    6. The User and Paywiser agree that all data and messages sent in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form and all data and messages stored in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall have the same validity and evidential value as data and messages sent and stored in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User expressly agree that all transactions concluded in the context of electronic commerce in electronic form shall be equivalent to those concluded in traditional written form. Paywiser and the User agree that, in the context of electronic commerce, documents may be signed with electronic signatures or concluded with a tacit confirmation (e.g. "click"). The User and Paywiser agree that all types of electronic signatures or tacit confirmations shall have the same validity and evidentiary value as a handwritten signature.
      Paywiser and the User agree to mutually recognise the validity and probative value of all types of electronic signatures and implied acts leading to the conclusion of the business relationship in the event of a legal dispute.
      The User acknowledges and agrees that all documentation relating to electronic transactions in Paywiser shall be kept in electronic form only.
    7. Force Majeure
      1. Paywiser and the User shall not be liable for non-payment or incomplete performance of an obligation or for any failure to comply with an obligation if such non-payment or incomplete performance is caused by force majeure (e.g. war, embargo, riot, governmental restrictions, labor disturbances, epidemics, quarantines, natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, or any other unforeseen change in circumstances, or any other cause beyond reasonable control).
      2. The User shall notify Paywiser of the Force Majeure Event by email or in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the date on which such circumstances arise.
      3. Paywiser shall notify Users of Force Majeure Circumstances via the Paywiser web interface or the Paywiser mobile application and/or by email.
    8. Mistakes
      1. The User is obliged to regularly monitor all inflows and outflows in the Account. If they notice that funds have been credited to his/her Account which do not belong to them, they must immediately inform Paywiser. In such cases, the User, as the unauthorised recipient of the transferred funds of the Payment Transaction, shall be restricted in his right to dispose of the transferred funds and shall immediately transfer such funds to the account designated by Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser shall have the right, without the User's specific consent, to deduct from the User's Account the amounts wrongly transferred and to transfer such funds to the account of the correct beneficiary.
      3. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be of no effect and the provision closest to the intention of the Parties shall apply.

These Terms and Conditions shall take effect on 24.10.2023.


  • General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Paywiser Web Interface
  • Price list for payment account
  • Privacy Policy
  • Internal Complaints Procedure and Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Policy
Paywiser d.o.o.
Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana

[email protected]

Splošni pogoji


Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse poslovne uporabnike storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja, plačilnih storitev in vodenja plačilnega računa, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser.

  1. Uvodne določbe
    1. Izdajatelj teh splošnih pogojev je PAYWISER družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«). Paywiser je družba, ustanovljena v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo in vpisana v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije.
    2. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si, https://www.bsi.si/financna-stabilnost/subjekti-nadzora/druzbe-za-izdajo-elektronskega-denarja). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA. Organi, pristojni za nadzor, so Banka Slovenije, Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Finančna uprava RS, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in drugi pristojni organi.
    3. Splošen elektronski naslov za komunikacijo z Uporabniki je [email protected], v Splošnih pogojih pa so glede na vsebino komunikacije navedeni tudi drugi elektronski naslovi.
    4. Ti Splošni pogoji za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser poslovnega plačilnega računa (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji« ali »Pogoji«) skupaj z ostalimi relevantnimi dodatnimi pogoji in dogovori, kot navedenimi v teh Pogojih, predstavljajo okvirno pogodbo (v nadaljevanju: »Okvirna pogodba«), ki se sklene v elektronski obliki in ki določa pogoje poslovanja med Paywiserjem in Uporabniki. Ti Pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov ter način uporabe Storitev. Pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser, katerega pravice in obveznosti so določene s temi Splošnimi pogoji in Okvirno pogodbo, se šteje za sklenjeno in pridobi značaj pogodbe šele, ko Paywiser potrdi sprejem in veljavnost Uporabnikovega naročila za Storitve, ki jih urejajo ti Pogoji, s sporočilom o odprtju računa Uporabniku. Takšno poročilo pošlje Paywiser Uporabniku z elektronsko pošto. Uporabnik izrazi svojo voljo za sklenitev Okvirne pogodbe s sprejemom Splošnih pogojev (»s tem da označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ ).
    5. Ti splošni pogoji veljajo za vse Uporabnike Storitev, razen če je s posebnim sporazumom med Paywiserjem in posameznim Uporabnikom dogovorjeno drugače.
    6. Vsaka posamezna storitev ali produkt, ki spada v obseg storitev Paywiserja, ima lahko tudi še svoje dodatne pogoje. V posebnih oz. dodatnih pogojih so lahko opredeljene tudi posamezne storitve ali produkti Paywiserja, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, ki pa jih ponujajo oz. zagotavljajo tretje osebe (npr. identifikacija na daljavo).
    7. Sestavni del teh Pogojev je Cenik storitev poslovanja s poslovnimi plačilnimi računi (v nadaljevanju: »Cenik«), ki je na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com, tako kot vsi drugi pogoji, pravilniki in druge informacije o produktih in storitvah. Vsi ti dokumenti skupaj določajo pravno in poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom. Obveznost Uporabnika je, da se seznani z vsemi dokumenti ter da z njimi soglaša.
    8. Poleg Splošnih pogojev za Uporabnike velja tudi Politika zasebnosti, objavljena na www.paywiser.com.
    9. Preden Uporabnik lahko posreduje naročilo za Storitve, se mora strinjati z vsebino Splošnih pogojev, Cenika in Politike zasebnosti ter soglašati z izvedbo Postopka identifikacije na daljavo, vključno z izvedbo biometričnih postopkov.
    10. Sredstva Uporabnikov Plačilnega računa, Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, odprtem pri komercialni partnerski banki in so ločena od sredstev družbe Paywiser. Denarna sredstva na fiduciarnem računu se štejejo za premoženje tretjih oseb za račun katerih imetnik fiduciarnega računa vodi takšen račun in ne za premoženje imetnika računa. Morebitni upniki imetnika fiduciarnega računa ne morejo za izterjavo svojih terjatev do imetnika računa niti v njegovem stečaju s prisilnimi ukrepi posegati na to premoženje. S tem je zagotovljena visoka stopnja varnosti sredstev Uporabnikov.
    11. Z naročilom Storitve Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da razume angleški jezik in da soglaša s poslovanjem v angleščini oz. delno tudi v slovenščini (npr. komunikacija lahko poteka v obeh jezikih, Postopek identifikacije na daljavo, del Postopka KYC & KYB, Paywiser spletni vmesnik itd. pa so zagotovljeni zgolj v angleškem jeziku). V nasprotnem primeru se pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser ne more skleniti.
    12. Naslovi v teh Splošnih pogojih so samo za sklicevanje in ne omejujejo področja uporabe posameznih določil. Izrazi z veliko začetnico imajo posebne opredelitve in so opisani v 2. členu teh Pogojev (Pomen izrazov) ali v samem besedilu Splošnih pogojev.
  2. Pomen izrazov
    1. Naslednje besede ali besedne zveze, kadar se uporabljajo v teh Splošnih pogojih ali katerem koli dokumentu na katerega se ta sklicuje, imajo naslednji pomen:
      • Račun/Plačilni račun pomeni račun za Elektronski denar in poslovni plačilni račun, ki ga odpre in vodi ponudnik računa (Paywiser) v imenu Uporabnika in se uporablja za izvrševanje Plačilnih transakcij (kamor lahko spadajo storitve, ki omogočajo dvige ali pologe gotovine s plačilnega računa / na plačilni račun, v Evropski uniji na bankomatu, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih direktnih obremenitev, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih plačilnih transakcij z debetno kartico, vključno s spletnimi plačili, v kolikor Uporabnik razpolaga s Paywiser debetno plačilno kartico) v domači in tujih valutah ter za druge namene, povezane z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev.
      • Delovni dan pomeni dan, ki ga določi Paywiser in na katerega Paywiser sodeluje pri izvedbi plačilne transakcije ter izvede potrebne aktivnosti za takšno plačilno transakcijo. Paywiser lahko vzpostavi različne delovne dni za zagotavljanje različnih storitev in/ali za izvajanje različnih plačilnih transakcij. Če z Okvirno pogodbo ali drugimi dogovori ni drugače dogovorjeno, se šteje, da je delovni dan vsak dan, ki je delovni dan v Republiki Sloveniji (vsak dan, razen sobote, nedelje, državnih praznikov in dela prostih dni po vsakokrat veljavni zakonodaji) in je hkrati delovni dan vseh drugih izvajalcev plačilnega prometa, vključenih v izvršitev posameznega Plačilnega naloga.
      • Zaupne informacije pomenijo informacije, ki so označene kot "Zaupne" ali se upravičeno pričakuje, da so ali bodo zaupne glede na naravo informacij; vključujoč, brez posega v navedeno splošno definicijo tudi: Paywiser poslovni načrti, podatki, strategije, metode, seznami Uporabnikov, tehnične specifikacije, podatki o transakcijah in vsi podatki, dejstva in okoliščine o posameznem Uporabniku, vključno z osebnimi podatki, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser;
      • Pogodba pomeni to Okvirno pogodbo in njene dodatke, če ti obstajajo.
      • Uporabnik je pravna oseba, podjetnik, zasebnik, skupnost ali druga oseba civilnega prava, ki uporabljaxali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je s Paywiser sklenil Okvirno pogodbo. Uporabnika zastopa zakoniti zastopnik ali z njegove strani pooblaščena oseba;
      • Pooblaščenec je fizična oseba, ki jo za razpolaganje s sredstvi na računu pooblasti zakoniti zastopnik pravne osebe, podjetnik ali zasebnik. Podpis pooblastitelja mora biti notarsko overjen, razen, če je pooblastilo dano v obliki elektronskega podpisa zakonitega zastopnika in je bilo v podpis poslano s strani Paywiser (npr. z uporabo programa AdobeSign).
      • Uporabniški račun pomeni uporabnikov račun oz. profil v sistemu Paywiserja;
      • Postopek KYC & KYB pomeni postopek (»know-your-customer« oz. »spoznaj-svojo stranko« ter know- your-business« oz. »spoznaj poslovanje svoje stranke«), s katerim Paywiser zbere vse potrebne podatke o uporabniku v skladu z ZPPDFT-2;
      • Provizija pomeni provizijo in druge stroške ter nadomestila, ki pripadajo Paywiserju za odprtje in vodenje plačilnega računa, izvedbo plačilne transakcije in/ali z njo povezane plačilne storitve in vseh ostalih storitev, ki so povezane z uporabo Plačilnega računa in sklenjeno Okvirno pogodbo;
      • Trajni nosilec podatkov je vsak instrument, ki uporabniku omogoča shranjevanje podatkov, naslovljenih osebno nanj, tako da so dostopni za poznejšo uporabo tako dolgo, kakor je to potrebno za namene teh podatkov, in ki omogoča nespremenjeno predvajanje shranjenih podatkov (npr. magnetni mediji, elektronska pošta, DVD);
      • Elektronski denar pomeni v elektronski ali magnetni obliki shranjena denarna vrednost v obliki terjatve imetnika elektronskega denarja (Uporabnik) do izdajatelja elektronskega denarja (Paywiser), ki ga Paywiser izda ob prejemu denarnih sredstev za namen izvrševanja plačilnih transakcij, kot jih določa 8. člen ZPlaSSIED, in ki ga kot plačilno sredstvo sprejeme oseba, ki ni Paywiser. Elektronski denar Uporabnikom Paywiser izda pod v tem dokumentu določenimi pogoji;
      • Tretja država pomeni državo, ki ni država članica;
      • Država članica pomeni državo članico Evropske unije (EU), evropskega gospodarskega prostora (EEA), pa tudi Monako, San Marino in Švico.
      • Paywiser spletni vmesnik za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser spletni vmesnik«) Uporabniku omogoča uporabo elektronskega denarja za plačilne transakcije in dostop do drugih Storitev, ki jih urejajo ti Splošni pogoji.
      • Plačilni nalog (tudi »Zahtevek za plačilo«) pomeni vsako navodilo (zahtevek za plačilo) plačnika ali prejemnika plačila svojemu ponudniku plačilnih storitev, s katerim odredi izvršitev plačilne transakcije;
      • Plačilna transakcija pomeni dejanje pologa, prenosa ali dviga denarnih sredstev, ki ga odredi plačnik ali je odrejena v njegovem imenu ali jo odredi prejemnik plačila, pri čemer je izvršitev plačilne transakcije prek ponudnika plačilnih storitev neodvisna od osnovnih obveznosti med plačnikom in prejemnikom plačila;
      • Pogodbena Stranka (»Pogodbenica«) pomeni Paywiser ali Uporabnik oz. oba skupaj kot Pogodbeni Stranki (»Pogodbenici«);
      • Plačilni instrument pomeni vsako napravo ali niz postopkov oziroma oboje, dogovorjeno med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem ter je vezan le na tega Uporabnika, z namenom da ga ta uporabi za odreditev plačilnega naloga (npr. plačilne kartice, elektronsko izvrševanje plačilnih transakcij);
      • Plačnik je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki odredi plačilno transakcijo tako, da izda plačilni nalog ali zagotovi soglasje k izvršitvi plačilnega naloga, ki ga izda prejemnik plačila;
      • Prejemnik plačila pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, ki je predvideni prejemnik sredstev, ki so bila predmet plačilne transakcije;
      • SEPA je kratica za enotno območje plačil v evrih (»Single Euro Payments Area«). Strankam omogoča izvajanje in prejemanje plačil v eurih, po enotnih pravilih in postopkih, znotraj ali zunaj nacionalnih meja, pod enakimi osnovnimi pogoji ter z enakimi pravicami in obveznostmi, ne glede na njihovo geografsko območje.
      • Storitve pomenijo storitve in produkte, ki jih nudi Paywiser po tej Okvirni pogodbi;
      • Izpisek pomeni dokument, ki ga Uporabniku pripravi Paywiser in vključuje podatke o plačilnih transakcijah, ki so bile opravljene v določenem časovnem obdobju;
      • Ukrepi močne avtentikacije strank (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) pomeni preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnika, ki temelji na uporabi dveh ali več elementov, ki so razvrščeni kot znanje Uporabnika (nekaj, kar ve le Uporabnik), lastništvo (nekaj, kar ima le Uporabnik) in neločljiva povezanost z Uporabnikom (nekaj, kar Uporabnik je) in so med seboj neodvisni, saj napaka enega ne ogroža zanesljivosti drugih in so zasnovani tako, da varujejo zaupnost podatkov za preverjanje pristnosti;
      • TARGET 2 pomeni plačilni sistem, ki je v lasti in upravljanju Eurosistema. Je vodilna evropska platforma za obdelavo plačil velikih vrednosti ter jo za obdelavo plačil v eurih v realnem času uporabljajo tako centralne banke kot tudi poslovne banke v EU.
      • Transakcijski račun je plačilni račun, ki ga odpre banka s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji ali podružnica banke države članice v Republiki Sloveniji v imenu enega uporabnika ali več uporabnikov za namene izvrševanja plačilnih transakcij in druge namene, povezane z opravljanjem bančnih storitev za uporabnika. Denarna sredstva na transakcijskem računu se štejejo kot vpogledni denarni depozit.
      • Tretja oseba pomeni vsako fizično ali pravno osebo, razen Pogodbenih Strank;
      • Edinstven identifikator pomeni kombinacijo številk, črk in znakov, ki jih Uporabniku plačilnih storitev določi ponudnik plačilnih storitev in ki se uporablja za nedvoumno identifikacijo Uporabnika in njegovega Računa. Edinstveni identifikator je lahko posamezna številka IBAN (International Bank Account Number-Mednarodna številka bančnega računa). Plačnik mora za identifikacijo računa prejemnika plačila zagotoviti IBAN prejemnika plačila in BIC kodo prejemnikovega ponudnika plačilnih storitev, razen če ni s svojim ponudnikom plačilnih storitev dogovorjen drugače;
      • Postopek identifikacije na daljavo pomeni ugotavljanje in preverjanje istovetnosti oseb z uporabo drugih ustrezno varnih daljinsko upravljanih ali elektronskih postopkov ter načinov za identifikacijo po 35. členu ZPPDFT-2 ter skladno s Pravilnikom o tehničnih pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varni daljinsko upravljani ali elektronski postopki in sredstva za identifikacijo. Rezultat postopka so zbrane informacije, ki vodijo v odločitev, ali se identiteta osebe potrdi ali ne.
      • ZPlaSSIED pomeni slovenski Zakon o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih.
      • ZPPDFT-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma.
      • ZVOP-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov.
  3. Pogoji poslovnega razmerja med Uporabnikom in Paywiser
    1. Poleg teh Splošnih pogojev in vseh njihovih sprememb, pogodbeno razmerje, ki se nanaša na opravljanje in zagotavljanje plačilnih in drugih Storitev, urejajo tudi zakoni in drugi pravni akti Republike Slovenije, Cenik in drugi dogovori, ki sta jih sklenili Pogodbenici, ter drugi dokumenti Paywiser, ki so objavljeni na spletišču Paywiser in iz katerih izhaja, da urejajo pravno razmerje med Paywiser in Uporabnikom, ter načela poštenja, pravičnosti in zakonitosti.
    2. Ti Splošni pogoji določajo temeljne pogoje, ki veljajo med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem, ko se Uporabnik veljavno registrira v sistemu Paywiser, tako da odpre Plačilni račun in/ali uporabi druge Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser in so povezane s Plačilnim računom in to Okvirno pogodbo. Vsa morebitna odstopanja oz. drugačne dogovore od pogojev te Okvirne pogodbe Pogodbeni stranki dogovorita v pisni obliki kot poseben dodatek k tej Pogodbi.
    3. Uporabnik s prijavo na Storitev izrecno potrjuje, da pozna vsebino teh Splošnih pogojev in se z njimi strinja.
    4. Uporabnik ima pravico kadar koli od Paywiserja zahtevati kopijo teh Pogojev in vseh drugih dokumentov, ki so del pogodbenega razmerja, v papirni obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so vedno objavljeni na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
    5. Pogodbeni stranki se s to Okvirno pogodbo izrecno dogovorita za izključitev uporabe določb 140. člena, 141. člena, 142. člena, 146. člena, 148. člena in 150. člena ZPlaSSIED v celoti, določil podpoglavja 5.2. ZPlaSSIED (6. odstavek 85. člena ZPlaSSIED), razen določb oddelka 5.2.5 ZPlaSSIED ter določb, ki jih ta Okvirna pogodba izrecno vsebuje.
  4. Storitve, ki jih nudi PAYWISER po tej Okvirni pogodbi
    1. Paywiser Uporabnikom ponuja storitve odpiranja in vodenja Plačilnega računa, ki se uporablja za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij, ter druge s Plačilnim računom povezane Storitve. Paywiser vodi večvalutni račun, v okviru katerega Uporabniku odpre enega ali več Plačilnih računov z edinstveno oznako IBAN, ki pomeni Edinstveni identifikator Uporabnikovega računa, in izvaja Plačilne transakcije v evrih (EUR) in v sledeči tuji valuti: USD. Vse ostale valute se avtomatsko pretvorijo v evre (EUR), skladno s temi Pogoji. Obenem Paywiser daje Uporabniku na razpolago tudi lokalni GBP Plačilni račun, katerega namen je Uporabniku omogočiti hitrejše in cenejše poslovanje znotraj plačilnega območja Združenega kraljestva.
    2. Sredstva vseh Uporabnikov so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, ki ga Paywiser v imenu Uporabnikov vodi pri komercialni partnerski banki. Paywiser v okviru odprtega fiduciarnega računa dodeli oznake IBAN Uporabnikovim Plačilnim računom, kar omogoča izvajanje prilivnih in odlivnih plačilnih transakcij s Plačilnega računa Uporabnika. Pogodbeno razmerje je sklenjeno zgolj med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem.
    3. Plačilni račun ni Transakcijski račun in ga Paywiser ne prijavi v register Transakcijskih računov. Uporabnik je dolžan sam poskrbeti za vsa relevantna poročanja o imetništvu Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju (npr. prijava Računa davčnemu organu, v kolikor je to relevantno).
    4. Paywiser spletni vmesnik Uporabniku omogoča dostop do svojega Plačilnega računa in upravljanje le tega (npr. polnjenje, izvedba plačilnih transakcij, unovčitve itd.).
    5. Za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika veljajo dodatni pogoji in so Uporabniku predstavljeni pred pričetkom uporabe. Pogoji, informacije in določila za uporabo ter povezava do spletnega vmesnika so na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
    6. Paywiser lahko ponuja naslednje plačilne storitve (aktivnosti), ki so povezane z vodenjem Plačilnega računa v skladu s 5. členom ZPlaSSIED:
      • Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo polog gotovine na plačilni račun, in vse aktivnosti, ki so potrebne za upravljanje tega računa;
      • Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo dvig gotovine s plačilnega računa, in vse aktivnosti, ki so potrebne za upravljanje tega računa;
      • Aktivnosti, ki omogočajo izvrševanje plačilnih transakcij, vključno z nakazili sredstev na plačilni račun pri Uporabnikovem ponudniku plačilnih storitev ali pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev (izvršitev plačilnih transakcij s plačilno kartico ali podobno napravo (npr. z uporabo aplikacije/QR kode)).
      • Izdaja plačilnih instrumentov.
      • Izdaja in unovčenje Elektronskega denarja.
      • Menjava valut.
    7. Ti Pogoji urejajo odprtje Paywiser Plačilnega računa in njegovo upravljanje preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ter vse pravice in obveznosti obeh Pogodbenic glede odprtja, zaprtja in uporabe Plačilnega računa in drugih Storitev po tej Okvirni pogodbi.
    8. Zaradi zakonske prepovedi se sredstva Uporabnika, ki jih hrani pri Paywiserju, ne obrestujejo.
    9. Med Storitvami, ki jih nudi Paywiser Uporabniku na podlagi te Okvirne pogodbe, ni uporaba debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser MasterCard (»Paywiser kartica«). O možnosti izdaje in uporabe Paywiser kartice bo Paywiser Uporabnika obvestil. Za storitev izdaje Paywiser kartice bodo veljali dodatni pogoji, ki bodo na voljo na spletni strani www.paywiser.com in bodo v primeru, da Uporabnik naroči Paywiser kartico, sestavni del te Okvirne pogodbe.
    10. Za vsako dodatno storitev, ki ni urejena s temi Pogoji, lahko veljajo ločeni pogoji, ki so na voljo na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com oz. so dogovorjeni neposredno z Uporabnikom.
    11. Ta Okvirna pogodba določa pogoje klasičnega oz. običajnega Plačilnega računa, Paywiser in Uporabnik pa se lahko dogovorita tudi drugače.
    12. Paywiser lahko na izrecno zahtevo Uporabnika slednjemu odpre Plačilni račun za družbo, ki je v ustanavljanju. Paywiser takšen Plačilni račun odpre po nalogu ustanovitelja pravnega subjekta, ki mora za ustanovitev družbe zagotoviti tudi vplačilo osnovnega kapitala v denarju (ki se izvede z nakazilom z drugega plačilnega/bančnega računa). Za odprtje mora Uporabnik predložiti Akt o ustanovitvi družbe ali Družbeno pogodbo, prijava pa se mora nanašati na registracijo podjetja v Sloveniji. Paywiser ob odprtju računa opravi ustrezno identifikacijo fizičnih oseb in po obvestilu Uporabnika, da so bila sredstva nakazana, izda potrdilo o vplačilu denarnega vložka (v roku 7 dni od prejema obvestila Uporabnika, da so bila sredstva nakazana), pri čemer Paywiser ne jamči, da bo sodišče navedeno potrdilo sprejelo kot zadostno. Takšen Račun je namenjen le hrambi ustanovitvenega kapitala, zato je razpolaganje s sredstvi na računu možno samo za namen ustanovitve družbe. Preoblikovanje računa v klasični Plačilni račun Paywiser opravi šele tedaj, ko je družba že vpisana v Poslovni register AJPES.
    13. V primeru, da Paywiser odpre Uporabniku Plačilni račun za družbo v ustanavljanju ali katero koli drugo vrsto poslovnega računa, ki se razlikuje od običajnega oz. klasičnega, lahko Paywiser od Uporabnika zahteva dodatne Postopke KYC & KYB in sprejem dodatnih splošnih pogojev in cenika.
    14. Uporabnik lahko pooblasti Pooblaščenca za poslovanje na Računu. Pooblaščenec ima enake pravice za razpolaganje s sredstvi na Računu kot zakoniti zastopnik. Pooblaščenec ni upravičen odpovedati pogodbe in zahtevati zaprtje Plačilnega računa.
  5. Splošna določila o odprtju Računa in identifikaciji Uporabnika
    1. Uporabnik mora najprej vložiti vlogo za registracijo Uporabniškega računa in odpiranje Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju, opraviti Postopek identifikacije na daljavo ter naložiti vse zahtevane dokumente. Uporabnik na Paywiser posreduje podatke in dokumente opisane v poglavju 6 teh Pogojev, s strani Uporabnika izpolnjen vprašalnik in druge podatke ali dokumente, ki jih Paywiser lahko zahteva glede na posamezne okoliščine in ki bi Paywiserju omogočili preverjanje identitete Uporabnika in ustrezne izvedbe Postopka KYC & KYB. V primeru, da Uporabnik ne želi izvesti Postopka identifikacije na daljavo mu Paywiser omogoči drug način identifikacije in verifikacije.
    2. Obseg informacij, ki jih je treba zagotoviti, je odvisen od produkta ali storitve Paywiserja, ki ga Uporabnik želi uporabiti.
    3. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico od Uporabnika zahtevati, da ta priskrbi originalne dokumente ali kopije teh dokumentov, ki jih je overil notar ali druga pristojna oseba, ali ki jih je overila določena država.
    4. Za zagotovitev identifikacije Uporabnika ali opravljanje drugih potrebnih nalog ima Paywiser pravico, da od Uporabnika zahteva izvedbo določenega postopka (npr. Postopek identifikacije na daljavo) prek katerega koli partnerja Paywiserja ali drugih programov.
    5. Uporabnik potrjuje, da so vsi podatki, zagotovljeni med registracijo, pravilni in ažurni. Če pride do kakršnih koli sprememb pri posredovanih podatkih v času trajanja poslovnega razmerja, je Uporabnik dolžan posredovati posodobljene podatke v najkrajšem možnem času, vendar najpozneje v 5 (petih) delovnih dneh po nastali spremembi.
    6. Ko Uporabnik prebere veljavno različico teh Pogojev, označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ . Navedeno se šteje za izjavo volje Uporabnika, da želi skleniti Okvirno pogodbo. Po izvedbi Postopka KYC & KYB, Paywiser z elektronskim sporočilom obvesti Uporabnika o (ne)sklenitvi Pogodbe. Če Uporabnik ne označi potrebnih potrditvenih polj, to pomeni, da ne želi skleniti pogodbenega razmerja s Paywiserjem.
    7. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti registracijo novega Uporabnika in Uporabniškega računa brez navedbe razlogov, vendar Paywiser zagotavlja, da bo zavrnitev registracije vedno temeljila na pomembnih razlogih, ki jih Paywiserju ni potrebno ali jih ne sme razkriti.
    8. Ko Paywiser preveri dokumente in informacije, ki jih je zagotovil Uporabnik, in ni nobenega razloga, ki bi v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo, internimi pravili ali kako drugače lahko vodil v zavrnitev izvajanja Storitev, Uporabnika obvesti o odprtju Plačilnega računa, Uporabnik pa je s tem upravičen začeti uporabljati Storitve in Plačilni račun.
    9. Uporabnik ima pravico odpreti en Uporabniški račun in en Plačilni račun, razen če Paywiser izrecno odobri odprtje dodatnih Računov.
    10. Paywiser Uporabnikom s sedežem ali s stalnim ali začasnim prebivališčem ali državljanstvom zakonitega zastopnika, Pooblaščenca ali dejanskega lastnika v državah, kjer obstaja povečano ali visoko tveganje pranja denarja ali financiranja terorizma, ne omogoča uporabe Storitev Paywiser. Seznam držav z visokim ali povečanim tveganjem, ki po mnenju mednarodnih organizacij nimajo ustrezne zakonodaje s področja PPDFT ali je ne izvajajo v celoti, ali pa so povezane z drugimi tveganji, ki lahko vplivajo na učinkovitost boja proti pranju denarja in financiranju terorizma, objavlja Urad RS za preprečevanje pranja denarja. Seznam je objavljen na: https://www.uppd.gov.si/.
    11. Če Postopek KYC & KYB za Uporabnika, njegovega zakonitega zastopnika, Pooblaščenca ali dejanskega lastnika razkrije, da je imetnik mobilne številke, da je ustanovljen oz. je državljan ali, da ima sedež oz. stalno ali začasno prebivališče v državi na seznamu povečanega ali visokega tveganja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico, da takemu Uporabniku zavrne odprtje Plačilnega računa oz. odpove Pogodbo in zapre Uporabnikov Plačilni račun ter povrne znesek preostalega stanja na njegovem Računu. Enako velja, če se izkaže, da je Uporabnik, njegov zakoniti zastopnik, Pooblaščenec ali dejanski lastnik oseba, ki je na sanacijski listi.
    12. Uporabnik s sprejemom teh Splošnih pogojev izjavlja:
      • da ne on, ne njegov zakoniti zastopnik niti Pooblaščenec ali dejanski lastnik niso sankcionirane osebe, oziroma, da niso vključeni na sezname oseb, zoper katere veljajo omejevalni ukrepi oziroma sankcije, pri čemer velja:
      • sankcionirana oseba je vsaka fizična oseba, ki je predmet sankcij oziroma zanjo veljajo sankcije, kar vključuje, brez omejitev, osebo, ki je državljan ali rezident države, ki je navedena na listi sankcioniranih držav;
      • sankcije so kakršnekoli ekonomske, finančne, trgovinske ali podobne omejitve in prepovedi, sprejete, podane ali predpisane s strani sledečih organizacij ali držav (in njihovih organov ali agencij): a) Združenih narodov; b) Združenih držav Amerike; ali c) Evropske unije ali njenih sedanjih ali bodočih držav članic.
      • da on sam, niti njegov zakoniti zastopnik, niti Pooblaščenec, ne bo, neposredno ali posredno, uporabil Računa in z njim povezanih storitev na podlagi Okvirne pogodbe, na kakršenkoli način, ki bi imel za posledico kršitev omejevalnih ukrepov in sankcij s strani Paywiserja, kar vključuje tudi uporabo Računa in z njim povezanih storitev za financiranje ali olajšanje poslovanja ali transakcij sankcionirane osebe, ali z njo povezane osebe, ali dajanje teh sredstev na razpolago sankcionirani osebi ali omogočanje, da bi taka oseba imela korist od teh sredstev;
      • da nobena sankcionirana oseba ne bo imela nobene pravice do sredstev, ki bodo s strani Uporabnika nakazani z/ na Račun kot tudi, da noben prihodek ali korist, ki bi izhajal/a iz kakršnekoli aktivnosti ali transakcije s sankcionirano osebo, ne bo uporabljen/a za poplačilo zneskov, ki jih Uporabnik v okviru sklenjenih pogodbenih razmerij dolguje Paywiserju.
  6. Registracija, preverjanje in uporaba storitve Paywiser Plačilnega računa
    1. Uporabnik dostopa in upravlja svoj plačilni račun prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    2. Obvezni podatki za registracijo Uporabnika so:
      1. Podatki o pravni osebi ali samostojnem podjetniku:
        • Firma oz. polno ime podjetja
        • Preteklo ime podjetja
        • Sedež podjetja
        • Poslovni naslov, če je drugačen od sedeža
        • Davčna številka
        • Matična številka
        • Pravno organizacijska oblika
        • Dejavnost
        • Namen in narava poslovnega razmerja
        • Države, v katere bo uporabnik opravljal nakazila
        • Države, iz katerih bo uporabnik prejemal nakazila
        • Pričakovan obseg mesečnih prilivov
        • Pričakovan letni obseg prometa
        • Kontaktna telefonska številka
        • Elektronski naslov
        • Spletna stran
      2. Podatki o zakonitem zastopniku oz. Pooblaščencu
        • Polno ime (ime in priimek)
        • Datum rojstva
        • Kraj in država rojstva
        • Naslov stalnega in začasnega (če ta obstaja) prebivališča
        • Spol
        • Davčna številka in država davčnega rezidentstva
        • Državljanstvo
        • Podatki o osebnem dokumentu (vrsta, številka dokumenta, datum izdaje in datum poteka roka veljavnosti, izdajatelj)
        • Slika (obeh strani) priloženega osebnega dokumenta (osebna izkaznica ali potni list) s podpisom,
        • »Sebek« (Selfie - Slika Uporabnika)
        • Številka mobilnega telefona
        • Naslov elektronske pošte
        • Zajem obraza v postopku identifikacije
      3. Podatki o dejanskem lastniku
        • Polno ime (ime in priimek)
        • Naslov stalnega in začasnega (če ta obstaja) prebivališča
        • Datum rojstva
        • Kraj in država rojstva
        • Davčna številka
        • Državljanstvo
        • Odstotek lastništva v pravni osebi
    3. Paywiser zbira (osebne) podatke o Uporabniku, njegovem zakonitem zastopniku/ih, Pooblaščencu/ih in dejanskemu lastniku/ih ter druge podatke prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in Paywiser sistema. Med zbiranjem zahtevanih podatkov mora Uporabnik oz. zakoniti zastopnik oz. Pooblaščenec vnesti svoje osebne identifikacijske podatke in predložiti fotografijo (obeh strani) svojega osebnega dokumenta in dovoliti zajem svojih fotografij. Za Postopek KYC & KYB (identifikacijo in verifikacijo) ter preverjanje informacij se med drugim uporablja Postopek identifikacije na daljavo z uporabo zunanjega izvajalca. Podoba obraza osebe, ki je predmet Postopka identifikacije na daljavo, se v času trajanja identifikacije v živo prenaša do zunanjega izvajalca, ki podobo obraza osebe zajame in shrani kot fotografijo. V Postopku identifikacije na daljavo se izvede tudi biometrična primerjava obraza osebe, ki je predmet ugotavljanja istovetnosti, s podobo na njenem osebnem dokumentu. Postopek identifikacije na daljavo, vključno z biometrijo, se izvede na podlagi predhodno pridobljenega soglasja Uporabnika oz. osebe, ki je predmet verifikacije ter z zahtevami veljavne zakonodaje, zlasti ZVOP-2 in Pravilnika o tehničnih pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varni daljinsko upravljani ali elektronski postopki in sredstva za identifikacijo.
    4. Uporabnik se najprej registrira s svojo mobilno telefonsko številko, ki jo je treba potrditi z vnosom enkratnega gesla, prejetega v SMS-sporočilu. Preveri in potrdi se tudi e-poštni naslov, ki ga vnese Uporabnik.
    5. Uporabniški račun je edinstveno povezan z e-poštnim naslovom, ki je bil naveden v postopku registracije. En e-poštni naslov se lahko hkrati prijavi le z enim Uporabniškim računom. Prav tako je lahko naenkrat z enim Uporabniškim računom povezana samo ena številka mobilnega telefona.
    6. Pred uspešno registracijo mora Uporabnik sprejeti Splošne pogoje.
    7. Po uspešno zaključenem Postopku KYC & KYB se Uporabniku dodeli edinstvena identifikacijska številka (ID Uporabnika).
    8. Po registraciji je Uporabniku ustvarjen Uporabniški račun in pridobi možnost uporabe storitev Plačilnega računa, kot opisano v teh Pogojih, in upravljanja le tega preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    9. Storitve za Uporabnika so omejene tako, da se upoštevajo zakonske omejitve, ki jih zahteva ZPPDFT-2, in omejitve, ki jih določa Paywiserjeva politika o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (v nadaljnjem besedilu: »politika AML«).
    10. Uporabnik lahko s sredstvi na Računu prosto razpolaga, Paywiser pa mu lahko, v kolikor bi bilo to potrebno iz naslova internih pravilnikov ali predpisov, vzpostavi določene limite v zvezi z izvajanjem plačilnih transakcij.
    11. Če Uporabnik ni več upravičen do Računa, ali obstajajo kazalniki visokega tveganja ali Uporabnik doseže postavljene limite (npr. mesečne/letne transakcijske vrednosti), se lahko Plačilni račun začasno ali trajno zamrzne (v slednjem primeru Paywiser z obvestilom Uporabniku tudi odpove Pogodbo).
    12. Uporaba Paywiser spletnega vmesnika
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan uporabljati Paywiser spletni vmesnik in morebitne druge načine povezav do Paywiser sistemov (npr. preko mobilne aplikacijo Paywiser) v skladu s temi Pogoji, Cenikom, Splošnimi pogoji za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, splošnimi pogoji, ki veljajo za ostale način povezav oz. dostopov, in vsemi drugimi navodili ter dokumenti, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na www.paywiser.com ter v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Uporabnik je dolžan Storitve uporabljati na način, ki je skladen z namenom, za katerega Paywiser Storitve zagotavlja.
      2. V primeru kršitve je Uporabnik (kršitelj) odgovoren Paywiserju in tretjim osebam za vso povzročeno škodo, Paywiser pa ima pravico, da Uporabniku prepreči nadaljnjo uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, morebitnih drugih povezav in vseh Storitev.
      3. Uporabnik, ki omogoči dostop do Paywiser spletnega vmesnika tretjim osebam, je izključno odgovoren za škodo, ki bi nastala kot posledica takšnih dejanj.
      4. Omejitve uporabe Paywiser Plačilnega računa so določene v skladu z ZPPDFT-2 in notranjimi pravili Paywiserja in so navedene v teh Pogojih in navodilih ter dokumentih, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na www.paywiser.com.
      5. Vse funkcionalnosti Plačilnega računa in Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, vključno s pogoji izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter izvedbo plačilnih transakcij, so opredeljene v teh Pogojih in dodatnih pogojih, povezanimi s Storitvami, ki so predmet Okvirne pogodbe (kot so npr. Splošnih pogojih za uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika itd.).
      6. V primeru, da je Uporabniku omogočen dostop do Paywiser sistema, kako drugače kot preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, veljajo vsa določila te Okvirne pogodbe, ki opredeljujejo uporabo Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, tudi za uporabo teh drugih načinov povezav oz. dostopov, razen če ta Pogodba ali posebni dodatni pogoji izrecno določajo drugače.
  7. Plačilne storitve
    1. Uporabniki lahko preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika izvajajo različne vrste Plačilnih transakcij.
    2. Za Uporabnike veljajo omejitve iz 6. poglavja teh Splošnih pogojev in omejitve, določene spodaj. Uporabniki ne smejo unovčiti sredstev s svojega Plačilnega računa v gotovini.
    3. Vsako zahtevo za plačilo odobri in potrdi ali pa zavrne sistem Paywiser.
    4. Stanje Plačilnega računa se zmanjša/poveča takoj po uspešni Plačilni transakciji.
    5. Paywiser odobri in izvede vsako Plačilno transakcijo, za katero je Uporabnik predložil Zahtevek za plačilo (Plačilni nalog) ali soglasje (potrditev), razen če obstajajo pogoji za zavrnitev transakcije.
    6. Paywiser bo zavrnil izvedbo Plačilne transakcije, če:
      • Je z izvrševanjem zahteve za plačilo presežena vrednostna omejitev ZPPDFT-2 ali druga omejitev, ki jo določi Paywiser ali je bila samostojno nastavljena s strani Uporabnika,
      • Uporabnik nima dovolj sredstev na Plačilnem računu,
      • Uporabnik vnese napačno kodo SCA za potrditev Plačilne transakcije,
      • je Uporabniški račun blokiran, zamrznjen ali začasno ukinjen,
      • je sistem Paywiser in/ali elektronsko komunikacijsko omrežje v času zahteve po izvedbi transakcije moteno,
      • Paywiser sumi na morebitno zlorabo Plačilnega računa.
    7. Paywiser na podlagi pogojev iz prejšnje točke Plačilno transakcijo potrdi ali zavrne in o tem takoj obvesti Uporabnika preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika.
    8. Uporabnik lahko v mejah Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa in ob upoštevanju omejitev iz teh Pogojev izvede naslednja dejanja (Plačilne transakcije):
      • Napolni plačilni račun (top-up),
      • Izvede plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev,
      • Unovči sredstva iz Plačilnega računa.
    9. Spodaj so opisane posamezne vrste Plačilnih transakcij.
    10. Druge storitve/funkcionalnosti se izvajajo prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika v skladu z dodatnimi oz. posebnimi pogoji.
    11. Polnjenje plačilnega računa (top-up)
      1. Funkcija polnjenja Plačilnega računa Uporabnika je podvržena omejitvam, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik lahko napolni (dopolni) svoj Plačilni račun:
        • Z nakazilom sredstev iz plačilnega računa, ki ga ima odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev: Uporabnik izpolni plačilni nalog v dobro svojega Računa (navede IBAN in BIC), ki ga vodi Paywiser. V ta namen ima Paywiser odprt fiduciarni račun pri komercialni partnerski banki. Sklic in namen plačila izpolni Uporabnik v skladu z navodili, objavljenimi na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com. Sredstva na Plačilnem računu Uporabnika, ki je pravilno izpolnil podatke na Plačilnem nalogu, se povečajo takoj po prejemu sredstev na račun Paywiserja.
      3. Preden dovoli izvršitev transakcije za polnitev, Paywiser preveri podatke Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila ter stanje in omejitve Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila.
      4. Vsako zahtevo za polnitev Računa Paywiser odobri ali zavrne.
    12. Plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev
      1. Za plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev veljajo omejitve iz 6. člena teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik, ki je v skladu s pogoji za izdajo pridobil Paywiser kartico (ko bo navedena storitev relevantna oz. Uporabniku na voljo), lahko plača blago in storitve na katerem koli prodajnem mestu (tudi spletnem), ki sprejema MasterCard debetne kartice.
      3. Postopek izvedbe Plačilne transakcije preko Plačilnega naloga vnesenega v Paywiser spletni vmesnik:
        Paywiser sprejema Plačilne naloge v skladu s časovnim razporedom, s katerim izvaja obračun in poravnavo Plačilnih transakcij v sistemu Paywiser. Ta je predvidoma vsak Delovni dan za Plačilne transakcije ki bodo, opravljene do 24:00 prejšnjega dne. Sobote, nedelje, državni prazniki v Sloveniji in prazniki v tujini (1.1., Velikonočni petek, Velikonočni ponedeljek, 1.5., 25.12. in 26.12.), ki pomenijo nedelovni dan za plačilni sistem TARGET2, predstavljajo nedelovne dni za obračune in poravnave v sistemu Paywiser in partnerjih, vključenih v plačilni sistem.
      4. Paywiser bo Plačilne naloge, prejete od 0. do 24. ure, izvedel (uspešno ali neuspešno) še isti Delovni dan.
      5. Paywiser (kot pridobitelj) bo nakazal sredstva na račun prejemnika najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan po prejemu Plačilnega naloga.
      6. Plačilni nalog postane nepreklicen v trenutku, ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije, to je ko Paywiser prejme Plačilni nalog.
      7. Uporabnik vloži Zahtevek za plačilo v sistemu Paywiser preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika. Sistem Paywiser samodejno preverja podatke tako Plačnika kot Prejemnika plačila, stanje na računu Uporabnika, status Uporabnika ter omejitve Uporabnika.
      8. Če so izpolnjeni vsi pogoji iz prejšnjega odstavka, Paywiser takoj izvede prenos sredstev ali, če pogoji niso izpolnjeni, transakcijo zavrne.
      9. Ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvedbo plačilne transakcije, preklic ali razveljavitev takšne transakcije oz. Plačilnega naloga ni več mogoč.
    13. Unovčenje sredstev iz Plačilnega računa:
      1. Uporabnik lahko kadar koli v skladu s temi Pogoji in veljavnim Cenikom, ter v mejah in z omejitvami, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev, unovči sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa.
      2. Sredstva se lahko unovčijo:
        • S prenosom sredstev na drug Plačilni ali Transakcijski račun - Uporabnik lahko kadar koli nakaže sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, na kateri koli drug Transakcijski račun ali Plačilni račun, v skladu s temi Pogoji in veljavnim Cenikom, tako da izpolni Plačilni nalog.
        • Z dvigom gotovine na bankomatu, če je Uporabnik Plačilnega računa pridobil Paywiser kartico.
      3. Pogoji za unovčenje:
        • ustrezno stanje na Uporabnikovem Paywiser Računu,
        • upoštevanje morebitnih omejitev transakcij, kot opisano v teh Pogojih.
  8. Splošni pogoji za izdajo in unovčenje Elektronskega denarja
    1. Denar, ki je hranjen na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu, se šteje za Elektronski denar, ki ga izda Paywiser po prenosu ali nakazilu denarja na Plačilni račun, odprt pri Paywiser.
    2. Ko je Uporabnik izvršil nakazilo sredstev oziroma je nakazilo denarja na Uporabnikov Račun uspešno in ko Paywiser prejme denar, Paywiser izda Elektronski denar po nominalni vrednosti in ga nakaže na Uporabnikov Plačilni račun. Elektronski denar se knjiži in hrani na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu.
    3. Uporabnik izbere način polnjenja Računa kot opisano v členu 7.11 (Polnjenje Plačilnega računa).
    4. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da se Elektronski denar na Uporabnikovem računu ne šteje za depozit in Paywiser v nobenem primeru ne plačuje nobenih obresti za Elektronski denar na Računu Uporabnika in ne zagotavlja nobenih drugih ugodnosti, povezanih s časovnim obdobjem, za katerega je Elektronski denar shranjen.
    5. Na zahtevo Uporabnika se lahko Elektronski denar, ki se hrani na Računu Uporabnika, kadar koli unovči po njegovi nominalni vrednosti, razen če se Paywiser in Uporabnik dogovorita drugače.
    6. Kadar se zahteva, da se Elektronski denar unovči pred iztekom te Pogodbe, lahko Uporabnik zahteva vračilo dela ali celotne denarne vrednosti Elektronskega denarja.
    7. Uporabnik vloži zahtevo za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja z generiranjem Plačilnega naloga za prenos Elektronskega denarja iz Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju na kateri koli drug račun, ki ga določi Uporabnik.
    8. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne uporabljajo nobeni posebni pogoji, ki bi se razlikovali od standardnih pogojev za nakazila in druge Plačilne transakcije z Uporabnikovega Računa. Znesek unovčenega ali nakazanega Elektronskega denarja izbere Uporabnik.
    9. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne plača nobena dodatna Provizija. V primeru unovčenja Elektronskega denarja Uporabnik plača običajno Provizijo za prenos denarja ali dvig denarja, ki je odvisna od načina prenosa ali dviga denarja, ki ga izbere Uporabnik, v skladu s Cenikom.
    10. Če Uporabnik zaprosi za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja po poteku te Pogodbe ali največ 1 (eno) leto od izteka veljavnosti Pogodbe, se unovči vsa denarna vrednost Elektronskega denarja, ki ga ima Uporabnik.
    11. Pod pogojem, da Uporabnik odpove to Pogodbo in predloži zahtevo za zaprtje njegovega Plačilnega računa in izbris Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa iz sistema Paywiser, ali da Paywiser prekine zagotavljanje Storitev Uporabniku in izbriše Uporabnikov Račun iz sistema Paywiser, se v primerih določenih v tej Pogodbi denar z Računa Uporabnika nakaže na Uporabnikov Transakcijski račun ali na račun v drugem elektronskem plačilnem sistemu, ki ga navede Uporabnik. Paywiser ima pravico, da si pred tem odšteje zneske, ki pripadajo Paywiserju (Provizije za Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser, in druge stroške, ki jih Uporabnik ni plačal, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, odškodnino in zamudne obresti, ki so jih naložile finančne institucije in (ali) drug pristojni organi države in ki jih je plačal Paywiser zaradi kršitev te Pogodbe, ki jih je storil Uporabnik). V primeru spora med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ima Paywiser pravico zadržati sporni denar do rešitve spora.
    12. V primeru, da Paywiser Uporabniku ne povrne denarja iz razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (na primer: Račun, ki ga je Uporabnik navedel, je zaprt; tehnične težave, ki nastanejo pri ponudniku plačilnih storitev, če ima Uporabnik drug račun itd.), bo o tem Uporabnik nemudoma obveščen. Uporabnik mora takoj navesti drug račun ali zagotoviti dodatne informacije, ki so potrebne za vračilo denarja.
  9. Splošni pogoji o zagotavljanju plačilnih storitev
    1. Avtentikacijski podatki in informacije, ki so potrebne za izvedbo plačilnega naloga
      1. Avtentikacijske podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika nastavi Uporabnik. Podatki se nanašajo na:
        • Uporabniško ime in geslo:
          • Uporabniško ime: je kombinacija številk, ki je bila Uporabniku dodeljena po končani registraciji in po tem, ko je Paywiser izdal potrdilo, da lahko Uporabnik prične uporabljati Storitve.
          • Geslo: statično alfanumerično zaporedje, ki ga osebno in izključno sam določi Uporabnik. Paywiser ne bo imel dostopa do gesla niti ga ne bo nikoli zahtevati od Uporabnika.
        • Posebna koda, ki jo bo Uporabnik prejel na svoj mobilni telefon za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije (SCA, neobvezno). Uporabnik potrdi posebno kodo, ki jo je prejel na svoj mobilni telefon z vnosom gesla. Plačilna transakcija se ne izvede brez posebne kode (kadar je ta potrebna).
      2. Najdaljši čas brez aktivnosti Uporabnika, potem ko je bil odobren dostop do Uporabniškega računa na spletu, ne sme presegati 5 minut. Po 5 minutah se seja konča in Uporabnik se mora znova prijaviti. Če so avtentikacijski podatki za preverjanje istovetnosti trikrat napačno vneseni, ima Paywiser pravico blokirati dostop do Uporabniškega računa z navedenimi avtentikacijskimi podatki. Pred izvedbo blokade, bo Uporabnik obveščen. V primeru blokiranja Uporabnikovega Računa zaradi napačno vnesenih podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti, bo lahko Uporabnik po uspešni izvedbi določenih aktivnosti Postopka KYC & KYB, zaprosil za nove podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti in se ponovno prijavil v svoj Uporabniški račun.
      3. Da se lahko Plačilni nalog pravilno sproži ali izvrši mora Uporabnik zagotoviti Edinstven identifikator (IBAN). Paywiser bo obdelal in bil odgovoren za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij z Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa izključno na podlagi BIC kode ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila in številke računa Prejemnika plačila (IBAN), ki jih bo prejel od Uporabnika kot del Uporabnikovega Plačilnega naloga.
      4. Paywiser ne odgovarja, če v Plačilnem nalogu ni navedbe Edinstvenega identifikatorja in/ali ga je Uporabnik napačno vnesel. Vendar si kljub temu Paywiser razumno prizadeva za povrnitev sredstev, ki so bila vključena v takšno Plačilno transakcijo.
      5. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico zahtevati dodatne in/ali druge obvezne podatke (na primer znesek in valuto, ime Prejemnika plačila, naslov Prejemnika plačila itd.), ki so potrebni za pravilno izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
    2. Oblika in postopek podaje soglasja za izvršitev Plačilnega naloga ali Plačilne transakcije
      1. Šteje se, da je Plačilna transakcija s strani Uporabnika odobrena, če Uporabnik v Paywiser sistemu poda soglasje za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
      2. Domneva se, da je Uporabnik podal soglasje s tem, da je predložil elektronski Plačilni nalog v Paywiser sistem z uporabo podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti (podatkov za prijavo, ki so dodeljeni Uporabniku in/ali varnostne kode, SCA). Soglasje se lahko izrazi tudi na drugačen način, ki je ustrezen za posamezno storitev.
      3. Soglasje Uporabnika (plačnika) mora biti predloženo pred izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
      4. Paywiser in Uporabnik se izrecno dogovorita za izključitev uporabe 148. člena ZPlaSSIED.
    3. Nepreklicnost Plačilnega naloga:
    4. Uporabnik ne more preklicati plačilnega naloga potem, ko ga prejme Paywiser.
    5. Uporabnik in Paywiser se izrecno dogovorita za izključitev uporabe določil 1. in 2. odstavka 122. člena ter 123. člena ZPlaSSIED, razen če je s to Pogodbo izrecno določeno drugače.
    6. Trenutek prejema Plačilnega naloga, zahteve, ki veljajo za Plačilni nalog in zavrnitev izvršitve Plačilnega naloga
      1. Uporabnik mora zagotoviti, da ima na Plačilnem računu dovolj sredstev za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga. Če Uporabnik v trenutku predložitve plačilnega naloga nima dovolj sredstev, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, razen če se Pogodbenici dogovorita drugače. V vsakem primeru je najnižja vrednost, ki jo mora imeti Uporabnik ves čas na Računu, 19,95 EUR, sicer ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
      2. Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obdeluje Plačilne naloge, ki jih je podal Uporabnik, pod pogojem, da ima Uporabnik v trenutku zapadlosti na Računu dovolj sredstev, s katerimi se bo plačilo izvedlo.
      3. V primeru, da je Uporabnik Plačnik, se šteje, da je Paywiser Plačilni nalog prejel na dan prejema, če pa trenutek prejema plačilnega naloga ni Delovni dan, se plačilni nalog šteje za prejet na prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Plačilni nalog, ki ga je Paywiser prejel na Delovni dan, vendar izven delovnega časa Paywiserja, se šteje za prejetega naslednji Delovni dan.
      5. Sredstva z Računa Uporabnika se ne bremenijo, dokler Paywiser ne prejme Plačilnega naloga.
      6. Če se Uporabnik, ki sproži Plačilni nalog, in Paywiser strinjata, da se izvršitev Plačilnega naloga začne na določen dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja ali na dan, ko je Plačnik dal sredstva na razpolago Paywiserju, se za čas prejema šteje ta dogovorjen dan. Če dogovorjeni dan ni Delovni dan, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog prejet prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      7. Plačilni nalogi znotraj sistema Paywiser se izvršijo takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), ne glede na Delovni čas Paywiserja. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser tudi ostale Plačilne naloge, izven sistema Paywiser izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), sicer pa veljajo roki določeni v teh Pogojih.
      8. Paywiser ima pravico evidentirati in shranjevati vse Plačilne naloge, ki so bili odposlani s katerim koli od dogovorjenih načinov ter beležiti in hraniti podatke o vseh Plačilnih transakcijah, ki jih opravi Uporabnik ali so v povezavi s Plačilnimi nalogi Uporabnika. Omenjene podatke lahko Paywiser kot dokazilo o oddaji Plačilnih nalogov in/ali izvršitvi Plačilne transakcije predloži Uporabniku in/ali tretji osebi, ki ima pravico do prejemanja takšnih podatkov na zakonski ali pogodbeni podlagi.
      9. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti izvršitev plačilnega naloga v primeru utemeljenega dvoma, da je Plačilni nalog predložil Uporabnik, ali če Plačilni nalog ali predloženi dokumenti niso ustrezni ali zakoniti. V takih primerih ima Paywiser od Uporabnika pravico zahtevati, da dodatno potrdi podani Plačilni nalog in/ali predloži dokumente, ki potrjujejo pravico do upravljanja s sredstvi na Računu, ali druge dokumente, ki jih zahteva Paywsier, na način, ki je sprejemljiv za Paywiser in na stroške Uporabnika. Paywiser ne odgovarja za izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi zavrnitve izvršitve oddanega Plačilnega naloga zaradi razloga, ko Uporabnik ne želi zagotoviti dodatnih informacij ali dokumentov.
      10. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico vključiti tretje osebe, da delno ali v celoti izvršijo Plačilni nalog Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo interesi Uporabnika in/ali namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga. V primeru, če namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika zahteva pošiljanje in izvršitev Plačilne transakcije s strani druge finančne institucije, vendar ta institucija začasno ustavi Plačilni nalog, Paywiser ne odgovarja za taka dejanja te finančne institucije, vendar bo poizkušal ugotoviti razloge za ustavitev Plačilnega naloga. Paywiser Uporabnika izrecno opozarja, da je Račun Uporabnika vezan na fiduciarni račun Paywiserja, zato lahko tudi komercialna partnerska banka kadarkoli ustavi Plačilni nalog.
      11. Paywiser ima pravico, da začasno ustavi in/ali prekine izvršitev Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo veljavni predpisi ali če je to potrebno iz drugih razlogov, ki niso na strani Paywiserja.
      12. V primeru, da Paywiser zavrne izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, ki ga je predložil Uporabnik, Paywiser nemudoma in brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvesti Uporabnika o razlogih za zavrnitev in o postopku odprave dejanskih napak, ki so privedle do zavrnitve, razen kadar je takšno obvestilo tehnično nemogoče ali prepovedano s zakonskimi akti ali drugimi predpisi.
      13. Paywiser ne sprejema in ne izvršuje Plačilnih nalogov Uporabnika, če so takšne Plačilne transakcije prepovedane ali omejene zaradi relevantnih predpisov in okoliščin Uporabnika.
      14. Če se denar, ki je bil nakazan s Plačilnim nalogom, vrne zaradi razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (netočni podatki Plačilnega naloga, napačen račun Prejemnika plačila ipd.), se vrnjeni znesek nakaže na Plačilni račun Uporabnika. Provizije, ki jih plača Uporabnik (Plačnik) za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga, se ne vrnejo.
    7. Pogoji izvrševanja storitev
      1. Roki za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij na Plačilne račune in trajanje izvedbe drugih Storitev so določeni v teh Pogojih in drugih dokumentih, objavljenih na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
      2. Kadar se plačilo izvede v eurih (EUR) v Republiki Sloveniji ali drugih Državah članicah in je Uporabnik plačnik, bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, razen izjem predvidenih v teh Pogojih. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser Plačilne naloge izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo).
      3. Če se nakazilo v Republiki Sloveniji izvede v eurih (EUR), bo Paywiser zagotovil, da bo po prejetju Plačilnega naloga, znesek Plačilne transakcije nakazan na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na isti Delovni dan, kot je bil prejet Plačilni nalog, če je Plačilni nalog prejet na ta Delovni dan do 12:00 ure. Če je plačilni nalog prejet po 12:00 uri, bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Pogodbenice se lahko strinjajo, da se Plačilni nalog izvede na konkretni dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja. V tem primeru bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na dan izvršitve Plačilnega naloga.
      5. Kadar se plačilna transakcija v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih Državah članicah izvede v valutah držav članic, ki niso del euroobmočja in je Uporabnik plačnik, bo Paywiser poskrbel, da se znesek Plačilnega naloga nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, vendar najpozneje v roku 4 (štiri) delovnih dni po prejemu plačilnega naloga.
    8. Omejitve porabe pri plačilnih transakcijah
      1. Najvišje omejitve porabe za Plačilne transakcije so določene v 6. členu teh Pogojev.
      2. Na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu se lahko določijo posebne omejitve v skladu s Pogoji in internimi pravilniki Paywiserja. Uporabnik je o takih omejitvah obveščen pred uporabo Storitev.
    9. Blokiranje računa in/ali prekinitev zagotavljanja storitev Uporabniku
      1. Uporabnik mora sodelovati s Paywiserjem pri preiskovanju sumljivih, nezakonitih, goljufivih ali neprimernih aktivnosti.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico blokirati sredstva na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu v naslednjih primerih:
        • Paywiser sumi, da so sredstva, ki so zbrana na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu namenjena storitvi kaznivega dejanja, ali pa so posledica izvršitve ali udeležbe pri izvršitvi kaznivega dejanja;
        • če obstaja sum, da je bila prek Računa Uporabnika izvedena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija;
        • Uporabnik zamuja pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi;
        • se razglasi stečaj v zvezi s premoženjem Uporabnika, tveganje plačilne nesposobnosti ali insolventnosti na strani Uporabnika čezmerno narašča;
        • za potrebe korektivnega računovodstva in poravnave;
        • so na strani Uporabnika dokazana goljufiva dejanja ali pa se proti Uporabniku prične kazenski postopek zaradi goljufivih dejanj;
        • če dejanja Uporabnika niso v skladu s pravili partnerjev Paywiserja in lahko takšno ravnanje Paywiserju povzroči škodo.
      3. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico, da kadar koli in po lastni presoji začasno ustavi oz. prekine delovanje Uporabniškega/Plačilnega računa (ali nekatere njegove funkcije, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejem, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev), med drugim npr. za revizijo:
        • kadar Paywiser meni, da je to potrebno za zagotovitev varnosti Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so bile storjene s kršitvijo teh Pogojev ali s kršitvijo varnostnih zahtev Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so sumljive, nepooblaščene ali goljufive, vključno s takšnimi, ki so lahko povezane s pranjem denarja, financiranjem terorizma, goljufijami ali drugimi nezakonitimi dejavnostmi; ali
        • ob nastanku plačilne nesposobnosti, stečaju Uporabnika, ali če Paywiser utemeljeno meni, da obstaja takšna grožnja za Uporabnika; ali;
        • če se zgodi karkoli, kar po mnenju Paywiserja nakazuje, da Uporabnik ne bo mogel izpolniti svojih obveznosti do Paywiserja in/ali tretjih oseb.
      4. Paywiser si bo razumno prizadeval, da bo o vsaki takšni ustavitvi vnaprej obvestil Uporabnika, ali če to ni izvedljivo, to storil takoj ko bo mogoče in takšno zaustavitev utemeljil, razen če bi obveščanje Uporabnika ogrozilo varnostne ukrepe ali je drugače prepovedano z zakonom ali drugimi predpisi.
      5. Poleg tega si Paywiser pridržuje pravico (po lastni presoji) zaustaviti delovanje Uporabniškega računa (ali nekaterih njegovih funkcij, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejemanje, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev) kadar koli, kadar to zahtevajo veljavni zakoni in predpisi ali to zahtevajo pristojni organi. Paywiser si bo primerno prizadeval, da bo Uporabnika obvestil o kakršni koli takšni zaustavitvi, razen če je Paywiserju to prepovedano z zakonom ali z nalogom pristojnega sodišča ali drugega organa.
      6. Podatki o plačilnih transakcijah, ki se posredujejo uporabniku
        1. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabniku (pred izvedbo Plačilnega naloga) posredovati podatke o pogojih izvršitve določenega Plačilnega naloga, Provizijah in v primeru skupnega nadomestila tudi razčlenitev postavk.
        2. Paywiser bo Uporabniku predložil izpisek o opravljenih Plačilnih transakcijah, ki bo prikazoval naslednje:
          • informacije, ki omogočajo Plačniku, da prepozna vsako Plačilno transakcijo in podatke v zvezi s Prejemnikom plačila;
          • znesek Plačilne transakcije v valuti, navedeni v Plačilnem nalogu;
          • Provizije, ki jih je treba plačati za Plačilne transakcije, in način razdelitve plačanih Provizij;
          • veljavni menjalni tečaj in znesek Plačilne transakcije po menjalnem tečaju, v primeru, če je bila med izvedbo Plačilne transakcije izvedena zamenjava valute;
          • datum bremenitve sredstev z Računa;
          • datum prejema sredstev na Račun;
          • druge informacije, ki bodo Uporabniku posredovane v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije.
      7. Izpisek je zagotovljen prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika Uporabnika ali se Uporabniku pošlje preko e-pošte.
      8. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabnika obvestiti o zaznanem sumu ali storjeni goljufiji s strani tretjih oseb, ali o varnostnih grožnjah v povezavi s Storitvami , tako da pošlje sporočilo prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali s pošiljanjem po e -mailu ali na drug način, za katerega meni, da je varen in najprimernejši v nastalem položaju.
  10. Provizije za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser, zamudne obresti in storitev menjave valut
    1. Za Plačilne storitve in/ali povezane storitve, ki jih opravlja Paywiser, Uporabnik Paywiserju plača Provizijo. Provizije so navedene v Ceniku in/ali morebitnem dodatnem dogovoru z Uporabnikom. V primeru, da Uporabnik ne izpolni svoje obveznosti plačila Provizije Paywiserju, Uporabnik Paywiserju plača kazen (globe ali zamudne obresti), kot je določeno v Ceniku, dodatnem dogovoru in/ali veljavnih zakonih Republike Slovenije.
    2. Paywiser zaračuna nadomestila za standardne Storitve v skladu s temi Pogoji in vsakokrat veljavnim Cenikom, ki je na vpogled na spletni strani www.paywiser.com. Trenutno veljavni Cenik je priložen tem Pogojem in se šteje kot neločljiv del Splošnih pogojev. Tudi vsak morebiten dodaten ali drugačen dogovor se šteje za sestavni del te Okvirne pogodbe.
    3. Paywiser in Uporabnik se izrecno dogovorita, da lahko Paywiser skladno s 5. odstavkom 86. člena ZPlaSSIED Uporabniku zaračuna tudi nadomestila za zagotavljanje informacij.
    4. Upoštevaje posameznega Uporabnika in na podlagi posla, ki ga ta izvaja, ter tega kako navedeno vpliva na obveznosti Paywiserja glede vodenja Računa, bo Paywiser morda moral Uporabniku zaračunati višje Provizije za upravljanje, kot jih predvideva standardni Cenik. Uporabnik bo o tem v naprej obveščen in lahko v primeru nestrinjanja brez stroškov odstopi od te Pogodbe.
    5. Paywiser Uporabniku zaračuna individualne provizije za nestandardne storitve, ki niso opredeljene v teh Pogojih in/ali v Ceniku in o tem obvesti Uporabnika, preden ta začne uporabljati takšne storitve.
    6. Če ni drugače navedeno, so Provizije izražene v evrih.
    7. Vse Provizije, ki jih plača Uporabnik, se odštejejo od stanja Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa, za kar Uporabnik Paywiser izrecno pooblašča in s tem soglaša. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo zagotavljal zadostno stanje sredstev za poravnavo vseh Provizij. Če stanje na Uporabniškem računu ni zadostno, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico, da Uporabniku dodatno zaračuna za morebiten primankljaj.
    8. Kadar Paywiser nima možnosti, da od stanja na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu odšteje Provizijo, ki jo mora plačati Uporabnik za opravljene storitve, Paywiser izda ločen račun za dolgovani znesek. Računi se plačajo v 10 (desetih) dneh od datuma izdaje računa. V primeru zamud pri plačilih si Paywiser pridržuje pravico do zaračunavanja zamudnih obresti v višini 0,02% dnevno oz. kot določeno v vsakokrat veljavnem Ceniku in/ali odpovedi pogodbe s takojšnjim učinkom s pisnim obvestilom Uporabniku.
    9. Če med izvajanjem Plačilne transakcije na Računu Uporabnika ni dovolj sredstev za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije in plačilo Provizije, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti in ne izvršiti te Plačilne transakcije.
    10. Menjava valut temelji na tečaju Paywiserja oz. komercialne partnerske banke, ki je veljaven v trenutku pretvorbe in se nenehno posodablja in objavlja na spletni strani Paywiser in/ali Paywiser spletnem vmesniku.
    11. Paywiser takoj spremeni spremenjeni osnovni tečaj valute in o takšnih spremembah obvesti Uporabnika na način, ki je opisan v teh Pogojih ali posebnih pogojih za menjavo valut.
    12. Menjalni tečaji, ko želi Uporabnik izvesti menjavo valute na svojem Plačilnem računu, so Uporabniku predstavljeni pred izvedbo.
    13. V primeru, da je valuta, v kateri je nalog za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije, drugačna od valute, v kateri se račun bremeni, se pretvorba teh valut izvede v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi Paywiser in ki se objavi na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com.
    14. Paywiser bo na začetku vsakega koledarskega leta Uporabniku brezplačno predložil izpis vseh Provizij, ki so povezane z Računom Uporabnika. V primeru odpovedi te Pogodbe se takšen izpis o Provizijah pripravi za obdobje od začetka koledarskega leta do dneva prenehanja Pogodbe.
    15. Paywiser Uporabniku za storitve na podlagi te Pogodbe in Splošnih pogojev ne obračunava davka na dodano vrednost, saj so predmetne storitve izvzete iz Zakona o davku na dodano vrednost.
  11. Komunikacija med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem
    1. Uporabnik potrjuje in izrecno soglaša, da se vsa komunikacija, vključno z osebno komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, izvaja v angleščini ter delno v slovenščini, razen če se Pogodbenici drugače dogovorita. Vsa komunikacija in informacije o morebitnih spremembah storitev in cen ter druge pomembne informacije se zagotovijo v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače. Paywiser bo za določene dokumente Uporabniku ponudil tudi slovenski prevod, pri čemer Uporabnika posebej opozarja, da so tako Paywiser spletni vmesnik kot Postopek identifikacije na daljavo na voljo le v angleščini.
    2. Informacije se Uporabniku posredujejo osebno ali z javno objavo:
      • Informacije se lahko Uporabniku posredujejo osebno preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika, ali se jih pošlje po pošti na naslov Uporabnikovega sedež, ali po elektronski pošti, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa, ali s klicem, ali preko SMS-a z uporabo telefonske številke, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa in preko drugih telekomunikacijskih instrumentov, vključno z elektronskimi sredstvi;
      • informacije se lahko objavijo na spletni strani Paywiser www.paywiser.com in v Paywiser sistemu. Paywiser Uporabniku pošlje obvestilo o novo naloženih informacijah prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali na drug način (e-mail, SMS itd.). Javno objavljeni podatki se štejejo za pravilno posredovane Uporabniku, razen v primerih obveznih zahtev zakonodaje Republike Slovenije in/ali primerov, ko je Paywiser dolžan Uporabnika osebno obvestiti.
    3. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se vsaka komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom odvija osebno, predvsem prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in e-pošte, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa. Objava informacij s strani Paywiserja prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in/ali mobilne aplikacije Paywiser in/ali preko elektronske pošte pomeni, da so relevantne informacije pravilno in učinkovito posredovane Uporabniku.
    4. Komunikacija po e-pošti je mogoča na naslove, ki so navedeni na spletnem mestu Paywiser, in na e- poštni naslov, ki ga je Uporabnik med registracijo podal v sistem Paywiser. Šteje se, da je elektronsko sporočilo pravilno dostavljeno naslednji Delovni dan.
    5. V primeru komunikacije po telefonu se Uporabnikova istovetnost preveri na podlagi Uporabnikovih podatkov. Telefonska komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom bo možna v časovnih intervalih, kot bodo objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser. Šteje se, da je sporočilo, ki ga Uporabniku posreduje Paywiser po telefonu pravilno dostavljeno v trenutku pogovora.
    6. V primeru komunikacije po pošti se pisma dostavijo na naslov Uporabnika.
    7. Podatki, objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser ali Paywiser spletnem vmesniku, se štejejo za ustrezno dostavljene na dan objave takšnih informacij.
    8. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser s pomočjo razpoložljivih tehničnih sredstev in v primeru snemanja pogovora s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku beleži vso tekočo komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ter arhivira vse zapise ter kopije vseh informacij in dokumentov, ki jih bo Paywiser prejel od Uporabnika ali tretje osebe. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser kadar koli uporabi te podatke za namene, določene v teh Pogojih ali za zagotavljanje skladnosti z regulatornimi zahtevami.
    9. Uporabnik ima pravico, da te Splošne pogoje in druge dokumente, vezane na Okvirno pogodbo, dobi v papirni različici ali na katerem koli drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov.
    10. Če ima Uporabnik vprašanja v zvezi s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se lahko obrne na Paywiser prek e-poštnega naslova na [email protected] oziroma v kolikor gre za pritožbo preko e-poštnega naslova na [email protected]. Paywiser bo poskušal rešiti vsa vprašanja in morebitne težave, ki jih imajo Uporabniki glede svojih Plačilnih računov ali Storitev. Paywiser bo odgovoril na vprašanje najkasneje v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh po prejemu sporočila Uporabnika, razen če je težava "preproste" narave in jo je mogoče rešiti v 2 (dveh) delovnih dneh od dneva prejema sporočila. Paywiser bo obvestil Uporabnika, če pride do izjemnih okoliščin, ko lahko obravnava uporabnikovih težav traja do 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    11. Pogodbenici se morata brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obveščati o vseh spremembah svojih kontaktnih podatkov. Na zahtevo Paywiserja mora Uporabnik predložiti vse ustrezne nove dokumente, ki dokazujejo, da so se kontaktni podatki spremenili oziroma niso spremenili. Neizpolnjevanje te obveznosti pomeni, da je obvestilo, ki je bilo poslano na podlagi najnovejših kontaktnih podatkov, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser, pravilno dostavljeno, in vsaka obveznost, ki je bila izpolnjena v skladu s temi kontaktnimi podatki, pravilno izpolnjena. Uporabnik potrjuje, da ima Paywiser pravico Uporabnika obvestiti o spremembi kontaktnih podatkov na strani Paywiserja z javno objavo in/ali s pošiljanjem takšnih informacij po e-pošti Uporabniku, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa.
    12. Stranki se morata nemudoma obvestiti o vseh okoliščinah, ki so lahko pomembne za pravilno izvajanje poslovnega razmerja. Uporabnik je na zahtevo Paywiserja dolžan posredovati tudi dodatne informacije in dokumente.
  12. Spremembe Splošnih pogojev in Cenika
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji se lahko občasno spreminjajo. Paywiser ima pravico spremeniti Splošne pogoje, veljavni Cenik in Provizije in/ali druge pogoje Storitev, tako da Uporabniku ponudi spremenjene pogoje na papirju ali drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov (e- pošta, Paywiser spletni vmesnik) vsaj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti teh sprememb. Paywiser bo Uporabnika obvestil preko Paywiser spletnega vmesnika ali e-pošte, ki je bila navedena v postopku odpiranja Plačilnega računa. Če gre za spremembo Splošnih pogojev, ki za Uporabnika v celoti nedvomno predstavlja korist, lahko Paywiser spremembe uveljavi takoj po obvestilu o spremembi.
    2. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so sestavni del pogodbenega razmerja med Paywiser in Uporabnikom. Uporabnik ima pravico predlagane spremembe sprejeti ali pa jih zavrniti.
    3. Če se Uporabnik ne strinja s spremembami, lahko nemudoma, brez odpovednega roka in plačila nadomestil odstopi od Pogodbe. Odstop od Okvirne pogodbe mora Uporabnik predložiti najpozneje do dneva pred določenim dnem začetka veljavnosti spremembe. Če Uporabnik v tem roku Paywiserju ne sporoči, da se s spremembami ne strinja, se šteje, da s spremembami soglaša in da te spremembe začnejo veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti spremenjenih Splošnih pogojev in/ali Cenika. Če se Uporabnik strinja s spremembami, potem Uporabnik ni upravičen naknadno predložiti ugovora in/ali zahtevka glede vsebine takšnih sprememb. Če Uporabnik zavrne predlagane spremembe in pri tem ne odpove Pogodbe, se šteje, da je Paywiser odpovedal Okvirno pogodbo, z dvomesečnim rokom, ki teče od dneva pošiljanja obvestila o spremembi.
    4. Odpoved te Pogodbe v skladu z določilom 12.4. Uporabnika ne oprosti obveznosti do Paywiserja, ki so nastale pred datumom odpovedi te Pogodbe.
  13. Varnostni ukrepi
    1. Uporabnik je odgovoren za varnost naprav, ki se uporabljajo za prijavo v Paywiser sistem (npr. prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika) in jih ne sme pustiti brez nadzora, ali na javnih mestih, ali kako drugače lahko dostopnih tretjim osebam.
    2. Priporočljivo je pravočasno posodabljanje programske opreme, aplikacij, protivirusnih programov, brskalnikov in drugih programov.
    3. Uporabniku je priporočeno, da naprave zaščititi z gesli, PIN kodami, prepoznavanjem obraza ali drugimi varnostnimi instrumenti.
    4. Priporočljivo je, da Uporabnik s prejetimi e-poštnimi sporočili ravna previdno, tudi če je kot pošiljatelj naveden Paywiser. Paywiser od Uporabnika nikoli ne bo zahteval, da prenese priloge ali namesti programsko opremo. Priloge k škodljivi e-pošti lahko vsebujejo viruse, ki lahko škodujejo napravam ali ogrožajo varnost Uporabniškega računa.
    5. Ni priporočljivo klikati na neznane povezave, odpirati neznane dokumente, nameščati programsko opremo ali aplikacije iz neznanih in nezanesljivih virov ali obiskovati nevarnih spletnih mest.
    6. Takoj, ko Uporabnik izve za izgubo, tatvino, zlorabo ali goljufivo uporabo Plačilnega računa, instrumenta ali naprave, ki je bila uporabljena za dostop do Paywiser sistema, mora Uporabnik takoj obvestiti Paywiser ali katero koli drugo osebo, ki jo je slednji določil. Obvestilo se pošlje Paywiserju s pošiljanjem e-pošte na naslov [email protected] in/ali [email protected].
    7. Če Uporabnik opazi sumljive aktivnosti na svojem Plačilnem računu in meni, da so se lahko tretje osebe prijavile v njegov Uporabniški/Plačilni račun za uporabo Storitev mora Uporabnik:
      • o tem takoj in ob katerem koli času obvestiti Paywiser na način, ki je naveden v tem poglavju in zahtevati blokiranje Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa;
      • za nadaljnjo uporabo Plačilnega računa mora Uporabnik spremeniti geslo in uporabiti druge dodatne instrumente za potrditev Računa ali uporabi ustrezne varnostne instrumente za potrditev prijave.
    8. Blokiranje Plačilnega računa
      1. Poleg določil člena 9.9. ima Paywiser pravico, da blokira Plačilni račun (začasno ali delno ustavi izvrševanje Plačilnih transakcij) v naslednjih primerih:
        • v primeru objektivno utemeljenih razlogov, povezanih z varnostjo sredstev in/ali Plačilnega računa in/ali izdane plačilne kartice, domnevno nepooblaščeno ali goljufivo uporabo sredstev in/ali Plačilnega računa in/ali izdane Plačilne kartice;
        • v primeru, da Uporabnik ne spoštuje Splošnih pogojev in te Okvirne pogodbe;
        • v primeru, da ima Paywiser utemeljene sume, da lahko sredstva na računu koristijo druge osebe za nezakonita dejanja, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, kazniva dejanja;
        • v drugih primerih, ki jih določa veljavna zakonodaja Republike Slovenije.
      2. V kolikor je bil Uporabniku izdan plačilni instrument, lahko Paywiser blokira tudi slednjega.
    9. Obvestila, ki jih posreduje Uporabnik v zvezi z nepooblaščenimi ali nepravilno izvršenimi Plačilnimi transakcijami
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan preverjati podatke o izvedenih plačilnih transakcijah vsaj 1 (en) krat na mesec, tako da lahko Uporabnik opazi nepooblaščene ali nepravilno izvedene Plačilne transakcije in o njih pravočasno obvesti Paywiser.
      2. Uporabnik je dolžan pisno obvestiti Paywiser o nepooblaščenih ali nepravilno izvedenih Plačilnih transakcijah, vključno z opaženimi napakami in netočnostmi v Izpisku takoj od zaznave takšnih okoliščin in vsekakor najpozneje v 8 (osmih) tednih od datuma bremenitve.
      3. V primeru, da Uporabnik Paywiserja ni obvestil o okoliščinah, ki so opisane v točki 13.9.2 teh Pogojev, in pod pogoji iz iste točke 13.9.2, se šteje, da je Uporabnik brezpogojno potrdil Plačilne transakcije, ki so bile izvedene na Računu Uporabnika.
    10. Odgovornost za nepooblaščene, neodobrene, neizvršene, nepravilno ali pozno izvršene Plačilne transakcije
      1. Paywiser Uporabniku odgovarja za izvršitev plačilne transakcije brez plačnikovega soglasja za izvršitev v skladu s členom 9.2. te Pogodbe (»neodobrena« ali »nepooblaščena« plačilna transakcija). Če je Paywiser odgovoren za izvršitev neodobrene oziroma nepravilno izvršene plačilne transakcije, Uporabniku na njegovo zahtevo zagotovi popravek tako, da povrne zneske neodobrenih ali nepravilno izvršenih plačilnih transakcij ali zagotovi pravilno izvršitev plačilne transakcije.
      2. Paywiser in Uporabnik se izrecno dogovorita o izključitvi uporabe 140. člena, 141. člena, 142. člena, 146. člena, 148. člena in 150. člena ZPlaSSIED, razen če je s to Okvirno pogodbo izrecno določeno drugače. Pogodbeni strani se dogovorita še za omejeno uporabo 137. člena ZPlaSSIED, kot dogovorjeno s to Pogodbo.
      3. V primeru, da Uporabnik zavrne odobritev izvedene Plačilne transakcije ali izjavi, da je bila Plačilna transakcija izvedena nepravilno, mora to dokazati.
      4. Če Uporabnik sproži Plačilni nalog z uporabo Edinstvenega identifikatorja se šteje, da je takšen Plačilni nalog s strani Paywiserja pravilno izveden, če je bil izveden v skladu z določenim Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Paywiser ima pravico, vendar ni dolžan preverjati, ali Edinstveni identifikator, ki je naveden v Plačilnem nalogu in ga je prejel Paywiser, ustreza imenu in priimku imetnika računa/Prejemnika plačila.
      5. Če je Edinstveni identifikator posredovan Paywiserju z zneskom, ki ga je treba nakazati in bremeniti z Računa, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog pravilno izvršen, če je bil izveden v skladu z Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Če Paywiser pred izvedbo transakcije, ugotovi očitno neskladje med Edinstvenim identifikatorjem, ki je bil posredovan Paywiserju, in imenom imetnika računa, ima Paywiser pravico, da takega Plačilnega naloga ne izvrši, ni pa dolžnost Paywiserja navedeno preverjati.
      6. Če Uporabnik (Plačnik) pravilno sproži Plačilni nalog in Plačilna transakcija ni izvedena ali je izvedena nepravilno, Paywiser na zahtevo Uporabnika nemudoma in brezplačno sprejme ukrepe za sledenje Plačilne transakcije in Uporabnika obvešča o ugotovitvah.
      7. Paywiser je odgovoren za pravilno zaračunavanje Provizij ali vračilo že plačanih Provizij, če Plačilni nalog ni bil izveden ali je bil izveden nepravilno zaradi krivde Paywiserja.
      8. Paywiser ne odgovarja za posredne izgube, ki jih utrpi Uporabnik in se nanašajo na neizvršen plačilni nalog ali nepravilno izveden plačilni nalog. Paywiser odgovarja le za neposredne izgube Uporabnika.
      9. Paywiser ne odgovarja za morebitne zahtevke med Prejemnikom plačila in Plačnikom in takšnih zahtevkov ne preverja ali se kako drugače ukvarja z njimi. Uporabnik lahko vloži zahtevek zoper Paywiser samo v zvezi z neizpolnjevanjem ali nepravilnim izpolnjevanjem obveznosti na strani Paywiserja.
      10. Omejitve odgovornosti Paywiserja se ne uporabljajo, če take omejitve prepovedujejo veljavni zakoni v Republiki Sloveniji.
      11. V skladu s pogoji, navedenimi v oddelku 13.9.2 teh Pogojev ali po ugotovitvi, da je Paywiser odgovoren za izvršitev neodobrene plačilne transakcije, Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, vendar najpozneje do konca naslednjega Delovnega dne vrne znesek nepooblaščene Plačilne transakcije Uporabniku in po potrebi obnovi stanje Računa, s katerega je bil ta znesek odveden, v stanje, ki bi obstajalo, če ne bi bila izvršena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija, razen če Paywiser utemeljeno sumi v goljufijo in obvesti Banko Slovenije o takšnih sumih, v skladu s pravili obveščanja, ki jih pripravi Banka Slovenije.
      12. Uporabnik nosi vse izgube, ki so nastale zaradi nepooblaščenih Plačilnih transakcij, če so te izgube nastale zaradi:
        • izvršitve neodobrene plačilne transakcije, ki je posledica Uporabnikove prevare ali goljufije ali hude malomarnosti, ali če Uporabnik ni izpolnil ene ali več obveznosti glede zagotavljanja varnosti in obveščanja Paywiser, kot določeno v tej Okvirni pogodbi,
        • izvršitve neodobrene plačilne transakcije, ki je posledica izjemnih in nepredvidljivih okoliščin, na katere Paywiser ne more vplivati oziroma bi bile posledice takšnih okoliščin kljub vsem nasprotnim prizadevanjem Paywiser-ja neizogibne.
        • ukradenega, izgubljenega ali zlorabljenega plačilnega instrumenta vse do takrat, ko Uporabnik plačilni instrument uspešno blokira v Paywiser mobilni aplikaciji (v primeru, da je Uporabnik bil le ta izdan).
      13. Plačilni račun se lahko blokira na pobudo Uporabnika (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je ta dodeljen Uporabniku), če Uporabnik predloži ustrezno zahtevo Paywiserju. Paywiser ima pravico zahtevati, da se zahteva, ki jo je predložil Uporabnik, naknadno pisno odobri ali odobri na drug način, ki bo sprejemljiv za Paywiser.
      14. Če ima Paywiser utemeljene dvome, da zahteve za blokado ni predložil Uporabnik, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti blokiranje računa (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je bil dodeljen Uporabniku). V takih primerih Paywiser ne odgovarja za kakršne koli izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi neupoštevanja navedene zahteve.
  14. Zaupnost podatkov
    1. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta kot zaupne varovali vse podatke, dejstva in okoliščine, za katere sta izvedeli v zvezi z izvrševanjem pogodbenega razmerja, razen če je drugače predpisano z vsakokrat veljavnimi predpisi ali se izrecno ne dogovorita drugače.
    2. Informacije in podatki, ki se nanašajo na pogodbeno razmerje, so zaupne narave, v kolikor prisilni predpisi Paywiserju ne nalagajo drugače. Paywiser bo kot zaupne varoval vse podatke o Uporabniku in podatke o njegovem poslovanju z Računom ter podatkov ne bo sporočal tretjim osebam, razen če je podatke zavezan sporočati v skladu z vsakokrat veljavno zakonodajo, če so podatki javni ali če jih mora sporočiti zaradi izvajanja svojih obveznosti izvrševanja nalogov Uporabnika.
    3. Obveznost varovanja Zaupnih informacij ne velja za informacije, ki:
      • so javne ali so postale javno znane brez ravnanja ali krivde druge Pogodbenice;
      • so brez omejitev znane katerikoli Pogodbenici, preden jih je ta prejela od druge Pogodbenice, iz lastnih neodvisnih virov, kar dokazujejo pisni spisi te Pogodbenice, ki jih ni pridobila neposredno ali posredno od druge Pogodbenice;
      • jih katera koli Pogodbenica prejme od katere koli tretje osebe, za katero ta Pogodbenica meni, da ima zakonsko pravico do prenosa teh informacij in ni zavezana, da bi te podatke varovala kot zaupne; ali
      • informacije, ki jih neodvisno odkrijejo zaposleni ali izvajalci Pogodbenice, pod pogojem, da ta lahko dokaže, da ti isti zaposleni ali izvajalci niso imeli dostopa do Zaupnih informacij, prejetih po tej Pogodbi.
    4. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da se informacije o Računu, ter druge informacije o Uporabniku kot imetniku Računa in o vsakem računu(ih), o katerem se poroča, lahko posredujejo davčnemu organu države, v kateri je odprt/voden račun(i) ter se izmenjajo s pristojnim organom(i) druge(ih) države (držav), v katerih je Uporabnik rezident za davčne namene, v skladu z mednarodnim dogovorom o izmenjavi informacij o finančnih računih. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo Paywiser v roku 90 dni obvestil o vsaki spremembi okoliščin, ki vplivajo na spremembo statusa davčnega rezidentstva ali o spremembi, ki vpliva na pravilnost podatkov ter bo Paywiserju v 90-ih dneh dostavil novo samopotrdilo in izjavo skladno s spremembami okoliščin.
    5. Uporabnik zaradi izvajanja pogodbenega razmerja oziroma zaradi izterjave terjatev iz naslova pogodbenega razmerja izrecno in nepreklicno dovoljuje Paywiserju, da pri pristojnih osebah opravi poizvedbe o njegovem sedežu, premoženju in vseh drugih podatkih, potrebnih za izvajanje pogodbenega razmerja in morebitno izterjavo dolga.
    6. Uporabnik pooblašča Paywiser in mu dovoljuje, da prevzema in uporablja finančne podatke Uporabnika, ki so oziroma bodo objavljeni v javno dostopnih podatkovnih bazah.
    7. Za namen vzpostavitve poslovnega razmerja z Uporabnikom je Paywiser dolžan na podlagi veljavnega ZPPDFT-2 ter politike družbe, pridobiti v zakonu določene podatke zakonitega zastopnika, pooblaščenca in dejanskega lastnika. Prav tako mora za vzpostavitev poslovnega razmerja pridobiti kopijo osebnega dokumenta zakonitega zastopnika in pooblaščenca. Osebne podatke o pooblaščencih, zakonitih zastopnikih in dejanskih lastnikih, Paywiser kot upravljavec podatkov, obdeluje na podlagi veljavnega ZPPDFT-2 ter ZPlaSSIED, za namen ugotavljanja in preverjanja njihove istovetnosti, preprečevanja, preiskovanja ali odkrivanja goljufij in prevar ter za izvajanje plačilnih in drugih storitev v skladu s sklenjenim poslovnim razmerjem. Podatki se hranijo deset let po prenehanju poslovnega razmerja z Uporabnikom.
    8. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da bo Paywiser občasno preverjal podatke Uporabnika z namenom, da za potrebe FATCA (Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act) ugotovi, ali so morebiti nastale okoliščine (U.S. Indicia), ki bi lahko povzročile, da se Uporabnik šteje kot ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S.Person). Ne glede na zgoraj omenjeno določilo se Uporabnik zavezuje, da bo Paywiserju v pisni obliki nemudoma sporočil katerokoli spremembo okoliščin svojega statusa (U.S. Indicia), kot na primer ustanovitev družbe s sedežem v ZDA, pridobitev državljanstva ZDA, pridobitev naslova prebivališča ali sedeža v ZDA, pridobitev telefonske številke v ZDA itd. Uporabnik se zavezuje Paywiserju sporočiti in posredovati ustrezno dokumentacijo, ki dokazuje morebitne spremenjene okoliščine. V kolikor Uporabnik ne sporoči Paywiserju in ne posreduje ustreznih dokumentov nemudoma potem ko prejme od Paywiserja pisni poziv, naj dostavi ustrezno dokumentacijo, iz katere izhaja status Uporabnika, bo Paywiser sporočil davčnem organu Republike Slovenije, da je Uporabnik potencialni ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S. Person). V tem primeru je Paywiser upravičen enostransko po predhodnem pisnem obvestilu Uporabniku odpovedati pogodbeno razmerje in račun zapreti v skladu z določili teh Splošnih pogojev. Uporabnik se zavezuje povrniti Paywiserju vse morebitne stroške in škodo, ki mu utegnejo nastati kot posledica kršenja tega člena s strani Uporabnika. Paywiser za potrebe FATCA lahko sporoči davčnemu organu Republike Slovenije posamezne zaupne podatke o Uporabniku, zakonitem zastopniku in Pooblaščencu.
    9. Nabor potrebnih podatkov in dokumentov, ki jih Paywiser ob sklenitvi Okvirne pogodbe ali identifikaciji Uporabnika običajno obdeluje, je odvisen od vrste identifikacijskega postopka in Storitev, ki se bodo uporabljale.
    10. Uporabnik izrecno dovoljuje Paywiser in jo pooblašča, da lahko vse podatke, s katerimi razpolaga, posreduje svojim sedanjim in prihodnjim odvisnim in obvladujočim družbam ter družbam v skupini in pogodbenim obdelovalcem osebnih podatkov, ne glede na njihov sedež, ki imajo najmanj enak standard varovanja osebnih podatkov kot banka, in sicer za potrebe njihovega poslovanja, izvajanja in poenotenja pogodbenih storitev, nadzora, upravljanja tveganj in izvrševanja medsebojnih pogodbenih odnosov.
    11. Osebni podatki se obdelujejo v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu osebnih podatkov in Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov. Podrobnejše informacije o tem kako Paywiser ravna z osebnimi podatki in o pravicah posameznikov, na katere se ti nanašajo, so opisane v Politiki zasebnosti Paywiserja, ki je na voljo na spletnem mestu www.paywiser.com. Uporabnik se je dolžan seznaniti z informacijami in potrjuje, da je prebral Politiko zasebnosti Paywiserja ter, da bo ravnal skladno z vsemi pogoji, ki so določeni v tej politiki.
  15. Trajanje in prenehanje Pogodbe
    1. Če ni pisno drugače dogovorjeno, je poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom sklenjeno za nedoločen čas.
    2. Uporabnik lahko v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe z obvestilom Paywiserju od nje brezplačno odstopi, po poteku tega roka pa lahko Uporabnik pisno odpove to Pogodbo kadar koli in vsaj 1 (eno) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    3. Paywiser lahko, brez navedbe razloga, odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    4. Paywiser lahko odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom, če Uporabnik več kot 12 (dvanajst) zaporednih mesecev ni opravil nobenih Plačilnih transakcij. Pred odpovedjo na takšni podlagi bo Paywiser o tej nameri obvestil Uporabnika
    5. Pogodba lahko kadar koli preneha na podlagi sporazuma Pogodbenic.
    6. Paywiser lahko takoj (brez odpovednega roka) odpove Pogodbo, če utemeljeno sumi ali ugotovi, da Uporabnik:
      • krši veljavne zakone in druge predpise, vključno s tistimi, ki so povezani s pranjem denarja ali financiranjem terorizma;
      • je družbi Paywiser posredoval napačne ali zavajajoče podatke ali dokumentacijo, ni zagotovil dokumentov in informacij, povezanih s svojim Računom in uporabo Storitev, ali pa takšnih dokumentov in informacij ni redno posodabljal;
      • uporablja Storitve za izvajanje ali prejemanje plačil za prepovedane dejavnosti ali s prepovedanimi dejavnostmi povezanimi aktivnostmi, ali;
      • kako drugače uporablja storitve v zlonamerne, nezakonite ali nemoralne namene.
    7. Če je to dovoljeno v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, bo Paywiser uporabnika v najkrajšem možnem času obvestil o razlogih za odpoved Pogodbe.
    8. Prenehanje te Pogodbe ne odvezuje Pogodbenic do poravnave obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz obdobja pred prenehanjem Pogodbe.
  16. Varstvo pravic Uporabnika, reševanje sporov in postopek zunajsodnega reševanja sporov
    1. Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z opravljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta Uporabnik in Paywiser reševala sporazumno, skladno s Pravilnikom o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki je objavljen na spletni strani Paywiser. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se je s predmetnim pravilnikom seznanil.
    2. Uporabnik lahko pritožbo vloži po pošti na naslov PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Reklamacije, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, ali e-pošti na [email protected]. Pritožba mora biti razumljiva in jasna ter mora vsebovati dejstva, na katerih temelji pritožbeni zahtevek. Obvezno mora vsebovati najmanj naslednje: podatke o pritožniku (ime in priimek fizične osebe oziroma naziv in sedež pravne osebe ali nosilca dejavnosti ter naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon ali drug kontaktni podatek), obrazložitev pritožbenih razlogov, opis dogodka in navedbo ključnih dejstev in datuma dogodka, predložitev dokazov za potrditev dejstev, na katerih temelji zahtevek pritožnika, če pritožnik z njimi razpolaga, naslov za pošiljanje odgovora, če je ta drugačen od naslova stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča oziroma sedeža pritožnika oz. posredovanega elektronskega naslova, zahtevek pritožnika (če je relevantno), podpis pritožnika (v primeru oddaje pritožbe po pošti na naslov sedeža Paywiser). Natančneje je pritožbeni postopek opisan.
    3. Paywiser bo Uporabniku odgovoril na pritožbo v najkrajšem času, obvezno pa v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh na prvi stopnji in v 15 (petnajstih) delovnih dneh na drugi stopnji oz. najkasneje v roki 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    4. Če se Uporabnik z odločitvijo o pritožbi, izdani v internem pritožbenem postopku ne strinja, ali če v 30 dneh od vložitve pritožbe na drugostopenjski organ Paywiserja neutemeljeno ne prejme odgovora na pritožbo, lahko v roku največ 13 (trinajst) mesecev od vložitve pritožbe pri Paywiser, vloži pobudo za izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000 – Ljubljana, www.goriup.si) zoper odločitev Paywiser, na način določen z vsakokrat veljavnimi Pravili postopka izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, ki so priloga prej omenjenega Pravilnika o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov in so Uporabniku na voljo na spletni strani Paywiserja. Več informacij o izvajalki Izvensodnega reševanja sporov, o vložitvi pobude ter o načinu in postopku Izvensodnega reševanja sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup je na voljo tudi na spletni strani odvetnice https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    5. Uporabnik lahko vloži pritožbo v zvezi z domnevnimi kršitvami ZPlaSSIED s strani Paywiserja tudi pri Banki Slovenije.
    6. Kljub pritožbi pri izvajalki izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov ali Banki Slovenije, ima Uporabnik pravico kadarkoli vložiti tožbo za rešitev spora v zvezi z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev med njim in Paywiser pri pristojnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v skladu z zakoni in postopkom, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji.
  17. Končne določbe
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v skladu s pravom Republike Slovenije, zlasti določb ZPlaSSIED.
    2. Morebitne spore, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenega razmerja in uporabe Paywiser Storitev, rešuje pristojno sodišče v Republiki Sloveniji.
    3. Ti Pogoji se objavijo na spletni strani Paywiser, www.paywiser.com.
    4. Uporabnik brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Paywiserja ne sme prenesti ali dodeliti nobenih pravic ali obveznosti, ki jih ima po tej Pogodbi, tretjim osebam.
    5. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico do prenosa ali dodelitve te Pogodbe ter vseh z njo povezanih pravic in obveznosti, s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku najmanj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti takšne spremembe. Uporabnik ima pravico spremembe sprejeti ali jih zavrniti. V zvezi s takšno spremembo se uporabljajo enaka določila in postopki kot veljajo za spremembe teh Splošnih pogojev in so opisani v 12. poglavju te Pogodbe.
    6. Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vsi podatki in sporočila, ki so poslana v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki ter vsi podatki in sporočila, ki se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja hranijo v elektronski obliki, enako veljavnost in dokazno vrednost kot podatki in sporočila, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo v klasični pisni obliki. Paywiser in Uporabnik izrecno soglašata, da so vsi pravni posli, ki so sklenjeni v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki, enakovredni tistim, ki so sklenjeni v klasični pisni obliki.
      Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja dokumenti lahko podpisujejo z elektronskimi podpisi ali pa se sklenejo s potrditvijo s konkludentnim dejanjem (npr. »s klikom«). Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vse vrste elektronskih podpisov oz. potrditve s konkludentnimi ravnanji enako veljavo in dokazno vrednost kot lastnoročni podpis. Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da bosta v primeru sodnega spora medsebojno priznavali veljavnost in dokazno vrednost vseh vrst elektronskih podpisov in konkludentnih dejanj, ki so vodila v sklenitev poslovnega razmerja.
      Uporabnik je seznanjen in soglaša, da se vsa dokumentacija v zvezi z elektronskim poslovanjem v Paywiserju hrani le v elektronski obliki.
    7. Višja sila
      1. Paywiser in Uporabnik ne odgovarjata za neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev obveznosti ali za kakršnokoli nespoštovanje obveznosti, če je takšno neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev povzročila višja sila (npr. vojne razmere, embargo, nemiri, vladne omejitve, motnje dela, epidemije, karantene, naravne nesreče kot so npr. požar, poplava, potres, eksplozija, ali kakršna koli nepredvidena druga sprememba okoliščin ali kateri koli drug vzrok, ki ni pod razumnim nadzorom).
      2. Uporabnik bo o višji sili obvestil Paywiser po elektronski pošti ali pisno v 10 (desetih) koledarskih dneh po dnevu nastanka takih okoliščin.
      3. Paywiser obvesti Uporabnike o okoliščinah višje sile prek Paywiser spletnega vmesnika in/ali po e- pošti.
    8. Napake
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan redno spremljati vse prilive in odlive na Računu. Če opazi, da so mu bila na Račun nakazana sredstva, ki mu ne pripadajo, mora o tem takoj obvestiti Paywiser. V takšnih primerih je Uporabniku, kot nepooblaščenemu prejemniku prenesenih sredstev Plačilne transakcije, omejena pravica razpolaganja s prenesenimi sredstvi in mora ta sredstva takoj nakazati na račun, ki ga določi Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico, da brez posebnega soglasja Uporabnika, iz uporabnikovega Računa odtegne napačno nakazane zneske in ta sredstva nakaže na račun pravega upravičenca.
      3. Če pristojno sodišče ugotovi, da je katerokoli določilo teh Splošnih pogojev neveljavno, nezakonito ali neizvršljivo, takšno določilo ne velja in se uporabi določba, ki je bila najbližje namenu Pogodbenic.

Ti splošni pogoji začnejo veljati dne 24.10.2023.


  • Splošni pogoji uporabe Paywiser spletnega vmesnika
  • Cenik storitev poslovanja s plačilnimi računi
  • Politika zasebnosti
  • Pravilnik o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov

Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana Slovenija

[email protected]

Cenik / Price list

Poslovni plačilni račun / Business payment account

Table of Cenik / Price list
Storitev / Service Nadomestilo / fee
Odprtje računa / Account opening Na račun / per account
Pristopnina (skrbni pregled) / On-boarding fee (End User Due Diligence) 150,00 €
Odprtje računa / Account Opening 200,00 €
Zaprtje računa / Account Closure 30,00 €
Vodenje računa / Account management Mesečno / monthly
Minimalno mesečno nadomestilo (velja, če je znesek te provizije višji od vsote provizij, povezanih s transakcijami) /Minimum Monthly Fee (applies if the amount of this fee is higher than the sum of transactions fees) 150,00 €
Vodenje računa / Account management 30,00 €
Plačilne transakcije / Transaction Fees Na transakcijo / per transaction
Interni prenos med računi uporabnika / Inter-Ledger Transfer (Wallet to Wallet Operation) 0,03 €
Interni prenos med računi različnih uporabnikov / Inter-Ledger Transfer (Bank Operation) 0,50 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: SEPA 0,50 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: SEPA Instant 1,00 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: Target 2 1,50 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: Faster Payments 1,50 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: CHAPS 10,00 €
Izhodna transakcija / Outgoing Transfer: SWIFT 25,00 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: SEPA 0,50 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: SEPA Instant 1,00 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: 1,50 €
Target 2
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: Faster Payments 1,50 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: BACS 1,00 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: CHAPS 10,00 €
Vhodna transakcija / Incoming Transfer: SWIFT 25,00 €
Poizvedba pri drugi banki / Foreign Bank Enquiry 19,90 €
Nadomestilo za razveljavitev transakcije / Reversed Transfer Fee 24,90 €
Potrdilo o imetništvu računa / Confirmation Letter Issuing Fee 29,90 €

Splošni pogoji Paywiser


Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za vse uporabnike (potrošnike) storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser v sodelovanju z distributerjem ProfitPay. ProfitPay deluje kot distributer Paywiser in je pooblaščen, da distribuira in unovčuje elektronski denar v imenu Paywiser.

  1. Uvodne določbe
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji so izdani v zvezi s ProfitPay programom in se uporabljajo le za Uporabnike, ki odprejo Plačilni račun v povezavi s ProfitPay programom in uporabljajo Račun preko ProfitPay aplikacije. ProfitPay deluje kot distributer Paywiser in je pooblaščen, da distribuira in unovčuje Elektronski denar v imenu Paywiser. Upoštevaje navedeno lahko določene aktivnosti, ki bi jih v skladu s to Okvirno pogodbo sicer izvajal Paywiser izvaja ProfitPay. V nobenem primeru pa ProfitPay ne izdaja Elektronskega denarja ali opravlja plačilnih storitev. Paywiser je v razmerju do Uporabnika odgovoren za zakonitost in pravilnost ravnanja distributerja ProfitPay, prav tako je Paywiser Uporabniku odgovoren in zagotavlja varstvo Elektronskega denarja, kot opisano v nadaljevanju. Ti Splošni pogoji so sestavni del Pravil in pogojev ProfitPay.
    2. Izdajatelj teh splošnih pogojev je PAYWISER družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja in plačilne storitve, d.o.o., Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 8640084000 (v nadaljevanju: »Paywiser«). Paywiser je družba, ustanovljena v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo in vpisana v Register pravnih oseb Republike Slovenije.
    3. Paywiser ima dovoljenje Banke Slovenije za opravljanje storitev izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih storitev kot hibridna družba za izdajo elektronskega denarja (licenca št. z dne 2.11.2021) in je vpisan v register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije. Register je objavljen na spletni strani Banke Slovenije (www.bsi.si, https://www.bsi.si/financna-stabilnost/subjekti-nadzora/druzbe-za-izdajo-elektronskega-denarja). Paywiser ima dovoljenje za opravljanje svojih storitev tudi v ostalih državah EEA. Organi, pristojni za nadzor, so Banka Slovenije, Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Finančna uprava RS, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije in drugi pristojni organi.
    4. Uporabnik v zvezi s ProfitPay programom komunicira neposredno z distributerjem ProfitPay. Uporabnik lahko vsa obvestila, ki jih je po teh Splošnih pogojih dolžan poslati Paywiser, pošlje ProfitPay. Je pa Uporabniku vedno na voljo tudi Paywiser s splošnim elektronskim naslovom za komunikacijo z [email protected], www.paywiser.com.
    5. Vsi dokumenti, splošni pogoji vezani na pravno razmerje med Paywiser in Uporabnikom v zvezi s ProfitPay programom bodo Uporabniku na voljo na spletni strani Paywiser in/ali ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji, razen v primeru, da je s to Okvirno pogodbo izrecno določeno drugače.
    6. Ti Splošni pogoji Paywiser za storitev izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter opravljanje plačilnih storitev preko Paywiser plačilnega računa za potrošnike v ProfitPay programu (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji« ali Pogoji«) skupaj z ostalimi relevantnimi dodatnimi pogoji in dogovori, kot navedenimi v teh Pogojih, predstavljajo okvirno pogodbo po ZPlaSSIED (v nadaljevanju: »Okvirna pogodba«), ki se sklene v elektronski obliki in ki določa pogoje poslovanja med Paywiserjem in Uporabniki. Ti Pogoji zajemajo pravice in obveznosti Uporabnikov ter način uporabe Storitev. Pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser, katerega pravice in obveznosti so določene s temi Splošnimi pogoji in Okvirno pogodbo, se šteje za sklenjeno in pridobi značaj pogodbe šele, ko Paywiser potrdi sprejem in veljavnost Uporabnikovega naročila za storitve, ki jih urejajo ti Pogoji, s sporočilom o odprtju Računa Uporabniku. Takšno sporočilo se pošlje preko elektronske pošte ali ProfitPay aplikacije in je lahko poslano preko distributerja ProfitPay. Uporabnik izrazi svojo voljo za sklenitev Pogodbe s sprejemom Splošnih pogojev (»s tem da označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ s pritiskom na „da“« oz. »klikom« nanj).
    7. Ti splošni pogoji veljajo za vse Uporabnike Storitev, razen če je s posebnim sporazumom med Paywiserjem in posameznim Uporabnikom dogovorjeno drugače.
    8. Vsaka posamezna storitev ali produkt, ki spada v obseg storitev Paywiserja, ima lahko tudi še svoje dodatne pogoje. V posebnih oz. dodatnih pogojih so lahko opredeljene tudi posamezne storitve ali produkti Paywiserja, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, a jih ponujajo oz. zagotavljajo tretje osebe (npr. identifikacija na daljavo se izvede preko zunanjega ponudnika).
    9. Poleg Splošnih pogojev za Uporabnike velja tudi Politika zasebnosti, objavljena na www.paywiser.com.
    10. Sredstva Uporabnikov plačilnega računa in storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, odprtem pri komercialni partnerski banki in so ločena od sredstev družbe Paywiser in ProfitPay. Denarna sredstva na fiduciarnem računu se štejejo za premoženje tretjih oseb za račun katerih imetnik fiduciarnega računa vodi takšen račun in ne za premoženje imetnika računa. Morebitni upniki imetnika fiduciarnega računa ne morejo za izterjavo svojih terjatev do imetnika računa niti v njegovem stečaju s prisilnimi ukrepi posegati na to premoženje. S tem je zagotovljena visoka stopnja varnosti sredstev Uporabnikov.
    11. Z naročilom Storitve Uporabnik izrecno potrjuje, da razume angleški jezik in da soglaša s poslovanjem v angleščini oz. delno tudi v slovenščini (npr. komunikacija lahko poteka v obeh jezikih, Postopek identifikacije na daljavo, del Postopka KYC, ProfitPay aplikacija itd. pa so zagotovljeni zgolj v angleškem jeziku). V nasprotnem primeru se pogodbeno razmerje med Uporabnikom in Paywiser ne more skleniti.
    12. Naslovi v teh Splošnih pogojih so samo za sklicevanje in ne omejujejo področja uporabe posameznih določil. Izrazi z veliko začetnico imajo posebne opredelitve in so opisani v 2. členu teh Pogojev (Pomen izrazov) ali v samem besedilu Splošnih pogojev.
  2. Pomen izrazov
    1. Naslednje besede ali besedne zveze, kadar se uporabljajo v teh Splošnih pogojih ali katerem koli dokumentu na katerega se ta sklicuje, imajo naslednji pomen:
      Račun / Plačilni račun pomeni račun za Elektronski denar in plačilni račun, ki ga odpre in vodi Paywiser v imenu Uporabnika, ki je član ProfitPay programa, in se uporablja za izvršitev plačilnih transakcij (kamor lahko spadajo storitve, ki omogočajo dvige ali pologe gotovine s plačilnega računa / na plačilni račun, v Evropski uniji na bankomatu, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih direktnih obremenitev, izvrševanje domačih in čezmejnih plačilnih transakcij z debetno kartico, vključno s spletnimi plačili) v domači in tujih valutah ter za druge namene, povezane z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev ter prejemanje vračil denarja (»denar nazaj« oz. »cashback«).
      ProfitPay pomeni družbo Profit Pay d.o.o. (Kamniška ulica 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, matična številka: 9309128000, davčna številka: 18726917). ProfitPay je distributer Paywiser in je kot tak vpisan v Register družb za izdajo elektronskega denarja, ki ga vodi Banka Slovenije, https://www.bsi.si/financna-stabilnost/subjekti-nadzora/druzbe-za-izdajo-elektronskega-denarja.
      ProfitPay program pomeni ProfitPay aplikacijo in članstvo v ProfitPay poslovnem programu, ki potrošnikom pri različnih ponudnikih (npr. trgovcih) omogoča prejemanje takojšnega delnega vračila denarja (»cashback«) in tudi njegovo unovčenje.
      Pravila in pogoji ProfitPay pomeni splošne pogoje in pogodbo, ki jo Uporabnik sklene neposredno s ProfitPay v povezavi z uporabo ProfitPay aplikacije in vključenosti v ProfitPay program.
      Delovni dan pomeni dan, ki ga določi Paywiser in na katerega Paywiser sodeluje pri izvedbi plačilne transakcije ter izvede potrebne aktivnosti za takšno plačilno transakcijo. Paywiser lahko vzpostavi različne delovne dni za zagotavljanje različnih storitev in/ali za izvajanje različnih plačilnih transakcij. Če z Okvirno pogodbo ali drugimi dogovori ni drugače dogovorjeno, se šteje, da je delovni dan vsak dan, ki je delovni dan v Republiki Sloveniji (vsak dan, razen sobote, nedelje, državnih praznikov in dela prostih dni po vsakokrat veljavni zakonodaji) in je hkrati delovni dan vseh drugih izvajalcev plačilnega prometa, vključenih v izvršitev posameznega Plačilnega naloga.
      Zaupne informacije pomenijo informacije, ki so označene kot "Zaupne" ali se upravičeno pričakuje, da so ali bodo zaupne glede na naravo informacij; vključujoč, brez posega v navedeno splošno definicijo tudi: Paywiser poslovni načrti, podatki, strategije, metode, seznami Uporabnikov, tehnične specifikacije, podatki o transakcijah in vsi podatki, dejstva in okoliščine o posameznem Uporabniku, vključno z osebnimi podatki, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser;
      Potrošnik je fizična oseba, ki sklepa Okvirno pogodbo za svoje osebne namene, zunaj področja svoje pridobitne ali poklicne dejavnosti;
      Pogodba pomeni to Okvirno pogodbo in njene dodatke, če ti obstajajo.
      Uporabnik pomeni potrošnika, ki uporablja ali je zahteval uporabo storitev, ki so predmet teh Splošnih pogojev, in je s Paywiser sklenil Okvirno pogodbo ter je član ProfitPay programa;
      Uporabniški račun pomeni uporabnikov račun oz. profil v sistemu Paywiserja;
      Postopek KYC pomeni postopek (know-your-customer oz. spoznaj-svojo stranko), s katerim Paywiser zbere vse potrebne podatke o Uporabniku v skladu z ZPPDFT-2;
      Provizija pomeni provizijo in druge stroške ter nadomestila, ki pripadajo Paywiserju za odprtje in vodenje plačilnega računa, izvedbo plačilne transakcije in/ali z njo povezane plačilne storitve in vseh ostalih storitev, ki so povezane z uporabo Računa in sklenjeno Okvirno pogodbo;
      Trajni nosilec podatkov je vsak instrument, ki Uporabniku omogoča shranjevanje podatkov, naslovljenih osebno nanj, tako da so dostopni za poznejšo uporabo tako dolgo, kakor je to potrebno za namene teh podatkov, in ki omogoča nespremenjeno predvajanje shranjenih podatkov (npr. magnetni mediji, elektronska pošta, DVD);
      Elektronski denar pomeni v elektronski ali magnetni obliki shranjena denarna vrednost v obliki terjatve imetnika elektronskega denarja (Uporabnika) do izdajatelja elektronskega denarja (Paywiser), ki ga Paywiser izda ob prejemu denarnih sredstev za namen izvrševanja plačilnih transakcij, kot jih določa 8. člen ZPlaSSIED, in ki ga kot plačilno sredstvo sprejeme oseba, ki ni Paywiser. Elektronski denar Uporabnikom Paywiser izda pod v tem dokumentu določenimi pogoji;
      Tretja država pomeni državo, ki ni država članica;
      Država članica pomeni državo članico Evropske unije (EU), evropskega gospodarskega prostora (EEA), pa tudi Monako, San Marino in Švico.
      ProfitPay aplikacija za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika (»ProfitPay aplikacija«) Uporabniku omogoča dostop do Paywiser sistema in Plačilnega računa ter uporabo Elektronskega denarja za Plačilne transakcije in dostop do drugih Storitev, ki jih urejajo ti Splošni pogoji.
      Plačilni nalog (tudi »Zahtevek za plačilo«) pomeni vsako navodilo (zahtevek za plačilo) plačnika ali prejemnika plačila svojemu ponudniku plačilnih storitev, s katerim odredi izvršitev plačilne transakcije;
      Plačilna transakcija pomeni dejanje pologa, prenosa ali dviga denarnih sredstev, ki ga odredi plačnik ali je odrejena v njegovem imenu ali jo odredi prejemnik plačila, pri čemer je izvršitev plačilne transakcije prek ponudnika plačilnih storitev neodvisna od osnovnih obveznosti med plačnikom in prejemnikom plačila;
      Pogodbena Stranka (»Pogodbenica«) pomeni Paywiser ali Uporabnik oz. oba skupaj kot Pogodbeni Stranki (»Pogodbenici«);
      Plačilni instrument pomeni vsako napravo ali niz postopkov oziroma oboje, dogovorjeno med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem ter je vezan le na tega Uporabnika, z namenom da ga ta uporabi za odreditev plačilnega naloga (npr. plačilne kartice, spletno izvrševanje plačilnih transakcij);
      Plačnik je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki odredi plačilno transakcijo tako, da izda plačilni nalog ali zagotovi soglasje k izvršitvi plačilnega naloga, ki ga izda prejemnik plačila;
      Prejemnik plačila pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, ki je predvideni prejemnik sredstev, ki so bila predmet plačilne transakcije;
      SEPA je kratica za enotno območje plačil v evrih (Single Euro Payments Area). Strankam omogoča izvajanje in prejemanje plačil v eurih, po enotnih pravilih in postopkih, znotraj ali zunaj nacionalnih meja, pod enakimi osnovnimi pogoji ter z enakimi pravicami in obveznostmi, ne glede na njihovo geografsko območje.
      Storitve pomenijo storitve in produkte, ki jih nudi Paywiser po tej Okvirni pogodbi;
      Izpisek pomeni dokument, ki ga Uporabniku pripravi Paywiser in vključuje podatke o plačilnih transakcijah, ki so bile opravljene v določenem časovnem obdobju;
      Ukrepi močne avtentikacije strank (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) pomeni preverjanje istovetnosti Uporabnika, ki temelji na uporabi dveh ali več elementov, ki so razvrščeni kot znanje Uporabnika (nekaj, kar ve le Uporabnik), lastništvo (nekaj, kar ima le Uporabnik) in neločljiva povezanost z Uporabnikom (nekaj, kar Uporabnik je) in so med seboj neodvisni, saj napaka enega ne ogroža zanesljivosti drugih in so zasnovani tako, da varujejo zaupnost podatkov za preverjanje pristnosti
      TARGET 2 pomeni plačilni sistem, ki je v lasti in upravljanju Eurosistema. Je vodilna evropska platforma za obdelavo plačil velikih vrednosti ter jo za obdelavo plačil v eurih v realnem času uporabljajo tako centralne banke kot tudi poslovne banke v EU.
      Transakcijski račun je plačilni račun, ki ga odpre banka s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji ali podružnica banke države članice v Republiki Sloveniji v imenu enega uporabnika ali več uporabnikov za namene izvrševanja plačilnih transakcij in druge namene, povezane z opravljanjem bančnih storitev za uporabnika. Denarna sredstva na transakcijskem računu se štejejo kot vpogledni denarni depozit.
      Tretja oseba pomeni vsako fizično ali pravno osebo, razen Pogodbenih Strank;
      Edinstven identifikator pomeni kombinacijo številk, črk in znakov, ki jih Uporabniku plačilnih storitev določi ponudnik plačilnih storitev in ki se uporablja za nedvoumno identifikacijo Uporabnika in njegovega Računa. Edinstveni identifikator je lahko posamezna številka IBAN (International Bank Account Number-Mednarodna številka bančnega računa). Plačnik mora za identifikacijo računa prejemnika plačila zagotoviti IBAN prejemnika plačila in BIC kodo prejemnikovega ponudnika plačilnih storitev, razen če ni s svojim ponudnikom plačilnih storitev dogovorjen drugače;
      Postopek identifikacije na daljavo pomeni ugotavljanje in preverjanje istovetnosti oseb z uporabo drugih ustrezno varnih daljinsko upravljanih ali elektronskih postopkov ter načinov za identifikacijo po 35. členu ZPPDFT-2 ter skladno s Pravilnikom o tehničnih pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varni daljinsko upravljani ali elektronski postopki in sredstva za identifikacijo.
      ZPlaSSIED pomeni slovenski Zakon o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih.
      ZPPDFT-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma.
      ZVOP-2 pomeni slovenski Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov.
  3. Pogoji poslovnega razmerja med Uporabnikom in Paywiser
    1. Poleg teh Splošnih pogojev in vseh njihovih sprememb, pogodbeno razmerje, ki se nanaša na opravljanje in zagotavljanje plačilnih in drugih Storitev, urejajo tudi zakoni in drugi pravni akti Republike Slovenije in drugi dogovori, ki sta jih sklenili Pogodbenici, ter drugi dokumenti Paywiser, ki so objavljeni na spletišču Paywiser in/ali ProfitPay in iz katerih izhaja, da urejajo pravno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, ter načela poštenja, pravičnosti in zakonitosti.
    2. Ti Splošni pogoji določajo temeljne pogoje, ki veljajo med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem, ko se Uporabnik veljavno registrira v ProfitPay programu, odpre Plačilni račun in uporabi druge Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser in so povezane s Plačilnim računom in Okvirno pogodbo. Vsa morebitna odstopanja oz. drugačne dogovore od pogojev te Okvirne pogodbe Pogodbeni stranki dogovorita v pisni obliki kot poseben dodatek k tej Pogodbi.
    3. Uporabnik s prijavo na Storitev izrecno potrjuje, da pozna vsebino teh Splošnih pogojev in se z njimi strinja.
    4. Uporabnik ima pravico kadar koli od Paywiserja zahtevati kopijo teh Pogojev in vseh drugih dokumentov, ki so del pogodbenega razmerja, v papirni obliki ali na drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so vedno objavljeni na spletnem mestu ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji.
  4. Storitve, ki jih nudi PAYWISER po tej Okvirni pogodbi preko ProfitPay aplikacije
    1. Paywiser Uporabnikom ponuja storitve odpiranja in vodenja Plačilnega računa, ki se uporablja za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij, ter druge s Plačilnim računom povezane Storitve. Paywiser vodi evrski (EUR) račun, v okviru katerega Uporabniku odpre en plačilni račun z edinstveno oznako IBAN, ki pomeni Edinstveni identifikator Uporabniškega računa, in izvaja Plačilne transakcije v evrih (EUR).
    2. Uporabnik lahko izvaja naslednje Plačilne transakcije:
      • Polnjenje plačilnega računa (top-up) z nakazilom sredstev iz plačilnega ali Transakcijskega računa, ki ga ima Uporabnik odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev;
      • Unovčenje sredstev iz Plačilnega računa s prenosom sredstev na plačilni ali Transakcijski račun, ki ga ima Uporabnik odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev.
      • Plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev
      • Možni so tudi interni prenosi sredstev v zaprtem sistemu Paywiser, ProfitPay.
      Storitev menjave valut trenutno ni omogočena.
    3. Sredstva vseh Uporabnikov so shranjena na fiduciarnem računu, ki ga Paywiser v imenu Uporabnikov vodi pri komercialni partnerski banki. Paywiser v okviru odprtega fiduciarnega računa dodeli oznake IBAN Uporabnikovim Plačilnim Računom, kar omogoča izvajanje prilivnih in odlivnih plačilnih transakcij s Plačilnega Računa Uporabnika. Pogodbeno razmerje je sklenjeno zgolj med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem.
    4. Plačilni račun ni Transakcijski račun in ga Paywiser ne prijavi v register Transakcijskih računov. Uporabnik je dolžan sam poskrbeti za vsa relevantna poročanja o imetništvu Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju (npr. prijava Računa davčnemu organu, v kolikor je to relevantno).
    5. ProfitPay aplikacija Uporabniku omogoča dostop do svojega Plačilnega računa in upravljanje le tega (npr. polnjenje, izvedba plačilnih transakcij, unovčitve itd.).
    6. Za uporabo ProfitPay aplikacije veljajo dodatni pogoji in so Uporabniku predstavljeni pred pričetkom uporabe. Pogoji, informacije in določila za uporabo ter povezava do ProfitPay aplikacije so na voljo na spletni strani ProfitPay.
    7. Ti Pogoji urejajo odprtje Paywiser Plačilnega računa in njegovo upravljanje preko ProfitPay aplikacije ter vse pravice in obveznosti obeh Pogodbenic glede odprtja, zaprtja in uporabe Plačilnega računa in drugih Storitev po teh Pogojih.
    8. Zaradi zakonske prepovedi se sredstva Uporabnika, ki jih hrani pri Paywiserju, ne obrestujejo.
    9. Med Storitvami, ki jih nudi Paywiser Uporabniku na podlagi te Okvirne pogodbe, ni uporaba debetne plačilne kartice Paywiser MasterCard (»Paywiser kartica«). O možnosti izdaje in uporabe Paywiser kartice bo Paywiser Uporabnika obvestil. Za storitev izdaje Paywiser kartice bodo veljali dodatni pogoji, ki bodo na voljo na spletnem mestu ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji in bodo v primeru, da Uporabnik naroči Paywiser kartico, sestavni del te Okvirne pogodbe.
    10. Za vsako dodatno storitev, ki ni urejena s temi Pogoji, lahko veljajo ločeni pogoji, ki so na voljo na spletnem mestu.
    11. ProfitPay aplikacija in Storitve, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser preko aplikacije, se lahko od časa do časa nadgradijo oz. spremenijo. Za spremembe veljajo določila te Okvirne pogodbe, ki veljajo za spremembe Splošnih pogojev.
    12. Vse Storitve po tej Okvirni pogodbi so Uporabniku na voljo le v primeru, da izvede Postopek KYC. Dokler Uporabnik ne izvede Postopka KYC oziroma ga ne izvede uspešno, lahko Storitve uporablja le v omejenem obsegu.
    13. Uporaba Storitve v omejenem obsegu:
      • Uporabnik lahko postane član ProfitPay programa na podlagi predložitve mobilne telefonske številke.
      • Plačilni račun je namenjen zgolj Elektronskemu denarju, ki ga Uporabnik dobi na podlagi ProfitPay programa (»cashback«).
      • Uporabnik lahko ta sredstva koristi izključno za plačevanje znotraj ProfitPay sistema, torej le pri ponudnikih, ki so registrirani v ProfitPay programu.
      • Transakcije se lahko izvajajo le znotraj Republike Slovenije.
      • Drugačno unovčenje ali polnjene (npr. z nakazilom iz drugega plačilnega računa ali na drug plačilni račun) Računa ni mogoče (vse dokler Uporabnik uspešno ne izvede Postopka KYC).
      • Uporabnik v primeru takšne omejene uporabe Storitev ne prejme edinstvenega identifikatorja IBAN, tudi interni prenosi med Uporabniki niso mogoči.
      • Najvišji znesek Elektronskega denarja na Računu znaša EUR 150,00.
      • Najvišji znesek posamezne transakcije oz. nakupa znaša EUR 50,00.
      • Najvišji znesek celotnega prometa brez uspešne izvedbe Postopka KYC znaša EUR 150,00.
    14. Ko znesek opravljenih transakcij v breme in dobro doseže 150,00 EUR, se njegov Račun blokira, Uporabnik pa je napoten na izvedbo Postopka KYC.
    15. V primeru prenehanja pogodbenega razmerja, ko Uporabnik še ni izvedel Postopka KYC, mora Uporabnik Paywiser posredovati mobilno številko, ki je registrirana v ProfitPay aplikaciji, višino celotnega zneska Elektronskega denarja na ProfitPay plačilnem računu, svoje polno ime in priimek, svoj elektronski naslov, kopijo uradnega osebnega dokumenta s fotografijo ter podatke o svojem osebnem bančnem računu skupaj s številko IBAN in BIC, na katerega želi nakazilo zneska.
  5. Splošna določila o odprtju računa in identifikaciji Uporabnika
    1. Uporabnik mora najprej vložiti vlogo za registracijo Uporabniškega računa in odpiranje Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju preko ProfitPay aplikacije, opraviti Postopek identifikacije na daljavo ter naložiti vse zahtevane dokumente. Uporabnik posreduje podatke in dokumente opisane v točki 6.2. teh Pogojev, s strani Uporabnika izpolnjen vprašalnik in druge podatke ali dokumente, ki jih Paywiser lahko zahteva glede na posamezne okoliščine in ki bi Paywiserju omogočili preverjanje identitete Uporabnika in ustrezne izvedbe Postopka KYC. V primeru, da Uporabnik ne želi izvesti Postopka identifikacije na daljavo mu Paywiser omogoči drug način identifikacije in verifikacije.
    2. Za uporabo Storitev mora biti Uporabnik star najmanj 18 let.
    3. Obseg informacij, ki jih je treba zagotoviti, je odvisen od produkta ali storitve Paywiserja, ki ga Uporabnik želi uporabiti.
    4. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico od Uporabnika zahtevati, da ta priskrbi originalne dokumente ali kopije teh dokumentov, ki jih je overil notar ali druga pristojna oseba, ali ki jih je overila določena država.
    5. Za zagotovitev identifikacije Uporabnika ali opravljanje drugih potrebnih nalog ima Paywiser pravico, da od Uporabnika zahteva izvedbo določenega postopka (npr. Postopek identifikacije na daljavo) prek katerega koli partnerja Paywiserja ali drugih programov.
    6. Uporabnik potrjuje, da so vsi podatki, zagotovljeni med registracijo, pravilni in ažurni. Če pride do kakršnih koli sprememb pri posredovanih podatkih v času trajanja poslovnega razmerja, je Uporabnik dolžan posredovati posodobljene podatke v najkrajšem možnem času, vendar najpozneje v 5 (petih) delovnih dneh po nastali spremembi.
    7. Ko Uporabnik prebere veljavno različico teh Pogojev, označi ustrezno „potrditveno polje“ s pritiskom na „da“ oz. »klikom« nanj. Navedeno se šteje za izjavo volje Uporabnika, da želi skleniti Okvirno pogodbo. Po izvedbi Postopka KYC, Paywiser preko ProfitPay obvesti Uporabnika o (ne)sklenitvi Pogodbe. Če se Uporabnik odloči, da pritisne na »ne« ali ne označi nobenega potrditvenega polja, to pomeni, da ne želi skleniti pogodbenega razmerja s Paywiserjem.
    8. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti registracijo novega Uporabnika in Uporabniškega računa brez navedbe razlogov, vendar Paywiser zagotavlja, da bo zavrnitev registracije vedno temeljila na pomembnih razlogih, ki jih Paywiserju ni potrebno ali jih ne sme razkriti.
    9. Ko Paywiser preveri dokumente in informacije, ki jih je zagotovil Uporabnik, in ni nobenega razloga, ki bi v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo, internimi predpisi ali kako drugače lahko vodil v zavrnitev izvajanja Storitev, Uporabnika obvesti o odprtju Plačilnega računa, Uporabnik pa je s tem upravičen začeti uporabljati Storitve in Plačilni račun.
    10. Uporabnik ima pravico odpreti en Uporabniški račun in en Plačilni račun, razen če Paywiser izrecno odobri odprtje dodatnih Računov.
    11. Paywiser Uporabnikom z bodisi stalnim, začasnim prebivališčem ali državljanstvom v državah, kjer obstaja povečano ali visoko tveganje za pranja denarja ali financiranje terorizma ne omogoča uporabe storitev Paywiser. Seznam držav z visokim tveganjem, ki po mnenju mednarodnih organizacij nimajo ustrezne zakonodaje, ali je ne izvajajo v celoti, ali pa so povezane z drugimi tveganji, ki lahko vplivajo na učinkovitost boja proti pranju denarja in financiranju terorizma, objavlja Urad za Preprečevanje pranja denarja. Seznam je objavljen na: http://www.uppd.gov.si/.
    12. Če Postopek KYC za Uporabnika razkrije, da je imetnik mobilne številke, da je državljan, ali da ima stalno ali začasno prebivališče v državi na seznamu povečanega ali visokega tveganja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma, si Paywiser pridržuje pravico da mu odpove pogodbo in zapre Uporabnikov Plačilni račun ter mu povrne znesek preostalega stanja na njegovem Računu. Enako velja, če se izkaže, da je Uporabnik sankcionirana oseba.
    13. Uporabnik s sprejemom teh Splošnih pogojev izjavlja, da ni sankcionirana oseba, oziroma, da ni vključen na sezname oseb, zoper katere veljajo omejevalni ukrepi oziroma sankcije:
      • sankcionirana oseba je vsaka fizična oseba, ki je tarča sankcij oziroma zanjo veljajo sankcije, kar vključuje, brez omejitev, osebo, ki je državljan ali rezident države, ki je navedena na listi sankcioniranih držav;
      • sankcije so kakršnekoli ekonomske, finančne, trgovinske ali podobne omejitve in prepovedi, sprejete, podane ali predpisane s strani sledečih organizacij ali držav (in njihovih organov ali agencij): a) Združenih narodov; b) Združenih držav Amerike; ali c) Evropske unije ali njenih sedanjih ali bodočih držav članic.
      Uporabnik se zavezuje in jamči ves čas veljavnosti Okvirne pogodbe:
      • da on sam ne bo, neposredno ali posredno, uporabil Računa in z njim povezanih storitev na podlagi Okvirne pogodbe, na kakršenkoli način, ki bi imel za posledico kršitev omejevalnih ukrepov in sankcij s strani Paywiserja, kar vključuje tudi uporabo Računa in z njim povezanih storitev za financiranje ali olajšanje poslovanja ali transakcij sankcionirane osebe, ali z njo povezane osebe, ali dajanje teh sredstev na razpolago sankcionirani osebi ali omogočanje, da bi taka oseba imela korist od teh sredstev;
      • da nobena sankcionirana oseba ne bo imela nobene pravice do sredstev, ki bodo s strani Uporabnika nakazani z/ na Račun kot tudi, da noben prihodek ali korist, ki bi izhajal/a iz kakršnekoli aktivnosti ali transakcije s sankcionirano osebo, ne bo uporabljen/a za poplačilo zneskov, ki jih Uporabnik v okviru sklenjenih pogodbenih razmerij dolguje Paywiserju.
  6. Registracija, preverjanje in uporaba storitve Paywiser plačilnega računa
    1. Uporabnik dostopa in upravlja svoj Plačilni račun prek ProfitPay aplikacije, vanj pa lahko vpogleda tudi z uporabo mobilne aplikacije Paywiser.
    2. Obvezni podatki za registracijo Uporabnika so:
      • Polno ime (ime in priimek),
      • Datum rojstva,
      • Kraj rojstva,
      • Država rojstva
      • Naslov stalnega in začasnega (če ta obstaja) prebivališča,
      • Spol,
      • Podatki o osebnem dokumentu (številka dokumenta, datum izteka roka veljavnosti, datum izdaje, vrsta dokumenta in izdajatelj)
      • Slika obeh strani priloženega osebnega dokumenta (osebna izkaznica ali potni list) s podpisom,
      • »Sebek« (Selfie - Slika Uporabnika),
      • Številka mobilnega telefona,
      • Naslov elektronske pošte,
      • Davčna številka in država davčnega rezidentstva,
      • Državljanstvo,
      • Zajem obraza v postopku identifikacije.
    3. Paywiser zbira (osebne) podatke o Uporabniku prek ProfitPay aplikacije in Paywiser sistema. Med zbiranjem zahtevanih podatkov mora Uporabnik vnesti svoje osebne identifikacijske podatke in predložiti fotografijo (obeh strani) svojega osebnega dokumenta in dovoliti zajem svojih fotografij. Za Postopek KYC (identifikacijo in verifikacijo) ter preverjanje informacij se med drugim uporablja Postopek identifikacije na daljavo z uporabo zunanjega izvajalca. Podoba obraza osebe, ki je predmet Postopka identifikacije na daljavo, se v času trajanja identifikacije v živo prenaša do zunanjega izvajalca, ki podobo obraza osebe zajame in shrani kot fotografijo. V Postopku identifikacije na daljavo se izvede tudi biometrična primerjava obraza osebe, ki je predmet ugotavljanja istovetnosti, s podobo na njenem osebnem dokumentu. Postopek identifikacije na daljavo, vključno z biometrijo, se izvede na podlagi predhodno pridobljenega soglasja Uporabnika ter z zahtevami veljavne zakonodaje, zlasti ZVOP-2 in Pravilnika o tehničnih pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varni daljinsko upravljani ali elektronski postopki in sredstva za identifikacijo.
    4. Uporabnik se najprej registrira s svojo mobilno telefonsko številko, ki jo je treba potrditi z vnosom enkratnega gesla, prejetega v SMS-sporočilu. Preveri in potrdi se tudi e-poštni naslov, ki ga vnese Uporabnik.
    5. Uporabniški račun je edinstveno povezan z e-poštnim naslovom, ki je bil naveden v postopku registracije. En e-poštni naslov se lahko hkrati prijavi le z enim Uporabniškim računom. Prav tako je lahko naenkrat z enim Uporabniškim računom povezana samo ena številka mobilnega telefona.
    6. Pred uspešno registracijo mora Uporabnik sprejeti Splošne pogoje.
    7. Po uspešno zaključenem Postopku KYC se Uporabniku dodeli edinstvena identifikacijska številka (ID Uporabnika).
    8. Po registraciji je Uporabniku ustvarjen Uporabniški račun in pridobi možnost uporabe storitev Plačilnega računa (kot opisano v poglavju 4 teh Pogojev) in upravljanja le tega preko ProfitPay aplikacije.
    9. Storitve za Uporabnika so omejene tako, da se upoštevajo zakonske omejitve, ki jih zahteva ZPPDFT-2, in omejitve, ki jih določa Paywiserjeva politika o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (v nadaljnjem besedilu: »politika AML«).
    10. Uporabniki lahko izvajajo plačilne transakcije in uporabljajo vse Storitve prek Paywiser Plačilnega računa z naslednjimi omejitvami:
      • Posamezna Plačilna transakcija je omejena na največ 3.000 EUR,
      • Mesečne Plačilne transakcije so omejene na 5.000 EUR,
      • Letne Plačilne transakcije so omejene na 50.000 EUR.
      • Najvišji znesek Elektronskega denarja shranjenega na Plačilnem računu je 10.000 EUR.
      Če Uporabnik ni več upravičen do Računa, ali obstajajo kazalniki visokega tveganja ali Uporabnik doseže katerikoli zgoraj navedeni prag (npr. mesečne/letne transakcijske vrednosti), se lahko Plačilni račun začasno ali trajno zamrzne (v slednjem primeru Paywiser z obvestilom Uporabniku tudi odpove Pogodbo).
    11. Uporaba ProfitPay aplikacije
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan uporabljati ProfitPay aplikacijo v skladu s temi Pogoji in pogoji za uporabo ProfitPay aplikacije ter vsemi drugimi navodili in dokumenti, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na spletnem mestu ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji ter v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Uporabnik je dolžan Storitve uporabljati na način, ki je skladen z namenom, za katerega Paywiser Storitve zagotavlja.
      2. V primeru kršitve je Uporabnik (kršitelj) odgovoren Paywiserju in tretjim osebam za vso povzročeno škodo, Paywiser pa ima pravico, da Uporabniku prepreči nadaljnjo uporabo Paywiser Storitev in dostop do Paywiser sistema preko ProfitPay aplikacije ali drugega načina.
      3. Uporabnik, ki omogoči dostop do Paywiser sistema, do katerega dostopa preko ProfitPay aplikacije, tretjim osebam, je izključno odgovoren za škodo, ki bi nastala kot posledica takšnih dejanj.
      4. Omejitve uporabe Paywiser Plačilnega računa so določene v skladu z ZPPDFT-2 in notranjimi pravili Paywiserja in so navedene v teh Pogojih in navodilih ter dokumentih, ki so javno objavljeni in dostopni na spletnem mestu ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji.
      5. Vse funkcionalnosti Plačilnega računa, ProfitPay aplikacije, vključno s pogoji izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter izvedbo plačilnih transakcij, so opredeljene v teh Pogojih in dodatnih pogojih, povezanimi s Storitvami, ki so predmet Okvirne pogodbe (kot so npr. splošni pogoji za uporabo ProfitPay aplikacije itd.).
  7. Plačilne storitve
    1. Uporabniki lahko preko ProfitPay aplikacije izvajajo različne vrste Plačilnih transakcij.
    2. Vse funkcionalnosti Plačilnega računa, ProfitPay aplikacije, vključno s pogoji izdaje in unovčitve elektronskega denarja ter izvedbo plačilnih transakcij, so opredeljene v teh Pogojih in dodatnih pogojih, povezanimi s Storitvami, ki so predmet Okvirne pogodbe (kot so npr. splošni pogoji za uporabo ProfitPay aplikacije itd.).Za Uporabnike veljajo omejitve iz 6. poglavja teh Splošnih pogojev in omejitve, določene spodaj. Uporabniki ne smejo unovčiti sredstev s svojega Plačilnega računa v gotovini.
    3. Vsako zahtevo za plačilo odobri in potrdi ali pa zavrne sistem Paywiser.
    4. Stanje Plačilnega računa se zmanjša/poveča takoj po uspešni Plačilni transakciji.
    5. Paywiser odobri in izvede vsako Plačilno transakcijo, za katero je Uporabnik predložil Zahtevek za plačilo (Plačilni nalog) ali soglasje (potrditev), razen če obstajajo pogoji za zavrnitev transakcije.
    6. Paywiser bo zavrnil izvedbo Plačilne transakcije, če:
      • Je z izvrševanjem zahteve za plačilo presežena vrednostna omejitev ZPPDFT-2 ali druga omejitev, ki jo določi Paywiser ali je bila samostojno nastavljena s strani Uporabnika,
      • Uporabnik nima dovolj sredstev na Plačilnem računu,
      • Uporabnik vnese napačno kodo SCA za potrditev Plačilne transakcije,
      • je Uporabniški račun blokiran, zamrznjen ali začasno ukinjen,
      • je sistem Paywiser in/ali elektronsko komunikacijsko omrežje v času zahteve po izvedbi transakcije moteno,
      • Paywiser sumi na morebitno zlorabo Plačilnega računa.
    7. Paywiser na podlagi pogojev iz prejšnje točke Plačilno transakcijo potrdi ali zavrne in o tem takoj obvesti Uporabnika preko ProfitPay aplikacije.
    8. Uporabnik lahko v mejah Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa in ob upoštevanju omejitev iz teh Pogojev izvede naslednja dejanja (Plačilne transakcije):
      • Napolni plačilni račun (top-up),
      • Izvede plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev,
      • Unovči sredstva iz Plačilnega računa.
      • Izvede interne prenose med plačilnimi računi znotraj sistema Paywiser.
    9. Spodaj so opisane posamezne vrste plačilnih transakcij.
    10. Druge storitve/funkcionalnosti se izvajajo prek ProfitPay aplikacije v skladu z dodatnimi oz. posebnimi pogoji ali skladno s spremembami teh Splošnih pogojev.
    11. Polnjenje plačilnega računa (top-up)
      1. Funkcija polnjenja Plačilnega računa Uporabnika je podvržena omejitvam, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik lahko napolni (dopolni) svoj Plačilni račun:
        • Z nakazilom sredstev iz plačilnega računa, ki ga ima odprtega pri drugem ponudniku plačilnih storitev: Uporabnik izpolni plačilni nalog v dobro svojega Računa (navede IBAN in BIC), ki ga vodi Paywiser. V ta namen ima Paywiser odprt fiduciarni račun pri komercialni partnerski banki. Sklic in namen plačila izpolni Uporabnik v skladu z navodili. Sredstva na Plačilnem računu Uporabnika, ki je pravilno izpolnil podatke na Plačilnem nalogu, se povečajo takoj po prejemu sredstev na račun Paywiserja.
      3. Preden dovoli izvršitev transakcije za polnitev, Paywiser preveri podatke Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila ter stanje in omejitve Plačnika in Prejemnika plačila.
      4. Vsako zahtevo za polnitev Računa Paywiser odobri ali zavrne.
    12. Plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev
      1. Za plačilne transakcije za nakup blaga in storitev veljajo omejitve iz 6. člena teh Splošnih pogojev.
      2. Uporabnik, ki je v skladu s pogoji za izdajo pridobil izdano Paywiser kartico (ko bo navedena storitev relevantna oz. Uporabniku na voljo), lahko plača blago in storitve na katerem koli prodajnem mestu (tudi spletnem), ki sprejema MasterCard debetne kartice.
      3. Pri ponudnikih, ki so vključeni v ProfitPay program, lahko Uporabnik plača blago in storitve preko QR kode, ki jo generira ProfitPay aplikacija.
      4. Postopek izvedbe Plačilne transakcije preko Plačilnega naloga vnesenega v ProfitPay aplikacija:
      5. Paywiser sprejema Plačilne naloge v skladu s časovnim razporedom, s katerim izvaja obračun in poravnavo Plačilnih transakcij v sistemu Paywiser. Ta je predvidoma vsak Delovni dan za Plačilne transakcije ki bodo, opravljene do 24:00 prejšnjega dne. Sobote, nedelje, državni prazniki v Sloveniji in prazniki v tujini (1.1., Velikonočni petek, Velikonočni ponedeljek, 1.5., 25.12. in 26.12.), ki pomenijo nedelovni dan za plačilni sistem TARGET2, predstavljajo nedelovne dni za obračune in poravnave v sistemu Paywiser in partnerjih, vključenih v plačilni sistem.
      6. Paywiser bo Plačilne naloge, prejete od 0. do 24. ure, izvedel (uspešno ali neuspešno) še isti Delovni dan.
      7. Paywiser (kot pridobitelj) bo nakazal sredstva na račun prejemnika najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan po prejemu Plačilnega naloga.
      8. Plačilni nalog postane nepreklicen v trenutku, ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije, to je ko Paywiser prejme Plačilni nalog.
      9. Uporabnik vloži Zahtevek za plačilo v sistemu Paywiser preko ProfitPay aplikacije. Sistem Paywiser samodejno preverja podatke tako Plačnika kot Prejemnika plačila, stanje na računu Uporabnika, status Uporabnika ter omejitve Uporabnika.
      10. Če so izpolnjeni vsi pogoji iz prejšnjega odstavka, Paywiser takoj izvede prenos sredstev ali, če pogoji niso izpolnjeni, transakcijo zavrne.
      11. Ko Uporabnik poda soglasje za izvedbo plačilne transakcije, preklic ali razveljavitev takšne transakcije oz. Plačilnega naloga ni več mogoč.
    13. Unovčenje sredstev iz Plačilnega računa:
      1. Uporabnik lahko kadar koli v skladu s temi Pogoji ter v mejah in z omejitvami, ki so določene v 6. členu teh Splošnih pogojev, unovči sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa.
      2. Sredstva se lahko unovčijo:
        • S prenosom sredstev na drug Plačilni ali Transakcijski račun - Uporabnik lahko kadar koli nakaže sredstva s svojega Plačilnega računa preko ProfitPay aplikacije, na kateri koli drug Transakcijski račun ali Plačilni račun, v skladu s temi Pogoji, tako da izpolni Plačilni nalog.
        • Z dvigom gotovine na bankomatu, če je Uporabnik Plačilnega računa pridobil Paywiser kartico.
      3. Pogoji za unovčenje:
        • ustrezno stanje na Uporabnikovem Paywiser Računu,
        • upoštevanje morebitnih omejitev transakcij, kot opisano v teh Pogojih.
  8. Splošni pogoji za izdajo in unovčenje Elektronskega denarja
    1. Denar, ki je hranjen na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu, se šteje za Elektronski denar, ki ga izda Paywiser po prenosu ali nakazilu denarja na Plačilni račun, odprt pri Paywiser.
    2. Ko je Uporabnik izvršil nakazilo sredstev oziroma je nakazilo denarja na Uporabnikov Račun uspešno in ko Paywiser prejme denar, Paywiser izda Elektronski denar po nominalni vrednosti in ga nakaže na Uporabnikov Plačilni račun. Elektronski denar se knjiži in hrani na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu.
    3. Uporabnik izbere način polnjenja Računa kot opisano v členu 7 (Polnjenje Plačilnega računa).
    4. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da se Elektronski denar na Uporabnikovem računu ne šteje za depozit in Paywiser v nobenem primeru ne plačuje nobenih obresti za Elektronski denar na Računu Uporabnika in ne zagotavlja nobenih drugih ugodnosti, povezanih s časovnim obdobjem, za katerega je Elektronski denar shranjen.
    5. Na zahtevo Uporabnika se lahko Elektronski denar, ki se hrani na Računu Uporabnika, kadar koli unovči po njegovi nominalni vrednosti, razen če se Paywiser in Uporabnik dogovorita drugače.
    6. Kadar se zahteva, da se Elektronski denar unovči pred iztekom te Pogodbe, lahko Uporabnik zahteva vračilo dela ali celotne denarne vrednosti Elektronskega denarja.
    7. Uporabnik vloži zahtevo za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja z generiranjem Plačilnega naloga za prenos Elektronskega denarja iz Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa pri Paywiserju na kateri koli drug račun, ki ga določi Uporabnik.
    8. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne uporabljajo nobeni posebni pogoji, ki bi se razlikovali od standardnih pogojev za nakazila in druge Plačilne transakcije z Uporabnikovega Računa. Znesek unovčenega ali nakazanega Elektronskega denarja izbere Uporabnik.
    9. Za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja se ne plača nobena dodatna Provizija. V primeru unovčenja Elektronskega denarja Uporabnik plača običajno Provizijo za prenos denarja ali dvig denarja, ki je odvisna od načina prenosa ali dviga denarja, ki ga izbere Uporabnik.
    10. Če Uporabnik zaprosi za unovčenje Elektronskega denarja po poteku te Pogodbe ali največ 1 (eno) leto od izteka veljavnosti Pogodbe, se unovči vsa denarna vrednost Elektronskega denarja, ki ga ima Uporabnik.
    11. Pod pogojem, da Uporabnik odpove to Pogodbo in predloži zahtevo za zaprtje njegovega Plačilnega računa in izbris Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa iz sistema Paywiser, ali da Paywiser prekine zagotavljanje Storitev Uporabniku in izbriše Uporabnikov Račun iz sistema Paywiser, se v primerih določenih v tej Pogodbi denar z Računa Uporabnika nakaže na Uporabnikov Transakcijski račun ali na račun v drugem elektronskem plačilnem sistemu, ki ga navede Uporabnik. Paywiser ima pravico, da si pred tem odšteje zneske, ki pripadajo Paywiserju (Provizije za Storitve, ki jih nudi Paywiser, in druge stroške, ki jih Uporabnik ni plačal, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, odškodnino in zamudne obresti, ki so jih naložile finančne institucije in (ali) drug pristojni organi države in ki jih je plačal Paywiser zaradi kršitev te Pogodbe, ki jih je storil Uporabnik). V primeru spora med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ima Paywiser pravico zadržati sporni denar do rešitve spora.
    12. V primeru, da Paywiser Uporabniku ne povrne denarja iz razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (na primer: Račun, ki ga je Uporabnik navedel, je zaprt; tehnične težave, ki nastanejo pri ponudniku plačilnih storitev, če ima Uporabnik drug račun itd.), bo o tem Uporabnik nemudoma obveščen. Uporabnik mora takoj navesti drug račun ali zagotoviti dodatne informacije, ki so potrebne za vračilo denarja.
  9. Splošni pogoji o zagotavljanju plačilnih storitev
    1. Avtentikacijski podatki in informacije, ki so potrebne za izvedbo plačilnega naloga
      1. Avtentikacijske podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti za dostop do Plačilnega računa Uporabnika prek ProfitPay aplikacije nastavi Uporabnik. Podatki se nanašajo na:
        • Uporabniško ime in geslo:
          • Uporabniško ime: je kombinacija številk, ki je bila Uporabniku dodeljena po končani registraciji in po tem, ko je Paywiser izdal potrdilo, da lahko Uporabnik prične uporabljati Storitve.
          • Geslo: statično alfanumerično zaporedje, ki ga osebno in izključno sam določi Uporabnik. Paywiser ne bo imel dostopa do gesla niti ga ne bo nikoli zahtevati od Uporabnika.
        • Posebna koda, ki jo bo Uporabnik prejel na svoj mobilni telefon za izvršitev Plačilne transakcije (SCA, neobvezno). Uporabnik potrdi posebno kodo, ki jo je prejel na svoj mobilni telefon z vnosom gesla. Plačilna transakcija se ne izvede brez posebne kode (kadar je ta potrebna).
      2. Najdaljši čas brez aktivnosti Uporabnika, potem ko je bil odobren dostop do Uporabniškega računa na spletu, ne sme presegati 5 minut. Po 5 minutah se seja konča in Uporabnik se mora znova prijaviti. Če so avtentikacijski podatki za preverjanje istovetnosti trikrat napačno vneseni, ima Paywiser pravico blokirati dostop do Uporabniškega računa z navedenimi avtentikacijskimi podatki. Pred izvedbo blokade, bo Uporabnik obveščen. V primeru blokiranja Uporabnikovega Računa zaradi napačno vnesenih podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti, bo lahko Uporabnik po uspešni izvedbi določenih aktivnosti Postopka KYC, zaprosil za nove podatke za preverjanje istovetnosti in se ponovno prijavil v svoj Uporabniški račun.
      3. Da se lahko Plačilni nalog pravilno sproži ali izvrši mora Uporabnik zagotoviti Edinstven identifikator (IBAN). Paywiser bo obdelal in bil odgovoren za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij z Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa izključno na podlagi BIC kode ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila in številke računa Prejemnika plačila (IBAN), ki jih bo prejel od Uporabnika kot del Uporabnikovega Plačilnega naloga.
      4. Paywiser ne odgovarja, če v Plačilnem nalogu ni navedbe Edinstvenega identifikatorja in/ali ga je Uporabnik napačno vnesel. Vendar si kljub temu Paywiser razumno prizadeva za povrnitev sredstev, ki so bila vključena v takšno Plačilno transakcijo.
      5. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico zahtevati dodatne in/ali druge obvezne podatke (na primer znesek in valuto, ime Prejemnika plačila, naslov Prejemnika plačila itd.), ki so potrebni za pravilno izvršitev Plačilnega naloga.
    2. Oblika in postopek podaje soglasja za izvršitev Plačilnega naloga ali Plačilne transakcije
      1. Šteje se, da je Plačilna transakcija s strani Uporabnika odobrena le, če Uporabnik v Paywiser sistemu poda soglasje za izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
      2. Domneva se, da je Uporabnik podal soglasje s tem, da je predložil elektronski Plačilni nalog v Paywiser sistem z uporabo podatkov za preverjanje istovetnosti (podatkov za prijavo, ki so dodeljeni Uporabniku in/ali varnostne kode, SCA). Soglasje se lahko izrazi tudi na drugačen način, ki je ustrezen za posamezno storitev.
      3. Soglasje Uporabnika (plačnika) mora biti predloženo pred izvedbo Plačilne transakcije.
    3. Postopek preklica Plačilnega naloga:
      1. Soglasje lahko Plačnik prekliče kadarkoli, vendar najpozneje do trenutka nepreklicnosti kot to določajo naslednja določila 9.2.4. poglavja teh Pogojev. Soglasje za izvedbo serije Plačilnih transakcij se lahko prav tako prekliče, v tem primeru se šteje, da je vsaka prihodnja Plačilna transakcija nepooblaščena.
      2. Uporabnik ne bo preklical Plačilnega naloga, ko ga enkrat prejme Paywiser, razen v primerih, ki so predvideni v teh Splošnih pogojih.
      3. Kadar Plačilno transakcijo sproži Prejemnik plačila ali je sprožena preko njega, Plačnik ne bo preklical Plačilnega naloga po odobritvi Plačilne transakcije Prejemniku plačila;
      4. V primeru, določenem v členu 9.4.6 te Pogodbe, lahko Uporabnik prekliče Plačilni nalog najpozneje do konca Delovnega dne pred dogovorjenim dnem;
      5. Po poteku rokov, določenih v določbah - te Pogodbe, se lahko Plačilni nalog prekliče le, če se tako dogovorita Uporabnik in Paywiser. V primerih, ki so določeni v določbi te Pogodbe, je za preklic potrebno soglasje Prejemnika plačila.
    4. Trenutek prejema Plačilnega naloga, zahteve, ki veljajo za Plačilni nalog in zavrnitev izvršitve Plačilnega naloga
      1. Uporabnik mora zagotoviti, da ima na Plačilnem računu dovolj sredstev za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga. Če Uporabnik v trenutku predložitve plačilnega naloga nima dovolj sredstev, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, razen če se Pogodbenici dogovorita drugače.
      2. Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obdeluje Plačilne naloge, ki jih je podal Uporabnik, pod pogojem, da ima Uporabnik v trenutku zapadlosti na Računu dovolj sredstev, s katerimi se bo plačilo izvedlo.
      3. V primeru, da je Uporabnik Plačnik, se šteje, da je Paywiser Plačilni nalog prejel na dan prejema, če pa trenutek prejema plačilnega naloga ni Delovni dan Paywiserja, se plačilni nalog šteje za prejet na prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Plačilni nalog, ki ga je Paywiser prejel na Delovni dan, vendar izven delovnega časa Paywiserja, se šteje za prejetega naslednji Delovni dan.
      5. Sredstva z Računa Uporabnika se ne bremenijo, dokler Paywiser ne prejme Plačilnega naloga.
      6. Če se Uporabnik, ki sproži Plačilni nalog, in Paywiser strinjata, da se izvršitev Plačilnega naloga začne na določen dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja ali na dan, ko je Plačnik dal sredstva na razpolago Paywiserju, se za čas prejema šteje ta dogovorjen dan. Če dogovorjeni dan ni Delovni dan, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog prejet prvi naslednji Delovni dan.
      7. Plačilni nalogi znotraj sistema Paywiser se izvršijo takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), ne glede na Delovni čas Paywiserja. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser tudi ostale Plačilne naloge, izven sistema Paywiser izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo), sicer pa veljajo roki določeni v teh Pogojih.
      8. Paywiser ima pravico evidentirati in shranjevati vse Plačilne naloge, ki so bili odposlani s katerim koli od dogovorjenih načinov ter beležiti in hraniti podatke o vseh Plačilnih transakcijah, ki jih opravi Uporabnik ali so v povezavi s Plačilnimi nalogi Uporabnika. Omenjene podatke lahko Paywiser kot dokazilo o oddaji Plačilnih nalogov in/ali izvršitvi Plačilne transakcije predloži Uporabniku in/ali tretji osebi, ki ima pravico do prejemanja takšnih podatkov na zakonski ali pogodbeni podlagi.
      9. Paywiser ima pravico zavrniti izvršitev plačilnega naloga v primeru utemeljenega dvoma, da je Plačilni nalog predložil Uporabnik, ali če Plačilni nalog ali predloženi dokumenti niso ustrezni ali zakoniti. V takih primerih ima Paywiser od Uporabnika pravico zahtevati, da dodatno potrdi podani Plačilni nalog in/ali predloži dokumente, ki potrjujejo pravico do upravljanja s sredstvi na Računu, ali druge dokumente, ki jih zahteva Paywsier, na način, ki je sprejemljiv za Paywiser in na stroške Uporabnika. Paywiser ne odgovarja za izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi zavrnitve izvršitve oddanega Plačilnega naloga zaradi razloga, ko Uporabnik ne želi zagotoviti dodatnih informacij ali dokumentov.
      10. Uporabnik je obveščen in se strinja, da ima Paywiser pravico vključiti tretje osebe, da delno ali v celoti izvršijo Plačilni nalog Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo interesi Uporabnika in/ali namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga. V primeru, če namen oz. vsebina Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika zahteva pošiljanje in izvršitev Plačilne transakcije s strani druge finančne institucije, vendar ta institucija začasno ustavi Plačilni nalog, Paywiser ne odgovarja za taka dejanja te finančne institucije, vendar bo poizkušal ugotoviti razloge za ustavitev Plačilnega naloga. Paywiser Uporabnika izrecno opozarja, da je Račun Uporabnika vezan na fiduciarni račun Paywiserja, zato lahko tudi komercialna partnerska banka kadarkoli ustavi Plačilni nalog.
      11. Paywiser ima pravico, da začasno ustavi in/ali prekine izvršitev Plačilnega naloga Uporabnika, če to zahtevajo veljavni predpisi ali če je to potrebno iz drugih razlogov, ki niso na strani Paywiserja.
      12. V primeru, da Paywiser zavrne izvršitev Plačilnega naloga, ki ga je predložil Uporabnik, Paywiser nemudoma in brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obvesti Uporabnika o razlogih za zavrnitev in o postopku odprave dejanskih napak, ki so privedle do zavrnitve, razen kadar je takšno obvestilo tehnično nemogoče ali prepovedano s zakonskimi akti ali drugimi predpisi.
      13. Paywiser ne sprejema in ne izvršuje Plačilnih nalogov Uporabnika, če so takšne Plačilne transakcije prepovedane ali omejene zaradi relevantnih predpisov in okoliščin Uporabnika.
      14. Če se denar, ki je bil nakazan s Plačilnim nalogom, vrne zaradi razlogov, ki niso pod nadzorom Paywiserja (netočni podatki Plačilnega naloga, napačen račun Prejemnika plačila ipd.), se vrnjeni znesek nakaže na Plačilni račun Uporabnika. Provizije, ki jih plača Uporabnik (Plačnik) za izvedbo Plačilnega naloga, se ne vrnejo.
    5. Pogoji izvrševanja storitev
      1. Roki za izvršitev Plačilnih transakcij na Plačilne račune in trajanje izvedbe drugih Storitev so določeni v teh Pogojih in drugih dokumentih, objavljenih na spletni strani www.paywiser.com.
      2. Kadar se plačilo izvede v eurih (EUR) v Republiki Sloveniji ali drugih Državah članicah in je Uporabnik plačnik, mora Paywiser zagotoviti, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, razen izjem predvidenih v členu 9.4.3. teh Pogojev. V kolikor bo to mogoče, bo Paywiser Plačilne naloge izvršil takoj (s trajanjem do nekaj minut, razen če je Plačilna transakcija prekinjena zaradi primerov, določenih z internimi akti in to Pogodbo).
      3. Če se nakazilo v Republiki Sloveniji izvede v eurih (EUR), bo Paywiser zagotovil, da bo po prejetju Plačilnega naloga, znesek Plačilne transakcije nakazan na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na isti Delovni dan, kot je bil prejet Plačilni nalog, če je Plačilni nalog prejet na ta Delovni dan do 12:00 ure. Če je plačilni nalog prejet po 12:00 uri, bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila najpozneje naslednji Delovni dan.
      4. Pogodbenice se lahko strinjajo, da se Plačilni nalog izvede na konkretni dan ali ob koncu določenega obdobja. V tem primeru bo Paywiser zagotovil, da se znesek Plačilne transakcije nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila na dan izvršitve Plačilnega naloga.
      5. Kadar se plačilna transakcija v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih Državah članicah izvede v valutah držav članic, ki niso del euroobmočja in je Uporabnik plačnik, bo Paywiser poskrbel, da se znesek Plačilnega naloga nakaže na račun ponudnika plačilnih storitev Prejemnika plačila do konca najbližjega Delovnega dne, vendar najpozneje v roku 4 (štiri) delovnih dni po prejemu plačilnega naloga.
    6. Omejitve porabe pri plačilnih transakcijah
      1. Najvišje omejitve porabe za Plačilne transakcije so določene v 6. členu teh Pogojev.
      2. Na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu se lahko določijo posebne omejitve v skladu s Pogoji in internimi pravilniki Paywiserja. Uporabnik je o takih omejitvah obveščen pred uporabo Storitev.
    7. Blokiranje računa in/ali prekinitev zagotavljanja storitev Uporabniku
      1. Uporabnik mora sodelovati s Paywiserjem pri preiskovanju sumljivih, nezakonitih, goljufivih ali neprimernih aktivnosti.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico blokirati sredstva na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu v naslednjih primerih:
        • Paywiser sumi, da so sredstva, ki so zbrana na Uporabnikovem Plačilnem računu namenjena storitvi kaznivega dejanja, ali pa so posledica izvršitve ali udeležbe pri izvršitvi kaznivega dejanja;
        • če obstaja sum, da je bila prek Računa Uporabnika izvedena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija;
        • Uporabnik zamuja pri izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi;
        • se razglasi stečaj v zvezi s premoženjem Uporabnika, tveganje plačilne nesposobnosti ali insolventnosti na strani Uporabnika čezmerno narašča;
        • za potrebe korektivnega računovodstva in poravnave;
        • so na strani Uporabnika dokazana goljufiva dejanja ali pa se proti Uporabniku prične kazenski postopek zaradi goljufivih dejanj;
        • če dejanja Uporabnika niso v skladu s pravili partnerjev Paywiserja in lahko takšno ravnanje Paywiserju povzroči škodo.
      3. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico, da kadar koli in po lastni presoji začasno ustavi oz. prekine delovanje Uporabniškega/Plačilnega računa (ali nekatere njegove funkcije, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejem, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev), med drugim npr. za revizijo:
        • kadar Paywiser meni, da je to potrebno za zagotovitev varnosti Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so bile storjene s kršitvijo teh Pogojev ali s kršitvijo varnostnih zahtev Uporabniškega računa; ali
        • če se opravijo kakršne koli transakcije, za katere Paywiser po lastni presoji meni, da so sumljive, nepooblaščene ali goljufive, vključno s takšnimi, ki so lahko povezane s pranjem denarja, financiranjem terorizma, goljufijami ali drugimi nezakonitimi dejavnostmi; ali
        • ob nastanku plačilne nesposobnosti, stečaju Uporabnika, ali če Paywiser utemeljeno meni, da obstaja takšna grožnja za Uporabnika; ali;
        • če se zgodi karkoli, kar po mnenju Paywiserja nakazuje, da Uporabnik ne bo mogel izpolniti svojih obveznosti do Paywiserja in/ali tretjih oseb.
      4. Paywiser si bo razumno prizadeval, da bo o vsaki takšni ustavitvi vnaprej obvestil Uporabnika, ali če to ni izvedljivo, to storil takoj ko bo mogoče in takšno zaustavitev utemeljil, razen če bi obveščanje Uporabnika ogrozilo varnostne ukrepe ali je drugače prepovedano z zakonom ali drugimi predpisi.
      5. Poleg tega si Paywiser pridržuje pravico (po lastni presoji) zaustaviti delovanje Uporabniškega računa (ali nekaterih njegovih funkcij, kot so npr. nalaganje, prejemanje, pošiljanje in/ali dvig sredstev) kadar koli, kadar to zahtevajo veljavni zakoni in predpisi ali to zahtevajo pristojni organi. Paywiser si bo primerno prizadeval, da bo Uporabnika obvestil o kakršni koli takšni zaustavitvi, razen če je Paywiserju to prepovedano z zakonom ali z nalogom pristojnega sodišča ali drugega organa.
    8. Podatki o plačilnih transakcijah, ki se posredujejo uporabniku
      1. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabniku (pred izvedbo Plačilnega naloga) posredovati podatke o pogojih izvršitve določenega Plačilnega naloga, Provizijah in v primeru skupnega nadomestila tudi razčlenitev postavk.
      2. Paywiser bo Uporabniku predložil izpisek o opravljenih Plačilnih transakcijah, ki bo prikazoval naslednje:
        • informacije, ki omogočajo Plačniku, da prepozna vsako Plačilno transakcijo in podatke v zvezi s Prejemnikom plačila;
        • znesek Plačilne transakcije v valuti, navedeni v Plačilnem nalogu;
        • Provizije, ki jih je treba plačati za Plačilne transakcije, in način razdelitve plačanih Provizij;
        • veljavni menjalni tečaj in znesek Plačilne transakcije po menjalnem tečaju, v primeru, če je bila med izvedbo Plačilne transakcije izvedena zamenjava valute;
        • datum bremenitve sredstev z Računa;
        • datum prejema sredstev na Račun;
        • druge informacije, ki bodo Uporabniku posredovane v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije.
      3. Izpisek je zagotovljen prek ProfitPay aplikacije Uporabnika ali se Uporabniku pošlje preko e- pošte.
      4. Paywiser je dolžan Uporabnika obvestiti o zaznanem sumu ali storjeni goljufiji s strani tretjih oseb, ali o varnostnih grožnjah v povezavi s Storitvami, tako da pošlje sporočilo prek ProfitPay aplikacije ali s pošiljanjem po e -mailu ali na drug način, za katerega meni, da je varen in najprimernejši v nastalem položaju.
  10. Provizije za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja Paywiser
    1. Paywiser Uporabniku za uporabo Storitev ne zaračuna nobenih posebnih Provizij. Uporabnik plača le provizije, dogovorjene s ProfitPay.
  11. Komunikacija med Uporabnikom in Paywiserjem
    1. Uporabnik potrjuje in izrecno soglaša, da se vsa komunikacija, vključno z osebno komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom, izvaja v angleščini ter delno v slovenščini, razen če se Pogodbenici drugače dogovorita. Vsa komunikacija in informacije o morebitnih spremembah storitev in cen ter druge pomembne informacije se zagotovijo v angleščini, razen če se Pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače. Paywiser bo za določene dokumente Uporabniku ponudil tudi slovenski prevod, pri čemer Uporabnika posebej opozarja, da so tako ProfitPay aplikacija kot Postopek identifikacije na daljavo ter Potopek KYC na voljo le v angleščini.
    2. Informacije se Uporabniku posredujejo osebno ali z javno objavo:
      • Informacije se lahko Uporabniku posredujejo osebno preko ProfitPay aplikacije ali se jih pošlje po pošti na naslov Uporabnikovega prijavljenega naslova, ali po elektronski pošti, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa, ali s klicem, ali preko SMS-a z uporabo telefonske številke, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Računa in preko drugih telekomunikacijskih instrumentov, vključno z elektronskimi sredstvi;
      • informacije se lahko objavijo na spletni strani Paywiser in/ali ProfitPay ali ProfitPay aplikaciji. Paywiser Uporabniku pošlje obvestilo o novo naloženih informacijah prek ProfitPay aplikacije ali na drug način (npr. e-mail, SMS itd.). Javno objavljeni podatki se štejejo za pravilno posredovane Uporabniku, razen v primerih obveznih zahtev zakonodaje Republike Slovenije in/ali primerov, ko je Paywiser dolžan Uporabnika osebno obvestiti.
    3. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se vsaka komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom odvija osebno, predvsem prek ProfitPay aplikacije in e-pošte, ki je navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa. Objava informacij s strani Paywiserja prek ProfitPay aplikacije in/ali preko elektronske pošte pomeni, da so relevantne informacije pravilno in učinkovito posredovane Uporabniku.
    4. Komunikacija po e-pošti je mogoča na naslove, ki so navedeni na spletnem mestu Paywiser, in na e- poštni naslov, ki ga je Uporabnik med registracijo podal v sistem Paywiser. Šteje se, da je elektronsko sporočilo pravilno dostavljeno naslednji Delovni dan.
    5. V primeru komunikacije po telefonu se Uporabnikova istovetnost preveri na podlagi Uporabnikovih podatkov. Telefonska komunikacija med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom bo možna v časovnih intervalih, kot bodo objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser. Šteje se, da je sporočilo, ki ga Uporabniku posreduje Paywiser po telefonu pravilno dostavljeno v trenutku pogovora.
    6. V primeru komunikacije po pošti se pisma dostavijo na naslov Uporabnika.
    7. Podatki, objavljeni na spletni strani Paywiser in/ali ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji, se štejejo za ustrezno dostavljene na dan objave takšnih informacij.
    8. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser s pomočjo razpoložljivih tehničnih sredstev in v primeru snemanja pogovora s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku beleži vso tekočo komunikacijo med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom ter arhivira vse zapise ter kopije vseh informacij in dokumentov, ki jih bo Paywiser prejel od Uporabnika ali tretje osebe. Uporabnik se strinja, da lahko Paywiser kadar koli uporabi te podatke za namene, določene v teh Pogojih ali za zagotavljanje skladnosti z regulatornimi zahtevami.
    9. Uporabnik ima pravico, da te Splošne pogoje in druge dokumente, vezane na Okvirno pogodbo, dobi v papirni različici ali na katerem koli drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov.
    10. Če ima Uporabnik vprašanja v zvezi s temi Splošnimi pogoji, se obrne na ProfitPay, lahko pa tudi neposredno na Paywiser prek e-poštnega naslova na [email protected] oziroma v kolikor gre za pritožbo preko e-poštnega naslova na [email protected]. Paywiser bo poskušal rešiti vsa vprašanja in morebitne težave, ki jih imajo Uporabniki glede svojih Plačilnih računov ali Storitev. Paywiser bo odgovoril na vprašanje najkasneje v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh po prejemu sporočila Uporabnika, razen če je težava "preproste" narave in jo je mogoče rešiti v 2 (dveh) delovnih dneh od dneva prejema sporočila. Paywiser bo obvestil Uporabnika, če pride do izjemnih okoliščin, ko lahko obravnava uporabnikovih težav traja do 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    11. Pogodbenici se morata brez nepotrebnega odlašanja obveščati o vseh spremembah svojih kontaktnih podatkov. Na zahtevo Paywiserja mora Uporabnik predložiti vse ustrezne nove dokumente, ki dokazujejo, da so se kontaktni podatki spremenili oziroma niso spremenili. Neizpolnjevanje te obveznosti pomeni, da je obvestilo, ki je bilo poslano na podlagi najnovejših kontaktnih podatkov, s katerimi razpolaga Paywiser, pravilno dostavljeno, in vsaka obveznost, ki je bila izpolnjena v skladu s temi kontaktnimi podatki, pravilno izpolnjena. Uporabnik potrjuje, da ima Paywiser pravico Uporabnika obvestiti o spremembi kontaktnih podatkov na strani Paywiserja z javno objavo in/ali s pošiljanjem takšnih informacij po e-pošti Uporabniku, ki je bila navedena med postopkom odpiranja Plačilnega računa.
    12. Stranki se morata nemudoma obvestiti o vseh okoliščinah, ki so lahko pomembne za pravilno izvajanje poslovnega razmerja. Uporabnik je na zahtevo Paywiserja dolžan posredovati tudi dodatne informacije in dokumente.
  12. Spremembe Splošnih pogojev
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji se lahko občasno spreminjajo.
    2. Paywiser ima pravico spremeniti Splošne pogoje in/ali druge pogoje Storitev, tako da Uporabniku ponudi spremenjene pogoje na papirju ali drugem Trajnem nosilcu podatkov vsaj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti teh sprememb. Paywiser bo Uporabnika obvestil preko ProfitPay aplikacije ali e-pošte, ki je bila navedena v postopku odpiranja Plačilnega računa. Če gre za spremembo Splošnih pogojev, ki za Uporabnika v celoti nedvomno predstavlja korist, lahko Paywiser spremembe uveljavi takoj po obvestilu o spremembi.
    3. Vsakokrat veljavni Splošni pogoji so sestavni del pogodbenega razmerja med Paywiser in Uporabnikom. Uporabnik ima pravico predlagane spremembe sprejeti ali pa jih zavrniti.
    4. Če se Uporabnik ne strinja s spremembami, lahko nemudoma, brez odpovednega roka in plačila nadomestil odstopi od Pogodbe. Odstop od Okvirne pogodbe mora Uporabnik predložiti najpozneje do dneva pred določenim dnem začetka veljavnosti spremembe. Če Uporabnik v tem roku Paywiserju ne sporoči, da se s spremembami ne strinja, se šteje, da s spremembami soglaša in da te spremembe začnejo veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti spremenjenih Splošnih pogojev. Če se Uporabnik strinja s spremembami, potem Uporabnik ni upravičen naknadno predložiti ugovora in/ali zahtevka glede vsebine takšnih sprememb. Če Uporabnik zavrne predlagane spremembe in pri tem ne odpove Pogodbe, se šteje, da je Paywiser odpovedal Okvirno pogodbo, z dvomesečnim rokom, ki teče od dneva pošiljanja obvestila o spremembi.
    5. Odpoved te Pogodbe v skladu z določilom 12.4. Uporabnika ne oprosti obveznosti do Paywiserja, ki so nastale pred datumom odpovedi te Pogodbe.
  13. Varnostni ukrepi
    1. Uporabnik je odgovoren za varnost naprav, ki se uporabljajo za prijavo v Paywiser sistem (npr. prek ProfitPay aplikacije) in jih ne sme pustiti brez nadzora, ali na javnih mestih, ali kako drugače lahko dostopnih tretjim osebam.
    2. Priporočljivo je sprotno posodabljanje programske opreme, aplikacij, protivirusnih programov, brskalnikov in drugih programov, raba protivirusnega programa s fokusom na zaščito internetnega plačevanja (internet security) ter raba podprte in legitimne programske opreme oziroma operacijskih sistemov. Uporabniku je priporočeno, da naprave zaščititi z gesli, ki so kompleksno sestavljena (velike in male črke, številke in posebni znaki), ki so si med sabo različna in daljša od desetih (10) mest ter 6 mestnimi PIN kodami, prepoznavanjem obraza ali drugimi varnostnimi instrumenti.
    3. Priporočljivo je, da Uporabnik s prejetimi e-poštnimi sporočili ravna previdno, tudi če je kot pošiljatelj naveden Paywiser. Paywiser od Uporabnika nikoli ne bo zahteval, da prenese priloge ali namesti programsko opremo. Priloge k škodljivi e-pošti lahko vsebujejo viruse, ki lahko škodujejo napravam ali ogrožajo varnost Uporabniškega računa.
    4. Ni priporočljivo klikati na neznane povezave, odpirati neznane dokumente, nameščati programsko opremo ali aplikacije iz neznanih in nezanesljivih virov ali obiskovati nevarnih spletnih mest. Paywiser bo vedno na svojih spletnih straneh uporabljal varno različico HTTP, to je HTTPS.
    5. Takoj, ko Uporabnik izve za izgubo, tatvino, zlorabo ali goljufivo uporabo Plačilnega računa, instrumenta ali naprave, ki je bila uporabljena za dostop do Paywiser sistema ali ProfitPay aplikacije, mora Uporabnik takoj obvestiti ProfitPay ali Paywiser ali katero koli drugo osebo, ki jo je slednji določil in po potrebi tudi organe pregona oz. policijo. Obvestilo se pošlje Paywiserju s pošiljanjem e-pošte na naslov [email protected] in/ali [email protected].
    6. Če Uporabnik opazi sumljive aktivnosti na svojem Plačilnem računu in meni, da so se lahko tretje osebe prijavile v njegov Uporabniški/Plačilni račun za uporabo Storitev mora Uporabnik:
      • o tem takoj in ob katerem koli času obvestiti Paywiser na način, ki je naveden v tem poglavju in zahtevati blokiranje Uporabnikovega Plačilnega računa;
      • za nadaljnjo uporabo Plačilnega računa mora Uporabnik spremeniti geslo in uporabiti druge dodatne instrumente za potrditev Računa ali uporabi ustrezne varnostne instrumente za potrditev prijave.
    7. Blokiranje Plačilnega računa, ki je bil izdan Uporabniku
      1. Poleg določil in člena 9.7 ima Paywiser pravico, da blokira Plačilni račun (začasno ali delno ustavi izvrševanje Plačilnih transakcij) v naslednjih primerih:
        • v primeru objektivno utemeljenih razlogov, povezanih z varnostjo sredstev in/ali Plačilnega računa in/ali izdane plačilne kartice, domnevno nepooblaščeno ali goljufivo uporabo sredstev in/ali Plačilnega računa in/ali izdane Plačilne kartice;
        • v primeru, da Uporabnik ne spoštuje Splošnih pogojev in te Okvirne pogodbe;
        • v primeru, da ima Paywiser utemeljene sume, da lahko sredstva na računu koristijo druge osebe za nezakonita dejanja, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na, kazniva dejanja;
        • v drugih primerih, ki jih določa veljavna zakonodaja Republike Slovenije.
      2. V kolikor je bil Uporabniku izdan plačilni instrument, lahko Paywiser blokira tudi slednjega.
    8. Obvestila, ki jih posreduje Uporabnik v zvezi z nepooblaščenimi ali nepravilno izvedenimi Plačilnimi transakcijami
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan preverjati podatke o izvedenih plačilnih transakcijah vsaj 1 (en) krat na mesec, tako da lahko Uporabnik opazi nepooblaščene ali nepravilno izvedene Plačilne transakcije in o njih pravočasno obvesti Paywiser.
      2. Uporabnik je dolžan pisno obvestiti Paywiser o nepooblaščenih ali nepravilno izvedenih Plačilnih transakcijah, vključno z opaženimi napakami in netočnostmi v Izpisku takoj od zaznave takšnih okoliščin in vsekakor najpozneje v 13 (trinajstih) mesecih od datuma bremenitve.
      3. V primeru, da Uporabnik Paywiserja ni obvestil o okoliščinah, ki so opisane v točki 13.9.2 teh Pogojev, in pod pogoji iz iste točke 13.9.2, se šteje, da je Uporabnik brezpogojno potrdil Plačilne transakcije, ki so bile izvedene na Računu Uporabnika.
    9. Odgovornost Uporabnika in Paywiserja za nepooblaščene Plačilne transakcije
      1. V primeru, da Uporabnik zavrne odobritev izvedene Plačilne transakcije ali izjavi, da je bila Plačilna transakcija izvedena nepravilno, mora Paywiser dokazati, da je bila plačilna transakcija odobrena (npr. šteje se, da je bila transakcija odobrena, če je bila uporabljena SCA), da je bila pravilno registrirana in vpisana v evidence ter da nanjo niso vplivale tehnične motnje ali druge pomanjkljivosti v storitvah, ki jih nudi Paywiser.
      2. V skladu s pogoji, navedenimi v oddelku 13.9.2 teh Pogojev ali po ugotovitvi, da Plačilne transakcije Uporabnik ni odobril, Paywiser brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, vendar najpozneje do konca naslednjega Delovnega dne vrne znesek nepooblaščene Plačilne transakcije Uporabniku in po potrebi obnovi stanje Računa, s katerega je bil ta znesek odveden, v stanje, ki bi obstajalo, če ne bi bila izvršena nepooblaščena Plačilna transakcija, razen če Paywiser utemeljeno sumi v goljufijo in obvesti Banko Slovenije o takšnih sumih, v skladu s pravili obveščanja, ki jih pripravi Banka Slovenije.
      3. Uporabnik nosi vse izgube do zneska 50 (petdeset) evrov, ki so nastale zaradi nepooblaščenih Plačilnih transakcij, če so te izgube nastale zaradi:
        • uporabe izgubljenega ali ukradenega plačilnega instrumenta;
        • nezakonite prisvojitve plačilnega instrumenta.
      4. Določba 13.10.3 teh pogojev se ne uporablja, če:
        • izguba, tatvina ali zlorabe plačilnega instrumenta plačniku ni bila zaznavna pred plačilom, razen kadar je plačnik ravnal goljufivo, kot je določeno v določbi 10.10.7 te pogodbe; ali
        • so izgubo povzročila dejanja ali pomanjkanje ravnanj zaposlenega, zastopnika ali podružnice Paywiserja ali podjetja, ki opravlja storitve kot zunanji izvajalec;
      5. Plačnik ne nosi nobenih finančnih posledic, ki so posledica uporabe izgubljenega, ukradenega ali neupravičeno plačilnega instrumenta po obvestilu iz določbe 13.6 te pogodbe, razen kadar je plačnik goljufivo ravnal.
      6. Plačnik (ki je potrošnik) nosi vse izgube, ki so povezane z nepooblaščenimi Plačilnimi transakcijami, če jih je plačnik povzročil goljufivo ali ni izpolnil ene ali več obveznosti iz točke 13.1-13.7 teh pogojev namerno ali iz hude malomarnosti. V takih primerih najvišji znesek iz točke 13.10.3 te Pogodbe ne velja. V primeru morebitne goljufije s strani Uporabnika, Paywiser o takih sumih obvesti Banko Slovenije v skladu s pravili obveščanja, ki jih pripravi Banka Slovenije.
      7. Plačilni račun se lahko blokira na pobudo Uporabnika (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je ta dodeljen Uporabniku), če Uporabnik predloži ustrezno zahtevo Paywiserju. Paywiser ima pravico zahtevati, da se zahteva, ki jo je predložil Uporabnik, naknadno pisno odobri ali odobri na drug način, ki bo sprejemljiv za Paywiser.
      8. Če ima Paywiser utemeljene dvome, da zahteve, navedene v oddelku 13.10.8 te Pogodbe, ni predložil Uporabnik, ima Paywiser pravico zavrniti blokiranje računa (vključno s plačilnim instrumentom, če je bil dodeljen Uporabniku). V takih primerih Paywiser ne odgovarja za kakršne koli izgube, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi neupoštevanja navedene zahteve.
    10. Odgovornost Paywiserja za pravilno izvedbo plačilne transakcije
      1. Če Uporabnik sproži Plačilni nalog z uporabo Edinstvenega identifikatorja se šteje, da je takšen Plačilni nalog s strani Paywiserja pravilno izveden, če je bil izveden v skladu z določenim Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Paywiser ima pravico, vendar ni dolžan preverjati, ali Edinstveni identifikator, ki je naveden v Plačilnem nalogu in ga je prejel Paywiser, ustreza imenu in priimku imetnika računa/Prejemnika plačila.
      2. Če je Edinstveni identifikator posredovan Paywiserju z zneskom, ki ga je treba nakazati in bremeniti z Računa, se šteje, da je Plačilni nalog pravilno izvršen, če je bil izveden v skladu z Edinstvenim identifikatorjem. Če Paywiser pred izvedbo transakcije, ugotovi očitno neskladje med Edinstvenim identifikatorjem, ki je bil posredovan Paywiserju, in imenom imetnika računa, ima Paywiser pravico, da takega Plačilnega naloga ne izvrši, ni pa dolžnost Paywiserja navedeno preverjati.
      3. Če Uporabnik (Plačnik) pravilno sproži Plačilni nalog in Plačilna transakcija ni izvedena ali je izvedena nepravilno, Paywiser na zahtevo Uporabnika nemudoma in brezplačno sprejme ukrepe za sledenje Plačilne transakcije in Uporabnika obvešča o ugotovitvah.
      4. Paywiser je odgovoren za pravilno zaračunavanje Provizij ali vračilo že plačanih Provizij, če Plačilni nalog ni bil izveden ali je bil izveden nepravilno zaradi krivde Paywiserja.
      5. Paywiser ne odgovarja za posredne izgube, ki jih utrpi Uporabnik in se nanašajo na neizvršen plačilni nalog ali nepravilno izveden plačilni nalog. Paywiser odgovarja le za neposredne izgube Uporabnika.
      6. Paywiser ne odgovarja za morebitne zahtevke med Prejemnikom plačila in Plačnikom in takšnih zahtevkov ne preverja ali se kako drugače ukvarja z njimi. Uporabnik lahko vloži zahtevek zoper Paywiser samo v zvezi z neizpolnjevanjem ali nepravilnim izpolnjevanjem obveznosti na strani Paywiserja.
      7. Omejitve odgovornosti Paywiserja se ne uporabljajo, če take omejitve prepovedujejo veljavni zakoni v Republiki Sloveniji.
  14. Varstvo osebnih podatkov in zaupnih informacij
    1. Paywiser nastopa kot upravljavec oz. v določenih primerih kot skupni upravljavec s ProfitPay, kot opisano v Pravilih in pogojih ProfitPay, osebnih podatkov Uporabnika, pooblaščenca in zakonitega zastopnika, ki jih pridobi pri vzpostavitvi poslovnega razmerja in tekom nadaljnjega poslovanja. Podatki se obdelujejo za namen izvajanja pogodbeno dogovorjenih storitev, za namen preprečevanja, preiskovanja ali odkrivanja goljufij ali prevar v zvezi s plačilnimi storitvami in poslovanjem, za izpolnjevanje zakonskih obveznosti, ki veljajo za družbo ter za druge namene, če ima družba za to soglasje posameznikov ali če izkaže, da je za obdelavo izpolnjen zakoniti interes. Osebni podatki se kot zaupni obdelujejo v skladu z vsakokrat veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov.
    2. Na podlagi vsakokrat veljavnega Zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma ter internih politik družbe, mora družba za vzpostavitev poslovnega razmerja izvesti postopke ugotavljanja in preverjanja istovetnosti, zato od uporabnika, pooblaščenca in zakonitega zastopnika zahteva posredovanje v zakonu določenih osebnih podatkov ter predložitev kopije osebnega dokumenta. Posredovanje zahtevanih podatkov je zakonska in pogodbena obveznost, kar pomeni, da družba s posameznikom ne sklene poslovnega razmerja, če ne pridobi vseh zahtevanih podatkov. Kontaktne podatke, s katerimi razpolaga družba, bo družba uporabila za kontaktiranje v zvezi s poslovnim razmerjem, za druge namene pa le, če je za to pridobila soglasje uporabnika ali če izkaže, da je za obdelavo izpolnjen zakoniti interes.
    3. Uporabnik pooblašča Paywiser, da opravi poizvedbe o njegovih osebnih podatkih pri drugih upravljavcih zbirk podatkov, s katerimi družba ne razpolaga oziroma jih uporabnik ni posredoval, pa so ti podatki potrebni za dosego namena poslovanja v skladu s pogodbo.
    4. Uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik in pooblaščena oseba se strinjajo z obdelavo osebnih podatkov in dovoljujejo Paywiser, da lahko vse podatke o njih, s katerimi razpolaga, obdeluje za navedene namene.
    5. Uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik in pooblaščena oseba izrecno dovoljujejo Paywiser in ga pooblaščajo, da lahko vse podatke, s katerimi razpolaga, posreduje svojim sedanjim in prihodnjim odvisnim in obvladujočim družbam ter družbam v skupini in pogodbenim obdelovalcem osebnih podatkov, ne glede na njihov sedež, ki imajo najmanj enak standard varovanja osebnih podatkov kot Paywiser, in sicer za potrebe njihovega poslovanja, izvajanja in poenotenja pogodbenih storitev, nadzora, upravljanja tveganj in izvrševanja medsebojnih pogodbenih odnosov. Podatki bodo posredovani tudi pogodbenim obdelovalcem podatkov, s katerimi ima družba sklenjene ustrezne pogodbe.
    6. Paywiser lahko v določenih primerih, osebne podatke posreduje tudi javnim organom ter drugim tretjim osebam, če je to potrebno za izpolnjevanje zakonskih ali pogodbenih obveznosti (Urad za preprečevanje pranja denarja, Tržni inšpektorat, Banka Slovenije, Policija, Finančni urad RS, sodišča, posredniške banke, revizijske družbe ipd.).
    7. Osebni ali drugi zaupni oziroma varovani podatki, s katerimi Paywiser razpolaga v zvezi z opravljanjem storitev (npr. za izvršitev transakcije) in ki med bankami za ta namen potujejo preko omrežja SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), bodo lahko na podlagi posebne zahteve posredovani tudi domačim ali tujim (tudi v ZDA) državnim, upravno-administrativnim ali sodnim organom zaradi izvajanja ukrepov preprečevanja pranja denarja in ukrepov zoper financiranje terorističnih aktivnosti.
    8. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da se informacije o Računu, ter druge informacije o Uporabniku kot imetniku Računa in o vsakem računu(ih), o katerem se poroča, lahko posredujejo davčnemu organu države, v kateri je odprt/voden račun(i) ter se izmenjajo s pristojnim organom(i) druge(ih) države (držav), v katerih je Uporabnik rezident za davčne namene, v skladu z mednarodnim dogovorom o izmenjavi informacij o finančnih računih. Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo Paywiser v roku 90 dni obvestil o vsaki spremembi okoliščin, ki vplivajo na spremembo statusa davčnega rezidentstva ali o spremembi, ki vpliva na pravilnost podatkov ter bo na Paywiser v 90-ih dneh dostavil novo samopotrdilo in izjavo skladno s spremembami okoliščin.
    9. Nabor potrebnih podatkov in dokumentov, ki jih Paywiser ob sklenitvi Okvirne pogodbe ali identifikaciji Uporabnika običajno obdeluje, je odvisen od vrste identifikacijskega postopka in Storitev, ki se bodo uporabljale.
    10. Z namenom dolžne skrbnosti za identificiranje računov nerezidentov, Paywiser pridobiva tudi podatke o računih nerezidentov, ki jih je Paywiser za namene izvajanja FATCA (U.S. Indicia) in CRS regulative zavezan letno posredovati Finančni upravi RS.
    11. Uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik oziroma pooblaščena oseba se zavezuje na Paywiser, takoj po spremembi pisno sporočiti, ter najkasneje v 90 dneh od spremembe z dokazili podpreti kakršnokoli spremembo svojega statusa oz. podatkov v zvezi z ugotavljanjem statusa davčnega zavezanca ZDA kot npr. pridobitev poštnega naslova, stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča v tujini, pridobitev tuje delovne vize, pridobitev tuje telefonske številke, sprememba davčnega rezidentstva.
    12. Uporabnik je seznanjen, da bo Paywiser občasno preverjal podatke Uporabnika z namenom, da za potrebe FATCA (Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act) ugotovi, ali so morebiti nastale okoliščine (U.S. Indicia), ki bi lahko povzročile, da se Uporabnik šteje kot ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S.Person). Ne glede na zgoraj omenjeno določilo se Uporabnik zavezuje, da bo na Paywiser v pisni obliki nemudoma sporočil katerokoli spremembo okoliščin svojega statusa (U.S. Indicia), kot na primer pridobitev državljanstva ZDA, pridobitev naslova prebivališča v ZDA, pridobitev telefonske številke v ZDA itd. Uporabnik se zavezuje na Paywiser sporočiti in posredovati ustrezno dokumentacijo, ki dokazuje morebitne spremenjene okoliščine. V kolikor Uporabnik ne sporoči na Paywiser in ne posreduje ustreznih dokumentov nemudoma potem ko prejme od Paywiser pisni poziv, naj dostavi ustrezno dokumentacijo, iz katere izhaja status Uporabnika, bo Paywiser sporočil davčnem organu Republike Slovenije, da je Uporabnik potencialni ameriški davčni zavezanec (U.S. Person). V tem primeru je Paywiser upravičen enostransko po predhodnem pisnem obvestilu Uporabniku odpovedati pogodbeno razmerje in račun zapreti v skladu z določili teh Splošnih pogojev.
    13. Uporabnik se zavezuje povrniti Paywiser vse morebitne stroške in škodo, ki mu utegnejo nastati kot posledica kršenja tega člena s strani Uporabnika. Paywiser za potrebe FATCA lahko sporoči davčnemu organu Republike Slovenije posamezne zaupne podatke o Uporabniku.
    14. Paywiser lahko od uporabnika oziroma pooblaščene osebe zahteva dodatna pojasnila in informacije, kadar meni, da je zahteva uporabnika za določeno transakcijo, ali določena transakcija uporabnika neobičajna glede na znesek in/ali druge dejavnike. V zvezi s tem uporabnik izrecno soglaša in pooblašča družbo, da družba lahko v postopku obravnave uporabnikove zahteve v zvezi s transakcijami, posreduje navedena pojasnila in informacije ter s tem povezane podatke pristojnim tretjim osebam. Uporabnik je seznanjen in se strinja, da ima družba pravico zavrniti tako uporabnikovo zahtevo in/ali izvršitev transakcije.
    15. Uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik oziroma pooblaščena oseba mora na Paywiser, pisno v petih (5) delovnih dneh od spremembe, sporočiti vse nove oz. spremenjene podatke, pomembne za poslovanje s Paywiser. Taki podatki so med drugim: sprememba imena in priimka; sprememba bivališča; sprememba pooblastila družbi za poravnavanje obveznosti; sprememba zaposlitve; zamenjava osebnega dokumenta; sprememba številke mobilnega telefona; sprememba e-naslova.
    16. Če uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik oziroma pooblaščena oseba spremembe naslova ne sporoči ali pošte ne sprejme, družba vrnjeno pošto, ki je bila poslana po pošti na naslov bivališča, šteje kot vročeno. Vsako obvestilo ali drugo pisanje, ki bi ga družba želela vročiti uporabniku oziroma pooblaščeni osebi, se šteje kot pravilno vročeno, če je poslano v pisni obliki na zadnji znani naslov, ki ga ima družba v svoji evidenci.
    17. Če uporabnik, zakoniti zastopnik oziroma pooblaščena oseba družbi ne sporoči spremembe številke mobilnega telefona ali elektronskega naslova, ki ga uporablja za poslovanje s Paywiser ali izvajanje storitev, ki jih nudi Paywiser, bo Paywiser za navedene namene uporabljal zadnji, s strani uporabnika, pooblaščene osebe ali zakonitega zastopnika posredovani podatek o mobilni številki ali elektronskemu naslovu. Paywiser ne odgovarja za škodo, ki bi utegnila nastati zaradi neupoštevanja obveznosti glede sporočanja sprememb podatkov, pomembnih za poslovanje Paywiser ali izvajanje storitev uporabnika.
    18. V času trajanja te Okvirne pogodbe in tudi po njenem izteku, lahko vsaka Pogodbenica uporablja in razmnožuje zaupne informacije druge Pogodbenice samo za namene tega poslovnega razmerja in samo v obsegu, ki je potreben za ta namen, pri tem pa mora omejiti razkritje zaupnih informacij druge Pogodbenice na svoje zaposlene, svetovalce ali neodvisne pogodbenike/zunanje partnerje, ki te podatke potrebujejo in jih ne bodo razkrili nobeni tretji osebi brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Pogodbenice, ki jim je te podatke posredovala.
    19. Ne glede na zgoraj navedeno nobena Pogodbenica ne bo v kršitvi, če bo razkrila zaupne informacije druge Pogodbenice, če to zahteva zakon ali sodni ali upravni postopek.
    20. Obveznost varovanja zaupnih informacij ne velja za informacije, ki:
      • so javne ali so postale javno znane brez ravnanja ali krivde druge Pogodbenice;
      • so brez omejitev znane katerikoli Pogodbenici, preden jih je ta prejela od druge Pogodbenice, iz lastnih neodvisnih virov, kar dokazujejo pisni spisi te Pogodbenice, ki jih ni pridobila neposredno ali posredno od druge Pogodbenice;
      • jih katera koli Pogodbenica prejme od katere koli tretje osebe, za katero ta Pogodbenica meni, da ima zakonsko pravico do prenosa teh informacij in ni zavezana, da bi te podatke varovala kot zaupne; ali
      • informacije, ki jih neodvisno odkrijejo zaposleni ali izvajalci Pogodbenice, pod pogojem, da ta lahko dokaže, da ti isti zaposleni ali izvajalci niso imeli dostopa do zaupnih informacij, prejetih po tej Pogodbi.
    21. Skladno z Zakonom o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranju terorizma se podatki, ki jih Paywiser obdeluje v okviru poslovnega razmerja, hranijo še 10 let po prenehanju poslovnega razmerja. Drugi podatki se hranijo toliko časa, kolikor je to potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so se zbirali ali nadalje obdelovali, če zakon ne določa drugače.
    22. Paywiser kot upravljavec osebne podatke obdeluje v skladu s Splošno uredbo o varstvu osebnih podatkov (GDPR, št. EU 2016/679) in v skladu z veljavnim zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov. Podrobnejše informacije o obdelavi osebnih podatkov ter o pravicah posameznika so objavljene v Splošnih informacijah o varstvu osebnih podatkov na spletni strani www.paywiser.com. Z vsebino Politike zasebnosti Paywiser seznani Uporabnika ob oddaji spletne vloge za odprtje in vodenje Računa.
  15. Trajanje in prenehanje Pogodbe
    1. Če ni pisno drugače dogovorjeno, je poslovno razmerje med Paywiserjem in Uporabnikom sklenjeno za nedoločen čas.
    2. Uporabnik lahko v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe z obvestilom Paywiserju od nje brezplačno odstopi, po poteku tega roka pa lahko Uporabnik pisno odpove to Pogodbo kadar koli in vsaj 1 (eno) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    3. Paywiser lahko, brez navedbe razloga, odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom.
    4. Paywiser lahko odpove to Pogodbo z obvestilom Uporabniku in 2 (dvo) mesečnim odpovednim rokom, če Uporabnik več kot 12 (dvanajst) zaporednih mesecev ni opravil nobenih Plačilnih transakcij. Pred odpovedjo na takšni podlagi bo Paywiser o tej nameri obvestil Uporabnika.
    5. Pogodba lahko kadar koli preneha na podlagi sporazuma Pogodbenic.
    6. Paywiser lahko takoj (brez odpovednega roka) odpove Pogodbo, če utemeljeno sumi ali ugotovi, da Uporabnik:
      • krši veljavne zakone in druge predpise, vključno s tistimi, ki so povezani s pranjem denarja ali financiranjem terorizma;
      • je družbi Paywiser posredoval napačne ali zavajajoče podatke ali dokumentacijo, ni zagotovil dokumentov in informacij, povezanih s svojim Računom in uporabo Storitev, ali pa takšnih dokumentov in informacij ni redno posodabljal;
      • uporablja Storitve za izvajanje ali prejemanje plačil za prepovedane dejavnosti ali s prepovedanimi dejavnostmi povezanimi aktivnostmi, ali;
      • kako drugače uporablja storitve v zlonamerne, nezakonite ali nemoralne namene.
    7. Če je to dovoljeno v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, bo Paywiser uporabnika v najkrajšem možnem času obvestil o razlogih za odpoved Pogodbe.
    8. Prenehanje te Pogodbe ne odvezuje Pogodbenic do poravnave obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz obdobja pred prenehanjem Pogodbe.
    9. V primeru smrti Uporabnika Paywiser po predložitvi uradnega dokumenta o smrti Uporabnika onemogoči kakršno koli razpolaganje s sredstvi na Računu Uporabnika in hkrati s takojšnim učinkom ukine vse ostale naročene produkte in storitve povezane z Uporabnikom. Po prejemu pravnomočnega sklepa o dedovanju Paywiser izplača sredstva skladno z vsebino sklepa. Paywiser ne odgovarja za škodo, ki je nastala kot posledica razpolaganja s sredstvi po smrti Uporabnika, če ni obveščena o smrti Uporabnika.
  16. Varstvo pravic Uporabnika, reševanje sporov in postopek zunajsodnega reševanja sporov
    1. Morebitne spore ali pritožbe v zvezi z opravljanjem storitev v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji bosta Uporabnik in Paywiser reševala sporazumno, skladno s Pravilnikom o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov, ki je objavljen na spletni strani Paywiser. Uporabnik potrjuje, da se je s predmetnim pravilnikom seznanil.
    2. Uporabnik lahko pritožbo vloži preko ProfitPay ali neposredno Paywiser po pošti na naslov PAYWISER d.o.o., OE Reklamacije, Bravničarjeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, ali e-pošti na [email protected]. Pritožba mora biti razumljiva in jasna ter mora vsebovati dejstva, na katerih temelji pritožbeni zahtevek. Obvezno mora vsebovati najmanj naslednje: podatke o pritožniku (ime in priimek fizične osebe oziroma naziv in sedež pravne osebe ali nosilca dejavnosti ter naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon ali drug kontaktni podatek), obrazložitev pritožbenih razlogov, opis dogodka in navedbo ključnih dejstev in datuma dogodka, predložitev dokazov za potrditev dejstev, na katerih temelji zahtevek pritožnika, če pritožnik z njimi razpolaga, naslov za pošiljanje odgovora, če je ta drugačen od naslova stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča oziroma sedeža pritožnika oz. posredovanega elektronskega naslova, zahtevek pritožnika (če je relevantno), podpis pritožnika (v primeru oddaje pritožbe po pošti na naslov sedeža Paywiser). Natančneje je pritožbeni postopek opisan.
    3. Paywiser bo Uporabniku (neposredno ali preko ProfitPay) odgovoril na pritožbo v najkrajšem času, obvezno pa v 8 (osmih) delovnih dneh na prvi stopnji in v 15 (petnajstih) delovnih dneh na drugi stopnji oz. najkasneje v roki 35 (petintrideset) delovnih dni.
    4. Če se Uporabnik z odločitvijo o pritožbi, izdani v internem pritožbenem postopku ne strinja, ali če v 30 dneh od vložitve pritožbe na drugostopenjski organ Paywiserja neutemeljeno ne prejme odgovora na pritožbo, lahko v roku največ 13 (trinajst) mesecev od vložitve pritožbe pri Paywiser, vloži pobudo za izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup (Miklošičeva cesta 26, 1000 – Ljubljana, www.goriup.si) zoper odločitev Paywiser, na način določen z vsakokrat veljavnimi Pravili postopka izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, ki so priloga prej omenjenega Pravilnika o internem pritožbenem postopku in izvensodnem reševanju sporov in so Uporabniku na voljo na spletni strani Paywiserja. Več informacij o izvajalki Izvensodnega reševanja sporov, o vložitvi pobude ter o načinu in postopku Izvensodnega reševanja sporov pri Odvetnici Simoni Goriup je na voljo tudi na spletni strani Odvetnice https://goriup.si/irps/, http://goriup.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Pravila-postopka-IRPS.pdf).
    5. Uporabnik lahko vloži pritožbo v zvezi z domnevnimi kršitvami ZPlaSSIED s strani Paywiserja tudi pri Banki Slovenije.
    6. Kljub pritožbi pri izvajalki izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov ali Banki Slovenije, ima Uporabnik pravico kadarkoli vložiti tožbo za rešitev spora v zvezi z opravljanjem plačilnih storitev med njim in Paywiser pri pristojnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v skladu z zakoni in postopkom, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji.
  17. Končne določbe
    1. Ti Splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v skladu s pravom Republike Slovenije, zlasti določb ZPlaSSIED.
    2. Morebitne spore, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenega razmerja in uporabe Paywiser Storitev, rešuje pristojno sodišče v Republiki Sloveniji.
    3. Ti Pogoji se objavijo na spletnem mestu ProfitPay in/ali ProfitPay aplikaciji.
    4. Uporabnik brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Paywiserja ne sme prenesti ali dodeliti nobenih pravic ali obveznosti, ki jih ima po tej Pogodbi, tretjim osebam.
    5. Paywiser si pridržuje pravico do prenosa ali dodelitve te Pogodbe ter vseh z njo povezanih pravic in obveznosti, s predhodnim obvestilom Uporabniku najmanj 2 (dva) meseca pred začetkom veljavnosti takšne spremembe. Uporabnik ima pravico spremembe sprejeti ali jih zavrniti. V zvezi s takšno spremembo se uporabljajo enaka določila in postopki kot veljajo za spremembe teh Splošnih pogojev in so opisani v 12. poglavju te Pogodbe.
    6. Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vsi podatki in sporočila, ki so poslana v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki ter vsi podatki in sporočila, ki se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja hranijo v elektronski obliki, enako veljavnost in dokazno vrednost kot podatki in sporočila, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo v klasični pisni obliki. Paywiser in Uporabnik izrecno soglašata, da so vsi pravni posli, ki so sklenjeni v okviru elektronskega poslovanja v elektronski obliki, enakovredni tistim, ki so sklenjeni v klasični pisni obliki.
      Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da se v okviru elektronskega poslovanja dokumenti lahko podpisujejo z elektronskimi podpisi ali pa se sklenejo s potrditvijo s konkludentnim dejanjem (npr. »s klikom«). Uporabnik in Paywiser soglašata, da imajo vse vrste elektronskih podpisov oz. potrditve s konkludentnimi ravnanji enako veljavo in dokazno vrednost kot lastnoročni podpis.
      Paywiser in Uporabnik soglašata, da bosta v primeru sodnega spora medsebojno priznavali veljavnost in dokazno vrednost vseh vrst elektronskih podpisov in konkludentnih dejanj, ki so vodila v sklenitev poslovnega razmerja.
      Uporabnik je seznanjen in soglaša, da se vsa dokumentacija v zvezi z elektronskim poslovanjem v Paywiserju hrani le v elektronski obliki.
    7. Višja sila
      1. Paywiser in Uporabnik ne odgovarjata za neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev obveznosti ali za kakršnokoli nespoštovanje obveznosti, če je takšno neplačilo ali nepopolno izpolnitev povzročila višja sila (npr. vojne razmere, embargo, nemiri, vladne omejitve, motnje dela, epidemije, karantene, naravne nesreče kot so npr. požar, poplava, potres, eksplozija, ali kakršna koli nepredvidena druga sprememba okoliščin ali kateri koli drug vzrok, ki ni pod razumnim nadzorom).
      2. Uporabnik bo o višji sili obvestil Paywiser po elektronski pošti ali pisno v 10 (desetih) koledarskih dneh po dnevu nastanka takih okoliščin.
      3. Paywiser obvesti Uporabnike o okoliščinah višje sile prek ProfitPay aplikacije in/ali po e-pošti.
    8. Napake
      1. Uporabnik je dolžan redno spremljati vse prilive in odlive na Računu. Če opazi, da so mu bila na Račun nakazana sredstva, ki mu ne pripadajo, mora o tem takoj obvestiti Paywiser. V takšnih primerih je Uporabniku, kot nepooblaščenemu prejemniku prenesenih sredstev Plačilne transakcije, omejena pravica razpolaganja s prenesenimi sredstvi in mora ta sredstva takoj nakazati na račun, ki ga določi Paywiser.
      2. Paywiser ima pravico, da brez posebnega soglasja Uporabnika, iz uporabnikovega Računa odtegne napačno nakazane zneske in ta sredstva nakaže na račun pravega upravičenca.
      3. Če pristojno sodišče ugotovi, da je katerokoli določilo teh Splošnih pogojev neveljavno, nezakonito ali neizvršljivo, takšno določilo ne velja in se uporabi določba, ki je bila najbližje namenu Pogodbenic.

Ti splošni pogoji začnejo veljati dne 27.11.2023.


Bravničarjeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana
[email protected]
